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Inter‐individual differences in tolerance for shift work have been studied primarily in terms of external factors affecting alertness on the job or the ability to rest and sleep while at home. However, there is increasing evidence that neurobiological factors play a role as well, particularly the major processes involved in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness. These include a sleep homeostatic process seeking to balance wakefulness and sleep and a circadian process seeking to promote wakefulness during the day and sleep during the night. Shift work is associated with a temporal misalignment of these two endogenous processes. During nightwork, this misalignment makes it difficult to stay awake during the nightshift and sleep during the day. However, inter‐individual variability in the processes involved in sleep/wake regulation is substantial. Recent studies have demonstrated the existence of inter‐individual differences in vulnerability to cognitive deficits from sleep loss. Moreover, these inter‐individual differences were shown to constitute a trait. Interestingly, self‐evaluations of sleepiness did not correspond well with the trait inter‐individual variability in objective levels of performance impairment during sleep deprivation. Perhaps because of this discrepancy, in operational settings, the inter‐individual differences in vulnerability to sleep loss do not appear to be limited due to self‐selection mechanisms. Indeed, even among a highly select group of active‐duty jet fighter pilots flying a series of simulated night missions, systematic inter‐individual differences in performance impairment from sleep loss were still observed. There are significant personal and economic consequences to human error and accidents caused by performance deficits due to sleep loss. It is important, therefore, to study the inter‐individual differences in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness in the work environment so that cognitive impairment during shift work may be better anticipated and prevented.  相似文献   

To compare the behavioral effects of sleep‐loss sleepiness (performance impairment due to sleep loss) and sleep inertia (period of impaired performance that follows awakening), mean response latencies and number of lapses from a visual simple reaction‐time task were analyzed. Three experimental conditions were designed to manipulate sleepiness and sleep‐inertia levels: uninterrupted sleep, partial sleep reduction, and total sleep deprivation. Each condition included two consecutive nights (the first always a night of uninterrupted sleep, and the second either a night of uninterrupted sleep, a night when sleep was reduced to 3 h, or a night of total sleep deprivation), as well as two days in which performance was assessed at 10 different time points (08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 10:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00, and 23:00 h). From 08:00 to 09:00 h, reaction times in the partial sleep‐reduction and total sleep‐deprivation conditions were at a similar level and were slower than those observed in the uninterrupted sleep condition. In the same time period, the frequency of lapses in the total sleep‐deprivation condition was higher than in the partial sleep‐reduction condition, while this latter condition never differed from the uninterrupted sleep condition. The results indicate that both sleep inertia and sleep‐loss sleepiness lead to an increase in response latencies, but only extreme sleepiness leads to an increase in lapse frequency. We conclude that while reaction times slow as a result of both sleep inertia and sleep‐loss sleepiness, lapses appear to be a specific feature of sleep‐loss sleepiness.  相似文献   

Recent youth trends in the prevalence of e-cigarette and traditional cigarette use in Florida were examined in a cross-sectional, representative state sample from 2011 to 2014. Traditional cigarette use among youth declined during the study period. Experimentation with and past 30-day use of e-cigarettes among Florida youth tripled over 4 years. Past 30-day e-cigarette use exceeded traditional cigarette use in 2014; 10.8% of high school and 4.0% of middle school students reported recent e-cigarette use, compared with 8.7% of high school and 2.9% of middle school students for traditional cigarettes (P<0.001). By 2014, 20.5% of high school and 8.5% of middle school students reported ever use of e-cigarettes. Among ever e-cigarette users in 2014, 30.3% of high school and 42.2% of middle school students had never smoked traditional cigarettes. Given the concern that significant rates of e-cigarette use by U.S. adolescents may have a negative effect on public health, further review of e-cigarette advertising, marketing, sales, and use among U.S. youth is warranted.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate of how best to measure the effects of sleep loss in a reliable and feasible way, partly because well controlled laboratory studies and field studies have come to different conclusions. The aims of the present study were to investigate both sleepiness and performance in response to long‐term sleep restriction and recovery in a semi‐laboratory environment, investigate order effects (i.e., whether levels return to baseline) in a study with seven days of recovery, and characterize individual differences in tolerance to restricted sleep. Nine healthy men (age 23–28 yrs) participated in the protocol, which included one habituation day (sleep 23:00–07:00 h), two baseline days (23:00–07:00 h), five days with restricted sleep (03:00–07:00 h), and seven recovery days (23:00–07:00 h). Participants went outdoors at least twice each day. Reaction‐time tests were performed at 08:00, 14:00, and 20:00 h each day in the laboratory. Sleepiness was self‐rated by the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) after each test. The mixed‐effect regression models showed that each day of restricted sleep resulted in an increase of sleepiness by 0.64±.05 KSS units (a nine‐step scale, p<.001), increase of median reaction times of 6.6±1.6 ms (p=.003), and increase of lapses/test of 0.69±.16 ms (p<.001). Seven days of recovery allowed participants to return to the baseline for sleepiness and median reaction time, but not for lapses. The individual differences were larger for performance measures than for sleepiness; the between‐subject standard deviation for the random intercept was in the magnitude of the effects of 1.1 days of restricted sleep for sleepiness, 6.6 days of restricted sleep for median reaction time, and 3.2 days for lapses. In conclusion, the present study shows that sleepiness is closely related to sleep pressure, while performance measures, to a larger extent, appear determined by specific individual traits. Moreover, it is suggested to measure sleepiness in a standardized situation so as to minimize the influences of contextual factors.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to trace the consequences of insufficient sleep, in terms of chronic sleep reduction rather than acute sleep deprivation, on fatigue, mood, cognitive performance self‐estimations, and daytime sleepiness in different age‐social groups. The age group of the subjects reflects their social situation and their working time organization: adolescents (n=191) obeyed the strict school schedules with starting times often before 08:00 h; university students (n=115) had more flexible timetables; young employees (n=126) were engaged in regular morning schedules or irregular daytime hours or day and night shifts. A questionnaire study determined the declared need of sleep, self‐reported sleep length, chronic fatigue (using a scale comprised of eight fatigue symptoms and four mood and three cognitive items), and daytime sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale). The declared need for sleep decreased in subsequent age groups from 9 h 23 min in school children to 8 h 22 min in university students and to 7 h 37 min in young employees. Consequently, the discrepancy between preferred and real sleep length (sleep deficit) was the largest in adolescents: 106 min. Females showed a greater need of sleep than males (p=.025) and significantly more fatigue, mood, and cognitive problems; they also exhibited higher level of daytime sleepiness (p<.000). The sleep index (reported sleep length related to requirements) correlated significantly with all health issues in women (p<.000), while only with fatigue symptoms in men (p=.013). Actual sleep length was unrelated to mood and fatigue issues; the declared individual need of sleep and sleep index showed significant associations, especially in the group of adolescents. The most frequent complaints of adolescents included tiredness on awakening (46%), nervousness, and general weakness; university students reported excessive drowsiness (50%), tension, and nervousness; employees suffered mostly from negative moods, such as tension (49%), nervousness, and irritability. The findings of the study indicate that chronic sleep loss seems to affect females more severely than males. The associations of fatigue and mood with sleep need and sleep index were more pronounced in younger subjects. Surprisingly, fatigue symptoms in school children and university students were as frequent as in hard‐working adults. Because the problem of insufficient sleep is already present in youngsters, their work time organization needs more attention.  相似文献   

Ratings of subjective sleepiness are often used in laboratory and field studies of sleep loss and shifted sleep hours. Some studies suggest that such ratings might fail to reflect sleepiness as shown in physiology or performance. One reason for this may be the influence of the context of the rating. Social interaction or physical activity may mask latent sleepiness. The present study attempted to approach this question. Nine subjects participated in a partial sleep‐deprivation experiment (five days of 4 h of time in bed [TIB]), preceded by two baseline days (8 h TIB) and followed by three recovery days (8 h TIB). Sleepiness was self‐rated on the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS; scores of 1–9) after a period of relaxation, after a reaction‐time test, and after 30 min of free activities. The results showed a strong increase in subjective sleepiness during sleep restriction and a significant difference between conditions. Free activity reduced the self‐rated subjective sleepiness by 1.1 KSS units compared to the level of sleepiness self‐rated at the end of the reaction‐time test. Thus, the results of this study indicate that the context of a sleepiness rating affects the outcome of the rating.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine sex differences in sleep‐time preference by age among Italian pre‐adolescents, adolescents, and adults. The final sample consisted of 8,972 participants (5,367 females and 3,605 males) from 10 to 87 yrs of age. To assess preferred sleep habits, we considered the answers to the open‐ended questions of the Morningness‐Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ). In agreement with previous studies, we found that sleep‐time preference started to shift toward eveningness from the age of 13 yrs. Females reached their peak in eveningness earlier (about 17 yrs of age) than males (about 21 yrs of age). Thereafter, the ideal sleep‐time preference advanced in men and women with increasing age. Females presented a more significant advanced sleep phase than males only during the years when sexual hormones are typically active. Moreover, females reported a longer ideal sleep duration than males across all age groups examined, except in over 55 yrs one. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Mathematical models designed to predict alertness or performance have been developed primarily as tools for evaluating work and/or sleep‐wake schedules that deviate from the traditional daytime orientation. In general, these models cope well with the acute changes resulting from an abnormal sleep but have difficulties handling sleep restriction across longer periods. The reason is that the function representing recovery is too steep—usually exponentially so—and with increasing sleep loss, the steepness increases, resulting in too rapid recovery. The present study focused on refining the Three‐Process Model of alertness regulation. We used an experiment with 4 h of sleep/night (nine participants) that included subjective self‐ratings of sleepiness every hour. To evaluate the model at the individual subject level, a set of mixed‐effect regression analyses were performed using subjective sleepiness as the dependent variable. These mixed models estimate a fixed effect (group mean) and a random effect that accounts for heterogeneity between participants in the overall level of sleepiness (i.e., a random intercept). Using this technique, a point was sought on the exponential recovery function that would explain maximum variance in subjective sleepiness by switching to a linear function. The resulting point explaining the highest amount of variance was 12.2 on the 1–21 unit scale. It was concluded that the accumulation of sleep loss effects on subjective sleepiness may be accounted for by making the recovery function linear below a certain point on the otherwise exponential function.  相似文献   

Previous studies found students who both work and attend school undergo a partial sleep deprivation that accumulates across the week. The aim of the present study was to obtain information using a questionnaire on a number of variables (e.g., socio‐demographics, lifestyle, work timing, and sleep‐wake habits) considered to impact on sleep duration of working (n=51) and non‐working (n=41) high‐school students aged 14–21 yrs old attending evening classes (19:00–22:30 h) at a public school in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected for working days and days off. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to assess the factors associated with sleep duration on weekdays and weekends. Work, sex, age, smoking, consumption of alcohol and caffeine, and physical activity were considered control variables. Significant predictors of sleep duration were: work (p < 0.01), daily work duration (8–10 h/day; p < 0.01), sex (p=0.04), age 18–21 yrs (0.01), smoking (p=0.02) and drinking habits (p=0.03), irregular physical exercise (p < 0.01), ease of falling asleep (p=0.04), and the sleep‐wake cycle variables of napping (p < 0.01), nocturnal awakenings (p < 0.01), and mid‐sleep regularity (p < 0.01). The results confirm the hypotheses that young students who work and attend school showed a reduction in night‐time sleep duration. Sleep deprivation across the week, particularly in students working 8–10 h/day, is manifested through a sleep rebound (i.e., extended sleep duration) on Saturdays. However, the different roles played by socio‐demographic and lifestyle variables have proven to be factors that intervene with nocturnal sleep duration. The variables related to the sleep‐wake cycle—naps and night awakenings—proved to be associated with a slight reduction in night‐time sleep, while regularity in sleep and wake‐up schedules was shown to be associated with more extended sleep duration, with a distinct expression along the week and the weekend. Having to attend school and work, coupled with other socio‐demographic and lifestyle factors, creates an unfavorable scenario for satisfactory sleep duration.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether delaying bedtime or advancing rising time by 4 h affects anaerobic performance of individuals the following day in the morning and afternoon. Eleven subjects participated in the study, during which we measured the maximal, peak, and mean powers (i.e., Pmax [force‐velocity test], Ppeak, and Pmean [Wingate test], respectively). Measurements were performed twice daily, at 07∶00 and 18∶00 h, following a reference normal sleep night (RN), a partial sleep deprivation timed at the beginning of the night (SDB), and a partial sleep deprivation timed at the end of the night (SDE), and oral temperature was measured every 4 h. Each of the three experimental conditions was separated by a one‐week period. Our results showed a circadian rhythm in oral temperature, and analysis of variance revealed a significant sleep×test‐time effect on peak power (Ppeak), mean power (Pmean), and maximal power (Pmax). These variables improved significantly from the morning to the afternoon for all three experimental conditions. Whereas the morning‐afternoon improvement in the measures was similar after the RN and SDB conditions, it was smaller following the SDE condition. There was no significant difference in the effect of the two sleep‐deprivation conditions on anaerobic performances at 07∶00 and at 18∶00 h under the SDB condition in comparison with the post‐reference night. However, the performance variables were significantly lower at 18∶00 h after the SDE condition. In conclusion, a 4 h partial sleep deprivation at the end of the night appears to be more disturbing than partial sleep deprivation at the beginning of the night.  相似文献   

The prevalence of hypertension in childhood is increasing, and investigation of its distribution is important for planning timely interventions. This study assessed the prevalence of high blood pressure (HBP) and associated factors in students between 9 and 11 years of age enrolled in public and private schools in Maceió, Brazil. A cross-sectional study was performed in a probabilistic sample of students (10.3 ± 0.5 years). The students were selected from a systematic sampling of 80 schools (40 public and 40 private). To maintain similar proportions of students existing in public and private schools in Maceió, 21 and 14 students were randomly selected from each public and private school, respectively. The prevalence ratio (PR) was estimated using Poisson regression. A total of 1,338 students were evaluated (800 from public schools and 538 from private schools). No differences were observed between school types in terms of student age and gender (p > 0.05). The prevalence of obesity (19.9% vs. 9.0%; PR = 2.2; 95% CI = 1.67–2.92) and hypertension (21.2% vs. 11.4%; PR = 1.86; 95% CI = 1.45–2.40) were higher in private schools. The association between high blood pressure and type of school (public or private) remained statistically significant even after adjustment for obesity (PR = 1.53; 95% CI = 1.19–1.97). In conclusion: (a) students from private schools have higher socioeconomic status, BMI, and HBP prevalence compared to those of public school; (b) among the evaluated students, the prevalence of obesity only partially explained the higher prevalence of high blood pressure among students from private schools. Other factors related to lifestyle of children from private schools may explain the higher prevalence of HBP. This results show the need to implement measures to promote healthy lifestyles in the school environment, since children with HBP are more likely to become hypertensive adults. Therefore, early detection and intervention in children with HBP is an important action for the prevention of hypertension in adulthood.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of time‐of‐day on both maximal sprint power and repeated‐sprint ability (RSA). Nine volunteers (22±4 yrs) performed a RSA test both in the morning (07:00 to 09:00 h) and evening (17:00 to 19:00 h) on different days in a random order. The RSA cycle test consisted of five, 6 sec maximal sprints interspersed by 24 sec of passive recovery. Both blood lactate concentration and heart rate were higher in the evening than morning RSA (lactate values post exercise: 13±3 versus 11±3 mmol/L?1, p<0.05). The peak power developed during the first sprint was higher in the evening than morning (958±112 vs. 915±133 W, p<0.05), but this difference was not apparent in subsequent sprints, leading to a higher power decrement across the 5×6 sec test in the evening (11±2 vs. 7±3%, p<0.05). Both the total work during the RSA cycle test and the power developed during bouts 2 to 5 failed to be influenced by time‐of‐day. This suggests that the beneficial effect of time‐of‐day may be limited to a single expression of muscular power and fails to advantage performance during repeated sprints.  相似文献   

The aim of the investigation was to compare sleepiness and sleep on westward morning and evening flights. Seven morning‐crew pilots and seven evening‐crew pilots participated. Data were collected before, during, and after outward‐bound (westward) and homeward‐bound (eastward) flights across six time zones. A sleep/wake diary (with repeated sleepiness and performance ratings) and wrist actigraphy were used for data collection. Maximum sleep was obtained after return and minimum sleep before the outward‐bound flights. Actigraphy measures and sleep efficiency over the course of the study showed no significant differences between the morning and evening crews. There was a trend for a significant effect of morning vs. evening flight for time with heavy eyelids, with the homeward‐bound flight showing more time with heavy eyelids. There were no significant differences between morning and evening crews with regard to napping during the flight. The duration of wakefulness was longer for the evening flight crew. There were significant interactions for Karolinska sleepiness scale (KSS) self‐ratings on both the outward‐bound and homeward‐bound flights, and KSS was elevated during a considerable portion of the evening flights. Rated performance showed a significant time effect, but there was no difference in self‐ratings between morning and evening crews. Evening flights involve higher levels of sleepiness than morning flights, presumably because of the close proximity in time to the circadian trough of alertness.  相似文献   


In this study, data from the New Immigrant Survey and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey are combined to examine patterns of overweight and obesity among U.S.‐born and foreign‐born Hispanics. Results indicate that, after using height and weight measures adjusted for self‐reporting bias, foreign‐born Hispanic men and women have substantially lower likelihoods of being overweight and obese than the U.S.‐born. However, both likelihoods increase as years in the U.S. accumulate for the foreign‐born. Controls for smoking behavior, physical activity, and the degree of dietary change do not reduce the strength of the positive relationship between years in the U.S. and overweight/obesity.  相似文献   

Differences in morningness‐eveningness among humans are commonly ascribed to circadian parameters, such as circadian period and responsivity to environmental time cues, as well as homeostatic sleep drive. Light is the primary synchronizer of the human biological clock, and if circadian differences exist between morning and evening types, they should have different phase angles of entrainment to the light/dark cycle; that is, morning and evening types should have different patterns of light exposure relative to endogenous circadian phase (ECP). When phase angle of entrainment is strictly defined as the relationship between a marker of ECP and the timing of light exposure, such differences have been demonstrated in the laboratory under controlled light/dark cycles and have recently been shown under conditions of spring and summer light exposure outside the laboratory, taking into account the variable intensity of light. Here, we report similar results from a large (n=66), diverse cohort of morning and evening types across the age span studied at all different times of the year. Differences between morning and evening types in light exposure relative to ECP, indicative of a difference in the phase angle of entrainment to the external light/dark cycle, were found. Specifically, evening types, compared to morning types, had a higher ratio of phase advancing to phase delaying by light. We interpret this as indicating a longer circadian period (τ) in evening types.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is not a regular topic in many countries’ schools. Thus many people harbor misconceptions about people suffering from this disease. It was our aim to a) examine what grade ten students know and believe about epilepsy, and b) to develop and test a teaching unit to improve their knowledge and attitude. The test group comprised eight grade ten classes from six different Austrian high schools (54 girls and 51 boys aged 14–17), the control group (no intervention) five grade ten classes from the same schools (26 girls and 37 boys aged 14–17). The teaching unit consisted of three 45-min lessons using different methods and material. Changes in knowledge about and attitude towards epilepsy as a result of the intervention were psychometrically assessed in a pre-test intervention post-test design (along with a follow-up assessment two months after the intervention) by means of a questionnaire capturing different facets of epilepsy-related knowledge and attitude. Across all knowledge/attitude domains, students of the test group had a significantly improved knowledge about and a more positive attitude towards epilepsy and people suffering from it after the teaching unit. However, starting levels were different between the five knowledge/attitude domains tested. Medical background knowledge was lowest and consequently associated with the highest increase after the intervention. This study shows that epilepsy-related knowledge of many grade ten high school students is fragmentary and that some harbor beliefs and attitudes which require improvement. Our comprehensive but concise teaching unit significantly increased knowledge about epilepsy and positively influenced attitude towards individuals with epilepsy. Thus we recommend implementing this unit into regular school curricula.  相似文献   

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