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In the fly visual system, each class of photoreceptor neurons (R cells) projects to a different synaptic layer in the brain. R1-R6 axons terminate in the lamina, while R7 and R8 axons pass through the lamina and stop in the medulla. As R cell axons enter the lamina, they encounter both glial cells and neurons. The cellular requirement for R1-R6 targeting was determined using loss-of-function mutations affecting different cell types in the lamina. nonstop (encoding a ubiquitin-specific protease) is required for glial cell development and hedgehog for neuronal development. Removal of glial cells but not neurons disrupts R1-R6 targeting. We propose that glial cells provide the initial stop signal promoting growth cone termination in the lamina. These findings uncover a novel function for neuron-glial interactions in regulating target specificity.  相似文献   

The nervous system in many species consists of multiple neuronal cell layers, each forming specific connections with neurons in other layers or other regions of the brain. How layer-specific connectivity is established during development remains largely unknown. In the Drosophila adult visual system, photoreceptor (R cell) axons innervate one of two optic ganglia layers; R1-R6 axons connect to the lamina layer, while R7 and R8 axons project through the lamina into the deeper medulla layer. Here, we show that the receptor tyrosine kinase Off-track (Otk) is specifically required for lamina-specific targeting of R1-R6 axons. Otk is highly expressed on R1-R6 growth cones. In the absence of otk, many R1-R6 axons connect abnormally to medulla instead of innervating lamina. We propose that Otk is a receptor or a component of a receptor complex that recognizes a target-derived signal for R1-R6 axons to innervate the lamina layer.  相似文献   

The Drosophila visual system consists of the compound eyes and the optic ganglia in the brain. Among the eight photoreceptor (R) neurons, axons from the R1-R6 neurons stop between two layers of glial cells in the lamina, the most superficial ganglion in the optic lobe. Although it has been suggested that the lamina glia serve as intermediate targets of R axons, little is known about the mechanisms by which these cells develop. We show that DPP signaling plays a key role in this process. dpp is expressed at the margin of the lamina target region, where glial precursors reside. The generation of clones mutant for Medea, the DPP signal transducer, or inhibition of DPP signaling in this region resulted in defects in R neuron projection patterns and in the lamina morphology, which was caused by defects in the differentiation of the lamina glial cells. glial cells missing/glial cells deficient (gcm; also known as glide) is expressed shortly after glia precursors start to differentiate and migrate. Its expression depends on DPP; gcm is reduced or absent in dpp mutants or Medea clones, and ectopic activation of DPP signaling induces ectopic expression of gcm and REPO. In addition, R axon projections and lamina glia development were impaired by the expression of a dominant-negative form of gcm, suggesting that gcm indeed controls the differentiation of lamina glial cells. These results suggest that DPP signaling mediates the maturation of the lamina glia required for the correct R axon projection pattern by controlling the expression of gcm.  相似文献   

In the Drosophila visual system, photoreceptor neurons (R cells) extend axons towards glial cells located at the posterior edge of the eye disc. In gilgamesh (gish) mutants, glial cells invade anterior regions of the eye disc prior to R cell differentiation and R cell axons extend anteriorly along these cells. gish encodes casein kinase Igamma. gish, sine oculis, eyeless, and hedgehog (hh) act in the posterior region of the eye disc to prevent precocious glial cell migration. Targeted expression of Hh in this region rescues the gish phenotype, though the glial cells do not require the canonical Hh signaling pathway to respond. We propose that the spatiotemporal control of glial cell migration plays a critical role in determining the directionality of R cell axon outgrowth.  相似文献   

Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (Alk) has been proposed to regulate neuronal development based on its expression pattern in vertebrates and invertebrates; however, its function in vivo is unknown. We demonstrate that Alk and its ligand Jelly belly (Jeb) play a central role as an anterograde signaling pathway mediating neuronal circuit assembly in the Drosophila visual system. Alk is expressed and required in target neurons in the optic lobe, whereas Jeb is primarily generated by photoreceptor axons and functions in the eye to control target selection of R1-R6 axons in the lamina and R8 axons in the medulla. Impaired Jeb/Alk function affects layer-specific expression of three cell-adhesion molecules, Dumbfounded/Kirre, Roughest/IrreC, and Flamingo, in the medulla. Moreover, loss of flamingo in target neurons causes some R8-axon targeting errors observed in Jeb and Alk mosaic animals. Together, these findings suggest that Jeb/Alk signaling helps R-cell axons to shape their environment for target recognition.  相似文献   

We have examined the generation and development of glial cells in the first optic ganglion, the lamina, of Drosophila melanogaster. Previous work has shown that the growth of retinal axons into the developing optic lobes induces the terminal cell divisions that generate the lamina monopolar neurons. We investigated whether photoreceptor ingrowth also influences the development of lamina glial cells, using P element enhancer trap lines, genetic mosaics and birthdating analysis. Enhancer trap lines that mark the differentiating lamina glial cells were found to require retinal innervation for expression. In mutants with only a few photoreceptors, only the few glial cells near ingrowing axons expressed the marker. Genetic mosaic analysis indicates that the lamina neurons and glial cells are readily separable, suggesting that these are derived from distinct lineages. Additionally, BrdU pulse-chase experiments showed that the cell divisions that produce lamina glia, unlike those producing lamina neurons, are not spatially or temporally correlated with the retinal axon ingrowth. Finally, in mutants lacking photoreceptors, cell divisions in the glial lineage appeared normal. We conclude that the lamina glial cells derive from a lineage that is distinct from that of the L-neurons, that glia are generated independently of photoreceptor input, and that completion of the terminal glial differentiation program depends, directly or indirectly, on an inductive signal from photoreceptor axons.  相似文献   

Selective affinity between afferent neurons has been proposed as a major mechanism underlying the assembly of the insect peripheral nervous system during development. Afferent insect neurons establish adhesive interactions in vivo that are resistant to proteolytic degradation by elastase and independent of the basal lamina. We have tested whether afferent neurons express selective affinity for one another under more simplified and controlled conditions in vitro. We report here that (1) afferent neurons from dissociated embryonic tissue selectively aggregate within 80 min when incubated with rotation, (2) afferent axons establish and maintain fasciculation in vitro, and (3) afferent neuronal processes in vitro preferentially contact the somata of other afferent neurons in a mixed field of cells.  相似文献   

The correct targeting of photoreceptor neurons (R-cells) in the developing Drosophila visual system requires multiple guidance systems in the eye-brain complex as well as the precise organization of the target area. Here, we report that the egghead (egh) gene, encoding a glycosyltransferase, is required for a compartment boundary between lamina glia and lobula cortex, which is necessary for appropriate R1-R6 innervation of the lamina. In the absence of egh, R1-R6 axons form a disorganized lamina plexus and some R1-R6 axons project abnormally to the medulla instead of the lamina. Mosaic analysis demonstrates that this is not due to a loss of egh function in the eye or in the neurons and glia of the lamina. Rather, as indicated by clonal analysis and cell-specific genetic rescue experiments, egh is required in cells of the lobula complex primordium which transiently abuts the lamina and medulla in the developing larval brain. In the absence of egh, perturbation of sheath-like glial processes occurs at the boundary region delimiting lamina glia and lobula cortex, and inappropriate invasion of lobula cortex cells across this boundary region disrupts the pattern of lamina glia resulting in inappropriate R1-R6 innervation. This finding underscores the importance of the lamina/lobula compartment boundary in R1-R6 axon targeting.  相似文献   

Summary Neurons within the compound eye of the flyCalliphora erythrocephala, suspected of containing gamma-aminobutyric acid were revealed immunocytochemically, using antibodies directed against gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). The GABA content within putative GABAergic neurons was increased by high affinity uptake of GABA and selective blocking of GABA metabolism with Gabaculine. Only neuronal populations which were labelled with the GABA as well as the GAD antibodies were presumed to be GABAergic. The first optic neuropil (lamina) exhibited two distinct GA-BAergic fibre populations amongst a larger population comprised of fourteen cell classes. One fibre population was formed by the axons of the photopic photoreceptors R7 which pass through the lamina and terminate in the second optic neuropil (the medulla). The identity of R7 was established from longitudinal and transverse sections of the retina where R7 can be unequivocally distinguished from the six scotopic photoreceptors R1-6 and the other photopic receptor, R8.The other fibre population matched the profiles in the lamina of terminals of efferent C2 neurons. These neurons project distally from beneath the medulla out to the lamina ganglionaris where each retinotopic unit (cartridge) contains a characteristic hook-like terminal arbor distally. We propose from these data that the photoreceptors R7 and the efferent C2 neurons use GABA as a neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

Photoreceptors in the Drosophila eye project their axons retinotopically to targets in the optic lobe of the brain. The axons of photoreceptor cells R1-R6 terminate in the first optic ganglion, the lamina, while R7 and R8 axons project through the lamina to terminate in distinct layers of the second ganglion, the medulla. Here we report the identification of the gene brakeless (bks) and show that its function is required in the developing eye specifically for the lamina targeting of R1-R6 axons. In mosaic animals lacking bks function in the eye, R1-R6 axons project through the lamina to terminate in the medulla. Other aspects of visual system development appear completely normal: photoreceptor and lamina cell fates are correctly specified, R7 axons correctly target the medulla, and both correctly targeted R7 axons and mistargeted R1-R6 axons maintain their retinotopic order with respect to both anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes. bks encodes two unusually hydrophilic nuclear protein isoforms, one of which contains a putative C(2)H(2) zinc finger domain. Transgenic expression of either Bks isoform is sufficient to restore the lamina targeting of R1-R6 axons in bks mosaics, but not to retarget R7 or R8 axons to the lamina. These data demonstrate the existence of a lamina-specific targeting mechanism for R1-R6 axons in the Drosophila visual system, and provide the first entry point in the molecular characterization of this process.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) perform numerous functions during neural development. An individual CAM can play different roles during each stage of neuronal differentiation; however, little is known about how such functional switching is accomplished. Here we show that Drosophila N-cadherin (CadN) is required at multiple developmental stages within the same neuronal population and that its sub-cellular expression pattern changes between the different stages. During development of mushroom body neurons and motoneurons, CadN is expressed at high levels on growing axons, whereas expression becomes downregulated and restricted to synaptic sites in mature neurons. Phenotypic analysis of CadN mutants reveals that developing axons require CadN for axon guidance and fasciculation, whereas mature neurons for terminal growth and receptor clustering. Furthermore, we demonstrate that CadN downregulation can be achieved in cultured neurons without synaptic contact with other cells. Neuronal silencing experiments using Kir(2.1) indicate that neuronal excitability is also dispensable for CadN downregulation in vivo. Interestingly, downregulation of CadN can be prematurely induced by ectopic expression of a nonselective cation channel, dTRPA1, in developing neurons. Together, we suggest that switching of CadN expression during neuronal differentiation involves regulated cation influx within neurons.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells called neuroblasts (NBs) generate a variety of neuronal and glial cells in the central nervous system of the Drosophila embryo. These NBs, few in number, are selected from a field of neuroepithelial (NE) cells. In the optic lobe of the third instar larva, all NE cells of the outer optic anlage (OOA) develop into either NBs that generate the medulla neurons or lamina neuron precursors of the adult visual system. The number of lamina and medulla neurons must be precisely regulated because photoreceptor neurons project their axons directly to corresponding lamina or medulla neurons. Here, we show that expression of the proneural protein Lethal of scute [L(1)sc] signals the transition of NE cells to NBs in the OOA. L(1)sc expression is transient, progressing in a synchronized and ordered ;proneural wave' that sweeps toward more lateral NEs. l(1)sc expression is sufficient to induce NBs and is necessary for timely onset of NB differentiation. Thus, proneural wave precedes and induces transition of NE cells to NBs. Unpaired (Upd), the ligand for the JAK/STAT signaling pathway, is expressed in the most lateral NE cells. JAK/STAT signaling negatively regulates proneural wave progression and controls the number of NBs in the optic lobe. Our findings suggest that NBs might be balanced with the number of lamina neurons by JAK/STAT regulation of proneural wave progression, thereby providing the developmental basis for the formation of a precise topographic map in the visual center.  相似文献   



Recent evidence suggests that oxytocin (OT), secreted in the superficial spinal cord dorsal horn by descending axons of paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVN) neurons, produces antinociception and analgesia. The spinal mechanism of OT is, however, still unclear and requires further investigation. We have used patch clamp recording of lamina II neurons in spinal cord slices and immunocytochemistry in order to identify PVN-activated neurons in the superficial layers of the spinal cord and attempted to determine how this neuronal population may lead to OT-mediated antinociception.


We show that OT released during PVN stimulation specifically activates a subpopulation of lamina II glutamatergic interneurons which are localized in the most superficial layers of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord (lamina I-II). This OT-specific stimulation of glutamatergic neurons allows the recruitment of all GABAergic interneurons in lamina II which produces a generalized elevation of local inhibition, a phenomenon which might explain the reduction of incoming Aδ and C primary afferent-mediated sensory messages.


Our results obtained in lamina II of the spinal cord provide the first clear evidence of a specific local neuronal network that is activated by OT release to induce antinociception. This OT-specific pathway might represent a novel and interesting therapeutic target for the management of neuropathic and inflammatory pain.  相似文献   

Summary Neuronal elements, i.e. first and second order neurons, of the first optic ganglion of three waterbugs, N. glauca, C. punctata and G. lacustris, are analyzed on the basis of light and electron microscopy.Eight retinula cell axons, leaving each ommatidium, disperse to different cartridges as they enter the laminar outer plexiform layer. Such a pattern of divergence is one of the conditions for neuronal superposition; it is observed for all three species of waterbugs. The manner in which the receptors of a single bundle of ommatidia split of within the lamina, whereby information from receptors up to three or five horizontal rows away can converge upon the same cartridge, differs among the species. Six of the eight axons of retinula cells R1-6, the short visual fibers end at different levels within the bilayered lamina, whereas the central pair of retinula cells R7/8, the long visual fibers, run directly through the lamina to a corresponding unit of the medulla. Four types of monopolar cells L1–L4 are classified; their branching patterns seem to be correlated to the splitting and termination of retinula cell axons. The topographical relationship and synaptic organization between retinula cell terminals and monopolar cells in the two laminar layers are identified by examination of serial ultrathin sections of single Golgi-stained neurons.An attempt is made to correlate some anatomical findings, especially the neuronal superposition, to results from physiological investigations on the hemipteran retina.  相似文献   

Different Drosophila photoreceptors (R cells) connect to neurons in different optic lobe layers. R1-R6 axons project to the lamina; R7 and R8 axons project to separate layers of the medulla. We show a receptor tyrosine phosphatase, PTP69D, is required for lamina target specificity. In Ptp69D mutants, R1-R6 project through the lamina, terminating in the medulla. Genetic mosaics, transgene rescue, and immunolocalization indicate PTP69D functions in R1-R6 growth cones. PTP69D overexpression in R7 and R8 does not respecify their connections, suggesting PTP69D acts in combination with other factors to determine target specificity. Structure-function analysis indicates the extracellular fibronectin type III domains and intracellular phosphatase activity are required for targeting. We propose PTP69D promotes R1-R6 targeting in response to extracellular signals by dephosphorylating substrate(s) in R1-R6 growth cones.  相似文献   

G C Owens  R P Bunge 《Neuron》1991,7(4):565-575
To elucidate the role of myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) in the axon-Schwann cell interaction leading to myelination, neonatal rodent Schwann cells were infected in vitro with a recombinant retrovirus expressing MAG antisense RNA or MAG sense RNA. Stably infected Schwann cells and uninfected cells were then cocultured with purified sensory neurons under conditions permitting extensive myelination in vitro. A proportion of the Schwann cells infected with the MAG antisense virus did not myelinate axons and expressed lower levels of MAG than control myelinating Schwann cells, as measured by immunofluorescence. Electron microscopy revealed that the affected cells failed to segregate large axons and initiate a myelin spiral despite having formed a basal lamina, which normally triggers Schwann cell differentiation. Cells infected with the MAG sense virus formed normal compact myelin. These observations strongly suggest that MAG is the critical Schwann cell component induced by neuronal interaction that initiates peripheral myelination.  相似文献   

Synaptic cartridges of the first optic neuropile (lamina ganglionaris) of the housefly were examined by high voltage electron microscopy (HVEM). Stereo pairs (from thick, i.e., 0.25 mum, sections viewed at 1,000 kV) provided a three dimensional representation of cartridge neurons and clearly revealed the lateral spread, bifurcation and some functional associations of Type I (L1, L2) monopolar interneurons. Slightly proximal to cartridge neck level, pairs of retinular (R) axons made contact with each other and it appeared that R processes projected through the cleft between the Type I interneurons. No junctional modifications were seen between contiguous R axon terminals. The speculation was made that functional contact might exist between neighboring R axons prior to their extensive synapses with principal first order interneurons. Such alleged coupling between R axons would account for several electrophysiological findings from other laboratories. Modifications in EM technique applicable for HVEM were detailed. The value of obtaining thick serial sections and the use of the HVEM in expediting three dimensional reconstructions of neuropile were demonstrated.  相似文献   

The neuronal types and patterns in the visual system of the species Artemia salina and Daphina magna have been studied with the Golgi method and electron microscopy. The lamina contains five classes of neurons: photoreceptor axons, monopolar, centrifugal, tangential and amacrine neurons. The terminals of the receptor axons are distributed in two (A. salina) or three (D. magna) layers. The dilated terminals have an extensive and wide array of fine branches. One axon from each ommatidium bypasses the lamina and terminates in the medula in A. salina. A. salina has four types of monopolar neurons, two of which are stratified, whereas in D. magna only two types are found, one of which is bistratified. Tangential T-neurons connect the lamina with the protocerebrum. D. magna has in addition one tangential T-neuron connecting both the lamina and the medulla with the protocerebrum. In both species monopolar-type centrifugal neurons connect the medulla and the lamina, whereas that of A. salina has a wide laminar distribution. Both species also have amacrine cells in the lamina. The medulla contains, besides those shared with the lamina, transmedullary neurons (two types in A. salina), amacrine cells and neurons originating in the protocerebrum. "Cartridge"-type synaptic compartments are lacking in the investigated species, although a periodic arrangement is discernible in the distal portion of the lamina of A. salina. The receptors from three types of specialized contacts in Artemia, one of which involves a dyad. D. magna has only one-to-one synapses. Neurosecretory fibres are absent in A. salina.  相似文献   

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