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Sparse kernel methods like support vector machines (SVM) have been applied with great success to classification and (standard) regression settings. Existing support vector classification and regression techniques however are not suitable for partly censored survival data, which are typically analysed using Cox's proportional hazards model. As the partial likelihood of the proportional hazards model only depends on the covariates through inner products, it can be 'kernelized'. The kernelized proportional hazards model however yields a solution that is dense, i.e. the solution depends on all observations. One of the key features of an SVM is that it yields a sparse solution, depending only on a small fraction of the training data. We propose two methods. One is based on a geometric idea, where-akin to support vector classification-the margin between the failed observation and the observations currently at risk is maximised. The other approach is based on obtaining a sparse model by adding observations one after another akin to the Import Vector Machine (IVM). Data examples studied suggest that both methods can outperform competing approaches. AVAILABILITY: Software is available under the GNU Public License as an R package and can be obtained from the first author's website http://www.maths.bris.ac.uk/~maxle/software.html.  相似文献   

Ma S  Kosorok MR  Fine JP 《Biometrics》2006,62(1):202-210
As a useful alternative to Cox's proportional hazard model, the additive risk model assumes that the hazard function is the sum of the baseline hazard function and the regression function of covariates. This article is concerned with estimation and prediction for the additive risk models with right censored survival data, especially when the dimension of the covariates is comparable to or larger than the sample size. Principal component regression is proposed to give unique and numerically stable estimators. Asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators, component selection based on the weighted bootstrap, and model evaluation techniques are discussed. This approach is illustrated with analysis of the primary biliary cirrhosis clinical data and the diffuse large B-cell lymphoma genomic data. It is shown that this methodology is numerically stable and effective in dimension reduction, while still being able to provide satisfactory prediction and classification results.  相似文献   



Microarray technology is increasingly used to identify potential biomarkers for cancer prognostics and diagnostics. Previously, we have developed the iterative Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) algorithm for use in classification. Here, we extend the iterative BMA algorithm for application to survival analysis on high-dimensional microarray data. The main goal in applying survival analysis to microarray data is to determine a highly predictive model of patients' time to event (such as death, relapse, or metastasis) using a small number of selected genes. Our multivariate procedure combines the effectiveness of multiple contending models by calculating the weighted average of their posterior probability distributions. Our results demonstrate that our iterative BMA algorithm for survival analysis achieves high prediction accuracy while consistently selecting a small and cost-effective number of predictor genes.  相似文献   

Recent interest in cancer research focuses on predicting patients' survival by investigating gene expression profiles based on microarray analysis. We propose a doubly penalized Buckley-James method for the semiparametric accelerated failure time model to relate high-dimensional genomic data to censored survival outcomes, which uses the elastic-net penalty that is a mixture of L1- and L2-norm penalties. Similar to the elastic-net method for a linear regression model with uncensored data, the proposed method performs automatic gene selection and parameter estimation, where highly correlated genes are able to be selected (or removed) together. The two-dimensional tuning parameter is determined by generalized crossvalidation. The proposed method is evaluated by simulations and applied to the Michigan squamous cell lung carcinoma study.  相似文献   

Developments in whole genome biotechnology have stimulated statistical focus on prediction methods. We review here methodology for classifying patients into survival risk groups and for using cross-validation to evaluate such classifications. Measures of discrimination for survival risk models include separation of survival curves, time-dependent ROC curves and Harrell's concordance index. For high-dimensional data applications, however, computing these measures as re-substitution statistics on the same data used for model development results in highly biased estimates. Most developments in methodology for survival risk modeling with high-dimensional data have utilized separate test data sets for model evaluation. Cross-validation has sometimes been used for optimization of tuning parameters. In many applications, however, the data available are too limited for effective division into training and test sets and consequently authors have often either reported re-substitution statistics or analyzed their data using binary classification methods in order to utilize familiar cross-validation. In this article we have tried to indicate how to utilize cross-validation for the evaluation of survival risk models; specifically how to compute cross-validated estimates of survival distributions for predicted risk groups and how to compute cross-validated time-dependent ROC curves. We have also discussed evaluation of the statistical significance of a survival risk model and evaluation of whether high-dimensional genomic data adds predictive accuracy to a model based on standard covariates alone.  相似文献   

Wang S  Zhu J 《Biometrics》2008,64(2):440-448
Summary .   Variable selection in high-dimensional clustering analysis is an important yet challenging problem. In this article, we propose two methods that simultaneously separate data points into similar clusters and select informative variables that contribute to the clustering. Our methods are in the framework of penalized model-based clustering. Unlike the classical L 1-norm penalization, the penalty terms that we propose make use of the fact that parameters belonging to one variable should be treated as a natural "group." Numerical results indicate that the two new methods tend to remove noninformative variables more effectively and provide better clustering results than the L 1-norm approach.  相似文献   

Extracting features from high-dimensional data is a critically important task for pattern recognition and machine learning applications. High-dimensional data typically have much more variables than observations, and contain significant noise, missing components, or outliers. Features extracted from high-dimensional data need to be discriminative, sparse, and can capture essential characteristics of the data. In this paper, we present a way to constructing multivariate features and then classify the data into proper classes. The resulting small subset of features is nearly the best in the sense of Greenshtein's persistence; however, the estimated feature weights may be biased. We take a systematic approach for correcting the biases. We use conjugate gradient-based primal-dual interior-point techniques for large-scale problems. We apply our procedure to microarray gene analysis. The effectiveness of our method is confirmed by experimental results.  相似文献   

Pairwise distance or association measures of sample elements are often used as a basis for hierarchical cluster analyses. They can also be used in tests for the comparison of pre-defined subgroups of the total sample. Usually this is done with permutation tests In this paper, we compare such a procedure with alternative tests for high-dimensional data based on spherically distributed scores in simulation experiments and with real data. The tests based on the pairwise distance or similarity measures perform quite well in this comparison. As the number of possible permutations is small in very small samples, this might restrict the use of the test. Therefore, we propose an exact parametric small sample version of the test using randomly rotated samples.  相似文献   



The goal of class prediction studies is to develop rules to accurately predict the class membership of new samples. The rules are derived using the values of the variables available for each subject: the main characteristic of high-dimensional data is that the number of variables greatly exceeds the number of samples. Frequently the classifiers are developed using class-imbalanced data, i.e., data sets where the number of samples in each class is not equal. Standard classification methods used on class-imbalanced data often produce classifiers that do not accurately predict the minority class; the prediction is biased towards the majority class. In this paper we investigate if the high-dimensionality poses additional challenges when dealing with class-imbalanced prediction. We evaluate the performance of six types of classifiers on class-imbalanced data, using simulated data and a publicly available data set from a breast cancer gene-expression microarray study. We also investigate the effectiveness of some strategies that are available to overcome the effect of class imbalance.  相似文献   

Use of the proportional hazards regression model (Cox 1972) substantially liberalized the analysis of censored survival data with covariates. Available procedures for estimation of the relative risk parameter, however, do not adequately handle grouped survival data, or large data sets with many tied failure times. The grouped data version of the proportional hazards model is proposed here for such estimation. Asymptotic likelihood results are given, both for the estimation of the regression coefficient and the survivor function. Some special results are given for testing the hypothesis of a zero regression coefficient which leads, for example, to a generalization of the log-rank test for the comparison of several survival curves. Application to breast cancer data, from the National Cancer Institute-sponsored End Results Group, indicates that previously noted race differences in breast cancer survival times are explained to a large extent by differences in disease extent and other demographic characteristics at diagnosis.  相似文献   

We propose a model-based clustering method for high-dimensional longitudinal data via regularization in this paper. This study was motivated by the Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls (TAAG), which aimed to examine multilevel factors related to the change of physical activity by following up a cohort of 783 girls over 10 years from adolescence to early adulthood. Our goal is to identify the intrinsic grouping of subjects with similar patterns of physical activity trajectories and the most relevant predictors within each group. The previous analyses conducted clustering and variable selection in two steps, while our new method can perform the tasks simultaneously. Within each cluster, a linear mixed-effects model (LMM) is fitted with a doubly penalized likelihood to induce sparsity for parameter estimation and effect selection. The large-sample joint properties are established, allowing the dimensions of both fixed and random effects to increase at an exponential rate of the sample size, with a general class of penalty functions. Assuming subjects are drawn from a Gaussian mixture distribution, model effects and cluster labels are estimated via a coordinate descent algorithm nested inside the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) is used to determine the optimal number of clusters and the values of tuning parameters. Our numerical studies show that the new method has satisfactory performance and is able to accommodate complex data with multilevel and/or longitudinal effects.  相似文献   

Analysis of doubly-censored survival data, with application to AIDS   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper proposes nonparametric and weakly structured parametric methods for analyzing survival data in which both the time origin and the failure event can be right- or interval-censored. Such data arise in clinical investigations of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) when the infection and clinical status of patients are observed only at several time points. The proposed methods generalize the self-consistency algorithm proposed by Turnbull (1976, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 38, 290-295) for singly-censored univariate data, and are illustrated with the results from a study of hemophiliacs who were infected with HIV by contaminated blood factor.  相似文献   

In order to understand the relevance of microbial communities on crop productivity, the identification and characterization of the rhizosphere soil microbial community is necessary. Characteristic profiles of the microbial communities are obtained by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified 16S rDNA from soil extracted DNA. These characteristic profiles, commonly called community DNA fingerprints, can be represented in the form of high-dimensional binary vectors. We address the problem of modeling and variable selection in high-dimensional multivariate binary data and present an application of our methodology in the context of a controlled agricultural experiment.  相似文献   

Ye C  Cui Y  Wei C  Elston RC  Zhu J  Lu Q 《Human heredity》2011,71(3):161-170



While high-dimensional molecular data such as microarray gene expression data have been used for disease outcome prediction or diagnosis purposes for about ten years in biomedical research, the question of the additional predictive value of such data given that classical predictors are already available has long been under-considered in the bioinformatics literature.  相似文献   



The identification of new diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers is one of the main aims of clinical cancer research. Technologies like mass spectrometry are commonly being used in proteomic research. Mass spectrometry signals show the proteomic profiles of the individuals under study at a given time. These profiles correspond to the recording of a large number of proteins, much larger than the number of individuals. These variables come in addition to or to complete classical clinical variables. The objective of this study is to evaluate and compare the predictive ability of new and existing models combining mass spectrometry data and classical clinical variables. This study was conducted in the context of binary prediction.


To achieve this goal, simulated data as well as a real dataset dedicated to the selection of proteomic markers of steatosis were used to evaluate the methods. The proposed methods meet the challenge of high-dimensional data and the selection of predictive markers by using penalization methods (Ridge, Lasso) and dimension reduction techniques (PLS), as well as a combination of both strategies through sparse PLS in the context of a binary class prediction. The methods were compared in terms of mean classification rate and their ability to select the true predictive values. These comparisons were done on clinical-only models, mass-spectrometry-only models and combined models.


It was shown that models which combine both types of data can be more efficient than models that use only clinical or mass spectrometry data when the sample size of the dataset is large enough.  相似文献   

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