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Mark and recapture experiments were used to estimate the size-at-age relationship of the coral-eating gastropod Drupella cornus at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Animals 15 mm long increased in length by 5.2 mm in six months at a site in an early stage of an outbreak, but by only 3.8 mm at a site within an established outbreak. Snails larger than 35 mm grew very little. Based on observed growth rates fitted to a Richards function growth equation, snails 28 mm long judged to be reproductively mature would be 2.5 to 3.5 years old, suggesting that local outbreaks represent no more than one or two generations of recruits. Indirect evidence indicates that growth is more rapid in the earlier than in later stages of outbreaking populations. The growth and timing of life-history transitions of D. cornus are not unusual among other muricid species.  相似文献   

Calcineurin (CN), a multifunctional protein, mediates the immune response through diverse signaling pathways in mammals, while the function of CN in the immune response of molluscan hemocytes still remains unclear. In the present study, we detected the distribution of CN in various tissues and the expression levels of Pf-CNA and Pf-CNB gene in hemocytes of Pinctada fucata. After the preparation of hemocyte monolayers, we checked the response of enzymatic activity of CN, the degradation level of IκBα, the activity of iNOS and the production of NO, and IL-2 to the challenge of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and cyclosporin A (CsA). CN activity in hemocytes was very sensitive to both the stimulation of LPS and the inhibition of CsA. Most importantly, IκBα degradation in hemocytes was induced by LPS and attenuated by CsA. Consequently, the activity of iNOS was elevated and the production of NO was increased. Additionally, we found that the synthesis of IL-2 was increased by LPS but was apparently weakened by CsA. In vivo bacterial clearance experiments showed that CsA significantly decreased the ability of in vivo bacteria clearance in pearl oyster. All the results revealed, for the first time, that CN mediated the immune response of molluscan hemocytes via activating NF-κB signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The American oyster Crassostrea virginica is exploited along Gulf of Mexico. This resource represents a job source and incomes for fishermen. In Mexico the production is supported by Tabasco state, the first producer. However, the mexican landings of this bivalve had been dropped about 40% last ten years. By 1999, Tabasco presents a unique ban season fishery of oysters. This season was based in evaluation of gonadal development by visual observations of color and texture, larvae and seeds abundance. In 2000, the government set up two ban seasons in terms of evaluation of populations every year, without gonadal analysis. In general, exists different spawning seasons for American oyster, in accordance with the environmental conditions. It is necessary to establish a ban season according to reproductive cycle. This study presents the gonadic cycle for an oyster population of Mecoacin lagoon along a year. It was defined five phases of the gonad development: resting, gametogenesis, mature or ripe, spawn and post spawn. Gametogenesis is present all the year, except December. The spawning activity was detected all year, except July and August. The ripe phase presented maximum values in August and December. It was proposed a modification of the ban seasons from April 15 - May 30, and September 15 - October 30 to March 15 - May 15 and September 1 - October 30, respectively, according to gonadic cycle obtained in this work. This modification would to avoid capture mature organisms (ready to spawn).  相似文献   


The reproductive cycle of an Alvania species is studied for first time. Alvania mediolittoralis Gofas, 1989 is an endemic Azorean rissoid very common in sheltered places and particularly abundant among the algal turf covering the lower half of the intertidal and upper subtidal rocky shores. This species reproduces throughout the year, with two spawning peaks, one during early spring and the other in late autumn. In an attempt to relate to current paleobiogeographical studies, inferences are made regarding the ecological advantages of species with a continuous type of reproduction, on Azorean shores, during glacial episodes.  相似文献   

Beveridge  Ian  Sukee  Tanapan  Jabbar  Abdul 《Systematic parasitology》2021,98(5-6):679-695
Systematic Parasitology - Rugopharynx australis (Mönnig, 1926) (Nematoda: Strongyloidea) is redescribed based on specimens from the type host, Osphranter rufus (Desmarest), together with...  相似文献   

In the Sahel of Africa, farmers often modify their cultivation practices to adapt to environmental changes. How these changes shape the agro-biodiversity is a question of primary interest for the conservation of plant genetic resources. We addressed this question in a case study on pearl millet in south western Niger where farmers used to cultivate landraces with different cycle length in order to cope with rain uncertainty. Early and late landraces were previously grown on distant fields. Nowadays, mostly because of human population pressure and soil impoverishment, it happens that the two types of landraces are grown on adjacent fields, opening the question whether gene flow between them may occur. This question was tackled through a comparative study among contrasting situations pertaining to the spatial distribution of early and late landraces. Observations of flowering periods showed that pollen flow between the two landraces is possible and has a preferential direction from early to late populations.  相似文献   

Reproductive patterns vary widely among species and populations of squamates. In general, patterns can be divided into cyclic and acyclic. Cyclic patterns are common in tropical and temperate species of seasonal environments, while acyclic ones are characteristic of tropical species that inhabit less variable environments. We studied the reproductive cycle of Sceloporus jalapae, one of the smallest species of Sceloporus, in an arid environment at Zapotitlán Salinas, Puebla, Mexico. Both sexes mature in the first year following hatching and exhibit a seasonal reproductive pattern with maximum activity in spring and summer that appears to be influenced by temperature. Unlike small species of Sceloporus that inhabit pine–oak and tropical forests, S. jalapae exhibits an extended period of reproductive activity that allows females to produce at least two clutches of 3–7 eggs each, and contrary to other species of Sceloporus, in this species there is no correlation between female length and clutch size. The reproductive pattern of S. jalapae is like that shown by other oviparous species of the genus; nevertheless, some life history traits of this species are shared with oviparous and viviparous species of small size.  相似文献   

Musculature innervated by the N. facialis inTheropithecus gelada (Rüppell) is patterned on broad lines in agreement with related genera of catarrhine monkeys, but presents some specializations and divergences in detail. Noteworthy is the extension to the labial margins superficially of the combined levator labii superioris and zygomaticus in the upper and the pars mandibularis of trachelo-platysma in the lower lip. A specialization of the medial fibres of levator labii superioris forms a sling-like structure within the upper lip and serves to implement the lip-flip gesture characteristic of the genus. Its antagonist is the orbicularis oris. Special features of all other facialis muscles are considered.Abbreviations ABD Anterior belly of digastricus - AE Arteria facialis - ALS Arteria labialis superior - ANL Arteria lateralis nasi - AP Auricularis posterior - APA Arteria auricularis posterior - AS Arteria auricularis superior - A.Se. Arteria septi nasi - A.Sy. Arteria symphysialis - BP Buccal pouch - LAO Depressor anguli oris - FTA Fronto-temporo-auricularis - GLI Glandulae labialis inferiores - GLS Glandulae labialis superioris - LAO Levator anguli oris - LG Artery to labial glands - LLAN Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi - LLS Levator labii superioris - M Masseter - MM Musculus mentalis - NP Notoplatysma - O Occipitalis - OO Orbicularis oris - O.Oc Orbicularis oculi - P Procerus - SH Sterno-hyoideus - TP Trachelo-platysma - VL Vena labialis communis - VP Venous plexus of dorsum nasi - ZM Zygomaticus minor - Zy Zygomaticus  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Four new species of Rugopharynx Mönnig, 1927 are described from macropodid marsupials in Australia, some identified initially using molecular methods. Rugopharynx...  相似文献   

We have determined the distribution of Y chromosomal haplotypes and haplogroups in population samples from one of the most important areas in north-eastern Hungary from many villages in the Bodrogköz. The Bodrogköz region was chosen due to its isolated nature, because this area was a moorland encircled by the Tisza, Bodrog, and Latorca Rivers and inhabitants of this part of Hungary escaped from both Tatar and Ottoman invasions, which decimated the post-Hungarian Conquest populations in many parts of the country. Furthermore, in the first half of the tenth century, this region served as the Palatial Centre and burial grounds of the Hungarian tribes. It has thus been assumed that the present population in this area is likely to be more similar to the population that lived in the Conquest period. We analysed male-specific markers, 23 Y-STRs and more than 30 Y-SNPs, that reflect the past and recent genetic history. We found that the general haplogroup distribution of the samples showed high genetic similarity to non-Bodrogköz Hungarians and neighbouring populations, despite its sheltered location and historical record. We were able to classify the Y-chromosomal haplogroups into four large groups based on STR mutation events: pre-Roman/Roman ancient lineage, Finno-Ugric speakers arriving into the Carpathian Basin, Migration period admixture, and post-Hungarian Conquest admixture. It is clear that a significantly larger database with deep haplogroup resolution, including ancient DNA data, is required to strengthen this research.  相似文献   

Aerobic heterotrophic and facultative anaerobic bacteria were isolated from all developmental stages of the sugar beet root maggot, Tetanops myopaeformis (von R?der). Two distinct bacterial symbiotic relationships were observed. Serratia liquefaciens and Serratia marcescens were found to be associated with all developmental stages. Bacterial symbiont transmission occurred from one generation to the next. Symbionts were transferred from the male reproductive system to the female reproductive system, where both an internal infiltration of the egg chorion and an external smearing of the eggs occurred during oviposition. Pseudomonas maltophilia was found in association with the larval gut and the inner surface of the puparium. Electron microscopy of the inner puparial surface revealed symbionts within the chitinous wall. In vitro symbiont chitinase production was found, using both nephelometric (turbidimetric) and N-acetylglucosamine assays. A relationship appeared to exist between adult fly emergence and enzymatic chitin degradation of the puparium by the bacterial symbionts.  相似文献   

Reproductive success depends on a precise synchronization of organisms’ activities with the environment, determining the evolution of mechanisms controlling reproductive behaviour. In temperate zones mammals exhibit pronounced seasonal reproduction because of thermoregulation costs imposed by low winter temperatures and limited food availability. Even occupying burrows that buffer external ambient conditions, these restrictions also affect subterranean rodents inhabiting these latitudes. Tuco-tucos (genus Ctenomys) are subterranean herbivorous rodents that have a Neotropical distribution between 17 and 54° of latitude S. Ctenomys rionegrensis is one of the three species occurring in Uruguay and generated interest due to chromatic polymorphism in a restricted area (50×60 km). Here we describe the timing of breeding in C. rionegrensis based on the reproductive status of free-living females and the proportion of juveniles in the population, and describe the characteristics of the estrous cycle of the species using cytological techniques. As expected, the data showed a clear seasonality in female breeding and provided evidence of the occurrence of post-partum estrous. The reproductive activity began in late austral autumn and the highest proportion of pregnant females was observed in winter. At the beginning of the austral spring, the prevalence of lactating females increased as a consequence of the first births and remained high until early summer. This pattern of breeding seasonality was clearly correlated with the annual temperature variation. The estrous cycle showed four phases characterized by both different cellular types and the abundance and appearance of mucus, which allows a clear determination of female's reproductive status.  相似文献   

The gonadal structure and cycle of the Leguminaia whaetleyi is described for the first time indicating that 5% of this species is simultaneous hermaphrodite. A total of 420 individuals were collected in monthly samples from October 2008 to September 2009 in G?lba?? Lake, Turkey. Calculation of the condition index and histological examination of the gonads showed that gametogenesis began in January. Spawning occurred between May and August with one maximum peak in July. Annual maximum oocytes size peaked in July. The population consisted of simultaneous hermaphrodite individuals. Sex ratio of L. whaetleyi was significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (P< 0.05), and also female biased sex ratio was recorded. In hermaphrodite specimens, male and female follicles were mixed in the visceral mass but can be clearly distinguished by light microscopy study. L. whaetleyi appears to be a dioecious species in which 25 specimens were simultaneous hermaphrodite and under certain environmental conditions may be capable of self-fertilization. This suggests that detailed studies on sex ratio of L. whaetleyi may be helpful in understanding unionid phylogeny.  相似文献   

The life cycle of Ceratium furcoides (Levander) Langhans which features sexual reproduction is described for the first time in situ from the lake Plußsee (northern West Germany). Anisogamic copulation occurs during the bloom period in July–August by incorporation of the male gamete by the female gamete, resulting in an overwintering planozygote. The planozygote develops into a benthic hypnozygote which germinates in spring to establish a planomeiocyte. The morphology and structure of the stages of the life cycle are described using light and scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - To clarify the reproductive activity of lane snapper, Lutjanus synagris, a total of 359 specimens of lane snapper were collected in partnership with an artisanal...  相似文献   

Crystalline aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase from Micrococcus percitreus is inactive in the absence of pyridoxal phosphate (PLP). The inactive form of the enzyme shows absorption at 340 nm and contains one mol of PLP per mol of enzyme. Binding of PLP to the inactive form is accompanied by a pronounced increase in absorbance at 415 nm. The amount of PLP that binds to this holoenzyme is 2 mol per mol of enzyme. The inactive half-resolved form, i. e. semiapoenzyme, is obtained again by dialysis of the holoenzyme against phosphate buffer. When the semiapoenzyme is dialyzed against phosphate buffer containing 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-l-alanine, it loses the absorption at 340 nm with the loss of PLP. This apoenzyme regains the activity and absorption at 340 nm and 415 nm on association with PLP.  相似文献   


Key message

Linkage analysis confirmed the association in the region of PHYC in pearl millet. The comparison of genes found in this region suggests that PHYC is the best candidate.


Major efforts are currently underway to dissect the phenotype–genotype relationship in plants and animals using existing populations. This method exploits historical recombinations accumulated in these populations. However, linkage disequilibrium sometimes extends over a relatively long distance, particularly in genomic regions containing polymorphisms that have been targets for selection. In this case, many genes in the region could be statistically associated with the trait shaped by the selected polymorphism. Statistical analyses could help in identifying the best candidate genes into such a region where an association is found. In a previous study, we proposed that a fragment of the PHYTOCHROME C gene (PHYC) is associated with flowering time and morphological variations in pearl millet. In the present study, we first performed linkage analyses using three pearl millet F2 families to confirm the presence of a QTL in the vicinity of PHYC. We then analyzed a wider genomic region of ~100 kb around PHYC to pinpoint the gene that best explains the association with the trait in this region. A panel of 90 pearl millet inbred lines was used to assess the association. We used a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to compare 75 markers distributed along this 100-kb region. We found the best candidate markers on the PHYC gene. Signatures of selection in this region were assessed in an independent data set and pointed to the same gene. These results foster confidence in the likely role of PHYC in phenotypic variation and encourage the development of functional studies.  相似文献   

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