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The 3' region of the external transcribed spacer (ETS) of 18S-26S nuclear ribosomal DNA was sequenced in 19 representatives of Calycadenia/Osmadenia and two outgroup species (Compositae) to assess its utility for phylogeny reconstruction compared to rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) data. Universal primers based on plant, fungal, and animal sequences were designed to amplify the intergenic spacer (IGS) and an angiosperm primer was constructed to sequence the 3' end of the ETS in members of tribe Heliantheae. Based on these sequences, an internal ETS primer useful across Heliantheae sensu lato was designed to amplify and sequence directly the 3' ETS region in the study taxa, which were the subjects of an earlier phylogenetic investigation based on ITS sequences. Size variation in the amplified ETS region varied across taxa of Heliantheae sensu lato from approximately 350 to 700 bp, in part attributable to an approximately 200-bp tandem duplication in a common ancestor of Calycadenia/Osmadenia. Phylogenetic analysis of the 200-bp subrepeats and examination of apomorphic changes in the duplicated region demonstrate that the subrepeats in Calycadenia/Osmadenia have evolved divergently. Phylogenetic analyses of the entire amplified ETS region yielded a highly resolved strict consensus tree that is nearly identical in topology to the ITS tree, with strong bootstrap and decay support on most branches. Parsimony analyses of combined ETS and ITS data yielded a strict consensus tree that is better resolved and generally better supported than trees based on either data set analyzed separately. We calculated an approximately 1.3- to 2.4-fold higher rate of sequence evolution by nucleotide substitution in the ETS region studied than in ITS-1 + ITS-2. A similar disparity in the proportion of variable (1.3 ETS:1 ITS) and potentially informative (1.5 ETS:1 ITS) sites was observed for the ingroup. Levels of homoplasy are similar in the ETS and ITS data. We conclude that the ETS holds great promise for augmenting ITS data for phylogenetic studies of young lineages.  相似文献   

Cultured isolates of the marine cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus vary widely in their pigment compositions and growth responses to light and nutrients, yet show greater than 96% identity in their 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences. In order to better define the genetic variation that accompanies their physiological diversity, sequences for the 16S-23S rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region were determined in 32 Prochlorococcus isolates and 25 Synechococcus isolates from around the globe. Each strain examined yielded one ITS sequence that contained two tRNA genes. Dramatic variations in the length and G+C content of the spacer were observed among the strains, particularly among Prochlorococcus strains. Secondary-structure models of the ITS were predicted in order to facilitate alignment of the sequences for phylogenetic analyses. The previously observed division of Prochlorococcus into two ecotypes (called high and low-B/A after their differences in chlorophyll content) were supported, as was the subdivision of the high-B/A ecotype into four genetically distinct clades. ITS-based phylogenies partitioned marine cluster A Synechococcus into six clades, three of which can be associated with a particular phenotype (motility, chromatic adaptation, and lack of phycourobilin). The pattern of sequence divergence within and between clades is suggestive of a mode of evolution driven by adaptive sweeps and implies that each clade represents an ecologically distinct population. Furthermore, many of the clades consist of strains isolated from disparate regions of the world's oceans, implying that they are geographically widely distributed. These results provide further evidence that natural populations of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus consist of multiple coexisting ecotypes, genetically closely related but physiologically distinct, which may vary in relative abundance with changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and 5.8S rDNA sequences were obtained from 22 species of dwarf mistletoes (Arceuthobium — Viscaceae) to test phylogenetic relationships. Interspecific distances ranged from 0 to 21.4% between New World species, values two to five times higher than those measures for the ITS region in other plants. One Old World species (A. oxycedri) and one New World species (A. abietis-religiosae) were remarkably similar to each other but exhibited up to 41% sequence divergence from the remaining species. Minimum length trees support the concept of a verticillately branched subgenus Arceuthobium; however, interspecific distances indicate this group is extremely heterogeneous. Subgenus Vaginata, Section Vaginata, is centered in Mexico and encompasses all the taxa previously placed in this group but is expanded to include several species previously classified in Section Campylopoda (e.g., A. divaricatum, A. rubrum, and A. strictum). The sister group relationship between A. divaricatum and A. douglasii, first seen following isozyme analysis, is supported by ITS sequence data. Section Campylopoda s. s. is now composed of 13 mainly U.S. species that show a high degree of morphological and genetic similarity. The eastern dwarf mistletoe, A. pusillum, is not closely related to A. douglasii but rather with A. bicarinatum from Hispaniola, which suggests that these taxa represent highly modified relicts that shared an ancestor in the early Tertiary. Two endemic species from Mexico and Central America (A. guatemalense and A. pendens) formed a sister group and have been placed in a new Section (Penda). Rapid molecular evolution in Arceuthobium may be associated with the adaptive radiation of this genus on numerous conifer hosts.  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacer (ITS1, 5.8S rDNA, and ITS2) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) was sequenced from 53 species, which represent most of the living species diversity in the genus Phalaenopsis (Orchidaceae). A phylogeny was developed for the genus based on the neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony analyses of molecular data. Results of these analyses provided support for the monophyly of the genus Phalaenopsis and concurred in that the genera Doritis and Kingidium should be treated as being parts of the genus Phalaenopsis as suggested by Christenson (2001). Within the genus Phalaenopsis, neither subgenera Aphyllae nor Parishianae were monophyletic, and they were highly clustered with subgenus Proboscidioides plus sections Esmeralda and Deliciosae of subgenus Phalaenopsis based on ITS data. Those species also have the same characters of morphology of four pollinia and similar biogeographies. Furthermore, neither subgenus Phalaenopsis nor Polychilos was monophyletic. Within the subgenus Phalaenopsis, only section Phalaenopsis was highly supported as being monophyletic. As for the subgenus Polychilos, only section Polychilos was moderately supported as being monophyletic. In conclusion, the present molecular data obtained from the ITS sequence of nrDNA of the genus Phalaenopsis provide valuable information for elucidating the phylogeny of this genus.  相似文献   

The 18S-26S nuclear rDNA external transcribed spacer (ETS) has recently gained attention as a region that is valuable in phylogenetic analyses of angiosperms primarily because it can supplement nucleotide variation from the widely used and generally shorter internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and ITS-2) and thereby improve phylogenetic resolution and clade support in rDNA trees. Subrepeated ETS sequences (often occurring in the 5(') region) can, however, create a challenge for systematists interested in using ETS sequence data for phylogeny reconstruction. We sequenced the 5(')ETS for members of Lessingia (Compositae, Astereae) and close relatives (26 taxa total) to characterize the subrepeat variation across a group of closely related plant lineages and to gain improved understanding of the structure, molecular evolution, and phylogenetic utility of the region. The 5(')ETS region of Lessingia and relatives varied in length from approximately 245 to 1009 bp due to the presence of a variable number of subrepeats (one to eight). We assessed homology of the subrepeats using phylogenetic analysis and concluded that only two of the subrepeats and a portion of a third ( approximately 282 bp in total) were orthologous across Lessingia and could be aligned with confidence and included in further analyses. When the partial 5(')ETS data were combined with 3(')ETS and ITS data in phylogenetic analyses, no additional resolution of relationships among taxa was obtained beyond that found from analysis of 3(')ETS + ITS sequences. Inferred patterns of concerted evolution indicate that homogenization is occurring at a faster rate in the 3(')ETS and ITS regions than in the 5(')ETS region. Additionally, homogenization appears to be acting within but not among subrepeats of the same rDNA array. We conclude that challenges in assessing subrepeat orthology across taxa greatly limit the utility of the 5(')ETS region for phylogenetic analyses among species of Lessingia.  相似文献   

Sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of the 18S-26S nuclear ribosomal DNA were used to resolve phylogenetic relationships among 13 species of the genus Dahlia . Phylogenetic reconstruction from both parsimony analysis and pairwise distance data produced a single tree in which four clades could be distinguished, these broadly separating the species into the different chromosome numbers found in Dahlia ( x = 16, x = 17 and x = 18). Although species based on x = 16 were divided into two clades, there is the suggestion that this separation may be artificial and that these should be combined as a single clade. The phylogeny produced here has been discussed with reference to the existing taxonomic treatment of the genus. It currently appears that the genus Dohlia is monophyletic and it is evident that the different basic chromosome numbers withim the dysploid series in Dahlia have evolved only once. This proposed monophyly of the genus coupled with the successful production of hybrids withim the dysploid series (2 n = 32, 2 n = 34 and 2 n = 36) suggests that the species of Dahlia have evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

DNA sequences of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were determined for 11 species from four genera of Didymozoinae (Indodidymozoon, Helicodidymozoon, Rhopalotrema and Neometadidymozoon) and a species of the Lecithasteridae, Lecithaster stellatus. Sequences were used to test the validity of species recognised on morphological criteria and to infer phylogenetic relationships. Sequences of the 11 didymozoids differed by 0.5% to 19%. Our phylogenetic analyses: (i) indicate that species in the genera Helicodidymozoon and Rhopalotrema are a monophyletic group; (ii) support separation of the genus Helicodidymozoon from the genera Indodidymozoon and Neometadidymozoon; and (iii) support recognition of Rhopalotrema as a genus distinct from Neometadidymozoon. We found the gonochoristic species, I. pearsoni and I. suttiei, to be genetically similar to the hermaphroditic species in the genus Indodidymozoon and found no evidence to indicate that they belong in a separate genus.  相似文献   

For molecular phylogenetic reconstruction of some intrageneric groups of plants, a DNA region is needed that evolves more rapidly than the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the 18S-26S nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) repeat. If the region identified is nuclear, it would also be desirable for it to undergo rapid concerted evolution to eliminate problems with coalescence. The external transcribed spacer (ETS) of the nrDNA repeat has shown promise for intrageneric phylogenetic reconstruction, but only the 3' end of the region has been utilized for phylogenetic reconstruction and "universal" primers for PCR amplification have been elusive. We present a method for reliably amplifying and sequencing the entire ETS throughout Asteraceae and some closely allied families. We also show that the ETS is more variable and phylogenetically informative than the ITS in three disparate genera of Asteraceae-Argyranthemum (tribe Anthemideae), Asteriscus (tribe Inuleae), and Helianthus (tribe Heliantheae). The full ETS was amplified using a primer (ETS1f) within the intergenic spacer in combination with a primer (18S-2L) in the 5' end of the highly conserved 18S gene. ETS1f was designed to correspond to a highly conserved region found in Helianthus and Crepis, which are in separate subfamilies of Asteraceae. ETS1f/18S-2L primed in all of the tribes of Asteraceae as well as exemplar taxa from Campanulaceae, Goodeniaceae, and Calyceraceae. For both Argyranthemum and Asteriscus, we were able to directly sequence the ETS PCR products when a single band was produced. When multiple bands were produced, we gel-purified and occasionally cloned the band of interest before sequencing. Although PCR produced single bands for Helianthus species, it was necessary to clone Helianthus amplifications prior to sequencing due to multiple intragenomic ETS repeat types. Alignment of ETS sequences for Argyranthemum and Asteriscus was straightforward and unambiguous despite some subrepeat structure in the 5' end. For Helianthus, different numbers of large tandem subrepeats in different species required analysis of the orthology of the subrepeats prior to alignment. In all three genera, the ETS provided more informative variation for phylogenetic reconstruction and allowed better resolution of relationships than the ITS. Although cloned sequences from Helianthus differed, intragenomic clones consistently formed clades. This result indicated that concerted evolution was proceeding rapidly enough in ETS that species-specific phylogenetic signal was retained. It should be now be possible to use the entire ETS for phylogenetic reconstruction of recently diverged lineages in Asteraceae and at least three other families (approximately 26,000 species or about 8% of all angiosperms).  相似文献   

Failure to identify correctly the milky disease bacteria, Paenibacillus popilliae and Paenibacillus lentimorbus, has resulted in published research errors and commercial production problems. A DNA fingerprinting procedure, using PCR amplification of the 16S-23S rDNA intergenic transcribed spacer (ITS) regions, has been shown to easily and accurately identify isolates of milky disease bacteria. Using 34 P. popilliae and 15 P. lentimorbus strains, PCR amplification of different ITS regions produced three DNA fingerprints. For P. lentimorbus phylogenic group 2 strains and for all P. popilliae strains tested, electrophoresis of amplified DNA produced a migratory pattern (i.e., ITS-PCR fingerprint) exhibiting three DNA bands. P. lentimorbus group 1 strains also produced this ITS-PCR fingerprint. However, the fingerprint was phase-shifted toward larger DNA sizes. Alignment of the respective P. popilliae and P. lentimorbus group 1 ITS DNA sequences showed extensive homology, except for a 108 bp insert in all P. lentimorbus ITS regions. This insert occurred at the same location relative to the 23S rDNA and accounted for the phase-shift difference in P. lentimorbus group 1 DNA fingerprints. At present, there is no explanation for this 108 bp insert. The third ITS-PCR fingerprint, produced by P. lentimorbus group 3 strains, exhibited approximately eight DNA bands. Comparison of the three fingerprints of milky disease bacteria to the ITS-PCR fingerprints of other Paenibacillus species demonstrated uniqueness. ITS-PCR fingerprinting successfully identified eight unknown isolates as milky disease bacteria. Therefore, this procedure can serve as a standard protocol to identify P. popilliae and P. lentimorbus.  相似文献   

Mukha DV  Mysina V  Mavropulo V  Schal C 《Génome》2011,54(3):222-234
The ribosomal DNA (rDNA) cluster of insects contains several hundred repeating structural-functional units and, therefore, is a typical example of a multigene family. Eukaryotic ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes (18S, 5.8S, and 28S like) are arranged in tandemly repeated clusters in the nucleolus organizers, separated by several spacers, namely the nontranscribed spacer, the external transcribed spacer (ETS), and the internal transcribed spacers. The nucleotide sequences of the ETS of the three closely related Blattella cockroach species, Blattella germanica (Linnaeus, 1767), Blattella asahinai (Mizukubo, 1981), and Blattella lituricollis (Walker, 1868), were determined and compared. The three species had relatively similar ETS lengths, and sequence differences among them could be explained by two types of rearrangements, namely deletions of subrepeats and nucleotide substitutions. Minor ETS variants in B. germanica differed from the major variant in the same way that the major ETS variants of the three Blattella species differed from each other. Concerted evolution and the birth-and-death models, which are often invoked to explain the diversity and evolution of the multigene families of rDNA clusters, are discussed in the light of our data. A new model is proposed to explain the evolutionary reorganization of the ETS region: evolution of rDNA by "magnification-and-fixation" is characterized by magnification of minor subrepeats, which become adaptive in a new rapidly changed environment, and subsequent fixation of this variant type as a major component of the multigene family of a new species.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Research on the evolutionary role of exonic microsatellites currently lacks an understanding of the evolutionary pressures that promote or limit their expansion. Contrasting levels of variability and genetic structures at anonymous and transcribed microsatellite loci of varying lengths are likely to provide useful insights regarding the relative strength of selection acting on different classes of microsatellites. We have developed primers for long transcribed microsatellites in Helianthus annuus to make these comparisons. ? Methods and Results: Eight relatively long microsatellites from sequences in the expressed sequence tag database of H. annuus were characterized. A total of 63 individuals from three populations in Kansas were genotyped. The number of alleles per locus ranged from four to 11 with an average observed heterozygosity of 0.723. ? Conclusions: Our study has generated suitable tools for studying the population genetics of long transcribed microsatellites that are potentially influenced by selection.  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationships among members of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) tribe Scandiceae and representatives of all major lineages of Apioideae (including putatively allied Caucalideae) identified in earlier molecular studies were inferred from nucleotide sequence variation in the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. In all, 134 accessions representing 18 genera commonly treated in Scandiceae were analyzed. Phylogenies estimated using maximum parsimony and distance methods were generally similar and suggest that: (1) Scandiceae form a well-supported clade, consisting of the genera Anthriscus, Athamanta (in part), Balansaea, Chaerophyllum, Conopodium, Geocaryum, Kozlovia, Krasnovia, Myrrhis, Myrrhoides, Neoconopodium, Osmorhiza, Scandix, Sphallerocarpus, and Tinguarra; (2) Athamanta is polyphyletic, with A. della-cellae allied with Daucus and A. macedonica placed close to Pimpinella; and (3) Rhabdosciadium and Grammosciadium find affinity with the Aegopodium group of umbellifers, whereas the placement of the monotypic Molopospermum cannot be inferred because of its high sequence divergence. The genus Bubon has been restored with two new combinations, B. macedonicum subsp. albanicum and B. macedonicum subsp. arachnoideum. Scandiceae arise within paraphyletic Caucalideae, the latter comprising two major lineages whose relationships to Scandiceae are not clear. Therefore, a broad treatment of Scandiceae is proposed, with subtribes Scandicinae, Daucinae, and Torilidinae (the latter two representing the Daucus and Torilis subgroups, respectively, of recent molecular systematic investigations).  相似文献   

Paenibacillus larvae is the causative agent of American foulbrood in honey bee (Apis mellifera) larvae. PCR amplification of the 16S-23S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) intergenic transcribed spacer (ITS) regions, and agarose gel electrophoresis of the amplified DNA, was performed using genomic DNA collected from 134 P. larvae strains isolated in Connecticut, six Northern Regional Research Laboratory stock strains, four strains isolated in Argentina, and one strain isolated in Chile. Following electrophoresis of amplified DNA, all isolates exhibited a common migratory profile (i.e., ITS-PCR fingerprint pattern) of six DNA bands. This profile represented a unique ITS-PCR DNA fingerprint that was useful as a fast, simple, and accurate procedure for identification of P. larvae. Digestion of ITS-PCR amplified DNA, using mung bean nuclease prior to electrophoresis, characterized only three of the six electrophoresis bands as homoduplex DNA and indicating three true ITS regions. These three ITS regions, DNA migratory band sizes of 915, 1010, and 1474 bp, signify a minimum of three types of rrn operons within P. larvae. DNA sequence analysis of ITS region DNA, using P. larvae NRRL B-3553, identified the 3' terminal nucleotides of the 16S rRNA gene, 5' terminal nucleotides of the 23S rRNA gene, and the complete DNA sequences of the 5S rRNA, tRNA(ala), and tRNA(ile) genes. Gene organization within the three rrn operon types was 16S-23S, 16S-tRNA(ala)-23S, and l6S-5S-tRNA(ile)-tRNA(ala)-23S and these operons were named rrnA, rrnF, and rrnG, respectively. The 23S rRNA gene was shown by I-CeuI digestion and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA to be present as seven copies. This was suggestive of seven rrn operon copies within the P. larvae genome. Investigation of the 16S-23S rDNA regions of this bacterium has aided the development of a diagnostic procedure and has helped genomic mapping investigations via characterization of the ITS regions.  相似文献   

Piscirickettsia salmonis, the etiologic agent of piscirickettsiosis, is a systemic disease of salmonid fish. Variations in virulence and mortality have been observed during epizootics at different geographical regions and in laboratory experiments with isolates from these different locations. This raises the possibility that biogeographical patterns of genetic variation might be a significant factor with this disease. To assess the genetic variability the 16S ribosomal DNA, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the 23S ribosomal DNA of isolates from 3 different hosts and 3 geographic origins were amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results of this analysis confirm that P. salmonis is a member of the gamma subgroup of the Proteobacteria and show that the isolates form a tight monophyletic cluster with 16S rDNA similarities ranging from 99.7 to 98.5%. The ITS regions were 309 base pairs (bp), did not contain tRNA genes, and varied between isolates (95.2 to 99.7% similarity). Two-thirds of the 23S rRNA gene was sequenced from 5 of the isolates, yielding similarities ranging from 97.9 to 99.8%. Phylogenetic trees were constructed based on the 16S rDNA, ITS and 23S rDNA sequence data and compared. The trees were topologically similar, suggesting that the 3 types of molecules provided similar phylogenetic information. Five of the isolates are closely related (> 99.4% 16S rDNA similarity, 99.1% to 99.7% ITS and 99.3 to 99.8% 23S rDNA similarities). The sequence of one Chilean isolate, EM-90, was unique, with 16S rDNA similarities to the other isolates ranging from 98.5 to 98.9%, the ITS from 95.2 to 96.9% and the 23S rDNA from 97.6 to 98.5%.  相似文献   

Based on nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences, Thermopsideae is phylogenetically studied within a genistoid background. Analysis reveals that the tribe is not supported as a monophyletic group. Some species of Sophora s.s are nested within it. The central Asian desert Ammopiptanthus forms an isolated clade but is relatively remote to other Thermopsideae members. Piptanthus , Anagyris , Baptisia , and Thermopsis are clustered together into a robust clade. We hence propose that the tribe could either be reduced to just the four 'core genera' with Ammopiptanthus excluded, or, as an alternative, that Thermopsideae could become part of a new Sophoreae s.s. if it is re-circumscribed in the future. Both Piptanthus and Baptisia appear as monophyletic. The genus Anagyris is closer to some east Asian Thermopsis species than to Piptanthus . The east Asian and North American disjunct Thermopsis is not monophyletic. The ITS results suggest a geographical division between the Old World and New World Thermopsis . The east Asian species are clustered with Piptanthus and Anagyris , whereas the North American species are allied to Baptisia . Nonetheless, the only two north-eastern east Asian native Thermopsis species appear to be more related to the North American group than to the east Asian one. The related biogeographical significance has therefore been additionally discussed.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 365–373.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 40 New World and Old World members of Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae, representing seven of the eight tribes and eight of the ten subtribes commonly recognized in the subfamily, were inferred from nucleotide sequence variation in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of 18-26S nuclear ribosomal DNA. Although the sequences are alignable, with only 11% of sites excluded from the analyses because of alignment ambiguity, divergence values in pairwise comparisons of unambiguous positions among all taxa were high and ranged from 0.5 to 33.2% of nucleotides in ITS 1 and from 0 to 33.2% of nucleotides in ITS 2. Average sequence divergence across both spacer regions was 18.4% of nucleotides. Phylogenies derived from ITS sequences estimated using neighbor-joining analysis of substitution rates, and maximum likelihood and parsimony methods give trees of essentially similar topology and indicate that: (1) there is little support for any existing system of classification of the subfamily that is based largely on morphological and anatomical features of the mericarp; (2) there is a major phylogenetic division within the subfamily, with one clade comprising the genus Smyrnium and those taxa belonging to Drude's tribes Dauceae, Scandiceae, and Laserpitieae and the other clade comprising all other examined taxa; and (3) the genera Arracacia, Coaxana, Coulterophytum, Enantiophylla, Myrrhidendron, Prionosciadium, and Rhodosciadium, all endemic to Mexico and Central America, comprise a clade but their relationships to other New World taxa are equivocal. A phylogeny derived from parsimony analysis of chloroplast DNA rpoC1 intron sequences is consistent with, but considerably less resolved than, relationships derived from these ITS regions. This study affirms that ITS sequences are useful for phylogenetic inference among closely related members of Apioideae but, owing to high rates of nucleotide substitution, are less useful in resolving relationships among the more ancestral nodes of the phylogeny.  相似文献   

The 5(') external transcribed spacer (ETS) region of ribosomal DNA of 30 species of Solanum sect. Petota and the European Solanum dulcamara were compared. Two structural elements can be distinguished in the ETS: (i). a variable region (VR), demonstrating significant structural rearrangements and (ii). a conservative region (CR), evolving mainly by base substitutions. In VR, a conservative element (CE) with similarity to the ETS of distantly related Nicotiana is present. The ancestral organization of ETS (variant A) was found for non-tuber-bearing species of ser. Etuberosa, tuber-bearing wild potatoes of Central American ser. Bulbocastana, Pinnatisecta, and Polyadenia and S. dulcamara. Duplication of CE took place in the ETS of species from ser. Commersoniana and Circaeifolia (variant B). South American diploids and Mexican polyploids from superser. Rotata also possess two CE, and additionally two duplications around CE1 are present in VR (variant C). Three major lineages could be distinguished: non-tuber-bearing species of ser. Etuberosa, tuber-bearing Central American diploids and all South American species radiated from a common ancestor at early stages of evolution, indicating a South American origin of the tuber-bearing species. Later, Central and South American diploids evolved further as independent lineages. South American species form a monophyletic group composed of series with both stellata and rotata flower morphology. Solanum commersonii represents a sister taxon for all rotata species, whereas ser. Circaeifolia diverged earlier. Two main groups, C1 and C2, may be distinguished for species possessing ETS variant C. C1 contains ser. Megistacroloba, Conicibaccata, Maglia, and Acaulia, whereas all diploids of ser. Tuberosa are combined into C2. A closer relationship of Solanum chacoense (ser. Yungasensa) to the C2 group was found. The origin of polyploid species Solanum maglia, Solanum acaule, Solanum tuberosum, Solanum iopetalum, and Solanum demissum is discussed.  相似文献   

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