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Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) exhibit pronounced winter acclimatization with changes in body mass, gonads, fur, and thermogenic capacity induced by decreasing daylength. To determine whether the annual activity pattern reflects the crucial role of the photoperiod for the hamsters' seasonality, animals with and without access to a running wheel (RW) were exposed to natural lighting conditions (~52°N) and ambient temperatures. Registration of locomotion in hamsters with a RW revealed a clear activity pattern closely related to dusk and dawn throughout the year. In contrast, animals without RW access showed a less stable phase relationship between the activity and the day‐night cycle in autumn and winter. During these seasons, the activity phase either exceeded the dark phase or even became indistinguishable from the rest phase. This correlated not only with increased locomotion during the light phase but also over the whole 24 h period, especially in autumn. In RW hamsters, a similar but attenuated trend was found that possibly reflects foraging due to increased food hoarding before winter. The more stable correlation between activity time and night length in RW hamsters might be explained by a suppressing effect of light on wheel‐running behavior (negative masking) and/or a stabilizing effect of running exercise on rhythmicity. In a further experiment, the phase‐reference points lights‐off and lights‐on within artificial light‐dark (LD) cycles were compared to sunset and sunrise in an intermediate ratio of light and dark and in long days. With respect to the defined phase‐reference points of the zeitgeber, the phase relation between activity and the LD cycle was similar in natural and corresponding artificial lighting conditions, and dependent on the LD ratio.  相似文献   

The entrainment limits to light‐dark cycles can be modified by the experimental conditions under which they are tested. Among the factors that may influence entrainment is the amount of wheel running exerted by the animal. In the present work, the effects of transitory and continuous wheel running on entrainment to light‐dark cycles were tested using a range of T cycles at the entrainment limits. Four groups of female hamsters were submitted to 1 h stepwise changes in T cycles. Two groups were exposed to T cycles of which the period was shortened at the lower limit from T22 to T18, and the other two groups were exposed to cycles that lengthened at the upper limit from T27 to T32. One of the groups at the lower limit and one at the upper limit had continuous access to a running wheel, while the others had the wheel locked, except at certain T when a lack of period control by T cycle appeared. The study demonstrates that access to running wheel widens the limits of entrainment to LD cycles. Specifically, the following observations were made: the effects of wheel running for entrainment were more evident in the groups with continuous access to wheel, as they did entrain to T19 and T32; continuous access to a wheel produced aftereffects only after T19, but not under T32; and when animals without a wheel showed relative coordination, unlocking the wheel favored entrainment in all the animals at T31, but in only 1 out 6 at T19. All of these indicate a different effect of the wheel running on the upper and lower limits of entrainment.  相似文献   


The temporal and spatial activity patterns of long‐tailed bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) were assessed between January and July 1995 by automatic monitoring of echolocation calls, radio‐telemetry and direct observation at Hanging Rock, South Canterbury. Automatic bat detection units recorded 8728 bat passes and 933 feeding buzzes during 272 nights of sampling. In addition, five radio‐tagged post‐lactating female bats were each followed for an average of 13.0 ± 3.2 (SE) days. Home range size averaged 471.4 ± 50.9 ha (95% median minimum convex polygons) but core areas of activity (50% of fixes) were 54.4 ± 5.4 ha (11.6 ± 3.1% of the home range size). Patterns of activity varied in relation to time of year, time of night, temperature, invertebrate activity and habitat. Between January and March, long‐tailed bats consistently emerged from day roosts at sunset and flew throughout the night, with peaks of activity shortly after sunset and before sunrise. After the beginning of April, long‐tailed bats no longer flew throughout the night, but they had one peak of activity between the first and third hour after sunset. Both automatic monitoring and radio‐telemetry showed extensive use by long‐tailed bats of river and riparian habitats. Radio‐tagged bats avoided foraging over open farmland, and repeatedly returned to the same sites on consecutive nights.  相似文献   

Very few South American avian superspecies or species groups are composed of both forest and non‐forest taxa. The genus Lepidocolaptes comprises 8–9 species of woodcreepers, most of which are forest birds, but two species, L. angustirostris and L. souleyetii, inhabit open vegetations. Therefore, this genus should play an important role in the discussion about the relationships between forest and non‐forest South American avifaunas. Nucleotide sequences from two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome b and ND2, suggest that: (i) L. fuscus should be removed from the genus since its association with other members of this genus is poorly supported. This view has been pointed out also by morphological and behavioural data; (ii) the phylogenetic position of the open‐vegetation species within the Lepidocolaptes radiation indicate that the split between forest and non‐forest elements within this genus took place as recently as two million years ago. This result suggests that the evolutionary relationships between forest and non‐forest biotas in South America may have been more dynamic than previously thought.  相似文献   

The mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the major endogenous pacemaker that coordinates various daily rhythms including locomotor activity and autonomous and endocrine responses, through a neuronal and humoral influence. In the present study we examined the behavior of dispersed individual SCN neurons obtained from 1‐ to 3‐day‐old rats cultured on multi‐microelectrode arrays (MEAs). SCN neurons were identified by immunolabeling for the neuropeptides arginine‐vasopressin (AVP) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). Single SCN neurons cultured at low density onto an MEA can express firing rate patterns with different circadian phases. In these cultures we observed rarely synchronized firing patterns on adjacent electrodes. This suggests that, in cultures of low cell densities, SCN neurons function as independent pacemakers. To investigate whether individual pacemakers can be influenced independently by phase‐shifting stimuli, we applied melatonin (10 pM to 100 nM) for 30 min at different circadian phases and continuously monitored the firing rate rhythms. Melatonin could elicit phase‐shifting responses in individual clock cells which had no measurable input from other neurons. In several neurons, phase‐shifts occurred with a long delay in the second or third cycle after melatonin treatment, but not in the first cycle. Phase‐shifts of isolated SCN neurons were also observed at times when the SCN showed no sensitivity to these phase‐shifting stimuli in recordings from brain slices. This finding suggests that the neuronal network plays an essential role in the control of phase‐shifts.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum malaria imposes a serious public health concern throughout the tropics. Although genetic tools are principally important to fully investigate malaria parasites, currently available forward and reverse tools are fairly limited. It is expected that parasites with a high mutation rate can readily acquire novel phenotypes/traits; however, they remain an untapped tool for malaria biology. Here, we generated a mutator malaria parasite (hereinafter called a ‘malaria mutator’), using site-directed mutagenesis and gene transfection techniques. A mutator Plasmodium berghei line with a defective proofreading 3′ → 5′ exonuclease activity in DNA polymerase δ (referred to as PbMut) and a control P. berghei line with wild-type DNA polymerase δ (referred to as PbCtl) were maintained by weekly passage in ddY mice for 122 weeks. High-throughput genome sequencing analysis revealed that two PbMut lines had 175–178 mutations and a 86- to 90-fold higher mutation rate than that of a PbCtl line. PbMut, PbCtl, and their parent strain, PbWT, showed similar course of infection. Interestingly, PbMut lost the ability to form gametocytes during serial passages. We believe that the malaria mutator system could provide a novel and useful tool to investigate malaria biology.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess if a simple motor task, one that required muscle contractions well below maximum, showed evidence of circadian changes and time‐awake. The task consisted of using a larger counter to flick a number of smaller counters to land as near as possible to the center of a target. The closer a counter landed next to the center of the target, the higher the score obtained. Two distances from the target were used (long and short), and 20 counters were flicked at each distance. The task was performed by 72 diurnally active healthy participants at six test sessions distributed every 4 h throughout the day (08:00 h, 12:00 h, … , 04:00 h), so covering a circadian cycle. When performing the sessions, subjects had been awake for about 1, 4, … , 20 h. Before each test session, sublingual temperature was measured, and estimates of the individual's fatigue and alertness were made. Clear normally phased circadian rhythms (p<0.0001) in oral temperature and alertness with mean peak time (i.e., acrophases of 17.2 h and 15.9 h, respectively) and fatigue (i.e., mean acrophase of 3.4 h) were detected. The total scores for both the long and short distances also showed circadian rhythms that peaked slightly before the temperature rhythm (by 2.31±0.91 h and 1.77±0.77 h, mean±SE, respectively), and the number of occasions that the target was missed altogether showed rhythms that were in anti‐phase (mean acrophases=3.8 h and 4.1 h for the long and short distances, respectively) to that of total scores (mean acrophases=16.0 h and 15.2 h for the long and short distances, respectively). With the long and, particularly, short distances, there were generally significant correlations (r<0.0005) between both the measures of accuracy (total score and number of misses) and body temperature and time‐awake. The accuracy of performance at this task seems to show circadian and time‐awake effects, and so makes it of potential value in protocols where repetitive measurements during the course of a day are required.  相似文献   

Doklady Biological Sciences - The pattern of sleep and circadian activity of the lesser mouse-deer (Tragulus kanchil) that is the smallest (body mass between 1.5 and 2.2 kg) representative of the...  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a 7 d continuous infusion of ropivacaine on the 24 h rhythms of body temperature, heart rate, and locomotor activity. After an initial 7 d baseline, rats were randomly divided into two groups of 4 rats each to receive ropivacaine or saline via an osmotic pump for 7 consecutive days. The pumps were removed thereafter and observed during a 7 d recovery span. The studied circadian rhythms were measured by radiotelemetry throughout each of the 7 d periods. An additional group of 4 rats was studied under the same experimental conditions to assess the plasma levels of ropivacaine on days 3 and 8 following pump implantation. Our results indicate that ropivacaine does not induce loss of the circadian rhythms of body temperature, heart rate, or locomotor activity; a prominent period of 24 h was found for all variables in all animals, before, during, and after ropivacaine treatment. However, ropivacaine treatment did modify some characteristics of the rhythms; it increased the MESOR (24 h mean) of the heart rate and locomotor activity rhythms and advanced the acrophase (peak time) of the locomotor activity circadian rhythm. The present study indicates that the circadian rhythms of heart rate and locomotor activity are modified after continuous infusion of ropivacaine, which is of particular interest, given the potential cardiotoxicity of this local anesthetic agent.  相似文献   

Sparassodontans are a diverse but now extinct group of metatherians that were apex predators in South America during most of the Cenozoic. Studying their decline has been controversial mainly due to the scarcity of the fossil record, and different methodological approaches have led to contradictory hypotheses. In an effort to explore questions about their extinction, we developed a novel multi‐model statistical approach to analyse all of the currently available data at a continental scale. Using multiple regression analysis and new advances in beta diversity analysis, we used all currently available fossil data at a continental scale to test four competing hypotheses to account for the decline of sparassodontans: competition with placental carnivorans, competition with avian phorusrhacids, non‐competitive ecological interactions, and environmental fluctuations. Our results show that the sparassodontan extinction was a gradual process with species disappearing throughout the Cenozoic. Multiple regression analysis supported non‐competitive ecological interactions as the best extinction model. Native South American ungulates, African migrants (caviomorph rodents and platyrrhine primates) and didelphimorphians were the groups with the highest statistical significance. Sparassodontan beta diversity increased between South American Land Mammal Ages after the Paleocene–Eocene boundary. Our results demonstrate that ecological modelling techniques illuminate aspects of extinction processes whilst mitigating the limitations of the fossil record. Our study suggests that non‐competitive ecological interactions could have been the main driver for sparassodontan extinction rather than, as commonly assumed, a result of competition and/or abiotic fluctuations.  相似文献   

Many mathematical models derived from the principles obtained from empirical observations in chronobiology have been proposed and explored. They cover several organisms and phenomena, and utilize quite different formal approaches. These models can be divided into the ones that intend to describe pacemaker core function, such the Goodwin-oscillator family, non-genetic approaches or purely mathematical (i.e., without clear biochemical correlations) models, and the ones that represent events depending on pacemaker activity, i.e., photoperiodic phenomena. We aim to illustrate the diversity of mathematical and methodological approaches to describe circadian systems and related matters.  相似文献   

The use of fireworks has increased worldwide in recent years. Despite this, their effects on sea lions and similar species are almost undocumented. In this study, we documented some effects of the 2015 New Year’s fireworks on the behavior of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens), a marine mammal species that utilizes coastal rookeries for breeding, resting, and care and nursing of pups. An immediate cessation of vocalizations followed the start of the fireworks and a significant decrease in the number of sea lions in the colony was registered. This provided evidence that fireworks disrupted the ongoing behavior of the South American sea lion. Further studies will be necessary to determine whether this disruption has negative consequences for these animals or whether they have evolved behavioral mechanisms for dealing with these kinds of short-term disruptive events.  相似文献   

This research explores the intertwined construction of race and gender in a wide variety of white supremacist newsletters and periodicals published between 1969 and 1993. While traditional accounts of the white supremacist movement treat it as a movement concerned with race relations, I read this discourse as a site of the construction of race. Additionally, I argue that race and gender are inextricably linked. Exploring how meaning works in white supremacist discourse, this research provides an analysis of the construction of racial and gender difference within the framework of the equality versus difference dichotomy. Within this framework, difference requires hierarchy, so that any effort to redress inequality is posited as a threat to difference. The primary project of the white supremacist movement is the construction of white racial and gender identities as naturalized and hierarchized differences.  相似文献   

As a first step towards understanding microbial dissolution processes, our research focuses on characterizing attachment features that form between a Pseudomonas sp. bacteria and the Fe(III)‐(hydr)oxide minerals hematite and goethite. Microbial growth curves in Fe‐limited growth media indicated that the bacteria were able to obtain Fe from the Fe(III)‐(hydr)oxidesfor use in metabolic processes. A combination of scanning electron microscopy, epifluorescence, and Tapping Mode? atomic‐force microscopy showed that the bacteria colonized some fraction of mineralogical aggregates. These aggregates were covered by bacteria and were linked together by relatively open biofilms consisting of networks of fiber‐like attachment features intertwined through thin films of amorphous‐looking organic material. The biofilm material encompassed numerous individual bacteria, as well as minéralogie particles. We hypothesize that the bacteria first attached to mineral aggregates, perhaps via their flagella, forming colonies. Following initial attachment, the bacteria exuded additional attachment features in the form of fine, branching fibrils intertwined through thin films. The detailed structures of these attachment features were highlighted by Phase Imaging atomic‐force microscopy, which served as a real‐time contrast enhancement technique and showed some poorly defined sensitivity to different surface materials, most probably related to differences in stiffness or viscoelasticity. Although the mechanism of the microbially enhanced dissolution remains unknown, we hypothesize that the bacteria may have produced micro environments conducive to dissolution through the use of observed extracellular materials.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - The use of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) as biopreservative to replace chemical preservatives has become of interest among consumers....  相似文献   

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