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Most bacteria and eukarya contain an enzyme capable of specifically hydrolyzing D-aminoacyl-tRNA. Here, the archaea Sulfolobus solfataricus is shown to also contain an enzyme activity capable of recycling misaminoacylated D-Tyr-tRNATyr. N-terminal sequencing of this enzyme identifies open reading frame SS02234 (dtd2), the product of which does not present any sequence homology with the known D-Tyr-tRNATyr deacylases of bacteria or eukaryotes. On the other hand, homologs of dtd2 occur in archaea and plants. The Pyrococcus abyssi dtd2 ortholog (PAB2349) was isolated. It rescues the sensitivity to D-tyrosine of a mutant Escherichia coli strain lacking dtd, the gene of its endogeneous D-Tyr-tRNATyr deacylase. Moreover, in vitro, the PAB2349 product, which behaves as a monomer and carries 2 mol of zinc/mol of protein, catalyzes the cleavage of D-Tyr-tRNATyr. The three-dimensional structure of the product of the Archaeoglobus fulgidus dtd2 ortholog has been recently solved by others through a structural genomics approach (Protein Data Bank code 1YQE). This structure does not resemble that of Escherichia coli D-Tyr-tRNATyr deacylase. Instead, it displays homology with that of a bacterial peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase. We show, however, that the archaeal PAB2349 enzyme does not act against diacetyl-Lys-tRNALys, a model substrate of peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase. Based on the Protein Data Bank 1YQE structure, site-directed mutagenesis experiments were undertaken to remove zinc from the PAB2349 enzyme. Several residues involved in zinc binding and supporting the activity of the deacylase were identified. Taken together, these observations suggest evolutionary links between the various hydrolases in charge of the recycling of metabolically inactive tRNAs during translation.  相似文献   

The yihZ gene of Escherichia coli is shown to produce a deacylase activity capable of recycling misaminoacylated D-Tyr-tRNATyr. The reaction is specific and, under optimal in vitro conditions, proceeds at a rate of 6 s-1 with a Km value for the substrate equal to 1 microM. Cell growth is sensitive to interruption of the yihZ gene if D-tyrosine is added to minimal culture medium. Toxicity of exogenous D-tyrosine is exacerbated if, in addition to the disruption of yihZ, the gene of D-amino acid dehydrogenase (dadA) is also inactivated. Orthologs of the yihZ gene occur in many, but not all, bacteria. In support of the idea of a general role of the D-Tyr-tRNATyr deacylase function in the detoxification of cells, similar genes can be recognized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Caenorhabditis elegans, Arabidopsis thaliana, mouse, and man.  相似文献   

D-Tyr-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase is an editing enzyme that removes d-tyrosine and other d-amino acids from charged tRNAs, thereby preventing incorrect incorporation of d-amino acids into proteins. A model for the catalytic mechanism of this enzyme is proposed based on the crystal structure of the enzyme from Haemophilus influenzae determined at a 1.64-A resolution. Structural comparison of this dimeric enzyme with the very similar structure of the enzyme from Escherichia coli together with sequence analyses indicate that the active site is located in the dimer interface within a depression that includes an invariant threonine residue, Thr-80. The active site contains an oxyanion hole formed by the main chain nitrogen atoms of Thr-80 and Phe-79 and the side chain amide group of the invariant Gln-78. The Michaelis complex between the enzyme and D-Tyr-tRNA was modeled assuming a nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl carbon of D-Tyr by the Thr-80 O(gamma) atom and a role for the oxyanion hole in stabilizing the negatively charged tetrahedral transition states. The model is consistent with all of the available data on substrate specificity. Based on this model, we propose a substrate-assisted acylation/deacylation-catalytic mechanism in which the amino group of the D-Tyr is deprotonated and serves as the general base.  相似文献   

The linear biosynthetic pathway leading from alpha-ketoisovalerate to pantothenate (vitamin B5) and on to CoA comprises eight steps in the Bacteria and Eukaryota. Genes for up to six steps of this pathway can be identified by sequence homology in individual archaeal genomes. However, there are no archaeal homologs to known isoforms of pantothenate synthetase (PS) or pantothenate kinase. Using comparative genomics, we previously identified two conserved archaeal protein families as the best candidates for the missing steps. Here we report the characterization of the predicted PS gene from Methanosarcina mazei, which encodes a hypothetical protein (MM2281) with no obvious homologs outside its own family. When expressed in Escherichia coli, MM2281 partially complemented an auxotrophic mutant without PS activity. Purified recombinant MM2281 showed no PS activity on its own, but the enzyme enabled substantial synthesis of [14C]4'-phosphopantothenate from [14C]beta-alanine, pantoate and ATP when coupled with E. coli pantothenate kinase. ADP, but not AMP, was detected as a coproduct of the coupled reaction. MM2281 also transferred the 14C-label from [14C]beta-alanine to pantothenate in the presence of pantoate and ADP, presumably through isotope exchange. No exchange took place when pantoate was removed or ADP replaced with AMP. Our results indicate that MM2281 represents a novel type of PS that forms ADP and is strongly inhibited by its product pantothenate. These properties differ substantially from those of bacterial PS, and may explain why PS genes, in contrast to other pantothenate biosynthetic genes, were not exchanged horizontally between the Bacteria and Archaea.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) are essential enzymes that provide the ribosome with aminoacyl-tRNA substrates for protein synthesis. Mutations in aaRSs lead to various neurological disorders in humans. Many aaRSs utilize editing to prevent error propagation during translation. Editing defects in alanyl-tRNA synthetase (AlaRS) cause neurodegeneration and cardioproteinopathy in mice and are associated with microcephaly in human patients. The cellular impact of AlaRS editing deficiency in eukaryotes remains unclear. Here we use yeast as a model organism to systematically investigate the physiological role of AlaRS editing. Our RNA sequencing and quantitative proteomics results reveal that AlaRS editing defects surprisingly activate the general amino acid control pathway and attenuate the heatshock response. We have confirmed these results with reporter and growth assays. In addition, AlaRS editing defects downregulate carbon metabolism and attenuate protein synthesis. Supplying yeast cells with extra carbon source partially rescues the heat sensitivity caused by AlaRS editing deficiency. These findings are in stark contrast with the cellular effects caused by editing deficiency in other aaRSs. Our study therefore highlights the idiosyncratic role of AlaRS editing compared with other aaRSs and provides a model for the physiological impact caused by the lack of AlaRS editing.  相似文献   

Valyl-tRNA synthetase (ValRS) has difficulty differentiating valine from structurally similar non-cognate amino acids, most prominently threonine. To minimize errors in aminoacylation and translation the enzyme catalyzes a proofreading (editing) reaction that is dependent on the presence of cognate tRNAVal. Editing occurs at a site functionally distinct from the aminoacylation site of ValRS and previous results have shown that the 3′-terminus of tRNAVal is recognized differently at the two sites. Here, we extend these studies by comparing the contribution of aminoacylation identity determinants to productive recognition of tRNAVal at the aminoacylation and editing sites, and by probing tRNAVal for editing determinants that are distinct from those required for aminoacylation. Mutational analysis of Escherichia coli tRNAVal and identity switch experiments with non-cognate tRNAs reveal a direct relationship between the ability of a tRNA to be aminoacylated and its ability to stimulate the editing activity of ValRS. This suggests that at least a majority of editing by the enzyme entails prior charging of tRNA and that misacylated tRNA is a transient intermediate in the editing reaction.  相似文献   

Editing of errors in amino acid selection by an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase prevents attachment of incorrect amino acids to tRNA, thereby greatly enhancing accuracy of translation of the genetic code. Editing of the non-protein amino acid homocysteine, a frequent type of an error-correcting process, involves reaction of the side chain sulfhydryl group of homocysteine with its activated carboxyl group forming a cyclic thioester, homocysteine thiolactone. Here, it is shown that isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS), which occasionally misactivates homocysteine in vitro and in vivo, catalyzes reactions of activated isoleucine with organic thiols (analogues of the side chain of homocysteine). That these enzymatic reactions occur between Ile-tRNAIle or Ile-AMP (bound in the synthetic sub-site) and a thiol (an analogue of the side chain of homocysteine, bound in the editing sub-site), indicates that the two sub-sites are physically close on the surface of IleRS, forming a single synthetic/editing active site of the enzyme. Although IleRS.Val-AMP undergoes thiolysis as efficiently as do IleRS.Ile-AMP and IleRS.Ile-tRNAIle, IleRS.Val-tRNAIle does not react with thiols. These and other data suggest that the mischarged valine residue in IleRS.Val-tRNAIle is, most likely, positioned off the enzyme.  相似文献   

A present-day aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase with ancestral editing properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leucyl-, isoleucyl-, and valyl-tRNA synthetases form a subgroup of related aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases that attach similar amino acids to their cognate tRNAs. To prevent amino acid misincorporation during translation, these enzymes also hydrolyze mischarged tRNAs through a post-transfer editing mechanism. Here we show that LeuRS from the deep-branching bacterium Aquifex aeolicus edits the complete set of aminoacylated tRNAs generated by the three enzymes: Ile-tRNA(Ile), Val-tRNA(Ile), Val-tRNA(Val), Thr-tRNA(Val), and Ile-tRNA(Leu). This unusual enlarged editing property was studied in a model of a primitive editing system containing a composite minihelix carrying the triple leucine, isoleucine, and valine identity mimicking the primitive tRNA precursor. We found that the freestanding LeuRS editing domain can edit this precursor in contrast to IleRS and ValRS editing domains. These results suggest that A. aeolicus LeuRS carries editing properties that seem more primitive than those of IleRS and ValRS. They suggest that the A. aeolicus editing domain has preserved the ambiguous editing property from the ancestral common editing domain or, alternatively, that this plasticity results from a specific metabolic adaptation.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are essential enzymes that help to ensure the fidelity of protein translation by accurately aminoacylating (or "charging") specific tRNA substrates with cognate amino acids. Many synthetases have an additional catalytic activity to confer amino acid editing or proofreading. This activity relieves ambiguities during translation of the genetic code that result from one synthetase activating multiple amino acid substrates. In this review, we describe methods that have been developed for assaying both pre- and post-transfer editing activities. Pre-transfer editing is defined as hydrolysis of a misactivated aminoacyl-adenylate prior to transfer to the tRNA. This reaction has been reported to occur either in the aminoacylation active site or in a separate editing domain. Post-transfer editing refers to the hydrolysis reaction that cleaves the aminoacyl-ester linkage formed between the carbonyl carbon of the amino acid and the 2' or 3' hydroxyl group of the ribose on the terminal adenosine. Post-transfer editing takes place in a hydrolytic active site that is distinct from the site of amino acid activation. Here, we focus on methods for determination of steady-state reaction rates using editing assays developed for both classes of synthetases.  相似文献   

Lue SW  Kelley SO 《Biochemistry》2005,44(8):3010-3016
Many aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) contain two active sites, a synthetic site catalyzing aminoacyl-adenylate formation and tRNA aminoacylation and a second editing or proofreading site that hydrolyzes misactivated adenylates or mischarged tRNAs. The combined activities of these two sites lead to rigorous accuracy in tRNA aminoacylation, and both activities are essential to LeuRS and other aaRSs. Here, we describe studies of the human mitochondrial (hs mt) LeuRS indicating that the two active sites of this enzyme have undergone functional changes that impact how accurate aminoacylation is achieved. The sequence of the hs mt LeuRS closely resembles a bacterial LeuRS overall but displays significant variability in regions of the editing site. Studies comparing Escherichia coli and hs mt LeuRS reveal that the proofreading activity of the mt enzyme is disrupted by these sequence changes, as significant levels of Ile-tRNA(Leu) are formed in the presence of high concentrations of the noncognate amino acid. Experiments monitoring deacylation of Ile-tRNA(Leu) and misactivated adenylate turnover revealed that the editing active site is not operational. However, hs mt LeuRS has weaker binding affinities for both cognate and noncognate amino acids relative to the E. coli enzyme and an elevated discrimination ratio. Therefore, the enzyme achieves fidelity using a more specific synthetic active site that is not prone to errors under physiological conditions. This enhanced specificity must compensate for the presence of a defunct editing site and ensures translational accuracy.  相似文献   

In isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS), the "editing" domain contributes to accurate aminoacylation by hydrolyzing the mis-synthesized intermediate, valyl-adenylate, in the "pre-transfer" editing mode and the incorrect final product, valyl-tRNA(Ile), in the "post-transfer" editing mode. In the present study, we determined the crystal structures of the Thermus thermophilus IleRS editing domain complexed with the substrate analogues in the pre and post-transfer modes, both at 1.7 A resolution. The active site accommodates the two analogues differently, with the valine side-chain rotated by about 120 degrees and the adenosine moiety oriented upside down. The substrate-binding pocket adjusts to the adenosine-monophosphate and adenosine moieties in the pre and post-transfer modes, respectively, by flipping the Trp227 side-chain by about 180 degrees . The substrate recognition mechanisms of IleRS are characterized by the active-site rearrangement between the two editing modes, and therefore differ from those of the homologous valyl and leucyl-tRNA synthetases from T.thermophilus, in which the post-transfer mode is predominant. Both modes of editing activities were reduced by replacements of Trp227 with Ala, Val, Leu, and His, but not by those with Phe and Tyr, indicating that the aromatic ring of Trp227 is important for the substrate recognition. In both editing modes, Thr233 and His319 recognize the substrate valine side-chain, regardless of the valine side-chain rotation, and reject the isoleucine side-chain. The T233A and H319A mutants have detectable editing activities against the cognate isoleucine.  相似文献   

To prevent potential errors in protein synthesis, some aminoacyl-transfer RNA (tRNA) synthetases have evolved editing mechanisms to hydrolyze misactivated amino acids (pre-transfer editing) or misacylated tRNAs (post-transfer editing). Class Ia leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS) may misactivate various natural and non-protein amino acids and then mischarge tRNALeu. It is known that the fidelity of prokaryotic LeuRS depends on multiple editing pathways to clear the incorrect intermediates and products in the every step of aminoacylation reaction. Here, we obtained human cytoplasmic LeuRS (hcLeuRS) and tRNALeu (hctRNALeu) with high activity from Escherichia coli overproducing strains to study the synthetic and editing properties of the enzyme. We revealed that hcLeuRS could adjust its editing strategy against different non-cognate amino acids. HcLeuRS edits norvaline predominantly by post-transfer editing; however, it uses mainly pre-transfer editing to edit α-amino butyrate, although both amino acids can be charged to tRNALeu. Post-transfer editing as a final checkpoint of the reaction was very important to prevent mis-incorporation in vitro. These results provide insight into the modular editing pathways created to prevent genetic code ambiguity by evolution.  相似文献   

Chen JF  Guo NN  Li T  Wang ED  Wang YL 《Biochemistry》2000,39(22):6726-6731
The amino acid discrimination by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase is achieved through two sifting steps; amino acids larger than the cognate substrate are rejected by a "coarse sieve", while the reaction products of amino acids smaller than the cognate substrate will go through a "fine sieve" and be hydrolyzed. This "double-sieve" mechanism has been proposed for IleRS, a class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. In this study, we created LeuRS-B, a mutant leucyl-tRNA synthetase from Escherichia coli with a duplication of the peptide fragment from Met328 to Pro368 (within its CP1 domain). This mutant has 50% of the leucylation activity of the wild-type enzyme and has the same ability to discriminate noncognate amino acids in the first step of the reaction. However, LeuRS-B can catalyze mischarging of tRNA(Leu) by methionine or isoleucine, suggesting that it is impaired in the ability to edit incorrect products. Wild-type leucyl-tRNA synthetase can edit the mischarged tRNA(Leu) made by LeuRS-B, while a separated CP1 domain cannot. These data suggest that the CP1 domain of leucyl-tRNA synthetase is crucial to the second editing sieve and that CP1 needs the structural context in leucyl-tRNA synthetase to fulfill its editing function.  相似文献   

Leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS) is responsible for the Leu-tRNALeu synthesis. The connective peptide 1 (CP1) domain inserted into the Rossmann nucleotide binding fold possesses editing active site to hydrolyze the mischarged tRNALeu with noncognate amino acid, then to ensure high fidelity of protein synthesis. A few co-crystal structures of LeuRS with tRNALeu in different conformations revealed that tRNALeu 3′ end shuttled between synthetic and editing active sites dynamically with direct and specific interaction with the CP1 domain. Here, we reported that Y515 and Y520 outside the editing active site of CP1 domain of Giardia lamblia LeuRS (GlLeuRS) are crucial for post-transfer editing by influencing the binding affinity with mischarged tRNALeu. Mutations on Y515 and Y520 also decreased tRNALeu charging activity to various extents but had no effect on leucine activation. Our results gave some biochemical knowledge about interaction of tRNALeu 3′ end with the CP1 domain in archaeal/eukaryotic LeuRS.  相似文献   

The editing domain of valyl-tRNA synthetase (ValRS) is known to deacylate, or edit, misformed Thr-tRNA(Val) (post-transfer editing). Here, we determined the 1.7-Angstroms resolution crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus ValRS editing domain. A comparison of the structure with the previously reported tRNA complex structure revealed conformational changes of the editing domain upon accommodation of the terminal A76; the "GTG loop" moves to expand the pocket, and the side chain of Phe-264 on the GTG loop rotates to interact with the A76 adenine ring. If these conformational changes did not occur, then C75 and A76 of the tRNA would clash with Phe-264. To elucidate the mechanism of the threonine side-chain recognition, we determined the crystal structure of the editing domain bound with [N-(L-threonyl)-sulfamoyl]adenosine at 1.7-Angstroms resolution. The gamma-OH of the threonyl moiety is recognized by the Lys-270, Thr-272, and Asp-279 side chains, which may reject the cognate valyl moiety. Accordingly, ValRS mutants with an Ala substitution for Lys-270 or Asp-279 synthesized significant amounts of Thr-tRNA(Val). The misproduced Thr-tRNA(Val) was hydrolyzed efficiently by the wild-type ValRS, but this post-transfer editing activity was drastically impaired by the Ala substitutions for Lys-270 and Asp-279 and was also decreased by those for Arg-216, Phe-264, and Thr-272. These results indicate that the threonyl moiety and A76 of Thr-tRNA(Val) are recognized by the Lys-270, Thr-272, and Asp-279 side chains and by the Phe-264 side chain, respectively, of the ValRS editing domain.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) catalyze the first step in protein biosynthesis, establishing a connection between codons and amino acids. To maintain accuracy, aaRSs have evolved a second active site that eliminates noncognate amino acids. Isoleucyl tRNA synthetase edits valine by two tRNA(Ile)-dependent pathways: hydrolysis of valyl adenylate (Val-AMP, pretransfer editing) and hydrolysis of mischarged Val-tRNA(Ile) (posttransfer editing). Not understood is how a single editing site processes two distinct substrates--an adenylate and an aminoacyl tRNA ester. We report here distinct mutations within the center for editing that alter adenylate but not aminoacyl ester hydrolysis, and vice versa. These results are consistent with a molecular model that shows that the single editing active site contains two valyl binding pockets, one specific for each substrate.  相似文献   

Pre-transfer editing pathway in Valyl-tRNA synthetase (ValRS) is a very important process to maintain the high fidelity of protein synthesis. However, molecular basis for this pathway remains unclear. Here we employed molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to study two complexes, ValRS·tRNAval·Val-AMP (complex V) and ValRS·tRNAval·Thr-AMP (complex T), and compared their simulation trajectories, in order to understand how the pre-transfer editing pathway is triggered by the noncognate substrate Thr-AMP. The MD simulations showed that the binding of Thr-AMP to ValRS led to different motions from those in complex V: clockwise rotation of the editing domain along the hinge region, and strong motions in the catalytic domain, especially in KMSKS loop. We found that the changed motion of Trp495 induced by Thr-AMP serves as a signal to discriminate Thr-AMP from Val-AMP, and the rigid 491ILFL494 segment then propagates this signal from Trp495 to Asp490 and induces dissociation of the salt-bridge Asp490-Arg346 and formation of the salt-bridge Glu189-Lys533. The change in salt-bridges alters the motion of KMSKS loop and the editing domain, and eventually triggers the pre-transfer editing pathway. This study provides a model for the molecular trigger of the pre-transfer editing pathway in ValRS, and is useful for further exploring this process.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are a family of enzymes responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the genetic code by specifically attaching a particular amino acid to their cognate tRNA substrates. Through primary sequence alignments, prolyl-tRNA synthetases (ProRSs) have been divided into two phylogenetically divergent groups. We have been interested in understanding whether the unusual evolutionary pattern of ProRSs corresponds to functional differences as well. Previously, we showed that some features of tRNA recognition and aminoacylation are indeed group-specific. Here, we examine the species-specific differences in another enzymatic activity, namely amino acid editing. Proofreading or editing provides a mechanism by which incorrectly activated amino acids are hydrolyzed and thus prevented from misincorporation into proteins. "Prokaryotic-like" Escherichia coli ProRS has recently been shown to be capable of misactivating alanine and possesses both pretransfer and post-transfer hydrolytic editing activity against this noncognate amino acid. We now find that two ProRSs belonging to the "eukaryotic-like" group exhibit differences in their hydrolytic editing activity. Whereas ProRS from Methanococcus jannaschii is similar to E. coli in its ability to hydrolyze misactivated alanine via both pretransfer and post-transfer editing pathways, human ProRS lacks these activities. These results have implications for the selection or design of antibiotics that specifically target the editing active site of the prokaryotic-like group of ProRSs.  相似文献   

Some aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases have two catalytic centers that together achieve fine-structure discrimination of closely similar amino acids. The role of tRNA is to stimulate translocation of a misactivated amino acid from the active site to the editing site where the misactivated substrate is eliminated by hydrolysis. Using isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase as an example, we placed mutations in the catalytic center for editing at residues strongly conserved from bacteria to humans. A particular single substitution and one double substitution resulted in production of mischarged tRNA, by interfering specifically with the chemical step of hydrolytic editing. The substitutions affected neither amino acid activation nor aminoacylation, with the cognate amino acid. Thus, because of the demonstrated functional independence of the two catalytic sites, errors of aminoacylation can be generated by selective mutations in the center for editing.  相似文献   

The fidelity of protein synthesis requires efficient discrimination of amino acid substrates by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Accurate discrimination of the structurally similar amino acids, valine and isoleucine, by isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS) results, in part, from a hydrolytic editing reaction, which prevents misactivated valine from being stably joined to tRNAIle. The editing reaction is dependent on the presence of tRNAIle, which contains discrete D-loop nucleotides that are necessary to promote editing of misactivated valine. RNA minihelices comprised of just the acceptor-TPsiC helix of tRNAIle are substrates for specific aminoacylation by IleRS. These substrates lack the aforementioned D-loop nucleotides. Because minihelices contain determinants for aminoacylation, we thought that they might also play a role in editing that has not previously been recognized. Here we show that, in contrast to tRNAIle, minihelixIle is unable to trigger the hydrolysis of misactivated valine and, in fact, is mischarged with valine. In addition, mutations in minihelixIle that enhance or suppress charging with isoleucine do the same with valine. Thus, minihelixIle contains signals for charging (by IleRS) that are independent of the amino acid and, by itself, minihelixIle provides no determinants for editing. An RNA hairpin that mimics the D-stem/loop of tRNAIle is also unable to induce the hydrolysis of misactivated valine, both by itself and in combination with minihelixIle. Thus, the native tertiary fold of tRNAIle is required to promote efficient editing. Considering that the minihelix is thought to be the more ancestral part of the tRNA structure, these results are consistent with the idea that, during the development of the genetic code, RNA determinants for editing were added after the establishment of an aminoacylation system.  相似文献   

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