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Keeping French-bean plants before inoculation at 36, 32 or 28°C. for 1–2 days increased their susceptibility to infection with red clover mottle virus, but longer exposures to 36 and 32°C. decreased susceptibility. Susceptibility increased most rapidly at 36°C. The number of infections was unaffected by changes in post-inoculation temperatures between 12 and 24°C., but decreased above 24°C. The rate virus multiplied increased with increase of temperature up to 28°C., but the maximum virus concentrations reached at 18, 24 and 28°C. were very similar and above the maximum reached at 30°C.
Thiouracil inhibited infection slightly but neither it nor azaguanine affected the multiplication of red clover mottle virus in French bean. Trichothecin inhibited infection and interfered with virus accumulation. Inhibition of infection was associated with macroscopic injury to the leaves, and washing leaves up to 1 hr. after inoculation prevented both inhibition and leaf damage. Virus multiplication was not resumed when leaves were transferred from trichothecin solutions to water.  相似文献   

Cucumber mosaic virus strains differed in their ability to multiply in plants at 37° C. Some strains multiplied in inoculated leaves and produced systemic symptoms in plants at this temperature; plants systemically infected with one such strain remained infected after prolonged treatment at 37° C. Other strains did not appear to multiply in inoculated leaves at 37° C. and heat treatment was successful in freeing plants from infection with these. Tests with one strain of each type showed both to be rapidly inactivated in expressed sap at 37° C.
Strains of cucumber mosaic virus forming small necrotic local lesions in leaves of french bean var. Canadian Wonder, produced many fewer lesions in plants kept after inoculation at 25° C. for 24 hr. and then at 15° C. than in plants kept continuously at the lower temperature.  相似文献   

Different strains of cucumber mosaic virus differ in their host range, symptoms caused, virulence towards different plants, transmissibility by aphids, dilution end-point and thermal inactivation point.
There are seasonal variations in the susceptibility of some host species; French bean is apparently immune during the summer but during the winter produces countable local lesions suitable for quantitative assays.
Different host species differ in the ease with which cucumber mosaic virus is transmitted to and from them; systemic infection in beet rarely occurs unless the virus is introduced into young tissues. Inhibitors of infectivity in sap of sugar beet and Phytolacca sp. make mechanical transmission from these to other hosts difficult; the inhibitors interfere less with the infection of hosts in which they occur than with the infection of tobacco.
Cucumber mosaic virus has a low temperature coefficient of thermal inactivation and much infectivity is destroyed by heating at temperatures below the thermal inactivation point.
Myzus persicae (Sulz.) is a more efficient vector than M. ornatus Laing which is more efficient than Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas); although individual aphids can cause more than one infection, most cease to be infective in feeding periods of from one to five minutes.  相似文献   

应用离体黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)子叶生根试法测定了几种抑制剂对钾和IAA诱导生根的影响。实验结果表明:7×10~(-4)~7×10~(-1)mmol/L的5-氟尿嘧啶和3.5×10~(-4)~1.05×10~(-2)mmoL/L的环已亚胺明显抑制钾和IAA诱导的离体黄瓜子叶的生根;0.1~1.0mmol/L的钒酸钠显著抑制钾和IAA诱导的离体黄瓜子叶的生根;2×10~(-4)~2×10~(-1)mmol/L的2,3,5-三碘苯甲酸也明显抑制钾和IAA诱导的离体黄瓜子叶的生根。钾诱导的生根与IAA诱导的生根密切相关,有可能钾对生根的促进作用是通过影响内源IAA的水平而实现的。  相似文献   

1. Denatured tobacco mosaic virus has a number of SH groups corresponding to its total sulfur content of 0.2 per cent. The SH groups were estimated by titration with ferricyanide, tetrathionate, and p-chloromercuribenzoate in guanidine hydrochloride solution and by reduction of the uric acid reagent in urea solution. 2. The SH groups of tobacco mosaic virus or their precursors can be abolished by reaction of the native form of the virus with iodine. 3. Tobacco mosaic virus whose SH groups have been oxidized beyond the S-S stage by iodine but whose tyrosine groups have not been converted into di-iodotyrosine groups still retains its normal biological activity as shown by the number of lesions it causes on Nicotiana glutinosa plants and by the characteristic disease produced in Turkish tobacco plants. 4. The inoculation of Turkish tobacco plants with active virus whose SH groups have been abolished by iodine results in the production of virus with the normal number of SH groups. 5. If enough iodine is added to tobacco mosaic virus or if the iodine reaction is carried out at a sufficiently high temperature, then the tyrosine groups are converted into di-iodotyrosine groups and the virus is inactivated. 6. Tobacco mosaic virus can be almost completely inactivated by iodoacetamide under conditions under which iodoacetamide reacts with few if any of the protein''s SH groups. 7. Tobacco mosaic virus is not inactivated by dilute p-chloromercuribenzoate.  相似文献   

The rate of photosynthesis of tobacco leaves infected with the Rothamsted type culture of tobacco mosaic virus was lower than that of comparable healthy tobacco leaves. The lower rate was inferred from Net Assimilation Rates of whole plants and confirmed by direct comparisons of photosynthetic rates of inoculated and healthy leaves. The effect began within 1 hr. of inoculation. It was not caused by an effect of the virus on the stomata, and inactivated virus inoculum did not change the rates. The results indicate either a more rapid movement of virus from the epidermis into the chlorenchyma than has been previously recorded or an effect of virus infection at a site distant from the cells containing virus.  相似文献   

Infection with tobacco mosaic virus decreases the water content which detached tobacco leaves attain when kept for 20 hr. in conditions of minimum water stress, and does so more when the plants are kept in light before inoculation than when they are kept in darkness. No such effects of infection during the first day after inoculation were obtained with tobacco leaves infected with either tobacco etch virus or potato virus X , or with Nicotiana glutinosa leaves infected with tobacco mosaic virus. These results, like those showing early effects of TMV on respiration and photosynthesis of tobacco leaves, suggest that inoculation with TMV affects deeper leaf tissues than the epidermis earlier in tobacco leaves than in other leaves, and earlier than other viruses in tobacco leaves.  相似文献   

Strips of epidermal tissue bearing hair cells were removed fromtomato stems. The lower surface exposed by the stripping wasinoculated with tobacco mosaic virus and the progress of infectionof the hair cells was followed microscopically and by extractionof infectivity. Shortly before infectivity could be extractedfrom the hair cells, the nuclei were observed to have migratedtowards the tran sverse wall of the basal hair cell nearestthe epidermis, apparently the site at which infection of thecell commences. After infection was apparent, the staining characteristicsof the nuclei, before and after RNase and DNase treatment, suggestedan accumulation of RNA. A granular body, different from X-bodiesmaintained a close association with the nucleus of TMV infectedhair cells, and was found to be rich in RNA, suggesting thatviral RNA of the nucleus may have been entering the cytoplasmvia the granular body. A possible mechanism of X-body formationarising from the granular body is suggested. 1 Supported in part by a grant E-536 (C9) from the U. S. PublicHealth Service. 2 Present address: Plant Pathology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture,Nagoya University, Anjo, Aichi (Japan). (Received March 4, 1963; )  相似文献   

A strain of cucumber mosaic virus isolated from a spinach plant in 1946 was readily transmitted by Myzus persicae until 1955 when it lost this property, although it was still being propagated in conditions in which other strains remained transmissible. M. circumflexus also transmitted other strains but not this one. It was transmitted as readily as other strains by Aphis gossypii and Myzus ascalonicus. M. ascalonicus transmitted less frequently than Aphis gossypii. Transmission of the spinach strain by other aphids did not make it transmissible by Myzus persicae ; nor did propagation in different plant species or several passages through spinach. In 1955 the spinach strain was occasionally transmitted by M. persicae , but the cultures isolated in this way were no more readily transmissible by the aphid than was the bulk culture maintained by manual inoculation of sap, and after a few weeks all cultures ceased to be transmitted by M. persicae.  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum plants infected with tomato aspermy virus (TAV) produce severely distorted and discoloured flowers but show only slight leaf mottle.
TAV infected twenty-five of forty-five species (belonging to seventeen genera) tested and was transmitted by the aphid species Aulacorthum solarti, Macrosiphoniella sanborni and Myzus persicae .
Sap from infected tobacco leaves lost infectivity when diluted more than 1 in 10,000, when heated for 10 min. at above 65°C. and when stored for more than 42 hr. at 16–18°C.
Partial protection was obtained between TAV and two strains of cucumber mosaic virus. Evidence was obtained that this was true protection between related viruses and serological tests confirmed the view that TAV is a strain of cucumber mosaic virus. Evidence was obtained that this was true protection between related viruses and serological tests confirmed the view that TAV is a strain of cucumber mosaic virus.  相似文献   

表达黄瓜花叶病毒卫星RNA的转基因烟草耐烟草花叶病毒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
表达黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)的卫星RNA的转基因烟草可以抗CMV的侵染.为了决定这些植物对其它病毒,如烟草花叶病毒(CMV)的安全性,我们对这些植物接种CMV.结果发现 卫星RNA可减弱TMV引起的症状,井降低病情指数,然而却对TMV在植物中的积累没有明显影响.这一发现有助于对卫星RNA抗病机制的理解,有助于含卫星RNA的生防制剂及表达病毒卫星RNA的转基因植物的应用.本文在国际上首次报道卫星RNA可减弱非相关病毒引起的症状.1 材料和方法1.1 病毒及植物烟草花叶病毒(TMV),烟草G140种子及枯班三生烟种子均为中国科学院微生物研究所病毒室保存;含黄瓜花叶病毒卫星RNA-R1基因的烟草G140(烟Sat-G140)为中国科学院微生物研究所病毒室培育,所用材料为第三代种子.  相似文献   

When plants were kept at 36°C. for some time before inoculation, their susceptibility to infection by five mechanically transmissible viruses was greatly increased. When kept at 36° after inoculation, fewer local lesions were produced than at lower temperatures, but the effects of the post-inoculation treatment differed with different viruses. Tomato spotted wilt and tobacco mosaic viruses multiply in plants at 36°, and the post-inoculation treatment reduced the local lesions they caused to numbers that varied between 10 and 90% of the control; these two viruses also have large thermal coefficients of heat inactivation. By contrast, tobacco necrosis, tomato bushy stunt and cucumber mosaic viruses, were much affected by post-inoculation treatment, lesion formation being completely prevented by exposure to 36° for a day or more. These three viruses appear not to multiply in plants at 36°, and although they have high thermal inactivation points, they have small temperature coefficients of thermal inactivation.
The extent to which lesion formation was affected by pre- or post-inoculation exposure of plants to 36° depended not only on the length of the treatment, but also on the physiological condition of the plants.
The symptoms of infected plants changed considerably if kept at 36°. At 36° Nicotiana glutinosa , inoculated with tobacco mosaic virus, gave chlorotic local lesions instead of necrotic ones, and became systemically infected. When systemically infected plants were brought to ordinary glasshouse temperature, the infected tissues all collapsed and died in a day.  相似文献   

Abstract  Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was detected in single aphids Myzus persicae and Aphis gossy pii by dot immunobinding assay (DIBA). The DIB A procedure with the lowest detectable concentration endpoint of 0.16ng/ml of purified CMV, or 0. 32pg per sample dot of 2μI antigens, satisfied the sensitivity required for the detection of CMV in single virus-carrying aphids. The aphid extracting method of dipping the stylets dissected from aphid heads in the droplets of small volume (2–5p1) of suitable buffer not only ensured the highly concentrated Firuses fully released from the aphid stylets, but decreased the interference of non-virus materials from aphids to minimum as well, and thus overcame the two major difficulties in the detection of plant viruses in vectors. The virus-carrying rates tested by DIBA had good coincidence with the transmission rates by bioassay. Undoubtedly, such breakthroughs in the technique of detecting nonpersistent viruses in aphid vectors are of great epidemiological importance.  相似文献   

本文报道了用点免疫印迹法(DIBA)检测单头桃蚜(Myzus persicae)和棉蚜(Aphis gossypii)所带黄 瓜花叶病毒(CMV)的试验结果,作者摸索出的DIBA法操作程序用于检测提纯的CMV最低下限浓度为0.16ng/ml,即每2μl样品含0.32pg抗原.这样的灵敏度是可以检测出单头蚜虫所带CMV的。这种操作程序是将蚜虫口针截取下来,浸入适当的缓冲液(2—5μl)内。这不仅保证了CMV病毒粒子充分地从蚜虫口针上释放出来.形成较高的浓度,而且极大限度地减少了非病毒物质对检测的干扰,因此就克服了从单头介体昆虫上检测所带植物病毒时常遇到的病毒浓度太低和非病毒抗源干扰两大困难。试验还表明。用这种DIBA法检出的蚜虫带毒率同生物测定试验检出的蚜虫传毒率有很好的一致性。显然,在蚜传非持久性病毒检测技术上的这一突破,对于植物病毒病流行学研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The susceptibility of tomato plants to systemic infection by tomato spotted wilt virus was increased by increasing nitrogen supply to levels above that optimal for growth. The virus content, estimated by local-lesions counts, was also raised by increasing nitrogen. The period between inoculation and the appearance of systemic symptoms was decreased by increasing nitrogen to a point slightly greater than the optimal level for growth, but increased by additional applications.
Infected plants receiving more nitrate or ammonium compounds than were needed for optimal growth showed abnormal leaf symptoms and no bronzing. N, P and Mg analyses showed that these symptoms were related primarily to nitrogen content. Such leaves contained more virus than bronzed leaves.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to find the causes of increased susceptibility to virus infection when tobacco plants are kept in the dark before inoculation. The changes in certain nitrogen fractions, viz. insoluble-N, amino-N, amide-N, ammonia-N and nitrate-N, and in dry matter and water content were followed in tobacco plants subjected to a period of darkness before inoculation with tobacco aucuba mosaic virus. Only nitrate-N was strongly correlated with the susceptibility to infection, but the evidence suggests that the correlation is indirect and not causal.
Dry matter and water content, determined either as dry matter percentage of fresh weight or measured separately on a leaf-disk basis Ivere found to vary directly with variation in susceptibility.  相似文献   

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