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Recent studies have shown the gene expression of several transporters to be circadian rhythmic. However, it remains to be elucidated whether the expression of P‐glycoprotein, which is involved in the transport of many medications, undergoes 24 h rhythmicity. To address this issue, we investigated daily profiles of P‐glycoprotein mRNA and protein levels in peripheral mouse tissues. In the liver and intestine, but not in the kidney, Abcb1a mRNA expression showed clear 24 h rhythmicity. On the other hand, Abcb1b and Abcb4, the other P‐glycoprotein genes, did not exhibit significant rhythmic expression in the studied tissues. In the intestine, levels of whole P‐glycoprotein also exhibited a daily rhythm, with a peak occurring in the latter half of the light phase and a trough at the onset of the light phase. Consistent with the day‐night change of P‐glycoprotein level, the ex vivo accumulation of digoxin, an Abcb1a P‐glycoprotein substrate, into the intestinal segments at the onset of dark phase was significantly lower than it was at the onset of the light phase. Thus, Abcb1a P‐glycoprotein expression, and apparently its function, are 24 h rhythmic at least in mouse intestine tissue. This circadian variation might be involved in various chronopharmacological phenomena.  相似文献   

Seasonal effects on shift‐work tolerance were assessed using the Standardized Shiftwork Index and the 21‐item Hamilton Depression Scale. Participants (N=88) mainly worked a two‐day, two‐night, four‐off rotation with 12 h shifts changing at 06∶00 and 18∶00 h in Vancouver, Canada. At this latitude (~49° N), daylength varies seasonally from ~16 to ~8 h, and both daily commutes occur in the dark in mid‐winter and in sunlight in mid‐summer. Questionnaires were completed twice, near the summer and winter solstices (order counterbalanced). Outcome variables were mood, general psychological health, sleep quality, chronic fatigue, physical health, job satisfaction, and social and domestic disruption. Of these, general psychological health and mood were significantly worse in winter, while sleep was more disturbed in summer. In winter, 31% exceeded the cutoff for psychological distress, and >70% scored in the higher than normal range for depressive symptoms. In summer, the proportions dropped to 19% and 53%, respectively. Measures of physical health and psychosocial well‐being showed no seasonal effects. Relationships among explanatory and outcome variables, assessed by linear regression and canonical correlations, were also stable across season. Neuroticism was the strongest predictor of tolerance to shift work. Age was predictive only of sleep disturbance in both summer and winter. These results indicate that time of year can affect important outcome measures in shift‐work assessment and intervention studies. The high average scores on measures of psychological distress and depression in winter suggest that at northern latitudes, some shift schedules may increase the risk of seasonal‐type depression.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular functions (blood pressure [BP], heart rate [HR]) were radiotelemetrically studied in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS) knock‐out mice (eNOS‐/‐) and their wild type C57BL/6 (WT) controls. Studies were performed with and without inhibition of the NOS with the non‐specific inhibitor Nω‐Nitro‐L‐Arginin‐Methylester (L‐NAME). Six eNOS‐/‐and five WT mice, kept under a light:dark schedule of 12:12 h (lights on 07:00 h), were treated with L‐NAME in tap water containing different concentrations (94, 282, and 940 mg/kg) each for three days. Under control conditions, the eNOS‐/‐mice are mildly hypertensive in comparison to WT. L‐NAME increased systolic [SBP] and diastolic [DBP] blood pressures in WT mice to the levels of eNOS‐/‐mice after two days of L‐NAME application with no dose‐dependency, whereas L‐NAME had no effects on SBP and DBP in eNOS‐/‐mice. In neither mouse strain were the circadian rhythms in BP and HR affected by drug treatment. The similarity of the 24 h BP profiles in eNOS‐/‐and L‐NAME‐treated WT mice support the notion that only the enothelial NOS and not other NOS isoenzymes are of importance for hypertension in the knock‐out mouse strain.  相似文献   

“Acute phase proteins” comprise a group of proteins whose concentrations increase or decrease by at least 25% after a damaging stimulus (burn, trauma, tissue damage, etc.) or during inflammation. We investigated the seasonal variation in the concentrations of several acute phase proteins—α1‐antichymotrypsin (ACT), α1‐acid glycoprotein (AGP), transferrin (Tf), α2‐macroglobulin (α2‐M), ceruloplasmin (Cp), antitrypsin (AT), and haptoglobin (Hp). Blood samples were collected from 15 healthy volunteers, who were subjected to the seasonal changes in illumination, were drawn at 08:00 h every 3 months (August, November, January/February, March/April, June/July). With the exception of Hp, all acute phase proteins showed an annual rhythm (ANOVA; p<0.01). Lowest concentrations occurred in the winter months (November through February), with the exception of Tf, which was oppositely phased.  相似文献   

Osler disease is an autosomal dominant disorder of the fibrovascular tissue characterized by arteriovenous malformations with multi‐systemic haemorrhages. Recurrent epistaxis is the predominant symptom in more than 90% of patients. Recent studies showed circadian and seasonal patterns in the onset of nosebleeds, similar to acute cardiovascular events, such as myocardial infarction and stroke. The aim of this study was to determine whether such patterns would also apply to the onset of epistaxis in patients with Osler disease. In all, 110 patients with Osler disease who were under treatment for recurrent epistaxis at the University Hospital of Mannheim were requested to complete a questionnaire addressing the intensity and frequency of epistaxis according to the classification of Bergler et al., as well as circadian and circannual rhythmicity in the occurrence of epistaxis according to visual analogue scales (VAS). More than half of the patients claimed to experience daily to weekly episodes of recurrent epistaxis. The occurrence of epistaxis showed a biphasic 24 h pattern, with a primary peak in the morning (05∶00–8∶00 h) and smaller secondary peaks in the evening (17∶00–20∶00 h and 21∶00–00∶00 h). No significant seasonal variation was found in the onset of epistaxis. However, a slight tendency, with a peak in winter months, was observed. Similar to other chronobiological studies on nosebleeds, this study showed that the 24 h pattern and seasonal tendency in the onset of epistaxis even applied to patients with Osler disease. Further investigations are necessary to determine the pathological mechanism underlying this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The effects of food on biological rhythms may influence the findings of chronopharmacological studies. The present study evaluated the influence of a restricted food access during the rest (light) span of nocturnally active Wistar rats on the 24 h time organization of biological functions in terms of the circadian rhythms of temperature (T), heart rate (HR), and locomotor activity (LA) in preparation for subsequent studies aimed at evaluating the influence of timed food access on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medications. Ten‐wk‐old male Wistar rats were housed under controlled 12:12 h light:dark (LD) environmental conditions. Food and water were available ad libitum, excepted during a 3 wk period of restriction. Radiotelemetry transmitters were implanted to record daily rhythms in T, HR, and LA. The study lasted 7 wk and began after a 21‐d recovery span following surgery. Control baseline data were collected during the first wk (W1). The second span of 3 wk duration (W2 to W4) consisted of the restricted feeding regimen (only 3 h access to food between 11:00 and 14:00 h daily) during the L (rest span) under 12:12 h LD conditions. The third period of 3 wk duration (W5 to W7) consisted of the recovery span with ad libitium normal feeding. Weight loss in the amount of 5% of baseline was observed during W1 with stabilization of body weight thereafter during the remaining 2 wk of food restriction. The 3 h restricted food access during the L rest span induced a partial loss of circadian rhythmicity and the emergence of 12 h rhythms in T, HR, and LA. Return to ad libitum feeding conditions restored circadian rhythmicity in the manner evidenced during the baseline control span. Moreover, the MESORS and amplitudes of the T, HR, and LA 24 h patterns were significantly attenuated during food restriction (p<0.001) and then returned to initial values during recovery. These changes may be interpreted as a masking effect, since T, HR, and LA are known to directly react to food intake. The consequences of such findings on the methods used to conduct chronokinetic studies, such as the fasting of animals the day before testing, are important since they may alter the temporal structure of the organism receiving the drug and thereby compromise findings.  相似文献   

24 h patterns with high frequency components in the incidence of pediatric trauma were validated and quantified in one of our earlier studies. Herein, we further explored the temporal—high frequency, 24 h, weekly (7 d), hemi‐weekly (3.5 d), and annual – patterns in traumatic (1990–1997; n=15,110 events) and non‐traumatic pediatric surgical emergencies (PSE) (1992–2001; n=5,593 events) as well as automobile accidents (AA) (1990–1997; n=67,712) in the County of Vaud, Switzerland. The latter served as a reference system of human adult activity and risk. Two‐way ANOVA, χ2, correlation, and cosinor analyses were used as statistical tools. A 24 h pattern, reproducible from year to year, was validated in traumatic and non‐traumatic PSE and AA. The 24 h patterns were not correlated and differed from one another in terms of their acrophase (peak time) and amplitude. A gender‐related difference was found only in the non‐traumatic time series for weekly (7 d) and hemi‐weekly (3.5 d) patterns. The latter were detected in boys but not girls. No statistically significant difference was found in the acrophase and amplitude between boys and girls in the temporal patterns of other periods. An annual pattern was validated in automobile accidents (acrophase: 4th of September ±37 d (SD)) and pediatric trauma (acrophase: 14th of June ±10 d), but not in non‐traumatic PSE. These results suggest that environmental modulations differ between the incidence of traumatic and non‐traumatic PSE. Presumably, the two phenomena involve different aspects of the temporal organization and/or different levels of susceptibility of a set of biological rhythms to environmental factors.  相似文献   

The effects of shift and time‐on‐shift on alertness and perceived tension, as well as related physiological variables, were investigated in satellite controllers working a rapid forward rotating three‐shift system. In controlled laboratory conditions, subjective tension and HR have been reported to display circadian variation and marked sensitivity to external factors. We examined whether circadian variations were masked for these particular variables in real‐job conditions, unlike for alertness and body temperature, which have been repeatedly shown to display circadian variation in these conditions. This hypothesis was tested in a repeated‐measures design by collecting alertness and tension self‐reports and recording operators' sublingual temperature on three occasions on each shift and HR continuously throughout shifts. Alertness and body temperature varied according to a typical diurnal trend; subjective tension was only enhanced on the initial recording of each shift (compared to the remaining ones), while HR displayed an intermediary trend. Intra‐subject correlations revealed a positive relationship between alertness, oral temperature, and HR, while no such relationship was found for subjective tension. These results support the hypothesis of a close dependence of alertness and temperature, and to a lesser extent for HR, on endogenous mechanisms in this job‐situation. In addition, some situation‐specific factors, such as job‐demand, would affect subjective tension and partially mask the circadian variations in HR.  相似文献   



The sleep sequence: i) non-REM sleep, ii) REM sleep, and iii) wakefulness, is stable and widely preserved in mammals, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. It has been shown that this sequence is disrupted by sudden REM sleep onset during active wakefulness (i.e., narcolepsy) in orexin-deficient mutant animals. Phospholipase C (PLC) mediates the signaling of numerous metabotropic receptors, including orexin receptors. Among the several PLC subtypes, the β4 subtype is uniquely localized in the geniculate nucleus of thalamus which is hypothesized to have a critical role in the transition and maintenance of sleep stages. In fact, we have reported irregular theta wave frequency during REM sleep in PLC-β4-deficient mutant (PLC-β4−/−) mice. Daily behavioral phenotypes and metabotropic receptors involved have not been analyzed in detail in PLC-β4−/− mice, however.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Therefore, we analyzed 24-h sleep electroencephalogram in PLC-β4−/− mice. PLC-β4−/− mice exhibited normal non-REM sleep both during the day and nighttime. PLC-β4−/− mice, however, exhibited increased REM sleep during the night, their active period. Also, their sleep was fragmented with unusual wake-to-REM sleep transitions, both during the day and nighttime. In addition, PLC-β4−/− mice reduced ultradian body temperature rhythms and elevated body temperatures during the daytime, but had normal homeothermal response to acute shifts in ambient temperatures (22°C–4°C). Within the most likely brain areas to produce these behavioral phenotypes, we found that, not orexin, but group-1 metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR)-mediated Ca2+ mobilization was significantly reduced in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd) of PLC-β4−/− mice. Voltage clamp recordings revealed that group-1 mGluR-mediated currents in LGNd relay neurons (inward in wild-type mice) were outward in PLC-β4−/− mice.


These lines of evidence indicate that impaired LGNd relay, possibly mediated via group-1 mGluR, may underlie irregular sleep sequences and ultradian body temperature rhythms in PLC-β4−/− mice.  相似文献   

The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) is the only canid with passive overwintering in areas with cold winters, but the depth and rhythmicity of wintertime hypothermia in the wild raccoon dog are unknown. To study the seasonal rhythms of body temperature (Tb), seven free‐ranging animals were captured and implanted with intra‐abdominal Tb loggers and radio‐tracked during years 2004–2006. The average size of the home ranges was 306±26 ha, and the average 24 h Tb was 38.0±<0.01°C during the snow‐free period (May–November). The highest and lowest Tb were usually recorded around midnight (21∶00–02∶00 h) and between 05∶00–11∶00 h, respectively, and the range of the 24 h oscillations was 1.2±0.01°C. The animals lost approximately 43±6% of body mass in winter (December–April), when the average size of the home ranges was 372±108 ha. During the 2–9‐wk periods of passivity in January–March, the average 24 h Tb decreased by 1.4–2.1°C compared to the snow‐free period. The raccoon dogs were hypothermic for 5 h in the morning (06∶00–11∶00 h), whereas the highest Tb values were recorded between 16∶00–23∶00 h. The range of the 24 h oscillations increased by approximately 0.6°C, and the rhythmicity was more pronounced than in the snow‐free period. The ambient temperature and depth of snow cover were important determinants of the seasonal Tb rhythms. The overwintering strategy of the raccoon dog resembled the patterns of winter sleep in bears and badgers, but the wintertime passivity of the species was more intermittent and the decrease in the Tb less pronounced.  相似文献   

Some of the sleep disruption seen in seniors (>65 yrs) may be due to alteration of the circadian pacemaker phase and/or its phase angle with bedtime. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of 2 h changes in the timing of bedtime (both earlier and later) on the sleep of seniors. Ten healthy seniors (9 F, 1 M, age 70–82 yrs) were each studied individually during three 120 h sessions (each separated by >2 weeks) in a time‐isolation laboratory. On nights 1 and 2, bedtime and rise‐time occurred at the subjects' habitual times; on nights 3–5, bedtime was specified by the experiment, but rise‐time was at the subjects' discretion (without knowledge of clock time). Under the control condition, subjects went to bed at their habitual bedtime (HBT), under the earlier bedtime condition at (HBT?2 h), and under the later bedtime condition at (HBT+2 h). Sleep was polysomnnographically recorded and rectal temperature continuously monitored. Although total sleep time increased in the earlier compared to the later condition (p<0.01), sleep efficiency decreased and wake after sleep onset increased (p<0.01). Subjective ratings of sleep were also worse under the earlier (HBT?2 h) than under later (HBT+ 2 h) condition (p<0.05). Performance did not differ between the earlier and later conditions. The larger the phase angle between actual bedtime and circadian temperature minimum (Tmin), the longer the time spent in bed and total sleep time, and the worse the sleep efficiency and subjective sleep ratings. There were no effects related to the phase angle between Tmin and rise‐time. The relative benefits of longer vs. more efficient sleep in the elderly require further investigation.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a 7 d continuous infusion of ropivacaine on the 24 h rhythms of body temperature, heart rate, and locomotor activity. After an initial 7 d baseline, rats were randomly divided into two groups of 4 rats each to receive ropivacaine or saline via an osmotic pump for 7 consecutive days. The pumps were removed thereafter and observed during a 7 d recovery span. The studied circadian rhythms were measured by radiotelemetry throughout each of the 7 d periods. An additional group of 4 rats was studied under the same experimental conditions to assess the plasma levels of ropivacaine on days 3 and 8 following pump implantation. Our results indicate that ropivacaine does not induce loss of the circadian rhythms of body temperature, heart rate, or locomotor activity; a prominent period of 24 h was found for all variables in all animals, before, during, and after ropivacaine treatment. However, ropivacaine treatment did modify some characteristics of the rhythms; it increased the MESOR (24 h mean) of the heart rate and locomotor activity rhythms and advanced the acrophase (peak time) of the locomotor activity circadian rhythm. The present study indicates that the circadian rhythms of heart rate and locomotor activity are modified after continuous infusion of ropivacaine, which is of particular interest, given the potential cardiotoxicity of this local anesthetic agent.  相似文献   

Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) analgesic effect is produced by β‐endorphin release which interacts with captopril, a drug used for arterial hypertension treatment that affects thyroid hormone secretion, mainly 3,5,3′‐triiodothyronine (T3). To study a correlation between TENS (9 Hz × 30 min), captopril and T3, Mus musculus mice received nociceptive stimulation (writhe‐induced model) and were treated with captopril (1 mg/kg) and TENS and the T3 serum level was evaluated. As a result, T3 serum level rose slightly after TENS application and captopril separately but increased more after captopril alone. In addition, the antinociceptive effect produced by electric stimulation was enhanced by captopril with a high statistical significance (p < 0.001). Additionally, the TENS–captopril treatment increased T3 serum level to values 117.7% higher than control groups, reinforcing the supposed link between neuroelectric stimulation, captopril, and T3 secretion.  相似文献   

The nitric oxide (NO) system is involved in the regulation of the cardiovascular system in controlling central and peripheral vascular tone and cardiac functions. It was the aim of this study to investigate in wild‐type C57BL/6 and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) knock‐out mice (eNOS‐/‐) the contribution of NO on the circadian rhythms in heart rate (HR), motility (motor activity [MA]), and body temperature (BT) under various environmental conditions. Experiments were performed in 12∶12 h of a light:dark cycle (LD), under free‐run in total darkness (DD), and after a phase delay shift of the LD cycle by ?6 h (i.e., under simulation of a westward time zone transition). All parameters were monitored by radiotelemetry in freely moving mice. In LD, no significant differences in the rhythms of HR and MA were observed between the two strains of mice. BT, however, was significantly lower during the light phase in eNOS‐/‐ mice, resulting in a significantly greater amplitude. The period of the free‐running rhythm in DD was slightly shorter for all variables, though not significant. In general, rhythmicity was greater in eNOS‐/‐ than in C57 mice both in LD and DD. After a delay shift of the LD cycle, HR and BT were resynchronized to the new LD schedule within 5–6 days, and resynchronization of MA occurred within 2–3 days. The results in telemetrically instrumented mice show that complete knock‐out of the endothelial NO system—though expressed in the suprachiasmatic nuclei and in peripheral tissues—did not affect the circadian organization of heart rate and motility. The circadian regulation of the body temperature was slightly affected in eNOS‐/‐ mice.  相似文献   


Activity data from two experimental lizard groups were analysed in order to search for 24 h‐entrained and ultradian periodicities. The data of a first group were obtained through motion sensitive platforms situated under the animals’ cage and continuously for up to 12 consecutive days; those from a second group were collected by manual recording of the behaviour patterns of individual animals for 2 h each day over a 10‐day period. Lizards from both groups were situated in cages inside isolated chambers in which a light‐dark cycle (12:12), a temperature of 28°C ±1° and a relative humidity of 50–60% were maintained. Periodogram analysis showed the existence of a significant period peak (p < 0.01) at 24 h. Autocorrelation functions and spectral analysis of different data‐segment lengths showed that ultradian periodicities were present in the daily motor activity, appearing as noisy though frequency‐band limited. Differences in the frequency band‐limited fluctuations were found between morning and afternoon activities: during the morning ultradian activity appears distributed in two bands (4.5–36 c/day and 63–94 c/day), the power being mainly concentrated in the second one, while during the afternoon it was in the 4.5–36 c/day band. Results from the second lizard group showed only one band (24–60 c/day) overlapped with the first one from the latter group. Although activity recording methods and some experimental conditions are discussed as possible sources of these differences, the possibility of endogenous ultradian variation within the individuals is also suggested.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether time‐dependent variations in the relaxant effect of acetylcholine, an endothelium‐dependent vasorelaxant via muscarinic receptors, and isoprenaline, a nonselective β‐adrenoceptor agonist in rat aorta, are influenced by streptozotocin (STZ)‐induced experimental diabetes. Adult male rats were divided randomly into two groups: control and STZ‐induced (STZ, 55 mg/kg, intraperitoneal) diabetes. The animals were synchronized to a 12∶12 h light‐dark cycle (lights on 08∶00 h) and sacrificed at six different times of day (1, 5, 9, 13, 17, and 21 hours after lights on; HALO) eight weeks after STZ injection. The in vitro responsiveness of thoracic aorta rings obtained from control and diabetic rats to acetylcholine (10?9–10?5 M) and isoprenaline (10?10–10?3 M) was determined in six different times. EC50 (the concentration inducing half of the maximum response) values and maximum responses were calculated from cumulative concentration‐response curves of the agonists and were analyzed with respect to time and STZ treatment. Treatment, time, and interactions between treatment and time were tested by two‐way analysis of variance (ANOVA). To analyze differences due to biological time, one‐way ANOVA was used. STZ treatment did not significantly change EC50 values or maximum responses for both agonists. There were statistically significant time‐dependent variations in the EC50 values for isoprenaline and maximum responses for both acetylcholine and isoprenaline in control groups by one‐way ANOVA, but significant time‐dependent variations disappeared in the aortas isolated from STZ‐induced diabetic rats. The vasodilator responses to acetylcholine and isoprenaline failed to show any significant interaction (treatment×time of study) between STZ treatment and time of sacrifice in both EC50 values and maximum responses by two‐way ANOVA. These results indicate there is a basic temporal pattern in the responses to acetylcholine and isoprenaline in rat aorta which continues in diabetes. It is shown for the first time that experimental diabetes does not change the 24 h pattern of responses to acetylcholine and isoprenaline, and that time‐dependent variations in the responses to these agonists disappear in diabetic animals. Although further studies are required to define the underlying mechanism(s) of these findings, results suggest that experimental diabetes can modify the time‐dependent vasorelaxant responses of rat aorta. This may help to understand the circadian rhythms in cardiovascular physiology and pathology or in drug effects in diabetes.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, including pulmonary embolism (PE), has been reported; however, recent large‐scale, population‐based studies conducted in the United States did not confirm such seasonality. The aim of this large‐scale population study was to determine whether a temporal pattern in the occurrence of PE exists. The analysis considered all consecutive cases of PE in the database of all hospital admissions of the Emilia Romagna region in Italy at the Center for Health Statistics between January 1998 and December 2005. PE cases were first grouped according to season of occurrence, and the data were analyzed by the χ2 test for goodness of fit. Then, inferential chronobiologic (cosinor and partial Fourier) analysis was applied to monthly data, and the best‐fitting curve for the annual variation was derived. The total sample consisted of 19,245 patients (8,143 male, mean age 71.6±14.1 yrs; 11,102 female, mean age 76.1±13.7 yrs). Of these, 2,484 were <65 yrs, 5,443 were between 65 and 74, and 11,318 were ≥75 yrs. There were 4,486 (23.3%) fatal‐case outcomes. PE occurred least frequently in spring (n=4,442 or 23.1%) and most frequent in winter (n=5,236 or 27.2%, goodness of fit χ2=75.75, p<0.001). Similar results were obtained for subgroups formed by gender, age, fatal/non‐fatal outcome, presence/absence of major underlying co‐morbid conditions, and specific risk factors. Inferential chronobiological analysis identified a significant annual pattern in PE, with the peak between November and December for the total sample of cases (p<0.001), males (p<0.001), females (p=0.002), fatal and non‐fatal cases (p<0.001 for both), and subgroups formed by age (<65 yrs, p=0.012; 65–74 yrs, p<0.001; ≥75 yrs, p=0.012). This pattern was independent of the presence/absence of hypertension (p=0.003 and p<0.001, respectively), pulmonary disease (p<0.001 and p<0.001, respectively), stroke (p<0.001 and p=0.004, respectively), neoplasms (p=0.005 and p=0.001, respectively), heart failure (p=0.022 and p<0.001, respectively), and deep vein thrombosis (p=0.002 and p<0.001, respectively). However, only a non‐statistically significant trend was found for subgroups formed by cases of diabetes mellitus, infections, renal failure, and trauma.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine: the 24 h variation of 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase activities, key enzymes for the maintenance of intracellular NADPH concentration, in rat liver in control and streptozotocin‐induced diabetic animals. Adult male rats were fed ad libitum and synchronized on a 12:12 h light‐dark cycle (lights on 08:00 h). One group of animals was treated with streptozotocin (STZ, 55 mg/kg, intraperitoneal) to induce experimental diabetes. Eight weeks after STZ injection, the animals were sacrificed at six different times of day—1, 5, 9, 13, 17 and 21 Hours After Lights On (HALO)—and livers were obtained. Enzyme activities were determined spectrophotometrically in triplicate in liver homogenates and expressed as units per mg protein. 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase activity was measured by substituting 6‐phosphogluconate as substrate. Glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase activity was determined by monitoring NADPH production. Treatment, circadian time, and interaction between treatment and circadian time factors were tested by either one or two way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Two‐way ANOVA revealed that 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase activity significantly depended on both the treatment and time of sacrifice. 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase activity was higher in control than diabetic animals; whereas, glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase activity did not vary over the 24 h in animals made diabetic by STZ treatment. Circadian variation in the activity of 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase was also detected in both the control and STZ treatment groups (one‐way ANOVA). Time‐dependent variation in glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase activity during the 24 h was detected in control but not in diabetic rats. No significant interaction was detected between STZ‐treatment and time of sacrifice for both hepatic enzyme activities. These results suggest that the activities of NADPH‐generating enzymes exhibit 24 h variation, which is not influenced by diabetes.  相似文献   

12 h rotating shifts are common in high‐tech industries in Taiwan. The aim of this longitudinal study was to evaluate the effect of the disruption of circadian rhythms by the shift schedule on menstrual cycle length (MCL) and regularity of female workers at an optoelectronic company in Taiwan. We recruited females who worked rotating shifts in a clean room environment as the shift‐work group and female office workers who worked normal business hours as the comparison group. Every participant recorded their MCL for each menstruation cycle up to eight consecutive months prospectively and provided demographic characteristics, reproductive history, and menstrual characteristics. We collected data on 1,135 and 117 menstruation cycles in the shift‐work (n=280) and comparison groups (n=49). Whereas the two groups had similar group means for MCL and number of menstrual bleeding days, the prevalence of menstrual cycle irregularity (cycles<25 or>35 days) was higher in the shift‐work group (p=0.04). Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses demonstrated that rotating shift work was an independent predictor of menstrual cycle irregularity (odds ratio=1.71, 95% confidence interval: 1.03–2.88) after adjusting for shift‐work history, employment duration, coffee consumption, and pre‐employment menstrual cycle irregularity. Although further study is required to confirm our findings plus to explore prevention and control measures, our data indicate rotating shift work can increase the risk of MCL irregularity.  相似文献   

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