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Inward rectifying K channels are essential for maintaining resting membrane potential and regulating excitability in many cell types. Previous studies have attributed the rectification properties of strong inward rectifiers such as Kir2.1 to voltage-dependent binding of intracellular polyamines or Mg to the pore (direct open channel block), thereby preventing outward passage of K ions. We have studied interactions between polyamines and the polyamine toxins philanthotoxin and argiotoxin on inward rectification in Kir2.1. We present evidence that high affinity polyamine block is not consistent with direct open channel block, but instead involves polyamines binding to another region of the channel (intrinsic gate) to form a blocking complex that occludes the pore. This interaction defines a novel mechanism of ion channel closure.  相似文献   

Inward rectification in strong inward rectifiers such as Kir2.1 is attributed to voltage-dependent block by intracellular polyamines and Mg(2+). Block by the polyamine spermine has a complex voltage dependence with shallow and steep components and complex concentration dependence. To understand the mechanism, we measured macroscopic Kir2.1 currents in excised inside-out giant patches from Xenopus oocytes expressing Kir2.1, and single channel currents in the inside-out patches from COS7 cells transfected with Kir2.1. We found that as spermine concentration or voltage increased, the shallow voltage-dependent component of spermine block at more negative voltages was caused by progressive reduction in the single channel current amplitude, without a decrease in open probability. We attributed this effect to spermine screening negative surface charges involving E224 and E299 near the inner vestibule of the channel, thereby reducing K ion permeation rate. This idea was further supported by experiments in which increasing ionic strength also decreased Kir2.1 single channel amplitude, and by mutagenesis experiments showing that this component of spermine block decreased when E224 and E299, but not D172, were neutralized. The steep voltage-dependent component of block at more depolarized voltages was attributed to spermine migrating deeper into the pore and causing fast open channel block. A quantitative model incorporating both features showed excellent agreement with the steady-state and kinetic data. In addition, this model accounts for previously described substate behavior induced by a variety of Kir2.1 channel blockers.  相似文献   

Animal and plant voltage-gated ion channels share a common architecture. They are made up of four subunits and the positive charges on helical S4 segments of the protein in animal K+ channels are the main voltage-sensing elements. The KAT1 channel cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana, despite its structural similarity to animal outward rectifier K+ channels is, however, an inward rectifier. Here we detected KAT1-gating currents due to the existence of an intrinsic voltage sensor in this channel. The measured gating currents evoked in response to hyperpolarizing voltage steps consist of a very fast (tau = 318 +/- 34 micros at -180 mV) and a slower component (4.5 +/- 0.5 ms at -180 mV) representing charge moved when most channels are closed. The observed gating currents precede in time the ionic currents and they are measurable at voltages (less than or equal to -60) at which the channel open probability is negligible ( approximately 10-4). These two observations, together with the fact that there is a delay in the onset of the ionic currents, indicate that gating charge transits between several closed states before the KAT1 channel opens. To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms that give rise to the gating currents and lead to channel opening, we probed external accessibility of S4 domain residues to methanethiosulfonate-ethyltrimethylammonium (MTSET) in both closed and open cysteine-substituted KAT1 channels. The results demonstrate that the putative voltage-sensing charges of S4 move inward when the KAT1 channels open.  相似文献   

Summary Inward currents carried by external Cs, Rb, NH4 and K through theI K1 channel were studied using a whole-cell voltage clamp technique. Cs, NH4, and Rb currents could be recorded negative to –40 mV following depolarizing prepulses (0 mV and 200–1000 msec in duration). The current activation displayed an instantaneous component followed by a monoexponential increase () to a peak amplitude. Subsequent inactivation was fit by a single exponential, i. With hyperpolarization, and i decreasede-fold per 36 and 25 mV, respectively. In Ca-free external solutions (pipette [Mg]0.3mm), inactivation was absent, consistent with the hypothesis that inactivation represents time- and voltage-dependent block of Cs, NH4, and Rb currents by external Ca. The inactivation and degree of steady-state block was greatest when Cs was the charge carrier, followed by NH4, and then Rb. K currents, however, did not inactivate in the presence of Ca. Na and Li did not carry any significant current within the resolution of our recordings. Comparison ofpeak inward current ratios (I x/IK) as an index of permeability revealed a higher permeance of Cs (0.15), NH4 (0.30), and Rb (0.51) relative to K (1.0) than that obtained by comparing thesteady-state current ratios (CsNH4RbK0. At any given potential, was smaller the more permeant the cation. In the absence of depolarizing prepulses, the amplitude of was reduced. Divalent-free solutions did not significantly affect activatio in the presence of 0.3mm pipette [Mg]. When pipette [Mg] was buffered to 50 m, however, removal of external Ca and Mg lead to a four- to fivefold increase in Cs currents and loss of both time-dependent activation and inactivation (reversible upon repletion of external Ca).These results suggest that (i) permeability ratios forI K1 should account for differences in the degree to which monovalent currents are blocked by extracellular Ca and (ii) extracellular or intracellular divalent cations contribute to the slow phase of activation which may represent either (a) the actual rate of Mg or Ca extrusion from the channel into the cell, a process which may be enhanced by repulsive interaction with the incoming permeant monovalent cation or (b) an intrinsic gating process that is strongly modulated by the permeant monovalent ion and divalent cations.  相似文献   

The glycine-tyrosine-glycine (GYG) sequence in the p-loop of K+ channel subunits lines a narrow pore through which K+ ions pass in single file intercalated by water molecules. Mutation of the motif can give rise to non-selective channels, but it is clear that other structural features are also required for selectivity because, for instance, a recently identified class of cyclic nucleotide-gated pacemaker channels has the GYG motif but are poorly K+ selective. We show that mutation of charged glutamate and arginine residues behind the selectivity filter in the Kir3.1/Kir3.4 K+ channel reduces or abolishes K+ selectivity, comparable with previously reported effects in the Kir2.1 K+ channel. It has been suggested that a salt bridge exists between the glutamate-arginine residue pair. Molecular modeling indicates that the salt bridge does exist, and that it acts as a "bowstring" to maintain the rigid bow-like structure of the selectivity filter and restrict selectivity to K+. The modeling shows that relaxation of the bowstring by mutation of the residue pair leads to enhanced flexibility of the p-loop, allowing permeation of other cations, including polyamines. In experiments, mutation of the residue pair can also abolish polyamine-induced inward rectification. The latter effect occurs because polyamines now permeate rather than block the channel, to the remarkable extent that large polyamine currents can be measured.  相似文献   

The fully open state of heterotypic gap junction channels formed by pairing cells expressing connexin 32 (Cx32) with those expressing connexin 26 (Cx26) rectifies in a way that cannot be predicted from the current-voltage (I-V) relation of either homotypic channel. Using a molecular genetic analysis, we demonstrate that charged amino acids positioned in the amino terminus (M1 and D2) and first extracellular loop (E42) are major determinants of the current-voltage relation of the fully open state of homotypic and heterotypic channels formed by Cx26 and Cx32. The observed I-V relations of wild-type and mutant channels were closely approximated by those obtained with the electrodiffusive model of Chen and Eisenberg (Chen, D., and R. Eisenberg. 1993. Biophys. J. 64:1405-1421), which solves the Poisson-Nernst-Plank equations in one dimension using charge distribution models inferred from the molecular analyses. The rectification of the Cx32/Cx26 heterotypic channel results from the asymmetry in the number and position of charged residues. The model required the incorporation of a partial charge located near the channel surface to approximate the linear I-V relation observed for the Cx32*Cx26E1 homotypic channel. The best candidate amino acid providing this partial charge is the conserved tryptophan residue (W3). Incorporation of the partial charge of residue W3 and the negative charge of the Cx32E41 residue into the charge profile used in the Poisson-Nernst-Plank model of homotypic Cx32 and heterotypic Cx26/Cx32 channels resulted in I-V relations that closely resembled the observed I-V relations of these channels. We further demonstrate that some channel substates rectify. We suggest that the conformational changes associated with transjunctional voltage (V(j))-dependent gating to these substates involves a narrowing of the cytoplasmic entry of the channel that increases the electrostatic effect of charges in the amino terminus. The rectification that is observed in the Cx32/Cx26 heterotypic channel is similar although less steep than that reported for some rectifying electrical synapses. We propose that a similar electrostatic mechanism, which results in rectification through the open and substates of heterotypic channels, is sufficient to explain the properties of steeply rectifying electrical synapses.  相似文献   

Spermidine and spermine, are endogenous polyamines (PAs) that regulate cell growth and modulate the activity of numerous ion channel proteins. In particular, intracellular PAs are potent blockers of many different cation channels and are responsible for strong suppression of outward K+ current, a phenomenon known as inward rectification characteristic of a major class of KIR K+ channels. We previously described block of heterologously expressed voltage-gated Na+ channels (NaV) of rat muscle by intracellular PAs and PAs have recently been found to modulate excitability of brain neocortical neurons by blocking neuronal NaV channels. In this study, we compared the sensitivity of four different cloned mammalian NaV isoforms to PAs to investigate whether PA block is a common feature of NaV channel pharmacology. We find that outward Na+ current of muscle (NaV1.4), heart (NaV1.5), and neuronal (NaV1.2, NaV1.7) NaV isoforms is blocked by PAs, suggesting that PA metabolism may be linked to modulation of action potential firing in numerous excitable tissues. Interestingly, the cardiac NaV1.5 channel is more sensitive to PA block than other isoforms. Our results also indicate that rapid binding of PAs to blocking sites in the NaV1.4 channel is restricted to access from the cytoplasmic side of the channel, but plasma membrane transport pathways for PA uptake may contribute to long-term NaV channel modulation. PAs may also play a role in drug interactions since spermine attenuates the use-dependent effect of the lidocaine, a typical local anesthetic and anti-arrhythmic drug.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent anion-selective channel (VDAC) of the mitochondrial outer membrane is formed by a small ( 30 kDa) polypeptide, but shares with more complex channels the properties of voltage-dependent gating and ion selectivity. Thus, it is a useful model for studying these properties. The molecular biology techniques available in yeast allow us to construct mutant versions of the cloned yeast VDAC genein vitro, using oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, and to express the mutant genes in yeast cells in the absence of wild-type VDAC. We find that one substitution mutation (lys 61 to glu) alters the selectivity of VDAC.  相似文献   

Spermidine and spermine, are endogenous polyamines (PAs) that regulate cell growth and modulate the activity of numerous ion channel proteins. In particular, intracellular PAs are potent blockers of many different cation channels and are responsible for strong suppression of outward K+ current, a phenomenon known as inward rectification characteristic of a major class of KIR K+ channels. We previously described block of heterologously expressed voltage-gated Na+ channels (NaV) of rat muscle by intracellular PAs and PAs have recently been found to modulate excitability of brain neocortical neurons by blocking neuronal NaV channels. In this study, we compared the sensitivity of four different cloned mammalian NaV isoforms to PAs to investigate whether PA block is a common feature of NaV channel pharmacology. We find that outward Na+ current of muscle (NaV1.4), heart (NaV1.5), and neuronal (NaV1.2, NaV1.7) NaV isoforms is blocked by PAs, suggesting that PA metabolism may be linked to modulation of action potential firing in numerous excitable tissues. Interestingly, the cardiac NaV1.5 channel is more sensitive to PA block than other isoforms. Our results also indicate that rapid binding of PAs to blocking sites in the NaV1.4 channel is restricted to access from the cytoplasmic side of the channel, but plasma membrane transport pathways for PA uptake may contribute to long-term NaV channel modulation. PAs may also play a role in drug interactions since spermine attenuates the use-dependent effect of the lidocaine, a typical local anesthetic and anti-arrhythmic drug.  相似文献   

Inward rectifier potassium (Kir) channels play essential roles in regulating diverse physiological processes. Although Kir channels are encoded in mosquito genomes, their functions remain largely unknown. In this study, we identified the members of the Anopheles gambiae Kir gene family and began to investigate their function. Notably, we sequenced the A. gambiae Kir1 (AgKir1) gene and showed that it encodes all the canonical features of a Kir channel: an ion pore that is composed of a pore helix and a selectivity filter, two transmembrane domains that flank the ion pore, and the so-called G-loop. Heterologous expression of AgKir1 in Xenopus oocytes revealed that this gene encodes a functional, barium-sensitive Kir channel. Quantitative RT-PCR experiments then showed that relative AgKir1 mRNA levels are highest in the pupal stage, and that AgKir1 mRNA is enriched in the adult ovaries. Gene silencing of AgKir1 by RNA interference did not affect the survival of female mosquitoes following a blood meal, but decreased their egg output. These data provide evidence for a new role of Kir channels in mosquito fecundity, and further validates them as promising molecular targets for the development of a new class of mosquitocides to be used in vector control.  相似文献   

Tfs1p and Ylr179cp are yeast proteins belonging to the PEBP family. Tfs1p, but not Ylr179cp, has been shown to interact with and inhibit Ira2p, a GTPase-activating protein of Ras. Tfs1p has been shown to be a specific inhibitor of the CPY protease and the 3D structure of the complex has been resolved. To shed light on the molecular determinants of Tfs1p involved in the Tfs1/Ira2 interaction, the 3D structure of Ylr179cp has been modelled and compared to that of Tfs1p. Tfs1p point mutants and Tfs1 hybrid proteins combining regions of Tfs1p and Ylr179cp were also designed and their function was tested. Results, interpreted from a structural point of view, show that the accessibility of the surface pocket of Tfs1p, its N-terminal region and the specific electrostatic properties of a large surface region containing these two elements, play a crucial role in this interaction.  相似文献   

The gustatory system of channel catfish is widely studied for its sensitivity to amino acids. As a first step in identifying the molecular components that play a role in taste transduction in catfish, we cloned the full-length cDNA for Kv2-catfish, a novel K(+) channel that is expressed in taste buds. The deduced amino acid sequence is 816 residues, and shares a 56-59% sequence identity with Kv2.1 and Kv2.2, the other members of the vertebrate Kv2 subfamily of voltage-gated K(+) channels. The Kv2-catfish RNA was expressed in taste buds, brain, skeletal muscle, kidney, intestine and gills, and its gene is represented as a single copy in the catfish genome. Recombinant channels expressed in XENOPUS: oocytes were selective for K(+), and were inhibited by tetraethylammonium applied to the extracellular side of the membrane during two-electrode voltage clamp analysis with a 50% inhibitory constant of 6.1 mM. The channels showed voltage-dependent activation, and did not inactivate within 200 ms. Functionally, Kv2-catfish is a voltage-gated, delayed rectifier K(+) channel, and its primary structure is the most divergent sequence identified among the vertebrate members of the Kv2 subfamily of K(+) channels, being related equally well to Kv2.1 and Kv2.2.  相似文献   

Art Winfree's scientific legacy has been particularly important to our laboratory whose major goal is to understand the mechanisms of ventricular fibrillation (VF). Here, we take an integrative approach to review recent studies on the manner in which nonlinear electrical waves organize to result in VF. We describe the contribution of specific potassium channel proteins and of the myocardial fiber structure to such organization. The discussion centers on data derived from a model of stable VF in the Langendorff-perfused guinea pig heart that demonstrates distinct patterns of organization in the left (LV) and right (RV) ventricles. Analysis of optical mapping data reveals that VF excitation frequencies are distributed throughout the ventricles in clearly demarcated domains. The highest frequency domains are found on the anterior wall of the LV at a location where sustained reentrant activity is present. The optical data suggest that a high frequency rotor that remains stationary in the LV is the mechanism that sustains VF in this model. Computer simulations predict that the inward rectifying potassium current (IK1) is an essential determinant of rotor stability and frequency, and patch-clamp results strongly suggest that the outward component of IK1 of cells in the LV is significantly larger than in the RV. Additional computer simulations and analytical procedures predict that the filaments of the reentrant activity (scroll waves) adopt a non-random configuration depending on fiber organization within the ventricular wall. Using the minimal principle we have concluded that filaments align with the trajectory of least resistance (i.e. the geodesic) between their endpoints. Overall, the data discussed have opened new and potentially exciting avenues of research on the possible role played by inward rectifier channels in the mechanism of VF, as well as the organization of its reentrant sources in three-dimensional cardiac muscle. Such an integrative approach may lead us toward an understanding of the molecular and structural basis of VF and hopefully to new preventative approaches.  相似文献   

Glutamate is the principal excitatory neurotransmitter within the mammalian CNS, playing an important role in many different functions in the brain such as learning and memory. In this study, a combination of molecular biology, X-ray structure determinations, as well as electrophysiology and binding experiments, has been used to increase our knowledge concerning the ionotropic glutamate receptor GluR2 at the molecular level. Five high-resolution X-ray structures of the ligand-binding domain of GluR2 (S1S2J) complexed with the three agonists (S)-2-amino-3-[3-hydroxy-5-(2-methyl-2H-tetrazol-5-yl)isoxazol-4-yl]propionic acid (2-Me-Tet-AMPA), (S)-2-amino-3-(3-carboxy-5-methylisoxazol-4-yl)propionic acid (ACPA), and (S)-2-amino-3-(4-bromo-3-hydroxy-isoxazol-5-yl)propionic acid (Br-HIBO), as well as of a mutant thereof (S1S2J-Y702F) in complex with ACPA and Br-HIBO, have been determined. The structures reveal that AMPA agonists with an isoxazole moiety adopt different binding modes in the receptor, dependent on the substituents of the isoxazole. Br-HIBO displays selectivity among different AMPA receptor subunits, and the design and structure determination of the S1S2J-Y702F mutant in complex with Br-HIBO and ACPA have allowed us to explain the molecular mechanism behind this selectivity and to identify key residues for ligand recognition. The agonists induce the same degree of domain closure as AMPA, except for Br-HIBO, which shows a slightly lower degree of domain closure. An excellent correlation between domain closure and efficacy has been obtained from electrophysiology experiments undertaken on non-desensitising GluR2i(Q)-L483Y receptors expressed in oocytes, providing strong evidence that receptor activation occurs as a result of domain closure. The structural results, combined with the functional studies on the full-length receptor, form a powerful platform for the design of new selective agonists.  相似文献   

The vascular ATP-sensitive K(+) (K(ATP)) channel is targeted by a variety of vasoactive substances, playing an important role in vascular tone regulation. Our recent studies indicate that the vascular K(ATP) channel is inhibited in oxidative stress via S-glutathionylation. Here we show evidence for the molecular basis of the S-glutathionylation and its structural impact on channel gating. By comparing the oxidant responses of the Kir6.1/SUR2B channel with the Kir6.2/SUR2B channel, we found that the Kir6.1 subunit was responsible for oxidant sensitivity. Oxidant screening of Kir6.1-Kir6.2 chimeras demonstrated that the N terminus and transmembrane domains of Kir6.1 were crucial. Systematic mutational analysis revealed three cysteine residues in these domains: Cys(43), Cys(120), and Cys(176). Among them, Cys(176) was prominent, contributing to >80% of the oxidant sensitivity. The Kir6.1-C176A/SUR2B mutant channel, however, remained sensitive to both channel opener and inhibitor, which indicated that Cys(176) is not a general gating site in Kir6.1, in contrast to its counterpart (Cys(166)) in Kir6.2. A protein pull-down assay with biotinylated glutathione ethyl ester showed that mutation of Cys(176) impaired oxidant-induced incorporation of glutathione (GSH) into the Kir6.1 subunit. In contrast to Cys(176), Cys(43) had only a modest contribution to S-glutathionylation, and Cys(120) was modulated by extracellular oxidants but not intracellular GSSG. Simulation modeling of Kir6.1 S-glutathionylation suggested that after incorporation to residue 176, the GSH moiety occupied a space between the slide helix and two transmembrane helices. This prevented the inner transmembrane helix from undergoing conformational changes necessary for channel gating, retaining the channel in its closed state.  相似文献   

Yi H  Qiu S  Cao Z  Wu Y  Li W 《Proteins》2008,70(3):844-854
Inhibitory peptide-channel interactions have been utilized to characterize both channels and peptides; however, the fundamental basis for these interactions remains elusive. Here, combined computation methods were employed to study the specific binding of maurotoxin (MTX) peptide to Kv1.2 channel. In the first stage, numerous predicted complexes were generated by docking an ensemble of all 35 NMR conformations of MTX to Kv1.2 channel with ZDOCK program. Then the resulted complexes were clustered and classified into four main binding modes, based on experimental information and interaction energy analysis after the energy minimization and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. By examining the stability of the plausible candidates through unrestrained MD simulations and calculation of the binding free energies, a final reasonable MTX-Kv1.2 complex was identified, with an overall high degree of correlation between the calculation and experiment on mutational effects. In the obtained complex structure model, MTX mainly used its beta-sheet domains to associate the channel mouth instead of the well-recognized functionally important S5P linkers of Kv1.2 channel. Structure analysis characterized that the most essential Tyr(32) residue of MTX was surrounded by a "pocket" formed by many nonpolar and polar residues of Kv1.2 channel, and revealed a pore-blocking Lys(23) and an important Lys(7) stabilized by strong electrostatic interactions with Asp(379) of Kv1.2. Furthermore, a stepwise structural arrangement for both ligand and receptor was found to accompany the tighter interaction of MTX into the target channel. The starting conformation of MTX, the side-chain conformation of the most important residue Tyr(32), and proper introduction of flexibility for candidate complexes were demonstrated to be considerably important factors for obtaining the final reasonable complex structure model. All these findings should not only be helpful for identifying more plausible K(+) channel-inhibitory peptide complex structures, but also provide intrinsically valuable structural biology information to interpret binding affinities, specificities, and diversity of K(+) channel-nature toxin interactions.  相似文献   



O-acetyl serine sulfhydrylase (OASS) is a pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) dependent enzyme catalyzing the last step of the cysteine biosynthetic pathway. Here we analyze and investigate the factors responsible for recognition and different conformational changes accompanying the binding of various ligands to OASS.


X ray crystallography was used to determine the structures of OASS from Entamoeba histolytica in complex with methionine (substrate analog), isoleucine (inhibitor) and an inhibitory tetra-peptide to 2.00 Å, 2.03 Å and 1.87 Å resolutions, respectively. Molecular dynamics simulations were used to investigate the reasons responsible for the extent of domain movement and cleft closure of the enzyme in presence of different ligands.


Here we report for the first time an OASS-methionine structure with an unmutated catalytic lysine at the active site. This is also the first OASS structure with a closed active site lacking external aldimine formation. The OASS-isoleucine structure shows the active site cleft in open state. Molecular dynamics studies indicate that cofactor PLP, N88 and G192 form a triad of energy contributors to close the active site upon ligand binding and orientation of the Schiff base forming nitrogen of the ligand is critical for this interaction.


Methionine proves to be a better binder to OASS than isoleucine. The β branching of isoleucine does not allow it to reorient itself in suitable conformation near PLP to cause active site closure.

General significance

Our findings have important implications in designing better inhibitors against OASS across all pathogenic microbial species.  相似文献   

Selective permeability in voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels is dependent upon a quartet of pore-localized glutamate residues (EEEE locus). The EEEE locus is widely believed to comprise the sole high-affinity Ca(2+) binding site in the pore, which represents an overturning of earlier models that had postulated two high-affinity Ca(2+) binding sites. The current view is based on site-directed mutagenesis work in which Ca(2+) binding affinity was attenuated by single and double substitutions in the EEEE locus, and eliminated by quadruple alanine (AAAA), glutamine (QQQQ), or aspartate (DDDD) substitutions. However, interpretation of the mutagenesis work can be criticized on the grounds that EEEE locus mutations may have additionally disrupted the integrity of a second, non-EEEE locus high-affinity site, and that such a second site may have remained undetected because the mutated pore was probed only from the extracellular pore entrance. Here, we describe the results of experiments designed to test the strength of these criticisms of the single high-affinity locus model of selective permeability in Ca(2+) channels. First, substituted-cysteine accessibility experiments indicate that pore structure in the vicinity of the EEEE locus is not extensively disrupted as a consequence of the quadruple AAAA mutations, suggesting in turn that the quadruple mutations do not distort pore structure to such an extent that a second high affinity site would likely be destroyed. Second, the postulated second high-affinity site was not detected by probing from the intracellularly oriented pore entrance of AAAA and QQQQ mutants. Using inside-out patches, we found that, whereas micromolar Ca(2+) produced substantial block of outward Li(+) current in wild-type channels, internal Ca(2+) concentrations up to 1 mM did not produce detectable block of outward Li(+) current in the AAAA or QQQQ mutants. These results indicate that the EEEE locus is indeed the sole high-affinity Ca(2+) binding locus in the pore of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels.  相似文献   

K(ATP) channels, comprised of the pore-forming protein Kir6.x and the sulfonylurea receptor SURx, are regulated in an interdependent manner by adenine nucleotides, PIP2, and sulfonylureas. To gain insight into these interactions, we investigated the effects of mutating positively charged residues in Kir6.2, previously implicated in the response to PIP2, on channel regulation by adenine nucleotides and the sulfonylurea glyburide. Our data show that the Kir6.2 "PIP2-insensitive" mutants R176C and R177C are not reactivated by MgADP after ATP-induced inhibition and are also insensitive to glyburide. These results suggest that R176 and R177 are required for functional coupling to SUR1, which confers MgADP and sulfonylurea sensitivity to the K(ATP) channel. In contrast, the R301C and R314C mutants, which are also "PIP2-insensitive," remained sensitive to stimulation by MgADP in the absence of ATP and were inhibited by glyburide. Based on these findings, as well as previous data, we propose a model of the K(ATP) channel whereby in the presence of ATP, the R176 and R177 residues on Kir6.2 form a specific site that interacts with NBF1 bound to ATP on SUR1, promoting channel opening by counteracting the inhibition by ATP. This interaction is facilitated by binding of MgADP to NBF2 and blocked by binding of sulfonylureas to SUR1. In the absence of ATP, since K(ATP) channels are not blocked by ATP, they do not require the counteracting effect of NBF1 interacting with R176 and R177 to open. Nevertheless, channels in this state remain activated by MgADP. This effect may be explained by a direct stimulatory interaction of NBF2/MgADP moiety with another region of Kir6.2 (perhaps the NH2 terminus), or by NBF2/MgADP still promoting a weak interaction between NBF1 and Kir6.2 in the absence of ATP. The region delimited by R301 and R314 is not involved in the interaction with NBF1 or NBF2, but confers additional PIP2 sensitivity.  相似文献   

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