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Detailed studies of the properties of carotenoids isolated from diphenylamine-inhibited cultures of Rhodospirillum rubrum have revealed a number of novel structures that indicate new features of carotenoid biosynthesis in the photosynthetic bacteria. Both neurosporene and 7,8,11,12-tetrahydrolycopene undergo hydration, methylation and dehydrogenation to yield spheroidene and 11',12'-dihydrospheroidene respectively; all the intermediates in these pathways have been identified. These pathways represent alternative routes of anhydrorhodovibrin and spirilloxanthin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Redox components bound with chromatophores of Rhodospirillum rubrum, and pure samples of ubiquinone-10 and rhodoquinone were studied polarographically at 24 degrees. In a mixture of ethanol and water (4 : 1, v/v) at pH 7, ubiquinone-10 and rhodoquinone had half-wave potentials (E1/2) OF +43 MV and -63 mV, respectively. For both quinones, values of the electron transfer number (n) were 2 , and plots of E1/2 versus pH formed straight lines with slopes of -30 mV/pH in the neutral pH range; thus, values of the proton transfer number (n-a) were estimated to be 1 for both quinones. When bound with chromatophores, ubiquinone-10 and rhodoquinone had E1/2 values of +50 mV (n=2) and -30 mV (n=2), respectively, at pH 7. Values of (n-a) were estimated to be 1 for ubiquinone-10 and 2 for rhodoquinone. A component (POC-170) thought to be one of the active center bacteriochlorophylls (Liac-890) was characterized; it has E1/2 value of -170 mV at pH 7 and its oxidation-reduction is possibly brought about by dehydrogenation-hydrogenation. Conceivably, the oxidation-reduction sites of ubiquinone-10, rhodoquinone and POC-170 partly, if not all, exist on the surface of chromatophore membrane or project outside the membrane, because of their accessibility to the polarographic electrode.  相似文献   

The activities of pyridine nucleotide-independent d- and l-lactate dehydrogenases were detected in membranes from Rhodospirillum rubrum grown under aerobic and phototrophic conditions. Crossed immunoelectrophoretic analysis revealed two antigenically distinct enzymes that were further distinguished by specificity for d- and l-stereoisomers of lactate and by the sensitivity of the d-lactate dehydrogenase to inhibition by oxamate and oxalate.  相似文献   

Methyl viologen-oxidized carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH) from Rhodospirillum rubrum exhibits complex EPR. Comparison to EPR of oxidized apo-CODH (CODH from which Ni is lacking) leads to the identification of signals whose intensity is correlated with the presence of Ni. 61Ni labeling observably broadens the sharpest feature of these signals, as does 57Fe. R. rubrum CODH thus contains a cluster containing both Ni and Fe. The EPR associated with this cluster is unlike any EPR previously attributed to Ni-containing prosthetic groups in other CODH enzymes or Ni-containing hydrogenases. The CO-analogue, CN-, perturbs the EPR signals that are attributed to the Ni-Fe species.  相似文献   

Heo J  Staples CR  Halbleib CM  Ludden PW 《Biochemistry》2000,39(27):7956-7963
Radiolabeling studies support the existence of a nonsubstrate CO ligand (CO(L)) to the Fe atom of the proposed [FeNi] cluster of carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH) from Rhodospirillum rubrum. Purified CODH has variable amounts of CO(L) dissociated depending on the extent of handling of the proteins. This dissociated CO(L) can be restored by incubation of CODH with CO, resulting in a 30-40% increase in initial activity relative to as-isolated purified CODH. A similar amount of CO(L) binding is observed when as-isolated purified CODH is incubated with (14)CO: approximately 0.33 mol of CO binds per 1 mol of CODH. Approximately 1 mol of CO was released from CO-preincubated CODH upon denaturation of the protein. No CO could be detected upon denaturation of CODH that had been incubated with cyanide. CO(L) binds to both Ni-containing and Ni-deficient CODH, indicating that CO(L) is liganded to the Fe atom of the proposed [FeNi] center. Furthermore, the Ni in the CO(L)-deficient CODH can be removed by treatment with a Ni-specific chelator, dimethylglyoxime. CO preincubation protects the dimethylglyoxime-labile Ni, indicating that CO(L) is also involved in the stability of Ni in the proposed [FeNi] center.  相似文献   

The bchP gene product of Rhodobacter sphaeroides is responsible for the reduction of the isoprenoid moiety of bacteriochlorophyll (Bchl) from geranylgeraniol (GG) to phytol; here, we show that this enzyme also catalyzes the reduction of the isoprenoid moiety of bacteriopheophytin (Bphe). In contrast, we demonstrate that a newly identified homolog of this gene in Rhodospirillum rubrum encodes an enzyme, GG-Bphe reductase, capable of reducing the isoprenoid moiety of Bphe only. We propose that Rhodospirillum rubrum is a naturally occurring bchP mutant and that an insertion mutation may have been the initial cause of a partial loss of function. Normal BchP function can be restored to Rhodospirillum rubrum, creating a new transconjugant strain possessing Bchl esterified with phytol. We speculate on the requirement of Rhodospirillum rubrum for phytylated Bphe and on a potential link between the absence of LH2 and of phytylated Bchl from the wild-type bacterium. The identification of a second role for the fully functional BchP in catalyzing the synthesis of phytylated Bphe strongly suggests that homologs of this enzyme may be similarly responsible for the synthesis of phytylated pheophytin in organisms possessing photosystem 2. In addition to bchP, other members of a photosynthesis gene cluster were identified in Rhodospirillum rubrum, including a bchG gene, demonstrated to encode a functional Bchl synthetase by complementation of a Rhodobacter sphaeroides mutant.  相似文献   

In analyzing the region of the Saccharopolyspora erythraea chromosome responsible for the biosynthesis of the macrolide antibiotic erythromycin, we identified a gene, designated eryK, located about 50 kb downstream of the erythromycin resistance gene, ermE. eryK encodes a 44-kDa protein which, on the basis of comparative analysis, belongs to the P450 monooxygenase family. An S. erythraea strain disrupted in eryK no longer produced erythromycin A but accumulated the B and D forms of the antibiotic, indicating that eryK is responsible for the C-12 hydroxylation of the macrolactone ring, one of the last steps in erythromycin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary The threshold strength-duration relationships were determined for the phototactic excitation of Rhodospirillum rubrum by various pulses and pairs of pulses of change in light intensity. The recovery of excitability after a response was followed, and examples of rhythmic behavior were recorded.Exprimental results were found to be in fair agreement with data for other irritable systems and with the predictions of the theories of Rashevsky and Hill.The hypothesis was considered that all excitable systems might share a common mechanism for irritability, and the phototactic mechanisms of various unicellular organisms were discussed in this connection.  相似文献   

Ornithine-containing lipid in Rhodospirillum rubrum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Currently, eight genes are known to be involved in coenzyme Q6 biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we report a new gene designated COQ9 that is also required for the biosynthesis of this lipoid quinone. The respiratory-deficient pet mutant C92 was found to be deficient in coenzyme Q and to have low mitochondrial NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity, which could be restored by addition of coenzyme Q2. The mutant was used to clone COQ9, corresponding to reading frame YLR201c on chromosome XII. The respiratory defect of C92 is complemented by COQ9 and suppressed by COQ8/ABC1. The latter gene has been shown to be required for coenzyme Q biosynthesis in yeast and bacteria. Suppression by COQ8/ABC1 of C92, but not other coq9 mutants tested, has been related to an increase in the mitochondrial concentration of several enzymes of the pathway. Coq9p may either catalyze a reaction in the coenzyme Q biosynthetic pathway or have a regulatory role similar to that proposed for Coq8p.  相似文献   

It was recently discovered that the aarF gene in Providencia stuartii is required for coenzyme Q (CoQ) biosynthesis. Here we report that yigR, the Escherichia coli homologue of aarF, is ubiB, a gene required for the first monooxygenase step in CoQ biosynthesis. Both the P. stuartii aarF and E. coli ubiB (yigR) disruption mutant strains lack CoQ and accumulate octaprenylphenol. Octaprenylphenol is the CoQ biosynthetic intermediate found to accumulate in the E. coli strain AN59, which contains the ubiB409 mutant allele. Analysis of the mutation in the E. coli strain AN59 reveals no mutations within the ubiB gene, but instead shows the presence of an IS1 element at position +516 of the ubiE gene. The ubiE gene encodes a C-methyltransferase required for the synthesis of both CoQ and menaquinone, and it is the 5' gene in an operon containing ubiE, yigP, and ubiB. The data indicate that octaprenylphenol accumulates in AN59 as a result of a polar effect of the ubiE::IS1 mutation on the downstream ubiB gene. AN59 is complemented by a DNA segment containing the contiguous ubiE, yigP, and ubiB genes. Although transformation of AN59 with a DNA segment containing the ubiB coding region fails to restore CoQ biosynthesis, transformation with the ubiE coding region results in a low-frequency but significant rescue attributed to homologous recombination. In addition, the fre gene, previously considered to correspond to ubiB, was found not to be involved in CoQ biosynthesis. The ubiB gene is a member of a predicted protein kinase family of which the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ABC1 gene is the prototypic member. The possible protein kinase function of UbiB and Abc1 and the role these polypeptides may play in CoQ biosynthesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Vibrio mutants of Rhodospirillum rubrum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

H A Fu  H J Wirt  R H Burris  G P Roberts 《Gene》1989,85(1):153-160
The function of the cloned draT gene of Rhodospirillum rubrum was studied by placing it under the control of the tac promoter in the vector, pKK223-3. After induction with isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside, dinitrogenase reductase ADP-ribosyltransferase (DRAT) activity was detected in crude extracts of the heterologous hosts Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. In addition, the expression of draT produced a Nif- phenotype in the otherwise wild-type K. pneumoniae strains, the result of the ADP-ribosylation of accumulated dinitrogenase reductase (DR). DR from a nifF- background was also susceptible to ADP-ribosylation, indicating that the oxidized form of DR will serve as a substrate for DRAT in vivo. A mutation that changes the Arg-101 residue of DR, the ADP-ribose attaching site, eliminates the ADP-ribosylation of DR in vivo, confirming the necessity of this residue for modification.  相似文献   

Proton-translocating pyrophosphatase of Rhodospirillum rubrum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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