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The latest Ordovician Hirnantia Fauna (Brachiopoda) in time and space   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The diachronous temporal and spatial distribution of the Hirnantia brachiopod fauna and the complicated pattern of terminal Ordovician events are documented through biostratigraphical analysis of the Ordovician-Silurian boundary strata in S China, Sibumasu, Xizang and elsewhere. The duration of these events (longer than the half Myr derived from isotopic excursions) indicates that they were not abrupt and instantaneous. The presence of some core taxa of the Hirnantia fauna in the upper P. pacificus Biozone (known from their earliest occurrence in China) signals the start of increased water ventilation due to the invasion of cool water across the Yangtze Basin. Low- and higher-diversity Hirnantia faunas related to onshore, shallow-water and to offshore, deeper-water environments, respectively, developed first in the basal and upper N. extraordinarius-N. ojsuensis Biozone. Disappearance of most of the fauna in the early N. persculptus Biozone suggests that the glacial maximum started to decline. The presence of the Hirnantia fauna in the upper N. persculptus to the lower P. acuminatus biozones indicates the continuation of cool water environments in some places. The diachronous disappearance of deteriorating environments (earlier in later Hirnantian and finally in the early Rhuddanian) is associated with geographical heterogeneity. Occurrences of atrypids, pentamerids and spiriferids along with key elements of the Hirnantia fauna in N Guizhou provide a link between the Late Ordovician radiation and Early Silurian recovery of these major brachiopod groups.  相似文献   

The Paleocene-Miocene deposits of the Carnarvon Basin of Western Australia contain a rich fauna of brachiopods, but only two species, Tegulorhynchia boongeroodaensis Westralicrania allani , both from the Paleocene, have previously been described.One new genus, Giraliathyris , and eight new species are described herein. They are Giraliathyris mcnamari, G. kaitrinae, G. jubileensis, Liothyrella longorum, Victorithyris decapello, V. cardabiaensis, V. blakeorum, V. tulkiensis, Diedrothyris cf. johnstoniana Paraldingia timi . A Terebratulina species and two species of indeterminate genera are also described. Basiliola (Rhynchonellida) and Cancellothyris (Terebratulida) are recorded for the first time from the upper Paleocene of Australia. These, together with Victorithyris Diedrothyris Liothyrella and Paraldingia , represent the oldest records of these genera. It is suggested that their early occurrence, together with those known from the Antarctic Peninsula, indicates a southern origin for this fauna and a high latitude, southern circum-Indo-Atlantic faunal province is proposed. Subsequently the brachiopod fauna spread northwards towards lower latitudes and west to east around southern Australia, before and during the development of the circum-polar current during the Oligocene.  相似文献   

志留纪兰多维列世(Llandovery)鲁丹期(Rhuddanian)是奥陶纪末生物大灭绝后的残存期和复苏期。志留纪初期冈瓦纳大陆边缘壳相地层稀少,多数地区为沉积间断或笔石相地层,研究底栖壳相生物残存-复苏期的宏演化普遍缺乏理想材料,而华南上扬子区贵州湄潭地区发育了志留纪早期的壳相地层,即五里坡层(鲁丹阶中部)和牛场组(鲁丹阶上部),为探索这一关键地史时期三叶虫动物群宏演化型式及其背景机制提供了依据。贵州湄潭岩坪剖面和高江剖面的五里坡层和牛场组共发现三叶虫7目11科15属(含亚属)17种(含1新种、3未定种),根据其属级分类单元的时空分布规律,将这些三叶虫识别为5种宏演化类型:即减缩幸存型、扩增幸存型、复活幸存型、新生型和死支漫步型。不同类型的属级分类单元在大灭绝中具有不同的宏演化型式,体现出其应对灾变而采取的不同的生存策略。减缩幸存型和复活幸存型是大灭绝后生态系统复苏和再次辐射的主要源泉,它们的发展在一定程度上影响着整个生态系统的宏演化进程;新生型的出现则标志着大灭绝后环境的实质性改善,三叶虫的全面复苏也随之到来。  相似文献   

The late Ordovician brachiopod assemblage from Sardinia is one of the youngest members of the deep-water Foliomena fauna and is characterized by the following core taxa: Christiania , Cyclospira , Dedzetina and Foliomena . The fauna also contains Epitomyonia , Leangella , Glyptorthis and Skenidioides , which are more typical of shallower-water environments during the late Ordovician but occupied deeper-water niches during the Silurian following the termination of the Foliomena fauna. The suprafamilial placement of the family Chrustenoporidae is discussed and the new species Dedzetina serpaglii and Leangella ( Leangella ) fecunda are established. In common with many mid-Ashgill Foliomena faunas the Sardinian assemblage shows significant differences from other faunal developments of this type, reflecting its geographical position and shallower water conditions than those of the classic early Ashgill Foliomena faunas. The brachiopods occur with abundant trilobites belonging to a variant of the cyclopygid fauna. The faunas developed on part of a complex of microcontinents derived from peri-Gondwana during the Ordovician.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The Upper Yangtze region yields a Hirnantian (latest Ordovician) graptolite fauna that includes 41 species assigned to 13 genera. This fauna is particularly important for understanding the Late Ordovician mass extinction event because it is the most diverse known from this interval. In addition, it records the survival, well into the Hirnantian, of many taxa of the Dicranograptidae-Diplograptidae-Orthograptidae (DDO) fauna, which was previously regarded as having gone extinct at the beginning of the Hirnantian. Taxa exhibiting six different astogenetic patterns, including taxa with reclined stipes, scandent, biserial, full-periderm and 'archiretiolitid' rhabdosome forms occur in the lower Normalograptus extraordinarius-N. ojsuensis Biozone. In contrast, in the upper N. persculptus Biozone only four genera remain, all but one of which are Normalograptidae: scandent and biserial taxa with Pattern H astogeny. Normalograptids are the dominant form of the succeeding, lower Rhuddanian, faunas. The Yangtze faunas also document the early expansion of normalograptids coeval with the decline of the DDO fauna. Many previously identified species considered endemic to China have been synonymized; 24 of the 41 species recorded here have been recognized elsewhere. No new taxa are described.  相似文献   

Silurian brachiopods of Middle Llandovery (Aeronian) ages are reviewed, and 215 genera are identified here, compared with 109 in the preceding Early Llandovery (Rhuddanian), indicating a recovery‐radiation interval after the end‐Ordovician mass extinction. The chief regions in which they are found are the continents of South China, Avalonia‐Baltica, Laurentia and Siberia, which were all at tropical latitudes with the exception of Avalonia. In addition, the very large superterrane of Gondwana, although with patchy brachiopod distribution, included temperate faunas, as well as subtropical faunas (in Iran and Afghanistan). Aeronian brachiopods greatly increased in diversity, with dominance of four major groups: orthides and strophomenides (which had flourished previously in the Rhuddanian), pentamerides and atrypides (which became dominant in the Aeronian), and many newly evolved taxa, and occupied deeper water and wider ecological niches (level bottom and reef) than those in the Rhuddanian. Each of the continents has some endemic genera, but there is a greater proportion of them in South China, where some groups (such as the pentamerides and atrypides) are more diverse and others, such as the orthides, are much less common than elsewhere. Affinity indices (AI) show that two megaunits can be recognized: South China and Avalonia‐Baltica‐Laurentia (ABL); Siberia seems to have been loosely connected with ABL and even more loosely to South China presumably because of its geographical separation in the Northern Hemisphere. The separation of South China from the other megaunits is further supported by cluster analysis.  相似文献   

An assemblage of earliest Silurian (Llandovery, Rhuddanian) fossils from South Kazakhstan (Ak-Kerme Peninsula, Lake Balkhash) contains solitary rugose corals (Calostylis denticulata, Streptelasma? sp., and Cystipaliphyllum sp.) and the demosponge Calycocoelia typicalis, which are described here. This assemblage occurs with previously described brachiopods and constitutes a post extinction survival fauna; such faunas are poorly known and this study fills a gap in our knowledge. All three genera of Rugosa were transitional across the Ordovician–Silurian boundary and are also reported from other parts of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan during the Llandovery. Streptelasma had already been present in Kazakhstan during the Ordovician, while during the Rhuddanian Calostylis immigrated from Baltica or China, and Cystipaliphyllum from the Australian part of Gondwana. Demosponges are rare during the Llandovery but probably had a cosmopolitan distribution. Calycocoelia typicalis marks the first Rhuddanian record of lithistid demosponges, and the first record of Silurian demosponges from Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

The shelly fauna of the lowest part of the Sælabonn Formation in the Hadeland district of the Oslo Region provides a rare insight into the shallow-water biota of the earliest Silurian and hence the start of biotic recovery after the end Ordovician extinction event. It is dominated by the brachiopods Dalmanella cf. pectinoides Bergström, Coolinia cf. columbana (Reed), Leptaena cf. haverfordensis Bancroft and Zygospiraella scotica (Salter) together with the trilobite Acernaspis elliptifrons (Esmark). The first three species in this unique association belong to eurytopic Ordovician survivor genera which were also present in the underlying unit in Hadeland and continued to thrive during the Silurian. Significantly, Zygospiraella and Acernaspis have no unequivocal Ordovician record but diversified rapidly and became common during the early Silurian (Rhuddanian) in many parts of the world. Moreover, Acernaspis and Zygospiraella were highly eurytopic, pioneer taxa that were among the first elements of the Rhuddanian shelly fauna to appear in many parts of the world especially around the margins of the remnant Iapetus Ocean, following the drowning of areas previously emergent during the late Ordovician sea-level lowstand. The Hadeland fauna provides evidence of a previously undocumented route (among several) by which life ultimately returned to the global diversity plateau established in the mid-Ordovician.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Twenty-three species of silicified brachiopods are described from four samples in the middle and upper parts of the Episkopi Formation from Hydra Island, Greece. These brachiopods are newly recorded from the region and together with previously described brachiopods from the same localities constitute the most diverse Lopingian (Late Permian) brachiopod fauna reported in southern Europe. The brachiopod fauna is Wuchiapingian as indicated by the associated conodonts. The fauna from Hydra exhibits strong palaeobiogeographical links with the faunas from South China. In addition, palaeobiogeographical affinities with the faunas of Thailand and the northern peri-Gondwanan region are also present, which implies a peri-Gondwanan origin for Hydra. Palaeoecologically, the brachiopod assemblage from sample EP in the middle part of the Episkopi Formation is dominated by pedically-attached and cementing genera and reflects moderate energy conditions above storm wave base and an abundance of hard substrates provided by sponges in the biohermal habitat. By contrast, the brachiopod assemblage in the other three samples from the upper part of the Episkopi Formation is dominated by spinose genera with a free-resting life habit, suggesting soft substrates in a quiet water environment below storm wave base on the outer part of the shelf. New taxa are Petinospiriferina gen. nov., Hustedia episkopiensis sp. nov., Waterhouseiella hydraensis sp. nov. and Xenosaria tenuis sp. nov.  相似文献   

Shallow water benthic marine invertebrates (such as brachiopods from Benthic Assemblages [BA] 1–3) have usually played a much more important role than deeper ones (BA 4–5 or even deeper) in evaluating biogeographical provincialism in geological history. The Silurian brachiopod Retziella Fauna, characterized by the common presence of Retziella in association with various provincial taxa and many common North Silurian Realm genera, is known from southwest Tienshan, North China, South China, North Vietnam, and East Australia. It is possibly also present in North Korea, the central Pamirs, Afghanistan, and New Zealand. The coeval Tuvaella Fauna occurs only in the southern marginal belt of the Siberian Plate. Synecologically, both faunas inhabited a normal, shallow-water, level-bottom environment, usually with a low-diversity community (commonly 3–8 genera); assignment to BA 2–3 is indicated. Their mutual exclusiveness is of biogeographical significance: subdivisions of the Uralian-Cordilleran Region can be based on them, with the Tuvaella Fauna being included in a redefined Mongolo-Okhotsk Province. A Sino-Australian Province is established and defined herein for the area occupied by the Retziella Fauna during the Ludlow-Pridoli and probably the Wenlock. Two subdivisions of the province can be recognized, a Sino-Central-Asian Subprovince and an Australian Subprovince, based on different endemic brachiopods and separate geographical positions. The presence of a number of more cosmopolitan genera in both the tropical-subtropical Sino-Australian and subtropical-temperate Mongolo-Okhotsk Provinces during the Late Silurian testifies to oceanic surface current circulation patterns adequate for the distribution of planktic larvae capable of long-distance dispersal while maintaining reproductive communication. This contrasts with the dispersal potential of endemic components of the newly defined Silurian biogeographical units. □ Late Silurian, Brachiopoda, Retziella , Fauna, Tuvaella Fauna, Synecology, Biogeography, Asia, Australia  相似文献   

Kathleen Histon 《Geobios》2012,45(1):41-48
A rare occurrence of Phragmoceras imbricatum Barrande is recorded from moderately shallow marine Silurian sequences in the Carnic Alps (Austria). The specimen was collected from a condensed series of nautiloid-bearing wackestones/packstones which are documented as being one of the earliest levels of the Silurian Cephalopod Limestone Biofacies deposited along the North Gondwana margin. The presence of this genus and particular species in the Alpine area, whether as an in situ fauna or as a “stray immigrant”, during a period of global eustatic lowstand, adds new data with regard to the mechanisms of faunal exchange of nectobenthic nautiloid taxa between the Carnic Alps, the Prague Basin, SW Sardinia, Avalonia and Baltica which must have been made possible by currents connecting all five areas. It seems likely that some of the nautiloid taxa appearing in the Prague Basin during the Ludlow may have already been present in the Carnic Alps much earlier in the Silurian; these document early faunal affinities with Baltica. As well as confirming the existence of open migrational seaways between these terranes at a precise stratigraphic interval during the Silurian (lower Homerian: Wenlock), the presence of this species also indicates a prevailing more temperate paleoenvironment in these areas which this element of a usually tropical fauna could tolerate, and provides significant evidence that warm water currents reached the Carnic Alps at this time. In addition due to the bathymetric restrictions of the shells of these particular faunas, exchange by currents could not have taken place over great distances, even considering drifted individuals, and therefore indicates the relatively close positions/connections of various peri-Gondwana Terranes such as the Carnic Alps, SW Sardinia and the Prague Basin to Avalonia and Baltica during this time slice.  相似文献   

Sheehan, P. M.: The relation of Late Ordovician glaciation to the Ordovician-Silurian changeover in North American brachiopod faunas.
The Ordovician-Silurian changeover of brachiopod faunas in North American epicontinental seas involved the abrupt extinction of endemic Late Ordovician stocks and subsequent repopulation of North American seas by Old World taxa. The Late Ordovician Gondwanaland glaciation may have lowered sea levels sufficiently to place severe stress on the widespread shallow marine faunas in North America, resulting in their eventual extinction. The Late Ordovician depositional history in North America is not well enough known to establish the presence of a latest Ordovician regression, but the earliest Silurian was an interval of off-lap in North America. Therefore, the glacial lowering of sea level is considered to be the most likely cause of the faunal changeover.  相似文献   

The late Sandbian to the early Katian (Late Ordovician) in southeastern Norway is dominated by marine mudstones that contain an exceptional spectrum of macrofauna and trace element geochemistry, recording both abrupt and gradual faunal changes during major sea-level and environmental shifts. This study investigates the relationships between sea-level changes and their influence on the source of clastic material, oxygen levels in the bottom water and faunal changes, with special emphasis on the brachiopod fauna. Trace element ratios indicate that nearly stable upper dysoxic bottom-water conditions prevailed in the northwestern part of the Baltoscandian Sea. The exception is during the major shallowing in the earliest Katian, when there was an abrupt shift to oxic conditions as the sea bottom came within a normal storm wave base. Nonetheless, the pre-shallowing epibenthic fauna (though not the shelly endobenthic) in this area was rich and diverse and two major immigration phases of new brachiopod taxa are seen well before the shallowing. This indicates that the immigration of new taxa was not the result of an increase in oxygen content in the bottom water. More brachiopod genera stayed during the abrupt shallowing and increased oxic level than did during the following gradual return to deeper, dysoxic environments. The major brachiopod immigration phases took place markedly earlier in this northwestern part of the Baltoscandian Sea than in the central part (Eastern Baltic) and possibly also the comparable faunal turnover in Laurentia. The following disappearance of taxa during an early Katian transgressive event coincided with the faunal turnover in the shallow-water environments of the East Baltic.The depositional history was consistent within the investigated mudstone-dominated offshore facies of the Oslo Region, which are comparable to the Central Baltoscandian Confacies Belt of Baltoscandia. The composition of the siliciclastic material which was deposited in the basin was nearly constant through the sequence, though the land area expanded to include ophiolites, expressed by Cr enrichment, coinciding with the major sea-level drop. The Cr enrichment indicates that, by that time at least, the ophiolite complexes north of the Oslo Region became subaerially exposed. This enrichment thus forms a potential geochemical marker horizon representing the basal Katian Stage.  相似文献   

The Late Permian Shaiwa Group of the Ziyun area of Guizhou, South China is a deep-water facies succession characterized by deep-water assemblages of pelagic radiolarians, foraminifers, bivalves, ammonoids and brachiopods. Here we report 20 brachiopod species in 18 genera from the uppermost Shaiwa Group. This brachiopod fauna is latest Changhsingian in age and dominated by productides. The palaeoecologic and taphonomic analysis reveals that the brachiopod fauna is preserved in situ. The attachment modes and substratum preference demonstrate that the Shaiwa brachiopod fauna comprises admixed elements of deep-water and shallow-water assemblages. The presence of the shallow-water brachiopods in the Shaiwa faunas indicates the involuntary settlement of shallow-water brachiopods. The stressed ecologic pressure, triggered by warming surface waters, restricted ecospace and short food sources, may have forced some shallow-water elements to move to hospitable deep-water settings and others to modify their habiting behaviours and exploit new ecospace in deep-water environments. We infer that the end-Permian global warming and subsequent transgression event may have accounted for the stressed environmental pressure in the shallow-water communities prior to the end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   

Maximum period of existence of endemic genera in the temperately warm-water (subtropical) and temperately cold-water (low boreal and subantarctic) faunal belts is revealed on the base of latest data on the composition of brachiopod fauna of recent seas and oceans and most full data on the paleontological finds of recent brachiopod genera. Most of the subtropical endemics inhabit southern hemisphere; one of them is Bouchardia, which is known beginning with the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian), that brings together southern subtropical faunal belt with the tropical zone and suggests that subtropical waters could serve as a refuge for representatives of ancient warm-water faunas during large geological and hydrological reconstructions at the Mesozoic-Cenozoic boundary. Most of the younger endemics of low boreal and subantarctic faunal belts appeared at the Paleogene-Neogene boundary, during the period of formation of modern contrast climate on the Earth that was caused by the formation of Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The appearance of recent species and genera in the Holocene was influenced by last considerable postglacial reconstruction of climate.  相似文献   

周伟  李旭  李凯媛  李明会 《生物多样性》2016,24(10):1146-28
将经典动物区系与区系存在度分析方法相结合, 探讨云南萨尔温江水系的南滚河、南汀河及勐波罗河3条一级支流的鱼类多样性相对于萨尔温江中游水系鱼类的代表性, 比较其鱼类区系存在度差异, 分析区系组成特征及科、属在区系建成中的重要性, 旨在探讨区系存在度指标对鱼类保护区设置的指导作用。结果显示, 萨尔温江中游水系(云南段)共记录土著鱼类74种, 分隶于5目12科45属。3条支流共有土著鱼类53种, 分隶于5目12科38属, 其中南滚河鱼类有9科23属32种, 南汀河有11科33属47种, 勐波罗河有10科26属33种。按种类的绝对数排序, 3条支流均是鲤科、鮡科和条鳅科排前3位。而按区系存在度结果排序, 均是鳗鲡科、鳢科、刺鳅科、合鳃鱼科和鮡科等5个科位列前5位。两种方法排序结果显示, 3条支流表现出完全的一致性。同一属级分类阶元的区系存在度在不同支流间变异较大, 属级和种级分类阶元的地域性分布特点渐趋明显。这3条一级支流鱼类均是以老第三纪原始类群为主体, 南方类群次之, 还有少量青藏高原类群。结合鱼类区系存在度研究结果, 在设置淡水鱼类保护区时, 应考虑在大水系的上中下游分别选择1条或多条一级支流建立保护区; 如果目、科级存在度高的阶元在鱼类保护区规划时涵盖得多, 则保护了较多的高级阶元, 但并非是必须考虑的阶元; 而属级存在度值则是保护区规划时需要特别关注的事项。  相似文献   

本文对贵州募役剖面长兴期腕足动物群进行了系统分类鉴定和古生态分析,发现其与前人所报道的华南同时期腕足动物群存在着显著的差别,以Spiriferellina为绝对优势属,包含少量华南长兴期的常见分子,如Fusichonetes、Araxathyris和Peltichia等。募役剖面的腕足类化石主要产自碎屑岩层位,与华南同期碎屑岩相剖面的腕足动物群落相比,该动物群中的优势分子个体较大、壳体较厚且发育较粗大的壳疹,这可能与长兴期募役剖面动物群所处的特殊栖息地环境(浅水碳酸盐岩台地与深水硅质碎屑岩盆地之间的过渡地带)有关。二叠纪末期大规模的火山作用导致水体中碎屑物质含量增加,影响腕足类的滤食效率,而募役剖面清澈、水动力弱的水体环境,为滤食性的腕足动物提供了有利的环境条件。最后,通过与华南长兴期不同沉积相区腕足动物群落(六枝剖面、稻堆山剖面、中寨剖面、新民剖面、马家山剖面和仁村坪剖面群落)的对比分析,发现募役剖面腕足动物群与毗邻的六枝剖面腕足动物群在属级组成上的相似度较高,且过渡岩相栖息地环境下的腕足动物群在生物灭绝事件前也呈现出高优势度、低均匀度的群落结构特征,指示海洋底栖生物群落已经先于二叠纪末期生物集群灭绝事件出现了早期危机信号。  相似文献   

In the immediate aftermath of global extinctions, organisms were normally much smaller than those prior to these events. This ‘Lilliput Effect’ can be subdivided into two types: 1) a specific type, following the original definition of the effect which targets species-level taxa associated with inhospitable environments, and 2) a more general type, related to the reactions of higher-rank taxa above the species-level. The body sizes of brachiopods from South China through the Ordovician and Silurian transition (Late Katian, Hirnantian, and earliest Rhuddanian) are compared at generic, superfamilial, ordinal, and class levels. The results indicate that the body sizes of the taxa of lower rank (e.g. genus-level) are highly variable within these different intervals. The type of evidence for the Lilliput Effect through the end Ordovician mass extinction is thus quite different from that of the end Permian mass extinction probably reflecting differences in the intensity of these two major bioevents. However, the relationships between the contrasting trends in body-size change of some taxa of higher rank (e.g. at the ordinal-level) and the relative dominance of these taxa in the latest Ordovician and earliest Silurian suggest that the brachiopods of the two major Ordovician groups, the strophomenoids and orthoids, adopted different survival strategies during and immediately after the crisis from those of the pentamerides and rhynchonellides, that were common in Silurian assemblages.  相似文献   

A Foliomena fauna is reported for the first time from the Tarim paleoplate, and stratigraphically from the Yinpingshan Formation (upper Katian, Upper Ordovician) of Querqueke, Kuruktag region, northeastern Tarim, southern Xinjiang, Northwest China. The fauna includes seven species of brachiopods, amongst which three are new and four indeterminate: Anomaloglossa? sp., Orbiculoidea? sp., Foliomena xinjiangensis n. sp., Sericoidea minuta n. sp., Kassinella tarimensis n. sp., Rostricellula? sp., and Anazyga? sp. These species formed a Sericoidea-Kassinella Association, characterized by very small and well-preserved brachiopods, and well-developed laminations in its hosted mudstone, indicating a deep water environment (corresponding to lower BA5 to BA6). The faunal and sedimentological features suggest its affinity to the typical Foliomena faunal group of deep water origin. Numerical analyses show that the Foliomena fauna in late Katian time differentiated into two major paleogeographically related groups, and the Tarim association has a close faunal affinity to the representatives of this fauna in South China, indicating an active faunal exchange between Tarim and South China before the end-Ordovician mass extinction.  相似文献   

A new ecological unit within the well-documented late Ordovician brachiopod Foliomena fauna is defined on the basis of assemblages from Northern Cuizhou and southern Sichuan. Southwest China. The Kassinella-Chrisriania Association, from the lower Ashgill Linhsiang and Chientsaokou formations, is dominated by the eponymous genera together with species of mainly Dedzetina, Sericoidea and Kozlowskites Foliomena is rare or absent. To date, the Foliomena fauna has been documented only from deep-water environments however, the new association apparently occupied shallower depths, probably in lowermost Benthic Assemblage Zone 3 and uppermost Benthic Assemblage Zone 4, presumably at the shallow end of the depth range of the Foliomere fauna. The incursion of the Foliomena fauna into relatively shallow-water environments may have been encouraged by abnormally low oxygen levels and sparse nutrients together with persistent soft substrates across this part of the Yangtze Platform during the early Ashgill. *** Ordovician, Ashgill, China, brachiopods. F oliomena fauna.  相似文献   

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