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Mitochondrial protein synthesis was analyzed in the yeast mit? mutants of Saccharomycescerevisiae which specifically lack cytochrome c oxidase. [3H]leucine labeled polypeptides synthesized in yeast OXI 3 mutant were analyzed by means of immunoprecipitation and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). When compared to control, subunit I was not detectable. This result was substantiated by growing OXI 3 mutant in the presence of cycloheximide, an inhibitor of cytoplasmic protein synthesis. Under such conditions SDS-PAGE analysis of [3H]leucine labeled immunoprecipitate shows the absence of subunit I. These data show that the OXI 3 locus contains the structural gene for cytochrome c oxidase subunit I.  相似文献   

A segment of mitochondrial DNA encoding the bovine cytochrome c oxidase subunit III gene was isolated and inserted into an Escherichia coli plasmid vector. A 556 base pair fragment of the insert DNA representing about 70% of the 3'-end of the subunit III gene was used to search for homology with bacterial DNA from strains that contain heme aa3-type cytochrome c oxidases. Bacillus subtilis, Thermus thermophilus, and PS3 DNAs all showed strong hybridization to the probe, whereas Paracoccus denitrificans and Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides DNAs showed only weak hybridization to the probe, even under low stringency conditions.  相似文献   

A 9.2 kb segment of the maxi-circle of Trypanosoma brucei mitochondrial DNA contains the genes for cytochrome c oxidase subunits I and II (coxI and coxII) and seven Unassigned Reading Frames ("URFs"). The genes for coxI and coxII display considerable homology at the aminoacid level (38 and 25%, respectively) to the corresponding genes in fungal and mammalian mtDNA, the only striking point of divergence being an unusually high cysteine content (about 4.5%). The reading frame coding for cytochrome c oxidase subunit II is discontinuous: the C-terminal portion of about 40 aminoacids, is present in the DNA-sequence in a -1 reading frame with respect to the N-terminal moiety. URF5, 8 and 10, show a low but distinct homology (about 20%) to mammalian mitochondrial URF-1, 4 and 5, respectively. In URF5, the first AUG is found at codon 145, whereas extensive homology to mammalian URF-1 sequences occurs upstream of this position. The possibility exists that UUG can serve as an initiator codon. URF7 and URF9 have a highly unusual aminoacid composition and do not possess AUG or UUG initiator codons. These URFs probably do not have a protein-coding function. The segment does not contain conventional tRNA genes.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding has focused increasing attention on the use of specific regions of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I and II genes (COI-COII) to diagnose and delimit species. However, our understanding of patterns of molecular evolution within these genes is limited. Here we examine patterns of nucleotide divergence in COI-COII within species and between species pairs of Lepidoptera and Diptera using a sliding window analysis. We found that: (1) locations of maximum divergence within COI-COII were highly variable among taxa surveyed in this study; (2) there was major overlap in divergence within versus between species, including within individual COI-COII profiles; (3) graphical DNA saturation analysis showed variation in percent nucleotide transitions throughout COI-COII and only limited association with levels of DNA divergence. Ultimately, no single optimally informative 600 bp location was found within the 2.3 kb of COI-COII, and the DNA barcoding region was no better than other regions downstream in COI. Consequently, we recommend that researchers should maximize sequence length to increase the probability of sampling regions of high phylogenetic informativeness, and to minimize stochastic variation in estimating total divergence.  相似文献   

We compared the DNA sequences of the genus Metagonimus: M. yokogawai, M. takahashii, and M. miyatai. We obtained 28S D1 ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) fragments from the adult worms by PCR, that were cloned and sequenced. Phylogenetic relationships inferred from the nucleotide sequences of the 28S D1 rDNA and mtCOI gene. M. takahashii and M. yokogawai are placed in the same clade supported by DNA sequence and phylogenic tree analysis in 28S D1 rDNA and mtCOI gene region. The above findings tell us that M. takahashii is closer to M. yokogawai than to M. miyatai genetically. This phylogenetic data also support the nomination of M. miyatai as a separate species.  相似文献   

Oomycete species occupy many different environments and many ecological niches. The genera Phytophthora and Pythium for example, contain many plant pathogens which cause enormous damage to a wide range of plant species. Proper identification to the species level is a critical first step in any investigation of oomycetes, whether it is research driven or compelled by the need for rapid and accurate diagnostics during a pathogen outbreak. The use of DNA for oomycete species identification is well established, but DNA barcoding with cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) is a relatively new approach that has yet to be assessed over a significant sample of oomycete genera. In this study we have sequenced COI, from 1205 isolates representing 23 genera. A comparison to internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences from the same isolates showed that COI identification is a practical option; complementary because it uses the mitochondrial genome instead of nuclear DNA. In some cases COI was more discriminative than ITS at the species level. This is in contrast to the large ribosomal subunit, which showed poor species resolution when sequenced from a subset of the isolates used in this study. The results described in this paper indicate that COI sequencing and the dataset generated are a valuable addition to the currently available oomycete taxonomy resources, and that both COI, the default DNA barcode supported by GenBank, and ITS, the de facto barcode accepted by the oomycete and mycology community, are acceptable and complementary DNA barcodes to be used for identification of oomycetes.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a segment of the mtDNA molecule of Drosophila yakuba has been determined, within which have been identified the genes for tRNAleuUUR, cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII), tRNAlys, tRNAasp, URFA6L, ATPase subunit 6 (ATPase6), cytochrome c oxidase subunit III (COIII) and tRNAgly. The genes are arranged in the order given and all are transcribed from the same strand of the molecule in a direction opposite to that in which replication proceeds around the molecule. The tRNAlys gene is unusual among mitochondrial tRNAlys genes in that it contains a CTT anticodon. The triplet AGA is used to specify an amino acid in all of the COII, COIII, ATPase6, and URFA6L genes. However, the AGA codons found in these four polypeptide genes correspond in position to codons which specify nine different amino acids, but never arginine, in the equivalent polypeptide gene which have been sequenced from mtDNAs of mouse, yeast and Zea mays.  相似文献   

DNA metabarcoding enables efficient characterization of species composition in environmental DNA or bulk biodiversity samples, and this approach is making significant and unique contributions in the field of ecology. In metabarcoding of animals, the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene is frequently used as the marker of choice because no other genetic region can be found in taxonomically verified databases with sequences covering so many taxa. However, the accuracy of metabarcoding datasets is dependent on recovery of the targeted taxa using conserved amplification primers. We argue that COI does not contain suitably conserved regions for most amplicon-based metabarcoding applications. Marker selection deserves increased scrutiny and available marker choices should be broadened in order to maximize potential in this exciting field of research.  相似文献   

A G-to-A transition at nucleotide pair (np) 7444 in the mtDNA was found to correlate with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON). The mutation eliminates the termination codon of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene, extending the COI polypeptide by three amino acids. The mutation was discovered as an XbaI restriction-endonuclease-site loss present in 2 (9.1%) of 22 LHON patients who lacked the np 11778 LHON mutation and in 6 (1.1%) of 545 unaffected controls. The mutant polypeptide has an altered mobility on SDS-PAGE, suggesting a structural alteration, and the cytochrome c oxidase enzyme activity of patient lymphocytes is reduced approximately 40% relative to that in controls. These data suggest that the np 7444 mutation results in partial respiratory deficiency and thus contributes to the onset of LHON.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of a 14 kb segment of A. nidulans mtDNA reveals a rather compact organization of genes transcribed from the same strand and coding for two functionally known proteins, seven unidentified polypeptides (URFs), 24 tRNAs and two rRNAs. One of the URFs is located in the intron of the L-rRNA gene and codes for a basic protein of 410 residues. The other URFs are in spacer regions and code for hydrophobic proteins. URFa is homologous to human URF4, and URFb produces a polypeptide of 48 residues resembling the human URF6L product (hydrophobic N-terminus, basic C-terminus). The ATPase subunit 6 genes from mitochondria and E. coli appear to share a common ancestor. The codon frequencies of identified genes and URFs are similar, and codons ending with G or C are rarely used. The structures of tRNAs specific for arginine, asparagine, tyrosine and histidine are deduced from gene sequences.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction is involved in many neurodegenerative disorders in humans. Here we report mutations in a gene (designated levy) that codes for subunit VIa of cytochrome c oxidase (COX). The mutations were identified by the phenotype of temperature-induced paralysis and showed the additional phenotypes of decreased COX activity, age-dependent bang-induced paralysis, progressive neurodegeneration, and reduced life span. Germ-line transformation using the levy(+) gene rescued the mutant flies from all phenotypes including neurodegeneration. The data from levy mutants reveal a COX-mediated pathway in Drosophila, disruption of which leads to mitochondrial encephalomyopathic effects including neurodegeneration, motor dysfunction, and premature death. The data present the first case of a mutation in a nuclear-encoded structural subunit of COX that causes mitochondrial encephalomyopathy rather than lethality, whereas several previous attempts to identify such mutations have not been successful. The levy mutants provide a genetic model to understand the mechanisms underlying COX-mediated mitochondrial encephalomyopathies and to explore possible therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

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