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Bacterial flagella play key roles in surface attachment and host-bacterial interactions as well as driving motility. Here, we have investigated the ability of Caulobacter crescentus to assemble its flagellar filament from six flagellins: FljJ, FljK, FljL, FljM, FljN, and FljO. Flagellin gene deletion combinations exhibited a range of phenotypes from no motility or impaired motility to full motility. Characterization of the mutant collection showed the following: (i) that there is no strict requirement for any one of the six flagellins to assemble a filament; (ii) that there is a correlation between slower swimming speeds and shorter filament lengths in ΔfljK ΔfljM mutants; (iii) that the flagellins FljM to FljO are less stable than FljJ to FljL; and (iv) that the flagellins FljK, FljL, FljM, FljN, and FljO alone are able to assemble a filament.  相似文献   

Stalkless mutants of Caulobacter crescentus.   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A Fukuda  H Iba    Y Okada 《Journal of bacteriology》1977,131(1):280-287
A stalk, a single falgellum, several pili, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) phage receptors are polar surface structures expressed at a defined time in the Caulobacter crescentus cell cycle. When mutants were isolated as DNA phage phiCbK-resistant or ribonucleic acid (RNA) phage phiCp2-resistant, as well as nonmotile, strains, 5 out of 30 such mutant isolates were found not to possess stalks, but did possess inactive flagella. These stalkless mutants were resistant simultaneously to both DNA and RNA phages and did not possess pili and DNA pendent stalkless mutants. All motile revertants simultaneously regained the capacity to form stalks and susceptibility to DNA and RNA phages. It is suggested that a single mutation pleiotropically affects stalk formation, flagella motility, and coordinate polar morphogenesis of pili and DNA phage receptors. The stalkless mutants grew at a generation time similar to that of the wild-type strain at 30 degrees C. Cell size and morphology of a stalkless mutant, C. crescentus CB13 pdr-819, were also similar to those of the wild-type strain, except for the absence of a stalk. In addition, the CB13 pdr-819 predivisional cells were partitioned into smaller and larger portions, indicating asymmetrical cell division, as in the wild-type strain. From these results, it is suggested that swarmer cells undergo transition to cells of a stalked-cell nature without stalk formation and that the cell cycle of the stalkless mutant proceeds in an ordered sequence similar to that defining the wild-type cell cycle.  相似文献   

The organization of the Caulobacter crescentus flagellar filament   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The structural organization of the flagellar filament of Caulobacter crescentus, as revealed by immunoelectron microscopy, shows five antigenically distinct regions within the hook-filament complex. The first region is the hook. The second region is adjacent to the hook and is approximately 10 nm in length. On the basis of its location in the hook-filament complex, this region may contain hook-associated proteins. Next to this is the third region, which is approximately 60 nm in length. Antibody decoration experiments using mutant strains with deletions of the structural gene for the 29 x 10(3) Mr flagellin (flgJ) showed that the presence of this region is correlated with the expression of the 29 x 10(3) Mr flagellin gene. The next region (region IV), of length approximately 1 to 2 microns, appears to contain the 27.5 x 10(3) Mr flagellin, but at its distal end includes, in gradually increasing amounts, the 25 x 10(3) Mr flagellin. The rest of the filament (region V) is made up predominantly, if not completely, of the 25 x 10(3) Mr flagellin. Except for the hook, there are no morphological features that would otherwise distinguish these regions. A functional flagellum, having the wild-type length and morphology, is assembled by mutant strains deficient in the 29 x 10(3) Mr flagellin and 27.5 x 10(3) Mr flagellin.  相似文献   

The basal hook structure of the flagellar organelle Caulobacter crescentus was isolated from release flagella. Hook preparations contained a single major proteins species of 73,000 molecular weight and proteins in smaller amounts that may be minor hook components. Hooks isolated from C. crescents CB13B1a and CB15 were immunologically cross-reactive.  相似文献   

The structure of the bacterial flagellar hook produced by a mutant of Caulobacter crescentus was studied by electron microscopy, optical diffraction, and digital image processing techniques. The helical surface lattice of the hook is defined by a single, right-handed genetic helix having a pitch of about 23 Å, an axial rise per subunit of 4 Å and an azimuthal angle between subunits of 64·5 °. The lattice is also characterized by intersecting families of 5-start, 6-start and long-pitch 11-start helices. These helical parameters are remarkably similar to those determined for the flagellar filaments from several strains of gram-negative bacteria. The technique of three-dimensional image reconstruction (DeRosier & Klug, 1968) was applied to nine of the better preserved specimens and the diffraction data from five of these were correlated and averaged and used to generate an average three-dimensional model of the hook. The pattern of density modulations in the three-dimensional model is suggestive of an elongated, curved shape for the hook subunit (100 Å × 25 Å × 25 Å). The subunits are situated in the lattice of the polyhook such that their long axes are tilted about 45 ° with respect to the hook axis. The subunits appear to make contact with each other along the 6-start helices at a radius of 80 Å and also along the 11-start helices at a radius of 65 Å. Few structural features are revealed at radii between 15 å and 45 Å and, therefore, we are unable to decide to what extent the hook subunits extend into this region. The most striking characteristic of the model is the presence of deep, broad, continuous 6-start helical grooves extending from an inner radius of about 50 Å to the perimeter of the particle at 105 Å radius. Normal hooks usually appear curved in electron micrographs and sometimes so are the mutant hooks; the prominent 6-start grooves appear to allow for bending with minimal distortion of matter in the outer regions of the hook. A round stain-filled channel about 25 Å in diameter runs down the center of the polyhook. Such a channel supports a model for flagellar assembly in which flagellin subunits travel through the interior of the flagellum to the growing distal end of the filament.  相似文献   

Filaments from isolated flagella of Caulobacter crescentus have been purified by successive dissociation and reconstitution. After the second and third reconstitutions from subunits in 0.8 M sodium citrate, filament preparations contained only two proteins, flagellin A (26,000 daltons) and flagellin B (28,000 daltons). There was some enrichment for flagellin A during reconstitution by this procedure, since isolated flagella contained flagellin A and flagellin B in a ratio of approximately 3.8:1 and filaments after the third reconstitution contained the two proteins in a ratio of 5.0:1.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus flagellar filament has a right-handed helical form   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Caulobacter crescentus flagellar filaments were examined for their shape and handedness. Contour length, wavelength and height of the helical filaments were 1.34 +/- 0.14 micron, 1.08 +/- 0.05 micron and 0.27 +/- 0.04 micron, respectively. Together with the value of the filament diameter, 14 +/- 1.5 nm, the parameters of the curvature (alpha) and twist (phi) were calculated as 3.9(%) for alpha and 0.026 (rad) for phi, which are similar to those of the curly I filament of Salmonella typhimurium. Dark-field light microscopic analysis revealed that the C. crescentus wild-type filament possesses a right-handed helical form. Given the result that C. crescentus cells normally swim forward, in the opposite direction to a polar flagellum, it is likely that C. crescentus swims by rotation of a right-handed curly shaped flagellum in a clockwise sense, whereas S. typhimurium and Escherichia coli swim by rotation of left-handed normal type flagella in a counterclockwise sense.  相似文献   

Image reconstruction of the flagellar basal body of Caulobacter crescentus   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The bacterium Caulobacter crescentus has a single polar flagellum, which is present for only a portion of its cell cycle. The flagellum is ejected from the swarmer cell and then synthesized de novo later in the cell cycle. The flagellum is composed of a transmembrane basal body, a hook and a filament. Single-particle averaging and image reconstruction methods were applied to the electron micrographs of negatively stained basal bodies from C. crescentus. These basal bodies have five rings threaded on a rod. The L and P rings are connected by a bridge of material at their outer radii. The E ring is a thin, flat disk. The S ring has a triangular cross section, the sides of the triangle abutting the E ring, the rod and the M ring. The M ring, which is at the inner membrane of the cell, has a different structure depending on the method of preparation. With one method, the M ring makes a snug contact with the S ring and is often capped by an axial button, a new component apparently distinct from the M ring. With the other method, the M ring is similar to that of S. typhimurium; that is, it contacts the S ring only at an outer radius and lacks the button. Averages of the rod-hook-filament subassembly ejected by swarmer cells reveal that the rod consists of two parts with the E ring marking the approximate position of the break. The structures of basal bodies from two mutants defective in the hook assembly were found to be indistinguishable from wild-type basal bodies, suggesting that the assembly of the basal body is independent of the hook or filament assembly.  相似文献   

An attempt to characterize Caulobacter crescentus genes important for the response to high concentrations of NaCl was initiated by the isolation of mutants defective in survival in the presence of 85 mM NaCl. A transposon Tn5 library was screened, and five strains which contained different genes disrupted by the transposon were isolated. Three of the mutants had the Tn5 in genes involved in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis, one had the Tn5 in the nhaA gene, which encodes a Na(+)/H(+) antiporter, and one had the Tn5 in the ppiD gene, which encodes a peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase. All the mutant strains showed severe growth arrest in the presence of 85 mM NaCl, but only the nhaA mutant showed decreased viability under these conditions. All the mutants except the nhaA mutant showed a slightly reduced viability in the presence of 40 mM KCl, but all the strains showed a more severe reduction in viability in the presence of 150 mM sucrose, suggesting that they are defective in responding to osmotic shock. The promoter regions of each disrupted gene were cloned in lacZ reporter vectors, and the pattern of expression in response to NaCl and sucrose was determined; this showed that both agents induced ppiD and nhaA gene expression but did not induce the other genes. Furthermore, the ppiD gene was not induced by heat shock, indicating that it does not belong to the sigma(32) regulon, as opposed to what was observed for its Escherichia coli homolog.  相似文献   

Synthesis and Structure of Caulobacter crescentus Flagella   总被引:30,自引:27,他引:3  
During the normal cell cycle of Caulobacter crescentus, flagella are released into the culture fluid as swarmer cells differentiate into stalked cells. The released flagellum is composed of a filament, hook, and rod. The molecular weight of purified flagellin (subunit of flagella filament) is 25,000 as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The formation of a flagellum opposite the stalk has been observed by microscope during the differentiation of a stalked cell in preparation for cell division. By pulsing synchronized cultures with (14)C-amino acids it has been demonstrated that the synthesis of flagellin occurs approximately 30 to 40 min before cell division. Flagellin, therefore, is synthesized at a discrete time in the cell cycle and is assembled into flagella at a specific site on the cell. A mutant of C. crescentus that fails to synthesize flagellin has been isolated.  相似文献   

Morphological mutants of Caulobacter crescentus were isolated by selecting for cells that did not possess normal, buoyancy-conferring stalks. The most prevalent phenotype enriched by the selection was structurally deficient stalks (designated "Cds"), observable as crumpled or flattened stalks. The second phenotype ("Abs") was observed as spontaneous shedding of normal-appearing stalks. Third, one mutant ("Ecs") was isolated that sheds not only stalks, but also miniature stalked and nonstalked cells.  相似文献   

The bacterial flagellum is important for motility and adaptation to environmental niches. The sequence of events required for the synthesis of the flagellar apparatus has been extensively studied, yet the events that dictate where the flagellum is placed at the onset of flagellar biosynthesis remain largely unknown. We addressed this question for alphaproteobacteria by using the polarly flagellated alphaproteobacterium Caulobacter crescentus as an experimental model system. To identify candidates for a role in flagellar placement, we searched all available alphaproteobacterial genomes for genes of unknown function that cluster with early flagellar genes and that are present in polarly flagellated alphaproteobacteria while being absent in alphaproteobacteria with other flagellation patterns. From this in silico screen, we identified pflI. Loss of PflI function in C. crescentus results in an abnormally high frequency of cells with a randomly placed flagellum, while other aspects of cell polarization remain normal. In a wild-type background, a fusion of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and PflI localizes to the pole where the flagellum develops. This polar localization is independent of the flagellar protein FliF, whose oligomerization into the MS ring is thought to define the site of flagellar synthesis, suggesting that PflI acts before or independently of this event. Overproduction of PflI-GFP often leads to ectopic localization at the wrong, stalked pole. This is accompanied by a high frequency of flagellum formation at this ectopic site, suggesting that the location of PflI is a sufficient marker for a site for flagellar assembly.  相似文献   

Li G  Tang JX 《Biophysical journal》2006,91(7):2726-2734
We determined the torque of the flagellar motor of Caulobacter crescentus for different motor rotation rates by measuring the rotation rate and swimming speed of the cell body and found it to be remarkably different from that of other bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and Vibrio alginolyticus. The average stall torque of the Caulobacter flagellar motor was approximately 350 pN nm, much smaller than the values of the other bacteria measured. Furthermore, the torque of the motor remained constant in the range of rotation rates up to those of freely swimming cells. In contrast, the torque of a freely swimming cell for V. alginolyticus is typically approximately 20% of the stall torque. We derive from these results that the C. crescentus swarmer cells swim more efficiently than both E. coli and V. alginolyticus. Our findings suggest that C. crescentus is optimally adapted to low nutrient aquatic environments.  相似文献   

An unusual feature in preparations of the Caulobacter crescentus flagellar filaments is that some filaments are surrounded by a set of three windings that form a sheath. We provide evidence that the sheath is composed of subunits having a molecular mass of 24,000 Da. We suggest that the sheath could be composed of protofilaments of flagellin wound around the filament.  相似文献   

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