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Fiorillo, B. S., Zama, U., Lino‐Neto, J. and Báo, S. N. 2010. Structural and ultrastructural studies of male reproductive tract and spermatozoa in Xylocopa frontalis (Hymenoptera, Apidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 176–183. In Xylocopa frontalis the reproductive tract is composed of testes, deferent ducts, seminal vesicles, accessory glands and an ejaculatory duct. Each testis comprises four testicular tubules in which multiple cysts are present containing approximately 64 spermatozoa per cyst. The seminal vesicle consists of an epithelium, a thick basement lamina and a muscular external sheet. In the luminal region some vesicles can be observed; however, the epithelial cells of the seminal vesicle do not display morphological features associated with secretory functions. The spermatozoa, measuring approximately 260 µm long, are similar to the hymenopteran pattern. The head region consists of an acrosome with an inner perforatorium that penetrates an asymmetrical nuclear tip. The nucleus is linear, electron‐dense and its posterior tip projects into the beginning of the axoneme. The centriolar adjunct is asymmetric with many electron‐lucent lacunae interspersed throughout. The axoneme has the 9 + 9 + 2 pattern of microtubules and in the posterior region the central microtubules finish first, followed by the doublets and finally the accessory microtubules. The mitochondrial derivatives are asymmetric in both length and diameter with paracrystalline material present only in the larger one. These features may be useful characters for taxonomy and phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

The male reproductive tract of Leucoptera coffeella was processed for light and transmission electron microscopy. In the testis, the eupyrene cells are arranged in individual cysts, while the apyrene cysts form aggregates, never observed in other Lepidoptera. Both cysts contain 128 spermatozoa, which differ from the typical pattern. In the seminal vesicle, both types of spermatozoa are dispersed in the lumen, also different from other Lepidoptera. The apyrene spermatozoa are similar to those observed for other Lepidoptera. They present an anterior region covered by a dense cap and the flagellum is composed of a 9 + 9 + 2 axoneme and two mitochondrial derivatives. The eupyrene spermatozoa, however, differ from the typical pattern for Lepidoptera. Their anterior region contains a nucleus, an acrosome and a peculiar arc of eight accessory microtubules connected to the plasma membrane by dense bridges. In the nucleus–flagellum region, the ninth accessory microtubule is assembled between both mitochondrial derivatives, to participate in the axoneme. The flagellum comprises a 9 + 9 + 2 axoneme and two mitochondrial derivatives with paracrystalline cores. External to the plasma membrane and close to the accessory microtubules, there are tufts of an amorphous material, suggesting reduced lacinate appendages, while the reticular ones are absent. The reduction of lacinate appendages and the absence of sperm bundles in the seminal vesicle support the concept that the appendages of other Lepidoptera could be associated with the eupyrene aggregations. The characters ‘number of spermatozoa per cyst’ and ‘absence of bundles’ should be considered plesiomorphic, supporting the position of this taxon in the base of the Ditrysia.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the distribution of tubulin types in apyrene and eupyrene sperm of Euptoieta hegesia butterflies was carried out, also verifying the presence of tubulin in lacinate appendages of the eupyrene sperm. Ultrathin sections of LR White embedded spermatids and spermatozoa were labeled for alpha, beta, gamma, alpha-acetylated and alpha-tyrosinated tubulins. Apyrene and eupyrene spermatids show the same antibody recognition pattern for tubulins. All tubulin types were detected in axonemal microtubules. Alpha and gamma tubulins were also detected on the cytoplasmic microtubules. However, for beta and tyrosinated tubulins only scattered labeling was detected on cytoplasmic microtubules and acetylated tubulin was not detected. In apyrene and eupyrene spermatozoa only the axoneme labeling was analyzed since cytoplasmic microtubules no longer exist in these cells. Alpha, beta and tyrosinated tubulins were easily detected on the apyrene and eupyrene axoneme; gamma tubulin was strongly marked on eupyrene axonemes but was scattered on the apyrene ones. Acetylated tubulin appeared with scattered labeling on the axoneme of both sperm types. Our results demonstrate significant differences in tubulin distribution in apyrene and eupyrene axonemal and cytoplasmic microtubules. Extracellular structures, especially the lacinate appendages, were not labeled by antibodies for any tubulin.  相似文献   

Mancini K  Dolder H 《Tissue & cell》2001,33(3):301-308
The ultrastructure of the seminal vesicle's spermatozoa of the butterfly Euptoieta hegesia was analyzed. The apyrene spermatozoa measure about 300 microm in length and swim freely in a secretion. The anterior end consists in a cap with a cylindrical extension and a globular structure. The flagellum has a 9+9+2 axoneme, two mitochondrial derivatives with paracrystalline matrices and an external coat formed by concentric layers. The eupyrene spermatozoa measure about 550 microm in length and are grouped into bundles. The anterior end consists in an amorphous globule. Posterior to this globule, a coat with a dense material covers the spermatozoon where an acrosome and a nucleus appear. The flagellum has a 9+9+2 axoneme and two mitochondrial derivatives. External to the coat and attached to the dense material, there is a reticular appendage, which has a paracrystalline core and extends to the distal tip of the spermatozoon.  相似文献   


Eupyrene and apyrene spermatozoa are contained in separate cysts in the testis of the butterfly Atrophaneura alcinous. Spermatozoa of both types from various parts of the male reproductive tract were examined with particular reference to their morphological characteristics. All spermatozoa collected from the vas deferens and the vesicula seminalis were found to be immotile under a dissecting microscope. No spermatozoa of either type were recognized in any part of the ejaculatory duct. Within the testis, eupyrene spermatozoa are present in bundles and each spermatozoon has a slender nucleus with an acrosome and a long flagellum containing mitochondrial derivatives. Two kinds of appendages, lacinate and reticular, are present on the surface of the sperm membrane. They are replaced with an extracellular sheath during passage through the vas deferens. In contrast, apyrene spermatozoa have neither nucleus nor acrosome, whereas a cup-shaped structure was found at the sperm tip instead of the acrosome. Unlike eupyrene spermatozoa, they are surrounded by a concentric sheath outside the sperm membrane in the vas deferens. Individual apyrene spermatozoa and coiled bundles of eupyrene spermatozoa were both found to accumulate in the vesicula seminalis before mating. These morphological changes during passage through the male reproductive tract suggests the occurrence of a kind of maturation and capacitation process reminiscent of mammalian spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Summary The corpora allata of the three last larval instars were studied in newly molted animals, at the beginning, middle, and end of the feeding period, and during the molt period. They were found to consist of uniform gland cells, whose ultrastructure changes in the course of the instars.In gland cells considered to be resting, the outer and inner nuclear membranes run in parallel without forming a dilated perinuclear space. Mitochondria are small, polymorphic, with an electron-dense matrix. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) appears as stacks of parallel cisternae near the nuclear envelope and in the rest of the cytoplasm, and as accumulations of twisted profiles. Occasionally, the SER takes the form of paracrystalline bodies. There are few small smooth-surfaced vesicles in the cytoplasm.In cells considered as active, a dilated perinuclear space occurs. The peripheral ends of profiles forming the SER are swollen, and numerous vesicles and vacuoles bud off from them to fill the cytoplasm. Mitochondria are large, with a more transparent matrix. The plasma membrane of gland cells located just beneath the connective tissue sheath forms numerous small invaginations.The corpora allata consist of resting cells during the molt periods. At the beginning of each instar, few active gland cells appear. In the middle of the second to last and the third to last instars, the bulk of the gland cells is active. At the end of these instars, there are both active and inactive cells. In the middle of the last instar, the gland cells are inactive or subactive, and at its end, all gland cells are completely inactive.  相似文献   

A study of spermatozoa in the isthmus of the oviduct and of the surrounding epithelial cells in the dasyurid marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata, was carried out. At least 10% of the ejaculated spermatozoa probably populate the isthmus region, where many come to reside in crypts until around the time of ovulation. Ultrastructural observations of spermatozoa in this region indicated that they had intact acrosomes and were identical in their morphology with those in the cauda epididymidis. After ovulation spermatozoa rapidly disappeared, some of which may be phagocytosed by the cells lining the crypts. These epithelial cells were also found to have many large, electron-dense granules at the time of sperm storage, but the contents did not appear to be released until the zygotes passed along the tract. The secretory activity of these cells may thus relate more to the production of the shell membrane that comes to surround the zygote than to the cells performing a nutritive or protective function for the spermatozoa during their period of storage within the female reproductive tract.  相似文献   

《Tissue & cell》2016,48(5):496-502
Osteopontin (OPN) is indispensable in mammalian reproduction, but the role of OPN in male reproductive tract and fertility remains unclear. The objective of this study is to elucidate the function of OPN by unveiling the localization and expression of OPN in the reproductive tract (testis, epididymis, and ductus deferens) of male Hu sheep in different ages (10-days, 4-months, and 8-months). To accomplish this, the localization, mRNA and protein expression patterns of OPN in all samples were investigated. Immune staining showed that OPN was present in the testicular interstitium of prepubertal Hu sheep testis (10-days and 4-months group), while it was immunostained in acrosomes of spermatids nearby adluminal compartment of seminiferous tubules in sexual maturity Hu sheep testis (8-months group). The localization of OPN in epididymis gradually changed from the loose connective tissue to the apical region of principal cells (pseudostratified columnar epithelium) with growing (10-days to 8-months). In addition, increase trend was observed in the mRNA expression levels of OPN with growing in the same reproductive tissues (P < 0.05). Furthermore, two different OPN isoforms of 30 kDa and 34 kDa were detected in the reproductive tract of male Hu sheep by western blot. Immunofluorescence detection showed that OPN was localized in the cauda epididymal spermatozoa. These results suggested that the expression of OPN might be closely related to spermatogenesis and spermatozoa function in Hu sheep. This will be helpful for us to understand how OPN regulate the high reproductive capacity in Hu sheep.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(11):1536-1550
This study analyses the histological and cellular morphology of the testis and sperm development in the male Daphnia magna Straus 1820. Due to the rarity of males and predominately parthenogenetic lifecycle of Daphnia , there has been limited detailed information on males in contrast to the well‐studied female. Using light and electron microscopy approaches, we describe the morphology of the testis during the progression from an immature to mature testis. The testis has an encasing muscular mesh sheath outside the basal lamina, beneath which is a thin somatic epithelial cell layer. Internal to the epithelium are the spermatogonial stem cells and subsequent syncytial clusters of the germ cells as they progress through spermatogenesis; spermatozoa occupy the entire testis in sexually mature D. magna . We describe the structure of developing and mature spermatozoa; mature spermatozoa are non‐flagellated, ovoid in shape with plasmalemma filapodia and are encased in an extracellular capsule.  相似文献   

Ovoviviparity is reported for the genus Palumbina of Thiotrichinae. The females of eight species were found to retain a hatched first instar larva or a fully developed embryo in the oviduct (vestibulum), which suggests that the females may deposit larvae or mature eggs that are ready to hatch. In the mature embryos, the mandibles and a head capsule were visible and enclosed in chorion. Taking this into consideration, the embryos may contain sufficient nutrition for development within the eggshell, which indicates an ovoviviparous reproduction. The embryos in the oviduct were not dissolved while the early-stage embryos in the anterior portion of the abdomen were destroyed by the treatment of KOH. Therefore, the formation of chorion likely takes place in the oviduct. The female reproductive system of Palumbina displayed typical morphology of ditrysian Lepidoptera although it showed minor variations among the species. The paired reservoirs of the colleterial gland were rather reduced in the species that carried larvae. We assume that this might be related to the ovoviviparous reproductive physiology. The lagena of the spermatheca was present or absent, and if present, the shape and the size were various even in the same species. The species without lagena had a numerous thorn-like structures on the utriculus. The function is possibly related to the maintenance of sperm, but the correlation between the structure and the absence of the lagena remains unclear. Further detailed studies are required to reveal the comprehensive mechanism of the ovoviviparous reproduction in Palumbina.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of Atelura formicaria (Zygentoma) shows several features that are typical of insects: an apical acrosome, an elongated dense nucleus, a centriole with expanded centriolar adjunct material, two large mitochondrial derivatives, and two thin accessory bodies located beneath the nucleus. The axoneme exhibits a 9 + 9 + 2 pattern with accessory tubules formed by 16 protofilaments and intertubular material. However, spermatozoa of A. formicaria show some remarkable features. The sperm cell is short for an insect, being only 50 µm in length. The nucleus is characterized by the presence of two lateral grooves which are filled with numerous infoldings of the nuclear envelope. In a cross-section the chromatin has the configuration of the Leonardo da Vinci's 'Vitruvian man'. Each mitochondrial derivative has a peculiar structure with peripheral cristae and four crystalline bodies in its matrix; two of these crystalline bodies are large and have differently orientated cristal planes. At the end of spermiogenesis, sperm bundles are stored in the proximal part of the testes. Secretions from the epithelial wall of this region give rise to large globular structures. These include sperm bundles intermingled with dense granules, forming the so called 'spermatolophids'. These formations descend along the deferent duct and are stored in the expanded seminal vesicle. Atelura spermatozoa do not pair as in some Lepismatidae, nor do they fuse as in Tricholepidion (Lepidotrichidae). Thus, sperm aggregation in Zygentoma is realized according to different modalities and can hardly be considered as a synapomorphic trait of its subtaxa.  相似文献   

While sperm competition risk favours males transferring many sperm to secure fertilizations, females of a variety of species actively reduce sperm numbers reaching their reproductive tract, e.g. by extrusion or killing. Potential benefits of spermicide to females include nutritional gains, influence over sperm storage and paternity, and the elimination of sperm bearing somatic mutations that would lower zygote fitness.We investigated changes in sperm viability after in vivo and in vitro exposure to the female tract in the polyandrous fly, Scathophaga stercoraria. Sperm viability was significantly lower in the females' spermathecae immediately after mating than in the experimental males' testes. Males also varied significantly in the proportion of live sperm found in storage in vivo. However, the exact mechanism of sperm degradation remains to be clarified. In vitro exposure to extracts of the female reproductive tract, including female accessory glands, failed to significantly lower sperm viability compared to controls. These results are consistent either with postcopulatory sperm mortality in vivo depending entirely on the male (with individual differences in sperm viability, motility or longevity) or with postcopulatory sperm mortality being subtly affected by female effects which were not detected by the in vitro experimental conditions. Importantly, we found no evidence in support of the hypothesis that female accessory glands contribute to sexual conflict via spermicide. Therefore, female muscular control remains to date the only ascertained mechanism of female influence on sperm storage in this species.  相似文献   

We compared the pupal stridulatory organs of 35 species and one subspecies of Iberian Lycaenidae using scanning electron microscopy. The studied species belong to the tribes Theclini, Eumaeini, Lycaenini, and Polyommatini. Nine species do not show stridulatory organs on the pupae but all other species possess them. Stridulatory organs are formed by a stridulatory plate (pars stridens) placed on the fifth abdominal segment and a file (plectron) in the sixth abdominal segment. The plate has tubercles in the Theclini and Lycaenini, tubercles, ridges, or undulations in the Eumaenini, and tubercles, teeth, or unspecialized structures in the Polyommatini. Morphological differences can be found in the files of the different tribes, regarding the number of teeth, their form and size. Cuticular formations of the organs were studied on a surface of 2,500 µm2 and the average of ridges, tubercles, and teeth was measured searching for relevant taxonomic information. Stridulatory organs were thought to be an adaptation to myrmecophily but we show that they are present both in myrmecophilous and nonmyrmecophilous species; therefore, we suggest that this trait probably did not evolve in relation with myrmecophily, but may be used to enhance relationships with ants. J. Morphol. 275:414–430, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


The male accessory reproductive glands (MARG) play an important role in contributing proteins for the formation of the spermatophore, a structure that transports sperm from the male to the female. Several studies have shown that these proteins could be either of intraglandular or extraglandular origin. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed proteins in the adult MARG of Chilo partellus, which comigrate with the larval hemolymph proteins (LHP). Ouchterlony's immunodiffusion showed that the antiserum raised against MARG extract cross-reacts with the proteins present in the adult hemolymph and fat body. Immunoprecipitates of labelled hemolymph proteins with anti-LHP or anti-MARG proteins reveal two polypeptides that comigrate with LHPs. Thus, there appear to be some proteins of extraglandular origin in the MARG of C. partellus, and the LHP could belong to this category.  相似文献   

Gregarious roosting behaviour and nocturnal activity is virtually unknown within the family Hesperiidae. Observations on Celaenorrhinus fritzgaertneri (Bailey) from Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica, are presented which demonstrate that, during the dry season, individuals roost gregariously in cave-like situations during the day and are nocturnally active. Circadian behaviour is highly synchronized with regard to timing of departures and arrivals at the roosting site, and appears to be regulated by light levels. Individuals on the roost are in reproductive diapause and show marked roost-site fidelity and longevity. The break-up of roosts appears to be mediated by the onset of the first rains of the season. These observations are compared and discussed in relation to gregarious roosting in other Lepidoptera. Two possible life history strategies to explain roosting in C. fritzgaertneri , with appropriate experiments, are suggested for future studies.  相似文献   

Males of the uraniid moth genus Urania possess a stridulatory organ on the prothoracic leg. This organ represents an autapomorphy for the genus. The sound-producing mechanism consists of a peg formed of specialized scales on the coxa which produces a train of high pitched clicks when scraped against scales on the proximal end of the femur. The proximal end of the femur is enlarged compared with that of the females and would serve to amplify the sound pulse. Stridulation occurs during a series of rapid forward jerks of the forelegs. The sound produced by Urania consists of a low amplitude pulse audible to humans at short range but with a strong ultrasound component. It has not yet been observed in the wild and its function in these moths is unknown, but it may be used during intrasexual or perhaps intersexual communication. This organ is unlikely to have been evolved originally as a defence against nocturnal predators since the genus is a member of an exclusively diurnal clade and females lack the organ. Stridulation occurs in conjunction with fanning-out of the foreleg femoral hair pencil and this invites speculation as to a route for evolution of the organ.  相似文献   

The two closely related noctuid moths Spodoptera latifascia and S. descoinsi have been found in sympatry in some parts of French Guiana. They differ by i) ecological preferences, ii) some anatomical features of the genital tract, iii) the relative amounts of the two main components of the female pheromonal blend, and iv) the temporal pattern of sexual behaviour. Viable and fertile interspecific hybrids can be obtained in the laboratory, thus permitting a genetic study of some of these traits. The anatomical differences cause perturbations in mating efficiency. Experimental results show that these differences are hereditarily transmitted, but their exact mode of inheritance remains unknown. The timing of initiation of female calling activity is very likely to be under polygenic control. Conclusive evidence showed that a pair of major autosomal alleles determined the pheromone composition. Moreover, some of the data suggest that the descoinsi allele would become lethal in certain mosaic latifascia/descoinsi genomic environments. The ecological factor is likely to be the major component of reproductive isolation between the two species in natural conditions. However in contact zones, the differences in pheromone composition and in timing of sexual activity are probably involved in preventing interspecific hybridization. Two speciation scenarios are proposed, both sympatric. In one of them, the primary event would be a fragmentation of the tropical forest followed by disruptive selection associated with habitat diversification. In the other, the speciation process might have been initiated by the occurrence of mutations acting on the pheromone mediated mate recognition system.  相似文献   

Summary The mouthparts of Lepidoptera were investigated in a number of species by morphological and cinematographical methods. Both the galeae (which compose the proboscis) and the basal maxillary components (stipites) were studied in the resting position, in motion, and during feeding. In the resting position the proboscis is coiled so tightly that the surfaces of the consecutive coils are in close contact and the outermost coil touches the ventral side of the head. Cuticular processes of the galeal wall interlock between the coils in this position. In the investigated species they occur on the galeal wall and on the ventral side of the head in varying number and distribution. By the extension of the basal galeal joint, the coiled proboscis is released from its resting position and is elevated continuously. It uncoils in 3–5 steps which effect the entire length simultaneously. Each uncoiling step occurs synchronously with a compression of the stipital tubes on either side of the body. These compression movements pump hemolymph into the galeae. In all investigated Lepidoptera the uncoiled proboscis shows a distinct downward bend at a certain point which is also detectable in anaesthetized or freshly killed animals in some species. This feeding position and the movements of the uncoiled proboscis are similar in all species despite the intrinsic galeal muscles being variously arranged in the galeal lumen in different Lepidoptera. When comparing cross-sections through corresponding regions of coiled and uncoiled proboscises, the curvatures of the dorsal galeal walls remain unchanged. Coiling of the proboscis starts at the tip and progresses to the base. After coiling the proboscis tightly beneath the head, the diameter of the spiral widens due to its elastic properties until the proboscis props itself against the ventral side of the head. This elastic effect combined with the interlocking cuticular processes seems to be responsible for the resting position of the proboscis.Abbreviations an antenna - bre bend region - ca cardo - ci cibarium - cl clypeus - co complex eye - cp cuticular process - dre distal region - esm external tentoriostipital muscle - fc food canal - fst flat part of the stipes - ga galea - hs horizontal septum - igm intrinsic galeal muscles - ism internal tentoriostipital muscle - la labium - lap labial palpus - lr labrum - mxp maxillary palpus - ne nerve - pi pilifer - pom primary oblique galeal muscles - pr proboscis - pre proximal region - sa salivarium - se sensillum - som secondary oblique galeal muscles - st stipes - stl stipital lamella - te tentorium - tr trachea - tst tubular part of the stipes - vm ventral membrane - vs vertical septum  相似文献   

The systematics of tenebrionids remain unclear, principally at the subfamily level, as is the case of the Lagriinae. Considering that sperm morphology has contributed to the various insect group phylogenies, in this work we describe the structure and ultrastructure of these cells in Lagria villosa. Sperm in this species exhibit a strong morphological similarity to those of Tenebrio molitor and Tribolium castaneum, the only two species of Tenebrionidae with previously described sperm. In tenebrionids, the flagellar components offer good diagnostic characters, e.g. the symmetry of mitochondrial derivatives in L. villosa differentiates sperm of this species from those of Te. molitor and Tr. castaneum. However, the lateral association of the nucleus with flagellar components, the form of accessory bodies, and the presence of material connecting the axoneme to the accessory bodies and mitochondrial derivatives indicate that the three species form a sister group. Therefore, the sperm morphology of L. villosa support lagriid beetles as a subfamily (Lagriinae) of Tenebrionidae.  相似文献   

Antennae of representatives of most genera and subgenera of Nepticulidae have been examined in detail with SEM. Flagellar segments are highly uniform and possess each 1–3 s. trichodea, 1–3 long s. chaetica type I, 12 short s. chaetica type II and 0–2 s. coeloconica of a simpified type without “picket fence”. The dominating structure is a pair of s. vesiculoclada, a unique sensillum type, believed to be a synapomorphy for the Nepticulidae. A pair is present on alt flagellomeres in male antennae but not on all flagellomeres of females in two subgenera of Ectoedemia. Principally each s. vesiculocladum is five-branched, with the branches joined tightly to the flagellar cuticle, but reduction of the branches occurs in several genera, in particular in Ectoedemia. This sensillum can be classified as a single-walled wp sensillum, and thus a chemoreceptor. The s. vesiculocladum is considered to be a homologue of the ascoid sensilla in the Opostegidae. The presence of these special setae is considered as an additional synapomorphy for both families. A review of previous Literature on lepidopteran sensilla is presented and the present data are compared and discussed. In the Nepticulidae the s. vesiculocladum is assumed to be the major pheromone detector in contrast to the s. trichodea of most other Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

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