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Montangero  Jacques 《Dreaming》2009,19(4):239
Dream analysis can be a fruitful complementary technique in cognitive–behavioral therapy, providing it is based on a theoretical conception of dreaming and an interpretation method that are both compatible with the principles and methodology of CBT. The present paper first presents some aspects of a cognitive conception of dreaming explaining the occurrence and specificities of dream representations by their production processes. The next section describes an interpretation method that gives the patients the opportunity to find some sources and meanings of their dreams. Finally examples are given of the different ways in which the result of a dream interpretation contributed to therapy. Thanks to their condensed and often exaggerated treatment of a theme, dreams often facilitate becoming aware of cognitive distortions and schemas and help to proceed to cognitive restructuring. They also give to the therapists an opportunity to underline the patient’s resources. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   


The objective of the present study was to assess the effect of combining CBT-I with wearing blue-light blocking glasses 90 min prior to bedtime on subjective and objective sleep parameters and daily symptoms (anxiety, depression, hyperarousal). Thirty patients (mean age 48.1 ± 16.13 years, range 21–71, 15 men/15 women) completed a CBT-I group therapy program, with groups randomly assigned to either “active” (blue-light filtering glasses) condition or “placebo” (glasses without filtering properties) condition. Patients were continually monitored by wristwatch actigraphy, kept their sleep diaries and completed a standard questionnaire battery at admission and after the end of the program. Statistical analyses showed a greater reduction of BAI score in “active” (4.33 ± 4.58) versus “placebo” (?0.92 ± 3.68) groups of patients [F = 6.389, p = .019, Cohen’s d = 1.26] and significant prolongation of subjective total sleep time in “active” (?36.88 ± 48.68 min.) versus “placebo” (7.04 ± 47.50 min.) [F = 8.56, p < .01, d = 0.91] group. When pre- and post-treatment results were compared in both groups separately, using paired-samples t-tests, significant differences were observed also in the active group for BDI-II score (t = 3.66, p = .003, Cohen’s d = 0.95) and HAS score (t = 2.90, p = .012, Cohen’s d = 0.75). No significant differences were found in the placebo group. In active group, there was also a significant reduction of subjective sleep latency (t = 2.65, p = .021, d = 0.73) and an increase of subjective total sleep time (t = ?2.73, p = .018, d = ?0.76) without change in objective sleep duration which was significantly shortened in the placebo group. We provide further evidence that blocking short-wavelength light in the evening hours may be beneficial for patients suffering from insomnia.  相似文献   

Persistent pain is a common health problem for older adults, age 60+, with a prevalence twice that in younger adults. Yet, older adults with chronic pain and headache are underrepresented in behaviorally oriented clinical programs that have proven effective for younger adults. A review of the literature indicates that older adults develop multiple pain-related problems that are similar to those of younger individuals. When offered the opportunity, older pain patients accept and benefit from multidisciplinary pain programs, cognitive–behavioral therapies and biofeedback training. A study comparing 58 older and 59 younger adults in a multidisciplinary pain program indicates that older pain patients readily acquire the physiological self-regulation skills taught in biofeedback-assisted relaxation training, and achieve comparable decreases in pain for the pain program as a whole.  相似文献   

Any type of behavioral change is an effortful process. Thus, the process of behavioral therapy, where clients seek to change maladaptive behavioral patterns, requires high‐level cognitive engagement. It is unfortunate, then, that cognitive impairment is a feature of substance use disorders (SUDs), and especially because the domains that tend to be impaired are the very ones involved in the process of therapeutic behavioral change. In this review, we compare the cognitive profile that is frequently observed with chronic SUD with the skills that are required to initiate and sustain behavioral change during rehabilitation. Furthermore, we look to new therapeutic developments that seek to improve cognitive function. We propose that the use of these cognitive enhancing agents as adjuncts to behavioral therapy should help to overcome some of the cognitive barriers imposed by the disorder itself, and hence reduce the chance of relapse.  相似文献   

Insomnia poses significant challenges to public health. It is a common condition associated with marked impairment in function and quality of life, psychiatric and physical morbidity, and accidents. As such, it is important that effective treatment is provided in clinical practice. To this end, this paper reviews critical aspects of the assessment of insomnia and the available treatment options. These options include both non‐medication treatments, most notably cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, and a variety of pharmacologic therapies such as benzodiazepines, “z‐drugs”, melatonin receptor agonists, selective histamine H1 antagonists, orexin antagonists, antidepressants, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, and non‐selective antihistamines. A review of the available research indicates that rigorous double‐blind, randomized, controlled trials are lacking for some of the most commonly administered insomnia therapies. However, there are an array of interventions which have been demonstrated to have therapeutic effects in insomnia in trials with the above features, and whose risk/benefit profiles have been well characterized. These interventions can form the basis for systematic, evidence‐based treatment of insomnia in clinical practice. We review this evidence base and highlight areas where more studies are needed, with the aim of providing a resource for improving the clinical management of the many patients with insomnia.  相似文献   

A recent individual patient data meta‐analysis showed that antidepressant medication is slightly more efficacious than cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in reducing overall depression severity in patients with a DSM‐defined depressive disorder. We used an update of that dataset, based on seventeen randomized clinical trials, to examine the comparative efficacy of antidepressant medication vs. CBT in more detail by focusing on individual depressive symptoms as assessed with the 17‐item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. Five symptoms (i.e., “depressed mood” , “feelings of guilt” , “suicidal thoughts” , “psychic anxiety” and “general somatic symptoms”) showed larger improvements in the medication compared to the CBT condition (effect sizes ranging from .13 to .16), whereas no differences were found for the twelve other symptoms. In addition, network estimation techniques revealed that all effects, except that on “depressed mood” , were direct and could not be explained by any of the other direct or indirect treatment effects. Exploratory analyses showed that information about the symptom‐specific efficacy could help in identifying those patients who, based on their pre‐treatment symptomatology, are likely to benefit more from antidepressant medication than from CBT (effect size of .30) versus those for whom both treatments are likely to be equally efficacious. Overall, our symptom‐oriented approach results in a more thorough evaluation of the efficacy of antidepressant medication over CBT and shows potential in “precision psychiatry” .  相似文献   


The synchrony effect (i.e. superior performance at optimal, inferior performance at suboptimal times of day) has been broadly studied within the context of circadian rhythms. Whether one chronotype copes better with the synchrony effect than the other received only insufficient empirical attention. We report on an applied experimental study investigating the impact of chronotype on the synchrony effect in a semantic analogy task. To detect an analogy, 36 participants (12 males) aged between 18 and 40 had to decide whether the relation between events of a source pair was mirrored by the relation between events of a target pair (e.g. to cook: to eat = to saddle: to ride). Temporal orientation of the relation within each event pair was varied corresponding either to the chronological or reverse order. Response times (RTs), error rates, as well as the psychophysiological parameters pre-experimental pupil baseline and peak pupil dilation replicate findings of a synchrony effect (shorter RTs and allocation of less cognitive resources at optimal times of day) and show an impact of chronotype (morning types generally outperforming evening types). Most importantly, morning types appeared to cope better with the synchrony effect than evening types: At suboptimal times, morning types solved the analogy detection task more efficient; that is faster with the same accuracy and without the investment of more cognitive resources. They also showed greater alertness and wakefulness indexed by greater pre-experimental pupil baselines. At optimal times of day, morning types have more cognitive resources available to allocate these to the more demanding conditions to outperform evening types. We interpret these findings to suggest that morning types are more able to adapt to unfavourable circumstances (for instance, by avoiding wasteful resource allocation when there are less cognitive resources available). Evening types appear less able to adapt to suboptimal times than morning types, because they have to deal with social jetlag and decreased self-control.  相似文献   

Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy (ICBT) has been tested in many research trials, but to a lesser extent directly compared to face-to-face delivered cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of trials in which guided ICBT was directly compared to face-to-face CBT. Studies on psychiatric and somatic conditions were included. Systematic searches resulted in 13 studies (total N=1053) that met all criteria and were included in the review. There were three studies on social anxiety disorder, three on panic disorder, two on depressive symptoms, two on body dissatisfaction, one on tinnitus, one on male sexual dysfunction, and one on spider phobia. Face-to-face CBT was either in the individual format (n=6) or in the group format (n=7). We also assessed quality and risk of bias. Results showed a pooled effect size (Hedges'' g) at post-treatment of −0.01 (95% CI: −0.13 to 0.12), indicating that guided ICBT and face-to-face treatment produce equivalent overall effects. Study quality did not affect outcomes. While the overall results indicate equivalence, there are still few studies for each psychiatric and somatic condition and many conditions for which guided ICBT has not been compared to face-to-face treatment. Thus, more research is needed to establish equivalence of the two treatment formats.  相似文献   

Previous meta-analyses of psychotherapies for child and adolescent depression were limited because of the small number of trials with direct comparisons between two treatments. A network meta-analysis, a novel approach that integrates direct and indirect evidence from randomized controlled studies, was undertaken to investigate the comparative efficacy and acceptability of psychotherapies for depression in children and adolescents. Systematic searches resulted in 52 studies (total N=3805) of nine psychotherapies and four control conditions. We assessed the efficacy at post-treatment and at follow-up, as well as the acceptability (all-cause discontinuation) of psychotherapies and control conditions. At post-treatment, only interpersonal therapy (IPT) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) were significantly more effective than most control conditions (standardized mean differences, SMDs ranged from −0.47 to −0.96). Also, IPT and CBT were more beneficial than play therapy. Only psychodynamic therapy and play therapy were not significantly superior to waitlist. At follow-up, IPT and CBT were significantly more effective than most control conditions (SMDs ranged from −0.26 to −1.05), although only IPT retained this superiority at both short-term and long-term follow-up. In addition, IPT and CBT were more beneficial than problem-solving therapy. Waitlist was significantly inferior to other control conditions. With regard to acceptability, IPT and problem-solving therapy had significantly fewer all-cause discontinuations than cognitive therapy and CBT (ORs ranged from 0.06 to 0.33). These data suggest that IPT and CBT should be considered as the best available psychotherapies for depression in children and adolescents. However, several alternative psychotherapies are understudied in this age group. Waitlist may inflate the effect of psychotherapies, so that psychological placebo or treatment-as-usual may be preferable as a control condition in psychotherapy trials.  相似文献   

The rapid advances and adoption of smartphone technology presents a novel opportunity for delivering mental health interventions on a population scale. Despite multi‐sector investment along with wide‐scale advertising and availability to the general population, the evidence supporting the use of smartphone apps in the treatment of depression has not been empirically evaluated. Thus, we conducted the first meta‐analysis of smartphone apps for depressive symptoms. An electronic database search in May 2017 identified 18 eligible randomized controlled trials of 22 smartphone apps, with outcome data from 3,414 participants. Depressive symptoms were reduced significantly more from smartphone apps than control conditions (g=0.38, 95% CI: 0.24‐0.52, p<0.001), with no evidence of publication bias. Smartphone interventions had a moderate positive effect in comparison to inactive controls (g=0.56, 95% CI: 0.38‐0.74), but only a small effect in comparison to active control conditions (g=0.22, 95% CI: 0.10‐0.33). Effects from smartphone‐only interventions were greater than from interventions which incorporated other human/computerized aspects along the smartphone component, although the difference was not statistically significant. The studies of cognitive training apps had a significantly smaller effect size on depression outcomes (p=0.004) than those of apps focusing on mental health. The use of mood monitoring softwares, or interventions based on cognitive behavioral therapy, or apps incorporating aspects of mindfulness training, did not affect significantly study effect sizes. Overall, these results indicate that smartphone devices are a promising self‐management tool for depression. Future research should aim to distil which aspects of these technologies produce beneficial effects, and for which populations.  相似文献   

For decades, cognitive and behavioral therapies (CBTs) have been tested in randomized controlled trials for specific psychiatric syndromes that were assumed to represent expressions of latent diseases. Although these protocols were more effective as compared to psychological control conditions, placebo treatments, and even active pharmacotherapies, further advancement in efficacy and dissemination has been inhibited by a failure to focus on processes of change. This picture appears now to be evolving, due both to a collapse of the idea that mental disorders can be classified into distinct, discrete categories, and to the more central attention given to processes of change in newer, so‐called “third‐wave” CBTs. Here we review the context for this historic progress and evaluate the impact of these newer methods and models, not as protocols for treating syndromes, but as ways of targeting an expanded range of processes of change. Five key features of “third‐wave” therapies are underlined: a focus on context and function; the view that new models and methods should build on other strands of CBT; a focus on broad and flexible repertoires vs. an approach to signs and symptoms; applying processes to the clinician, not just the client; and expanding into more complex issues historically more characteristic of humanistic, existential, analytic, or system‐oriented approaches. We argue that these newer methods can be considered in the context of an idiographic approach to process‐based functional analysis. Psychological processes of change can be organized into six dimensions: cognition, affect, attention, self, motivation and overt behavior. Several important processes of change combine two or more of these dimensions. Tailoring intervention strategies to target the appropriate processes in a given individual would be a major advance in psychiatry and an important step toward precision mental health care.  相似文献   

Major depression is often a relapsing disorder. It is therefore important to start its treatment with therapies that maximize the chance of not only getting the patients well but also keeping them well. We examined the associations between initial treatments and sustained response by conducting a network meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in which adult patients with major depression were randomized to acute treatment with a psychotherapy (PSY), a protocolized antidepressant pharmacotherapy (PHA), their combination (COM), standard treatment in primary or secondary care (STD), or pill placebo, and were then followed up through a maintenance phase. By design, acute phase treatment could be continued into the maintenance phase, switched to another treatment or followed by discretionary treatment. We included 81 RCTs, with 13,722 participants. Sustained response was defined as responding to the acute treatment and subsequently having no depressive relapse through the maintenance phase (mean duration: 42.2±16.2 weeks, range 24‐104 weeks). We extracted the data reported at the time point closest to 12 months. COM resulted in more sustained response than PHA, both when these treatments were continued into the maintenance phase (OR=2.52, 95% CI: 1.66‐3.85) and when they were followed by discretionary treatment (OR=1.80, 95% CI: 1.21‐2.67). The same applied to COM in comparison with STD (OR=2.90, 95% CI: 1.68‐5.01 when COM was continued into the maintenance phase; OR=1.97, 95% CI: 1.51‐2.58 when COM was followed by discretionary treatment). PSY also kept the patients well more often than PHA, both when these treatments were continued into the maintenance phase (OR=1.53, 95% CI: 1.00‐2.35) and when they were followed by discretionary treatment (OR=1.66, 95% CI: 1.13‐2.44). The same applied to PSY compared with STD (OR=1.76, 95% CI: 0.97‐3.21 when PSY was continued into the maintenance phase; OR=1.83, 95% CI: 1.20‐2.78 when PSY was followed by discretionary treatment). Given the average sustained response rate of 29% on STD, the advantages of PSY or COM over PHA or STD translated into risk differences ranging from 12 to 16 percentage points. We conclude that PSY and COM have more enduring effects than PHA. Clinical guidelines on the initial treatment choice for depression may need to be updated accordingly.  相似文献   



No randomised, controlled trials have been conducted to date on the efficacy of psychological and pharmacological treatments of pain catastrophising (PC) in patients with fibromyalgia. Our aim in this study was to assess the effectiveness of cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) and the recommended pharmacological treatment (RPT) compared with treatment as usual (TAU) at the primary care level for the treatment of PC in fibromyalgia patients.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of the present study is to clarify the frequency of provision of effective professional oral care by dental health workers in order to improve the oral hygiene state of elderly persons requiring long‐term care. Methods: In 105 patients requiring long‐term nursing care, 55 subjects with positive oral Candida albicans were divided into five groups according to the frequency of oral care intervention at intervals of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 weeks. The effects of professional oral care on the improvement of the oral hygiene state were investigated taking the frequency and duration of care into consideration. Results: The results showed that oral hygienic condition could be improved by performing professional oral care at intervals of 1 week for 12 consecutive weeks, and the improved condition could be maintained when professional oral care was continued at intervals of 1 week thereafter. Conclusion: It is necessary to continue professional oral care at intervals of 1 week for 12 consecutive weeks and at intervals of 2 weeks for more than 20 weeks. The oral hygiene state could be improved by professional intervention at intervals of three or four weeks in long‐term oral care, but this was limited to subjects whose Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scores were higher than 3.  相似文献   

The effects of psychotherapies for depression have been examined in several hundreds of randomized trials, but no recent network meta‐analysis (NMA) has integrated the results of these studies. We conducted an NMA of trials comparing cognitive behavioural, interpersonal, psychodynamic, problem‐solving, behavioural activation, life‐review and “third wave” therapies and non‐directive supportive counseling with each other and with care‐as‐usual, waiting list and pill placebo control conditions. Response (50% reduction in symptoms) was the primary outcome, but we also assessed remission, standardized mean difference, and acceptability (all‐cause dropout rate). Random‐effects pairwise and network meta‐analyses were conducted on 331 randomized trials with 34,285 patients. All therapies were more efficacious than care‐as‐usual and waiting list control conditions, and all therapies – except non‐directive supportive counseling and psychodynamic therapy – were more efficacious than pill placebo. Standardized mean differences compared with care‐as‐usual ranged from –0.81 for life‐review therapy to –0.32 for non‐directive supportive counseling. Individual psychotherapies did not differ significantly from each other, with the only exception of non‐directive supportive counseling, which was less efficacious than all other therapies. The results were similar when only studies with low risk of bias were included. Most therapies still had significant effects at 12‐month follow‐up compared to care‐as‐usual, and problem‐solving therapy was found to have a somewhat higher long‐term efficacy than some other therapies. No consistent differences in acceptability were found. Our conclusion is that the most important types of psychotherapy are efficacious and acceptable in the acute treatment of adult depression, with few significant differences between them. Patient preference and availability of each treatment type may play a larger role in the choice between types of psychotherapy, although it is possible that a more detailed characterization of patients with a diagnosis of depression may lead to a more precise matching between individual patients and individual psychotherapies.  相似文献   

Background A need to provide treatment for people with anxiety and/or depression, and to provide preventive strategies for individuals who love them has been identified. In response, an innovative group therapy programme for people with anxiety and/or depression and a significant other of their choice was developed and implemented.Methods Mixed methods were employed. Five 'significant other' groups were held between May 2005 and June 2006. All group participants were requested to complete the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS), World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQol) and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), pre- and post-therapy, and three months after their last therapy session. In addition, participants who attended groups between July and September 2005 were invited to provide feedback about the group therapy in an individual semi-structured interview.Results Pilot results indicate positive responses from clients, related to facilitation of knowledge and understanding and skills development. For people referred to the group significant improvements were found in the DASS scores, resilience, psychological health and living environment.Limitations Due to the small sample size, and lack of follow-up data and control group, the findings need to be considered with caution and indicate the necessity to collect further data to provide conclusive findings.Conclusions Overall, the outcome of the 'significant other' pilot programme was useful, in that it facilitated a number of positive outcomes for participants. Areas for further research have been identified including strategies to improve social relationships, the de-identification with the sick/supporter role, and testing this model with diverse populations and clinical groups.  相似文献   

Background: Lafutidine is an H2‐receptor antagonist with gastroprotective action through capsaicin‐sensitive afferent neurons and relatively inexpensive compare to proton‐pump inhibitors (PPIs). A 7‐day course of PPIs–amoxicillin–metronidazole is recommended as standard second‐line Helicobacter pylori therapy and is covered by national health insurance in Japan. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy and safety of second‐line eradication using the H2‐receptor antagonist lafutidine as a substitute for a PPI. Materials and Methods: Fifty‐two patients who failed in first‐line eradication using PPI–amoxicillin–clarithromycin were randomly assigned to a 7‐day course of rabeprazole at 10 mg b.i.d., amoxicillin at 750 mg b.i.d., and metronidazole at 250 mg b.i.d. (RPZ‐AM) or a 7‐day course of lafutidine at 10 mg t.i.d., amoxicillin at 750 mg b.i.d., and metronidazole at 250 mg b.i.d. (LFT‐AM) as second‐line therapy. Eradication was assessed by the 13C urea breath test. A drug susceptibility test was performed before the second‐line therapy. Results: Prior to second‐line H. pylori eradication, the rate of resistance to clarithromycin was 86.5% and the rate of resistance to metronidazole was 3.8%. The eradication rates for both LFT‐AM and RPZ‐AM groups were 96% (95%CI = 88.6–100%). There were no severe adverse events in either group. Conclusions: Lafutidine plus metronidazole–amoxicillin as second‐line therapy provided a high eradication rate and safe treatment similar to a PPI‐based regimen. Lafutidine‐based eradication therapy is therefore considered to be a promising alternative and is also expected to reduce health care costs in H. pylori eradication.  相似文献   



We describe an in vitro tumour model for targeted radiotherapy and gene therapy that incorporates cell population heterogeneity.

Materials and methods

Transfectant mosaic spheroids (TMS) and transfected mosaic monolayers (TMM) are composed of two cell populations derived from a single cell line. The cells of one population were transfected with the noradrenaline transporter gene (NAT), allowing active uptake of a radiolabelled targeting agent meta‐[131I]iodobenzylguanidine ([131I]MIBG); the other population of cells was derived from the same parent line and transfected with a marker gene – green fluorescent protein (GFP). After treatment with [131I]MIBG, cell kill was determined in TMM by clonogenic assay and in TMS by clonogenic assay and spheroid growth delay.


We have used the TMS model to assess the ‘radiological bystander effect’ (radiation cross‐fire) conferred by the β‐emitting radiopharmaceutical [131I] MIBG whose cellular uptake is facilitated by the transfected gene encoding NAT. We show that cell killing by [131I]MIBG in both TMS and TMM cultures increased in direct proportion to the fraction of NAT‐transfected cells and that the degree of cell killing against fraction transfected was greater in TMS, suggestive of a greater bystander effect in the three‐dimensional culture system.


TMS provide a useful model for assessment of the effectiveness of targeted radiotherapy in combination with gene therapy when less than 100% of the target cell population is expressing the NAT transgene. Further, this novel model offers the unique opportunity to investigate radiation‐induced bystander effects and their contribution to cell cytotoxicity in radiotherapy and other gene therapy applications. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (UbcH10) plays important roles in the regulation of cell cycle progression. Recently, UbcH10 expression has been demonstrated in several human and experimental tumors, and proteasome inhibitors have been tested in trials for pulmonary neoplasms; however, the underlying mechanisms as well as the clinicopathological relevance of UbcH10 in the genesis and progression of lung cancer remain largely unknown. Therefore, the authors evaluated the expression of UbcH10 in human lung cancer and evaluated its possible diagnostic and prognostic use. They found that most cases of lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell and small cell carcinoma were positive for UbcH10. The expression levels of UbcH10 progressively increased with decreasing degree of tumor differentiation. There was a statistically significant difference of UbcH10 positivity between grade I/III of lung adenocarcinoma (p=0.013) and squamous cell carcinoma (p=0.002). No significant differences were found between histological types (p=0.072). In the case of cell blocks prepared from pleural effusions, inflammatory and reactive mesothelial elements did not show appreciable UbcH10 expression, whereas neoplastic cells exhibited clear UbcH10 positivity. The results suggest that UbcH10 might represent a new and promising diagnostic and prognostic marker in both histologic and cytologic specimens of lung cancer.  相似文献   

Although species with both male and female sexual functionsare often dichotomized into simultaneous and sequential hermaphrodites,many simultaneous hermaphrodites also exhibit sequential changesin sex allocation. In a field experiment using one such species,the gobiid fish, Lythrypnus dalli, female-biased individualsreallocated to male function in relation to their relative bodysize: consistent with the sizeadvantage hypothesis, large femaleswere more likely to reallocate and large fish had the highestspawningrates. Individuals, despite internal allocation to bothsexual functions, adopted only one behavioral gender. Behavioralmales had higher reproductive rates than behavioral females,and laboratory experiments showed that females preferred tomate with large males. Behavioral males grew more rapidly anddid notdiffer from behavioral females in survivorship. In addition,individuals who adopted male behavior but did not receive eggsin their nests maintained high levels of female tissue, whereasmales that received eggs did not. Laboratory experiments showedthat, unlike most hermaphroditic animals, L. dalli canchangeallocation either from ‘female’ to ‘male’or from ‘male’ to ‘female’. Thus, L.dalli shares haracteristics of both sequential and simultaneoushermaphrodites. Simultaneous hermaphroditism maybe maintained,in this species, to facilitate rapid sex change from femaleto male and to retain flexibility o that unsuccessful malescan revert to reproduction as females.  相似文献   

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