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The first zoeal stages of eleven species of Sesarmidae from the Indo-West Pacific were obtained from ovigerous females. Those of Labuanium scandens, L. rotundatum, L. trapezoideum, L. politum, Metasesarma aubryi, Pseudosesarma crassimanum, Stelgistra stormi, and Sesarmops impressum, are described for the first time, while the first zoeal stages of Clistocoeloma merguiense, Metasesarma obesum and Sesarmops intermedium are re-described. Larval characters of all these species are compared with previously described ones for the family and morphological features are re-evaluated. Minute spines on the telson of the zoeae are described as a new larval character in Sesarmidae and their presence or absence in other grapsoid groups is discussed. The results demonstrate that a recurrent combination of reliable larval characters distinguishes zoeae and megalopae of the examined sesarmids from the rest of the Grapsoidea. This appears to be consistent with recent studies that redefine the Sesarmidae.  相似文献   


Metamorphosis season of megalopae to the first crab stage in snow crab Chionoecetes opilio and red snow crab C. japonicus was inferred by culturing wild-born megalopae collected from the Sea of Japan. Metamorphosis occurred from late June to late July (mainly in July) in snow crab, and from early July to early October (mainly from August to September) in red snow crab. The number of days required from the time of collection to metamorphosis was less than the intermoult period previously reported for snow crab megalopae. However, the developmental period of the megalopae was estimated as substantially longer in red snow crab than in snow crab. Previous studies have shown that the hatching season and the period of the zoeal stage in both two species are similar. These results suggest that a different metamorphosis season between the two species would be due to a difference in their megalopal intermoult period.  相似文献   

We describe the morphology of the foregut of the spider crab Maja brachydactyla Balss, 1922, from first larval stage to adult, with detailed stage‐specific documentation using light and scanning electron microscopy. A total of 40 ossicles have been identified in the foregut of adults of M. brachydactyla using Alizarin‐Red staining. The morphological pattern of the ossicles and gastric mill is very similar to other Majoidea species with only a few variations. The foregut of the zoeae stages appeared as a small and simple cavity, with a cardio‐pyloric valve that separates the stomach into cardiac and pyloric regions. The pyloric filter is present from the first zoea, in contrast to the brachyuran species which have an extended larval development. Calcified structures have been identified in the cardio‐pyloric valve and pyloric region of the zoeal stages. The most significant changes in foregut morphology take place after the metamorphosis from ZII to megalopa, including the occurrence of the gastric mill. In the megalopa stage, the foregut ossicles are recognizable by their organization and general morphology, but are different from the adult phase in shape and number. Moreover, the gastric teeth show important differences: the cusps of the lateral teeth are sharp (no molariform); the dorsal tooth have a small, dentate cusp (not a well‐developed quadrangular cusp); and the accessory teeth are composed of one sharp peak (instead of four sharp peaks). The gastric mill ontogeny from megalopa to adult reveals intermediate morphologies during the earlier juvenile stages. The relationship between gastric mill structures with food preferences and their contribution to the brachyuran phylogeny are briefly discussed. J. Morphol. 276:1109–1122, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The stomach of decapods is a complex organ with specialized structures that are delimited by a cuticle. The morphology and ontogeny of the stomach are largely described, but few studies have focused on the morphology of its cuticle. This study examined the morphology of the stomach cuticle of cardiac sacs, gastric mill ossicles, cardio-pyloric valve and pyloric filters, and during various stages (zoea I and II, megalopa, first juvenile, and adult) of the common spider crab Maja brachydactyla using dissection, histology and transmission electron microscopy. The results show that cuticle morphology varies among structures (e.g., cardiac sacs, urocardiac ossicle, cardio-pyloric valve, pyloric filters), within a single structure (e.g., different sides of the urocardiac ossicle) and among different life stages. The cuticle during the larval stages is very thin and the different layers (epicuticle, exocuticle, and endocuticle) are infrequently distinguishable by histology. Major changes during larval development regarding cuticle morphology are observed after the molt to megalopa, including the increment in thickness in the gastric mill ossicles and cardio-pyloric valve, and the disappearance of the long thickened setae of the cardio-pyloric valve. The cuticle of all the stomach structures in the adults is thicker than in larval and juvenile stages. The cuticle varies in thickness, differential staining affinity and morphology of the cuticle layers. The structure–function relationship of the cuticle morphology is discussed.  相似文献   


The morphometrical and meristic features of the carapace, cephalic appendages (antenna, antennule), mouthparts (maxillule, maxilla, first-third maxillipeds), sternum, pereiopods, abdomen, and pleopods of juveniles and the onset of morphological sexual dimorphism were described for the xanthid crab Leptodius exaratus (H. Milne Edwards, 1834), based on laboratory-reared and wild adult specimens collected from Tateyama Bay, Japan. First instar juveniles shared some of the features of adults (e.g. gross appearance of the carapace and cheliped propodus proportions), but differed from adults on almost all other morphological parameter examined. Morphological development was still not complete at the ninth instar; extrapolation from the rate of morphological changes between instars 1–9 suggests that L. exaratus requires about 13 ecdyses to transform into adults, including development of reproductive structures. Differences in the number and morphology of pleopods and abdomen width allowed early distinction of the sexes. Thus, males formed gonopods in the first abdominal somite and lost the paired vestigial pleopods in somites 3–5 from the fourth instar; females retained the pleopods in somites 2–5, but these became biramous and had increased setation. The abdomen grew wider in females than in males from the fifth instar. Several morphological features of juveniles have phylogenetic and taxonomic implications: carapace motifs clearly place L. exaratus in the superfamily Xanthoidea, whereas the patterns of setation in the scaphognathite and first maxilliped epipod allow separation of this (xanthid) species from crabs of other Xanthoidean families.  相似文献   

The esophagus of the eucrustaceans is known as a short tube that connects the mouth with the stomach but has generally received little attention by the carcinologists, especially during the larval stages. By this reason, the present study is focused on the morphology and ultrastructure of the esophagus in the brachyuran Maja brachydactyla during the larval development and adult stage. The esophagus shows internally four longitudinal folds. The simple columnar epithelium is covered by a thick cuticle. The epithelial cells of the adults are intensively interdigitated and show abundant apical mitochondria and bundles of filamentous structures. The cuticle surface has microspines and mutually exclusive pores. Three muscle layers surrounded by the connective tissue are reported: circular muscles forming a broad continuous band, longitudinal muscle bundles adjacent to the circular muscles, and dilator muscles crossing the connective tissue vertically toward the epithelium. The connective tissue has rosette glands. The esophagus of the larvae have epithelial cells with big vesicles but poorly developed interdigitations and filamentous structures, the cuticle is formed by a procuticle without differentiated exocuticle and endocuticle, the connective layer is thin and the rosette glands are absent. The observed features can be explained by his role in the swallowing of the food.  相似文献   

Currently, 13 subfamilies are recognised in the brachyuran family Xanthidae: Actaeinae, Antrocarcininae, Chlorodiellinae, Cymoinae, Etisinae, Euxanthinae, Kraussiinae, Liomerinae, Polydectinae, Speocarcininae, Xanthinae, Zalasiinae and Zosiminae. This classification has been based on shared adult features like a transversely ovate carapace, well defined dorsal carapace regions, usually with lateral dentition, stout chelipeds and relatively short ambulatory legs. Such characters are now considered to be convergent. Consequently a number of higher xanthid taxa may be artifical and not monophyletic. A broad sample of 147 xanthid species representing 75 out of 124 genera from all 13 xanthid subfamilies were sampled in a multi-gene analysis. Four markers (three mitochondrial and one nuclear) were used and yielded a tree with ca. 30 xanthid clades. Monophyletic support was demonstrated for the Antrocarcininae (although substantially redefined), Cymoinae, and Polydectinae. Almost every other subfamily was para- or polyphyletic. Furthermore, the two other families of the Xanthoidea, Pseudorhombilidae and Panopeidae, were found nested within the Xanthidae. The molecular results were consistent with phylogenetic relationships implied by a suite of novel and/or neglected “ventral” adult characters including sternal characters, position of genital openings and morphology of the first zoea, instead of “dorsal” characters traditionally used to infer xanthid relationships.  相似文献   

The first zoeal stage of the endemic southern Atlantic pinnotherid crab Austinixa aidae is described and illustrated based on laboratory-hatched material from ovigerous females collected from the upper burrows of the thalassinidean shrimp Callichirus major at Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. The zoeae of Austinixa species can be distinguished from other pinnotherids and especially from zoeae of the closely related species of Pinnixa by the telson structure.  相似文献   

The genetic structure and morphometric differentiation of mangrove crab Perisesarma guttatum populations were examined among shelf connected locations along a latitudinal gradient on the East African coast. Over 2200 specimens were sampled from 23 mangrove sites for geometric morphometrics analysis. Population genetic analyses of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) DNA sequences were used to evaluate connectivity among populations. A total of 73 haplotypes were detected, and almost no haplotypes were found in common between two highly supported phylogeographic clades: southern Mozambique (Inhaca Island and Maputo Bay) and a northern clade that included north Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya. These two clades were identified based on the species' populations pairwise genetic differentiation and geographical location. ΦST values were considerably high between the two clades, indicating the presence of significant population genetic structure between Kenya and South Mozambique. However, each clade was composed of genetically similar populations along the latitudinal gradient, and no significant population structure was found within each clade because the Φst values were not significant. The morphometric analysis corroborated the division into two clades (i.e. Inhaca Island/Maputo Bay and northern populations) and also detected less shape variation among populations that were few kilometres apart. The significant spatial genetic structuring between the southern and the northern populations of P. guttatum along the geographic gradient under study, combined with morphological differences, suggests that these populations may be considered as cryptic species. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 28–46.  相似文献   

The free-swimming early larval stages of Argulus foliaceus (Linneaus) (Branchiura) are studied using digital video, light microscopy, and SEM. We analyze and document the mode of swimming in the hatching stage of A. foliaceus and the subsequent juvenile stages with fully developed thoracopods. We present new observations and an analysis of the functional morphology of a cleaning behavior in the first stage. This stage swims very efficiently using the large exopods of the second antennae in concert with the mandibular palp (naupliar limbs), while the subsequent stages use the now developed thoracopods for propulsion. This posterior shift in propulsion is similar to--but independent from--what is seen in other crustaceans. The hatching stage has previously been referred as a "metanauplius" but as the first and second maxillae are developed and active, and buds of all four thoracopods are present, it is too advanced to be included in the naupliar phase. The hooks of the first antennae and the distal hooks of the maxillae are demonstrated to function not only as attachment organs (to the host), but also to play a significant role in the cleaning of the naupliar swimming appendages. A digital video-based analysis of the swimming mode is provided. The larval swimming pattern is generally similar to that of other crustaceans such as Branchiopoda and Cirripedia, but autapomorphies of the Branchiura include the following: 1) While actively swimming, the naupliar appendages are almost straight during the recovery stroke and 2) they have a relatively small deflection during movement ( approximately 25 degrees or approximately 35 degrees for mandible and second antenna respectively), 3) the larval mandible has a uniramous palp which is the retained exopod. The morphological implications of the transition from the possibly nonfeeding pelagic, or free-swimming, first larval stage to the feeding, parasitic second stage are discussed and compared with other crustaceans.  相似文献   

Crustaceans exhibit great diversity of feeding structures with morphological traits that are useful to infer the general trophic habits of species. In this study, we analyzed the functional morphology of comminuting feeding structures (mandibles, chelipeds, gastric mill) of the freshwater crab Trichodactylus borellianus directly related with the food fragmentation. The heterochely and mechanical advantage (MA) of the chelae were also studied. In both analyses, we considered the relationship between morphology and the natural diet. We expected to find a consistent relation between feeding habits and morphological traits. In general, we found simple structures armed with uniform setal systems and feeding appendages without pronounced teeth or spines. Mandibles have primarily cutting functions, helping with the food anchoring and fragmentation with mandibular palps armed with pappose setae. Chelipeds were covered with spines and simple setae. Adult males exhibited right-handedness with high MA of the major chelae. The ingested, relatively large pieces of food are finally chewed by a gastric mill equipped with sharp cusps characteristic of decapods with low ingestion of crude fiber material. The morphology of the feeding apparatus revealed that it is well adapted to an omnivorous diet, being able to cope with dietary changes.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of salinity and cadmium on the survival and osmoregulatory capability of two decapod crustaceans, Callianassa kraussi and Chiromantes eulimene. Callianassa kraussi was able to survive in salinities of 5–55 over 96 h, whilst C. eulimene survived in 0–55 over the same time period. The 96-hour cadmium LC50 for both species decreased progressively at salinities above and below their respective isosmotic conditions, with the decrease being slightly more pronounced below compared to above isosmotic salinity. A hypo-iso-osmoregulatory strategy was followed by C. kraussi as it hyper-osmoregulated at salinities between 5 and 25 and osmoconformed at salinities greater than 25. Chiromantes eulimene followed a hyper-hypo-osmoregulatory strategy; it hyper-regulated in salinities from 0 up to isosmotic conditions at about 28 (c. 780 mOsm kg?1), followed by hypo-regulation up to 55. The effect of cadmium exposure on the osmoregulatory capacity of C. kraussi was more pronounced at hyper-regulating salinities (5–25) whilst on C. eulimene the influence was more pronounced at salinities above the isosmotic point (28). The influence of salinity and cadmium on both survival and osmoregulation of the two crustaceans are discussed by outlining the chemical and physiological mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Growth in crustaceans is characterized by ontogenetic differentiation during the development of their body structures, so studies on relative growth are widely applied in this group. In this study, the growth pattern of the body structures was verified through the analysis of relative growth, and then, morphological sexual maturity of the mangrove crab Aratus pisonii (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) was estimated. The carapace width (CW), cheliped propodus length (PL), cheliped propodus height (PH), propodus width (PW), abdomen width (AW), and first pleopod length (FPL) of the crabs were measured. The relationships that best showed changes in the allometric coefficient among demographic categories were FPL vs. CW for males and AW vs. CW for females. This study verified the increased size of the cheliped in terms of length, width, and height, which occurred mainly in adult males. This increase reflects the importance of this structure in the reproductive processes of A. pisonii. For females, the increase in abdomen growth reflects their reproductive potential, since it is a structure that provides protection for eggs.  相似文献   

This study describes the first zoeal stage of Cronius ruberand Cronius tumidulus. The zoeae can be distinguished usingthe setation of the cephalic appendages and the lateral processon the abdominal somite.  相似文献   

Grapsoid and ocypodoid crabs receive a lot of attention in the literature due to their predominance and important role as primary and secondary consumers in intertidal as well as supratidal marine habitats. They are especially species‐rich in the tropics, where they have been found to repeatedly invade terrestrial and freshwater habitats. However, the systematics of the crabs belonging to these two superfamilies is still not settled, despite recent steps clarifying phylogenetic relationships and introducing new taxa. In this study, a molecular phylogeny of grapsoid crabs primarily based on East African representatives is constructed based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial small and large ribosomal subunits (12S and 16S rRNA), thus complementing previous molecular taxonomic studies that had been carried out with the American and East Asian fauna. In addition, selected representatives of all ocypodoid families and subfamilies were included. The monophyly of Grapsidae, Ocypodidae (sensu stuctu), Sesarmidae and Varunidae is well confirmed, if the genera Cyclograpsus, Helice are considered Varunidae and Euchirograpsus a Plagusiidae, as previously suggested. The monophyly of the family Gecarcinidae cannot be supported with our data. The family Plagusiidae in its present composition is polyphyletic. Special attention was given to the large family Sesarmidae, which has many endemic genera in the Indo‐West Pacific. According to this study, two of the most speciose genera, Chiromantes and Parasesarma, are not monophyletic and need to be redefined. On the higher taxonomic level, it becomes evident that both superfamilies, Grapsoidea and Ocypodoidea, are not monophyletic in their current composition, as exemplified by a proposed sister group relationship of Varunidae and Macrophthalmidae. These results confirm those from previous molecular studies and we therefore propose to refrain from the traditional use of the Grapsoidea and Ocypodoidea as monophyletic superfamilies and treat the constituent families separately.  相似文献   

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