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Frataxin plays a key role in eukaryotic cellular iron metabolism, particularly in mitochondrial heme and iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster biosynthesis. However, its precise role has yet to be elucidated. In this work, we studied the subcellular localization of Arabidopsis frataxin, AtFH, using confocal microscopy, and found a novel dual localization for this protein. We demonstrate that plant frataxin is targeted to both the mitochondria and the chloroplast, where it may play a role in Fe-S cluster metabolism as suggested by functional studies on nitrite reductase (NIR) and ferredoxin (Fd), two Fe-S containing chloroplast proteins, in AtFH deficient plants. Our results indicate that frataxin deficiency alters the normal functioning of chloroplasts by affecting the levels of Fe, chlorophyll, and the photosynthetic electron transport chain in this organelle.  相似文献   

The formation of abnormal amino acid residues is a major source of spontaneous age-related protein damage in cells. The protein l-isoaspartyl methyltransferase (PIMT) combats protein misfolding resulting from l-isoaspartyl formation by catalyzing the conversion of abnormal l-isoaspartyl residues to their normal l-aspartyl forms. In this way, the PIMT repair enzyme system contributes to longevity and survival in bacterial and animal kingdoms. Despite the discovery of PIMT activity in plants two decades ago, the role of this enzyme during plant stress adaptation and in seed longevity remains undefined. In this work, we have isolated Arabidopsis thaliana lines exhibiting altered expression of PIMT1, one of the two genes encoding the PIMT enzyme in Arabidopsis. PIMT1 overaccumulation reduced the accumulation of l-isoaspartyl residues in seed proteins and increased both seed longevity and germination vigor. Conversely, reduced PIMT1 accumulation was associated with an increase in the accumulation of l-isoaspartyl residues in the proteome of freshly harvested dry mature seeds, thus leading to heightened sensitivity to aging treatments and loss of seed vigor under stressful germination conditions. These data implicate PIMT1 as a major endogenous factor that limits abnormal l-isoaspartyl accumulation in seed proteins, thereby improving seed traits such as longevity and vigor. The PIMT repair pathway likely works in concert with other anti-aging pathways to actively eliminate deleterious protein products, thus enabling successful seedling establishment and strengthening plant proliferation in natural environments.  相似文献   

Although it is essential for plant survival to synthesize and transport defense compounds, little is known about the coordination of these processes. Here, we investigate the above- and belowground source-sink relationship of the defense compounds glucosinolates in vegetative Arabidopsis thaliana. In vivo feeding experiments demonstrate that the glucosinolate transporters1 and 2 (GTR1 and GTR2), which are essential for accumulation of glucosinolates in seeds, are likely to also be involved in bidirectional distribution of glucosinolates between the roots and rosettes, indicating phloem and xylem as their transport pathways. Grafting of wild-type, biosynthetic, and transport mutants show that both the rosette and roots are able to synthesize aliphatic and indole glucosinolates. While rosettes constitute the major source and storage site for short-chained aliphatic glucosinolates, long-chained aliphatic glucosinolates are synthesized both in roots and rosettes with roots as the major storage site. Our grafting experiments thus indicate that in vegetative Arabidopsis, GTR1 and GTR2 are involved in bidirectional long-distance transport of aliphatic but not indole glucosinolates. Our data further suggest that the distinct rosette and root glucosinolate profiles in Arabidopsis are shaped by long-distance transport and spatially separated biosynthesis, suggesting that integration of these processes is critical for plant fitness in complex natural environments.  相似文献   

Iron is an essential metal element for all living organisms. Graminaceous plants produce and secrete mugineic acid family phytosiderophores from their roots to acquire iron in the soil. Phytosiderophores chelate and solubilize insoluble iron hydroxide in the soil. Subsequently, plants take up iron-phytosiderophore complexes through specific transporters on the root cell membrane. Phytosiderophores are also thought to be important for the internal transport of various transition metals, including iron. In this study, we analyzed TOM2 and TOM3, rice homologs of transporter of mugineic acid family phytosiderophores 1 (TOM1), a crucial efflux transporter directly involved in phytosiderophore secretion into the soil. Transgenic rice analysis using promoter-β-glucuronidase revealed that TOM2 was expressed in tissues involved in metal translocation, whereas TOM3 was expressed only in restricted parts of the plant. Strong TOM2 expression was observed in developing tissues during seed maturation and germination, whereas TOM3 expression was weak during seed maturation. Transgenic rice in which TOM2 expression was repressed by RNA interference showed growth defects compared with non-transformants and TOM3-repressed rice. Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing TOM2 released 14C-labeled deoxymugineic acid, the initial phytosiderophore compound in the biosynthetic pathway in rice. In onion epidermal and rice root cells, the TOM2-GFP fusion protein localized to the cell membrane, indicating that the TOM2 protein is a transporter for phytosiderophore efflux to the cell exterior. Our results indicate that TOM2 is involved in the internal transport of deoxymugineic acid, which is required for normal plant growth.  相似文献   

Boron is a micronutrient in plants and animals, but its specific roles in cellular processes are not known. To understand boron transport and functions, we screened a yeast genomic DNA library for genes that confer resistance to the element in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Thirty boron-resistant transformants were isolated, and they all contained the ATR1 (YML116w) gene. Atr1 is a multidrug resistance transport protein belonging to the major facilitator superfamily. C-terminal green fluorescent protein-tagged Atr1 localized to the cell membrane and vacuole, and ATR1 gene expression was upregulated by boron and several stress conditions. We found that atr1Δ mutants were highly sensitive to boron treatment, whereas cells overexpressing ATR1 were boron resistant. In addition, atr1Δ cells accumulated boron, whereas ATR1-overexpressing cells had low intracellular levels of the element. Furthermore, atr1Δ cells showed stronger boron-dependent phenotypes than mutants deficient in genes previously reported to be implicated in boron metabolism. ATR1 is widely distributed in bacteria, archaea, and lower eukaryotes. Our data suggest that Atr1 functions as a boron efflux pump and is required for boron tolerance.Boron has been proposed as an important micronutrient in plants and animals. Studies have shown the presence of several genes associated with boron transport and tolerance in plants (18, 25, 27); however, boron transport mechanisms in other organisms, including animals, remain unclear. In plants, boron functions as a cross-linker for rhammogalacturanon II in the cell membrane (9, 14, 21) and also as a structural component in cytoskeleton assembly (1). Arabidopsis thaliana BOR1 was the first gene shown to play a role in boron tolerance (28). Homologs of BOR1 were found in many organisms, including yeasts, plants, and mammals (22, 25, 29). A high level of boron leads to degradation of its own exporter, BOR1, in A. thaliana (27), and A. thaliana BOR1 cannot be used to produce genetically modified plants that grow in soil with high boron levels. However, transgenic plants expressing BOR4, one of six paralogs of BOR1, showed high tolerance to toxic levels of boron (18). Multicopy expression of BOT1, a BOR1 ortholog, provided boron tolerance to barley (25).The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been used as a model organism for characterization of plant boron tolerance genes (19, 20, 25, 26, 29). While 10 mM boric acid is lethal to Arabidopsis (18), yeast can grow in the presence of 80 mM boron and is considered a boron-tolerant organism (19, 20). Yeast Bor1 was characterized in detail (10). This protein is localized to the plasma membrane and functions as a boric acid exporter (26). The bor1Δ yeast strain overaccumulates boron (20, 28), and cells that overexpress BOR1 have less intracellular boron and show resistance to boron treatment (20). In addition to Bor1, two other proteins, Dur3 and Fps1, have been implicated in boron tolerance in yeast, but their functions are not clear (20). Dur3 is a plasma membrane transporter that plays a role in urea and polyamine transport (5, 31), and Fps1 is a member of the major intrinsic protein family and plays a role in glycerol, acetic acid, arsenite, and antimonite transport (16, 30, 33). Overexpression of FPS1 and DUR3 showed controversial effects on cellular boron levels. While FPS1 expression lowered the protoplasmic boron concentration, DUR3 expression led to a small increase in boron (20).The objective of this study was to identify proteins that are primarily responsible for boron transport in yeast. ATR1 was identified as a boron tolerance gene by screening a yeast DNA expression library. Yeast Atr1 is a member of the DHA2 family of drug-H+ antiporters with 14 predicted membrane-spanning segments (7). It was first characterized in a genetic screen as a high-copy-number suppressor of the 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole sensitivity of gcn4Δ mutants (11). It also conferred resistance to the DNA-damaging agent 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide in a separate genetic screen (17). In this study, we demonstrated that high-copy-number expression of ATR1 conferred extreme resistance to boron and reduced intracellular levels of the element, whereas cells lacking the ATR1 gene were hypersensitive to boron and increased its intracellular levels. We analyzed changes in the global gene expression profile in response to boron and found that ATR1 is the most induced transporter gene. The Atr1-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein localized to the plasma membrane and vacuole. Taken together, our data show that Atr1 functions as a major boron efflux pump and provides tolerance of the element by pumping boron out of cells.  相似文献   

The plant phytohormone cytokinin plays an important role in many facets of plant growth and development by regulating cell division and differentiation. Recent studies have shed significant light into the mechanisms of cytokinin metabolism and signaling. However, little is known about how the hormone is transported in planta, although it has been proposed that the hormone is presumably transported in nucleoside-conjugated forms. Here, we report the identification and characterization of cytokinin transport ers in Arabidopsis. We previously reported that a gain-of-function mutation in the PGA22/AtIPT8 gene caused overproduction of cytokinins in planta. In an effort to screen for suppressor of pga22/atipt8 (soi) mutants, we identified a mutant soi33-1. Molecular and genetic analyses indicated that SOI33 encodes a putative equilibrative nucleoside transporter (ENT), previously designated as AtENT8. Members of this small gene family are presumed to be involved in the transport of nucleosides in eukaryotic cells. Under conditions of nitrogen starvation, loss-of-function mutations in SOI33/AtENT8 or in a related gene AtENT3 cause a reduced sensitivity to the nucleoside-type cytokinins isopentenyladenine riboside (iPR) and trans zeatin riboside (tZR), but display a normal response to the free base-type cytokinins isopentenyladenine (iP) and trans-zeatin (tZ). Conversely, overexpression of SOI33/AtENT8 renders transgenic plants hyper sensitive to iPR but not to iP. An in planta measurement experiment indicated that uptake efficiency of 3H labeled iPR was reduced more than 40% in soi33 and atent3 mutants. However, a mutation inAtENT1 had no substantial effect on the cytokinin response and iPR uptake efficiency. Our results suggest that SOI33/ AtENT8 and AtENT3 are involved in the transport of nucleoside-type cytokinins in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The plant phytohormone cytokinin plays an important role in many facets of plant growth and development by regulating cell division and differentiation. Recent studies have shed significant light into the mechanisms of cytokinin metabolism and signaling. However, little is known about how the hormone is transported in planta, although it has been proposed that the hormone is presumably transported in nucleoside-conjugated forms. Here, we report the identification and characterization of cytokinin transporters in Arabidopsis. We previously reported that a gain-of-function mutation in the PGA22/AtlPT8 gene caused overproduction of cytokinins in planta. In an effort to screen for suppressor of pga22/atipt8 (soi) mutants, we identified a mutant soi33-1. Molecular and genetic analyses indicated that S0133 encodes a putative equilibrative nucleoside transporter (ENT), previously designated as AtENT8. Members of this small gene family are presumed to be involved in the transport of nucleosides in eukaryodc cells. Under conditions of nitrogen starvation, loss-of-function mutations in SOI33/AtENT8 or in a related gene AtENT3 cause a reduced sensitivity to the nucleoside-type cytokinins isopentenyladenine riboside (iPR) and transzeatin riboside (tZR), but display a normal response to the free base-type cytokinins isopentenyladenine (iP) and trans-zeatin (tZ). Conversely, overexpression of SOI33/AtENT8 renders transgenic plants hypersensitive to iPR but not to iP. An in planta measurement experiment indicated that uptake efficiency of^3Hlabeled iPR was reduced more than 40% in soi33 and atent3 mutants. However, a mutation in AtENT1 had no substantial effect on the cytokinin response and iPR uptake efficiency. Our results suggest that SOI33/AtENT8 and AtENT3 are involved in the transport of nucleoside-type cytokinins in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, In most plants, nitrogen (N) is acquired by roots in the form of nitrate (NO3-). In many species, NO3- is not assimi- lated in the roots, but is secreted into the xylem sap for translocation to the shoot, where it enters the cells to be metabolized and/or stored in the vacuoles. Several plasma membrane transporters involved in NO3- influx into the cell have been identified in Arabidopsis (Wang et ai., 2012), especially in the roots where members of the NPF (NRTI/PTR Family, L~ran et al., 2013) and NRT2 transporter families are predominantiy implicated. Concerning efflux to the xylem sap, only one transporter, NPF7.3/NRT1.5, has been shown to be involved. However, physiological characterization of npf7.31nrtl.5 knockout mutant plants demonstrated that other transporter(s) is (are) also contributing to xylem Ioad- inq of NO~- (Lin et al., 2008).  相似文献   

Cell reproduction is a complex process involving whole cell structures and machineries in space and time, resulting in regulated distribution of endomembranes, organelles, and genomes between daughter cells. Secretory pathways supported by the activity of the Golgi apparatus play a crucial role in cytokinesis in plants. From the onset of phragmoplast initiation to the maturation of the cell plate, delivery of secretory vesicles is necessary to sustain successful daughter cell separation. Tethering of secretory vesicles at the plasma membrane is mediated by the evolutionarily conserved octameric exocyst complex. Using proteomic and cytologic approaches, we show that EXO84b is a subunit of the plant exocyst. Arabidopsis thaliana mutants for EXO84b are severely dwarfed and have compromised leaf epidermal cell and guard cell division. During cytokinesis, green fluorescent protein–tagged exocyst subunits SEC6, SEC8, SEC15b, EXO70A1, and EXO84b exhibit distinctive localization maxima at cell plate initiation and cell plate maturation, stages with a high demand for vesicle fusion. Finally, we present data indicating a defect in cell plate assembly in the exo70A1 mutant. We conclude that the exocyst complex is involved in secretory processes during cytokinesis in Arabidopsis cells, notably in cell plate initiation, cell plate maturation, and formation of new primary cell wall.  相似文献   

Autophagic transport to the vacuole represents an endomembrane trafficking route, which is widely used in plants, not only during stress situations, but also for vacuole biogenesis and during developmental processes. Here we report a role in autophagic membrane transport for EXO70B1—one of 23 paralogs of Arabidopsis EXO70 exocyst subunits. EXO70B1 positive compartments are internalized into the central vacuole and co‐localize with autophagosomal marker ATG8f. This internalization is boosted by induction of autophagy. Loss of function (LOF) mutations in exo70B1 cause reduction of internalized autopagic bodies in the vacuole. Mutant plants also show ectopic hypersensitive response (HR) mediated by salicylic acid (SA) accumulation, increased nitrogen starvation susceptibility and anthocyanin accumulation defects. Anthocyanin accumulation defect persists in npr1x exo70B1 double mutants with SA signaling compromised, while ectopic HR is suppressed. EXO70B1 interacts with SEC5 and EXO84 and forms an exocyst subcomplex involved in autophagy‐related, Golgi‐independent membrane traffic to the vacuole. We show that EXO70B1 is functionally completely different from EXO70A1 exocyst subunit and adopted a specific role in autophagic transport .  相似文献   

In higher plants, shoots show negative gravitropism and rootsshow positive gravitropism. To elucidate the molecular mechanismsof root and hypocotyl gravitropism, we segregated the secondmutation from the original phyB-1 mutant line which impairedboth root and hypocotyl gravitropism and characterized thisnovel mutation named rhg (for root and hyzypocotyl gravitropism).The rhg is a single recessive nuclear mutation and it is mappedon the lower part of the chromosome 1. Analyses on the gravitropicresponses of the rhg mutant indicate that root and hypocotylgravitropism are severely impaired but inflorescence stem gravitropismis not affected by the rhg mutation. In the rhg mutant seedlings,amyloplasts (statoliths for gravity-perception) were presentin the presumptive statocytes of roots and hypocotyls. Phototropismby roots and hypocotyls was not impaired in the rhg mutant.These results suggest that the RHG gene product probably actson the gravity-perception and/or the gravity-signal transductionin root and hypocotyl gravitropism. This is the first reportabout the genetic locus specifically involved in both root andhypocotyl gravitropism but not inflorescence stem gravitropism,supporting our hypothesis that the mechanisms of gravitropismare genetically different between hypocotyls and inflorescencestems. (Received March 11, 1997; Accepted April 17, 1997)  相似文献   

The homeostasis of iron (Fe) in plants is strictly regulated to maintain an optimal level for plant growth and development but not cause oxidative stress. About 30% of arable land is considered Fe deficient because of calcareous soil that renders Fe unavailable to plants. Under Fe-deficient conditions, Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) shows retarded growth, disordered chloroplast development, and delayed flowering time. In this study, we explored the possible connection between Fe availability and the circadian clock in growth and development. Circadian period length in Arabidopsis was longer under Fe-deficient conditions, but the lengthened period was not regulated by the canonical Fe-deficiency signaling pathway involving nitric oxide. However, plants with impaired chloroplast function showed long circadian periods. Fe deficiency and impaired chloroplast function combined did not show additive effects on the circadian period, which suggests that plastid-to-nucleus retrograde signaling is involved in the lengthening of circadian period under Fe deficiency. Expression pattern analyses of the central oscillator genes in mutants defective in CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1/LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL or GIGANTEA demonstrated their requirement for Fe deficiency-induced long circadian period. In conclusion, Fe is involved in maintaining the period length of circadian rhythm, possibly by acting on specific central oscillators through a retrograde signaling pathway.Metals such as iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), molybdenum, and nickel are essential for the various biological processes that govern plant growth and development (Marschner, 1995). For example, Fe is required for DNA synthesis, photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, hormone synthesis, and electron transport in the respiratory chain (Briat and Lobreaux, 1997). Similarly, Cu is an important component of electron-transfer reactions mediated by proteins such as superoxide dismutase, cytochrome oxidase, and plastocyanin (Clemens, 2001). Zn is a cofactor for many enzymes, and many proteins contain Zn-binding structural domains (Clarke and Berg, 1998). Although only minimal quantities of these micronutrients are required by plants, their limited availability in soils can significantly hinder crop production and affect nutritional quality (Grotz and Guerinot, 2002). In the case of Fe, about 30% of arable land worldwide is considered calcareous, rendering Fe in these soils unavailable to plants (Mori, 1999). Understanding of the fundamental processes involving metal uptake and sequestration has increased in recent years, but how the availability of particular metals interacts with internal signals to govern the growth and development of plants is largely unknown.The daily biological rhythms of many organisms are regulated by a near 24-h circadian clock that is synchronized by environmental changes such as light and temperature (Harmer, 2009; Imaizumi, 2010). The circadian clock regulates diverse aspects of plant growth and development. The operation of the circadian clock in plants can basically be divided into three main parts, input, central oscillator, and output pathways, and each part has its own complex networks. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the central oscillator is composed of a network of multiple feedback loops that can be divided into the morning, central, and evening loops (Harmer, 2009). The central feedback loop is composed of the morning-expressed genes CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 (CCA1) and LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY) and the evening-expressed gene TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION1 (TOC1; Schaffer et al., 1998; Wang and Tobin, 1998; Strayer et al., 2000; Alabadí et al., 2001). Although TOC1 is genetically required for the activation of morning genes (Schaffer et al., 1998; Wang and Tobin, 1998; Strayer et al., 2000), it acts as a repressor and directly regulates the expression of CCA1 and LHY (Gendron et al., 2012; Huang et al., 2012; Pokhilko et al., 2012). In the morning loop, CCA1/LHY form another negative feedback loop with the morning genes PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATOR7 (PRR7) and PRR9, with PRR9/PRR7 directly repressing the expression of CCA1 and LHY (Farré et al., 2005; Nakamichi et al., 2010). In the evening loop, TOC1 forms a negative feedback loop with GIGANTEA (GI) by repressing its expression, and GI in turn activates the expression of TOC1 through an unknown component, Y (Huq et al., 2000; Mizoguchi et al., 2005). After receiving input signals in the form of environmental cues, the central oscillator of the Arabidopsis circadian clock generates various rhythmic outputs that control various physiological events (Hotta et al., 2007; de Montaigu et al., 2010).The central oscillator controls a range of important physiological output processes such as flowering, stress and hormone responses, and regulation of nutrient acquisition (Haydon et al., 2011). Although the uptake of nutrition in plants is known to be influenced by light and temperature (Lahti et al., 2005; Baligar et al., 2006), the interaction between nutritional status and the circadian clock is less well studied. The homeostasis of Cu is known to influence the regulation of oscillator genes (Andrés-Colás et al., 2010; Peñarrubia et al., 2010). Arabidopsis under excess Cu or overexpressing Cu transporters COPT1 and COPT3 showed increased Cu accumulation and reduced expression of CCA1, LHY, and circadian clock output genes. Defective developmental phenotypes were also observed in these plants. Spatial and temporal control of Cu homeostasis, therefore, may be important for plant environmental fitness (Andrés-Colás et al., 2010). It has also been reported that disordered circadian rhythm affects Fe homeostasis. Tight regulation of Fe homeostasis to maintain an optimal Fe level in plants has been found to be associated with circadian clock regulators such as TIME FOR COFFEE (TIC) that modulates the expression of the ferritin gene AtFer1 (Duc et al., 2009). The expression of AtFer1 was up-regulated with excess Fe. TIC could repress AtFer1 expression under low-Fe conditions in photoperiodic light and dark cycles (Duc et al., 2009). However, whether Fe status feeds back to regulate the circadian clock is uncertain.Although Fe homeostasis in terms of uptake and translocation has been studied for decades, Fe availability is still an agricultural problem worldwide. Revealing the interplay between Fe homeostasis and internal cues such as modulation of the circadian clock can help increase understanding of their contributions to overall plant development. In this work, we investigated the effect of Fe deficiency on the circadian clock and found that it lengthened the circadian period. Our data suggest that the functional status of chloroplasts under Fe deficiency may play a key role in the lengthened circadian period.  相似文献   

Very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) are essential for many aspects of plant development and necessary for the synthesis of seed storage triacylglycerols, epicuticular waxes, and sphingolipids. Identification of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase PASTICCINO3 and the 3-hydroxy acyl-CoA dehydratase PASTICCINO2 revealed that VLCFAs are important for cell proliferation and tissue patterning. Here, we show that the immunophilin PASTICCINO1 (PAS1) is also required for VLCFA synthesis. Impairment of PAS1 function results in reduction of VLCFA levels that particularly affects the composition of sphingolipids, known to be important for cell polarity in animals. Moreover, PAS1 associates with several enzymes of the VLCFA elongase complex in the endoplasmic reticulum. The pas1 mutants are deficient in lateral root formation and are characterized by an abnormal patterning of the embryo apex, which leads to defective cotyledon organogenesis. Our data indicate that in both tissues, defective organogenesis is associated with the mistargeting of the auxin efflux carrier PIN FORMED1 in specific cells, resulting in local alteration of polar auxin distribution. Furthermore, we show that exogenous VLCFAs rescue lateral root organogenesis and polar auxin distribution, indicating their direct involvement in these processes. Based on these data, we propose that PAS1 acts as a molecular scaffold for the fatty acid elongase complex in the endoplasmic reticulum and that the resulting VLCFAs are required for polar auxin transport and tissue patterning during plant development.  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PSII) requires constant disassembly and reassembly to accommodate replacement of the D1 protein. Here, we characterize Arabidopsis thaliana MET1, a PSII assembly factor with PDZ and TPR domains. The maize (Zea mays) MET1 homolog is enriched in mesophyll chloroplasts compared with bundle sheath chloroplasts, and MET1 mRNA and protein levels increase during leaf development concomitant with the thylakoid machinery. MET1 is conserved in C3 and C4 plants and green algae but is not found in prokaryotes. Arabidopsis MET1 is a peripheral thylakoid protein enriched in stroma lamellae and is also present in grana. Split-ubiquitin assays and coimmunoprecipitations showed interaction of MET1 with stromal loops of PSII core components CP43 and CP47. From native gels, we inferred that MET1 associates with PSII subcomplexes formed during the PSII repair cycle. When grown under fluctuating light intensities, the Arabidopsis MET1 null mutant (met1) showed conditional reduced growth, near complete blockage in PSII supercomplex formation, and concomitant increase of unassembled CP43. Growth of met1 in high light resulted in loss of PSII supercomplexes and accelerated D1 degradation. We propose that MET1 functions as a CP43/CP47 chaperone on the stromal side of the membrane during PSII assembly and repair. This function is consistent with the observed differential MET1 accumulation across dimorphic maize chloroplasts.  相似文献   

RP1 (synonym: MAPRE2, EB2) is a member of the microtubule binding EB1 protein family, which interacts with APC, a key regulatory molecule in the Wnt signalling pathway. While the other EB1 proteins are well characterized the cellular function and regulation of RP1 remain speculative to date. However, recently RP1 has been implicated in pancreatic cancerogenesis. CK2 is a pleiotropic kinase involved in adhesion, proliferation and anti-apoptosis. Overexpression of protein kinase CK2 is a hallmark of many cancers and supports the malignant phenotype of tumor cells. In this study we investigate the interaction of protein kinase CK2 with RP1 and demonstrate that CK2 phosphorylates RP1 at Ser236 in vitro. Stable RP1 expression in cell lines leads to a significant cleavage and down-regulation of N-cadherin and impaired adhesion. Cells expressing a Phospho-mimicking point mutant RP1-ASP236 show a marked decrease of adhesion to endothelial cells under shear stress. Inversely, we found that the cells under shear stress downregulate endogenous RP1, most likely to improve cellular adhesion. Accordingly, when RP1 expression is suppressed by shRNA, cells lacking RP1 display significantly increased cell adherence to surfaces. In summary, RP1 phosphorylation at Ser236 by CK2 seems to play a significant role in cell adhesion and might initiate new insights in the CK2 and EB1 family protein association.  相似文献   

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