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The high export value of the Indian spiny lobster Panulirus homarus increasingly attracts the aquaculturists for farming and fattening. However, lack of knowledge on the effect of environmental parameters on the immune system of this animal could result in high mortality, which ultimately may cause major loss to the industry. Here, we report the effect of salinity (20, 25, 35, 40, and 45 per thousand), pH (5.0, 8.0, and 9.5), dissolved oxygen (DO) (1 and 5 mg L(-1)), and ammonia-N concentration (0, 0.5, 1.5 and 3 mg L(-1)) on the immune response of P. homarus measured in the haemolymph in terms of Total Haemocyte Count (THC), phenoloxidase (PO) activity, and NBT-reduction. Our data showed significant reduction (P<0.05) in THC, and NBT-reduction at lower (20 per thousand) and higher (45 per thousand) salinities. However, PO activity showed significant disparity, showing an increasing trend from 20 to 45 per thousand. Significant reduction (P<0.05) in THC and PO activity under acidic and alkaline conditions, under hypoxic condition (1 mg L(-1)), and at the higher ammonia-N concentrations than their respective optimal conditions were observed. Thus, suggesting that extreme environmental parameters can induce modifications in the immune system of the spiny lobster P. homarus, which may enhance their susceptibility to opportunistic pathogens. The humoral parameters such as THC, PO activity, and NBT-reduction can be used as potential stress indicators for healthy management of spiny lobsters.  相似文献   

Spiny lobster Panulirus homarus which had been exposed to cupric ion at 9.55 and 19.1?μg/l for 28?days was examined for sub-lethal effects including morphology, wet weight, and induced genotoxic effect on the chromosome. Following cupric exposure, the color of lobster P. homarus changed from yellowish-brown to greenish black in the hepatopancreas, changed from normal creamy white to yellowish white in the muscle, and changed to greenish black in the gill. A significant change in the percentage of wet weight of muscle (28.70?±?0.41-23.47?±?0.45), hepatopancreas (4.03?±?0.12-2.63?±?0.17), and gills (3.63?±?0.45-3.87?±?0.12) were observed in the copper-treated lobsters. The diploid number of chromosomes of P. homarus was over 200 metaphases from ten lobsters, as 2n?=?58, and consisted of 16 acrocentric, seven metacentric, and six sub-metacentric chromosomes. The lobsters exposed to cupric ion at 9.55 and 19.1?μg/l showed different types of chromosomal aberrations such as centromeric gaps, chromatid breaks, centromeric fusion, stickiness, ring chromosomes, and acrocentric association region. The frequency of aberrations increased with duration of exposure. In conclusion, it was suggested that cupric ion interacts with the spindle formation and consequently distorts the normal karyomorphology, indicating cytogenetic effect on lobster.  相似文献   

Bilateral eyestalk ablation in the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium lanchesteri results in high mortality, while unilateral eyestalk ablated prawns exhibited a high survival rate. There was marked increase in the growth of bilateral eyestalk-ablated prawns (47.70 mg/prawn) as compared to those that were unilaterally ablated (19.19 mg/prawn).  相似文献   

Red porgy is a candidate species for marine aquaculture diversification. The objective of the present study was to describe the osteological development in this species and the occurrence of skeletal deformities in relation to the intensification of the rearing system. Fish samples were periodically collected along the development from hatching to juveniles (95 days after hatching). Osteological development and the presence of skeleton abnormalities were evaluated. Larvae reared under S‐IS showed a better growth in terms of total length in comparison with IS reared ones. Regarding to osteological development for red porgy, this was similar between fish from both culture systems, but differing in timing of apparition and ossification of skeletal elements. X‐ray studies revealed a high number of fish with skeletal deformities (Semi‐intensive: 38.8%; Intensive: 46.5%), but no significant effect of the rearing technique on the incidence of deformities such as lordosis or fused vertebrae was found. However, cranial abnormalities and kyphosis incidences were significantly higher in intensive system cultured red porgy. These results, suggest a relationship among rearing technique, osteological development and the apparition of certain deformities.  相似文献   

The study aim was to determine the optimum age, wet body weight (WBW) and total length (TL) of the crucian carp, Carassius carassius (L.), to ensure the effectiveness of weaning directly without a gradual transfer from live food to a compound feed. Moreover, the state of development of the digestive tract was analyzed histologically based on the height of enterocytes. Experimental rearing was conducted between days 5 and 45 post hatch (DPH). Initial WBW of fish was 2.2 ± 0.6 (n = 30) mg and TL 6.1 ± 0.1 (n = 30) mm. Rearing was carried out at 27 ± 0.5°C, with fish divided into six groups: one control (C) fed with Artemia sp. nauplii, and five groups initially fed with Artemia sp. but later replaced by a compound feed. Weaning with the compound diet started at 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 DPH in groups labeled F15, F20, F25, F30, F35, respectively. Larvae were fed three times per day (08.00 h, 13.00 h, 18.00 h) in equal portions (4% of larvae biomass per day, converted to the dry matter of the feed). Daily biomass growth was adopted as 15%. Each group was triplicated (n = 50 individuals per replicate). Highest values of TL 42.1 ± 0.7 (n = 30) mm and WBW 905.3 ± 50.3 (n = 30) mg were recorded in the control group at 45 DPH; lowest survival rate of 45 DPH was in group F15 (90.7 ± 1.2%, n = 30). The highest value of the enterocyte epithelial length was observed in individuals within groups F30, 34.8 ± 1.2 μm (n = 30) and F35, 35.4 ± 3.6 μm (n = 30), respectively, 30 and 35 DPH; highest percentage of deformations on the final day of the experiment was in group F15 (100 ± 0.0%, n = 30). The results indicate that an effective direct transfer from live food to prepared diets (with no gradual transfer) cannot be performed with crucian carp larvae before 30 DPH at 27°C, when the fish have reached TL = 31.1 ± 0.4 mm (n = 30) and WBW = 436.9 ± 13.7 mg (n = 30).  相似文献   

为了阐明华南双季稻区早稻收割和晚稻移栽对褐飞虱种群动态的影响,2011年在韶关市采用田间调查与卵巢解剖的方法研究了双季早稻、双季晚稻、田埂杂草上褐飞虱的种群动态及虫源性质。结果表明:早稻收割后,早稻上大量的褐飞虱1~2龄若虫被淘汰,3龄以上若虫及成虫不断转移扩散致使附近晚稻秧田和杂草上褐飞虱虫量突增;晚稻移栽之后,杂草及晚稻秧田的褐飞虱又向新插秧的晚稻进行转移,但成为有效虫源的虫量较少,因此,早稻收割和晚稻移栽对褐飞虱种群动态造成了极为不利的影响,晚稻秧田和田埂杂草可作为褐飞虱转移过程中的流动栖息场所,在褐飞虱虫量转移中起着一定的作用。  相似文献   

This study evaluated how water temperature (26, 28, and 30°C), number of meals per day (one or two meals), and protein percent in diet (20, 25 and 30%) impact growth performance, biometric indices, and feeding behavior of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Fish were randomly allocated into 18 equal replicate groups. Higher final body weight was observed in fish reared at 30°C and fed one meal per day containing 30% crude protein. Better weight gain, weight gain %, feed conversion ratio, specific growth rate, and condition factor were recorded in fish reared at 26°C and fed one meal per day containing 30% protein. The best length weight relationship was obtained in fish reared at 26°C and fed one meal per day containing 30% crude protein. Shorter feeding duration and duration of appetite inhibition latency were recorded in fish reared at 30°C, fed one meal per day, and given a diet containing 30% protein. The highest proactivity was recorded in fish reared at 30°C, received one meal per day, and with 25% crude protein in their diet. Conclusively, rearing Nile tilapia at 26–30°C with a lower feeding frequency (one meal/day) and a 30% crude protein diet achieved better performance and feeding behavior.  相似文献   

This study compared the influence of feeding methods on growth parameters of young‐of‐year Beluga sturgeon Huso huso in a 6‐week trial. Fish with an average weight 150.3 ± 0.8 g (±SE) were stocked into nine circular concrete tanks (30 fish per tank) in an open circular system with water temperature of 18.9°C. All fish were fed by three different feeding methods: (a) hand‐fed (HF), (b) continuously available (automated feeder; AF), (c) half of daily feed provided by hand, and another half by automated feeder (combined feeding). For the hand‐feeding method, fish were fed at 09:00, 14:00, 19:00, and 24:00. The entire automatic feeding groups were fed with the same amount of feed. The mean final body weight was the highest in fish fed by AF compared to fish fed by HF. Body weight increase, condition factor, specific growth rate, and feed conversion ratio did not differ among the feeding groups. Fish fed by AF revealed higher swimming activity than the HF group. No significant changes were found in hematocrit, glucose and total protein concentrations among treatments. The results showed less dependence of growth and physiology of Beluga sturgeon on feeding method, but automated‐feeding was shown to be suitable for sturgeon rearing because of further low labour costs in rearing systems.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the spawning pattern of Japaneses sardine ( Sardinops melanostictus ) during the spawning period, changes in ovarian histology, frequency distributions of oocyte diameter and plasma levels of oestradiol-17β (E2) and 17 a ,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17 a ,20β-diOH-P) were examined in female fish captured in the region off Kyushu and Shikoku in Japan. With the development of the ovary, the gonadosomatic index (GSI) increased gradually and the size of oocytes became larger. When the GSI exceeded 13, the translucent hydrated eggs began to dominate and ovulation subsequently occurred. After ovulation, GSI decreased to less than 3. Post-ovulatory follicles were found only in the lower GSI ranges and atretic oocytes were always observed in the ovary. Plasma E2 levels increased along with ovarian development but decreased after completion of yolk accumulation. On the other hand, 17 a ,20β-diOH-P showed the highest level just before and after ovulation. Ovarian histology and hormonal profiles suggest that the sardine spawns repeatedly during the spawning period. Based on the concentration of 17a,20β-diOH-P, the female Japanese sardine was estimated to ovulate before the middle of the night.  相似文献   

Male chinook salmon, orhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), are known to mature sexually after one summer in sea water, one year earlier than any of the females. Two year classes of first generation domestic chinook salmon stock reared to sexual maturity on a commercial salmon farm in British Columbia, Canada were sampled for wet weight at various times during the spring after their first winter in the sea. Frequency distributions of wet weight were developed for both year classes. The weight-frequency distributions for both cohorts became statistically bimodal in May of their first year in the sea. The fish from the two modal groups for both cohorts were sorted and kept separate over the summer. The difference in the mean weight for the two groups increased throughout the summer in both years. The higher weight group in each cohort proved to be >95% early maturing males, and represented 64–46% of all the early maturing males evident in the September following the sort. The potential use of this information for commercial salmon growers and fisheries scientists interested in sexual maturation of the chinook salmon is discussed.  相似文献   

张蕾  罗礼智  江幸福  胡毅 《昆虫学报》2006,49(6):895-902
为了明确羽化后0~24 h (1日龄)饥饿处理对迁飞型粘虫Mythimna separata (Walker)生殖系统和飞行系统发育的影响,对1日龄饥饿处理后粘虫的卵巢发育级别、产卵前期、飞行肌和飞行能力进行了系统研究。结果表明, 1日龄饥饿对粘虫成虫卵巢发育级别、产卵前期、中胸背纵肌干重、飞行能力等均有显著的影响。饥饿后成虫卵巢发育级别显著高于对照,产卵前期显著短于对照。成虫中胸背纵肌干重从饥饿后96 h开始下降,至120 h时饥饿粘虫(5.1 mg)显著低于对照(5.86 mg)。成虫飞行能力从饥饿后96 h开始显著低于对照,此时饥饿处理粘虫蛾的飞行距离平均为22.03 km,飞行时间平均为4.07 h,显著低于同时期的对照粘虫的飞行距离(42.3 km)和飞行时间(7.99 h),尽管在饥饿后72 h内差异不显著。实验结果显示,1日龄饥饿可以显著抑制粘虫飞行系统的发育,加速飞行向生殖的转变。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different captive housing conditions on reproductive cyclicity and adrenocortical activity in adult females of two small‐sized felid species, the tigrina (Leopardus tigrinus; n = 3) and margay (Leopardus wiedii; n = 2). Females were housed as singletons and subjected to three enclosure conditions over successive time periods: Phase I—large, enriched enclosures for 3 months; Phase II—small, empty enclosures for 5.5 months; Phase III—the same small enclosures enriched with branches and nest boxes for 6.5 months. Fecal samples were collected five times weekly throughout the study for analysis of progestagen, estrogen, and corticoid metabolites. On the basis of observed behaviors, stereotypic pacing was more frequent before feeding for all cats, regardless of enclosure conditions. Both species displayed a bimodal activity pattern, with peaks occurring at nightfall and dawn. All animals exhibited agitated behavior, characterized by a high frequency and duration of stereotypic pacing, primarily during the first 3 days after moving to the small empty enclosures. On the basis of hormonal analyses, ovarian follicular activity decreased and corticoid concentrations increased in tigrinas after transfer to the small barren cages compared to the patterns observed in the initial large, enriched enclosures. Corticoid concentrations in tigrinas then declined after small cage enrichment. Margay females exhibited increased corticoid excretion during Phases II and III, but in contrast to tigrinas, concentrations remained high even after cage enrichment. It was further showed that enriching the small enclosures was insufficient to reestablish normal ovarian activity within the time frame of the study for both species. In summary, margay and tigrina females exhibited distinct elevations in corticoid concentrations after transfer from large enriched enclosures to smaller barren cages that corresponded with agitated behavior, especially immediately after transfer. Fecal corticoid concentrations were reduced after cage enrichment in tigrinas, but not in margays. Although only a few individuals were evaluated, data suggest there may be species differences in response to captive environmental conditions. Overall results emphasize the importance of enclosure dimensions and enrichment when designing species appropriate environments for improving the health and reproductive fitness of threatened species. Zool Biol 26:441–460, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

高温对珍贵绢丝昆虫——天蚕卵巢生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶恭银  胡萃  龚和 《生态学报》2000,20(3):490-494
结果表明,高温对天蚕(Antheraea yamamai)卵巢生长发育有明显的影响。3、4龄幼虫卵巢生长发育在20 ̄29℃范围内随温度提高而加快,32℃下则略有下降;5龄幼虫卵巢生长发育在29℃和32℃下明显受阻。在茧蛹期,若在刚结茧或化蛹第1天即经受32℃高温处理,卵巢大小及其可溶性蛋白含量多明显小于或低于26℃,即其卵巢生长发育明显受阻;而在化蛹第6天开始受32℃高温处理,结果则似反之。正因为  相似文献   

Abstract:  Nysius huttoni White is endemic to New Zealand and an important pest of wheat and brassica crops. To provide critical information for pest forecast, management and quarantine inspection, we investigated the effect of day length on the growth, development and reproductive diapause of this pest under a series of photoperiodic regimes: 16 : 8, 14 : 10, 12 : 12 and 10 : 14 h [light : dark (L : D)]. Long day lengths [16 : 8 and 14 : 10 h (L : D)] promote a continuous lifecycle while short day lengths [12 : 12 and 10 : 14 h (L : D)] slow up the growth and development, prolong the pre-mating period, and induce the reproductive diapause. The absence of oviposition for approximately 30 days is recognized as the criterion for N. huttoni reproductive diapause definition. When all life stages are kept under the short day length conditions, only 60–73% of females enter reproductive diapause; if the exposure to short day lengths starts in late instar nymphs, 100% of females enter reproductive diapause. If only adults experience short day lengths, does diapause incidence fall in between, with up to 26% of females laying a few eggs before entering diapause. The critical photoperiod for the induction of reproductive diapause falls between 13.3 : 10.7 and 13.5 : 10.5 h.  相似文献   

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