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A benzfurazan derivative of glutathione l-γ-glutamyl-(S-4-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole)-l-cysteinylglycine (GS-NBD) with an absorption maximum at 419 nm is readily acted upon by γ-glutamyl transpeptidase to yield the S-benzfurazan derivative of cysteinylglycine. An internal SN shift occurs immediately to yield the N-benzfurazan derivative, which in turn reacts with the sulfhydryl reagent 4,4′-dithiodipyridine to produce the mixed disulfide with an intense absorption at 461 nm. The maximum difference in molar extinction coefficient is 13,200 and occurs at 470 nm. This general device should be applicable to the assay of many other peptidases.  相似文献   

A kinetic assay for measuring gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) activity has been adapted to microtiter plates and an automated microtiter plate reader. This method permits the simultaneous analysis of enzyme activity in a large number of samples incubated with the chromogenic GGT substrate gamma-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide. A major advantage of this assay over previously reported methods is the substantial reduction in the time needed for measuring sample enzyme activity. In addition, reduction of the total assay volume to 0.28 ml conserves both sample and reagents. This method has been calibrated at 23 degrees C using purified GGT, and used to analyze GGT activity in human sera. The assay is sensitive over a range of 3-200 U/liter.  相似文献   

Gamma-glutamyl compounds include antioxidants, inflammatory molecules, drug metabolites, and neuroactive compounds. Two cell surface enzymes that metabolize gamma-glutamyl compounds have been identified: gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT1) and gamma-glutamyl leukotrienase (GGT5). There is controversy in the literature regarding the substrate specificity of these enzymes. To address this issue, we have developed a method for comprehensive kinetic analysis of compounds as substrates for GGT enzymes. Our assay is sensitive, quantitative, and conducted at physiological pH. We evaluated a series of gamma-glutamyl compounds as substrates for human GGT1 and human GGT5. The Km value for reduced glutathione was 11 μM for both GGT1 and GGT5. However, the Km values for oxidized glutathione were 9 μM for GGT1 and 43 μM for GGT5. Our data show that the Km values for leukotriene C4 are equivalent for GGT1 and GGT5 at 10.8 and 10.2 μM, respectively. This assay was also used to evaluate serine–borate, a well-known inhibitor of GGT1, which was 8-fold more potent in inhibiting GGT1 than in inhibiting GGT5. These data provide essential information regarding the target enzymes for developing treatments for inflammatory diseases such as asthma and cardiovascular disease in humans. This assay is invaluable for studies of oxidative stress, drug metabolism, and other pathways that involve gamma-glutamyl compounds.  相似文献   

Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (gamma-GTP) is suggested to act as a carrier in the group translocation of oligopeptides and possibly some amino acids across cellular membranes. It is proposed that the process may involve the repetitive transfer of gamma-glutamyl groups to acceptor peptides which are being translocated from the exterior of the cell to its interior. After group translocation of the peptides has occurred with concomitant formation of gamma-glutamyl peptide products, it is suggested that the products might then be utilized as substrate for the enzyme in order to permit the translocation of other peptides from the exterior. The system is economical and requires only that it be primed with an appropriate source of gamma-glutamyl peptides, such as glutathione. In contrast to most group translocation systems previously described, substrate-product reutilization by gamma-GTP would not be expected to accumulate peptides against a concentration gradient. Mechanisms for maintaining low intracellular concentrations of the translocated peptides are described. Studies on acceptor substrate specificity of gamma-GTP from bovine choroid plexus and rat kidney show some glycyl peptides are much better substrates than free amino acids in accord with the proposal that gamma-GTP might be primarily involved in peptide translocation. Both kinetic and topological evidence support the suggestion that repetitive transfer of gamma-glutamyl moieties by gamma-GTP could occur during group translocation of peptides and possibly some amino acids.  相似文献   

The enzyme gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is characteristically present at high levels in mammalian cells that are vulnerable in vivo to the selectively toxic and carcinogenic effects of the naturally occurring diazo amino acid L-azaserine. The possible role of GGT as a determinant of cellular sensitivity to azaserine toxicity was investigated. No correlation was found between GGT activity and the abilities of different cell lines or GGT-deficient cell strains of TuWi, a human nephroblastoma-derived line high in GGT, to accumulate azaserine. However, the thiols glutathione and cysteine were found to inhibit the toxicity of azaserine in cultures of TuWi. In addition, maleate lowered both intracellular and extracellular glutathione levels and enhanced sensitivity of TuWi cells to azaserine, while serine-borate, a potent inhibitor of GGT, increased extracellular glutathione levels and inhibited azaserine toxicity. Since extracellular glutathione accumulation, which may reflect the rate of cellular glutathione turnover, is increased in cultures of azaserine-resistant, GGT-deficient strains of TuWi, we propose that GGT enhances cellular sensitivity to azaserine primarily by increasing the rate of glutathione turnover, thus removing the glutathione from detoxification pathways.  相似文献   

Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (gamma-GT) plays a central role in the metabolism of glutathione and is also a marker for neoplasia and cell transformation. We have investigated the compound L-2-amino-4-boronobutanoic acid (ABBA) as a structural analog of the putative ternary complex formed by the enzyme, L-serine, and borate, proposed to function as a transition state analog inhibitor. ABBA was found to be a potent inhibitor of the enzyme, with Ki = 17 nM using typical assay conditions (pH 8, gamma-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide substrate, 20 mM glycyl-glycine acceptor). ABBA is a stable amino acid analog with pK values determined from 13C and 11B NMR to be 2.3, 11.0 (amino titration), and 7.9 (boronate titration). The structural similarity to glutamate suggested that it might function as a glutamate analog for some glutamate-dependent enzymes or receptors. Transamination of pyruvate by ABBA to yield alanine in the presence of glutamic pyruvic transaminase was demonstrated by 13C NMR. The 2-keto-4-boronobutanoic acid transamination product is apparently fairly labile to hydrolysis, leading to formation of 2-ketobutanoic acid plus borate. The latter is also subsequently transaminated to yield 2-aminobutanoic acid. Both of these metabolites were observed in the 13C NMR spectrum. However, the corresponding transamination of oxaloacetate by ABBA in the presence of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase was not observed. Effects of ABBA on the growth of cultured rat liver cell lines ARL-15C1 (nontumorigenic, low gamma-GT activity) and ARL-16T2 (tumorigenic, high gamma-GT activity) were also investigated, both in standard Williams Media as well as in a low cysteine growth medium. A high concentration (1 mM) of ABBA inhibited the growth of both cell lines in both media, with the degree of inhibition greater in the low cysteine medium. Alternatively, growth inhibition by 10 microM ABBA could be observed only in the low cysteine media. In general, there were no significant differences between the two cell lines in terms of sensitivity to ABBA.  相似文献   

gamma-Glutamyl transpeptidase (purified from rat kidney) was incubated with glutathione and a mixture of amino acids that closely approximates the amino acid composition of blood plasma, and the relative extents of transpeptidation and hydrolysis were determined by quantitative measurement of the products formed (glutamate, cysteinylglycine, gamma-glutamyl amino acids). At pH 7.4, in the presence of 50 microM glutathione and the amino acid mixture, about 50% of the glutathione that was utilized participated in transpeptidation. Studies in which the formation of individual gamma-glutamyl amino acids was determined in the presence of glutathione and the amino acid mixture showed that L-cystine and L-glutamine are the most active amino acid acceptors, and that other neutral amino acids also participate in transpeptidation to a significant extent. These in vitro experiments are consistent with a number of other findings which indicate that transpeptidation is a significant physiological function of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase.  相似文献   

Detection of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT; ggt ) activity is one of the useful methods for a specific identification of Neisseria meningitidis. However, we previously happened to isolate a ggt -deficient N. meningitidis strain (NIID113) from a healthy carrier. In this study, in order to re-examine the reliability of the marker, we again investigated the GGT activity of 245 N. meningitidis human isolates and identified two other GGT-defective N. meningitidis isolates besides NIID113. The isolation frequency (1.2%) of ggt mutants among human isolates strongly confirmed the 98.8% reliability of GGT activity as the identification marker for N. meningitidis.  相似文献   

γ-Glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT, EC catalyzes the hydrolysis and transpeptidation of extracellular glutathione and plays a central role in glutathione homeostasis. We report here the synthesis and evaluation of a series of hydrolytically stable γ-(monophenyl)phosphono glutamate analogues with varying electron-withdrawing para substituents on the leaving group phenols as mechanism-based and transition-state analogue inhibitors of Escherichia coli and human GGTs. The monophenyl phosphonates caused time-dependent and irreversible inhibition of both the E. coli and human enzymes probably by phosphonylating the catalytic Thr residue of the enzyme. The inactivation rate of E. coli GGT was highly dependent on the leaving group ability of phenols with electron-withdrawing groups substantially accelerating the rate (Brønsted βlg = −1.4), whereas the inactivation of human GGT was rather slow and almost independent on the nature of the leaving group. The inhibition potency and profiles of the phosphonate analogues were compared to those of acivicin, a classical inhibitor of GGT, suggesting that the phosphonate-based glutamate analogues served as a promising candidate for potent and selective GGT inhibitors.  相似文献   

The first gene encoding gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTI) of the fission yeast has previously been characterized, and its expression was found to be regulated by various oxidative stress-inducing agents. In this work, a second gene, encoding GGTII, was cloned and characterized from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The structural gene encoding GGTII was amplified from the genomic DNA of the fission yeast and ligated into the shuttle vector pRS316 to generate the recombinant plasmid pPHJ02. The determined sequence contains 3040 bp and is able to encode the putative 611 amino acid sequence of GGTII, which resembles the counterparts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Homo sapiens, Rattus norvegicus, and Escherichia coli. The DNA sequence also contains 940-bp upstream and 289-bp downstream regions of the GGTII gene. The Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells harboring plasmid pPHJ02 showed about 4-fold higher GGT activity in the exponential phase than the cells harboring the vector only, indicating that the cloned GGTII gene is functional. The S. pombe cells containing the cloned GGTII gene were found to contain higher levels of both intracellular glutathione (GSH) content and GSH uptake. The S. pombe cells harboring plasmid pPHJ02 showed increased survival on solid media containing hydrogen peroxide, diethylmaleate, aluminum chloride, cadmium chloride, or mercuric chloride. The GGTII mRNA level was significantly elevated by treatment with GSH-depleting diethylmaleate. These results imply that the S. pombe GGTII gene produces functional GGTII protein and is involved in the response to oxidative stresses in S. pombe cells.  相似文献   

A new tetrazolium method for the histochemical demonstration of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase is proposed. The method is based on a newly synthesized substrate-gamma-L-glutamic acid-1-hydroxy-4-naphthylamide, which upon the enzyme hydrolysis liberates 1,4-aminonaphthol--a powerful reducing agent that reduces tetrazolium salts quickly and quantitatively to deeply colored, water-insoluble formazans, precipitating on the sites of the enzyme activity and marking them accurately. The redox reaction is quick enough and does not need any auxiliary electron-acceptor. The method is very fast and convenient for the histochemical visualization of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Human gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT)1 is composed of two subunits derived from a single precursor (Nash, B., and Tate, S.S. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 678-685; Finidori, J., Laperche, Y., Tsapis, R., Barouki, R., Guella?n, G., and Hanoune, J. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 4687-4690) consisting of 569 amino acids (Laperche, Y., Bulle, F., Aissani, T., Chobert, M.N., Aggerbeck, M., Hanoune, J., and Guella?n, G. (1986) Proc Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83, 937-941). In the present study we report the cloning of an altered form of this precursor from human liver. We have isolated two clones, one 2,632 base pairs (bp) long from a fetal liver cDNA library and one 926 bp long from an adult liver cDNA library, each containing a 22-bp insertion that introduces a premature stop codon and shortens the open reading frame to 1,098 bp when compared with known human cDNA sequences specific for GGT. Sequence analysis of a human genomic GGT clone shows that this insertion of 22 bp is generated by a splicing event involving an alternative 3'-acceptor site. By polymerase chain reaction experiments we demonstrate that the alternatively spliced mRNA is present in polysomes from the microsomal fraction of a human hepatoma cell line (Hep G2) and thus could encode an altered GGT molecule of 39,300 Da (366 amino acids) encompassing most of the heavy subunit which is normally 41,500 Da (380 amino acids). The altered mRNA is detected in various human tissues including liver, kidney, brain, intestine, stomach, placenta, and mammary gland. This report is the first demonstration of an alternative primary sequence in the mRNA coding for GGT, a finding that could be related to the presence of some inactive forms of GGT detected in human tissues.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone for a novel homologue to gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (gamma-GTP), termed GTPH, was isolated from a rat brain expression cDNA library using antisera against total brain synaptosomal fractions. The cloned GTPH consists of 641 amino acid residues (78 kDa) and exhibits structural similarity with a conventional type of gamma-GTP that is predominantly expressed in the liver: They share significant amino acid homology (33% identity, 73% similarity) spanning over the entire sequence. RNA analyses revealed that GTPH mRNA expression is found only in the nervous system, including all brain regions, eyes and peripheral ganglia, and increases during development. Endogenous GTPH protein is a membrane-bound glycoenzyme and migrates as 90-100 kDa in polyacrylamide gels. Taken together, GTPH is a novel form of a gamma-GTP-like molecule expressed exclusively in the nervous system.  相似文献   

Mammalian gamma-glutamyl transpeptidases characterized thus far have been shown to be heterodimeric glycoproteins. The two subunits are derived from a single-chain propeptide which, in the rat kidney, exhibits low transpeptidase activity (less than 2% of the dimeric enzyme). A human hepatoma-derived cell line, Hep G2, expresses relatively high transpeptidase activity. The enzyme is primarily localized on the cell surface and exhibits catalytic properties similar to the dimeric human kidney and lymphoid cell transpeptidase. Significantly, the Hep G2 enzyme, unlike the enzyme from other human tissues, is a single-chain species, Mr = 120,000.  相似文献   

We studied in detail the distribution pattern of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (gamma-GT) in human pancreas, using the immunoperoxidase technique and a monoclonal antibody to human kidney gamma-GT. Positive reaction was confined exclusively to the luminal surface of the centroacinar cells and the epithelia of the intercalated, intralobular, and interlobular ducts. The immunoreaction was stronger in the intercalated and intralobular ducts than in the interlobular ducts. The acinar cells did not show any reaction. The islets of Langerhans were heavily surrounded by the ducts, and normal islet cells showed no reaction. The course of the ducts, from the acinar lumina to the interlobular ducts, was delineated by using reaction sites positive for gamma-GT as markers. The courses of the ducts, which comprise the pathway for pancreatic juice, were found to vary widely in their connections with each other, especially between the intralobular and interlobular ducts. At least three separate routes could be identified.  相似文献   

Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (E.C.; GGT) catalyses hydrolysis of gamma-glutamyl linkages in gamma-glutamyl peptides and transfer of the gamma-glutamyl group to amino acids and peptides. Although plant gamma-glutamyl peptide metabolism is important in biosynthesis and metabolism of secondary products and xenobiotics, plant GGTs are poorly characterised. We purified a membrane-associated GGT from sprouting onion bulbs that catalyses transpeptidation of methionine by the synthetic substrate gamma-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide (GGPNA) and obtained N-terminal peptide sequence. We also cloned the full-length coding region of an onion GGT by homology with the Arabidopsis enzyme and confirmed that this shared the same N-terminal sequence. Enzyme kinetic studies show that the enzyme has high affinity for glutathione and glutathione conjugates, and that affinity for S-substituted glutathione analogs decreases as the substituted chain length increases. The major onion gamma-glutamyl peptide, gamma-glutamyl trans-S-1-propenyl cysteine sulfoxide (GGPrCSO) exhibited uncompetitive inhibition of transpeptidation by GGPNA. This suggests that GGPrCSO is a poor glutamyl donor and therefore unlikely to be an in vivo substrate for peptidase activity by this enzyme.  相似文献   

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