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Legionella pneumophila establishes a replication vacuole within phagocytes that requires the bacterial Dot/Icm apparatus for its formation. This apparatus is predicted to translocate effectors into host cells. We hypothesized that some translocated proteins also function to maintain the integrity of the Dot/Icm translocator. Mutations that destroy this function are predicted to result in a Dot/Icm complex that poisons the bacterium, resulting in reduced viability. To identify such mutants, strains were isolated (called lid-) that showed reduced viability on bacteriological medium in the presence of an intact Dot/Icm apparatus, but which had high viability in the absence of the translocator. Several such mutants were analysed in detail to identify candidate strains that may have lost the ability to synthesize a translocated substrate of Dot/Icm. Two such strains had mutations in the lidA gene. The LidA protein exhibits properties expected for a translocated substrate of Dot/Icm that is important for maintenance of bacterial cell integrity: it associates with the phagosomal surface, promotes replication vacuole formation, and is important for both efficient intracellular growth and high viability on bacteriological media after introduction of a plasmid that allows high level expression of the dotA gene.  相似文献   

The bacterial pathogen Legionella pneumophila replicates in a specialized vacuole within host cells. Establishment of the replication vacuole depends on the Dot/Icm translocation system that delivers a large number of protein substrates into the host cell. The functions of most substrates are unknown. Here, we analysed a defined set of 127 confirmed or candidate Dot/Icm substrates for their effect on host cell processes using yeast as a model system. Expression of 79 candidates caused significant yeast growth defects, indicating that these proteins impact essential host cell pathways. Notably, a group of 21 candidates interfered with the trafficking of secretory proteins to the yeast vacuole. Three candidates that caused yeast secretory defects (SetA, Ceg19 and Ceg9) were investigated further. These proteins impinged upon vesicle trafficking at distinct stages and had signals that allowed translocation into host cells by the Dot/Icm system. Ectopically produced SetA, Ceg19 and Ceg9 localized to secretory organelles in mammalian cells, consistent with a role for these proteins in modulating host cell vesicle trafficking. Interestingly, the ability of SetA to cause yeast phenotypes was dependent upon a functional glycosyltransferase domain. We hypothesize that SetA may glycosylate a component of the host cell vesicle trafficking machinery during L. pneumophila infection.  相似文献   

Zhu W  Banga S  Tan Y  Zheng C  Stephenson R  Gately J  Luo ZQ 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e17638
A large number of proteins transferred by the Legionella pneumophila Dot/Icm system have been identified by various strategies. With no exceptions, these strategies are based on one or more characteristics associated with the tested proteins. Given the high level of diversity exhibited by the identified proteins, it is possible that some substrates have been missed in these screenings. In this study, we took a systematic method to survey the L. pneumophila genome by testing hypothetical orfs larger than 300 base pairs for Dot/Icm-dependent translocation. 798 of the 832 analyzed orfs were successfully fused to the carboxyl end of β-lactamase. The transfer of the fusions into mammalian cells was determined using the β-lactamase reporter substrate CCF4-AM. These efforts led to the identification of 164 proteins positive in translocation. Among these, 70 proteins are novel substrates of the Dot/Icm system. These results brought the total number of experimentally confirmed Dot/Icm substrates to 275. Sequence analysis of the C-termini of these identified proteins revealed that Lpg2844, which contains few features known to be important for Dot/Icm-dependent protein transfer can be translocated at a high efficiency. Thus, our efforts have identified a large number of novel substrates of the Dot/Icm system and have revealed the diverse features recognizable by this protein transporter.  相似文献   

Type-IV secretion systems are devices present in a wide range of bacteria (including bacterial pathogens) that deliver macromolecules (proteins and single-strand-DNA) across kingdom barriers (as well as between bacteria and into the surroundings). The type-IV secretion systems were divided into two subgroups and Legionella pneumophila and Coxiella burnetii are the only two bacteria known today to utilize a type-IVB secretion system for pathogenesis. In this review we summarized the available information concerning the icm/dot type-IVB secretion systems by comparing the two bacteria that possess this system, the proteins components of their systems as well as the homology of proteins from type-IVB secretion systems to proteins from type-IVA secretion systems. In addition, the phenotypes associated with mutants in the L. pneumophila icm/dot genes, their relations to properties of specific Icm/Dot proteins as well as the protein substrates delivered by this system are described.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease, a severe pneumonia. Dependent on the icm/dot loci, L. pneumophila survives and replicates in macrophages and amoebae within a specialized phagosome that does not fuse with lysosomes. Here, we report that phagocytosis of wild-type L. pneumophila is more efficient than uptake of icm/dot mutants. Compared with the wild-type strain JR32, about 10 times fewer icm/dot mutant bacteria were recovered from HL-60 macrophages in a gentamicin protection assay. The defect in phagocytosis of the mutants could be complemented by supplying the corresponding genes on a plasmid. Using fluorescence microscopy and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing strains, 10-20 times fewer icm/dot mutant bacteria were found to be internalized by HL-60 cells and human monocyte-derived macrophages (HMMPhi). Compared with icm/dot mutants, wild-type L. pneumophila infected two to three times more macrophages and yielded a population of highly infected host cells (15-70 bacteria per macrophage) that was not observed with icm/dot mutant strains. Wild-type and icmT mutant bacteria were found to adhere similarly and compete for binding to HMMPhi. In addition, wild-type L. pneumophila was also phagocytosed more efficiently by Acanthamoeba castellanii, indicating that the process is independent of adherence receptor(s). Wild-type L. pneumophila enhanced phagocytosis of an icmT mutant strain in a synchronous co-infection, suggesting that increased phagocytosis results from (a) secreted effector(s) acting in trans.  相似文献   

The intracellular pathogen Legionella pneumophila is able to strike a balance between the death and survival of the host cell during infection. Despite the presence of high level of active caspase 3, the executioner caspase of apoptotic cell death, infected permissive macrophages are markedly resistant to exogenous apoptotic stimuli. Several bacterial molecules capable of promoting the cell survival pathways have been identified, but proteins involved in the activation of caspase 3 remain unknown. To study the mechanism of L. pneumophila‐mediated caspase 3 activation, we tested all known Dot/Icm substrates for their ability to activate caspase 3. Five effectors capable of causing caspase 3 activation upon transient expression were identified. Among these, by using its ability to activate caspase 3 by inducing the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria, we demonstrated that VipD is a phospholipase A2, which hydrolyses phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphocholine (PC) on the mitochondrial membrane in a manner that appears to require host cofactor(s). The lipase activity leads to the production of free fatty acids and 2‐lysophospholipids, which destabilize the mitochondrial membrane and may contribute to the release of cytochrome c and the subsequent caspase 3 activation. Furthermore, we found that whereas it is not detectably defectively in caspase 3 activation in permissive cells, amutant lacking all of these five genes is less potent in inducing apoptosis in dendritic cells. Our results reveal that activation of host cell death pathways by L. pneumophila is a result of the effects of multiple bacterial proteins with diverse biochemical functions.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is an intracellular pathogen that uses effector proteins translocated by the Dot/Icm type IV secretion system to modulate host cellular processes. Here we investigate the dynamics of subcellular structures containing ubiquitin during L. pneumophila infection of phagocytic host cells. The Dot/Icm system mediated the formation of K48 and K63 poly-ubiquitin conjugates to proteins associated with L. pneumophila -containing vacuoles in macrophages and dendritic cells, suggesting that regulatory events and degradative events involving ubiquitin are regulated by bacterial effectors during infection. Stimulation of TLR2 on the surface of macrophages and dendritic cells by L. pneumophila- derived molecules resulted in the production of ubiquitin-rich dendritic cell aggresome-like structures (DALIS). Cells infected by L. pneumophila with a functional Dot/Icm system, however, failed to produce DALIS. Suppression of DALIS formation did not affect the accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins on vacuoles containing L. pneumophila. Examining other species of Legionella revealed that Legionella jordanis was unable to suppress DALIS formation after creating a ubiquitin-decorated vacuole. Thus, the L. pneumophila Dot/Icm system has the ability to modulate host processes to promote K48 and K63 ubiquitin conjugates on proteins at the vacuole membrane, and independently suppress cellular events required for the formation of DALIS.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila promotes intracellular growth by moving bacterial proteins across membranes via the Icm/Dot system. A strategy was devised to identify large numbers of Icm/Dot translocated proteins, and the resulting pool was used to identify common motifs that operate as recognition signals. The 3' end of the sidC gene, which encodes a known translocated substrate, was replaced with DNA encoding 200 codons from the 3' end of 442 potential substrate-encoding genes. The resulting hybrid proteins were then tested in a high throughput assay, in which translocated SidC antigen was detected by indirect immunofluorescence. Among translocated substrates, regions of 6-8 residues called E Blocks were identified that were rich in glutamates. Analysis of SidM/DrrA revealed that loss of three Glu residues, arrayed in a triangle on an α-helical surface, totally eliminated translocation of a reporter protein. Based on this result, a second strategy was employed to identify Icm/Dot substrates having carboxyl terminal glutamates. From the fusion assay and the bioinformatic queries, carboxyl terminal sequences from 49 previously unidentified proteins were shown to promote translocation into target cells. These studies indicate that by analysing subsets of translocated substrates, patterns can be found that allow predictions of important motifs recognized by Icm/Dot.  相似文献   

Many gram-negative pathogens use a type IV secretion system (T4SS) to deliver effector proteins into eukaryotic host cells. The fidelity of protein translocation depends on the efficient recognition of effector proteins by the T4SS. Legionella pneumophila delivers a large number of effector proteins into eukaryotic cells using the Dot/Icm T4SS. How the Dot/Icm system is able to recognize and control the delivery of effectors is poorly understood. Recent studies suggest that the IcmS and IcmW proteins interact to form a stable complex that facilitates translocation of effector proteins by the Dot/Icm system by an unknown mechanism. Here we demonstrate that the IcmSW complex is necessary for the productive translocation of multiple Dot/Icm effector proteins. Effector proteins that were able to bind IcmSW in vitro required icmS and icmW for efficient translocation into eukaryotic cells during L. pneumophila infection. We identified regions in the effector protein SidG involved in icmSW-dependent translocation. Although the full-length SidG protein was translocated by an icmSW-dependent mechanism, deletion of amino terminal regions in the SidG protein resulted in icmSW-independent translocation, indicating that the IcmSW complex is not contributing directly to recognition of effector proteins by the Dot/Icm system. Biochemical and genetic studies showed that the IcmSW complex interacts with a central region of the SidG protein. The IcmSW interaction resulted in a conformational change in the SidG protein as determined by differences in protease sensitivity in vitro. These data suggest that IcmSW binding to effectors could enhance effector protein delivery by mediating a conformational change that facilitates T4SS recognition of a translocation domain located in the carboxyl region of the effector protein.  相似文献   

H Nagai  C R Roy 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(21):5962-5970
Legionella pneumophila requires the dot/icm genes to create an organelle inside eukaryotic host cells that will support bacterial replication. The dot/icm genes are predicted to encode a type IV-related secretion apparatus. However, no proteins have been identified that require the dot/icm genes for secretion. In this study we show that the DotA protein, which was previously found to be a polytopic membrane protein, is secreted by the Dot/Icm transporter into culture supernatants. Secreted DotA protein was purified and N-terminal sequencing of the purified protein revealed that a 19 amino acid leader peptide is removed from DotA prior to secretion. Extracellular DotA protein did not fractionate in membrane vesicles. Structures containing secreted DotA protein were visualized by electron microscopy and were shaped like hollow rings. These data indicate that the large poly topic membrane protein DotA is secreted from L.pneumophila by a unique process. This represents the first target secreted by the dot/icm-encoded apparatus and demonstrates that this transporter is competent for protein secretion.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is a ubiquitous inhabitant of environmental water reservoirs. The bacteria infect a wide variety of protozoa and, after accidental inhalation, human alveolar macrophages, which can lead to severe pneumonia. The capability to thrive in phagocytic hosts is dependent on the Dot/Icm type IV secretion system (T4SS), which translocates multiple effector proteins into the host cell. In this study, we determined the draft genome sequence of L. pneumophila strain 130b (Wadsworth). We found that the 130b genome encodes a unique set of T4SSs, namely, the Dot/Icm T4SS, a Trb-1-like T4SS, and two Lvh T4SS gene clusters. Sequence analysis substantiated that a core set of 107 Dot/Icm T4SS effectors was conserved among the sequenced L. pneumophila strains Philadelphia-1, Lens, Paris, Corby, Alcoy, and 130b. We also identified new effector candidates and validated the translocation of 10 novel Dot/Icm T4SS effectors that are not present in L. pneumophila strain Philadelphia-1. We examined the prevalence of the new effector genes among 87 environmental and clinical L. pneumophila isolates. Five of the new effectors were identified in 34 to 62% of the isolates, while less than 15% of the strains tested positive for the other five genes. Collectively, our data show that the core set of conserved Dot/Icm T4SS effector proteins is supplemented by a variable repertoire of accessory effectors that may partly account for differences in the virulences and prevalences of particular L. pneumophila strains.Many bacterial pathogens use specialized protein secretion systems to deliver into host cells virulence effector proteins that interfere with the antimicrobial responses of the host and facilitate the survival of the pathogen (5, 10, 22, 76). The components of these secretion systems are highly conserved. Comparative bioinformatic analysis of pathogen genomes revealed an ever-increasing number of proteins that are likely to be translocated virulence effectors. Only a few effectors have been characterized, and their biochemical functions are unknown, yet the identification of translocated effector proteins and their mechanism of action is fundamental to understanding the pathogenesis of many bacterial infections.Legionella pneumophila is the etiological agent of Legionnaires’ disease, which is an acute form of pneumonia (34, 66). L. pneumophila serogroup 1 accounts for more than 90% of all cases worldwide. Although L. pneumophila is an environmental organism, its ability to survive and replicate in amoebae, such as Acanthamoeba castellanii, has equipped the organism with the capacity to replicate in human cells (45, 58, 68, 80). Following the inhalation of aerosols containing L. pneumophila into the human lung, the bacteria promote their uptake by alveolar macrophages and epithelial cells (21, 44, 71), where they replicate within an intracellular vacuole that avoids fusion with the endocytic pathway (46, 47). L. pneumophila evades endosome fusion by establishing a replicative vacuole that shares many characteristics with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (48, 53, 89). The formation of the unique Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) requires the Dot (defective in organelle trafficking)/Icm (intracellular multiplication) type IV secretion system (T4SS) (85, 91).Type IV secretion systems are versatile multiprotein complexes that can transport DNA and proteins to recipient bacteria or host cells (19, 36). Based on structural and organizational similarity, three main T4SS classes have been distinguished: T4SSA, T4SSB, and genomic island-associated T4SS (GI-T4SS) (3, 51). The genetic organization and components of T4SSA have high similarity to the classical VirB4/VirD4 transfer DNA (T-DNA) transfer system of Agrobacterium tumefaciens (3). In the sequenced L. pneumophila strains, three distinct T4SSAs with different prevalences among strains have been described: Lvh, Trb-1, and Trb-2 (37, 83, 86). The Lvh (Legionella vir homologues) T4SSA is not required for intracellular bacterial replication in macrophages and amoebae but seems to contribute to infection at lower temperatures and inclusion in Acanthamoeba castellanii cysts (6, 78, 86).The Dot/Icm T4SSB secretes and translocates multiple bacterial effector proteins into the vacuolar membrane and cytosol of the host cell (31, 70). The functions of the great majority of these proteins are unknown. Several effectors have similarity to eukaryotic proteins or carry eukaryotic motifs (7, 16, 25). They are predicted to allow L. pneumophila to manipulate host cell processes by functional mimicry (31, 70). Many of the effectors have paralogues or belong to related protein families that are likely to have overlapping functions.Comparative analysis of the recent L. pneumophila genome sequences has revealed their diversity and plasticity (16, 18, 88). This plasticity enables the bacterium to acquire new genetic factors, including new effector proteins that enhance bacterial replication and survival in eukaryotic cells. This has resulted in a diverse species in which 7 to 11% of the genes in each L. pneumophila isolate are strain specific (38). Some of the diversity occurs among genes encoding Dot/Icm effectors, including those within the same family. For example some ankyrin repeat and F-box effector genes are highly conserved, while others vary considerably between L. pneumophila isolates (16, 41, 62, 73, 75). Even though it is not experimentally proven, the subsequent selection of Dot/Icm effectors among different L. pneumophila isolates might reflect their usefulness in host-pathogen interactions, whereby different effector repertoires are maintained during adaptation to different environmental niches or hosts. This may then translate into differences in virulence during opportunistic infection.In this study, we sequenced the genome of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 strain 130b (ATCC BAA-74, also known as Wadsworth or AA100) (29, 30) and analyzed the sequence for T4SSs and novel Dot/Icm effectors. This analysis established that the strain encodes a unique combination of T4SSs and a set of Dot/Icm effectors that had not been described previously but that are present in a range of clinical and environmental L. pneumophila isolates. The new effectors represent the latest members of an ever-growing list of T4SS substrates and presumably reflect the great capacity of L. pneumophila for adaptation to a variety of hosts.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii is an obligate intracellular pathogen that replicates in large endocytic vacuoles. Genomic sequence data indicate that 21 genes encoding products that are similar to components of the Legionella pneumophila Dot/Icm type IV secretion system are located on a contiguous 35 kb region of the Coxiella chromosome. It was found that several dot/icm genes were expressed by Coxiella during host cell infection and that dot/icm gene expression preceded the formation of large replicative vacuoles. To determine whether these genes encode a functional type IV secretion system, we have amplified the Coxiella dotB, icmQ, icmS and icmW genes and produced the encoded proteins in Legionella mutants in which the native copy of each gene had been deleted. The Coxiella dotB, icmS and icmW products restored dot/icm-dependent growth of Legionella mutants in eukaryotic host cells. The Coxiella IcmQ protein and the Legionella IcmR protein did not interact, which could explain why the Coxiella icmQ gene was unable to restore growth to a Legionella icmQ mutant. Thus, Coxiella encodes functional components of a type IV secretion system expressed in vivo that is mechanistically related to the Legionella Dot/Icm apparatus. These studies suggest that a dot/icm-related secretion system could play an important role in creating the specialized vacuole that supports Coxiella replication.  相似文献   

The Gram-negative bacterium Legionella pneumophila is a parasite of eukaryotic cells. It has evolved to survive and replicate in a wide range of protozoan hosts and can also infect human alveolar macrophages as an opportunistic pathogen. Crucially for the infection process, L. pneumophila uses a type IV secretion system called Dot/Icm to translocate bacterial proteins into host cells. In recent years a large number of Dot/Icm-translocated proteins have been identified. The study of these proteins, referred to as effectors, is providing valuable insight into the mechanism by which an intracellular pathogen can manipulate eukaryotic cellular processes to traffic and replicate in host cells.  相似文献   

The Dot/Icm system is a type IVb secretion system used by Legionella pneumophila to modulate vesicular transport in both protozoan and mammalian host cells. It has been shown that proteins and processes that are highly conserved in all eukaryotic cells are targets for some of the proteins injected by the Dot/Icm system. For example, the Legionella protein RalF was shown previously to be a Dot/Icm substrate that functions as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the Arf family of eukaryotic small GTP-binding proteins. Here we show that ectopic production of the RalF protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae interferes with yeast growth. Inhibition of yeast growth was found to be dependent on the ability of RalF to function as an Arf-GEF in vivo. The possibility that other Dot/Icm substrate proteins would have the capacity to interfere with yeast growth was used as a rationale to screen plasmid libraries containing random fragments of Legionella chromosomal DNA positioned downstream of a galactose-inducible promoter. This screen identified Legionella proteins that conferred a conditional growth defect when overproduced by yeast cultured in the presence of galactose. Most of the Legionella proteins identified were determined to be substrates of the Dot/Icm system. This screen led to the identification of a new Dot/Icm substrate protein that was called YlfA, for yeast lethal factor A. A paralogue of YlfA was identified on an unlinked region of the Legionella chromosome and this protein was also translocated by the Dot/Icm system. It was determined that a hydrophobic region near the N-terminus of the YlfA protein and an adjacent region predicted to form a coiled-coil domain were necessary for a biological activity that interfered with yeast growth. The YlfA protein did not decorate the Legionella-containing vacuole during the first 7 h of infection but could be observed on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-derived replicative vacuole and on punctate structures throughout the host cell at later stages. Ectopic production of YlfA in mammalian cells revealed that the N-terminal hydrophobic domain in YlfA was able to localize the protein to early secretory organelles, including endoplasmic reticulum. These studies show that yeast genetics can be exploited to identify and characterize proteins that are injected into host cells by bacterial pathogens that utilize type IV secretion systems for pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Ge J  Shao F 《Cellular microbiology》2011,13(12):1870-1880
Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease, infects and replicates in macrophages and amoebas. Following internalization, L. pneumophila resides in a vacuole structure called Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV). The LCV escapes from the endocytic maturation process and avoids fusion with the lysosome, a hallmark of Legionella pathogenesis. Interference with the secretory vesicle transport and avoiding lysosomal targeting render the LCV permissive for L. pneumophila intracellular replication. Central to L. pneumophila pathogenesis is a defect in the organelle trafficking/intracellular multiplication (Dot/Icm) type IV secretion system that translocates a large number of effector proteins into host cells. Many of the Dot/Icm effectors employ diverse and sophisticated biochemical strategies to manipulate the host vesicular transport system, playing an important role in LCV biogenesis and trafficking. Similar to other bacterial pathogens, L. pneumophila also delivers effector proteins to modulate or counteract host innate immune defence pathways such as the NF-κB and apoptotic signalling. This review summarizes the known functions and mechanisms of Dot/Icm effectors that target host membrane trafficking and innate immune defence pathways.  相似文献   

Upon infection, Legionella pneumophila uses the Dot/Icm type IV secretion system to translocate effector proteins from the Legionella‐containing vacuole (LCV) into the host cell cytoplasm. The effectors target a wide array of host cellular processes that aid LCV biogenesis, including the manipulation of membrane trafficking. In this study, we used a hidden Markov model screen to identify two novel, non‐eukaryotic s oluble N SF a ttachment protein re ceptor (SNARE) homologs: the bacterial Legionella SNARE effector A (LseA) and viral SNARE homolog A proteins. We characterized LseA as a Dot/Icm effector of L. pneumophila, which has close homology to the Qc‐SNARE subfamily. The lseA gene was present in multiple sequenced L. pneumophila strains including Corby and was well distributed among L. pneumophila clinical and environmental isolates. Employing a variety of biochemical, cell biological and microbiological techniques, we found that farnesylated LseA localized to membranes associated with the Golgi complex in mammalian cells and LseA interacted with a subset of Qa‐, Qb‐ and R‐SNAREs in host cells. Our results suggested that LseA acts as a SNARE protein and has the potential to regulate or mediate membrane fusion events in Golgi‐associated pathways.  相似文献   

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