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Four new species of the generaBeaufortia, Chamaelaucium, Drosera, andPultenaea are described based on the author's collections from SW. Australia. Their affinities are discussed and full illustrations are provided.Dedicated to Hofrat Univ.-Prof.K. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Recent collections have brought to light the following new species from the states of Tabasco and Oaxaca, Mexico:Byttneria fluvialis (Sterculiaceae) from Tabasco;Bakeridesia amoena (Malvaceae), andTriumfetta calzadae (Tiliaceae) from Oaxaca.  相似文献   

The hypothesis ofHenriques andFernandes that several Iberian species ofNarcissus (Amaryllidaceae) are tristylous is reconsidered. Contrary to the opinion ofBateman and most subsequent authors, we believe that the available evidence indicates that some populations ofN. triandrus andN. fernandesii, at least, are tristylous; other populations ofN. triandrus are distylous.Hugonia cf.penicillanthemum (Linaceae) from new Caledonia is distylous, but it remains possible that other species ofHugonia are tristylous. The disputed occurrence of heterostyly in S. African species ofBauhinia (Leguminosae),Cleome (Capparaceae) andAneilema (Commelinaceae), and inAgelaea (Connaraceae) is discussed.  相似文献   

The formation of sperm cells has been examined ultrastructurally in the tricellular pollen grains ofGalium mollugo L. (Rubiaceae).Trichodiadema setuliferum Schwantes (Aizoaceae), andAvena sativa L. (Poaceae). After detachement from the intine the generative cell of all three species lies free within the vegetative cytoplasm. The two sperm cells are built inTrichodiadema andAvena by a single separating wall, while inGalium mollugo two independent walls are formed. However, both mechanisms separate the two male gametes completely.  相似文献   

Six carabidicolous species of Laboulbeniales are reported as new for the Japanese mycoflora. They areLaboulbenia finitima, L. separata, L. borneensis, L. manubriolata, Dimeromyces caribaeus, andDixomyces ornatus. In Japan, the former three species are parasitic onMochtherus luctuosus and the latter three species onPerigona nigriceps. Laboulbenia finitima occurs on the left legs (tarsi and tibiae);L. separata on the left elytral margin:L. borneensis on the pronotum;L. manubriolata on the pronotum and elytra;Dimeromyces caribaeus on the right inferior posterior surface of the prothorax (pronotal hypomeron); andDixomyces ornatus on the outer margin of the right elytron. Comments and photographs are given for each fungus.  相似文献   

The comparative floral ontogeny of five species belonging to the primuloid clade of the Ericales are investigated, viz. Maesa japonica, M. perlarius, Aegiceras corniculatum, Embelia laeta and E. ribes. All five species basically show 2/5-spiral phyllotaxis of the sepal primordia, although with some minor modification (particularly in Embelia, where the flowers are predominantly tetramerous). The phyllotaxis of the common petal-stamen primordia is also 2/5-spiral in the Maesa and Aegiceras species investigated, but appears to be unidirectional in Embelia. All five species develop common petal-stamen primordia in which the resultant petal primordia are larger than the stamen primordia, and in which the stamens develop proximally on the adaxial flank of the common primordia. Growth of the placenta in Maesa and Aegiceras partially embeds the ovules, but in Embelia the ovules are almost fully immersed in placental tissue at maturity. A comprehensive review of all previously published studies of floral ontogeny of primuloid genera is presented, and the phylogenetic significance of the variation between genera is evaluated with reference to recently published cladograms.  相似文献   

Osbertia, a stoloniferous group confined to the montane regions of Mexico and adjacent Guatemala, was first proposed as a genus byGreene (1895), but most workers have retained the taxon as part ofHaplopappus. It is clearly closer toNoticastrum, Erigeron orHeterotheca than it is toHaplopappus sensu stricto. The present treatment recognizes two species, a widespread highly variableOsbertia stolonifera and a newly describedO. chihuahuana from northwestern Mexico. Distribution maps, distinguishing features, full synonymy and illustrations are presented.  相似文献   

The solitary parasitoids Aphidius erviHaliday (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) and Aphelinus asychisWalker (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) attacked but generally did not oviposit in pea aphids parasitized by the other species. Wasps selectively oviposited in unparasitized hosts when given a choice. Host discrimination depended on the recognition of internal cues. Females of A. asychiseither could not recognize or ignored A. ervi'sexternal host marking pheromone. Under most conditions, A. ervisurvived in superparasitized hosts, killing competing A. asychislarvae by physical attack and possibly physiological suppression. The outcome of larval competition was not affected by oviposition sequence or age difference between larvae; A. asychissurvived only when it had substantially completed larval development before the host was superparasitized by A. ervi.It is suggested that competition for host resources incurs a cost, for the winner in terms of reduced size or increased development time and for the loser in terms of lost progeny and searching time. Consequently, heterospecific host discrimination can be functional. Internal, and probably general, cues enable wasps to recognize and avoid oviposition in hosts already parasitized by an unrelated species.  相似文献   

We examinedchlL (frxC) gene evolution using several approaches. Sequences from the chloroplast genome of the fernPolystichum acrostichoides and from the cyanobacteriumSynechococcus sp. 7002 were determined and found to be highly conserved. A complete physical map of the fern chloroplast genome and partial maps of other vascular plant taxa show thatchlL is located primarily in the small single copy region as inMarchantia polymorpha. A survey of a wide variety of non-angiospermous vascular plant DNAs shows thatchlL is widely distributed but has been lost in the pteridophytePsilotum and (presumably independently) within the Gnetalean gymnosperms.The namefrxC was originally used to denote a gene encoding a product with probable Fe : S cluster binding activity. This activity was postulated due to the amino acid sequence similarity between this product and the Fe : S-binding nitrogenase iron proteinnifH. Fe : S-binding is a property shared by ferredoxins, which are denoted by the prefix frx. However, this gene does not encode a ferredoxin. It is much larger than any known ferredoxin, it binds its Fe : S cluster between two halves of a homodimer (Fujita & al. 1989,Burke & al. 1993 a, c) instead of within a single subunit, and it lacks the pattern of clustered cysteines present in all ferredoxins (Meyer 1988). Therefore, we use the namechlL to recognize the sequence and functional similarities to the bacterial PChlide reductase subunit,bchL. Similar usage has been adopted for this (Suzuki & Bauer 1992) and other (Choquet & al. 1992,Burke & al. 1993b) PChlide reductase subunits.  相似文献   

InLicmophora gracilis var.anglica two auxospores are produced per pair of mother-cells, through the allogamic fusion of migratory and stationary gametes. Both active gametes are produced from the same mother-cell and hence both zygotes are formed in the other mother-cell. Pairing can occur between two stalked cells, or between a stalked cell and a detached cell; in the latter case the migratory gametes derive from the detached cell. The auxospores expand parallel to one another and to the apical axis of the donor mother-cell. Behavioural anisogamy of this kind, which may be termed thecis-type, seems to be characteristic of most araphid pennates and contrasts with thetrans-type exhibited byCymbella, Gomphonema and some other raphid taxa, where each mother-cell produces one migratory and one stationary gamete.  相似文献   

The chemotaxonomic findings relating to the generaBoletinus, Suillus, Gastroboletus, Gomphidius, andChroogomphus are summarized and discussed, using published data as well as our own hitherto unpublished evidence of pigments and chromogens. The study confirms repeatedly made claims that these genera are closely related. In addition to the presence of pigments which are typical for most members of theBoletales (e.g., pulvinic acid derivatives, terphenyl quinones, cyclopentenones), prenylated phenols and quinones can also be constantly detected here (with the exception ofBoletinus), just as inRhizopogon. Accordingly,Suillus is more closely related to theGomphidiaceae andRhizopogonaceae than to the remaining boletes. It is therefore necessary to establish a new family (Suillaceae which includeBoletinus, Suillus, andGastrosuillus) and a new suborder (Suillineae which includeSuillaceae, Gomphidiaceae, andRhizopogonaceae) within theBoletales. Chemosystematics ofBoletales 2. For part 1 seeBesl & al. (1986). Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

本文对彼得黑粉菌属(Franzpetrakia)进行订正研究。此属包括2个种,莠竹彼得黑粉(F. microstegii)和薏苡彼得黑粉新组合(F. okudairae comb. nov.)一对其孢子萌发同物异名及异同点等进行了讨论。彼得黑粉菌属是中国和日本的新记录属。芬竹彼得黑粉是中国新记录种。  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision ofVerbesina sect.Ochractinia is presented. 40 species plus 7 additional infraspecific taxa are recognized. A table of the distribution of the species, key to the species and synonymy are included. Relationships to other sections ofVerbesina and species relationships within sect.Ochractinia are discussed.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of two isolates of Beauveria bassiana and 12 of Metarhizium anisopliae towards adult fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata and Ceratitis rosa var. fasciventris was tested in the laboratory. Fruit flies were exposed to dry conidia evenly spread on velvet material covering the inner side of a cylindrical plastic tube. All isolates tested were pathogenic to both species of fruit flies. Mortality ranged from 7 to 100% in C. capitata and from 11.4 to 100% in C. rosa var. fasciventris at 4 days post-inoculation. Six isolates, M. anisopliae ICIPE 18, 20, 32, 40, 41 and 62, were highly pathogenic to both C. capitata and C. rosa var. fasciventris. The LT90 values of the most pathogenic isolates ranged between 3-4 days in both insects. Because of the difficulties in rearing C. cosyra, only the isolates that were highly pathogenic to both C. rosa var. fasciventris and C. capitata were tested against adult C. cosyra. They caused mortality of between 72-78% at 4 days post-inoculation. The LT90 values in all the isolates did not exceed 4 days. One of the most pathogenic isolates, M. anisopliae ICIPE 20, was evaluated against C. capitata and C. rosa var. fasciventris in cage experiments using three autoinoculators (maize cob, cheesecloth and Petri dish) in an autoinoculative device consisting of plastic mineral bottle. Mortality of between 70-93% was observed in flies of both species that were captured from the cages and held under laboratory conditions. These results indicate the possibility of fruit fly suppression with entomopathogenic fungi using an autoinoculative device.  相似文献   

Jun Wen 《Brittonia》1993,45(1):47-55
Aralia, described by Linnaeus, remains a poorly defined genus. Many satellite genera ofAralia have been proposed, and some have been accepted without critical evaluation. These genera includeCoudenbergia, Megalopanax, Parapentapanax, andPentapanax. This study examined the historical background of the establishment of these genera and their diagnostic characters. It was found that (1)Aralia s. str. is a relatively diverse genus; (2) the separation ofPentapanax andParapentapanax fromAralia is unsubstantiated; (3)Megalopanax is synonymous withCoudenbergia; and (4) the boundaries betweenAralia and bothCoudenbergia andPentapanax intergrade. It is proposed, therefore, to mergeCoudenbergia, Parapentapanax, andPentapanax withAralia, which has nomenclatural priority.Aralia is herein defined as consisting of those species in Araliaceae with pinnate leaves, articulated rachises, five to eight-merous flowers, petals imbricate in buds, and articulated pedicels. The revised generic concept requires the following new combinations or new names:Aralia castanopsisicola, A. franchetti, A. gigantea, A. laevis, A. leschenaultii, A. parasitica, A. rex, A. subcordata, A. verticillata, andA. warmingiana.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation at eleven loci encoding seven enzyme systems were examined in 20 populations of diploid (genome AA, 2n = 16)Scilla scilloides in China. In comparison with the average species of seed plants studied, populations of this species display a high amount of genetic variation (A = 2.0, P = 58.6%, Ho = 0.172, and He = 0.185). Allozyme variation pattern revealed predominant outcrossing within populations and considerable differentiation (FST = 0.314) among populations as well as between the subtropic and temperate regions. The wide distribution, long existence and outcrossing are presumably the main factors responsible for the high genetic diversity within populations. But the gravity dispersal of seeds and pollination by small insects set limits to the increase of genetic variation within populations and promote differentiation between populations and regions. In addition, allozyme variation does not distinguishS. scilloides var.albo-viridis and suggests that subtropic populations may be considered as a genetic entity.  相似文献   

Brevibacillus choshinensis (formerly Bacillus brevis) is a protein-hyperproducing bacterium and has been used for commercial protein production. Here, we cloned thioredoxin (trxA) and thioredoxin reductase (trxB) genes from B. choshinensis, and expressed the gene products in Escherichia coli with an amino-terminal hexa-His-tag for purification and characterization. His-TrxA and His-TrxB were purified to homogeneity with one-step Ni-NTA affinity column chromatography, and the two recombinant proteins showed identical specific activity with or without removal of the amino-terminal His-tag, indicating that the extrasequence containing the hexa-His-tag did not affect their enzymatic activities. The E. coli expression system used here resulted in a 40-fold increase in production of His-TrxB protein compared to the level of native TrxB produced in non-recombinant B. choshinensis cells. TrxA and TrxB proteins with carboxy-terminal His-tag (TrxA-His and TrxB-His) were successfully expressed in B. choshinensis and were purified by Ni-NTA column chromatography. Co-expression of TrxA-His with recombinant human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) in B. choshinensis promoted the extracellular production of hEGF by up to about 200%.  相似文献   

P. Gori 《Protoplasma》1980,103(3):263-271
Summary Carpospores ofG. clavatum have been studied under the light and electron microscopes. They are wedge-shaped cells of 80–100 m at their longest diameters. The nucleus is an uncondensed structure provided with a regular outline and a large nucleolus. The plastids constitute heterogeneous populations of organelles differing in size and shape as well as in number and arrangement of the thylakoids. Multiplicating plastids are also present. The mitochondria are small but have well developed cristae. The Golgi apparatus consists of very numerous active dictyosomes. Starch is the main storage substance but some large lipid bodies are also present. Labyrinthine polysaccharide aggregations are present in the carposporial cytoplasm. Multilayered bodies constitute a sui generis very conspicuous cell component.  相似文献   

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