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Mitotic chromosomes of 13 species included in Solanum sect. Lasiocarpa were studied. All species have 2n = 24. The chromosome numbers of S. stagnale, S. felinum, and S. repandum are reported for the first time. Statistical analyses of chromosomes, genome length, and centromere position yielded estimates of karyotype composition and asymmetry. A generalized karyotype of the section shows that most of the chromosomes are metacentric (73%) or submetacentric (25.6%). Two pairs of subtelocentric chromosomes are present only in S. sessiliflorum. Satellites are quite common, characterizing chromosomes for ten species and are attached to the short arms of either m or sm chromosomes. They could be seen in 10% to 70% of the cells. Only S. pseudolulo bears two satellited chromosomes, one of them attached to a long chromosome arm. Although the section is chromosomally quite homogeneous, species can be distinguished by karyotype formula, presence of satellites in a particular chromosome pair, and total chromosome length. There are no indications of major chromosomal rearrangements within the section. Using cytological data exclusively, cluster analysis indicates S. sessiliflorum is isolated in the section. Solanum candidum and S. vestissimum are somewhat isolated as well and have unique karyological traits. Solanum pectinatum has a peculiar karyotype, but in the phenogram it is not particularly separated. Karyotype features suggest that morphological differentiation was not always followed by chromosomal divergence. The origin of the domesticated S. quitoense is no further elucidated by our data.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that clonality provides reproductive assurance in cross-fertilizing species subject to pollen limitation, relieving one of the main selective pressures favoring the evolution of self-fertilization. According to this hypothesis, cross-fertilizing species subject to pollen limitation should often be clonal. Here, we investigated the association between clonality and a genetic mechanism enforcing outcrossing, self-incompatibility, in Solanum (Solanaceae). We collected self-incompatibility and clonality information on 87 species, and looked for an association between these two traits. To account for the contribution of shared evolutionary history to this association, we incorporated phylogenetic information from chloroplast (NADH dehydrogenase subunit F) sequence data. We found that self-incompatibility is strongly associated with clonal reproduction: all self-incompatible species reproduce clonally, while the absence of clonality is widespread among self-compatible taxa. The observed correlation persists after taking into account shared phylogenetic history, assumptions about the evolutionary history of self-incompatibility, uncertainty associated with phylogeny estimation, and associations with life history (annual/perennial). Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that clonality provides reproductive assurance, and suggest that the consequences of clonal growth in the evolution of plant reproductive strategies may be more significant than previously thought.  相似文献   

Quantitative analyses of sexual expression show extensive interspecific variation in the strength of andromonoecy (proportions of hermaphroditic and staminate flowers) among Solanum species in the monophyletic section Lasiocarpa. The roles of phenotypic plasticity and inter- and intra-inflorescence architecture in the diversification of andromonoecy within this small clade were analyzed. Four species that represent a range of expression of andromonoecy were examined. Staminate flowers produced within inflorescences ranged from 3% (S. candidum) to 7% (S. ferox) in weakly andromonoecious species and from 39% (S. pseudolulo) to 60% (S. quitoense) in more strongly andromonoecious species. Manipulation of fruit set on clonal replicates of multiple genotypes demonstrated variation among species for phenotypic plasticity. The strongly andromonoecious species, S. pseudolulo and S. quitoense, were not plastic and produced a large proportion of staminate flowers regardless of fruiting treatment, whereas S. candidum and S. ferox were phenotypically plastic and produced significantly more staminate flowers in the presence of developing fruit. Staminate flower production of all four species varied both within and among inflorescences. A greater proportion of staminate flowers were produced in distal (later produced) inflorescences. Within inflorescences, hermaphroditic flowers occurred in basal positions, whereas staminate flowers, when produced, occurred more distally. This pattern of staminate flower production is qualitatively the same in all species investigated; however, quantitative variation in the transition from hermaphroditic to staminate flower production within and among inflorescences is associated with variation in the strength of andromonoecy. At least three factors have contributed to the diversification of andromonoecy in section Lasiocarpa including the presence or absence of phenotypic plasticity in response to fruit set, quantitative variation in intra- and inter-inflorescence architectural effects, and total flower production.  相似文献   

Factors underlying apparent floral sexual dimorphism were examined in six species of andromonoecious Solanum section Lasiocarpa (Solanaceae). Both multivariate and univariate analyses show that hermaphroditic flowers are significantly larger than staminate flowers for all features measured. Thus, flowers could be characterized as sexually size dimorphic. However, when size variation due to flower position (architecture) is controlled experimentally, differences between the floral genders for the nongynoecial characters disappear; there is no difference in corolla or androecium size. Staminate flowers appear to be generally smaller than hermaphroditic flowers, not because of any difference related to primary sexual function, but because they tend to occur in the distal regions of each inflorescence. In contrast, significant differences between hermaphroditic and staminate flowers for primary female traits (ovary, style, and stigma) remain after controlling for position: the two floral types are truly dimorphic for these characters. We show that consideration of architectural effects can direct and refine hypotheses concerning the evolution of andromonoecy. More generally, if architectural effects on flower size are common among taxa with unisexual flowers, then these effects may contribute to the common perception of size dimorphism in taxa with unisexual flowers.  相似文献   

Relative allocation of resources to growth vs. reproduction has long been known to be an important determinant of reproductive success. The importance of variation in allocation to different structures within reproductive allocation is somewhat less clear. This study was designed to elucidate the importance of allocation to vegetative vs. reproductive functions, and allocation within reproductive functions (sex allocation), to realized female success in an andromonoecious plant, Solanum carolinense. Allocation measurements were taken on plants in experimental arrays exposed to natural pollination conditions. These measurements included total flower number, the proportion of flowers that were male, flower size, and vegetative size. Flower number explained the majority of the variation among individuals in their success-that is, there was strong selection for increased flower production. There was also selection to decrease the proportion of flowers that were male, but neither flower size nor vegetative size (a measure of overall resource availability) were direct determinants of female success. After Bonferroni corrections for multiple comparisons, most phenotypic correlations among the traits measured were nonsignificant. Thus, in this andromonoecious species there is not a strong relationship between resource availability (vegetative size) and female success, and female success is instead determined by the relative production of the two different flower types.  相似文献   

Plants of Lycium californicum, L. exsertum, and L. fremontii produce flowers that are either male-sterile (female) or hermaphroditic, and populations are morphologically gynodioecious. As is commonly found in gynodioecious species, flowers on female plants are smaller than those on hermaphrodites for a number of floral traits. Floral size dimorphism has often been hypothesized to be the result of either a reduction in female flower size that allows reallocation to greater fruit and seed production, or an increase in hermaphroditic flower size due to the increased importance of pollinator attraction and pollen export for hermaphroditic flowers. We provide a test of these two alternatives by measuring 11 floral characters in eight species of Lycium and using a phylogeny to reconstruct the floral size shifts associated with the evolution of gender dimorphism. Our analyses suggest that female flowers are reduced in size relative to the ancestral condition, whereas flowers on hermaphrodites have changed only slightly in size. Female and hermaphroditic flowers have also diverged both from one another and from ancestral cosexual species in several shape characteristics. We expected sexual dimorphism to be similar among the three dimorphic taxa, as gender dimorphism evolved only a single time in the ancestor of the American dimorphic lineage. While the floral sexual dimorphism is broadly similar among the three dimorphic species, there are some species-specific differences. For example, L. exsertum has the greatest floral size dimorphism, whereas L. fremontii had the greatest size-independent dimorphism in pistil characters. To determine the degree to which phylogenetic uncertainty affected reconstruction of ancestral character states, we performed a sensitivity analysis by reconstructing ancestral character states on alternative topologies. We argue that investigations such as this one, that examine floral evolution from an explicitly phylogenetic perspective, provide new insights into the study of the evolution of floral sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Three phases of cohesion were observable during the development of compatible autografts in Solanum pennellii. Phase I cohesion 1) lasted 4–5 d after grafting, 2) was characterized by an average increase in tensile strength of 4 g breaking weight (BW) mm–2 graft area (GA) d–1, and 3) correlated positively with cellular interdigitation at the graft interface. The fresh weight of the scion increased by approximately 5% d–1 during the first 2 d after grafting. Phase II cohesion occurred 5–15 d after grafting, during which time 1) the tensile strength of the graft union increased by 14 g BW mm–2 GA d–1, 2) vascular differentiation across the graft interface was completed, and 3) the fresh weight of the scion increased by 9% d–1. Phase III cohesion occurred subsequent to 15 d after grafting, during which time 1) the tensile strength of the graft union leveled off at a value similar to that of an ungrafted internode, and 2) the fresh weight of the scion increased by 14% d–1. These results are discussed relative to mechanisms underlying the formation of compatible grafts.  相似文献   

Seed coat structure in Solanum L. section Solanum (Solanaceae). Seed coat structure in Solanum L. section Solanum was examined using SEM. The seed coat patterns observed were fairly uniform throughout the section, and thus of little diagnostic use. Moreover, all species are characterized by their seeds being covered by hairlike structures, which are bands of lignified thickening in the lateral (and basal) walls of the outer epidermal cells of the testa, and which only become obvious when the seeds are wetted. The development of the seed coat and its characteristic thickening was followed from the unfertilized ovule to the mature seed in vouchered material of Solanum nigrum L. since this species is the generic type, using sections of freshly fixed material.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2007,31(1):8-12
Although neotropical savannas and grasslands, collectively referred to as cerrado, are rich in seed-eating species of rodents, little is known about seed predation and its determinants in this habitat. In this study, we investigated seed predation and damage to fruits of the widespread shrub Solanum lycocarpum. In addition, the influence of two possible determinants (distance from the parental plant and total crop size) on the feeding behaviour of Oryzomys scotti (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) was also examined. O. scotti were captured more frequently close to the shrubs or on shrub crops, indicating that these rodents were attracted to the shrubs and that seed predation was probably distance-dependent. Moreover, the proportion of damaged fruit on the plant decreased as the total crop size increased; consequently, more productive plants were attacked proportionally less by rodents. This pattern of fruit damage may reflect predator satiation caused by the consumption of a large amount of pulp. Alternatively, secondary metabolites in S. lycocarpum fruits may reduce the pulp consumption per feeding event, thereby limiting the number of fruits damaged.  相似文献   

Keith E. Roe 《Brittonia》1972,24(3):239-278
The present revision of Solatium sect. Brevantherum Seithe recognizes 27 species in North and South America, two of which have become naturalized in parts of the Old World. Three species,S. lltisii, S. Goodspeedii, and S. appressum, are described as new. Comparative morphology, geographical distribution, and ecological data provide evidence for species recognition. Some of the most diagnostic features are those associated with the buds, leaves, and the hairs, which range from simple to porrect-stellate and more complex types, described herein as multangulate, dendritic-multangulate, echinoid, and dendriticechinoid.  相似文献   

The clonal weed Solanum carolinense exhibits plasticity in the strength of its self-incompatibility (SI) system and suffers low levels of inbreeding depression (δ) in the greenhouse. We planted one inbred and one outbred plant from each of eight maternal plants in a ring (replicated twice) and monitored clonal growth, herbivory, and reproduction over two years. Per ramet δ was estimated to be 0.63 in year one and 0.79 in year two, and outbred plants produced 2.5 times more ramets than inbred plants in the spring of year two. Inbred plants also suffered more herbivore damage than outbred plants in both fields, suggesting that inbreeding compromises herbivore resistance. Total per genet δ was 0.85 over the two years, indicating that S. carolinense is unlikely to become completely self-compatible, and suggesting that plasticity in the SI system is part of a stable mixed-mating system permitting self-fertilization when cross pollen limits seed production.  相似文献   

Sex expression (the proportions of staminate and hermaphrodite flowers produced) in andromonoecious Solarium hirtum is phenotypically plastic, and there is genetic variation for sex expression plasticity. Changes in sex expression phenotype are inherently the result of altered development. However, the underlying developmental components of sex expression plasticity and of differences in plasticity among genotypes are unknown. This study takes an explicitly genetic and developmental approach to the study of phenotypic plasticity and examines changes in sex expression of ten clonally replicated genotypes at three levels of organization: among inflorescences, within inflorescences, and at the level of developing floral meristems. Changes in sex expression of individuals and differences among individuals are the result of a predictable interplay of resource, architectural, and floral level response within the hierarchical construction of the shoot system. Phenotypic plasticity of whole plant sex expression is ultimately due to sexual lability of individual developing flowers: floral sex is not determined until a primordium size of 9–10 mm. Until that time, sex expression remains labile and developing floral primordia can respond to changes in plant resource status. This flower level developmental lability, however, is expressed within the constraints set by the architecture and ontogenetic history of the organism. Only those floral primordia produced in distal portions of each inflorescence are labile, capable of developing into either a staminate or hermaphrodite flower, whereas those primordia in basal positions invariably develop as hermaphrodite flowers. The genotypes differ with respect to the architectural components of phenotypic plasticity and it is this architectural variation that results in differences in plasticity among genotypes. The phenomenon, in which the developmental fate of a primordium depends upon where and when it is produced within the architecture of an organism and what events have preceded it during ontogeny, can be termed “ontogenetic contingency.”  相似文献   

刺山柑雄全同株性系统的适应意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对分布于新疆北部干旱荒漠区的刺山柑Capparisspinosa性系统进行了研究.结果表明:(1)该物种具有典型的雄全同株性系统.雄花和两性花的雄蕊均正常发育,且有长短之分;两性花的雌蕊发育正常,而雄花的雌蕊败育,只行使雄性功能.(2)居群间每天开放的雄花和两性花比率、两性花的长短雄蕊数及雄花短雄蕊的花丝与花药长等存在极显著差异(P<0.01),但花器官生物量没有显著差异(P>0.05).(3)单花花期为15-16 h,每天18:00时左右开始开放,有强烈的气味和花蜜产生.植株每天产生的雄花和两性花数是随机的,可形成短时的雄花与两性花异株,但居群内雄花数比两性花数多.(4)三个居群两性花的P/O值分别为1.57×104、1.65×104和1.71×104.居群内雄花和两性花的花粉数及长、短雄蕊花药的花粉数均无显著差异(P>0.05),居群间雄花和两性花的花粉数、两性花的胚珠数及P/O值差异也不显著(P>0.05).(5)各居群雄花和两性花长短雄蕊的花粉活力动态变化曲线相似,花粉寿命为18-20 h,两性花雌蕊柱头的可授期为16-18h.(6)访花昆虫为膜翅目Hymenoptera和鳞翅目Lepidoptera昆虫,3个居群共有7种访花昆虫,其活动受天气影响很大.(7)两性花不存在无融合生殖现象,授自花花粉、同株异花花粉和异株异花花粉后均可结实,属于混合交配系统.刺山柑的雄全同株性系统可能是在长期与荒漠环境相适应的过程中由遗传和环境共同作用的结果.雄花的出现不仅增加了花粉数和P/O值,提高了植株的雄性适合度,同时增加了花的数量、对传粉昆虫的吸引力以及两性花柱头接受异花花粉的机会,提高了异交率和雌性适合度,保障其在荒漠极端环境中繁殖成功.  相似文献   

Flower morphology and pollinator dynamics play an important role in the evolution and maintenance of many breeding systems, including andromonoecy. We used a series of field experiments to test the functional relationship between flower morphology and pollination dynamics (e.g., pollen receipt and export) in Solanum carolinense. We find that long-styled flowers serve primarily as pollen recipients and short-styled flowers as pollen donors, making this the first study to support the male-female interference hypothesis for the evolution of andromonoecy. However, this difference in the primary male or female function of the flowers depends on the pollinator identity. In flowers visited by Bombus impatiens, style length has a positive relationship with pollen deposition and a negative relationship with pollen removal. In contrast, neither morphological nor behavioral traits determine pollen deposition or removal by small halictid bees. We demonstrate that different pollinators could select for different floral morphologies, and thus, our research suggests that pollinator-specific interactions with flower morphology play an important role in the evolution and maintenance of anrdromonoecy.  相似文献   

The sexual system of the perennial shrub Capparis spinosa L. (Capparaceae), which is distributed in arid deserts of northern Xinjiang, was investigated. The main results can be summarized as follows. (1) The species is andromonoecious, i.e. individuals possess both male and perfect flowers. Stamens of two floral morphs are normal and can be divided into long and short ones in each flower. The perfect flowers have well developed pistils, but male flowers have aborted pistils and only function as males. (2) There were very significant differ-ences among the populations in daily ratio of the two floral morphs, number of long and short stamens of perfect flowers and length of filaments and anthers of short stamens in male flowers (P<0.01), but no significant differ-ences occurred in biomass of floral organ (P>0.05). (3) Anthesis was nocturnal and lasted 15–16 h. Both male and perfect flowers opened about 18:00 at dusk. The number of two floral morphs produced on each individual was indeterminate every day during flowering, which would make the individual temporally androdioecious. However, the total number of male flowers was more than that of perfect flowers within the population every day. (4) The P/O ratios of perfect flowers in three populations were 1.57×104, 1.65×104 and 1.71×104. There was no significant difference in pollen numbers (P>0.05) within population between male and perfect flowers or between long and short stamens, and also no significant difference among the populations in pollen numbers of male and perfect flowers, and in ovule numbers and P/O ratios of perfect flowers (P>0.05). (5) Dynamic curves of pollen viability of long and short stamens in the two floral morphs were similar in three populations. Pollen longevity of both long and short stamens was about 18–20 h, and duration of stigmatic receptivity was about 16–18 h. (6) Floral visitors were hymenopterous and lepidopterous insects. There was a total of seven species of floral visitors in the three populations. The activities of them were greatly affected by the climate of the desert environment. (7) Perfect flowers were not apomictic and could produce fruits after self-pollination (autogamy and geitonogamy) and cross-pollination; thus they had a mixed mating system. These results suggest that the sexual system of andro-monoecy may reflect an environment-heredity interaction in C. spinosa. The male flowers increase the number of pollen grains, the P/O ratio and enhance male fitness of individuals. They also increase the floral display and consequently effect cross pollination by attracting more pollinators that bring cross-pollen to the stigmas of per-fect flowers, thus increase outcrossing rate and female fitness of individuals, which insure reproductive success of C. spinosa in the extreme desert environment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In studies looking at individual polyploid species, the most common patterns of genomic change are that either genome size in the polyploid is additive (i.e. the sum of parental genome donors) or there is evidence of genome downsizing. Reports showing an increase in genome size are rare. In a large-scale analysis of 3008 species, genome downsizing was shown to be a widespread biological response to polyploidy. Polyploidy in the genus Nicotiana (Solanaceae) is common with approx. 40 % of the approx. 75 species being allotetraploid. Recent advances in understanding phylogenetic relationships of Nicotiana species and dating polyploid formation enable a temporal dimension to be added to the analysis of genome size evolution in these polyploids. METHODS: Genome sizes were measured in 18 species of Nicotiana (nine diploids and nine polyploids) ranging in age from <200,000 years to approx. 4.5 Myr old, to determine the direction and extent of genome size change following polyploidy. These data were combined with data from genomic in situ hybridization and increasing amounts of information on sequence composition in Nicotiana to provide insights into the molecular basis of genome size changes. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: By comparing the expected genome size of the polyploid (based on summing the genome size of species identified as either a parent or most closely related to the diploid progenitors) with the observed genome size, four polyploids showed genome downsizing and five showed increases. There was no discernable pattern in the direction of genome size change with age of polyploids, although with increasing age the amount of genome size change increased. In older polyploids (approx. 4.5 million years old) the increase in genome size was associated with loss of detectable genomic in situ hybridization signal, whereas some hybridization signal was still detected in species exhibiting genome downsizing. The possible significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Conspicuous coloration is often used in combination with chemical defenses to deter predators from attacking. Experimental studies have shown that the avoidance inducing effect of conspicuous prey coloration increases with increasing size of pattern elements and with increasing body size. Here we use a comparative approach to test the prediction from these findings, namely that conspicuous coloration will evolve in tandem with body size. In our analysis, we use a previously published mitochondrial DNA-based phylogeny and comparative analysis of independent contrasts to examine if evolutionary shifts in color pattern have been associated with evolutionary changes in body size in aposematic poison frogs (Anura: Dendrobatidae). Information on body size (snout to vent length) and coloration were obtained from the literature. Two different measures of conspicuousness were used, one based on rankings by human observers and the other based on computer analysis of digitized photographs. The results from comparative analyses using either measure of coloration indicated that avoidance inducing coloration and body size have evolved in concert in poison frogs. Results from reconstruction of character change further indicate that the correlated evolution of size and coloration has involved changes in both directions within each of the different clades of the phylogenetic tree. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that selection imposed by visually guided predators has promoted the evolution of larger body size in species with conspicuous coloration, or enhanced evolution of conspicuous coloration in larger species.  相似文献   

Sexual expression in andromonoecious species—those in which a single individual can bear both staminate and hermaphroditic flowers—may vary among reproductive events in the same plant, among individuals and across populations. This variation influences, in turn, the individual contribution of hermaphroditic plants via male and female fitness functions (i.e., Lloydʼs phenotypic gender). However, temporal variation in sexual expression in andromonoecious species and its relationship with seasonal changes in climatic conditions remain poorly understood. Here we analyze floral attributes, visitors and variation in sexual expression in three populations of Solanum lycocarpum A. St. -Hil. Seasonality in the production of floral types, the mating system and floral visitors were also investigated. Hermaphroditic flowers produced more pollen grains, but the pollen of staminate flowers had higher viability. Only hermaphroditic flowers produced fruits, and ovules in staminate flowers were sterile. Solanum lycocarpum is mainly pollinated by large bees with the ability to vibrate flowers. Phenotypic gender varied throughout the year, and the seasonal production of staminate flowers is associated with the local climate. We suggest that the higher and seasonally variable relative abundance of staminate flowers compared to the low and uniform production of hermaphroditic flowers may be explained by (a) the very high energetic costs incurred in producing large fruits, which in turn make hermaphroditic flower production very costly, and (b) the potentially lower energy expenditure of the smaller staminate flowers with reduced pistils and non-viable ovules that allow them to rapidly respond to climate variability.  相似文献   

Five taxa ofSolanum sect.Basarthrum were studied in an effort to clarify their taxonomic position and to determine the effective evolutionary mechanisms. Methods included an analysis of chromosome number and behavior, artificial hybridizations and a study of herbarium material. The data suggest thatS. canense andS. suaveolens are closely related and that 5.suaveolens may have been the progenitor ofS. canense. The only successful interspecific cross involving one of these two species was vigorous but highly sterile. Evidence from both morphology and crossing studies indicates a close relationship betweenS. basendopogon andS. caripense. Hybrids between these two species with relatively high fertility through the F3 generation were secured. The status ofS. basendopogon f.obtusum remains a problem since there is but one collection of the typical form. The placement ofS. sanctae-marthae in sect.Basarthrum is considered problematic. Virtually none of 170 interspecific crosses with this species were successful. Seed size and the presence and size of a seed wing are proposed as useful morphological characters in sect.Basarthrum. There is apparently a correlation between short styles and self-compatibility. All species are diploid (n = 12) and no chromosomal or meiotic aberrations were noted in the species or hybrids. Most of the more than 1,000 interspecific crosses failed. Most of the hybrid fruits bore no seeds or seeds which did not germinate. The primary barriers separating species are considered to be strong prefertilization isolating mechanisms and ecogeographic factors.  相似文献   

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