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There is concern that the progeny resulting from the spawnings of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon may compete with and disrupt native salmon populations. This study compared, both in the hatchery and in the wild, fitness-related traits and examined interactions among farmed, native and hybrid 0+ parr derived from controlled crosses and reared under common conditions. The farmed salmon were seventh-generation fish from the principal commercial strain in Norway and native salmon were from the rivers Imsa and Lone, Norway. In the hatchery, farmed salmon were more aggressive than both native populations and tended to dominate them in pairwise contests. Farmed salmon were also more prone to risk, leaving cover sooner after a simulated predator attack, and had higher growth rates than native fish. Interbreeding between farmed and native fish generally resulted in intermediate expression of the above traits. There was, however, evidence of hybrid vigour in Lone/farmed crosses which were able to dominate both pure Lone and farmed parr in pairwise contests. In the wild, observations of habitat use and diet suggested that the populations compete for territory and food, and both farmed fish and hybrids expressed higher growth rates than native fish. Our results suggest that these innate differences in behaviour and growth, that probably are linked closely to fitness, will threaten native populations through competition and disruption of local adaptations.  相似文献   

The extent and effect of disease interaction and pathogen exchange between wild and farmed fish populations is an ongoing debate and an area of research that is difficult to explore. The objective of this study was to investigate pathogen transmission between farmed and wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) populations in Norway by means of molecular epidemiology. Piscine reovirus (PRV) was selected as the model organism as it is widely distributed in both farmed and wild Atlantic salmon in Norway, and because infection not necessarily will lead to mortality through development of disease. A matrix comprised of PRV protein coding sequences S1, S2 and S4 from wild, hatchery-reared and farmed Atlantic salmon in addition to one sea-trout (Salmo trutta L.) was examined. Phylogenetic analyses based on maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference indicate long distance transport of PRV and exchange of virus between populations. The results are discussed in the context of Atlantic salmon ecology and the structure of the Norwegian salmon industry. We conclude that the lack of a geographical pattern in the phylogenetic trees is caused by extensive exchange of PRV. In addition, the detailed topography of the trees indicates long distance transportation of PRV. Through its size, structure and infection status, the Atlantic salmon farming industry has the capacity to play a central role in both long distance transportation and transmission of pathogens. Despite extensive migration, wild salmon probably play a minor role as they are fewer in numbers, appear at lower densities and are less likely to be infected. An open question is the relationship between the PRV sequences found in marine fish and those originating from salmon.  相似文献   

We review studies of interactions between hatchery and wild Pacific salmon in the Russian Far East. This includes the role of hatchery practices that result in premature migration to the sea and increased mortality, and data on feeding and territorial competition between juveniles of hatchery and wild origin. In the course of downstream migration many juvenile hatchery salmon are eliminated by wild salmon predation. During the marine period, Japanese hatchery chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) distribution overlaps the distribution of Russian wild salmon. Consequently, replacement of wild populations by hatchery fishes, as a result of abundant juvenile hatchery releases combined with extensive poaching in spawning grounds, is apparent in some Russian rivers. Interactions between the populations occur in all habitats. The importance of conservation of wild salmon populations requires a more detailed study of the consequences of interactions between natural and artificially reared fishes.  相似文献   

Survival rate and growth parameters of Atlantic salmon fry and sea trout fry were determined after stocking in the wild. Before release (22 May 2009) into the wild the larvae were reared for 10 weeks in the hatchery in three groups: (i) fry fed on live zooplankton , (ii) fry fed on larvae of live nekton, and (iii) fry fed on prepared pellet food. In autumn (15 September 2010) the fish were caught in the wild; the survival rate and growth parameters of both Atlantic salmon and sea trout were the highest in the zooplankton‐fed group, whilst the pellet‐fed group had the lowest survival rate and growth value parameters. Most effective food for hatchery‐reared fishes to be used as stock was the natural living zooplankton. The general conclusion is that the live diet supplied in the rearing period has a positively impact on fish survival in the wild.  相似文献   

In an experiment to investigate genetic consequences of hatchery rearing in salmon, allozyme variation at five polymorphic loci was examined in Atlantic salmon of known initial genetic composition, which were reared throughout freshwater life in the hatchery or stocked into the wild as swim-up fry. The genetic composition of the juveniles in the hatchery remained homogeneous from fertilization up to stocking, and from stocking to 2+ in the wild, however, those remaining at the hatchery developed genetic differences among smolting and nonsmolting 1+ parr. These differences were attributed to conditions leading to early smolting at 1+ among the hatchery fish, with 1+ smolts diverging from the gene pool from which they were derived, whereas those stocked into the wild did not smolt until a year later and retained the original genetic composition. The results are discussed in relation to hatchery rearing of salmon and implications for the use of reared fish in stocking and enhancement programmes.  相似文献   

Modern salmon hatcheries in Southeast Alaska were established in the 1970s when wild runs were at record low levels. Enhancement programs were designed to help rehabilitate depressed fisheries and to protect wild salmon stocks through detailed planning and permitting processes that included focused policies on genetics, pathology, and management. Hatcheries were located away from significant wild stocks, local sources were used to develop hatchery broodstocks, and juveniles are marked so management can target fisheries on hatchery fish. Initially conceived as a state-run system, the Southeast Alaska (SEAK) program has evolved into a private, non-profit concept centered around regional aquaculture associations run by fishermen and other stakeholders that pay for hatchery operations through landing fees and sale of fish. Today there are 15 production hatcheries and 2 research hatcheries in SEAK that between 2005 and 2009 released from 474 to 580 million (average 517 million) juvenile salmon per year. During this same period commercial harvest of salmon in the region ranged from 28 to 71 million salmon per year (average 49 million). Contributions of hatchery-origin fish to this harvest respectively averaged 2%, 9%, 19%, 20%, and 78% for pink, sockeye, Chinook, coho, and chum salmon. Both hatchery and wild salmon stocks throughout much of Alaska have experienced high marine survivals since the 1980s and 1990s resulting in record harvests over the past two decades. Although some interactions between hatchery salmon and wild salmon are unavoidable including increasing concerns over straying of hatchery fish into wild salmon streams, obvious adverse impacts from hatcheries on production of wild salmon populations in this region are not readily evident.  相似文献   

Conservation management of wild fish may include fish health management in sympatric populations of domesticated fish in aquaculture. We developed a mathematical model for the population dynamics of parasitic sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) on domesticated populations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Broughton Archipelago region of British Columbia. The model was fit to a seven-year dataset of monthly sea louse counts on farms in the area to estimate population growth rates in relation to abiotic factors (temperature and salinity), local host density (measured as cohort surface area), and the use of a parasiticide, emamectin benzoate, on farms. We then used the model to evaluate management scenarios in relation to policy guidelines that seek to keep motile louse abundance below an average three per farmed salmon during the March–June juvenile wild Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) migration. Abiotic factors mediated the duration of effectiveness of parasiticide treatments, and results suggest treatment of farmed salmon conducted in January or early February minimized average louse abundance per farmed salmon during the juvenile wild salmon migration. Adapting the management of parasites on farmed salmon according to migrations of wild salmon may therefore provide a precautionary approach to conserving wild salmon populations in salmon farming regions.  相似文献   

Aggregate hatchery production of Pacific salmon in the Kamchatka region of the Russian Federation is very low (< 0.5% of total harvest, with five hatcheries releasing approximately 41 M juvenile salmon annually), but contributions in certain rivers can be substantial. Enhancement programs in these rivers may strongly influence fitness and production of wild salmon. In this paper we document significant divergence in demographic traits in hatchery salmon populations in the Bolshaya River and we estimate the proportion of hatchery chum salmon in the total run in the Paratunka River to demonstrate the magnitude of enhancement in this system. We observed a reduction in the expression of life history types in hatchery populations (ranging from 1 to 9 types) compared to wild populations (17 types) of sockeye salmon in the Bolshaya River. We found similar trends in Chinook salmon in the same river system. This reduced life history diversity may make these fish less resilient to changes in habitat and climate. We estimate hatchery chum salmon currently contribute 17-45% to the natural spawning population in the Paratunka River. As hatchery fish increase in numbers at natural spawning sites, this hatchery production may affect wild salmon production. It is important to investigate the risk of introgression between hatchery and wild salmon that can lead to reduction in salmon fitness in Kamchatka rivers, as well as the potential of ecological interactions that can have consequences on status of wild salmon and overall salmon production in this region.  相似文献   

Genetic interactions between farmed and wild conspecifics are of special concern in fisheries where large numbers of domesticated individuals are released into the wild. In the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), selective breeding since the 1970's has resulted in rapid genetic changes in commercially important traits, such as a doubling of the growth rate. Each year, farmed salmon escape from net pens, enter rivers, and interbreed with wild salmon. Field experiments demonstrate that genetic introgression may weaken the viability of recipient populations. However, due to the lack of diagnostic genetic markers, little is known about actual rates of gene flow from farmed to wild populations. Here we present a panel of 60 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that collectively are diagnostic in identifying individual salmon as being farmed or wild, regardless of their populations of origin. These were sourced from a pool of 7000 SNPs comparing historical wild and farmed salmon populations, and were distributed on all but two of the 29 chromosomes. We suggest that the generic differences between farmed and wild salmon at these SNPs have arisen due to domestication. The identified panel of SNPs will permit quantification of gene flow from farmed to wild salmon populations, elucidating one of the most controversial potential impacts of aquaculture. With increasing global interest in aquaculture and increasing pressure on wild populations, results from our study have implications for a wide range of species.  相似文献   

The plight of the world fish stocks is all too well documented. As part of an ongoing attempt to bolster fish stocks for both commercial and conservation purposes, many fish are reared in captivity and released into the wild. It is well known that hatchery‐reared fish have low post‐release survival compared with wild fish of similar age. Part of the reason for this high mortality is that hatchery fish show deficits in virtually all aspects of their behaviour, including prey selection and predator avoidance. Much behaviour requires repeated experience so that it may become fine‐tuned to prevailing circumstances via learning during development. It has been suggested that inappropriate behaviour is encouraged when fish are reared in the unnatural surroundings of the hatchery. However, hatchery fish can be taught to recognise live, novel prey items and predators and the rate of learning is increased in the presence of a more knowledgeable conspecifics. Here we present data showing how social learning protocols can be used to dramatically increase foraging success in juvenile Atlantic salmon. We also outline related aspects of our ongoing research and discuss some of the possibilities for altering hatchery practices to maximize post‐release survival.  相似文献   

The study addresses the effect of hatchery rearing on morphological variation and developmental stability of Atlantic salmon parr from North‐West Russia. Totally, we collected nine samples. Four wild samples were collected from each of the rivers Kola, Umba, Keret’ and Shuia. Five samples of hatchery‐reared parr were the first‐generation progeny of wild adults from these rivers reared separately at the four hatcheries (one hatchery was represented by two samples). Ten meristic and 48 morphometric cranial characters were analysed. We studied the morphological divergence between wild and hatchery fishes of the same river of origin. To analyze developmental stability we used fluctuating asymmetry (random deviations from perfect bilateral symmetry). It was found that hatchery‐reared parr significantly differ from wild parr in both meristic characters and the shape of cranial bones. Different hatcheries caused similar effect on morphological variation in all populations. Fluctuating asymmetry in morphometric characters was significantly higher in hatchery fish than in wild from the Shuia River, indicating a higher level of developmental instability. However, wild parr from the Keret’ River had significantly higher fluctuating asymmetry than cultivated parr of the same origin, possible due to a high infection pressure of the parasite Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg which has led to significant decline of the wild salmon population in this river, or from genetic changes caused by cultivation. The obtained results indicate a notable effect of hatchery environment on Atlantic salmon’s phenotype.  相似文献   


Gene editing offers opportunities to solve fish farming sustainability issues that presently hampers expansion of the aquaculture industry. In for example Atlantic salmon farming, there are now two major bottlenecks limiting the expansion of the industry. One is the genetic impact of escaped farmed salmon on wild populations, which is considered the most long-term negative effect on the environment. Secondly and the utmost acute problem is the fish parasite salmon lice, which is currently causing high lethality in wild salmonids due to high concentrations of the parasite in the sea owing to sea cage salmon farming. There are also sustainability issues associated with increased use of vegetable-based ingredients as replacements for marine products in fish feed. This transition comes at the expense of the omega-3 content both in fish feed and the fish filet of the farmed fish. Reduced fish welfare represents another obstacle, and robust farmed fish is needed to avoid negative stress associated phenotypes such as cataract, bone and fin deformities, precocious maturity and higher disease susceptibility. Gene editing could solve some of these problems as genetic traits can be altered positively to reach phenotype of interest such as for example disease resistance and increased omega-3 production.


In aquarium experiments using coho salmon as a model species, prior residents dominated intruders of the same size but intruders with a 6% length advantage were equally matched against prior residents. Prior winning experience (distinct from individual recognition) also strongly influenced competitive success and overcame a prior residence effect. Coho salmon reared in a hatchery dominated size-matched fish from the same parental population reared in a stream. Hatchery-reared salmon also dominated naturally spawned salmon, even when the wild salmon were prior residents. Thus the combined effects of greater size and rearing experience of hatchery-produced salmon were sufficient to overcome a wild salmon's advantage of prior residence. Efforts to rehabilitate salmonid populations must consider such behavioural interactions if displacement of wild fish is to be prevented.  相似文献   

With the current trends in climate and fisheries, well-designed mitigative strategies for conserving fish stocks may become increasingly necessary. The poor post-release survival of hatchery-reared Pacific salmon indicates that salmon enhancement programs require assessment. The objective of this study was to determine the relative roles that genotype and rearing environment play in the phenotypic expression of young salmon, including their survival, growth, physiology, swimming endurance, predator avoidance and migratory behaviour. Wild- and hatchery-born coho salmon adults (Oncorhynchus kisutch) returning to the Chehalis River in British Columbia, Canada, were crossed to create pure hatchery, pure wild, and hybrid offspring. A proportion of the progeny from each cross was reared in a traditional hatchery environment, whereas the remaining fry were reared naturally in a contained side channel. The resulting phenotypic differences between replicates, between rearing environments, and between cross types were compared. While there were few phenotypic differences noted between genetic groups reared in the same habitat, rearing environment played a significant role in smolt size, survival, swimming endurance, predator avoidance and migratory behaviour. The lack of any observed genetic differences between wild- and hatchery-born salmon may be due to the long-term mixing of these genotypes from hatchery introgression into wild populations, or conversely, due to strong selection in nature—capable of maintaining highly fit genotypes whether or not fish have experienced part of their life history under cultured conditions.  相似文献   

Bitterling as models for studies of sperm competition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The plight of the world fish stocks is all too well documented. As part of an ongoing attempt to bolster fish stocks for both commercial and conservation purposes, many fish are reared in captivity and released into the wild. It is well known that hatchery‐reared fish have low post‐release survival compared with wild fish of similar age. Part of the reason for this high mortality is that hatchery fish show deficits in virtually all aspects of their behaviour, including prey selection and predator avoidance. Much behaviour requires repeated experience so that it may become fine‐tuned to prevailing circumstances via learning during development. It has been suggested that inappropriate behaviour is encouraged when fish are reared in the unnatural surroundings of the hatchery. However, hatchery fish can be taught to recognise live, novel prey items and predators and the rate of learning is increased in the presence of a more knowledgeable conspecifics. Here we present data showing how social learning protocols can be used to dramatically increase foraging success in juvenile Atlantic salmon. We also outline related aspects of our ongoing research and discuss some of the possibilities for altering hatchery practices to maximize post‐release survival.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that hatchery-reared fish can have smaller brain-to-body size ratios than wild fish. It is unclear, however, whether these differences are due to artificial selection or instead reflect differences in rearing environment during development. Here we explore how rearing conditions influence the development of two forebrain structures, the olfactory bulb and the telencephalon, in juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) spawned from wild-caught adults. First, we compared the sizes of the olfactory bulb and telencephalon between salmon reared in a wild stream vs. a conventional hatchery. We next compared the sizes of forebrain structures between fish reared in an enriched NATURES hatchery and fish reared in a conventional hatchery. All fish were size-matched and from the same genetic cohort. We found that olfactory bulb and telencephalon volumes relative to body size were significantly larger in wild fish compared to hatchery-reared fish. However, we found no differences between fish reared in enriched and conventional hatchery treatments. Our results suggest that significant differences in the volume of the olfactory bulb and telencephalon between hatchery and wild-reared fish can occur within a single generation.  相似文献   

Spironucleus barkhanus isolated from the blood of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus from a marine fish farm were genetically compared with S. barkhanus isolated from the gall bladder of wild Arctic charr. The wild Arctic charr were caught in the lake used as the water source for the hatchery from which the farmed fish originated. Sequencing of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) from these 2 populations showed that the isolates obtained from farmed and wild Arctic charr were only 92.7 % similar. Based on the sequence differences between these isolates, it is concluded that the parasites isolated from the farmed fish have not been transmitted from wild Arctic charr in the hatchery's fresh water source. It is therefore most likely that the farmed fish were infected by S. barkhanus after they were transferred to seawater. S. barkhanus isolated from diseased farmed Arctic charr were 99.7% similar to the isolates obtained from diseased farmed Chinook (Canada) and Atlantic salmon (Norway). The high degree of sequence similarity between S. barkhanus from farmed Arctic charr, Chinook and Atlantic salmon indicates that systemic spironucleosis may be caused by specific strains/variants of this parasite. The genetic differences between the isolates of farmed and wild fish are of such magnitude that their conspecificity should be questioned.  相似文献   

As part of a comprehensive genetic evaluation of reproduction in naturally spawning coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, we examined morphometric variation in captively reared and wild adults from Hood Canal, Washington (U.S.A.) for evidence of differentiation between these groups. We collected captively reared fish as parr from two stocks and reared to adulthood at a freshwater hatchery, maturing in 1995 and 1996; we sampled closely size-matched wild fish as they returned to a neighboring stream in both years. Multivariate analysis of shape variation by Procrustes coordinates, visualized by thin-plate splines, indicated that the captively reared adults were differentiated from the wild fish by sharply reduced sexual dimorphism as well as smaller heads and less hooked snouts, increased trunk depth, larger caudal peduncles, shorter dorsal fins, larger hindbodies and a reduction in body streamlining. The differences between the captively reared and wild fish were similar to but more pronounced than some differences previously reported between hatchery and wild coho salmon. The magnitude and pattern of differences suggested that at least some of them were environmentally induced. Shape variation showed an allometric relationship with variation in body (measured as centroid) size. Morphometric variation was a poor correlate of most spawning behaviors. Nevertheless, our results suggest that the morphometric consequences of captive rearing for mate selection and reproductive activity of spawning fish may limit its effectiveness as a restorative tool.  相似文献   

The importance of genetic evaluations in aquaculture programmes has been increased significantly not only to improve effectiveness of hatchery production but also to maintain genetic diversity. In the present study, wild and captive populations of a commercially important neotropical freshwater fish, Brycon cephalus (Amazonian matrinchã), were analyzed in order to evaluate the levels of genetic diversity in a breeding programme at a Brazilian research institute of tropical fish. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA fingerprinting was used to access the genetic variability of a wild stock from the Amazon River and of three captive stocks that correspond to consecutive generations from the fishery culture. Although farmed stocks showed considerably lower genetic variation than the wild population, a significantly higher level of polymorphism was detected in the third hatchery generation. The results seem to reflect a common breeding practice on several hatchery fish programmes that use a small number of parents as broodstocks, obtaining reproductive success with few non‐identified mating couples. The obtained data were useful for discussing suitable strategies for the genetic management and biodiversity conservation of this species.  相似文献   

Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) is a well known rhabdoviral pathogen of salmonid fish in North America that has become established in Asia and Europe. On the Pacific coast of Russia, IHNV was first detected in hatchery sockeye from the Kamchatka Peninsula in 2001. Results of virological examinations of over 10,000 wild and cultured salmonid fish from Kamchatka during 1996 to 2005 revealed IHNV in several sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka populations. The virus was isolated from spawning adults and from juveniles undergoing epidemics in both hatchery and wild sockeye populations from the Bolshaya watershed. No virus was detected in 2 other watersheds, or in species other than sockeye salmon. Genetic typing of 8 virus isolates by sequence analysis of partial glycoprotein and nucleocapsid genes revealed that they were genetically homogeneous and fell within the U genogroup of IHNV. In phylogenetic analyses, the Russian IHNV sequences were indistinguishable from the sequences of North American U genogroup isolates that occur throughout Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. The high similarity, and in some cases identity, between Russian and North American IHNV isolates suggests virus transmission or exposure to a common viral reservoir in the North Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

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