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We investigated the metabolism of L-lactate in mitochondria isolated from potato tubers grown and saved after harvest in the absence of any chemical agents. Immunologic analysis by western blot using goat polyclonal anti-lactate dehydrogenase showed the existence of a mitochondrial lactate dehydrogenase, the activity of which could be measured photometrically only in mitochondria solubilized with Triton X-100. The addition of L-lactate to potato tuber mitochondria caused: (a) a minor reduction of intramitochondrial pyridine nucleotides, whose measured rate of change increased in the presence of the inhibitor of the alternative oxidase salicyl hydroxamic acid; (b) oxygen consumption not stimulated by ADP, but inhibited by salicyl hydroxamic acid; and (c) activation of the alternative oxidase as polarographically monitored in a manner prevented by oxamate, an L-lactate dehydrogenase inhibitor. Potato tuber mitochondria were shown to swell in isosmotic solutions of ammonium L-lactate in a stereospecific manner, thus showing that L-lactate enters mitochondria by a proton-compensated process. Externally added L-lactate caused the appearance of pyruvate outside mitochondria, thus contributing to the oxidation of extramitochondrial NADH. The rate of pyruvate efflux showed a sigmoidal dependence on L-lactate concentration and was inhibited by phenylsuccinate. Hence, potato tuber mitochondria possess a non-energy-competent L-lactate/pyruvate shuttle. We maintain, therefore, that mitochondrial metabolism of L-lactate plays a previously unsuspected role in the response of potato to hypoxic stress.  相似文献   

In isolated potato tuber mitochondria, palmitic acid (PA) can induce a H+ leak inhibited by GTP in the phosphorylating (state 3) respiration but not in the resting (state 4) respiration. The PA-induced H+ leak is constant when state 3 respiration is decreased by an inhibition of the succinate uptake with n-butyl malonate (nBM). We show that the efficiency of inhibition by GTP is decreased when state 3 respiration is progressively inhibited by antimycin A (AA) and is restored following subsequent addition of nBM. We propose that in phosphorylating potato tuber mitochondria, the redox state of ubiquinone, which can antagonistically be varied with AA and nBM, modulates inhibition of the PA-activated UCP-sustained H+ leak by GTP.  相似文献   

Most mitochondrial proteins are encoded by the nucleus, translated in the cytosol, and imported. Mitochondrial precursors generally contain their targeting information in a cleavable N-terminal presequence, which is rich in hydroxylated and positively charged residues and can form amphiphilic alpha-helices. We report the in vivo targeting of green fluorescent protein (GFP) by the FDH presequence, as well as several truncated or mutated variants. Some of these mutations modify the amphiphilicity of the predicted alpha-helix. The removal of the first two residues abolishes import and some single amino acid mutations strongly inhibit import. Such strong effects on import had not been observed in similar studies on other plant mitochondrial presequences, suggesting that the FDH presequence is a particularly good model for functional studies.  相似文献   

The mechanisms and accurate control of citrate oxidation by Percoll-purified potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber mitochondria were characterized in various metabolic conditions by recording time course evolution of the citric acid cycle related intermediates and O2 consumption. Intact potato tuber mitochondria showed good rates of citrate oxidation, provided that nonlimiting amounts of NAD+ and thiamine pyrophosphate were present in the matrix space. Addition of ATP increased initial oxidation rates, by activation of the energy-dependent net citrate uptake, and stimulated succinate and malate formation. When the intramitochondrial NADH to NAD+ ratio was high, α-ketoglutarate only was excreted from the matrix space. After addition of ADP, aspartate, or oxaloacetate, which decreased the NADH to NAD+ ratio, flux rates through the Krebs cycle dehydrogenases were strongly increased and α-ketoglutarate, succinate, and malate accumulated up to steady-state concentrations in the reaction medium. It was concluded that NADH to NAD+ ratio could be the primary signal for coordination of fluxes through electron transport chain or malate dehydrogenase and NAD+-linked Krebs cycle dehydrogenases. In addition, these results clearly showed that the tricarboxylic acid cycle could serve as an important source of carbon skeletons for extra-mitochondrial synthetic processes, according to supply and demand of metabolites.  相似文献   

The limiting factors of the involvement of malate dehydrogenase in mitochondrial malate oxidation were investigated by using Percoll-purified potato tuber mitochondria. The respective roles of reduced pyridine nucleotides, oxaloacetate, and adenine nucleotides were studied under conditions of high or low phosphorylation potential (Pi + ADP/ATP ratio). Under conditions of high phosphorylation potential, the limitation of malate dehydrogenase activity was caused by the accumulation of oxaloacetate in the medium. In the absence of ADP (phosphorylation potential close to zero), ATP was responsible for the inhibition of malate dehydrogenase activity rather than oxaloacetate or reduced pyridine nucleotides.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1987,223(2):304-308
The ATP-hydrolyzing activity of F1-ATPase purified from potato tubers mitochondria was stimulated 2- and 3.5-fold by anions, chloride and bicarbonate, respectively, and 5.5- and 6.5-fold by detergents, octyl glucoside and lauryl dimethylamine oxide (LDAO), respectively. The maximal specific activity of the activated F1, 129 μmol/min per mg protein is the highest activity of plant mitochondrial F1 hitherto reported and exceeds several-fold values reported earlier. In the absence of activators F1-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis exhibits non-linear double-reciprocal plots of [ATP]−1 vs v−1 indicative of negative cooperativity, while in the presence of activators, linear plots are observed. It is suggested that the activators reduce the cooperativity originating from the interaction between different subunits of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Potato tubers ( Solanum tubersum L. cv. Grata) were stored for atleast 1 week at room temperature and then incubated with an equal amount of apples ( Malus domestica L.) for 2 days. After this treatment, intact tuber mitochondria isolated by Percoll gradient centrifugation showed a high degree of induction of the alternative oxidase, measured as cyanide-resistant, salicylhydroxamic acid-sensitive respiration. With succinate as substrate an activity of more than 130 nmol O2(mg protein) 1 min t was obtained. An assay of the alternative oxidase using duroquinol as an electron donor was developed. To become reliable the assay required the presence of defatted bovine serum albumin (BSA) and catalase (EC 1. 11. 1. 6). Furthermore, a lowering of the assay temperature to 15°C improved the stability of the duroquinol-based activity. One remarkable finding was that with duroquinol (or external NADH) as substrate the alternative oxidase was synergistically activated by succinate (as well as by malate) even in the presence of the succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor malonate. Our interpretation is that succinate and malate (indirectly) activate the alternative oxidase and that this activation is part of a physiological mechanism for regulation of the alternative oxidase.  相似文献   

Dioxins invade the body mainly through the diet, and produce toxicity through the transformation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). An inhibitor of the transformation should therefore protect against the toxicity and ideally be part of the diet. We examined flavonoids ubiquitously expressed in plant foods as one of the best candidates, and found that the subclasses flavones and flavonols suppressed antagonistically the transformation of AhR induced by 1 nM of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, without exhibiting agonistic effects that transform AhR. The antagonistic IC(50) values ranged from 0.14 to 10 microM, close to the physiological levels in human.  相似文献   

Inside-out submitochondrial particles from both potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje) tubers and pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Oregon) leaves possess three distinct dehydrogenase activities: Complex I catalyzes the rotenone-sensitive oxidation of deamino-NADH, NDin(NADPH) catalyzes the rotenone-insensitive and Ca2+-dependent oxidation of NADPH and NDin(NADH) catalyzes the rotenone-insensitive and Ca2+-independent oxidation of NADH. Diphenylene iodonium (DPI) inhibits complex I, NDin(NADPH) and NDin (NADH) activity with a Ki of 3.7, 0.17 and 63 µM, respectively, and the 400-fold difference in Ki between the two NDin made possible the use of DPI inhibition to estimate NDin (NADPH) contribution to malate oxidation by intact mitochondria. The oxidation of malate in the presence of rotenone by intact mitochondria from both species was inhibited by 5 µM DPI. The maximum decrease in rate was 10–20 nmol O2 mg?1 min?1. The reduction level of NAD(P) was manipulated by measuring malate oxidation in state 3 at pH 7.2 and 6.8 and in the presence and absence of an oxaloacetate-removing system. The inhibition by DPI was largest under conditions of high NAD(P) reduction. Control experiments showed that 125 µM DPI had no effect on the activities of malate dehydrogenase (with NADH or NADPH) or malic enzyme (with NAD+ or NADP+) in a matrix extract from either species. Malate dehydrogenase was unable to use NADP+ in the forward reaction. DPI at 125 µM did not have any effect on succinate oxidation by intact mitochondria of either species. We conclude that the inhibition caused by DPI in the presence of rotenone in plant mitochondria oxidizing malate is due to inhibition of NDin(NADPH) oxidizing NADPH. Thus, NADP turnover contributes to malate oxidation by plant mitochondria.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber were investigated for the presence of a nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase activity. Submitochondrial particles derived from these mitochondria by sonication catalyzed a reduction of NAD+ or 3-acetylpyridine-NAD+ by NADPH, which showed a maximum of about 50 to 150 nanomoles/minute·milligram protein at pH 5 to 6. The Km values for 3-acetylpyridine-NAD+ and NADPH were about 24 and 55 micromolar, respectively. Intact mitochondria showed a negligible activity in the absence of detergents. However, in the presence of detergents the specific activity approached about 30% of that seen with submitochondrial particles. The potato mitochondria transhydrogenase activity was sensitive to trypsin and phenylarsine oxide, both agents that are known to inhibit the mammalian transhydrogenase. Antibodies raised against rat liver transhydrogenase crossreacted with two peptides in potato tuber mitochondrial membranes with a molecular mass of 100 to 115 kilodaltons. The observed transhydrogenase activities may be due to an unspecific activity of dehydrogenases and/or to a genuine transhydrogenase. The activity contributions by NADH dehydrogenases and transhydrogenase to the total transhydrogenase activity were investigated by determining their relative sensitivities to trypsin. It is concluded that, at high or neutral pH, the observed transhydrogenase activity in potato tuber submitochondrial particles is due to the presence of a genuine and specific high molecular weight transhydrogenase. At low pH an unspecific reaction of an NADH dehydrogenase with NADPH contributes to the total trans-hydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Ethanol, when added to the incubation medium of callus-forming potato tuber discs, inhibits callus growth and causes an increase of the mitochondrial antimycin-A resistant respiration, expressed as a percentage of state III-respiration. This increase in resistance to antimycin-A is the result of a poor development of the cytochrome pathway in tissue discs treated with ethanol. The development of the antimycin-A resistant alternative oxidase sensitive to chelator is about the same for treated and untreated discs. The respiratory control (RC) ratio of the mitochondrial respiration increases after addition of a chelator, which inhibits the alternative pathway. The RC ratio of the uninhibited mitochondrial respiration appears to be inversely related to the capacity of the alternative pathway, when mitochondrial preparations with different capacities to transfer electrons via the alternative path are compared. From the experimentally observed relation between RC-ratio and alternative oxidase capacity, it was concluded that at least half of the capacity of the alternative path is used in uninhibited state IV respiration.  相似文献   

Respiratory activities in mitochondria of potato tuber tissueincreased about 3-fold after aging sliced tissue for 1 day.Increased activity was insensitive to cyanide. The number ofmitochondrial particles also increased during aging. It seemslikely that newly formed mitochondria are heavier than pre-existingones and that respiration in the former is insensitive to cyanide. (Received January 26, 1970; )  相似文献   

Oxidation of succinate by potato tuber mitochondria has been investigated from aerobiosis to complete anuerobiosis. Difference spectra of the various steps were recorded by a rapid scan spectrometer delivering averaged spectra every 3 s in the range 380 to 630 mm. The transitions between state 3 and 4 resulted in large redox changes, essentially for the b cytochromes, and in significant changes in the spectral baseline (light scattering). At anaerobiosis the cytochromes c, c1 and a were reduced while cytochrome a, remained oxidized. – Addition of uncouplers in aerobiosis induced oxidation of the b cytochromes, and when anaerobiosis occurred cytochromes c, c1a and a3 were reduced simultaneously. When uncouplers were added in anaerobiosis a partial oxidation of the b cytochromes and the reduction of cytochrome a3 were observed. These results are interpreted as the building up of a membrane potential, maximal in state 4 and stable after anaerobiosis. The cytochromes buried in the membrane equilibrate with the membrane potential, and their redox states are sensitive to the changes. Variations of membrane potential also induce changes in the light scattering by the mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

The herbicides neburon and siduron are uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation in potato tuber (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje) mitochondria. Their effect on the ion permeabilities of the mitochondrial membrane was investigated using the acid-base pulse technique, swelling experiments and integrity tests. Both herbicides permeabilize the membrane to H+ ions. They have no action on the permeabilities of K+ and Fe(CN)3?6. The swelling observed with Ca2+ was better interpreted as an effect on membrane structure than as a true swelling. Diuron, a parent compound that does not uncouple oxidative phosphorylation, does not act on Ca2+-induced apparent swelling.  相似文献   

Plant Cell Reports - During callus formation a huge increase in alcoholdehydrogenase activity was observed in potato tuber tissue discs. Callus formation was no prerequisite for this increase;...  相似文献   

The uninhibited respiration of mitochondria, isolated from potato tuber discs (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje) incubated on a callus-inducing medium at 28°C, is higher than that of mitochondria from tissue incubated at 8°C. This respiration is composed of a CN-sensitive and a CN-resistant part. The capacity of the CN-resistant alternative oxidase pathway is larger in mitochondria from 28°C tissue than in mitochondria from 8°C tissue (35% and 8% of uninhibited respiration, respectively). The alternative pathway is operative both in mitochondria from 28°C tissue and 8°C tissue.

The observed difference in uninhibited respiration, is not only caused by lower values of respiration via the alternative pathway in mitochondria from 8°C tissue, but also by lower values of respiration via the cytochrome pathway.

A positive correlation has been demonstrated between the incubation temperature (ranging from 4-37°C) and the relative capacity of respiration via alternative pathway in the mitochondria. Induction of alternative pathway is not directly correlated with growth (in terms of increase in fresh weight) of the potato tuber discs.


Effects of cold exposure in vivo and treatment with laurate, carboxyatractylate, atractylate, nucleotides, and BSA in vitro on potato tuber mitochondria have been studied. Cold exposure of tubers for 48-96 h resulted in some uncoupling that could be reversed completely by BSA and partially by ADP, ATP, UDP, carboxyatractylate, and atractylate. UDP was less effective than ADP and ATP, and atractylate was less effective than carboxyatractylate. The recoupling effects of nucleotides were absent when the nucleotides were added after carboxyatractylate. GDP, UDP, and CDP did not recouple mitochondria from either the control or the cold-exposed tubers. This indicates that the cold-induced fatty acid-mediated uncoupling in potato tuber mitochondria is partially due to the operation of the ATP/ADP antiporter. As to the plant uncoupling protein, its contribution to the uncoupling in tuber is negligible or, under the conditions used, somehow desensitized to nucleotides.  相似文献   

Effects of cold exposure in vivo and treatment with laurate, carboxyatractylate, atractylate, nucleotides, and BSA in vitro on potato tuber mitochondria have been studied. Cold exposure of tubers for 48-96 h resulted in some uncoupling that could be reversed completely by BSA and partially by ADP, ATP, UDP, carboxyatractylate, and atractylate. UDP was less effective than ADP and ATP, and atractylate was less effective than carboxyatractylate. The recoupling effects of nucleotides were absent when the nucleotides were added after carboxyatractylate. GDP, UDP, and CDP did not recouple mitochondria from either the control or the cold-exposed tubers. This indicates that the cold-induced fatty acid-mediated uncoupling in potato tuber mitochondria is partially due to the operation of the ATP/ADP antiporter. As to the plant uncoupling protein, its contribution to the uncoupling in tuber is negligible or, under the conditions used, somehow desensitized to nucleotides.  相似文献   

In many plant species, one of the most abundant soluble proteins (as judged by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) in mitochondria from nongreen tissues is a 40-kD polypeptide that is relatively scarce in mitochondria from photosynthetic tissues. cDNA sequences encoding this polypeptide were isolated from a lambda gt11 cDNA expression library from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) by screening with a specific antibody raised against the 40-kD polypeptide. The cDNA sequence contains an open reading frame of 1137 nucleotides whose predicted amino acid sequence shows strong homology to an NAD-dependent formate dehydrogenase (EC from Pseudomonas sp. 101. Comparison of the cDNA sequence with the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the mature 40-kD polypeptide suggests that the polypeptide is made as a precursor with a 23-amino acid presequence that shows characteristics typical of mitochondrial targeting signals. The identity of the polypeptide was confirmed by assaying the formate dehydrogenase activity in plant mitochondria from various tissues and by activity staining of mitochondrial proteins run on native gels combined with antibody recognition. The abundance and distribution of this protein suggest that higher plant mitochondria from various nonphotosynthetic plant tissues (tubers, storage roots, seeds, dark-grown shoots, cauliflower heads, and tissues grown in vitro) might contain a formate-producing fermentation pathway similar to those described in bacteria and algae.  相似文献   

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