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In immunoaffinity chromatography using monoclonal antibody, the elution conditions of an antigen, recombinant alpha-amylase, were studied. From among various conditions, three elution methods that gave fairly good yields of antigen activity (pH 2.3-2.5, pH 12.3-12.5 and 0.1 M lithium 3,5-diiodo salicylate [LIS]) were selected and the stabilities of the antigen and the antibody were analyzed. The antigen seemed to be eluted from the immunoadsorbent due to partial denaturation of either the antigen or the antibody. LIS seemed to be a specific denaturant for the antibody and its action was reversible. In terms of the stability of the antigen and repeated use of the immunoadsorbent, LIS seemed to be the best reagent for elution in immunoaffinity chromatography.  相似文献   

Two types of monoclonal antibodies (MABs) against human thyroid peroxidase (TPO) have been obtained, which interact with spatially separated conformational epitopes of the antigen (Ka values are in the range 10(8)-10(9) M(-1)). The binding site of MAB F8 is in the immunodominant region of the TPO molecule, in the vicinity of the autoantigenic determinants, whereas the epitope specific for MAB A1 lies outside this location. Both MABs retain the ability to form immune complexes after solid-phase immobilization and chemical modification with a biotin derivative. The above properties suggest that MABs A1 and F8 may be used in immunoaffinity chromatography (isolation and purification of TPO from natural sources) and immunoassays for determinations of TPO (in biological fluids) and TPO autoantibodies (in human blood serum).  相似文献   

Two types of monoclonal antibodies (MABs) against human thyroid peroxidase (TPO) have been obtained, which interact with spatially separated conformational epitopes of the antigen (K a values are in the range 108–109 M?1). The binding site of MAB F8 is in the immunodominant region of the TPO molecule, in the vicinity of the autoantigenic determinants, whereas the epitope specific for MAB A1 lies outside this location. Both MABs retain the ability to form immune complexes after solid-phase immobilization and chemical modification with a biotin derivative. The above properties suggest that MABs A1 and F8 may be used in immunoaffinity chromatography (isolation and purification of TPO from natural sources) and immunoassays for determinations of TPO (in biological fluids) and TPO autoantibodies (in human blood serum).  相似文献   

Human thyroid peroxidase (TPO) has been purified from thyroid microsomes by immunoaffinity chromatography using a monoclonal antibody (mAb) to TPO. The eluted material had a specific activity of 381 U/mg and exhibited a peak in the Soret region. The ratio of A411 to A280 ranged from 0.20 to 0.25. Upon SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the purified enzyme gave two contiguous bands in the 100 kDa region. Further, it has been demonstrated that sera with anti-microsomal autoantibodies from patients presenting Graves' or Hashimoto's thyroiditis diseases were able to bind to purified TPO and to inhibit in a dose-dependent manner the mAb binding to purified TPO. This suggests that TPO is the thyroid antigen termed to date the microsomal antigen.  相似文献   

The postmortern stability of somatostatin-like immunoreactivity (SLI) has been investigated in mice cooled after death at a rate which approximates the rate of cooling of the human brain in situ under normal mortuary conditions. Significant changes in SLI levels were observed within the first few hours after death, but concentrations measured 6–24 hr after death seem to be similar to those existing at the time of death.  相似文献   

The concentrations of progesterone in saliva of women exhibited significant decreases when the fluid was stored in plastic vials for 3 days at room temperature or 37 C. The addition of antibiotics or a variety of metabolic poisons to the saliva prior to storage did not prevent the progesterone decrement. However, the addition of albumin (2 g/dl) was protective, suggesting that the protein impeded adsorption of salivary progesterone by the plastic container. Saliva could be maintained at 37 C for 3 days in glass vials or at -20 C in plastic containers for indefinite periods without loss of progesterone titers. These data indicate that a patient under luteal function assessment may collect saliva samples in glass vials at regular intervals during the latter half of her cycle and store them in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator until shipment by mail to the laboratory for progesterone assay. With special care, plastic vials charged with albumin may also be used.  相似文献   

Pools of sera from patients with Graves' disease or Hashimoto's thyroiditis highly inhibit the binding to human thyroid membranes of one of 19 monoclonal antibodies raised against preparations of human thyroid membranes. This monoclonal antibody reacts with human and bovine thyroid peroxidase and bovine lactoperoxidase but not with human hemoglobin, cytochrome c and other related molecules. These results indicate that the thyroid peroxidase and the microsomal antigen are antigenically related. These data taken together with those from other groups, highly suggest that thyroid peroxidase is the microsomal antigen involved in autoimmune thyroid diseases.  相似文献   

A system for quantitative determinations of human thyroid peroxidase (TPO) in biological fluids has been obtained, based on the use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Immunochemical properties of TPO were studied under variable conditions, and a new method for isolating the protein from microsomes, mitochondria, and cytosol of thyroid glands of patients with diverse thyroid diseases was developed. The procedure involves solubilization of subcellular fractions with detergents, their sonication, two sequential runs of chromatography (on sorbents with immolbilized monoclonal antibodies against TPO and goat anti-human immunoglobulin antibodies), treatment with ribonuclease, and dialysis. Highly purified preparations of intact TPO and a product of its limited trypsinolysis are expected to be used as research tools and components of high-sensitivity immunoassays.  相似文献   

A system for quantitative determinations of human thyroid peroxidase (TPO) in biological fluids has been obtained, based on the use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The immunochemical properties of TPO were studied under variable conditions and a new method for isolating the protein from the microsomes, mitochondria, and cytosol of thyroid glands of patients with diverse thyroid diseases was developed. The procedure involves solubilization of subcellular fractions with detergents, their sonication, two sequential runs of chromatography (on sorbents with immobilized monoclonal antibodies against TPO and goat anti-human immunoglobulin antibodies), treatment with ribonuclease, and dialysis. Highly purified preparations of intact TPO and a product of its limited trypsinolysis are expected to be used as research tools and components of high-sensitivity immunoassays.  相似文献   

This paper reports a comprehensive study of the biological stability of an immunoaffinity purified preparation of human thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and provides a reference against which future natural or synthetic preparations may be compared. The stability of the hormone preparation was investigated using the accelerated degradation method. The bioassay of the TSH was carried out in mice using a modified McKenzie method. Analysis of the results showed that the preparation was as stable as other TSH preparations purified by conventional methods.  相似文献   

1. It has been reported that DNase I can be highly purified from pancreas extract by affinity chromatography on a dDNA-Sepharose column under non-digestive conditions. In the present study, the adsorption-elution of other nucleases on the column under non-digestive conditions was studied. 2. All the seven kinds of nucleases tested were adsorbed when applied on a dDNA-Sepharose column under conditions which did not allow the enzymes to hydrolyze the DNA. The non-digestive conditions were as follows. i) For DNase II (pI=10.2), pH 3.0 in the presence of 50 mM sodium sulfate (inhibitor), ii) for micrococcal nuclease (pI=9.6), pH 4.0 in the absence of Ca2+ (activator), iii) for restriction endonucleases Eco RI (pI=5+1), Hind III (pI=5+1), and Bam HI (pI=5+1), pH 4.0 in the presence of 20% glycerol and 0.1% Neopeptone (stabilizers), and iv) for nucleases S1 (pI=5+1) and nuclease P1 (pI=4.5), pH 7.0. At the respective pH's, the enzymes other than nucleases S1 and P1 were cationic so as to exhibit electrostatic attraction to the anionic dDNA-Sepharose. Although S1 and P1 were anionic, they still adsorbed to the column. 3. All the adsorbed nucleases described above were eluted by a concentration gradient of KCl without changing pH. The ionic strengths required for elution were 0.19 for DNase II, 0.53 for micrococcal nuclease, 0.73 for Eco RI, 0.72 for Hind III, 0.37 for Bam HI, 0.17 for P1, and 0.13 for S1. The fact that the ionic strength required for the elution of DNase I (pI=5.0) was 0.39 at pH 4.0 indicates that the former five enzymes except DNase II can be chromatographed with almost the same or higher efficiency than DNase I, because the proteins adsorbed with no-specific affinity could be mostly eluted at lower ionic strength. On the other hand, the fact that nucleases P1 and S1 were adsorbed in spite of electrostatic repulsion suggests that these two enzymes can also be effectively chromatographed, especially when other cationic proteins are previously removed by an appropriate method such as adsorption to a typical cation exchanger.  相似文献   

1. After differential pelleting of bovine thyroid tissue the highest relative specific activities for plasma membrane markers are found in the L fraction whereas those for peroxidase activities (p-phenylenediamine, guaiacol and 3,3'-diaminobenizidine tetrachloride peroxidases) are found in the M fraction. 2. When M + L fractions were subjected to buoyant-density equilibration in a HS zonal rotor all peroxidases show different profiles. The guaiacol peroxidase activity always follows the distribution of glucose 6-phosphatase. 3. When a Sb fraction is subjected to Sepharose 2B chromatography three major peaks are obtained. The first, eluted at the void volume, consists of membranous material and contains most of the guaiacol peroxidase activity. Most of the protein (probably thyroglobulin) is eluted with the second peak. Solubilized enzymes are recovered in the third peak. 4. p-Phenylenediamine peroxidase activity penetrates into the gel on polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis, whereas guaiacol peroxidase activity remains at the sample zone. 5. DEAE-Sephadex A-50 chromatography resolves the peroxidase activities into two peaks, displaying different relative amounts of the different enzymic activities in each peak. 6. The peroxidase activities may be due to the presence of different proteins. A localization of guaiacol peroxidase in rough-endoplasmic-reticulum membranes (or in membranes related to them) seems very likely.  相似文献   

The human nose serves vital physiological functions, including warming, filtration, humidification, and olfaction. These functions are based on transport phenomena that depend on nasal airflow patterns and turbulence. Accurate prediction of these airflow properties requires careful selection of computational fluid dynamics models and rigorous validation. The validation studies in the past have been limited by poor representations of the complex nasal geometry, lack of detailed airflow comparisons, and restricted ranges of flow rate. The objective of this study is to validate various numerical methods based on an anatomically accurate nasal model against published experimentally measured data under breathing flow rates from 180 to 1100 ml/s. The numerical results of velocity profiles and turbulence intensities were obtained using the laminar model, four widely used Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) turbulence models (i.e., k-ε, standard k-ω, Shear Stress Transport k-ω, and Reynolds Stress Model), large eddy simulation (LES) model, and direct numerical simulation (DNS). It was found that, despite certain irregularity in the flow field, the laminar model achieved good agreement with experimental results under restful breathing condition (180 ml/s) and performed better than the RANS models. As the breathing flow rate increased, the RANS models achieved more accurate predictions but still performed worse than LES and DNS. As expected, LES and DNS can provide accurate predictions of the nasal airflow under all flow conditions but have an approximately 100-fold higher computational cost. Among all the RANS models tested, the standard k-ω model agrees most closely with the experimental values in terms of velocity profile and turbulence intensity.  相似文献   

Expression levels of thyrotropin receptor (TSH-R), thyroglobulin (Tg) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) mRNA in normal and neoplastic human thyroid tissues (6 adenomas and 7 carcinomas) were investigated by Northern-blot and slot-blot analyses. We found that TSH-R mRNA levels were significantly lower in carcinoma tissues than in normal tissues. The levels of Tg mRNA were also significantly lowered in adenoma and carcinoma tissues as compared to normal tissues. In contrast, no significant difference was observed in the expression levels of TPO mRNA between these tissues. Furthermore, TSH-R mRNA levels were well-correlated with Tg mRNA levels in neoplastic tissues. These results suggest that mRNAs of TSH-R and Tg are expressed in relation to their degree of differentiation.  相似文献   

A predicted three-dimensional structure of the two N-terminal extracellular domains of human CD4 antigen, a cell surface glycoprotein, is reported. This region of CD4, particularly the first domain, has been identified as containing the binding region for the envelope gp120 protein of the human immunodeficiency virus. The model was predicted based on the sequence homology of each domain with the variable light chain of immunoglobulins. The framework beta-sheet regions were taken from the crystal coordinates of REI. For one region in the first domain of CD4 there was an ambiguity in the alignment with REI and two alternate models are presented. Loops connecting the framework were modelled from fragments selected from a database of main chain coordinates from all known protein structures. Residues identified as involved in binding gp120 have been located in several other studies within the first domain of CD4. Epitopes from eight monoclonal antibodies have been mapped onto residues in both domains. Competition of these antibodies with each other and with gp120 can be interpreted from the structural model.  相似文献   

We have examined the ultrastructural characteristics of peroxidase activity in human bone marrow mast cells. These studies were performed in three patients with systemic mast cell disease, and in another six patients showing bone marrow mast cell hyperplasia. Endogenous peroxidase activity was localized in the perinuclear cisternae and strands of endoplasmic reticulum, but never in the granules. We have also demonstrated the "in vivo" existence of exogenous peroxidase activity in two of the three cases of systemic mast cell disease. The peroxidase internalization involved its binding to the plasma membrane, followed by its incorporation into the cell by a general endocytic process comprising the uptake of dispersed peroxidase-positive material mainly by phagocytosis of granular structures containing peroxidase. The exogenous peroxidase appeared in non-membrane bound granules, vacuoles or aggregates, but we have never seen the enzyme linked to the mast cell granules.  相似文献   

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