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Characteristics of work organization other than working time arrangements may contribute importantly to daytime sleepiness. The present study was designed to identify the psychosocial factors at work that predict daytime sleepiness in a sample of day and shift workers. Participants working at a pulp and chemical factory completed an annual questionnaire regarding psychosocial factors at work using the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Generic Job Stress Questionnaire (i.e., quantitative workload, variance in workload, job control, support from supervisor, coworkers, or family/friends, job satisfaction, and depressive symptoms), as well as daytime sleepiness (through the Epworth Sleepiness Scale [ESS]) and sleep disturbances for three years starting in 2002 (response rates, 94.6–99.0%). The present analysis included 55 day workers (11 women) and 57 shift workers (all men) who participated in all three years of the study, worked under the same work schedule throughout the study period, and had no missing data on any of the daytime sleep items. A repeated‐measures analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the effects of work schedule (day vs. shift work) and psychosocial factors at work in 2002 on the ESS scores in subsequent years, with sleep duration, insomnia symptoms, chronic diseases, and sleepiness levels at baseline as covariates. Given significant and near‐significant interactions of work schedules with psychosocial factor or study year, the ANCOVA, with the factors of psychosocial work characteristics and study year, was performed by type of work schedule. The results indicated a significant main effect of psychosocial work characteristics (p=0.010, partial ?2=0.14) and an almost significant main effect of study year (p=0.067, partial ?2=0.06) and interaction between psychosocial work characteristics and study year (p=0.085, partial ?2=0.06) for variance in workload among the day work group. The day workers reporting high variance in workload in 2002 exhibited significantly higher ESS scores in 2003 and 2004 than did those reporting low variance in workload. The ANCOVA for the shift work group showed a main effect of psychosocial work characteristics for job satisfaction (p=0.026, partial ?2=0.10) and depressive symptoms (p=0.094, partial ?2=0.06) with the interaction between psychosocial work characteristics and study year for job satisfaction (p=0.172, partial ?2=0.04) and depressive symptoms (p=0.035, partial ?2=0.07). The shift workers with low job satisfaction and high symptoms of depression in 2002 showed significantly greater ESS scores in 2003 and/or 2004 than did those with opposite characteristics. These results may suggest a potential predictive value of variance in workload for day workers as well as job satisfaction and depressive symptoms for shift workers with respect to daytime sleepiness. The present findings may imply that redesigning these aspects of work environment would be of help in managing daytime sleepiness.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the effects on sleep and sleepiness of entering or exiting shiftwork. The present study used a longitudinal database (n?=?3637). Participants completed a questionnaire on work hours, sleep, and work environment at the start and end of a 5-yr period. Changes in shift/day work status were related to change in a number of subjective sleep variables using logistic regression analysis. The analyses were adjusted for age, sex, and differences in socioeconomic status, work demands, work control, physical workload, marriage status, and number of children. In comparison with constant day work, entering shiftwork (with or without night shifts) from day work increased the risk of difficulties in falling asleep, and leaving shiftwork reduced this risk (odds ratio [OR]?=?2.8 [confidence interval, CI?=?1.8–4.5]). Also falling asleep at work showed a consistent pattern; an increased risk of falling asleep for those with shiftwork on both occasions, and for those with night work on both occasions. Also entering night work was associated with a strongly increased risk of falling asleep at work (OR?=?2.9 [CI?=?1.3–6.7]). These results suggest that entering and leaving shiftwork has a considerable impact on sleep and alertness. However, there is a need for large and more extended longitudinal studies to support our findings. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Recently, attention has focused in Israel on the possible legal and health consequences of shift work. We decided to study sleep disorders among female nursing personnel working a shift schedule, in comparison with day nurses, in a large metropolitan general hospital. The study population was composed of 131 female certified nurses working shifts and 44 working days only. Inclusion criteria for the survey was at least 1 year of shift work alternating between day, evening, and night shifts, or at least 1 year of day work. All participants completed a self-report sleep questionnaire encompassing (a) demographic data, (b) sleep survey, and (c) employment details. Statistical analysis was performed using the Pearson correlation test and analysis of variance multiple range test (according to Scheffe's procedure). No significant correlation was found between sleep disorders and age of subjects. No sleep disorders were reported by 19.8% of shift workers versus 76.5% of day workers. Statistically significant findings were that the number of shifts per week >4.1 (p = 0.001) and duration of shift work >13.6 years (p = 0.007) correlated with the presence of sleep disorders. An additional significant finding (p = 0.014) was the impact of evening shifts on sleep disorders. The present small study confined to women supports the growing body of data on sleep complaints among shift workers.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional exploratory study involved health care workers of various skill types and levels. We tested the hypothesis that the prevalence of diseases, sleep complaints, and insufficient time for nonprofessional activities (family, leisure, and rest) are higher among night than day workers. Data collection was carried out in two public hospitals using questionnaires and other forms. Night work was explored as a risk factor, considering a night worker as one who had at least one night job on the occasion of the research. Data were assessed by a univariate analysis. The association between work schedule and the dependent variables—health conditions, sleep complaints, and insufficient time for nonprofessional activities—was evaluated through the estimation of the prevalence ratio, with a confidence interval of 95%. Two hundred and fifty-eight female nursing personnel participated; 41.5% were moonlighters, and only 20 worked a shift of less than 12 h in length. Reports of migraine and need of medical care the 2 weeks before the survey were more prevalent among day than night workers (PR = 0.71; CI = 0.55–0.92 and PR = 0.71; CI = 0.52–0.95, respectively). Migraine headaches occurred less frequently among night than day workers as confirmed by comparing the reports of the night workers and day workers whose work history was always day shifts (PR = 0.74; CI = 0.57–0.96). Reports of mild emotional disorders (mild depression, tension, anxiety, or insomnia) were less frequent among night (PR = 0.76; CI = 0.59–0.98) and ex-night workers (PR = 0.68; CI = 0.50–0.91) than day workers who never had worked a night job. The healthy worker effect does not seem to explain the results of the comparisons between day and night workers. The possible role of exposure by day workers to some risk factors, such as stress, was suggested as an explanation for these results. No significant difference was observed between night and day workers as to sleep complaints, a result that may have been influenced by the nature of the shift-work schedule (no successive night shifts) and possibly nap taking during the night shift. Moreover, the long work hours and moonlighting of the healthcare workers, which is common in Brazil, may have masked other possible differences between the day and night workers. Among night workers, a significant relation was found between years working nights (more than 10 yrs) and high cholesterol values (PR = 2.58; CI = 1.07–6.27), a result that deserves additional study. Working nights more than four times per 2-week span was related to complaints about insufficient time for children (PR = 1.96; CI = 1.38–2.78) and rest/leisure (PR = 1.54; CI = 1.20–1.99). These results can be related to the “social value of time,” as evenings and nights are when families usually spend time together. The complexity of the professional life and the consequent heterogeneity of the group of workers under shift-work schemes confound the results. More in-depth study of the questions raised here demands a more sophisticated epidemiological treatment and larger sample size.  相似文献   

Night shift work is associated with a myriad of health and safety risks. Phase‐shifting the circadian clock such that it is more aligned with night work and day sleep is one way to attenuate these risks. However, workers will not be satisfied with complete adaptation to night work if it leaves them misaligned during days off. Therefore, the goal of this set of studies is to produce a compromise phase position in which individuals working night shifts delay their circadian clocks to a position that is more compatible with nighttime work and daytime sleep yet is not incompatible with late nighttime sleep on days off. This is the first in the set of studies describing the magnitude of circadian phase delays that occurs on progressively later days within a series of night shifts interspersed with days off. The series will be ended on various days in order to take a “snapshot” of circadian phase. In this set of studies, subjects sleep from 23:00 to 7:00 h for three weeks. Following this baseline period, there is a series of night shifts (23:00 to 07:00 h) and days off. Experimental subjects receive five 15 min intermittent bright light pulses (~3500 lux; ~1100 µW/cm2) once per hour during the night shifts, wear sunglasses that attenuate all visible wavelengths—especially short wavelengths (“blue‐blockers”)—while traveling home after the shifts, and sleep in the dark (08:30–15:30 h) after each night shift. Control subjects remain in typical dim room light (<50 lux) throughout the night shift, wear sunglasses that do not attenuate as much light, and sleep whenever they want after the night shifts. Circadian phase is determined from the circadian rhythm of melatonin collected during a dim light phase assessment at the beginning and end of each study. The sleepiest time of day, approximated by the body temperature minimum (Tmin), is estimated by adding 7 h to the dim light melatonin onset. In this first study, circadian phase was measured after two night shifts and day sleep periods. The Tmin of the experimental subjects (n=11) was 04:24±0.8 h (mean±SD) at baseline and 7:36±1.4 h after the night shifts. Thus, after two night shifts, the Tmin had not yet delayed into the daytime sleep period, which began at 08:30 h. The Tmin of the control subjects (n=12) was 04:00±1.2 h at baseline and drifted to 4:36±1.4 h after the night shifts. Thus, two night shifts with a practical pattern of intermittent bright light, the wearing of sunglasses on the way home from night shifts, and a regular sleep period early in the daytime, phase delayed the circadian clock toward the desired compromise phase position for permanent night shift workers. Additional night shifts with bright light pulses and daytime sleep in the dark are expected to displace the sleepiest time of day into the daytime sleep period, improving both nighttime alertness and daytime sleep but not precluding adequate sleep on days off.  相似文献   

Relay operations are an important mode of freight transportation within Australia. Relay work requires multiple crews to drive the train continuously from one specified destination to another and return. Importantly, the nature of relay work requires train drivers to sleep on‐board during designated resting shifts. The main aim of the present study was to investigate the quality and quantity of sleep obtained in on‐board rest facilities (relay vans) during extended (four‐day) relay operations. Drivers (n=9) working the Port Augusta to Darwin relay operation volunteered to participate. The first leg of the trip typically took 40 h followed by an overnight stay in Darwin (between 8–12 h) prior to return. Two crews, each consisting of two drivers, changed every 8 h, giving the crew an 8 h rest in the relay van prior to each 8 h working shift. Using polysomnography, home sleep data were collected prior to and following each trip using a standard five‐channel EEG montage. All sleep periods during the relay trip (including Darwin) were also recorded. Additionally, subjective sleep quality ratings were recorded following each sleep period. Analyses revealed that the quantity of sleep obtained in the relay vans (3.3 h) was significantly reduced compared to home (6.8 h). In general, the total sleep time was increased at night and reduced during the day. In terms of quality, sleep onset latency, sleep efficiency, and amount of slow wave and rapid eye movement sleep did not differ significantly between home and the relay vans. The results of the study highlight sleep quantity as the main concern during extended relay operations. Future research should focus on investigating the subjective and objective impact of this sleep reduction on waking functions.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a light/darkness intervention designed to promote circadian adaptation to night shift work was tested in this combined field and laboratory study. Six full-time night shift workers (mean age ± SD:37.1 ± 8.1 yrs) were provided an intervention consisting of an intermittent exposure to full-spectrum bright white light (~2000 lux) in the first 6 h of their 8 h shift, shielding from morning light by tinted lenses (neutral gray density, 15% visual light transmission), and regular sleep/darkness episodes in darkened quarters beginning 2 h after the end of each shift. Five control group workers (41.1 ± 9.9 yrs) were observed in the presence of a regular sleep/darkness schedule only. Constant routines (CR) performed before and after a sequence of ~12 night shifts over 3 weeks revealed that treatment group workers displayed significant shifts in the time of peak cortisol expression and realignment of the rhythm with the night-oriented schedule. Smaller phase shifts, suggesting an incomplete adaptation to the shift work schedule, were observed in the control group. Our observations support the careful control of the pattern of light and darkness exposure for the adaptation of physiological rhythms to night shift work.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the contribution of daily sleep habits and depressive symptoms to sickness absences of shift workers. A self-administered questionnaire that solicited answers about sleep, symptoms of depression, sickness absence, diseases/injuries, and lifestyle factors was submitted to a sample of 522 rotating shift workers between the ages of 18–59 (mean 27) yrs of an electric equipment manufacturing company. The seven features of sleep queried were daily hours of sleep, time to fall asleep, awakening during sleep, early morning awakening, sleep well at night, sufficiency of sleep, and excessive daytime sleepiness at work. The responses were assessed over the subject's previous 1-yr period. Each sleep feature, except daily sleeping hours, was dichotomized by the following responses: (1) taking more than 30 min to fall asleep (difficulty initiating sleep; DIS), (2) awakening during sleep almost every day (difficulty maintaining sleep; DMS), (3) early morning awakening almost every day (EMA), (4) sleeping very poorly or not so well at night, (5) definite or somewhat insufficient nightly sleep, and (6) excessive daytime sleepiness at work almost every day (EDS). Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) scale. Sickness absence was calculated by asking subjects “How many days in total have you been absent from work due to sickness, including paid vacation, in the last 1-yr period?” The responses were divided into three groups that included no (0 days) sickness absences (reference group, n = 235 subjects), 1 to 4 days (short-term, n = 199 subjects), and 5 days or more (long-term, n = 88 subjects). Compared to the prevalence of sleep features of the reference group, workers with short-term absence showed a significantly higher prevalence of EMA with an odds ratio (OR) of 5.3, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.3–22.0. Long-term absence was significantly associated with DMS (OR = 2.1, 95%CI 1.0–4.6), EMA (OR = 5.6, 95%CI 1.0–28.7), sleeping poorly at night (OR = 2.6, 95%CI 1.4–5.0), and high depressive symptoms (OR = 2.0, 95%CI 1.0–3.7) according to the CES-D score of ≥16, after adjusting for multiple confounding variables. These data point to an association between both the parameters of poor sleep and symptoms of deep depression when self-reported sickness absence is frequent. The association is particularly strong with long-term absence in male shift workers.  相似文献   

The literature widely recognizes that shift workers have more health complaints than the general population. The objective of this study was to describe the prevalence of sleep complaints and verify the polysomnographic (PSG) variables of shift workers in two Brazilian nuclear power plants. We carried out a subjective evaluation with a sleep questionnaire. Based on these results, the interviewees that reported sleep‐related complaints were referred for polysomnographic evaluation. Of the 327 volunteers initially evaluated by the sleep questionnaire, 113 (35%) reported sleep complaints; they were significantly older, had higher body mass index (BMI), and worked more years on shifts than those without sleep complaints. Of these 113, 90 met criteria for various sleep disorders: 30 (9%) showed obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 18 (5.5%) showed limb movement, and 42 (13%) evidenced both sleep problems and had a significantly higher proportion of sleep stage 1 and arousals compared with the 23 shift workers that had no indices of sleep problems. The present study found that 90 (27.5%) of the evaluated participants met the PSG criteria of some type of clinical sleep disorder. This high proportion should be investigated for associations with other aspects of work, such as working hours, working schedule, years performing shift work, and access to health services. Due to the strong association between sleep disorders and the incidence of fatigue and sleepiness, the evaluation of the sleep patterns and complaints of shift workers is essential and should be considered to be one of the basic strategies of industry to prevent accidents.  相似文献   

Night and shift work might be risk factors for metabolic and cardiovascular disorders due to interference with diet, circadian metabolic rhythms, and lifestyle. The relationship between permanent night work and metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors was explored in a retrospective longitudinal study of workers employed in a large municipal enterprise in charge of street cleaning and domestic waste collection. All subjects who had worked night shifts between 1976 and 2007 as hand sweepers, motor sweepers, and delivery tricar drivers were compared with subjects who always worked the same jobs but on day shifts. From the periodical medical surveillance files, we identified 488 male workers who had been examined on average five times (minimum 2, maximum 14) during the study period, for a total of 2,328 medical examinations; 157 always had worked day shifts, 12 always the night shift, and 319 both (initially day and subsequently night shifts). Their age ranged from 22 to 62 yrs, and work experience varied from 1 to 28 yrs. Lifestyle habits (smoking, alcohol consumption), body mass index, serum glucose, total cholesterol, tryglicerides, hepatic enzymes, blood pressure, resting electrocardiogram, diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, and related drugs were taken into consideration for the analysis. We used generalized estimating equations (GEE) models (exchangeable correlation matrix) to analyze the relationship between night work and health effects while accounting for within‐subject correlations and adjusting for study period, job, age, and lifestyle variables. As a whole, night workers smoked more and had significantly higher BMI, serum total cholesterol, and triglycerides than day workers. Both the inter‐individual comparison between day and night workers and the intra‐individual comparison among the workers, who were day workers at the beginning of their employment and later became night workers, showed a significant increase in BMI, total cholesterol, and tryglicerides associated with night work. No consistent effect was seen on fasting glucose, hepatic enzymes, and blood pressure, whereas a higher incidence of coronary heart disease was recorded in night workers.  相似文献   

Most night workers are unable to adjust their circadian rhythms to the atypical hours of sleep and wake. Between 10% and 30% of shiftworkers report symptoms of excessive sleepiness and/or insomnia consistent with a diagnosis of shift work disorder (SWD). Difficulties in attaining appropriate shifts in circadian phase, in response to night work, may explain why some individuals develop SWD. In the present study, it was hypothesized that disturbances of sleep and wakefulness in shiftworkers are related to the degree of mismatch between their endogenous circadian rhythms and the night-work schedule of sleep during the day and wake activities at night. Five asymptomatic night workers (ANWs) (3 females; [mean?±?SD] age: 39.2?±?12.5 yrs; mean yrs on shift?=?9.3) and five night workers meeting diagnostic criteria (International Classification of Sleep Disorders [ICSD]-2) for SWD (3 females; age: 35.6?±?8.6 yrs; mean years on shift?=?8.4) participated. All participants were admitted to the sleep center at 16:00?h, where they stayed in a dim light (<10 lux) private room for the study period of 25 consecutive hours. Saliva samples for melatonin assessment were collected at 30-min intervals. Circadian phase was determined from circadian rhythms of salivary melatonin onset (dim light melatonin onset, DLMO) calculated for each individual melatonin profile. Objective sleepiness was assessed using the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT; 13 trials, 2-h intervals starting at 17:00?h). A Mann-Whitney U test was used for evaluation of differences between groups. The DLMO in ANW group was 04:42?±?3.25?h, whereas in the SWD group it was 20:42?±?2.21?h (z = 2.4; p?<?.05). Sleep did not differ between groups, except the SWD group showed an earlier bedtime on off days from work relative to that in ANW group. The MSLT corresponding to night work time (01:00–09:00?h) was significantly shorter (3.6?±?.90?min: [M?±?SEM]) in the SWD group compared with that in ANW group (6.8?±?.93?min). DLMO was significantly correlated with insomnia severity (r = ?.68; p < .03), indicating that the workers with more severe insomnia symptoms had an earlier timing of DLMO. Finally, SWD subjects were exposed to more morning light (between 05:00 and 11:00?h) as than ANW ones (798 vs. 180 lux [M?±?SD], respectively z?=??1.7; p?<?.05). These data provide evidence of an internal physiological delay of the circadian pacemaker in asymptomatic night-shift workers. In contrast, individuals with SWD maintain a circadian phase position similar to day workers, leading to a mismatch/conflict between their endogenous rhythms and their sleep-wake schedule. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Very little is known about the prevalence of morning work and its relationship with sleep and fatigue. The present study obtained data from a representative sample of the Swedish population (N?=?5489) to address this limitation in the literature. The results show that 15% of the population commenced work, at least occasionally, before 05:30?h and ~2% did so most of the time. With the increasing phase advance of the start time, the time of rising also advanced, but bedtime changed very little. Thus, early start times were not compensated with earlier bedtimes. Total sleep time decreased as the work start time was advanced; sleep duration was <5?h for work start times between 03:00 and 04:30?h. The results also indicated that advanced start times were linked with increased fatigue, feelings of not being well rested, and reports of early start times as a rather large or very large problem. However, difficulties in waking and disturbed sleep did not change with advanced start times. It was concluded that early start times are common and are associated with sleep problems and fatigue. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(6):1075-1092
A questionnaire was designed to assess the following: why working people chose to eat or not to eat at a particular time of day; the factors that influenced the type of food eaten; and subjective responses to the meal (hunger before, enjoyment during, satiety afterward). Self-assessments were done every 3h during a typical week containing work and rest days, by one group of 50 day workers and another group of 43 night workers. During the night work hours compared to rest days, night workers evidenced a significantly altered food intake, with a greater frequency of cold rather than hot food (p < 0.001). The type and frequency of meals were influenced significantly more (p < 0.05) by habit and time availability and less by appetite. This pattern continued into the hours immediately after the night shift had ended. In day workers food intake during work hours, compared to rest days, was also influenced significantly more often (p < 0.05) by time availability than hunger, but less so than with night workers. Moreover, day workers were less dependent than night workers upon snacks (p = 0.01), and any significant differences from rest days did not continue beyond work hours. Not only did night workers change their eating habits during work days more than did day workers but also they looked forward to their meals significantly less (p < 0.001) and felt more bloated after consuming them (p < 0.05), such effects being present to some extent during their rest days also. These findings have clear implications for measures designed to ease eating problems that are commonly problematic in night workers.  相似文献   

In studies on the cardiovascular disease risk among shift workers, smoking is considered to be a confounding factor. In a study of 239 shift and 157 daytime workers, it was found that shift work was prospectively related to increased cigarette consumption, indicating that smoking might be in the causative pathway; however, the number of study subjects was too low to warrant sound conclusions. Therefore, data from the Maastricht Cohort study were used to investigate the longitudinal relation between smoking and shift work in a much larger population. In this study, a total of 12,140 employees were followed for two years by means of self‐administered questionnaires. The authors compared workers who normally worked during daytime hours only (74%) with those who worked other than day shifts (26%). Logistic regression analyses were performed, adjusting for demographic factors of age, gender, and educational level to evaluate the risk of starting to smoke (n=25) in the group of non‐smoking workers and the risk of quitting (n=318) in the group of smoking workers. Logistic regression analysis showed a significant association between shift work and taking up smoking during the two‐year follow‐up (odds ratio: 1.46, p=0.03). The risk to stop smoking was somewhat lower in shift workers (odds ratio: 0.91) but not statistically significant (p=0.5). To conclude, this study showed that, independent of educational level, shift workers are more prone to start smoking. This finding might have important implications for studies on the health effects of shift workers and for possible interventions aimed at the reduction of the excess health risk among shift workers.  相似文献   

Taking into consideration that shift work has a wide-ranging impact on circadian and sleep functioning, it seems likely that shift work increases the risk of a general sleep disturbance, spread out over a multitude of comorbid sleep disorders. The aim of the present study is to analyze and present the sleep disorder data of 250 shift workers and 971 permanent day workers, taken from a nationally representative sample. Additional data concerning duration, timing, and quality of sleep, daytime functioning and social/family variables were added to the analyses. The results showed that the shift workers experienced significantly more difficulties with the variability of their sleep times, reported more napping and considered themselves more as poor sleepers than the day workers. Most importantly, shift work, in comparison with day work, appeared associated with a significantly higher prevalence of the clinical, International Classification of Sleep Disorders’ defined symptoms of nearly all main sleep disorders (including shift work disorder). For shift workers, the prevalence of a general sleep disturbance was 39.0% (95%CI 33.2 – 45.2), significantly higher than for day workers (24.6%, 95%CI 22.0 – 27.4). Moreover, shift workers were characterized by high levels of sleep disorder comorbidity. In addition, exclusively for shift workers, the prevalence of disordered sleep systematically decreased across decades of life and was considerably higher for single versus partnered shift workers. This study adds to the insight into the interacting factors that determine shift work coping and may play a role in occupational health interventions aimed at reducing sleep problems and thus improving the resilience and tolerance of the shift worker.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate daytime and nighttime sleep, as well as daytime and nighttime sleepiness of professional shift-working bus drivers. Thirty-two licensed bus drivers were assessed by nocturnal and diurnal polysomnography (PSG) recording and multiple sleep latency testing (MSLT) sessions. Sleep length was shorter and sleep efficiency reduced during daytime sleep compared with nighttime sleep. Thirty-eight percent of the drivers had indices of obstructive apnea and hypopnea syndrome (>5/h sleep) during nighttime and daytime sleep; more drivers snored during daytime than nighttime sleep (50% vs. 35%, p < 0.05), and 38% of the drivers evidenced periodic leg movements. The MSLT revealed that 42 and 38% of the bus drivers met the criteria for sleepiness when the test was conducted during the day and night, respectively. The daytime as compared to nighttime sleep of shift-working bus drivers was shorter and more fragmented and was associated in many with evidence of excessive sleepiness. Respiratory disorder was a common finding among the professional shift-working bus drivers. All these sleep deficiencies may adversely affect on the job driving performance.  相似文献   

Large‐scale construction work often requires people to work longer daily hours and more than the ordinary five days in a row. In order to minimize transportation times and optimize the use of personnel, workers are sometimes asked to live in temporary building‐site camps in the proximity of the work site. However, little is known about the biological and psychological effects of this experience. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether exposure to long work hours and extended workweeks while living in building‐site camps in between work shifts was associated with a build‐up of increased complaints of poor sleep, daytime sleepiness, physical exertion, and fatigue across a two‐week work cycle. Two groups of construction workers were examined. The camp group of 13 participants (mean age: 42±11 S.D. yrs) lived in building‐site camps and worked extended hours (between 07:00 and 18:00 h) and extended workweeks (six days in a row, one day off, five days in a row, nine days off). The home group of 16 participants (mean age 40±9 yrs) worked ordinary hours between 07:00 and 15:00 h and returned home after each workday. Self‐ratings of daytime sleepiness (Karolinska Sleepiness Scale), physical exertion (Borg CR‐10), and mood were obtained six or seven times daily during two workweeks. Fatigue ratings were obtained once daily in the evening, and ratings of sleep disturbances were obtained once daily in the morning with the Karolinska Sleep Diary. Data were evaluated in a repeated measures design. The results showed that both groups reported a similar level of daytime sleepiness, physical exertion, and mood across workdays and time points within a workday (all three‐way interactions had p>0.898). Although the home group reported earlier wake‐up times, the pattern of sleep disturbance ratings across the workdays did not differ between the groups. Both groups reported few sleep disturbances and good mood. However, the camp group reported higher physical exertion already at the start of work and showed a more gentle increase in ratings during the work shift and a smaller decline between the end of work and bedtime. The camp group also reported higher fatigue scores than the home group. However, none of the groups showed signs of increasing ratings in the progress of the two workweeks. For both groups, the ratings of daytime sleepiness formed a U‐shaped pattern, with the highest scores at awakening and at bedtime. Yet, the camp group reported higher daytime sleepiness than the home group at lunch break and at the second break in the afternoon. In conclusion, there were no signs of fatigue build‐up or accumulation of daytime sleepiness, physical exertion, or sleep disturbances in either group. Despite the fact that the camp group showed some signs of having trouble in recuperating in between work shifts, as indicated by the higher physical exertion ratings at the start of work, higher fatigue scores, and higher daytime sleepiness, the results constitute no real foundation for altering the camp group's current work schedule and living arrangements.  相似文献   

Shift work has potentially adverse effects on health, particularly on sleep. The purpose of the present study was to assess sleep parameters among personnel working in oil and gas offshore installations in the Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. One hundred and seventy-nine subjects were asked to complete a sleep questionnaire with multiple-choice answers. Offshore workers were divided into two groups according to their work schedule: (1) fixed daytime workers (n = 86; age: 35.8 ± 9.6 yrs) and (2) shift (n = 87) or night (n = 6) workers (total n = 93; age: 37.7 ± 9.7 yrs). Shift/night workers reported poor sleep more frequently than the daytime workers (20.4% vs. 1.2%, p < 0.01), as well as habitual difficulty in falling asleep (15.1% vs. 4.7%, p < 0.01), long latency of sleep onset (28% vs. 7%, p < 0.01), fragmented sleep (45.2% vs. 16.3%, p < 0.01), short sleep episodes (44.1% vs. 16.3%, p < 0.01), irregular bedtimes (29.0% vs. 12.8%, p < 0.01), and feeling tired upon awakening (15.1% vs. 3.5%, p < 0.01). Habitual napping and loud snoring were reported twice as often in shift/night than in day workers (p < 0.01). Nightmares, somnambulism, and unpleasant feeling in the legs were equality reported by both groups (p > 0.05). Few offshore workers had sought medical help for their sleep problems. A higher number of shift/night workers reported feelings of sadness compared with day workers (26.9% vs. 9.3%, p < 0.01). The findings of this study show that subjective reports of sleep-related problems are quite common among Brazilian offshore shift workers. Reliance on self-reported sleep problems and a cross-sectional design are the main limitations of our study.  相似文献   

Extended nap opportunities have been effective in maintaining alertness in the context of extended night shifts (+12?h). However, there is limited evidence of their efficacy during 8-h shifts. Thus, this study explored the effects of extended naps on cognitive, physiological and perceptual responses during four simulated, 8-h night shifts. In a laboratory setting, 32 participants were allocated to one of three conditions. All participants completed four consecutive, 8-h night shifts, with the arrangements differing by condition. The fixed night condition worked from 22h00 to 06h00, while the nap early group worked from 20h00 to 08h00 and napped between 00h00 and 03h20. The nap late group worked from 00h00 to 12h00 and napped between 04h00 and 07h20. Nap length was limited to 3 hours and 20 minutes. Participants performed a simple beading task during each shift, while also completing six to eight test batteries roughly every 2?h. During each shift, six test batteries were completed, in which the following measures were taken. Performance indicators included beading output, eye accommodation time, choice reaction time, visual vigilance, simple reaction time, processing speed and object recognition, working memory, motor response time and tracking performance. Physiological measures included heart rate and tympanic temperature, whereas subjective sleepiness and reported sleep length and quality while outside the laboratory constituted the self reported measures. Both naps reduced subjective sleepiness but did not alter the circadian and homeostatic-related changes in cognitive and physiological measures, relative to the fixed night condition. Additionally, there was evidence of sleep inertia following each nap, which resulted in transient reductions in certain perceptual cognitive performance measures. The present study suggested that there were some benefits associated with including an extended nap during 8-h night shifts. However, the effects of sleep inertia need to be effectively managed to ensure that post-nap alertness and performance is maintained.  相似文献   

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