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The role of the pineal gland and its hormone melatonin in the regulation of annual testicular events was investigated for the first time in a psittacine bird, the roseringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri). Accordingly, the testicular responsiveness of the birds was evaluated following surgical pinealectomy with or without the exogenous administration of melatonin and the experimental manipulations of the endogenous levels of melatonin through exposing the birds to continuous illumination. An identical schedule was followed during the four reproductive phases, each characterizing a distinct testicular status in the annual cycle, namely, the phases of gametogenic quiescence (preparatory phase), seasonal recovery of gametogenesis (progressive phase), seasonal initiation of sperm formation (pre-breeding phase), and peak gametogenic activity (breeding phase). In each reproductive phase, the birds were subjected to various experimental conditions, and the effects were studied comparing the testicular conditions in the respective control birds. The study included germ cell profiles of the seminiferous tubules, the activities of steroidogenic enzymes 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD), and Δ53β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (Δ53β- HSD) in the testis, and the serum levels of testosterone and melatonin. An analysis of the data reveals that the pineal gland and its hormone melatonin may play an inhibitory role in the development of the testis until the attainment of the seasonal peak in the annual reproductive cycle. However, in all probability, the termination of the seasonal activity of the testis or the initiation of testicular regression in the annual reproductive cycle appears to be the function of the pineal gland, but not of melatonin.  相似文献   

The roseringed parakeet has been shown to exhibit a variable testicular responsiveness to both altered photoperiodic regimens and to treatment with melatonin during different phases of the annual gonadal cycle. Adult male roseringed parakeets were held under either natural photoperiods (NP), or long photoperiods (LP; 16L 8D), or short photoperiods (SP; 8L 16D) for a total period of 90 days. From day 46 onward, half of the total birds in each group were administered with the vehicle of melatonin, and the other birds were injected daily in the afternoon with melatonin (25 µg/ 100 g body wt.) till the end of the experiment. An identical experimental schedule was followed during the four different (preparatory, progressive, pre-breeding, and breeding) phases of the annual testicular cycle. The testicular activities in various bird groups were evaluated by volumetric, gravimetric, histometric and karyometric measurements, and by quantitative histological studies. The findings revealed that exogenous melatonin may exert either a suppressive influence or none at all on the testicular functions in relation to the photoperiodic schedule as well as to the reproductive phase of the concerned bird, but in no case modulates gonadal responsiveness to artificially altered photoperiods.  相似文献   

Abstract: We investigated the expression of regulatory (R) and catalytic (C) subunits of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (cAK; ATP:protein phosphotransferase; EC in the bovine pineal gland. In total RNA extracts of bovine pineal glands moderate levels of RIα/RIIβ and high levels of Cα and Cβ mRNA were found. We were able to detect a strong signal for RII and C subunit at the protein level, whereas RI was apparently absent. Probing sections of the intact bovine pineal gland with RI and RII antibodies stained only RII in pinealocytes. Pairs of cyclic AMP analogues complementing each other in activation of type II cAK, but not cAKI-directed analogue pairs, showed synergistic stimulation of melatonin synthesis. Moreover, melatonin synthesis stimulated by the physiological activator norepinephrine in pineal cell cultures was inhibited by cAK antagonists. Taken together these results show the presence of RII regulatory and both Cα and Cβ catalytic subunits and thus cAKII holoenzyme in the bovine pineal gland. The almost complete inhibition of norepinephrine-mediated melatonin synthesis by the cAK antagonists emphasizes the dominant role of cyclic AMP as the second messenger and cAK as the transducer in bovine pineal signal transduction.  相似文献   

The roseringed parakeet has been shown to exhibit a variable testicular responsiveness to both altered photoperiodic regimens and to treatment with melatonin during different phases of the annual gonadal cycle. Adult male roseringed parakeets were held under either natural photoperiods (NP), or long photoperiods (LP; 16L 8D), or short photoperiods (SP; 8L 16D) for a total period of 90 days. From day 46 onward, half of the total birds in each group were administered with the vehicle of melatonin, and the other birds were injected daily in the afternoon with melatonin (25 µg/ 100 g body wt.) till the end of the experiment. An identical experimental schedule was followed during the four different (preparatory, progressive, pre-breeding, and breeding) phases of the annual testicular cycle. The testicular activities in various bird groups were evaluated by volumetric, gravimetric, histometric and karyometric measurements, and by quantitative histological studies. The findings revealed that exogenous melatonin may exert either a suppressive influence or none at all on the testicular functions in relation to the photoperiodic schedule as well as to the reproductive phase of the concerned bird, but in no case modulates gonadal responsiveness to artificially altered photoperiods.  相似文献   

Abstract: Liquid chromatographic techniques that permit the simultaneous analysis of S -adenosylmethionine, melatonin, and its intermediary metabolites N -acetyl-5-hydroxytryptamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine within individual pineal glands have been developed. S -Adenosylmethionine has been shown to undergo a marked nyctohemeral rhythm in the pineal gland of the rat, with maximal levels occurring during the light period and minimal levels during the dark period. Detailed studies of the temporal relationships between the levels of S -adenosylmethionine and those of melatonin and its intermediary metabolites suggest that an association exists between the levels of S -adenosylmethionine and the status of the biosynthesis of melatonin. Exposure of animals to continuous light and the administration of the β-adrenoreceptor antagonist propranolol were both found to inhibit the induction of melatonin synthesis and prevent the reduction in the levels of S -adenosylmethionine during the dark period. As a corollary the induction of melatonin biosynthesis following the administration of the β-adrenoreceptor agonist isoproterenol during the light period was accompanied by a marked decrease in the levels of S -adenosylmethionine in the pineal gland. The significance of the link between the nyctohemeral rhythms in the levels of S -adenosylmethionine and the biosynthesis of melatonin in the pineal gland is discussed in the context of the therapeutic efficacy of S -adenosylmethionine as an antidepressant.  相似文献   

Abstract: The present study describes the development of a new technique to measure melatonin contents in the pineal gland of freely moving rats, by means of on-line microdialysis. The transcerebral cannula was modified, and a sensitive assay of melatonin, using HPLC with fluori-metric detection, was set up. With this system it is possible to monitor the melatonin levels on-line in the pineal gland during day-and nighttime. The nightly increase in melatonin release was recorded. Tetrodotoxin had an inhibitory effect on nighttime levels, whereas even high concentrations did not alter the daytime level. From this we conclude that neuronal activity is necessary to synthesize melatonin and that during daytime no net neuronal activity is present. Melatonin levels could be greatly enhanced by systemic administration of the β-agonist isoprenaline (ISO). Also, local infusion of ISO or 8-bromoadenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, an analogue of the second messenger cyclic AMP, resulted in increased melatonin levels, demonstrating the presence of β-adrenergic receptors, coupled to a cyclic AMP-based second messenger system, on the pineal gland. Injection of phenylephrine had no effect on daytime levels. Only when administered during ISO-induced stimulation of melatonin release did it enhance this stimulated release. This proved the regulatory role of α1-receptors on pinealocytes. The method presented is of special interest for investigating the innervation of the pineal gland and the biochemical processes that regulate the biosynthesis of melatonin. Also, for studies on the diurnal rhythms of melatonin release and factors that influence these rhythms in freely moving animals, this model will be of great value.  相似文献   

The Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) was recorded in Turkey for the first time in 1975 and has since then established breeding populations in at least six cities as a consequence of intentional and accidental introductions. Parakeet sightings have been recorded in and around urban areas and records are available from 26 provinces. It is most abundant in ?stanbul, followed by ?zmir, Ankara, Yalova, Antalya, and ?anl?urfa. The distribution and population size has increased continuously especially since the mid-2000s. The population is estimated to be now over 1,355 individuals in the country, which is still moderate compared to some other West European countries.  相似文献   

Two rabbit arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NAT1 and NAT2, EC have been cloned and characterized recently in this laboratory. They catalyze the acetylation of primary arylamine and hydrazine drugs and other substrates in the liver, including sulfamethazine, p-aminosalicylic acid, and p-aminobenzoic acid. In the pineal gland, serotonin is metabolized to N-acetylserotonin by an unknown N-acetyl-transferase. Similarity of the liver enzymes and the pineal gland arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AA-NAT) has been suggested, because pineal gland homogenates were shown to metabolize arylamine substrates as p-phenetidine, aniline, or phenylethylamine, and liver homogenates or partially purified liver enzyme preparations catalyzed the N-acetylation of serotonin. The present study was undertaken to elucidate the possible role of NAT1 or NAT2 in serotonin acetylation in the pineal gland. We transiently expressed rNAT1 and rNAT2 genes in COS cells, studied the kinetics of the enzymes produced with various substrates, and compared these data with activities of rabbit pineal glands and livers. These enzymatic studies were complemented with western blot analysis with antibodies against NAT1 and NAT2. Cross-hybridization of rNAT1 or rNAT2 to the gene for the pineal gland AA-NAT was tested by Southern blot studies of genomic rabbit DNA. Our results indicate that although NAT1 is expressed in the pineal gland, it is not involved in the physiologically important step of N-acetylation of serotonin.  相似文献   

Abstract: The circadian rhythms in melatonin production in the chicken pineal gland and retina reflect changes in the activity of serotonin N -acetyltransferase (arylalkylamine N -acetyltransferase; AA-NAT; EC Here we determined that the chicken AA-NAT mRNA is detectable in follicular pineal cells and retinal photoreceptors and that it exhibits a circadian rhythm, with peak levels at night. AA-NAT mRNA was not detected in other tissues. The AA-NAT mRNA rhythm in the pineal gland and retina persists in constant darkness (DD) and constant lighting (LL). The amplitude of the pineal mRNA rhythm is not decreased in LL. Light appears to influence the phase of the clock driving the rhythm in pineal AA-NAT mRNA in two ways: The peak is delayed by ∼6 h in LL, and it is advanced by >4 h by a 6-h light pulse late in subjective night in DD. Nocturnal AA-NAT mRNA levels do not change during a 20-min exposure to light, whereas this treatment dramatically decreases AA-NAT activity. These observations suggest that the rhythmic changes in chicken pineal AA-NAT activity reflect, at least in part, clock-generated changes in mRNA levels. In contrast, changes in mRNA content are not involved in the rapid light-induced decrease in AA-NAT activity.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of the hormone melatonin (MEL) by the mammalian pineal gland has been thought to be regulated strictly by stimulatory factors, most predominantly norepinephrine (NE), released from the sympathetic nerve fibers which heavily innervate the gland. Evidence from many investigators suggests that sympathetic fibers may colocalize other neuroactive factors in addition to NE. One of these factors is neuropeptide Y (NPY), which has been found in the nerve fibers of the pineal gland. The present study sought to explore potential interactions between NE and NPY in the regulation of pineal MEL secretion. Specific, saturable, and reversible binding of 125I-NPY to intact cultured pinealocytes was measured with an affinity constant of 1 nM and an NPY binding site density of 0.04 pmol/mg of protein. In addition, cell culture studies revealed that NPY represents a potent (IC50 of 0.4 nM) endogenous inhibitor of NE-stimulated MEL secretion. However, this inhibition is accompanied by only a modest reduction (35%) of cyclic AMP accumulation. These findings reinforce the view that the mammalian pineal gland, which appears to integrate both inhibitory as well as stimulatory signals, is an important model of autonomic function, particularly in the context of biological rhythmicity.  相似文献   

秦岭北坡中国林蛙精巢显微结构的年周期变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用光镜观察了秦岭北坡中国林蛙(Ranachensinensis)精巢显微结构的年周期变化,结合精巢系数的变化探讨其生殖规律。结果显示,秦岭北坡中国林蛙的生精周期属于非连续型。精巢系数的变化与精子发生的活动周期相一致。精子发生从每年5月开始,翌年4月结束,历时1年。生精周期可划分为5个时期。Ⅰ期,精原细胞增殖期,5~7月,精巢系数最小,精原细胞进行有丝分裂;Ⅱ期,精母细胞成熟分裂期,8~9月,精巢系数最大,精原细胞、精母细胞和精子细胞在生精小管内共存;Ⅲ期,精子形成期,9~1 0月,精子细胞变态形成精子;Ⅳ期,成熟精子贮存越冬期,1 1月至翌年2月,成熟精子贮存在生精小管中;V期,精子排放期,翌年3~5月,精巢系数显著下降,成熟精子从生精小管脱离,通过输精管道排出体外。  相似文献   

The physiological significance of melatonin in the regulation of annual testicular events in a major carp Catla catla was evaluated through studies on the effects of graded dose (25, 50, or 100 µg/100 g body wt.) of melatonin exogenously administered for different durations (1, 15, or 30 days) and manipulation of the endogenous melatonin system by exposing the fish to constant darkness (DD) or constant light (LL) for 30 days. An identical experimental schedule was followed during the preparatory (February–March), pre‐spawning (April–May), spawning (July–August), and post‐spawning (September–October) phases of the annual cycle. Irrespective of the reproductive status of the carp, LL suppressed while DD increased the mid‐day and mid‐night values of melatonin compared to respective controls. Influences of exogenous melatonin varied in relation to the dose and duration of treatment and the reproductive status of the carp. However, testicular response to exogenous melatonin (at 100 µg, for 30 days) and DD in each reproductive phase was almost identical. Notably, precocious testicular maturation occurred in both DD and melatonin‐injected fish during the preparatory phase and in LL carps during the pre‐spawning phase. In contrast, testicular functions in both the melatonin‐treated and DD fish were inhibited during the pre–spawning and spawning phases, while the testes did not respond to any treatment during the post‐spawning phase. In conclusion, this study provided the first experimental evidence that melatonin plays a significant role in the regulation of annual testicular events in a sub‐tropical surface‐dwelling carp Catla catla, but the influence of this pineal hormone on the seasonal activity of testis varies in relation to the reproductive status of the concerned fish.  相似文献   


Adult male roseringed parakeets were transferred to 16L: 8D (LP), or 8L: 16D (SP) for 45 or 90 days on four particular dates corresponding to the different phases of an annual testicular cycle and the cytological responses of the pineal were studied comparing them with the features in respective natural photoperiodic (NP) birds. Different cytological characteristics including the values of nuclear diameter in pinealocytes indicated that LP for 45 days during the pre‐breeding phase and for 90 days during each phase resulted in an increased pineal activity, while SP for 45 and 90 days induced inhibitory responses of the pineal during each, but not the progressive phase of the annual testicular cycle. During the latter phase, none of the artificial photoperiodic schedules, other than LP for 90 days, influenced the cytological features of the pineal. The results suggest that the photosensitivity of the pineal in these parakeets varies in relation to the testicular functions in an annual testicular cycle, but the seasonal pattern of photoperiodic response of the pineal and that of the previously studied testes in the same birds does not seem to be identical.  相似文献   

Histophysiological studies of the ovary in a hitherto unconsidered major carp Catla catla, included in this investigative treatise, have allowed the present investigators to demonstrate the pattern of annual events in ovarian functions, as well as the inter-relationship between changes in the ovary and environmental conditions. Month-wise studies of cytological features along with various biochemical features of ovarian functions in free-living Catla revealed the existence of precise annual cyclic changes. On the basis of the studies made on gonads, the annual breeding cycle of this fish has been divided into four different phases, namely (a) the preparatory phase (January-March), (b) the pre-spawning phase (April-June), (c) the spawning phase (July-August), and (d) the post-spawning phase (September-December). A detailed analysis of the data employing various exploratory data-analytic techniques was aimed at drawing a possible relationship between the indices of different reproductive events (oogenesis and oocyte maturation, vitellogenesis, steroidogenesis) in mature free-living female Catla and the different components of the environment in an annual cycle. The results of the study indicate that annual variations in photoperiod, alone or in association with water temperature, may be the major environmental component which plays a significant role in the regulation of seasonal maturation of ovary in Catla. These observations provided a basis for further experimental studies on the specific role of photoperiods in the regulation of ovarian activities in the currently considered most economically important species of Indian major carp.  相似文献   

The authors previously observed blunted phase-shift responses to morning bright light in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). The aim of this study was to determine if these findings could be replicated using a higher-intensity, shorter-duration light pulse and to compare these results with the effects of an evening bright-light pulse. In 17 PMDD patients and 14 normal control (NC) subjects, the authors measured plasma melatonin at 30-min intervals from 18:00 to 10:00?h in dim (<30 lux) or dark conditions the night before (Night 1) and after (Night 3) a bright-light pulse (administered on Night 2) in both follicular and luteal menstrual cycle phases. The bright light (either 3000 lux for 6?h or 6000 lux for 3?h) was given either in the morning (AM light), 7?h after the dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) measured the previous month, or in the evening (PM light), 3?h after the DLMO. In the luteal, but not in the follicular, phase, AM light advanced melatonin offset between Night 1 and Night 3 significantly less in PMDD than in NC subjects. The effects of PM light were not significant, nor were there significant effects of the light pulse on melatonin measures of onset, duration, peak, or area under the curve. These findings replicated the authors’ previous finding of a blunted phase-shift response to morning bright light in the luteal, but not the follicular, menstrual cycle phase in PMDD compared with NC women, using a brighter (6000 vs. 3000 lux) light pulse for a shorter duration (3 vs. 6?h). As the effect of PM bright light on melatonin phase-shift responses did not differ between groups or significantly alter other melatonin measures, these results suggest that in PMDD there is a luteal-phase subsensitivity or an increased resistance to morning bright-light cues that are critical in synchronizing human biological rhythms. The resulting circadian rhythm malsynchonization may contribute to the occurrence of luteal phase depressive symptoms in women with PMDD. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The present study assessed annual adrenal gland activity in the Indian tropical Jungle bush quail, Perdicula asiatica. We also elucidated the role of the annual variations in gonadal steroids and melatonin in the regulation of its activity. Increasing day length (photoperiod), ambient temperature and rainfall are positively correlated with adrenal and gonadal functions, and inversely related to pineal gland activity. Pineal, adrenal and gonadal weights showed cyclical patterns relative to environmental factors, which were also correlated with plasma melatonin, corticosterone and gonadal steroids, respectively. In both sexes of P. asiatica, pineal gland weight and/or plasma melatonin levels were inversely related to adrenal lipids, (e.g. phospholipids, free and esterified cholesterol) and plasma corticosterone levels. Melatonin levels also showed an inverse relationship with plasma testosterone and estradiol levels. These studies indicate that changes in environmental factors promote annual variations in adrenal and gonadal activity probably by modulating the pineal gland. Melatonin receptors have been localized in the pars tuberalis, adrenal gland and gonads of birds, the pineal gland may, therefore, mediate environmental stimuli indirectly and directly to down regulate adrenal and gonadal activity, which run in parallel in this species.  相似文献   

Chronic sympathetic denervation of the pineal gland by bilateral removal of the superior cervical ganglia (SCG) was performed on female rats 30 days before impregnation. The offspring, maintained in the dark from birth, had disruption of the malate dehydrogenase circadian rhythm in the testes at 25 days of age. A daily injection of melatonin (1 mg/kg s.c. at 10:00 or 18:00 h) to denervated mothers from the 14th day of pregnancy up to the 10th day postpartum produced one daily phase in the enzyme activity of testes in the offspring. Entrainment of daily enzyme activity also was obtained when the hormone was administered orally to the pups during the postnatal period or when pups were reared by intact (not denervated) foster mothers. The results indicate the involvement of the maternal pineal gland in the maternal transfer of photoperiodic information necessary for the coordination of the circadian system in young rats.  相似文献   

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