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Background and AimsThe impact of global warming on life cycle timing is uncertain. We investigated changes in life cycle timing in a global warming scenario. We compared Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes adapted to the warm/dry Cape Verdi Islands (Cvi), Macaronesia, and the cool/wet climate of the Burren (Bur), Ireland, Northern Europe. These are obligate winter and summer annuals, respectively.MethodsUsing a global warming scenario predicting a 4 °C temperature rise from 2011 to approx. 2080, we produced F1 seeds at each end of a thermogradient tunnel. Each F1 cohort (cool and warm) then produced F2 seeds at both ends of the thermal gradient in winter and summer annual life cycles. F2 seeds from the winter life cycle were buried at three positions along the gradient to determine the impact of temperature on seedling emergence in a simulated winter life cycle.Key ResultsIn a winter life cycle, increasing temperatures advanced flowering time by 10.1 d °C–1 in the winter annual and 4.9 d °C–1 in the summer annual. Plant size and seed yield responded positively to global warming in both ecotypes. In a winter life cycle, the impact of increasing temperature on seedling emergence timing was positive in the winter annual, but negative in the summer annual. Global warming reduced summer annual plant size and seed yield in a summer life cycle.ConclusionsSeedling emergence timing observed in the north European summer annual ecotype may exacerbate the negative impact of predicted increased spring and summer temperatures on their establishment and reproductive performance. In contrast, seedling establishment of the Macaronesian winter annual may benefit from higher soil temperatures that will delay emergence until autumn, but which also facilitates earlier spring flowering and consequent avoidance of high summer temperatures. Such plasticity gives winter annual arabidopsis ecotypes a distinct advantage over summer annuals in expected global warming scenarios. This highlights the importance of variation in the timing of seedling establishment in understanding plant species responses to anthropogenic climate change. 相似文献
【目的】为明确诱导管侧沟茧蜂Microplitis tuberculifer 滞育的主要因子,在田间和室内研究了不同温度和光周期下管侧沟茧蜂的滞育率和滞育茧的最佳冷藏温度。【方法】田间实验分别从8月31日到9月25日每隔5 d在室外罩笼内释放管侧沟茧蜂寄生的粘虫幼虫,待寄生蜂结茧后统计子代蜂的滞育率。室内实验共设5个不同温度(16℃, 18℃, 20℃, 22℃和24℃)和7个不同光周期(6L:18D, 8L:16D, 10L:14D, 12L:12D, 14L:10D, 16L:8D和18L:6D),分别统计寄生蜂在各个处理条件下的滞育率。【结果】在河北中部地区秋季自然条件下,8月底当日平均气温为24.4℃,日平均光照时间为12 h 51 min 时,少数蛹(5.08%)开始进入滞育;9月25日,当日平均气温为17.2℃,日平均光照时间为11 h 36 min以下时,几乎所有蛹个体进入滞育,滞育率达到99.70%。在室内人工控制条件下,当温度为22℃以上,无论光周期如何变化,管侧沟茧蜂不能进入滞育,所结茧全部为非滞育茧。温度为22℃以下存在光周期反应,在温度16℃, 18℃和20℃,光周期10L:14D时形成滞育茧数量最多,滞育率分别为100%, 89.75% 和 29.58%。可见温度和光周期二者共同影响管侧沟茧蜂的滞育。滞育茧在0℃左右条件下冷藏 240 d 和5℃左右环境条件下冷藏180 d, 成虫的羽化率和寄生能力与发育茧差异不显著(P>0.05);0℃条件下冷藏300 d,滞育茧仍有79%可以正常羽化。【结论】该寄生蜂在秋季进入滞育主要是低温条件和短光照反应相互作用的结果,滞育茧在0℃和5℃温度下至少可以保存240 d。这些结果对管侧沟茧蜂的大规模繁殖和滞育茧的保存具有重要参考价值。 相似文献
Regulation of proline accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh during development and in response to desiccation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Significant differences were observed in the amount and proportion of free amino acids in different organs of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh, ecotype Columbia. The most notable were found for proline, which formed 17–26% of the total free amino acid concentration in reproductive tissues (floret and seed), but only 1–3% of the total free amino acid concentration in vegetative tissues (rosette leaf and root). Proline accumulation was associated with tissues that had relatively low water contents. Tissues which displayed high water contents, such as rosette leaves, contained low levels of proline. A significant increase in the levels of proline accumulation occurred in plants subjected to experimentally induced low water potentials as compared to unstressed plants. For instance, an 8–10-fold increase in proline was observed in the presence of 120 mmol kg?1 NaCl or KCl, and a 20-fold increase was stimulated by 60 mmol kg?1 PEG. However, in addition to the accumulation of proline, massive accumulation of Na+, K+ and Cl? ions occurred in tissues of plants stressed with salt. No significant differences were observed in mineral ions in plants stressed with PEG. Isotope tracer experiments with 14C compounds established that glutamate, ornithine and arginine are precursors of the proline biosynthesis induced by PEG in response to low water potentials in Arabidopsis thaliana. We conclude that the accumulation of proline in response to PEG occurs through increased biosynthesis. 相似文献
为了阐明环境因子对草地螟阿格姬蜂Agrypon flexorium (Thunberg)滞育诱导作用, 测定了5个光周期和4个温度处理对阿格姬蜂的滞育诱导和该蜂感受光周期的敏感虫态以及不同时间段低温贮藏对滞育虫茧的影响。结果表明: 在17~23℃、 光照时间10~14 h范围内, 随着温度的降低和光照时间的缩短, 滞育率明显提高。高温能抵消短光照对滞育诱导的影响, 在26℃下, 短光照不能诱导滞育。因此, 低温和短光照是诱导草地螟阿格姬蜂滞育的主要因子。草地螟阿格姬蜂感受滞育信号的敏感虫态为卵和1龄幼虫。卵和1龄幼虫感受滞育信号以后, 需要在滞育环境中发育到老熟幼虫才能全部进入滞育。将室内诱导的滞育茧在4℃左右环境条件下冷藏80 d, 成蜂的羽化率和寄生能力与没有冷藏的非滞育茧差异不显著, 冷藏120 d, 滞育茧仍有71.7%可以正常羽化。结果说明,可在17℃,光周期8L∶16D条件下对寄生后3 d内的草地螟Loxostege sticticalis幼虫进行滞育诱导, 滞育后的虫茧最佳贮藏时间为80 d, 不宜超过120 d。本研究为室内扩繁、 防止蜂源退化、 控制寄生蜂发育时间以便适时释放提供了参考依据。 相似文献
Diapause and cold tolerance are essential for temperate insects to pass the winter, with the mechanisms controlling these two traits varying considerably among insects. In the present study, diapause and cold tolerance are compared among three Leptopilina species: Leptopilina japonica Novkovi? & Kimura, Leptopilina victoriae Nordlander and Leptopilina ryukyuensis Novkovi? & Kimura, all larval parasitoids of frugivorous drosophilid flies, with the aim of understanding their climatic adaptations. The first species is divided into the temperate (Leptopilina japonica japonica) and subtropical subspecies (Leptopilina japonica formosana), and the latter two species are distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions. The temperate subspecies of L. japonica enters prepupal diapause at low temperatures (15 or 18 °C), irrespective of photoperiod, and some individuals enter diapause when exposed to 0 °C for 1 or 2 day(s) or when placed at low humidity. Leptopilina victoriae also shows signs of diapause initiation at 15 °C, although L. ryukyuensis and L. j. formosana from the subtropical regions do not. Preimaginal viability at low temperature (13, 14 or 15 °C) is usually lower in L. victoriae from the tropical regions compared with L. japonica or L. ryukyuensis from the temperate or subtropical regions. Diapausing prepupae of the temperate subspecies appear to be cold tolerant. However, the cold tolerance of nondiapausing prepupae, pupae and adult females varies little among the tropical, subtropical and temperate species or subspecies, and adult males of the temperate subspecies of L. japonica are less cold tolerant than those of the tropical or subtropical species or subspecies. Cold tolerance may be unnecessary, except for diapausing individuals of the temperate species, because nondiapausing individuals appear in warmer seasons. 相似文献
P G Través V Pardo M Pimentel-Santillana á González-Rodríguez M Mojena D Rico Y Montenegro C Calés P Martín-Sanz A M Valverde L Boscá 《Cell death & disease》2014,5(3):e1125
Inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) has been suggested as an attractive target to improve insulin sensitivity in different cell types. In the present work, we have investigated the effect of PTP1B deficiency on the response of human and murine macrophages. Using in vitro and in vivo approaches in mice and silencing PTP1B in human macrophages with specific siRNAs, we have demonstrated that PTP1B deficiency increases the effects of pro-inflammatory stimuli in both human and rodent macrophages at the time that decreases the response to alternative stimulation. Moreover, the absence of PTP1B induces a loss of viability in resting macrophages and mainly after activation through the classic pathway. Analysis of early gene expression in macrophages treated with pro-inflammatory stimuli confirmed this exacerbated inflammatory response in PTP1B-deficient macrophages. Microarray analysis in samples from wild-type and PTP1B-deficient macrophages obtained after 24 h of pro-inflammatory stimulation showed an activation of the p53 pathway, including the excision base repair pathway and the insulin signaling pathway in the absence of PTP1B. In animal models of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and D-galactosamine challenge as a way to reveal in vivo inflammatory responses, animals lacking PTP1B exhibited a higher rate of death. Moreover, these animals showed an enhanced response to irradiation, in agreement with the data obtained in the microarray analysis. In summary, these results indicate that, although inhibition of PTP1B has potential benefits for the treatment of diabetes, it accentuates pro-inflammatory responses compromising at least macrophage viability. 相似文献
上海崇明东滩震旦鸦雀冬季种群栖息地的生境选择 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
2008年11月-2009年3月,在崇明东滩对震旦鸦雀(Paradoxornis heudei)种群生态进行调查研究,并对震旦鸦雀种群和生境因子的相关性进行分析。运用单因素方差对互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)入侵和芦苇(Phragmites australis)收割造成的芦苇滩涂变化进行分析,并运用多元回归的方法对震旦鸦雀种群的密度和分布以及相关环境因子进行生境选择分析。结果表明,崇明东滩震旦鸦雀种群的密度为(5.08±3.11)只/hm2;震旦鸦雀种群的密度和芦苇直径呈极显著正相关,震旦鸦雀种群的分布和芦苇的高度、密度呈极显著正相关,和食物资源量呈显著正相关;互花米草和震旦鸦雀种群的密度和分布呈显著负相关;互花米草入侵和芦苇收割降低了震旦鸦雀越冬期的栖息地质量,保留一部分生长质量较好的芦苇可以缓解震旦鸦雀冬季种群的生存压力。 相似文献
Pujol G Baskin TI Casamayor A Cortadellas N Ferrer A Ariño J 《Plant molecular biology》2000,44(4):499-511
The PPX/PP4 Ser/Thr protein phosphatases belong to the type 2A phosphatase subfamily and are present in most eukaryotic organisms. We have previously isolated two closely related DNAs encoding PPX isoforms (PPX-1 and PPX-2) of Arabidopsis thaliana. Here we report the molecular cloning of the genes encoding these proteins. The genes PPX-1 and PPX-2 are composed of eight exons and seven introns located at equivalent positions related to the coding sequences. Whereas the intron-exon organization of the PPX genes is completely different from that of the PP2A-3/PP2A-4 A. thaliana family, specific intron-exon boundaries are conserved among PPX genes from distantly related organisms. Based on GUS expression, both PPX genes show the same spatial and temporal pattern of expression: they are expressed in all the organs and tissues analyzed, and from the earliest stage of development. When PPX proteins were localized to the root in semi-thin methacrylate sections by immunofluorescence, staining was predominantly confined to small organelles, shown to be plastids by co-localization of PPX and ferredoxin. Interestingly, only some ferredoxin-positive plastids were also PPX-positive, and PPX staining was consistently brighter in the epidermis. The localization was confirmed with immunogold and electron microscopy. Our results suggest that, despite its strong sequence conservation, PPX in plants functions differently than in animals. 相似文献
John B. Sowell Seth P. McNulty Bradley K. Schilling 《American journal of botany》1996,83(10):1351-1355
The winter desiccation of needles is thought to limit tree growth and survival within alpine timberline ecotones of the southern Rocky Mountains, USA. To better understand the factors contributing to this desiccation damage, the extent to which stem water was available to needles of Picea engelmannii undergoing desiccation at timberline near Monarch Pass, Colorado, was monitored throughout the winter. Severed shoots experienced significantly greater desiccation than did intact shoots, indicating the availability of stem water to needles despite presumably frozen soil, roots, and stems. A model of water relations during winter predicted more extreme desiccation of severed shoots than observed. This suggests that one or more of the common assumptions concerning the winter water relations of timberline trees is in error. The influence of cold, dry conditions on the cuticular conductance of Picea engelmannii needles is not known and therefore not accounted for in current models of winter water relations. The assumption that cuticular conductance is not influenced by temperature or humidity is a likely source of error in such models. 相似文献
The major intracellular protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP1B) is a 50kDa protein, localized to the endoplasmic reticulum. This PTP is recovered in the particulate fraction of mamalian cells and can be solubilized as a complex of 150 kDa by extraction with non-ionic detergents. Previous work from this laboratory implicated phosphorylation of serine/threonine residues in the regulation of this PTP. Activity was several-fold higher in cells treated with activators of cAMP-dependent or Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent protein kinases or inhibitors of protein phosphatase 2A. Here we show that these treatments result in more than an 8-fold increase in the phosphorylation of the 50kDa PTP catalytic subunit within the 150kDa form of the phosphatase in HeLa cells. The phosphorylation occurred exclusively on serine residues, and the same tryptic and cyanogen bromide,32P-phosphopeptides were recovered in the PTP from control and stimulated cells. Either multiple kinases phosphorylate a common site in the PTP1B, or a single kinase is activated downstream of cAMP- and Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent kinases. The results indicate that phosphorylation of a serine residue in the segment 283–364, probably serine 352 in the sequence Lys-Gly-Ser-Pro-Leu, occurs in response to cell stimulation. Phosphorylation in this region of PTP1B, between the N-terminal catalytic domain and the C-terminal membrane localization segment, is proposed to regulate phosphatase activity. 相似文献
Dihydropyrimidinase-like protein 3 (DPYSL3), a member of TUC (TOAD-64/Ulip/CRMP), is believed to play a role in neuronal differentiation, axonal outgrowth and, possibly, neuronal regeneration. In primary cortical cultures, glutamate (NMDA) excitotoxicity and oxidative stress (H2O2) caused the cleavage of DPYSL3, resulting in the appearance of a doublet of 62 kDa and 60 kDa. Pre-treatment of cell cultures with calpain inhibitors, but not caspase 3 inhibitor, before exposure to NMDA or H2O2 completely blocked the appearance of the doublet, suggesting calpain-mediated truncation. Furthermore, in vitro digestion of DPYSL3 in cell lysate with purified calpain revealed a cleavage product identical to that observed in NMDA- and H2O2-treated cells, and its appearance was blocked by calpain inhibitors. Analysis of the DPYSL3 protein sequence revealed a possible cleavage site for calpain (Val-Arg-Ser) on the C-terminus of DPYSL3. Collectively, these studies demonstrate for the first time that DPYSL3 is a calpain substrate. The physiological relevance of the truncated DPYSL3 protein remains to be determined. 相似文献
Members of the Pumilio (also called PUF) gene family belong to a class of highly conserved developmental regulators that are present in both flies and humans. Much is known about the function of Pumilio genes in invertebrate development, in particular their role as stem cell factors required for maintenance and/or self-renewal of germline stem cells in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans. It remains unknown whether Pumilio genes are also required for development in mammals; however, several lines of evidence suggest similar functions based on extensive sequence homology, similar RNA-binding properties to their invertebrate counterparts and well-documented interactions with germ cell factors required for fertility. Here we report characterization of a gene trap mutation that disrupts the mouse Pumilio-2 (Pum2) gene. Our data confirm that Pumilio-2 is expressed most abundantly in germ cells with the highest expression in undifferentiated gonocytes and spermatogonia. Furthermore, the mutation in Pum2 results in significantly smaller testes although the mutants are otherwise viable and fertile. In addition, we observed no stronger reproductive defects on a genetic background homozygous for a Pum2 null mutation and heterozygous for a Dazl mutation than Pum2 mutant alone. Thus, as in C. elegans where single members of the Pumilio gene family are dispensable for reproductive development and viability, this individual member of the Pumilio gene family in mice is also not essential for reproduction or viability. 相似文献
Mygind T Vandahl B Pedersen AS Christiansen G Höllsberg P Birkelund S 《FEMS immunology and medical microbiology》2004,40(2):129-137
Chlamydia pneumoniae is an obligate intracellular bacterium that causes upper and lower respiratory tract infection in humans. C. pneumoniae harbors the polymorphic membrane protein (Pmp) family with 21 different proteins with a molecular mass around 100 kDa. The Pmps are species-specific, abundant and, together with major outer membrane protein and outer membrane protein 2, the dominant proteins in the C. pneumoniae outer membrane complex. Nevertheless, it is unknown whether Pmps are recognized by the cell-mediated immune response. To address this issue, C57BL/6J mice were infected intranasally with C. pneumoniae and the immune response to primary infection was investigated. We demonstrate, as expected, that the primary response is of the Th1 type by IgG2a- and IgG1-specific sELISA (Medac) on serum. In vivo-primed spleen lymphocytes were found to be reactive to Pmp8, Pmp20 and Pmp21 in an interferon-gamma ELISpot assay. The responses were shown to be mediated by CD4(+) T cells. To our knowledge, this is the first identification of antigens recognized by CD4(+) T cells during murine C. pneumoniae infection. 相似文献