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Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response in mice induced by sc injection of alum-absorbed ovalbumin (OA) was accelerated and enhanced by priming sc with a low dose of urea-denatured ovalbumin (UD-OA), 2 or more days earlier, whereas it was suppressed by priming sc with a high dose of UD-OA, 0 or more days earlier. The ability in primed mice to accelerate or suppress the DTH response could be transferred antigen specifically into cyclophosphamide (CY)-pretreated recipients or normal recipients by spleen cells from primed mice, but not by the T-cell-depleted spleen cells. Furthermore, the ability of spleen cells to transfer the acceleration or the suppression appeared transiently around 7 or 4 days after priming, although the acceleration or the suppression in donor mice persisted for a much longer time. Pretreatment with CY abolished the suppression of DTH response in high dose-primed mice and resulted in the acceleration of DTH response. These results suggest that the activity of DTH-related memory T cells which accelerate and enhance the response can be inhibited by suppressor T cells for the DTH response.  相似文献   

Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions were induced in mice by cloned helper T cells directed against methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA). The DTH reactions were induced either by local injection of the helper T cells together with the antigen in the hind feet or by intravenous (iv) administration of the cloned T cells and local injection of the antigen. Local or systemic (oral or iv) administration of mBSA after waning of the DTH induced by the cloned helper T cells caused a flare-up reaction. This indicates that functional helper T cells persist at the inflammation site. The inflammations were quantified in a foot swelling assay and were examined histologically. The inflammation measured in the flare-up reaction was generally lower than in the acute reaction. Histologically the acute inflammation showed edema and a large proportion of granulocytes, whereas the flare-up reaction appeared more histiocytic and showed less edema.  相似文献   

This paper describes two functionally different T cell populations that mediate delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions in contact-sensitized mice. Both of these T cells are Ly-1+, Qa-2-, and Vicia villosa lectin nonadherent. One of these T cell subpopulations is responsible for the classical 24- to 48-hr component of DTH reactions, is induced 3 to 4 days after immunization, is H-2 restricted, is sensitive to irradiation and to antigen-specific T cell-derived suppressor factors, and is found in nylon wool-nonadherent as well as nylon wool-adherent populations. In contrast, the T cell population that is responsible, via an antigen-specific T cell factor, for a recently described early component of DTH, which is an obligatory initial step for expression of DTH, is induced within 24 hr after immunization, requires much less antigen for immunization, is not H-2 restricted, is not sensitive to irradiation nor to T suppressor factors, and is found exclusively in the nylon wool-nonadherent fraction. These results support a new formulation of DTH. According to this formulation, Ly-1+ T cells produce an antigen-specific, tissue-sensitizing, mast cell-activating factor, and via this factor induce the early component of DTH, which is an obligatory first step in which local antigen challenge induces increased local vascular permeability. This required opening of gaps between endothelial cells is due to T cell factor-dependent release of the vasoactive amine serotonin from cells such as mast cells. This first step allows the second, H-2-restricted, Ly-1+ T cell population to enter the reaction site, and to then be triggered by antigen to release lymphokines that attract the subsequent influx of blood-borne, bone marrow-derived leukocytes to constitute the classical delayed-in-time component of DTH reactions.  相似文献   

Humoral and cell-mediated immunity to the antigen horse red blood cells (HRBC) were induced in vitro. The type of immune response induced, however, was dependent on the concentration of antigen present in the culture. Whereas intermediate concentrations of HRBC induced antibody-forming cells, high and low concentrations of HRBC induced T cells which, on transfer, mediated delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. The inverse relationship between humoral and cell-mediated immunity often observed in vivo is, therefore, also evident when lymphocytes are stimulated with antigen in vitro.  相似文献   

We define the initiation of elicited delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) as a series of processes leading to local extravascular recruitment of effector T cells. Responses thus have two sequential phases: 1) 2-h peaking initiation required for subsequent recruitment of T cells, and 2) the late classical 24-h component mediated by the recruited T cells. We analyzed DTH initiation to protein Ags induced by intradermal immunization without adjuvants. Ag-spceific initiating cells are present by 1 day in spleen and lymph nodes. Their phenotypes, determined by depletion of cell transfers by mAb and complement, are CD5(+), CD19(+), CD22(+), B220(+), Thy1(+), and Mac1(+), suggesting that they are B-1 B cells. DTH initiation is absent in micro MT B cell and xid B-1 cell deficient mice, is impaired in mice unable to secrete IgM, and is reconstituted with 1 day immune serum, suggesting that early B-1 cell-derived IgM is responsible. Study of complement C5a receptor-deficient mice, anti-C5 mAb neutralization, or mast cell deficiency suggests that DTH initiation depends on complement and mast cells. ELISPOT assay confirmed production of Ag-specific IgM Abs at days 1 and 4 in wild-type mice, but not in B-1 cell-deficient xid mice. We conclude that rapidly activated B-1 cells produce specific IgM Abs which, after local secondary skin challenge, form Ag-Ab complexes that activate complement to generate C5a. This stimulates C5a receptors on mast cells to release vasoactive substances, leading to endothelial activation for the 2-h DTH-initiating response, allowing local recruitment of DTH-effector T cells.  相似文献   

The elicitation of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions in mice is caused by the sequential action of two different T cells. An early-acting, DTH-initiating T cell produces an Ag-specific T cell factor, that is analogous to IgE antibody and initiates DTH by sensitizing the local tissues for release of the vasoactive amine serotonin. In picryl chloride or oxazolone contact sensitivity, this T cell factor is Ag-specific, but MHC unrestricted. We, therefore, hypothesized that DTH-initiating T cells are primitive T cells with Ag receptors that can bind Ag without MHC restriction. In order to characterize the origin of this DTH-initiating T cell and the conditions that are necessary for its development, we contact-sensitized various strains of immunodeficient mice. Surprisingly, we found that the early phase of DTH was present in athymic nude mice. In contrast, the early component of DTH was absent in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency. These mice lack T and B cells, but have NK cells. These findings suggested that the early component of DTH was not caused by NK cells, and was caused by cells belonging to a lineage from a rearranging gene family. The early component of DTH in nude mice was Ag specific, was caused by MHC unrestricted Thy-1+ T cells, and was mediated by Ag-binding, Ag-specific T cell factors. We found that DTH-initiating, T cell-derived, Ag-binding molecules from nude mice and normal CBA/J mice had the same functional properties. The early component of DTH was elicited in two different systems (contact sensitivity and SRBC-specific DTH) in two strains of nude mice (BALB/c athymic nudes and CByB6F1/J-nu) from two different suppliers, but not in BALB/c and athymic nudes from a third supplier. From these findings we concluded that DTH-initiating T cells, which produce IgE-like Ag-specific T cell factors, are present in some strains of athymic nude mice and thus are relatively thymic independent T cells.  相似文献   

The onset, intensity, and duration of DTH reactions elicited in mice immunized with either SRBC or products of the major histocompatibility complex can be altered significantly by pretreatment with CY 1 to 2 days before immunization. Such drug pretreatment tends to augment low DTH responses caused by the use of too much antigen and to diminish many responses that are optimal. Thus, pretreatment with CY does not specifically eliminate suppressor cells. Our results are most consistent with the notion that the cellular targets of low doses of CY are positive and negative feedback regulatory cells, which may consist of one population with two effects or, more likely, two distinct cell populations.  相似文献   

Suppressor cells in delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to soluble protein antigens were induced in vitro from BALB/c spleen cells. Transfer of these cells into syngeneic recipients resulted in suppression of the hosts' DTH responses in an antigen-specific manner. These suppressor cells were characterized as B cells by their adherence to nylon-wool columns, resistance to treatment of anti-Thy 1, -Ly 1, and -Ly 2 antibodies plus complement, adherence to anti-mouse immunoglobulin-coated dishes, and nonadherence to uncoated plastic dishes. In addition to being radiation sensitive, these suppressor B cells showed the capability of binding to the primed antigen. Thus, it was demonstrated that our in vitro-induced suppressor cells were antigen-specific B cells. When these suppressor B cells were transferred into the recipients, serum titers of specific antibodies were elevated and effector phase suppressor T cells were induced in the recipients. These results suggest that suppressor B cells exert their suppressor activity through the idiotype-anti-idiotype network.  相似文献   

The nature of primed precursor T cells (primed pre-TD), capable of differentiating into effector T cells (TD) that mediate delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH), was investigated in B10 mice which were primed by intravenous (iv) injection of various doses of sheep red blood cells (SRBC). The presence of primed pre-TD was detected by the ability of T cells in the spleens from primed mice, which were treated in vitro with pertussis toxin and then transferred into naive recipient mice, to generate DTH in the recipient mice 14 days after transfer. The primed pre-TD were induced antigen specifically 1 day after mice were primed by iv injection of a suboptimal (10(3)), an optimal (10(5)), or supraoptimal (10(9)) dose of SRBC. They were replaced by TD 4 days after priming in optimally sensitized mice, while they were maintained without generating TD for at least 5 weeks after priming in mice primed with either a suboptimal or a supraoptimal dose of SRBC. They were L3T4-positive and dense cells, fractionated in the high-density layers on a discontinuous Percoll density gradient, and capable of transforming into less dense TD, fractionated in the low-density layers. These results indicate that primed pre-TD, which are induced by an antigen signal and then can be activated by a nonspecific stimulus, are present not only in responsive mice but also in unresponsive mice, suggesting that either the generation of TD from primed pre-TD or primed pre-TD alone is the decisive factor for either responsiveness or unresponsiveness.  相似文献   

Murine lymph node cells (LNC), which we showed previously to noncompetitively inhibit antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) to an erythrocyte target, were tested for their ability to inhibit ADCC to a tumor target, EL-4. Both a 4-hr 51Cr-release cytotoxicity assay and an overnight 125IUdR (iododeoxyuridine) postlabeling cytostasis assay were used. Normal autologous lymph node cells inhibited spleen cell-mediated ADCC in both assays. Inhibition by LNC was dose dependent, but comparable numbers of sheep erythrocytes did not inhibit, indicating that LNC-mediated inhibition was not simply a matter of crowding. Inhibitory activity was enriched in LNC after removal of Fc receptor-bearing cells on EA monolayers.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation present in sunlight plays a critical role in the initiation and promotion of nonmelanoma skin carcinogenesis and immune suppression. The immune suppressive effects of UV have been identified as a risk factor for skin cancer induction. For these reasons, scientists have focused on elucidating the mechanisms of UV-induced immune suppression to better understand the pathogenesis of skin cancer induction. A hallmark of UV-induced immune suppression is the generation of antigen-specific suppressor T cells. These suppressor cells have been shown to suppress antitumor immunity as well as other cell-mediated responses such as delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions. Due to the excessive cost and time involved in traditional UV carcinogenic experiments, scientists have opted to use UV-induced suppression of DTH reactions as a surrogate model. DTH has been, and continues to be, a widely used assay system to measure in vivo immune function. Although somewhat unsophisticated by today's standards, this assay has great advantages because it presents a fast, inexpensive, and reliable model system to help dissect the mechanisms involved in UV-induced immune suppression. Furthermore, the murine model of DTH enables scientists to perform additional procedures, such as adoptive transfer studies with suppressor T cells, which are currently unavailable with human subjects.  相似文献   

This paper describes a model system for studying the role of helper T cells in the induction of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). Cyclophosphamide- (CP) treated mice sensitized with antigen 3 days later develop high levels of delayed-type immunity; however, DTH cannot be demonstrated in mice that are sensitized with antigen 1 day after drug treatment. The inability to respond to antigen 1 day after CP treatment can be restored if either normal or low-dose primed spleen cells are transferred at the time of sensitization. Although irradiated (1500 rad) normal spleen cells are unable to restore DTH, such treatment has no effect on the primed spleen cell population. The lymphocytes responsible for restoring the DTH response were identified as T cells, in that treatment with anti-Thy-1.2 serum and C abrogated their effect. Furthermore, restoration of the DTH response was dependent on the presence of antigen at the time of lymphocyte transfer; irradiated primed cells could not transfer DTH alone. The DTH effector cells in reconstituted mice were identified as originating from the host and not from the transferred cell population. This was accomplished by using anti-H-2 serum to identify the source of the DTH effector cells after transferring parental (H-2b) irradiated primed spleen cells into CP-treated F1 mice (H-2b,k). Thus, the irradiated transferred cells are behaving as helper T cells and promoting the development of DTH effector cells in the host.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are widely distributed in the airways and can serve as potent antigen-presenting cells. To clarify their involvement in the cell-mediated immune responses of the lung, we immunohistochemically investigated their distribution and kinetics during pulmonary delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions induced in sensitized mice by intratracheal instillation of hapten. Cellular infiltrate appeared around the bronchiole and its accompanying blood vessel at 12 h after elicitation and progressively expanded by 48 h. As quantitated by computer-assisted morphometry, I-A(+) DCs and CD4(+) Th cells significantly increased in number around the bronchiole to a maximum at 24 h, whereas F4/80(+) macrophages were predominantly accumulated around the accompanying vessel with a peak at 48 h. Serial-section analysis revealed that DCs were colocalized with Th cells in the inflamed peribronchiolar tissue. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that DCs found inside and around the capillaries and venules of peribronchiolar interstitium displayed round forms, indicating their emigration from here, while those situated far from the microvessels were elongated, often in close apposition to the lymphocytes. Mitosis of DCs was rarely seen. The present results suggest that peribronchiolar accumulation of DCs resulting from accelerated influx of blood-borne immature DCs and the interaction with T cells at the application site may play inducing roles in the development of pulmonary DTH reactions by enhancing the recruitment of macrophages.  相似文献   

Intracutaneous injection of inactivated measles virus (MV) into hind footpads of BALB/c mice infected 5 to 11 days previously with MV produces a strong delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response. Pretreatment of mice with cyclophosphamide (CP) results in a significantly stronger response. In CP-pretreated mice, the optimal infecting dose of live MV and the restimulating amount of inactivated MV are approximately 10(7) plaque-forming units and 2 micrograms/mouse, respectively. The optimal time after infection for measuring DTH to MV is 7 days, while the optimal CP-pretreatment concentration is 200 mg/kg. The DTH response generated by MV is specific and not caused by fetal calf serum or Vero cell antigens. MV DTH is transferable to uninfected mice with lymph node cells. Transfer of DTH is sensitive to treatment with anti-Thy 1.2 serum plus complement, indicating the response is T cell dependent. With this sensitive assay for measuring cell-mediated immunity to MV, it will now be possible to analyze T cell cross-reactivity among paramyxoviruses and assess viral cell-mediated immunity in mice infected with neuroadapted MV.  相似文献   

The mouse antiserum against isologous aggregated immunoglobulins (MAAS) injected to mice sensitized with 10(5) sheep red blood cells (SRBC) did not influence the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) tested on the peak of sensitization (the 4th day) but enhanced significantly DTH tested on the 6th day. MAAS completely abolished the DTH suppression observed after sensitization with 5 x 10(7) SRBC. In transfer experiments the number of the DTH suppressor cells decreased in the spleen of sensitized mice under the MAAS action. MAAS did not affect the proliferation of antibody-forming cells (AFC) and hemagglutinin production but reduced by 70% the number of rosette-forming cells (RFC) in the spleen on the peak of the initial immune response. The data obtained may indicate that RFC participate in DTH suppression.  相似文献   

An adoptive local transfer method has been used to study the immunological features and genetic restriction of cell interaction during the development of the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to tuberculin in mice. Peritoneal cells from the BCG-infected mice transfer the DTH to intact animals (into hind footpad) in both syngeneic and allogeneic donor-recipient combinations. Nonadherent cells (macrophage-deleted) transfer the reaction in syngeneic but not allogeneic combination. The use of H-2 recombinant mouse strains demonstrated that successful transfer of the DTH requires I-A subregion compatibility. Treatment of CBA cells with anti-Thy-1.2 antiserum abrogates the reaction transfer. These results indicate that antigen presentation to immune T-cells proliferating during DTH to tuberculin is mediated through the molecular products of the I-A subregion.  相似文献   

The systemic injection of high doses of antigen into a preimmunized animal results in transient unresponsiveness of cell-mediated immune responses. This phenomenon is known as desensitization. Serum interleukin 2 (IL-2) activity was found transiently in desensitized mice at 3 h after the antigen challenge. These mice could not reveal antigen nonspecific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) 1 d after the challenge. Specific suppression of DTH was observed at later stages. Sera from 3 h desensitized mice showed suppressive effects on DTH in preo immunized mice. Administration of recombinant IL-2 into preimmunized mice led to the failure of development of DTH to antigens. These observations suggest that IL-2 plays an important role in the suppressive environment.  相似文献   

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