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In life, bones are subjected to fatigue loading which has different frequency and amplitude components, as well as various kinds of loading modes like tension, compression, shear and combinations of them. Considerable variability is observed in fatigue results of bone, which may be caused by these experimental variables or by the bone itself. In past studies the effect of magnitude and mode of loading have been examined in standard fatigue strength (stress vs. cycles to failure) diagrams. The effect of frequency is not clear, but there is clear evidence (from Carter & co-workers) that, at least in human bone, tension "fatigue" failure was determined solely by time rather than by cycles. We sought to confirm these results in the same and a different species. We cycled human and bovine bone in tension at two frequencies: 0.5 and 5 Hz. There was no cycle number effect; the results from the tests at the two frequencies were different if plotted and analysed as a function of cycles to failure, but were not separable if plotted and analysed as a function of time to failure. In this respect bone differs from tendon, in which failure in tension is a function of both cycles and time.  相似文献   

Missing data are a widely recognized nuisance factor in phylogenetic analyses, and the fear of missing data may deter systematists from including characters that are highly incomplete. In this paper, I used simulations to explore the consequences of including sets of characters that contain missing data. More specifically, I tested whether the benefits of increasing the number of characters outweigh the costs of adding missing data cells to a matrix. The results show that the addition of a set of characters with missing data is generally more likely to increase phylogenetic accuracy than decrease it, but the potential benefits of adding these characters quickly disappear as the proportion of missing data increases. Furthermore, despite the overall trend, adding characters with missing data does decrease accuracy in some cases. In these situations, the missing data entries are not themselves misleading, but their presence may mimic the effects of limited taxon sampling, which can positively mislead. Criteria are discussed for predicting whether adding characters with missing data may increase or decrease accuracy. The results of this study also suggest that accuracy can be increased to a surprising degree by (1) "filling the holes" in a data matrix as much as possible (even when relatively few taxa are missing data), and (2) adding fewer characters scored for all taxa rather than adding a larger number of characters known for fewer taxa. Missing data can also be eliminated from an analysis through the exclusion of incomplete taxa rather than incomplete characters, but this approach may reduce the usefulness of the analysis and (in some cases) the accuracy of the estimated trees.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of mosquito resistance to malaria parasites is well established and currently receives a lot of attention. However this is not the sole determinant of the success or failure of an infection. In a recent article, Lambrechts and colleagues report the influence of the quality of the external environment of a mosquito on infection. They indicate that external variations could substantially reduce the importance of resistance genes in determining infection by malaria parasites. Furthermore, these variations could influence future plans to use malaria-resistant transgenic mosquitoes to control parasite transmission.  相似文献   


Calorie restriction (CR) is well established to enhance the lifespan of a wide variety of organisms, although the mechanisms are still being uncovered. Recently, some authors have suggested that CR acts through hormesis, enhancing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), activating stress response pathways, and increasing lifespan. Here, we review the literature on the effects of CR and redox state. We find that there is no evidence in rodent models of CR that an increase in ROS production occurs. Furthermore, results in Caenorhabditis elegans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggesting that CR increases intracellular ROS are questionable, and probably cannot be resolved until adequate, artifact free, tools for real-time, quantitative, and selective measurements of intracellular ROS are developed. Overall, the largest body of work indicates that CR improves redox state, although it seems improbable that a global improvement in redox state is the mechanism through which CR enhances lifespan.  相似文献   

Calorie restriction (CR) is well established to enhance the lifespan of a wide variety of organisms, although the mechanisms are still being uncovered. Recently, some authors have suggested that CR acts through hormesis, enhancing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), activating stress response pathways, and increasing lifespan. Here, we review the literature on the effects of CR and redox state. We find that there is no evidence in rodent models of CR that an increase in ROS production occurs. Furthermore, results in Caenorhabditis elegans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggesting that CR increases intracellular ROS are questionable, and probably cannot be resolved until adequate, artifact free, tools for real-time, quantitative, and selective measurements of intracellular ROS are developed. Overall, the largest body of work indicates that CR improves redox state, although it seems improbable that a global improvement in redox state is the mechanism through which CR enhances lifespan.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that certain morphological and biochemical changes occur in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). These changes in RA can be explained by the well-established inappropriate increase in free radical generation. The similar changes in CFS suggest a similar explanation and a possible role for free radicals in the aetiology of this condition.  相似文献   

Because of anthropogenic factors many populations have been at least temporarily reduced to a very small population size. Such reductions could potentially decrease genetic variation and increase the probability of extinction. Analysis of molecular markers has shown a decrease in genetic variation but in many cases this has not reduced the ability of the population to recover from the bottleneck. This apparent paradox is resolved by a consideration of how population bottlenecks can affect additive genetic variance, the relevant measure of ability to respond to selective factors. A bottleneck has the potential to increase additive genetic variance in a population. This may result in an increase in fitness, particularly in populations of conservation concern that are small and lack genetic variation. Here we present a meta-analysis of experimental tests of this prediction using models designed to fit data that is strictly additive and data that has non-additive components. This analysis shows that additive genetic variance in a dataset dominated by morphological traits increases, on average, after a bottleneck event when the inbreeding coefficient is less than 0.3, but neither of the theoretical models alone can adequately explain this result. Because of our inability at present to predict the results of a population bottleneck in a specific case and the probability of extinction associated with small population size we caution against using bottlenecks to increase genetic variance, and thus the fitness, of endangered populations.  相似文献   

Thirty years ago, Unger and Orci proposed the bihormonal-abnormality hypothesis, which highlighted that both deficient insulin secretion and excessive glucagon levels contributed to the hyperglycemic state in type 2 diabetes. The plasma free fatty acid (FFAs) concentrations are higher in patients with diabetes and prediabetes, suggesting that FFAs may be involved in the pathophysiology of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, at least in the obese form, insulin does not seem to correct the exaggerated alpha cell responses. This phenomenon suggests that the inability of insulin to suppress the glucagon level could be caused by alpha cell insulin resistance. However, it has remained unclear whether alpha cell insulin resistance is caused by FFAs. Recent studies have demonstrated that long-term exposure to elevated FFA levels leads to hypersecretion of glucagon and accumulation of triglycerides (TG) in clonal alpha-TC1-6 cells, but the mechanism of FFA-induced alpha cell insulin resistance is unclear. We hypothesize that long-term exposure to FFAs reduces AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity and increases TG accumulation in alpha cells, leading to impaired insulin signaling of alpha cells and hypersecretion of glucagon. This hypothesis provides the first detailed examination of the effects of FFAs on alpha cells with glucagon hypersecretion. It potentially suggests that improving alpha cell insulin resistance as well as reversing lipotoxicity will normalize alpha cell function and may benefit glucose control. Consequently, AMPK and insulin-related pathways in alpha cells could be potential targets for controlling glucagon secretion and glucose counter-regulation.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical studies have shown contrasting effects of temporal correlation of environmental fluctuations (red noise) on the risk of population extinction. It is still debated whether and under which conditions red noise increases or decreases extinction risk compared with uncorrelated (white) noise. Here, we explain the opposing effects by introducing two features of red noise time series. On the one hand, positive autocorrelation increases the probability of series of poor environmental conditions, implying increasing extinction risk. On the other hand, for a given time period, the probability of at least one extremely bad year ("catastrophe") is reduced compared with white noise, implying decreasing extinction risk. Which of these two features determines extinction risk depends on the strength of environmental fluctuations and the sensitivity of population dynamics to these fluctuations. If extreme (catastrophic) events can occur (strong noise) or sensitivity is high (overcompensatory density dependence), then temporal correlation decreases extinction risk; otherwise, it increases it. Thus, our results provide a simple explanation for the contrasting previous findings and are a crucial step toward a general understanding of the effect of noise color on extinction risk.  相似文献   

It is well documented that repeated voluntary activity or electrical stimulation of skeletal muscle results in a decline in force production or power output. However, the precise physiological causes of "muscle fatigue" are not yet well understood. It is conceivable that the mechanism(s) may lie either in the conduction of action potentials in the central and peripheral nervous systems or in the transformation of the electrical event into mechanical force production by the muscle itself. In fact, none of the components of the electrical pathway from generation of impulses in the brain to their conduction over the neuron and the excitable membranes of the muscle can as yet be ruled out as potential contributors to the fatigue process. Relative to that on conduction failure, more information exists concerning the possibility that a defect in the excitation contraction coupling process in skeletal muscle, e.g., intracellular acidosis, inadequate supply of energy for contraction, or a disruption in Ca2+ homeostasis may also be significant in compromising force production following sustained activity. Despite this, the amount of conflicting data derived from these experiments has hindered the resolution of this question. In the future more attention must be given to such issues as the type of activity used to elicit fatigue and the fiber composition of the muscles studied. This is imperative as these factors clearly impact the nature of correlations between the biochemical and physiological events in muscle that are required to support prospective fatigue mechanisms.  相似文献   

The etiology of breast cancer is closely linked to the female hormone estrogen, with high life-time exposure being suggested to increase breast cancer risk [Nature 303 (1983) 767]. However, there appears to be a disparity between studies attempting to establish an association between high estrogen levels and breast cancer risk. This disparity becomes smaller by taking into consideration a timing factor, and we propose that estrogens can increase, decrease, or have no effect on breast cancer risk, depending on the timing of estrogen exposure. We further propose that the timing of estrogenic exposures may play at least as important a role in affecting breast cancer risk as life-time exposure.  相似文献   

Possible mechanical and hydraulic costs to increased cavitation resistance were examined among six co-occurring species of chaparral shrubs in southern California. We measured cavitation resistance (xylem pressure at 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity), seasonal low pressure potential (P(min)), xylem conductive efficiency (specific conductivity), mechanical strength of stems (modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture), and xylem density. At the cellular level, we measured vessel and fiber wall thickness and lumen diameter, transverse fiber wall and total lumen area, and estimated vessel implosion resistance using (t/b)(h)(2), where t is the thickness of adjoining vessel walls and b is the vessel lumen diameter. Increased cavitation resistance was correlated with increased mechanical strength (r(2) = 0.74 and 0.76 for modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture, respectively), xylem density (r(2) = 0.88), and P(min) (r(2) = 0.96). In contrast, cavitation resistance and P(min) were not correlated with decreased specific conductivity, suggesting no tradeoff between these traits. At the cellular level, increased cavitation resistance was correlated with increased (t/b)(h)(2) (r(2) = 0.95), increased transverse fiber wall area (r(2) = 0.89), and decreased fiber lumen area (r(2) = 0.76). To our knowledge, the correlation between cavitation resistance and fiber wall area has not been shown previously and suggests a mechanical role for fibers in cavitation resistance. Fiber efficacy in prevention of vessel implosion, defined as inward bending or collapse of vessels, is discussed.  相似文献   

A new method for the experimental determination of the permeability of a small sample of a fluid-saturated hierarchically structured porous material is described and applied to the determination of the lacunar–canalicular permeability \((K_\mathrm{LC})\) in bone. The interest in the permeability of the lacunar–canalicular pore system (LCS) is due to the fact that the LCS is considered to be the site of bone mechanotransduction due to the loading-driven fluid flow over cellular structures. The permeability of this space has been estimated to be anywhere from \(10^{-17}\;\) to \(10^{-25}\; \hbox {m}^{2}\) . However, the vascular pore system and LCS are intertwined, rendering the permeability of the much smaller-dimensioned LCS challenging to measure. In this study, we report a combined experimental and analytical approach that allowed the accurate determination of the \(K_\mathrm{LC}\) to be on the order of \(10^{-22}\; \hbox {m}^{2}\) for human osteonal bone. It was found that the \(K_\mathrm{LC}\) has a linear dependence on loading frequency, decreasing at a rate of \(2 \times 10^{-24}\; \hbox {m}^{2}\) /Hz from 1 to 100 Hz, and using the proposed model, the porosity alone was able to explain 86 % of the \(K_\mathrm{LC}\) variability.  相似文献   

In insulin-resistant states (obesity, pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes), hepatic production of glucose and lipid synthesis are heightened in concert, implying that insulin deficiency and insulin excess coexists in this setting. The fact that insulin may be inadequate or excessive at any one point in differing organs and tissues has many biologic ramifications. In this context the concept of metabolic compartmentalization in the liver is offered herein as one perspective of this paradox. In particular, we focus on the hypothesis that insulin resistance accentuates differences in periportal and perivenous hepatocytes, namely periportal glucose production and perivenous lipid synthesis. Subsequently, excessive production of glucose and accumulation of lipids could be expected in the livers of patients with obesity and insulin resistance. Overall, in this review, we provide our integrative perspective regarding how excessive production of glucose in periportal hepatocytes and accumulation of lipids in perivenous hepatocytes interact in insulin resistant states.  相似文献   

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