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Concurrent morphological, anatomical and physiological changes took place during the first reproductive cycle in the Australian red-claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus, which prepared the female for spawning and holding of the newly deposited eggs. The endopod became longer and wider than the exopod and developed a mixture of plumose and long thin simple (ovigerous) setae. Small oocytes (0.24±0.05 mm) were present in the immature ovary. The growing ovary contained two distinct oocyte populations: one consisted of small (0.55±0.07 mm), barely growing oocytes, while the other consisted of large oocytes, which increased in size continuously (0.73 to 2.55 mm) until egg laying took place. A gradual change in the relative abundance of ovarian polypeptides occurred until the late vitellogenic stage (large oocytes < 1.8 mm). Three predominant female-specific, SDS-PAGE separated, polypeptides were observed (103, 78 and 73 kDa) that may represent vitellin subunits. The most abundant carotenoid in the ovary was astaxanthin, while β-carotene was present at a lower concentration. The strong correlation between the increasing diameter of the oocyte and the concentration of astaxanthin in the ovary and in the hemolymph suggested an association of astaxanthin with vitellin and vitellogenin.  相似文献   

López Greco, L.S. and Lo Nostro, F.L. 2007. Structural changes in the spermatophore of the freshwater ‘red claw’ crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1898) (Decapoda, Parastacidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 88 : 000–000 The structure of the spermatophore was studied in Cherax quadricarinatus. Pieces of the distal vas deferens and transferred spermatophore from the females were fixed, cut and stained. Within the distal vas deferens, the primary layer and the secondary layer of the spermatophore were distinguishable. In the latter, two components were detected: cytoplasmic droplets and a homogeneous matrix. During the first 10 minutes post‐extrusion the cytoplasmic droplets drastically changed from looking like ‘empty droplets’; at this time the spermatophore changed from a liquid stage to a sticky one. One hour after extrusion the spermatophore began to harden and within the first 24–48 h post‐mating it was a solid and intense white structure tightly attached to the female; after 72 h it acquired a softer aspect, completely dehiscing between 96 and 120 h post‐mating. Histologically, the primary layer maintained its integrity surrounding the spermatozoa while the secondary layer lost the cytoplasmic droplets. The spermatophore began to hydrate between 24 and 48 h and by 72–96 h many sections of the sperm cord began to coalesce. From 48 h post‐mating some fissures appeared within the matrix that enlarged between 72 and 120 h. We propose that both manipulation by the female and hydration are the mechanisms involved in the release of the spermatozoa from the spermatophore.  相似文献   

The RPCH and β-actin cDNAs from the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus were amplified, cloned and sequenced. The primary structure sequences of these cDNAs were compared to other members of the AKH/RPCH family. Fluctuations in the amount of the C. quadricarinatus RPCH and β-actin mRNAs, as cDNAs, were quantified every 3 h by RT-PCR. Single cosinor analysis supports the notion of β-actin and RPCH mRNA circadian behavior in animals subjected to 12 h:12 h light/dark regimes. In constant darkness RPCH mRNA concentration changes to ultradian cycles.  相似文献   

The responses of individuals of Cherax destructor and Euastacus armatus to water containing stressed or unstressed crayfish were tested in the laboratory. Individuals of E. armatus showed only an increase in locomotion when stressed crayfish water was introduced. Individuals of C. destructor showed a decrease in the time spent in a lowered posture, an increase in the time spent in the raised posture and in grooming behaviour when stressed crayfish water was introduced. Individuals of C. destructor responded more strongly to heterospecific animals (Cherax rotundus and E. armatus) than to conspecifics. The levels of responses to the two heterospecific species were similar.  相似文献   

Prolonged brood care is one of the evolutionary clues for the successful colonization of freshwater habitats by freshwater crayfish (Astacida). By means of macrophotography, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy we investigated all phases of brood care in freshwater crayfish, with particular emphasis on the morphological structures involved. We selected the recently discovered parthenogenetic marbled crayfish (species identity not yet known) as a model organism due to its fast reproduction and high resistance to handling stress. In order to examine if there is a causal relationship between brood care and the developmental status of the offspring's sensory apparatus, we additionally investigated major sense organs of juvenile Stages 1-5 in comparison with those of the adults. Brood care in the marbled crayfish is characterized by initial and final "active" phases dominated by specific maternal or juvenile behavior and a medial "passive" phase based more on the action of temporarily developed structures rather than on behavior. The most remarkable feature of this period, which includes permanent carrying of the eggs and the first two juvenile stages under the mother's abdomen, is safeguarding of hatching by a telson thread that keeps the helpless newborn hatchlings linked to the egg cases on the maternal pleopods and thus prevents them from being lost. Further important transient structures are the recurved hooks on the first pereiopods of Stage 1 and 2 juveniles that are used to firmly attach these nonfeeding stages to the mother's abdomen. In hatchlings all sense organs necessary for an independent life, such as eyes, olfactory aesthetascs, gustatory fringed setae, hydrodynamic receptor hairs, and statocysts are not developed or are underdeveloped, making brood care indispensable. Most of these sense organs appear in Stage 2 juveniles, but only from Stage 3, the first freelancing and feeding stage, are all sense organs well developed and operating, thus reducing brood care in this final period to temporary provisioning of shelter. Brooding of the eggs and postembryonic brood care are to some extent also found in other freshwater Decapoda like freshwater crabs and aeglid anomurans, but safeguarding of hatching is confined to the Astacida only. This sophisticated mode of passive brood care is unique in the animal kingdom and is apparently related to the sensory deficiencies of the first juvenile stage.  相似文献   


The effects of spiperone and domperidone (dopaminergic antagonists), as well as naloxone (enkephalinergic antagonist) on ovarian growth of the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus, were evaluated during the non-reproductive period. In vivo assays were carried out by administering these compounds by adding them to the crayfish food, and subsequently measuring the oocyte diameter (oocytes in secondary vitellogenesis). Only naloxone produced a significantly (p <0.05) higher oocyte diameter than that of the controls, suggesting that this antagonist was blocking the effects of endogenous enkcephalins on the secretion of one or more neurohormones involved in crustacean reproduction. To test this hypothesis, an in vitro incubation of ovarian pieces with thoracic ganglion (TG), a source of the gonad stimulating hormone (GSH), or eyestalk tissue (ET), the source of the gonad inhibiting hormone (GIH), with or without naloxone added to the incubation medium, was done. A significant increase of ovarian growth was observed when TG was present. Moreover, the addition of naloxone to this preparation was able to further increase the ovarian growth, presumably by preventing enkephalinergic inhibition of GSH secretion.  相似文献   

The invasion of Cherax quadricarinatus, the Australian redclaw crayfish, in the Sanyati Basin of Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe, is reported. A total of 79 crayfish were caught at 10 out of 12 sampling sites in the Sanyati Basin in November–December 2012. The average catch per unit effort (CPUE) varied from 1.1 to 4 crayfish per trap per night, carapace length ranged from 29 to 93.5 mm, and weight ranged from 4 to 196.2 g. Most crayfish were between 50 and 59.9 mm carapace length. Males (average 82.6 g) were significantly heavier than females (37.2 g) and males were larger in carapace length, carapace width, chela length and chela width. A feral population of C. quadricarinatus is now established in the Sanyati Basin. Possible modes of dispersal within the basin are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Examination of the ultrastructure of retinula cells of the Australian crayfish Cherax destructor at different times over a 24-hour cycle, together with patterns of anti-rhodopsin antigenicity, has lead to the formulation of a model of photoreceptor membrane turnover in these animals. Its main features are: (a) the existence of two bursts of rhabdomeral membrane breakdown; one, light-sensitive and synchronous, occurring at dawn, the other, constituting the first part of the membrane replacement phase itself, occurring during the afternoon and night, (b) the desynchronisation of the replacement phase of turnover between animals and to a lesser extent between cells of the same retina, (c) confinement of ultrastructurally detectable signs of photoreceptor membrane processing to the retinula cells themselves, and (d) replacement of a substantial part if not all of the rhabdomeral membrane daily. This model is compatible with many of the observations reported on the American crayfish Procambarus, and utilises the same basic mechanisms that are believed to operate in photoreceptor membrane turnover in many other arthropod compound eyes.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of food quality on digestive enzyme activities, in vitro protein digestibility and histological traits of the midgut gland in juvenile crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Animals of a wide weight range were fed different diets: two commercial diets with high or low lipid content (high lipid and low lipid, respectively) and were compared with a reference diet (RF) previously formulated for this species. Proteinase, lipase and amylase activities were significantly influenced by diet and weight. Specific trypsin activity was significantly higher for crayfish fed with the HL diet. Trypsin activity depended on diet and weight. Protein digestibility showed that HL was the most digestible diet and RF the least. The weight of the animals did not affect protein digestibility. Structural disorganization, hypertrophy of B‐cells and presence of large vacuoles in R‐cells were mainly observed in juveniles fed with HL, indicative of malnutrition. Thus, our data suggest that the HL diet would not be the most appropriate for C. quadricarinatus, while RF diet would be more convenient for culture of this species.  相似文献   

Male investment into sexual ornamentation is a reproductive decision that depends on the context of breeding and life history state. In turn, selection for state- and context-specific expression of sexual ornamentation should favour the evolution of developmental pathways that enable the flexible allocation of resources into sexual ornamentation. We studied lifelong variation in the expression and condition-dependence of a sexual ornament in relation to age and the context of breeding in male house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus)--a species that develops a new sexual ornament once a year after breeding. Throughout males' lifetime, the elaboration of ornamentation and the allocation of resources to the development of sexual ornamentation depended strongly on pairing status in the preceding breeding season--males that were single invested more resources into sexual ornamentation and changed ornamentation more than males that were paired. During the initial (post-juvenile) moult, the expression of ornamentation was closely dependent on individual condition, however the condition-dependence of ornamentation sharply decreased throughout a male's lifetime and in older males expression of sexual ornamentation was largely independent of condition during moult. Selection for early breeding favoured greater ornamentation in males that were single in the preceding seasons and the strength of this selection increased with age. On the contrary, the strength of selection on sexual ornamentation decreased with age in males that were paired in the preceding breeding season. Our results reveal strong context-dependency in investment into sexual ornamentation as well as a high flexibility in the development of sexual ornamentation throughout a male's life.  相似文献   

The first reports of wild caught Australian redclaw crayfish from Mexico, in the states of Morelos and Tamaulipas, are presented. Redclaw crayfish were first brought to Mexico in 1995 to initiate experimental cultures at several research centers. In the following years a number of private ventures started commercial cultures, several of which in the states of Morelos and Tamaulipas are thought to have been the sources for the wild populations recorded in this study. The farms that acted as the original sources have not been operating for at least 2 years. In Morelos, high densities and all size classes of redclaws, including ovigerous females, were captured in natural waterways; whereas in Tamaulipas they were found at four sites occurring in irrigation canals in an agricultural district. The size attained by the wild redclaws, the abiotic conditions in which they were found and the potential for spread within the drainage systems of the Balsas and Tamesi Rivers are discussed.  相似文献   

The outcomes of agonistic interactions modulate access to resources and thereby affect fitness. Success in agonistic encounters may depend on intrinsic physical and physiological performance, and on social experience. Here we test the hypothesis that previous experience will override physical strength in determining the outcome of fights in the freshwater crayfish Cherax dispar. Between unfamiliar opponents, greater chelae closing force significantly increases the chances of winning. However, even when the chelae of the original winners were disabled, the winners kept on winning against the same opponents after 30min and 24h. This winner effect disappeared when previous winners encountered unfamiliar individuals. Similarly, a previous loss did not affect the outcomes of subsequent encounters with unknown crayfish. We suggest that this prolonged recognition of individuals and their relative fighting ability is a mechanism that can reduce the number of agonistic encounters experienced by individuals.  相似文献   

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