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Abalone (Haliotis) undergoes a period of reproductive maturation, followed by the synchronous release of gametes, called broadcast spawning. Field and laboratory studies have shown that the tropical species Haliotis asinina undergoes a two‐week spawning cycle, thus providing an excellent opportunity to investigate the presence of endogenous spawning‐associated peptides. In female H. asinina, we have isolated a peptide (5145 Da) whose relative abundance in hemolymph increases substantially just prior to spawning and is still detected using reverse‐phase high‐performance liquid chromatography chromatograms up to 1‐day post‐spawn. We have isolated this peptide from female hemolymph as well as samples prepared from the gravid female gonad, and demonstrated through comparative sequence analysis that it contains features characteristic of Kazal‐type proteinase inhibitors (KPIs). Has‐KPI is expressed specifically within the gonad of adult females. A recombinant Has‐KPI was generated using a yeast expression system. The recombinant Has‐KPI does not induce premature spawning of female H. asinina when administered intramuscularly. However it displays homomeric aggregations and interaction with at least one mollusc‐type neuropeptide (LRDFVamide), suggesting a role for it in regulating neuropeptide endocrine communication. This research provides new understanding of a peptide that can regulate reproductive processes in female abalone, which has the potential to lead to the development of greater control over abalone spawning. The findings also highlight the need to further explore abalone reproduction to clearly define a role for novel spawning‐associated peptide in sexual maturation and spawning. Copyright © 2016 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Genetic heterogeneity of the tropical abalone, Haliotis asinina was examined using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and microsatellite analyses. One hundred and thirteen polymorphic RAPD fragments were generated. The percentage of polymorphic bands of H. asinina across overall primers was 85.20%. The average genetic distance of natural samples within the Gulf of Thailand (HACAME and HASAME) was 0.0219. Larger distance was observed when those samples were compared with HATRAW from the Andaman Sea (0.2309 and 0.2314). Geographic heterogeneity and F(ST) analyses revealed population differentiation between H. asinina from the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea (p < 0.0001). Three microsatellite loci (CUHas1, CUHas4 and CUHas5) indicated relatively high genetic diversity in H. asinina (total number of alleles = 26, 5, 23 and observed heterozygosity = 0.84, 0.42 and 0.33, respectively). Significant population differentiation was also found between samples from different coastal regions (p < 0.0001). Therefore, the gene pool of natural H. asinina in coastal Thai waters can be genetically divided to 2 different populations; the Gulf of Thailand (A) and the Andaman Sea (B).  相似文献   

Filtered natural seawater passed through a tank containing ripe female starfish of the forcipulate species Asterias forbesi (Desor 1848) and Orthasterias koehleri (de Loriol 1897) contains low concentrations of a substance which attracts the sperm of these species. Release of this substance is sex specific in at least one species, O. koehleri. Immature females apparently do not release the sperm attractant. Daily testing for sperm attractant in seawater in the Friday Harbor Laboratories' aquarium system, Washington, U.S.A., in the spring and summer of 1986 indicates that incursions of sperm attractant-bearing water occur frequently during the starfish reproductive season. Testing of seawater taken directly from the San Juan Channel in the summer of 1987 reveals that sperm attractant is also present at irregular intervals in natural seawater. There is a definite correlation between the sperm attractant incursions in the laboratory seawater and initiation of spawning of starfish in the laboratory. The periodic presence of a long-lived bio-active sex-specific substance in natural seawater during the reproductive season of starfish suggests that benthic invertebrates may communicate sexual identity and readiness to spawn by means of waterborne pheromones.  相似文献   

The responsiveness of bees to sucrose is an important indicator of honey bee foraging decisions. Correlated with sucrose responsiveness is forage choice behavior, age of first foraging, and conditioned learning response. Pheromones and hormones are significant components in social insect systems associated with the regulation of colony-level and individual foraging behavior. Bees were treated to different exposure regimes of queen and brood pheromones and their sucrose responsiveness measured. Bees reared with queen or brood pheromone were less responsive than controls. Our results suggest responsiveness to sucrose is a physiologically, neuronally mediated response. Orally administered octopamine significantly reduced sucrose response thresholds. Change in response to octopamine was on a time scale of minutes. The greatest separation between octopamine treated and control bees occurred 30 min after feeding. There was no significant sucrose response difference to doses ranging from 0.2 g to 20 g of octopamine. Topically applied methoprene significantly increased sucrose responsiveness. Handling method significantly affected sucrose responsiveness. Bees that were anesthetized by chilling or CO2 treatment were significantly more responsive than control bees 30 min after handling. Sixty minutes after handling there were no significant treatment differences. We concluded that putative stress effects of handling were blocked by anesthetic.Abbreviations BP brood pheromone - JH juvenile hormone - OA octopamine - PER proboscis extension response - PER-RT proboscis extension response threshold - QMP queen mandibular pheromone  相似文献   

In this study, effective gamete concentrations, egg viability, and fertilization volumes were evaluated for Haliotis midae (L.). Sperm concentrations between 5?×?103 and 5?×?104?mL?1 (p?>?0.05) consistently resulted in high hatch-out rates (96?±?1%). At concentrations higher than 5?×?105?mL?1, hatch-out rates decreased to 69?±?7% (p??1 resulted in high fertilization rates, with 50?eggs?mL?1 being the ideal concentration for fertilization in H. midae. Egg viability was consistently high up to 100?min post-spawning, with a decrease in hatch-out success, when eggs were fertilized 120?min post-spawning. Fertilization volumes did not affect successful hatch-out. The results from this study can be implemented by South African abalone farms to increase hatch-out rates and subsequent culture. It can also be used as basis for the development of fertilization protocols in other marine invertebrate species.  相似文献   

Organisms partition resources into life-history traits in order to maximise fitness over their expected lifespan. For the males of many species fitness is determined by qualitative and quantitative aspects of costly sexual signals: The notion that epigamic traits are costly forms the cornerstone of those theories that propose parasites drive sexual selection. Consequently studies examining this notion assume sexual signalling is honest (i.e. driven by cost) when they seek to identify correlations or causal links between male immune function and attractiveness. We demonstrate that immune challenged males of the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, increased their investment in epigamic pheromone signals: these males became significantly more attractive to females whilst increasing the activity of a key immune effector system. In other words males increase terminal reproductive effort (invest in attractiveness) in response to a survival threat (immune insult). Consequently the signal preferred by the female is dishonest when considering the male's condition.  相似文献   

Histological studies showed that the salivary sheaths of both nymphs and adults of P. spumarius penetrated principally to the xylem vessels of their host plants. Large amounts of liquid excrement were produced from one feeding site. The amount of excrement produced per unit body weight was much greater than for a phloem feeding aphid or psyllid.
Zusammenfassung Philaenus spumarius ernährt sich von Xylemgefässsaft. Grosse Mengen von Ausscheidung wurden von einer einzigen Stichstelle aus gebildet, was auf Ernährung aus Gefässen, d.h. auf Extraktion von Phloem- oder Xylemsaft, hindeutet. Histologische Untersuchungen von Speichelscheiden zeigten, dass die meisten Einstichstellen in Xylemgefässen endigten. Der Inhalt der Parenchymzellen rings um die Speichelscheide war nicht entfernt und es kam nicht zu Nekrose. Larven und Adulte von P. spumarius nahmen 600 bis 1200 mal ihr eigenes Trockengewicht an Xylemsaft pro 24 Stunden auf. Dies ist viel mehr als bei Phloemsaugern. Wahrscheinlich handelt es sich um eine Konsequenz der geringeren Konzentration an Nährstoffen, wie Aminosäuren und Zucker, im Xylemsaft verglichen mit Phloemsaft.

Supported by a Natural Environment Research Council studentship and supervised by Dr. J. B. Whittaker.  相似文献   

We analysed a random sample of 10 three-spined stickleback nests by DNA fingerprinting. DNA from the guardian male and a random subsample of LO fry per nest were probed with pYNZ 132, a human single-locus probe for VNTR-loci (variable number of tandem repeats). On average this probe produced DNA fingerprints of 12 scoreable bands. By comparing the bands present in each individual, we calculated band sharing indices (BSIs) between the guardian male and its fry. The BSls varied between 0.40 and 0.77 with an average (± S.D.) of 0.59 ± 0.09. We therefore conclude that the guardian male was the true father of the fry in all these nests. Once the paternal bands in each fry were determined, we compared the maternal bands among the fry of each nest. Based on the BSIs obtained with these comparisons, we found that one guardian male enticed three females to spawn in its nest, six enticed two females and three enticed one female.  相似文献   

Life history traits of highly vagile marine species, such as adult reproductive success and larval dispersal, are strongly determined by oceanographic and climatic forces. Nevertheless, marine organisms may show restricted dispersal in time and space. Patterns of isolation by distance (IBD) have been repeatedly observed in marine species. If spawning time is a function of geographical location, temporal and spatial isolation, can easily be confounded or misinterpreted. In this study, we aimed at discriminating between various forces shaping the genetic composition of recruiting juveniles of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). By controlling for geographical variation, we assessed temporal variation and tested for possible isolation by time (IBT) between recruitment waves within and between years. Using 12 polymorphic allozyme and six variable microsatellite loci, we show that genetic differentiation was low (F(ST) = 0.01-0.002) and significant between temporal samples. Regression analysis between genetic and temporal distance, was consistent with a subtle interannual pattern of IBT. Our data suggest that the population dynamics of the European eel may be governed by a double pattern of temporal variance in genetic composition: (i) a broad-scale IBT of spawning cohorts, possibly as a consequence of the large migration loop in anguillids and strong variance in annual adult reproductive contribution; and (ii) a smaller-scale variance in reproductive success (genetic patchiness) within cohorts among seasonally separated spawning groups, most likely originating from fluctuating oceanic and climatic forces. The consistency of both mechanisms remains to be verified with fine-scale analyses of both spawning/migrating aged adults and their offspring to confirm the stochastic/deterministic nature of the IBT pattern in eel.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep., Plutellidae), is an important pest of brassicaceous crops worldwide. It has developed resistance to almost every synthetic insecticide applied in the field and consequently is often difficult to control in crucifer-growing areas. DBM oviposition behaviour was investigated in greenhouse and growth chamber conditions with seven cruciferous and one non-cruciferous plant varieties. In free choice tests, females deposited more eggs on the stem near the soil-stem interface than on leaves. Our findings suggest that DBM is capable of developing behavioural resistance through oviposition site selection to avoid lethal doses of foliar-applied insecticides in the field.  相似文献   

Vulnerability of three fish groups (tilapia, common carp, mullet) to predation by Nile perch Lates niloticus was evaluated. The study was conducted in aquaria and in cages placed in concrete ponds. Common carp Cyprinus curpio was the more vulnerable to predation by Nile perch followed in order by mullet ( Mugil cephulus and M. cupito ) and Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloricus . Medium-size Nile perch (30–32 cm t.l. ) were able to consume tilapia up to 14 cm t.l. , while tilapia of 15 cm total length were not eaten. Ratios of 1 : 10 to 1 : 15 between Nile perch and ready-to-spawn females of O. niloticus were found to be adequate to control tilapia reproduction.  相似文献   

Plutella xylostella in the temperate zone shows a clear seasonal change in adult body size. In the laboratory, large and small moths were produced during immature stages at 15°C and 25°C, respectively. These moths were then used to evaluate longevity, age-specific flight ability, flight ability of mated and unmated females, and the influence of flight experience on the subsequent reproductive success. The large moths lived longer and displayed a greater flight ability over 3 weeks. Irrespective of body size, unmated females flew for a longer time than mated females, and flight experience affected their subsequent reproductive success. Females of both sizes mated and laid eggs soon after emergence, without any obvious pre-reproductive period. More flight experience did not delay oviposition, but did reduce egg production. It is likely that large moths with a longer adult life span and greater flight ability are better fitted for long-distance flight and more fecund than small ones. These experimental results may explain why long-distance migration ofP. xylostella is mostly seen during cool seasons, when relatively large moths with long forewing appear in the field.  相似文献   

How changes in selective regimes affect trait evolution is an important open biological question. We take advantage of naturally occurring and repeated transitions from sexual to asexual reproduction in a New Zealand freshwater snail species, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, to address how evolution in an asexual context—including the potential for relaxed selection on male‐specific traits—influences sperm morphology. The occasional production of male offspring by the otherwise all‐female asexual P. antipodarum lineages affords a unique and powerful opportunity to assess the fate of sperm traits in a context where males are exceedingly rare. These comparisons revealed that the sperm produced by ‘asexual’ males are markedly distinct from sexual counterparts. We also found that the asexual male sperm harboured markedly higher phenotypic variation and was much more likely to be morphologically abnormal. Together, these data suggest that transitions to asexual reproduction might be irreversible, at least in part because male function is likely to be compromised. These results are also consistent with a scenario where relaxed selection and/or mutation accumulation in the absence of sex translates into rapid trait degeneration.  相似文献   

Captive breeding has been suggested as a method of conserving many threatened vertebrates, and is increasingly being proposed as a valuable conservation strategy for invertebrates. Potential genetic problems associated with ex situ conservation are widely recognized, but a further issue has received less attention: the possibility that populations will undergo adaptation to the captive environment, rendering them less well adapted to survival in the wild. We investigated six traits related to dispersal and reproduction in a culture of the large white butterfly Pieris brassicae (L.), that had been captive for c. 100–150 generations, and in recently wild stock reared simultaneously in a common environment. Individuals in the captive culture were heavier, with smaller wings and lower wing aspect ratios. Females from the captive culture laid many more eggs in cage experiments, and had higher ovary mass at the time of peak egg production. These differences are consistent with adaptation to captive conditions. Over time, similar evolutionary changes may affect invertebrates reared in ex situ conservation programmes, decreasing the likelihood that these species can be re-established in the wild. Although the timescale over which most vertebrates are likely to adapt to captivity is longer, and the traits involved will be different, invertebrates like P. brassicae may also provide a model of potential problems in long-term ex situ conservation programmes for both invertebrates and vertebrates. We suggest that measures to reduce or slow adaptation to captivity should be introduced alongside measures to reduce deleterious genetic effects in captive populations.  相似文献   

Summary Kidneys of adult male and female lizards were studied by electron microscopy, in order to understand the ultrastructure of the collecting duct and a differentiated part thereof, the sexual segment, which is an important accessory sexual organ. First portion of sexual segment in males: The cells are filled with large secretory granules of a wide range of opacities. The granular endoplasmic reticulum is abundant; basal formations of superimposed flat cisternae are frequent. Distended vesicles and microvesicles prevail in the supranuclear, well developed Golgi apparatus. Evidences indicate that secretion of these cells is holocrine. Second portion of sexual segment in males: All of the secretory granules are apical in location and relatively electron-opaque; they show a denser core. This core is formed by a substance which, after lying in contact with ribosomes, enters the secretory vesicles of the highly developed Golgi apparatus. A lighter substance is then condensed around it. The secretion of the granules is merocrine. The granular endoplasmic reticulum is very abundant in these cells, but basal ergastoplasmic formations are lacking. Sexual segment in females: The cells show features similar to those of the male first portion, but they are smaller. Undifferentiated collecting duct: Most of the cells are mucigenic. They have small ovoid, apical secretory granules. The density of the granules varies from cell to cell; when they are electron-lucent, they exhibit laminar or dotted opaque figures. Moderately developed Golgi apparatus and granular endoplasmic reticulum, as well as elongated mitochondria, occur in mucigenic cells. Intercalated among the latter are non-secretory cells. They have very abundant mitochondria, numerous microvilli, many pinocytic and smooth-membrane vesicles, whereas the organelles participating in synthetic processes are poorly developed; their function is most likely related to active solute transport.  相似文献   

The soybean is a major crop in the agricultural systems of the Brazilian Cerrados (Savannahs), whose soils are acidic, devoid of nutrients and need to be amended before they are cultivated. However, below the ploughed layer there is a scarcity of nutrients and toxic aluminium (Al). These limit root growth, subsequently causing nutritional imbalance and drought stress. Our aim in the investigation described here was to identify genetic differences in the aluminium tolerance of soybeans by a 9 × 9 diallel cross among contrasting varieties grown in high-Al areas and in hydroponics. Combining ability analysis indicated predominantly additive gene effects, and the additive-dominance model explained most of the genetic differences in this germ plasm for mineral element absorption and root growth under aluminium stress. The relationship between the two factors suggest that conjugation hydroponics and field evaluations in breeding programmes would further improve soybeans with respect to yield stability under tropical cultivation conditions.  相似文献   

J. McLaren  D. J. Barber 《Planta》1977,136(2):147-151
The uptake of leucine into isolated, intact, pea chloroplasts was investigated using the silicone oil centrifugation technique. The internal: external ratio of leucine exceeded unity at low external leucine concentrations. Uptake of leucine at different external concentrations showed passive diffusion and carrier-mediated transport components. Competition for uptake was shown between leucine and isoleucine but not between leucine and glycine. Rates of diffusion of leucine were found to be low compared with glycine, however, fast carrier-mediated transport of leucine assumed more importance at physiological concentrations.Abbreviations SIS Sucrose impermeable space - TWS Tritiated water space - SPS Sucrose permeable space - PGA 3-phosphoglyceric acid - TCA Trichloroacetic acid - TLC Thin layer chromatography  相似文献   

The occurrence of genomic modifications in transgenic rice plants recovered from protoplasts and their transmission to the self-pollination progeny has been verfied with the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) approach. The plant was the Indica-type rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Chinsurah Boro II. The analysed material was: (1) microspore-derived embryogenic rice cells grown in suspension culture, (2) transgenic plants recovered from protoplasts produced from the cultured cells and (3) the self-pollination progeny (two successive generations) of the transgenic plants. DNA purified from samples of these materials was PCR-amplified with different random oligonucleotide primers and the amplification products were analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Band polymorphism was scored and used in band-sharing analyses to produce a similarity matrix. Relationships among the analysed genomes were expressed in a dendrogram.The extensive DNA changes evidenced in cultured cells demonstrate the occurrence of somaclonal variation in the material used to produce protoplasts for gene transfer. Quantitatively reduced DNA changes were also found in the resulting transgenic plants and i their self-pollination progenies.While confirming the stability of the foreign gene in transgenic plants, this work gives molecular evidence for the occurrence of stable genomic changes in transgenic plants and points toin vitro cell culture as the causative agent. RAPDs are shown to be a convenient tool to detect and estimate the phenomenon at the molecular level. The methodology is also proposed as a fast tool to select those transgenic individuals that retain the most balanced genomic structure and to control the result of back-crosses planned to restore the original genome.  相似文献   

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