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E. Bódis  B. Tóth  R. Sousa 《Hydrobiologia》2014,735(1):253-262
Large-scale mortality of invasive bivalves was observed in the River Danube basin in the autumn of 2011 due to a particularly low water discharge. The aim of this study was to quantify and compare the biomass of invasive and native bivalve die-offs amongst eight different sites and to assess the potential role of invasive bivalve die-offs as a resource subsidy for the adjacent terrestrial food web. Invasive bivalve die-offs dominated half of the study sites and their highest density and biomass were recorded at the warm water effluent. The density and biomass values recorded in this study are amongst the highest values recorded for aquatic ecosystems and show that a habitat affected by heated water can sustain an extremely high biomass of invasive bivalves. These mortalities highlight invasive bivalves as a major resource subsidy, possibly contributing remarkable amounts of nutrients and energy to the adjacent terrestrial ecosystem. Given the widespread occurrence of these invasive bivalves and the predicted increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events, the ecological impacts generated by their massive mortalities should be taken into account in other geographical areas as well.  相似文献   

Extreme climatic conditions may alter historic host-pathogen relationships and synchronize the temporal and spatial convergence of multiple infectious agents, triggering epidemics with far greater mortality than those due to single pathogens. Here we present the first data to clearly illustrate how climate extremes can promote a complex interplay between epidemic and endemic pathogens that are normally tolerated in isolation, but with co-infection, result in catastrophic mortality. A 1994 canine distemper virus (CDV) epidemic in Serengeti lions (Panthera leo) coincided with the death of a third of the population, and a second high-mortality CDV epidemic struck the nearby Ngorongoro Crater lion population in 2001. The extent of adult mortalities was unusual for CDV and prompted an investigation into contributing factors. Serological analyses indicated that at least five "silent" CDV epidemics swept through the same two lion populations between 1976 and 2006 without clinical signs or measurable mortality, indicating that CDV was not necessarily fatal. Clinical and pathology findings suggested that hemoparsitism was a major contributing factor during fatal epidemics. Using quantitative real-time PCR, we measured the magnitude of hemoparasite infections in these populations over 22 years and demonstrated significantly higher levels of Babesia during the 1994 and 2001 epidemics. Babesia levels correlated with mortalities and extent of CDV exposure within prides. The common event preceding the two high mortality CDV outbreaks was extreme drought conditions with wide-spread herbivore die-offs, most notably of Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer). As a consequence of high tick numbers after the resumption of rains and heavy tick infestations of starving buffalo, the lions were infected by unusually high numbers of Babesia, infections that were magnified by the immunosuppressive effects of coincident CDV, leading to unprecedented mortality. Such mass mortality events may become increasingly common if climate extremes disrupt historic stable relationships between co-existing pathogens and their susceptible hosts.  相似文献   

As recently as a decade ago, Karenia brevis red tides and their effects on animal resources in the Gulf of Mexico were principally perceived as acute blooms that caused massive fish kills. Although occasional mortalities of higher vertebrates were documented, it has only been in the past decade that conclusive evidence has unequivocally demonstrated that red tides and their brevetoxins are lethal to these organisms. Brevetoxins can be transferred through the food chain and are accumulated in or transferred by biota at many trophic levels. The trophic transfer of brevetoxins in the food web is a complex phenomenon, one that is far more complicated than originally conceived. Unexplained fish kills and other animal mortalities in areas where red tide is endemic are being increasingly linked with post-bloom exposures of biota to brevetoxins. Mass mortality events of endangered Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) follow a consistent spatial and temporal pattern, occurring primarily in the spring in southwestern Florida. Persistent blooms can also cause a cascade of environmental changes, affecting the ecosystem and causing widespread die-offs of benthic communities. Ongoing fish kills from sustained blooms can lead to short-term declines in local populations. Although animal populations in areas where red tide is endemic are unquestionably at risk, it remains to be determined to what extent populations can continue to recover from these sustained effects.  相似文献   

Domoic acid (DA), produced by marine diatom species in the genus Pseudo-nitzschia, is a potent excitotoxin linked since the late 1990s to massive marine mammal and seabird mortalities along the California coast. These and a previous incident involving human intoxication and deaths prompted many studies, some of which have unveiled the trophic transfer of DA from benthic invertebrates and planktivorous fish to top predators, demonstrating serious health risk to marine wildlife and humans. Top predator populations that may be more adversely affected by DA include those with narrow geographical distribution or those that are already in decline as a result of other environmental stressors or natural cyclic fluctuations. However, to date no studies have attempted to assess the population effects of recurrent exposures to DA on any of the affected wildlife species. Ecological risk assessment can help to identify DA effects on wildlife, but meaningful assessments require the integration of many types of information, often not available to conduct such studies. Hence, determining short- and long-term effects on marine wildlife populations is rather challenging. The purpose of this review is to highlight recent research efforts and information gaps, and the need for interdisciplinary programs that allow collaborative wildlife population risk assessments of critical species.  相似文献   

Is MHC enough for understanding wildlife immunogenetics?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Along with reproductive success and predation, infectious disease is a major demographic and evolutionary driver of natural populations. To understand the evolutionary impacts of disease, research has focussed on the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), a genetic region involved in antigen presentation. There is a pressing need for the broader research currently conducted on traditional vertebrate models to be transferred to wildlife. Incorporating such knowledge will enable a broader understanding of the levels at which natural selection can act on immunity. We propose two new approaches to wildlife immunogenetics and discuss the challenges of conducting such studies. At a time when novel pathogens are increasingly emerging in natural populations, these new approaches are integral to understanding disease dynamics and assessing epidemic risks.  相似文献   

Ranaviruses are causing mass amphibian die-offs in North America, Europe and Asia, and have been implicated in the decline of common frog (Rana temporaria) populations in the UK. Despite this, we have very little understanding of the environmental drivers of disease occurrence and prevalence. Using a long term (1992-2000) dataset of public reports of amphibian mortalities, we assess a set of potential predictors of the occurrence and prevalence of Ranavirus-consistent common frog mortality events in Britain. We reveal the influence of biotic and abiotic drivers of this disease, with many of these abiotic characteristics being anthropogenic. Whilst controlling for the geographic distribution of mortality events, disease prevalence increases with increasing frog population density, presence of fish and wild newts, increasing pond depth and the use of garden chemicals. The presence of an alternative host reduces prevalence, potentially indicating a dilution effect. Ranavirosis occurrence is associated with the presence of toads, an urban setting and the use of fish care products, providing insight into the causes of emergence of disease. Links between occurrence, prevalence, pond characteristics and garden management practices provides useful management implications for reducing the impacts of Ranavirus in the wild.  相似文献   

A changing global climate can threaten the diversity of species and ecosystems. We explore the consequences of catastrophic disturbances in determining the evolutionary and demographic histories of secluded marble trout populations in Slovenian streams subjected to weather extremes, in particular recurrent flash floods and debris flows causing massive mortalities. Using microsatellite data, a pattern of extreme genetic differentiation was found among populations (global F(ST) of 0.716), which exceeds the highest values reported in freshwater fish. All locations showed low levels of genetic diversity as evidenced by low heterozygosities and a mean of only 2 alleles per locus, with few or no rare alleles. Many loci showed a discontinuous allele distribution, with missing alleles across the allele size range, suggestive of a population contraction. Accordingly, bottleneck episodes were inferred for all samples with a reduction in population size of 3-4 orders of magnitude. The reduced level of genetic diversity observed in all populations implies a strong impact of genetic drift, and suggests that along with limited gene flow, genetic differentiation might have been exacerbated by recurrent mortalities likely caused by flash flood and debris flows. Due to its low evolutionary potential the species might fail to cope with an intensification and altered frequency of flash flood events predicted to occur with climate change.  相似文献   

The effects of invasive pathogens on wild fish and fish communities generally are not well documented. We compiled information on the impacts of mass mortality events due to Cyprinid Herpesvirus-3 (CyHV-3), otherwise known as Koi Herpesvirus, on wild North American populations of the invasive cyprinid, Cyprinus carpio (common carp), based on our personal experiences, discussions with North American fish ecologists and virologists, a detailed survey of technical and popular publications and a web search. We found evidence of 17 mass die-offs of carp due to CyHV-3 in North America since 2004, for 7 of which we were able to obtain information about carp before and after the events. For 6 of the events, effects of the die-offs on carp population indices appeared to be slight. Carp size-frequency distributions before and after the well-documented 2007/08 event in Ontario were also not conspicuously different. The exceptional event was at Blue Springs Lake, Missouri, in 2012, at which we estimate 65% of the carp present died as a result of CyHV-3 infections and carp abundance continues to decline. Why Blue Springs Lake differs from other events in North America is not clear. Overall, carp die-offs due to CyHV-3 in North America (1) confirm laboratory studies that only common carp are affected, (2) are of brief duration (3–6 weeks), (3) are not repeated in subsequent years and (4) cause much lower mortality (with the exception of Blue Springs Lake) than previously reported for carp in aquaculture facilities or in the laboratory. In terms of both wild carp and their effects on aquatic communities, the short and long-term effects of most die-offs appear to be slight. These features could have implications for the effectiveness of the proposed use of CyHV-3 to reduce feral carp populations in Australia.  相似文献   

For species at risk, it is important that demographic models be consistent with our most recent knowledge because alternate model versions can have differing predictions for wildlife and natural resource management. To establish and maintain this consistency, we can compare predicted model values to current or past observations and demographic knowledge. When novel predictor information becomes available, testing for consistency between modeled and observed values ensures the best models are used for robust, evidence-based, wildlife management. We combine novel information on the extent of historical disturbance regimes (industrial and fire) to an existing demographic model and predict historical and projected demographics of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou). Exploring 6 simulation experiments across 5 populations in Alberta, Canada, we identify the relative importance of industrial disturbance, fire, and population density to observed population size and growth rate. We confirm the onset of significant declines across all 5 populations began approximately 30 years ago, demonstrate these declines have been consistent, and conclude they are more likely due to industrial disturbance from the oil and gas sector within contemporary population ranges than historical fire regimes. These findings reinforce recent research on the cause of woodland caribou declines. Testing for consistency between observations and models prescribed for species recovery is paramount for assessing the cause of declines, projecting population trends, and refining recovery strategies for effective wildlife management. We provide a novel simulation method for conducting these tests. © 2020 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Global wildlife trade exacerbates the spread of nonindigenous species. Pathogens also move with hosts through trade and often are released into naïve populations with unpredictable outcomes. Amphibians are moved commercially for pets, food, bait, and biomedicine, and are an excellent model for studying how wildlife trade relates to pathogen pollution. Ranaviruses are amphibian pathogens associated with annual population die-offs; multiple strains of tiger salamander ranaviruses move through the bait trade in the western United States. Ranaviruses infect amphibians, reptiles, and fish and are of additional concern because they can switch hosts. Tiger salamanders are used as live bait for freshwater fishing and are a potential source for ranaviruses switching hosts from amphibians to fish. We experimentally injected largemouth bass with a bait trade tiger salamander ranavirus. Largemouth bass became infected but exhibited no signs of disease or mortality. Amphibian bait ranaviruses have the potential to switch hosts to infect fish, but fish may act as dead-end hosts or nonsymptomatic carriers, potentially spreading infection as a result of trade.  相似文献   

The data are presented on genetic population structure of wild soybean growing in natural and anthropogenically disturbed landscapes of Primorskii krai of the Russian Federation. Comparative analysis showed that wild soybean populations exposed to anthropogenic influence exhibited lower genetic diversity than natural populations. Recommendations on conservation of the wild plant gene pools using comparative data on population genetic structures are made.  相似文献   

The data are presented on genetic population structure of wild soybean growing in natural and anthropogenically disturbed landscapes of Primorskii krai of the Russian Federation. Comparative analysis showed that wild soybean populations exposed to anthropogenic influence exhibited lower genetic diversity than natural populations. Recommendations on conservation of the wild plant gene pools using comparative data on population genetic structures are made.  相似文献   

Tracking trends in the abundance of wildlife populations is a sensitive method for assessing biodiversity change due to the short time‐lag between human pressures and corresponding shifts in population trends. This study tests for proposed associations between different types of human pressures and wildlife population abundance decline‐curves and introduces a method to distinguish decline trajectories from natural fluctuations in population time‐series. First, we simulated typical mammalian population time‐series under different human pressure types and intensities and identified significant distinctions in population dynamics. Based on the concavity of the smoothed population trend and the algebraic function which was the closest fit to the data, we determined those differences in decline dynamics that were consistently attributable to each pressure type. We examined the robustness of the attribution of pressure type to population decline dynamics under more realistic conditions by simulating populations under different levels of environmental stochasticity and time‐series data quality. Finally, we applied our newly developed method to 124 wildlife population time‐series and investigated how those threat types diagnosed by our method compare to the specific threatening processes reported for those populations. We show how wildlife population decline curves can be used to discern between broad categories of pressure or threat types, but do not work for detailed threat attributions. More usefully, we find that differences in population decline curves can reliably identify populations where pressure is increasing over time, even when data quality is poor, and propose this method as a cost‐effective technique for prioritizing conservation actions between populations.  相似文献   

Ecotoxicology and environmental epidemiology require an intimate understanding of the relationship between exposure of a population to a pollutant and the subsequent biological effects. This article summarizes two relatively new and powerful techniques to examine both exposure and response to environmental pollutants which build upon an increased understanding of how particular classes of chemicals elicit toxicity at the molecular level. The genetic reporter assay can be used to examine the exposure and potential toxicity of environmental samples. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is an exquisitely sensitive and adaptable procedure to examine early events, i.e. biomarkers, that might be indicative of exposure and/or sensitivity to a chemical insult. Taken together, these assays are important new tools in assessing the exposure and risk of human and wildlife populations to such important pollutants as dioxins, PCBs, oestrogenic and anti-oestrogenic compounds, phthalate esters, DDT metabolites and heavy metals.  相似文献   

近年来, 新型冠状病毒、SARS病毒和鼠疫等新发和再发性动物源疫病多是由兽类及其媒介携带的病原生物直接或间接感染而引发的, 不仅对人类健康和生态系统平衡造成了重大威胁, 而且威胁全球公共卫生安全、粮食安全和生物安全。结合我国重要陆生兽类疫源疫病发生的新情况和新特点, 本文重点总结了我国以陆生野生及非野生兽类(家畜为主)为重点的24种重要人兽共患病的监管情况, 并对这些疫源疫病的监管空缺进行了分析。由于病原生物的种类多及其感染传播方式多样, 我国人间和动物间疫情呈现多发态势, 新发和再发疫病防控面临严峻挑战。从目前情况来看, 我国重要野生动物疫源疫病呈现为多部门、多层监管的局面。全球化贸易剧增、非法猎杀、非法交易、违法违规养殖、滥食野生动物陋习、检疫环节失察等导致了当前我国野生动物疫源疫病的传染源头和传播链错综复杂, 加剧了人类与野生动物所携带的病原接触、感染和传播的风险。极端气候或灾害事件频发以及对新发再发传染病的认知不足导致难以从源头做好疫病防控。针对上述问题, 本文提出了从源头加强基础研究和全链条监管来积极防范陆生野生动物疫病疫情的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Effective wildlife management relies on rigorous estimates of population parameters, although data for small populations are often sparse, limiting inference. Integrated population models (IPMs) offer a potential solution by formally combining data sets in a unified analysis, thereby improving precision and allowing the estimation of latent parameters. We expected that incorporating open-population distance sampling models into an IPM framework would provide further advantages for assessing population dynamics, particularly for rare species. We present an open-distance IPM combining separate sources of abundance, composition, survival, and harvest data to better understand the dynamics of a small (~200 individuals) muskox (Ovibos moschatus) population in northwestern Alaska, USA. There was a 75% chance the muskox population in our study area was declining (λ < 1.0), primarily because of a −4.3%/year decline in adult females, and estimated survival probabilities were 0.70, 0.87, and 0.89 for yearlings, adult females, and adult males (harvest excluded), respectively. Insufficient numbers of recruits drove the decline in adult females, and harvest likely limited the adult male component of the population, accounting for up to 50% of mortalities. Together, these results suggest more conservative harvest management might be appropriate moving forward. In contrast, the results from a more conventional analysis were largely ambiguous, which would inevitably lead to delays in the application of appropriate management actions. Our work furthers the development of open-population distance sampling models and IPMs and demonstrates an efficient approach for managing small populations when extensive marking of individuals is not possible. Published 2019. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

The influence of weather on wildlife populations has been documented for many species; however, much of the current literature has focused on the effects of weather within a season and consists of short-term studies. The use of long-term datasets that cover a variety of environmental conditions will be essential for assessing possible carry-over effects of weather experienced in one season on behavior and fitness in subsequent seasons. In this study, we evaluated the effects of weather variables measured over multiple temporal scales on the reproductive performance and behavior of greater prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus cupido) in Osage County, Oklahoma, USA, from 2011–2019. Considering weather over a range of temporal extents allowed us to determine the relative importance of short-term weather events, such as daily temperature and precipitation, versus more chronic shifts in weather such as persistent drought on the reproductive performance of greater prairie-chickens. We used an information-theoretic model building approach to develop models describing the effects of daily weather variables and drought conditions on daily nest survival, nest incubation start dates, and clutch size. Daily nest survival was primarily influenced by conditions experienced during incubation with daily nest success declining in years with wetter than average springs and during extreme precipitation events. Daily nest survival also declined under higher maximum daily temperatures, especially in years with below-average rainfall. Greater prairie-chickens began nesting earlier and had smaller clutch sizes for initial nests and renests in years with warmer temperatures prior to the nesting season. Additionally, incubation of nests started later in drought years, indicating carry-over effects in greater prairie-chicken reproductive behaviors. Our work shows that if the weather in the Great Plains becomes more variable, with increasing frequency of drought and extreme precipitation events, wildlife species that inhabit these grassland landscapes will likely experience changes in reproduction, potentially influencing future populations. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases that affect wildlife and livestock are challenging to manage and can lead to large-scale die-offs, economic losses, and threats to human health. The management of infectious diseases in wildlife and livestock is made easier with knowledge of disease risk across space and identifying stakeholders associated with high-risk landscapes. This study focuses on anthrax, caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis, risk to wildlife and livestock in Montana. There is a history of anthrax in Montana, but the spatial extent of disease risk and subsequent wildlife species at risk are not known. Our objective was to predict the potential geographic distribution of anthrax risk across Montana, identify wildlife species at risk and their distributions, and define stakeholders. We used an ecological niche model to predict the potential distribution of anthrax risk. We overlaid susceptible wildlife species distributions and land ownership delineations on our risk map. We found that there was an extensive region across Montana predicted as potential anthrax risk. These potentially risky landscapes overlapped the ranges of all 6 ungulate species considered in the analysis and livestock grazing allotments, and this overlap was on public and private land for all species. Our findings suggest that there is the potential for a multi-species anthrax outbreak on multiple landscapes across Montana. Our potential anthrax risk map can be used to prioritize landscapes for surveillance and for implementing livestock vaccination programs.  相似文献   

Abstract: In an effort to attenuate human-wildlife conflict and promote conservation of charismatic megafauna, compensation programs for wildlife damages have been implemented in many countries. Compensating pastoralists and farmers for damage caused by wildlife reduces hunting pressure on wild animal populations. However, it can also lead to a decrease in efforts to prevent damage and exacerbate conflicts with wildlife. Furthermore, compensation programs increase the return to agriculture and can therefore be viewed as a subsidy toward crop and livestock production. Such subsidies can trigger agricultural expansion (and habitat conversion), an inflow of agriculture producers, and intensification of agricultural production. Each of these impacts is shown to have potentially adverse effects on the wildlife population that compensation intends to favor. In some circumstances, the net effect on the wildlife stock could be negative. This calls for a careful assessment of local ecological and economic conditions before compensation is implemented. Incentive mechanisms that are directly tied to conservation outcomes (e.g., payments to locals based on the size of the wildlife population) should be considered instead of compensation programs.  相似文献   

Climate change in Africa is expected to lead to a higher occurrence of severe droughts in semi-arid and arid ecosystems. Understanding how animal populations react to such events is thus crucial for addressing future challenges for wildlife management and conservation. We explored how gender, age, mother's experience and family group characteristics determined calf survival in an elephant population during a severe drought in Tanzania in 1993. Young males were particularly sensitive to the drought and calf loss was higher among young mothers than among more experienced mothers. We also report high variability in calf mortality between different family groups, with family groups that remained in the National Park suffering heavy calf loss, compared with the ones that left the Park. This study highlights how severe droughts can dramatically affect early survival of large herbivores and suggests that extreme climatic events might act as a selection force on vertebrate populations, allowing only individuals with the appropriate behaviour and/or knowledge to survive.  相似文献   

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