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The kinetic properties of cruciform extrusion in supercoiled DNA molecules fall into two main classes. C-type cruciforms extrude in the absence of added salt, at relatively low temperatures, with large activation energies, while S-type cruciforms exhibit no extrusion in the absence of salt, and maximal rates at 50 mM NaCl, with activation energies about one quarter those of the C-type. These diverse properties are believed to reflect two distinct pathways for the extrusion process, and are determined by the nature of the sequences which form the context of the inverted repeat. C-type kinetics are conferred by A + T rich sequences, implying a role of helix stability in the selection. In this study we have shown that: 1. Helix-destabilising solvents (dimethyl formamide and formamide) facilitate extrusion by normally S-type molecules at low temperatures in the absence of salt. 2. C-type extrusion is strongly suppressed by low concentrations (2-4 microM) distamycin, at which concentrations S-type extrusion is enhanced. 3. Some extrusion occurs in a C-type construct in the presence of 50 mM NaCl. This is increased by addition of 3 microM distamycin, under which conditions extrusion becomes effectively S-type. Thus S-type constructs can behave in a quasi-C-type manner in the presence of helix-destabilising solvents, and C-type extrusion is suppressed by binding a compound which stabilises A + T rich regions of DNA. Helix destabilisation leads to C-type behaviour, while helix stabilisation results in S-type properties. These studies demonstrate the influence of contextual helix stability on the selection of kinetic mechanism of cruciform extrusion.  相似文献   

In the absence of flanking AT-rich segments, cruciform transition energies of DNA palindromic sequences of random base composition are high and mainly dependent upon the base-stacking and -pairing parameters of the palindromic segment. When AT-rich sequences adjoin palindromes, the transition energy of cruciform extrusion is significantly lowered. An inverse relationship exists between the length of the AT-rich stretch and the cruciform transition energy. Long stretches lower the transition energies more than short stretches. At physiological salt and temperature conditions, equilibrium between cruciform extrusion and absorption for the inverted repeat sequences IRS-B and IRS-C of pBR322 derived plasmids is reached in less than five minutes.  相似文献   

There are two alternative pathways by which inverted repeat sequences in supercoiled DNA molecules may extrude cruciform structures, called C-type and S-type. S-type cruciforms, which form the great majority, are characterised by absolute requirement for cations to promote extrusion, which then proceeds at higher temperatures and with lower activation parameters than for C-type cruciforms. The mechanism proposed for S-type extrusion involves an initial opening of basepairs limited to the centre of the inverted repeat, formation of intra-strand basepairing and a four-way junction, and finally branch migration to the fully extruded cruciform. The model predicts that central sequence changes will be more kinetically significant than those removed from the centre. We have studied the kinetics of cruciform extrusion by a series of inverted repeats related to that of pIRbke8 by either one or two mutations in the symmetric unit. We find that mutations in the central 8 to 10 nucleotides may profoundly affect extrusion rates--the fastest being 2000-fold faster than the slowest, whereas mutations further from the centre affect rates to a much smaller extent, typically up to ten-fold. These data support the proposed mechanism for extrusion via central opening.  相似文献   

Sequence context may profoundly alter the character of structural transitions in supercoiled DNA (Sullivan, K. M., and Lilley, D. M. J. (1986) Cell 47, 817-827). The A + T-rich sequences of ColE1, which flank the inverted repeat, are responsible for cruciform extrusion following a mechanistic pathway which proceeds via a relatively large denatured region. This C-type mechanism results in kinetic properties which are very different from those of the S-type pathway, the normal mechanism of cruciform extrusion in the absence of the ColE1 flanking sequences. We have analyzed the sequence requirements for the induction of the C-type pathway. The 100-base pair left side sequence of ColE1 (colL) was subjected to systematic deletion using Bal31 exonucleolysis, showing that removal of 30 base pairs from its right end abolished extrusion by the C-type process. A cloned oligonucleotide of the same 30-base pair sequence was sufficient to confer C-type cruciform extrusion on an adjacent inverted repeat. An A + T-rich sequence from Drosophila was found to act like the ColE1 sequences. We have studied the effects of introducing sequences between the A + T-rich colL, and the inverted repeat on which it acts. A range of such fragments was found, from those which augment the effect of colL to those which block it completely. In general, it appears that the ability of a sequence to block the effect of colL depends on both the length and G + C content of the fragment. The sequences which are responsible for the extrusion by the C-type pathway are termed C-type inducing sequences, while sequences which are interposed between the inducing sequence and the inverted repeat, and which may either augment or attenuate the effect, but which cannot function as inducing sequences in isolation, are termed transmitting sequences. The results of these studies are most readily consistent with long range destabilization of DNA structure via telestability effects.  相似文献   

An inverted repeat has been created in a plasmid by ligation of two 13 nucleotide synthetic oligonucleotides into the cloning vector pAT153. The resulting recombinant plasmid, pIRbke8, is hypersensitive to cleavage by the single-strand-specific nuclease S1, and to modification by the single-strand-selective reagent bromoacetaldehyde, when the plasmid is negatively supercoiled. The new inverted repeat is a stronger S1 site than those derived from pBR322, but, in contrast to the ColE1 and phi X174 RF inverted repeats, these repeats share a similar temperature dependence. The kinetics of EcoRI cleavage at the centre of the synthetic inverted repeat have been studied in supercoiled and linear molecules. It is found that in the supercoiled molecule this target is not refractory to EcoRI cleavage to an extent which is greater than the resolution of the experiment. We conclude that in this molecule the cruciform is in a dynamic equilibrium with the regular duplex, in which the cruciform constitutes a relatively small subpopulation of conformational species.  相似文献   

Certain A + T-rich DNA sequences (C-type inducing sequences) cause adjacent inverted repeats to undergo cruciform extrusion by a particular pathway (C-type extrusion), which is characterized by large activation energies and extrusion at low salt concentrations and relatively low temperatures. When they are supercoiled, these sequences become reactive toward the normally single-strand-selective reagents bromoacetaldehyde, glyoxal, osmium tetraoxide, and sodium bisulfite. The following evidence is presented: (1) The most reactive sequences are those to the left of the inverted repeat. (2) Chemical reactivity is suppressed by either sodium chloride or micromolar concentrations of distamycin. The suppression of reactivity closely parallels that of C-type cruciform extrusion. (3) Chemical reactivity requires a threshold level of negative supercoiling. The threshold superhelix density depends on the prevailing salt concentration. (4) Analysis of temperature dependences suggests that reaction with osmium tetraoxide involves transient unstacking events, while bromoacetaldehyde requires larger scale helix opening. Thus a variety of opening events may occur in the supercoiled A + T-rich sequences, from small-amplitude breathing to low-frequency, large-amplitude openings. The latter appear to be responsible for C-type cruciform extrusion.  相似文献   

The physical chemistry of cruciform structures in supercoiled DNA molecules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inverted repeat DNA sequences extrude cruciform structures when present in negatively supercoiled molecules, stabilised by the release of torsional stress brought about by the negative twist change. We have revealed the presence of cruciform structures by means of enzyme and chemical probing experiments and topological band shift methods. The geometry of cruciform structures has been studied from two points of view. The unpairing of bases in the loop region has been investigated using bisulphite modification, with the result that the central four nucleotides have single-stranded character, and the next pair have only partially single-stranded nature. Gel electrophoretic studies of a pseudo-cruciform structure indicate that the cruciform junction introduces a pronounced bend into the molecule. The dependence of the formation of the ColE1 cruciform upon DNA supercoiling shows that it has a free energy of formation of 18.4 +/- 0.5 kcal mole-1. The kinetics of the extrusion process are complex. Most sequences extrude slowly with considerable temperature coefficients, but the detailed properties are strongly sequence-dependent. One synthetic inverted repeat sequence which we have studied in detail has an Arrhenius activation energy of 42.4 +/- 3.2 kcal mole-1. We discuss possible mechanistic pathways for the extrusion process.  相似文献   

We have previously described [K. M. Sullivan and D. M. J. Lilley (1986) Cell 47, 817-827] a set of sequences, called C-type inducing sequences, which cause cruciform extrusion by adjacent inverted repeats to occur by an abnormal kinetic pathway involving a large denatured region of DNA. In this paper we apply statistical thermodynamic DNA helix melting theory to these sequences. We find a marked correlation between the ability of sequences to confer C-type cruciform character experimentally and their calculated propensity to undergo cooperative melting, and no exceptions have been found. The correlations are both qualitative and quantitative. Thus the ColE1 flanking sequences behave as single melting units, while the DNA of the S-type plasmid pIRbke8 exhibits no propensity to melt in the region of the bke cruciform. The results of the calculations are also fully consistent with the following experimental observations: 1. the ability of the isolated colL and colR fragments of the ColE1 flanking sequences, as well as the short sequence col30, to confer C-type character; 2. C-type induction by an A + T rich Drosophila sequence; 3. low-temperature cruciform extrusion by an (AT)34 sequence; 4. the effect of changing sequences at a site 90 base pairs (bp) removed from the inverted repeat; 5. the effects of systematic deletion of the colL sequence; and 6. the effects of insertion of various sequences in between the colL sequence and the xke inverted repeat. These studies show that telestability effects on thermal denaturation as predicted from equilibrium helix melting theory of linear DNA molecules may explain all the features that are revealed by studying the extrusion of cruciforms in circular DNA molecules subjected to superhelical stress.  相似文献   

Repetitive sequences in DNA molecules, some of which are palindromic, tend to form stable cruciforms. These are frequently located in promoter regions of a specific operon and origin of replication. Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis can be used to distinguish among various supercoiled DNA topoisomers and to ascertain whether or not the cruciform motif has been extruded. In the current study, this technique is implemented for the first time to address the role of temperature in cruciform extrusion from plasmids.  相似文献   

During cruciform extrusion, a DNA inverted repeat unwinds and forms a four-way junction in which two of the branches consist of hairpin structures obtained by self-pairing of the inverted repeats. Here, we use single-molecule DNA nanomanipulation to monitor in real-time cruciform extrusion and rewinding. This allows us to determine the size of the cruciform to nearly base pair accuracy and its kinetics with second-scale time resolution. We present data obtained with two different inverted repeats, one perfect and one imperfect, and extend single-molecule force spectroscopy to measure the torque dependence of cruciform extrusion and rewinding kinetics. Using mutational analysis and a simple two-state model, we find that in the transition state intermediate only the B-DNA located between the inverted repeats (and corresponding to the unpaired apical loop) is unwound, implying that initial stabilization of the four-way (or Holliday) junction is rate-limiting. We thus find that cruciform extrusion is kinetically regulated by features of the hairpin loop, while rewinding is kinetically regulated by features of the stem. These results provide mechanistic insight into cruciform extrusion and help understand the structural features that determine the relative stability of the cruciform and B-form states.  相似文献   

The extrusion kinetics of two cruciforms derived from unrelated DNA sequences differ markedly. Kinetic barriers exist for both reactions, necessitating elevated temperatures before extrusion proceeds at measureable speeds, but the dependence upon temperature and ionic strength is quite different for the two sequences. One, the ColE1 inverted repeat, exhibits a remarkably great temperature dependence of reaction rate and is suppressed by moderate amounts of NaCl or MgCl2. In contrast, the other, a synthetic inverted repeat present in pIRbke8, shows more modest temperature dependence and has a requirement for the presence of salt, with optimal concentrations being 50 mM NaCl or 100 microM MgCl2. Under optimal conditions, cruciform extrusion rates are fast (t1/2 less than 60m) at 37 degrees C for both sequences at native superhelix densities. In 50 mM NaCl the pIRbke8 inverted repeat is characterised by an Arrhenius activation energy of 42.4 +/- 3.2 kcal mole -1. The differences in kinetic properties between the two sequences indicate that DNA base sequence is itself an important factor in determining cruciform kinetics, and possibly even in the selection of the mechanistic pathway.  相似文献   

Cruciform structures have been detected in pBR322 supercoiled DNA, both in its naked state and when complexed with histone octamer, using S1 endonuclease cleavage and EcoRI restriction. An inspection of the DNA sequence shows that the S1-hypersensitive sites are very near to AT-rich regions of pBR322 genome. A nucleosome "phasing" in these regions, as found on AT-rich regions of SV40 DNA (15), has been shown by restriction enzymes analysis. On the basis of these results it can be proposed that cruciform structures protrude on the nucleosome surface. This model explains the reason why these structures, which need high superhelical density, can exist in supercoiled DNA partially relaxed by nucleosome formation.  相似文献   

R Bowater  F Aboul-ela  D M Lilley 《Biochemistry》1991,30(49):11495-11506
We have studied the properties of (A + T)-rich sequences derived from ColE1 that promote cruciform extrusion at low ionic strength in supercoiled plasmids. We compared the chemical reactivity of the sequences in negatively supercoiled DNA (using osmium tetroxide and bromoacetaldehyde) with the results of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis performed under the same conditions. Taken together, the results indicate the occurrence of cooperative helix-coil transitions in the (A + T)-rich DNA at low ionic strength, to form stable, denatured regions. The extent of the open region is a function of temperature and superhelix density, with an additional local destabilization brought about by the presence of cruciform structures. We present a simple statistical mechanical model of the helix-coil transition in the (A + T)-rich DNA, from which we have obtained estimates of the free energy for average base-pair opening of 0.31 kcal mol-1 and that for the formation of a helix-coil junction of 4.9 kcal mol-1, in 45 mM Tris-borate, pH 8.3, 0.5 mM EDTA. The results offer a model for the C-type mechanism of cruciform extrusion. Inverted repeats that are incorporated into the melted region undergo hairpin loop formation below 50 degrees C, and upon closure of the melted region, by reduction of temperature or increased ionic strength, they remain as a fully extruded cruciform structure.  相似文献   

The variable positions of a branch-migrating cruciform junction in supercoiled plasmid DNA were mapped following cleavage of the DNA with bacteriophage T7 endonuclease I. T7 endonuclease I specifically cleaved, and thereby resolved, the Holliday junction existing at the base of the cruciform in the circular bacterial plasmid pSA1B.56A. Cruciform extrusion of cloned sequences in pSA1B.56A (containing a 322 base-pair inverted repeat insert composed of poxvirus telomeric sequences) topologically relaxed the plasmid substrate in vitro. Thus, numerous crossover positions were identified within the region of cloned sequences, reflecting the range of superhelical densities in the native plasmid preparation. Endonuclease I-sensitive crossover positions, mapped to both strands of the viral insert following the T7 endonuclease I digestion of either plasmid preparations or individual topoisomers, were regularly separated by approximately ten nucleotides. The appearance of sensitive crossovers every ten nucleotides corresponds to a change in linking difference (delta Lk) of +/- 2 in the circular core domain of the plasmid during branch point migration. In contrast, individual topoisomers of a plasmid preparation differ in linking number in increments of +/- 1. Thus, the observed linearization of each individual topoisomer following enzyme treatment, as a result of resolution of the crossovers associated with each topoisomer, showed that branch point migration to sensitive crossover positions must have occurred facilely. T7 endonuclease I randomly resolved across either axis of the cruciform, though some discrimination (related to the sequence specificity of the enzyme) was observed. The ten-nucleotide spacing between sensitive crossover positions is accounted for by an isomerization of the cruciform junction on branch point migration. An hypothesis is that this isomerization was imposed upon the cruciform junction by the change in helix twist (delta Tw) in the two branches that compose the topologically closed, circular domain of the plasmid. T7 endonuclease I may discriminate between the various isomeric forms and cleave a sensitive conformation that appears with every turn of branch migration which leads to the extrusion, or absorption, of two turns of helix from the circular core.  相似文献   

Behavior of supercoiled DNA.   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
We study DNA supercoiling in a quantitative fashion by micromanipulating single linear DNA molecules with a magnetic field gradient. By anchoring one end of the DNA to multiple sites on a magnetic bead and the other end to multiple sites on a glass surface, we were able to exert torsional control on the DNA. A rotating magnetic field was used to induce rotation of the magnetic bead, and reversibly over- and underwind the molecule. The magnetic field was also used to increase or decrease the stretching force exerted by the magnetic bead on the DNA. The molecule's degree of supercoiling could therefore be quantitatively controlled and monitored, and tethered-particle motion analysis allowed us to measure the stretching force acting on the DNA. Experimental results indicate that this is a very powerful technique for measuring forces at the picoscale. We studied the effect of stretching forces ranging from 0.01 pN to 100 pN on supercoiled DNA (-0.1 < sigma < 0.2) in a variety of ionic conditions. Other effects, such as stretching-relaxing hysteresis and the braiding of two DNA molecules, are discussed.  相似文献   

A major variety of "spontaneous" genomic damage is endogenous generation of apurinic sites. Depurination rates vary widely across genomes, occurring with higher frequency at "depurination hot spots." Recently, we discovered a site-specific self-catalyzed depurinating activity in short (14-18 nucleotides) DNA stem-loop-forming sequences with a 5'-G(T/A)GG-3' loop and T·A or G·C as the first base pair at the base of the loop; the 5'-G residue of the loop self-depurinates at least 10(5)-fold faster than random "spontaneous" depurination at pH 5. Formation of the catalytic intermediate for self-depurination in double-stranded DNA requires a stem-loop to extrude as part of a cruciform. In this study, evidence is presented for self-catalyzed depurination mediated by cruciform formation in plasmid DNA in vitro. Cruciform extrusion was confirmed, and its extent was quantitated by digestion of the plasmid with single strand-specific mung bean endonuclease, followed by restriction digestion and sequencing of resulting mung bean-generated fragments. Appearance of the apurinic site in the self-depurinating stem-loop was confirmed by digestion of plasmid DNA with apurinic endonuclease IV, followed by primer extension and/or PCR amplification to detect the endonuclease-generated strand break and identify its location. Self-catalyzed depurination was contingent on the plasmid being supercoiled and was not observed in linearized plasmids, consistent with the presence of the extruded cruciform in the supercoiled plasmid and not in the linear one. These results indicate that self-catalyzed depurination is not unique to single-stranded DNA; rather, it can occur in stem-loop structures extruding from double-stranded DNA and therefore could, in principle, occur in vivo.  相似文献   

Early melting of supercoiled DNA.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (formamide with urea) has been used to study the melting of supercoiled DNA. A linear gradient of denaturant concentration proportional to a 25 degrees C linear increase of temperature (Teff) from the left to the right edge of the gel was created perpendicular to DNA migration. The mobility of supercoiled DNA molecules was shown to drop to the level of relaxed molecules a long way (5-30 degrees C) before linear DNA began to melt. The further increase of Teff, including the melting range for linear molecules, caused no appreciable changes in the mobility of relaxed molecules. The transition curves are S-shaped for all the topoisomers, and an increase of superhelicity shifts the transition towards lower Teff values. The analysis of the results indicates that the observed relaxation of superhelical molecules is due to denatured region forming in them, their size increasing with the topoisomer number.  相似文献   

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