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紫外线对大豆胚芽化学发光的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范立通 《植物学通报》1995,12(1):44-46,48
紫外线对大豆胚芽化学发光的影响范立通(山西大学分子科学研究所,太原03006)EFFECTOFUTRAVIOLETRAYONTHECHEMILUM-INESCENCEOFSOYBEANEMBRYONICSHOOT¥Fanli-tong(Institu...  相似文献   

在提取玉米和大豆线粒体后,以ABA处理线粒体,发现在不同底物存在下,ABA均可增加线粒体的耗氧速率,呼吸速率随ABA浓度变化的结合常数(Kd)值为1.43μmol/L。ABA对4态呼吸的促进作用更为显著,因而导致呼吸控制下降,P/O比降低。蛋白质合成抑制剂环己酰亚胺不影响ABA的效应。以ABA预处理大豆子叶,虽然也促进了呼吸作用,但不改变呼吸控制和P/O.  相似文献   

在提取玉米和大豆线粒体后,以ABA处理线粒体,发一在不同底物存在下,ABA均可增加线粒体的耗氧速度,呼吸速率随ABA浓度变化的结构常数值为1.43μmol/L。ABA对4态呼吸的促进作用更为显著,因而导致呼吸控制下降,P/O比降低。蛋白合成抑制剂环己酰亚胺不影响ABA的效应。  相似文献   

紫外线辐射增加对大豆光合作用和生长的影响   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
通过模拟南京地区自然光中有效紫外线B和紫外线A辐射,增大辐射剂量对大豆光合作用,生长及生物量形成的影响迸行了研究。3个加强的UV辐射(0.15,0.35,0.70W·m-2)处理均使大豆植株矮化,抑制根、茎、叶的生长及干物质的积累。在3个UV处理中,生物效应以0.70W·m-2处理力最大,0.15W·m-2处理影响最小。UV辐射匀能使大豆叶片光合作用下降。下降幅度随UV辐射强度的增大而增大,本文还对UV影响大豆生长的可能机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

镉和增强紫外线-B辐射复合作用对大豆生长的影响   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
研究了Cd^2+和增强紫外线-B(UV-B)辐射以及二者复合胁迫(Cd+UV-B)对大豆生长、光合作用、抗氧化酶活性和吲哚乙酸(IAA)氧化酶活性的影响,结果表明,UV-B辐射对大豆生长较CA^2+有更明显的抑制作用,主要是降低了光合作用,生物量减小;抑制节间的分化和伸长,节间减少,株高降低。UV-B辐射对POD、SOD活性有显著诱导作用,而Cd^2+明显颉颃UV-B对POD活性的诱导并抑制IAA氧化酶活性.在复合作用下,植物体内IAA氧化酶和POD活性较UV-B单独作用下显著降低,这两种酶活性降低会引起植物体内IAA含量升高,同时光合作用略有升高,这是株高和生物量较UV-B作用下有所增加的重要原因,复合胁迫还增强了对根伸长生长的抑制作用,根长度较对照显著降低(P<0.05)。IAA氧化酶和POD活性变化以及光合强度变化与大豆株高和生物量变化密切相关,这也是复合胁迫影响大豆生长状况的重要因素。  相似文献   

用GC-MS对大豆胚芽脱脂后的甲醇萃取物进行了分析.结果表明,所得甲醇萃取物的主要成分是脂肪酸及其酯,其中不饱和脂肪酸酯的含量较高.此外,还检测出少量长链烷烃.  相似文献   

 两个增加的UV(UV-AB,280~400nm)辐射强度分别相当于大气臭氧减少3.6%和5.1%时增加的UV-B辐射。UV辐射增强明显降低大豆的株高、叶面积、干重、水分含量和叶绿素含量,大豆生长受抑程度随人工UV光源照射时间和强度增加而增强,是增加UV辐射剂量的累积效应,叶绿素b的降幅大于叶绿素a,表明UV辐射对大豆幼苗捕光色素的破坏较严重。同时,增加UV辐射还使大豆幼苗的表观光合速率、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率、气孔导度下降,作用效果与辐射强度正相关。与生长等比较,UV辐射条件下,冠/根比值减少幅度不大。分析认为,大豆幼苗生长和光合能力的下降可以使植物避免或减轻UV辐射的进一步伤害,对植物适应UV辐射有利。  相似文献   

紫外线辐射增加对生物的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
因大气臭氧层的破坏引起了地表紫外线-B(UV-B)辐射增加,从而导致对各种生物产生不良影响。过量的UV-B辐射能增加人类患皮肤癌及白内障等多种疾病的机会,改变自然界某些昆虫的生活习性。同时,UV-B辐射还能抑制和破坏许多陆生和水生植物的生长,引起全球生态平衡的改变和作用生产的下降。  相似文献   

紫外线-B辐射对植物的影响研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
紫外线B辐射对植物的影响研究进展①侯扶江(甘肃草原生态研究所,兰州730020)贲桂英(中国科学院西北高原生物研究所,西宁810001)ADVANCESINTHESTUDYONEFFECTSOFULTRAVIOLETBRADIATIONONPLA...  相似文献   

紫外线辐射对蓝藻细胞活性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
紫外线辐射 2种蓝藻Anabaena 6 3l和Anabaenaazollae不同时间 ,用UV30 0 0分光光度计测定活体连续吸收光谱 ,并测定细胞存活率。结果发现紫外线辐射对这 2种蓝藻的光合色素有不同程度的破坏作用 ;紫外线辐射 2min左右就可以杀死全部的A .6 3l和A .azollae细胞。实验还证实了小剂量刺激效应的存在。  相似文献   

Isolated soybean (Glycine max L. var Hood) embryonic axes have a spontaneous chemiluminescence (about 150 counts per minute per embryo) that increases showing two phases, upon water imbibition. The first photoemission burst was measured between 0 and 7 hours of imbibition with a maximum of about 350 counts per minute per embryo after 2 hours. The second photoemission phase, between 7 and 30 hours, increased from about 220 to 520 counts per minute per embryo. Both chemiluminescence phases were inhibited by infused butylated hydroxyanisole while only the second phase was inhibited by infused salicylhydroxamic acid. On the basis of the sensitivity of the lipoxygenase reaction to both inhibitors (about 90%), the first burst is tentatively assigned to oxy-radicals mobilized upon water uptake by the embryonic axes, and the second phase is tentatively identified as due to lipoxygenase activity. The in vivo lipoxygenase activity of the embryonic axes was estimated by both the fraction of total oxygen uptake that was inhibited by butylated hydroxyanisole and by the fraction of photoemission that was inhibited by butylated hydroxyanisole and by salicylhydroxamic acid. Both approaches indicated marked increases (5-fold and 12-fold, respectively) of lipoxygenase activity between 2 and 30 hours of imbibition. The measured chemiluminescence per O2 uptake ratio (the experimental quantum yield) for the lipoxygenase reaction (3.3 × 10−14 counts per O2 molecule) was used to estimate the O2 uptake due to lipoxygenase activity from the photoemission of the embryonic axes after 30 hours of imbibition. The value (0.54 microliters per minute per axis) was close to the butylated hydroxyanisole-sensitive O2 uptake (1.2 microliters O2 per minute per axis) of the same embryonic axes. Chemiluminescence may afford a noninvasive assay for lipoxygenase activity in intact plant tissues.  相似文献   

Effects of cerium ion (Ce(III)) on water relations of soybean seedlings (Glycine max L.) under ultraviolet B radiation (UV-B, 280–320 nm) stress were investigated under laboratory conditions. UV-B radiation not only affected the contents of two osmolytes (proline, soluble sugar) in soybean seedlings, but also inhibited the transpiration in soybean seedlings by decreasing the stomatal density and conductance. The two effects caused the inhibition in the osmotic and metabolic absorption of water, which decreased the water content and the free water/bound water ratio. Obviously, UV-B radiation led to water stress, causing the decrease in the photosynthesis in soybean seedlings. The pretreatment with 20 mg L−1 Ce(III) could alleviate UV-B-induced water stress by regulating the osmotic and metabolic absorption of water in soybean seedlings. The alleviated effect caused the increase in the photosynthesis and the growth of soybean seedlings. It is one of the protective effect mechanisms of Ce(III) against the UV-B radiation-induced damage to plants.  相似文献   

利用根癌农杆菌介导转化大豆成熟种子胚尖获得转基因植株   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
利用根癌土壤农杆菌EHA105/pCAMBIA2301对来自大豆成熟种子的胚尖外植体进行遗传转化,并对农杆菌侵染时间长短以及乙酰丁香酮(AS)浓度等影响转化频率的条件进行了探讨.发现浸染时间以20 h为佳,乙酰丁香酮最佳浓度为200 umo1/L,并探讨了恢复培养的重要性.分别从3个大豆品种合丰35、合丰39、东农42得到了转基因植株,GUS染色及Southern杂交结果证明外源基因整合到大豆基因组中,获得转基因大豆的频率达6.4%~12.1%.  相似文献   

大豆茎尖离体培养再生植株   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1 植物名称 大豆 (Glycinemax)品种中黄 4号、早熟 1 8和中品 661。2 材料类别 茎尖。3 培养条件 生芽培养基 :( 1 )MS 6 BA 3mg·L- 1 (单位下同 )。不定芽伸长培养基 :( 2 ) 1 /2MS 6 BA 0 .1 ;( 3)MS GA30 .5。生根培养基 :( 4 ) 1 /2MS NAA 0 .1。以上培养基均含蔗糖 3%、琼脂0 .8% ,pH 5 .8;培养室温度 ( 2 6± 2 )℃ ;光照时间每天 1 6h ,光照度 1 60 0~ 2 0 0 0lx。4 生长与分化情况4.1 靶组织区的制备 取大豆种子 ,以 70 %酒精处理 1min ,1 %次氯酸钠消毒 1 5min后 ,用无…  相似文献   

影响细胞培养实验室紫外线消毒效果的因素及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李盟军  袁征  刘剑  梁显刚 《生物技术通讯》2010,21(3):453-454,F0003
对细胞培养室应用紫外线照射消毒的影响因素进行了探讨,找出主要影响紫外照射消毒效果的几个原因,如管理意识、辐射强度、灯管的使用与保养、环境温度与湿度、电压、照射距离与照射时间等问题,并提出了相应的解决方法,以保证紫外线照射消毒的效果。  相似文献   

The complete removal of the reproductive structures once andshoot apices of soybeans (Glycine max L. Merrill) during earlyanthesis but before the rapid seed development stage significantlyincreased flowering and pod set in greenhouse and field grownplants. The treated plants had darker green leaves, shorterstems and petioles and retained their chlorophyll content longerthan control plants. Pod maturation was also delayed. Althoughdecapitation and the removal of reproductive structures increasedthe number of 3- or more-seeded pods in all varieties tested,seed weight per plant was not consistently increased. The possibleinvolvement of endogenous hormones in pod set and multi-loculepod production in soybeans is discussed. Key words: Glycine max (L.) Merr, Reproductive structures, Shoot apex, Growth, Flowering, Pod set, Multi-locule pods  相似文献   

目的:了解远红外线对造血细胞增殖和定向分化的影响.方法:应用体外小鼠骨髓细胞培养技术,观察远红外线对拉-单祖细胞(CFU-GM),红系祖细胞(CFU-E)和成纤维细胞(CFU-F)增殖和分化的影响,并且利用免疫荧光纳米粒子(1FNB)检测靶细胞表面分化抗原(CD),进一步评佑远红外线对造血干/祖细胞的影响.结果:远红外线在37℃条件下照射时CFU-E、CFU-F和CFU-GM生成有促进作用,小鼠骨髓细胞表面标记有变化,靶细胞经2min照射后,增殖最旺盛.2min组与其它实验组(1min,5min,10min)数据经统计学处理,具有差异性(P均<0.05).结论:远红外线时小鼠骨髓造血干/祖细胞的增殖具有正调节作用并可诱导细胞表面标志改变.  相似文献   

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