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Circadian rhythms play a central role in diverse physiological phenomena and the recent years have witnessed the identification of a number of genes responsible for the maintenance of these rhythms. One of these is the Clock gene, which was first identified in mouse and subsequently in a large number of organisms, including humans. The human Clock gene has been proposed as a possible candidate for disorders affected by alterations of circadian rhythm, including bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. This gene contains a highly conserved polyglutamine motif, that in humans is coded for by CAG repeats. In view of the involvement of CAG repeat expansion in a number of neuro-psychiatric disorders, we have sought to determine the polymorphism status of CAG repeats at the Clock locus in humans. Our analysis of 190 unrelated individuals, who included patients suffering from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, indicated that the repeat, which consisted of 6 CAG triplets, was not polymorphic in humans. An analysis of the repeat in non-human primates and other organisms revealed that the glutamine stretch is shortest in humans and baboons, and longest in Drosophila and zebrafish. A study of various Drosophila species revealed that the repeat number is highly polymorphic, ranging from 25 to 33 pure glutamine repeats. Unlike most other microsatellites, the CAG repeat stretch at the Clock locus in humans is smaller than its homologues in non-human primates. We propose that glutamine repeat size is functionally important in this gene and thus tightly regulated. The variation in repeat number is probably deleterious to the individual, resulting in the maintenance of a short and invariable repeat structure in the human population.  相似文献   

Natural killer T (NKT) cells play an important role in controlling cancers, infectious diseases and autoimmune diseases. Although the rhesus macaque is a useful primate model for many human diseases such as infectious and autoimmune diseases, little is known about their NKT cells. We analyzed V alpha 24TCR+ T cells from rhesus macaque peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer) and interleukin-2. We found that rhesus macaques possess V alpha 24TCR+ T cells, suggesting that recognition of alpha-GalCer is highly conserved between rhesus macaques and humans. The amino acid sequences of the V-J junction for the V alpha 24TCR of rhesus macaque and human NKT cells are highly conserved (93% similarity), and the CD1d alpha1-alpha2 domains of both species are highly homologous (95.6%). These findings indicate that the rhesus macaque is a useful primate model for understanding the contribution of NKT cells to the control of human diseases.  相似文献   

Since the onset of the HIV pandemic, the use of nonhuman primate models of infection has increasingly become important. An excellent model to study HIV infection and immunological responses, in particular cell-mediated immune responses, is SIV infection of rhesus macaques. CTL epitopes have been mapped using SIV-infected rhesus macaques, but, to date, a peptide binding motif has been described for only one rhesus class I MHC molecule, Mamu-A*01. Herein, we have established peptide-live cell binding assays for four rhesus MHC class I molecules: Mamu-A*11, -B*03, -B*04, and -B*17. Using such assays, peptide binding motifs have been established for all four of these rhesus MHC class I molecules. With respect to the nature and spacing of crucial anchor positions, the motifs defined for Mamu-B*04 and -B*17 present unique features not previously observed for other primate species. The motifs identified for Mamu-A*11 and -B*03 are very similar to the peptide binding motifs previously described for human HLA-B*44 and -B*27, respectively. Accordingly, naturally processed peptides derived from HLA-B*44 and HLA-B*27 specifically bind Mamu-A*11 and Mamu-B*03, respectively, indicating that conserved MHC class I binding capabilities exist between rhesus macaques and humans. The definition of four rhesus MHC class I-specific motifs expands our ability to accurately detect and quantitate immune responses to MHC class I-restricted epitopes in rhesus macaques and to rationally design peptide epitope-based model vaccine constructs destined for use in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

A dinucleotide microsatellite was found to be conserved at the 3' untranslated end of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) gene in cattle, rat and human. The high level of sequence conservation found in this gene allows the use of a single set of PCR primers to amplify sequence spanning the repeat in many species. Sequence analysis revealed the conservation of the dinucleotide repeat in all eutherian mammal species studied with variation in length as well as internal structure caused by base substitutions. Polymorphisms were seen across five mammalian orders, in rat, buffalo, sheep, cow, whale and dolphin, with polymorphisms predicted in pig and dugong based on the length of the uninterrupted dinucleotide repeat.  相似文献   

The small subunit of U2AF, which functions in 3' splice site recognition, is more highly conserved than its heterodimeric partner yet is less thoroughly investigated. Remarkably, we find that the small subunit of Schizosaccharomyces pombe U2AF (U2AF(SM)) can be replaced in vivo by its human counterpart, demonstrating that the conservation extends to function. Precursor mRNAs accumulate in S. pombe following U2AF(SM) depletion in a time frame consistent with a role in splicing. A comprehensive mutational analysis reveals that all three conserved domains are required for viability. Notably, however, a tryptophan in the pseudo-RNA recognition motif implicated in a key contact with the large subunit by crystallographic data is dispensable whereas amino acids implicated in RNA recognition are critical. Mutagenesis of the two zinc-binding domains demonstrates that they are neither equivalent nor redundant. Finally, two- and three-hybrid analyses indicate that mutations with effects on large-subunit interactions are rare whereas virtually all alleles tested diminished RNA binding by the heterodimer. In addition to demonstrating extraordinary conservation of U2AF small-subunit function, these results provide new insights into the roles of individual domains and residues.  相似文献   

Luo ZW  Tao SH  Zeng ZB 《Genetics》2000,156(1):457-467
Three approaches are proposed in this study for detecting or estimating linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic marker locus and a locus affecting quantitative genetic variation using the sample from random mating populations. It is shown that the disequilibrium over a wide range of circumstances may be detected with a power of 80% by using phenotypic records and marker genotypes of a few hundred individuals. Comparison of ANOVA and regression methods in this article to the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) shows that, given the genetic variance explained by the trait locus, the power of TDT depends on the trait allele frequency, whereas the power of ANOVA and regression analyses is relatively independent from the allelic frequency. The TDT method is more powerful when the trait allele frequency is low, but much less powerful when it is high. The likelihood analysis provides reliable estimation of the model parameters when the QTL variance is at least 10% of the phenotypic variance and the sample size of a few hundred is used. Potential use of these estimates in mapping the trait locus is also discussed.  相似文献   

The mouse multimember family of Qa-2 oligomorphic class I MHC genes is continuously undergoing duplications and deletions that alter the number of the two "prototype" Qa-2 sequences, Q8 and Q9. The frequent recombination events within the Q region lead to strain-specific modulation of the cumulative Qa-2 expression levels. Q9 protects C57BL/6 hosts from multiple disparate tumors and functions as a major CTL restriction element for shared tumor-associated Ags. We have now analyzed functional and structural properties of Q8, a class I MHC that differs significantly from Q9 in the peptide-binding, CTL-interacting alpha(1) and alpha(2) regions. Unexpectedly, we find that the extracellular domains of Q8 and Q9 act similarly during primary and secondary rejection of tumors, are recognized by cross-reactive antitumor CTL, have overlapping peptide-binding motifs, and are both assembled via the transporter associated with the Ag processing pathway. These findings suggest that shared Ag-presenting functions of the "odd" and "even" Qa-2 loci may contribute to the selective pressures shaping the haplotype-dependent quantitative variation of Qa-2 protein expression.  相似文献   

In contrast to rhesus monkeys, substantial knowledge on cynomolgus monkey major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II haplotypes is lacking. Therefore, 17 animals, including one pedigreed family, were thoroughly characterized for polymorphic Mhc class II region genes as well as their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. Different cynomolgus macaque populations appear to exhibit unique mtDNA profiles reflecting their geographic origin. Within the present panel, 10 Mafa-DPB1, 14 Mafa-DQA1, 12 Mafa-DQB1, and 35 Mafa-DRB exon 2 sequences were identified. All of these alleles cluster into lineages that were previously described for rhesus macaques. Moreover, about half of the Mafa-DPB1, Mafa-DQA1, and Mafa-DQB1 alleles and one third of the Mafa-DRB exon 2 sequences are identical to rhesus macaque orthologues. Such a high level of Mhc class II allele sharing has not been reported for primate species. Pedigree analysis allowed the characterization of nine distinct Mafa class II haplotypes, and seven additional ones could be deduced. Two of these haplotypes harbor a duplication of the Mafa-DQB1 locus. Despite extensive allele sharing, rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys do not appear to possess identical Mhc class II haplotypes, thus illustrating that new haplotypes were generated after speciation by recombination-like processes.  相似文献   

Z W Luo  S Suhai 《Genetics》1999,151(1):359-371
Positional cloning of gene(s) underlying a complex trait requires a high-resolution linkage map between the trait locus and genetic marker loci. Recent research has shown that this may be achieved through appropriately modeling and screening linkage disequilibrium between the candidate marker locus and the major trait locus. A quantitative genetics model was developed in the present study to estimate the coefficient of linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic genetic marker locus and a locus underlying a quantitative trait as well as the relevant genetic parameters using the sample from randomly mating populations. Asymptotic covariances of the maximum-likelihood estimates of the parameters were formulated. Convergence of the EM-based statistical algorithm for calculating the maximum-likelihood estimates was confirmed and its utility to analyze practical data was exploited by use of extensive Monte-Carlo simulations. Appropriateness of calculating the asymptotic covariance matrix in the present model was investigated for three different approaches. Numerical analyses based on simulation data indicated that accurate estimation of the genetic parameters may be achieved if a sample size of 500 is used and if segregation at the trait locus explains not less than a quarter of phenotypic variation of the trait, but the study reveals difficulties in predicting the asymptotic variances of these maximum-likelihood estimates. A comparison was made between the statistical powers of the maximum-likelihood analysis and the previously proposed regression analysis for detecting the disequilibrium.  相似文献   

The centromeric DNA of fission yeast is arranged with a central core flanked by repeated sequences. The centromere-associated proteins, Mis6p and Cnp1p (SpCENP-A), associate exclusively with central core DNA, whereas the Swi6 protein binds the surrounding repeats. Here, electron microscopy and immunofluorescence light microscopy reveal that the central core and flanking regions occupy distinct positions within a heterochromatic domain. An "anchor" structure containing the Ndc80 protein resides between this heterochromatic domain and the spindle pole body. The organization of centromere-associated proteins in fission yeast is reminiscent of the multilayered structures of human kinetochores, indicating that such domain structure is conserved in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The Polycomb group (PcG) genes are required to maintain homeotic genes in a silenced state during development in drosophila and mammals and are thought to form several distinct silencing complexes that maintain homeotic gene repression during development. Mutations in the PcG genes result in developmental defects and have been implicated in human cancer. Although some PcG protein domains are conserved between flies and humans, substantial regions of several PcG proteins are divergent and humans contain multiple versions of each PcG gene. To determine the effects of these changes on the composition and function of a PcG complex, we have purified a human Polycomb repressive complex from HeLa cells (hPRC-H) that contains homologues of PcG proteins found in drosophila embryonic PRC1 (dPRC1). hPRC-H was found to have fewer components than dPRC1, retaining the PcG core proteins of dPRC1 but lacking most non-PcG proteins. Preparations of hPRC-H contained either two or three different homologues of most of the core PcG proteins, including a new Ph homologue we have named HPH3. Despite differences in composition, dPRC1 and hPRC-H have similar functions: hPRC-H is able to efficiently block remodeling of nucleosomal arrays through a mechanism that does not block the ability of nucleases to access and cleave the arrays.  相似文献   

The fragile X syndrome, which is the most common cause of inherited mental retardation, poses important diagnostic problems for genetic counseling. The development of diagnostic strategies based on DNA analysis has been impaired by the lack of polymorphic markers very close to the disease locus. Here we report that the polymorphic probe U6.2 (locus DXS304) is much closer to the fragile X locus than all the previously reported markers. A recombination fraction of 0.02 between DXS304 and the fragile X locus was estimated by multipoint linkage analysis (confidence interval 0.002 to 0.05). Our data suggest that DXS304 is distal to the fragile X locus. This marker thus represents a major improvement for carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis in fragile X families.  相似文献   

The gene for medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (gene symbol ACADM; enzyme symbol MCAD) has been characterized for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and mapped by linkage analysis to 4.2 cM from D1S2 and 11.7 cM from PGM1. The three RFLP systems described in detail show significant linkage disequilibrium but define four haplotypes with a PIC of 0.58. This makes ACADM informative for linkage mapping and for clinical genetic studies. By linkage studies, the orientation of these three loci relative to the centromere places ACADM most proximal. This is in direct conflict with the regional assignments of ACADM to 1p31 by in situ hybridization and of PGM1 to 1p22.1 by somatic cell studies. We suggest that this somatic cell localization of PGM1 may be incorrect.  相似文献   

The SIV-infected rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) is the most established model of AIDS disease systems, providing insight into pathogenesis and a model system for testing novel vaccines. The understanding of cellular immune responses based on the identification and study of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules, including their MHC:peptide-binding motif, provides valuable information to decipher outcomes of infection and vaccine efficacy. Detailed characterization of Mamu-B*039:01, a common allele expressed in Chinese rhesus macaques, revealed a unique MHC:peptide-binding preference consisting of glycine at the second position. Peptides containing a glycine at the second position were shown to be antigenic from animals positive for Mamu-B*039:01. A similar motif was previously described for the D(d) mouse MHC allele, but for none of the human HLA molecules for which a motif is known. Further investigation showed that one additional macaque allele, present in Indian rhesus macaques, Mamu-B*052:01, shares this same motif. These "G2" alleles were associated with the presence of specific residues in their B pocket. This pocket structure was found in 6% of macaque sequences but none of 950 human HLA class I alleles. Evolutionary studies using the "G2" alleles points to common ancestry for the macaque sequences, while convergent evolution is suggested when murine and macaque sequences are considered. This is the first detailed characterization of the pocket residues yielding this specific motif in nonhuman primates and mice, revealing a new supertype motif not present in humans.  相似文献   

Plasma total cholesterol in free-ranging Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) on Koshima islet and in free-ranging long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) at Pangandaran in Indonesia was found to occur at very low levels compared with captive macaques and humans. Although total cholesterol levels in captive macaques were lower than humans, differences in HDL cholesterol levels were only small. In both sexes of wild and captive Japanese macaques, total cholesterol levels decreased from birth through to young adulthood but then increased in adult females of the captive group. In contrast, the value for adult females of the wild troop remained at a low level. Low TCH levels in adult females of the wild Japanese macaque troop may be due to a low energy intake and may have caused a delay in the onset of sexual maturation. Plasma TCH levels increased with the addition of 0.1% dietary cholesterol over six weeks in captive long-tailed macaques. That the cholesterol value after six weeks was dependent on cholesterol levels prior to supplementation indicates that captive macaques are slightly saturated with cholesterol.  相似文献   

Luo ZW  Wu CI 《Genetics》2001,158(4):1785-1800
Linkage disequilibrium is an important topic in evolutionary and population genetics. An issue yet to be settled is the theory required to extend the linkage disequilibrium analysis to complex traits. In this study, we present theoretical analysis and methods for detecting or estimating linkage disequilibrium (LD) between a polymorphic marker locus and any one of the loci affecting a complex dichotomous trait on the basis of samples randomly or selectively collected from natural populations. Statistical properties of these methods were investigated and their powers were compared analytically or by use of Monte Carlo simulations. The results show that the disequilibrium may be detected with a power of 80% by using phenotypic records and marker genotype when both the trait and marker variants are common (30%) and the LD is relatively high (40-100% of the theoretical maximum). The maximum-likelihood approach provides accurate estimates of the model parameters as well as detection of linkage disequilibrium. The likelihood method is preferred for its higher power and reliability in parameter estimation. The approaches developed in this article are also compared to those for analyzing a continuously distributed quantitative trait. It is shown that a larger sample size is required for the dichotomous trait model to obtain the same level of power in detecting linkage disequilibrium as the continuous trait analysis. Potential use of these estimates in mapping the trait locus is also discussed.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) consists of polymorphic frozen blocks (PFBs) that are linked to form megabase haplotypes. These blocks consist of polymorphic sequences and define regions where recombination appears to be inhibited. We have been able to show, using a highly polymorphic sequence centromeric of HLA-B (within the beta block), that PFBs are conserved and contain specific insertions/deletions and substitutions that are the same for individuals with the same MHC haplotype but that differ between at least most different haplotypes. A sequence comparison between ethnic-specific haplotypes shows that these sequences have remained stable and predate the formation of these haplotypes. To determine whether the same conserved block has been involved in the generation of multiple haplotypes, we compared the block typing profiles of different ethnic specific haplotypes. Block typing profiles have previously been shown to be identical in individuals with the same MHC haplotype but, generally, to differ between different haplotypes. It was found that some PFBs are common to more than one haplotype, implying a common ancestry. Subsequently, haplotypes have been generated by the shuffling and exchange of these PFBs. The regions between these PFBs appear to permit the recombination sites and therefore could be expected to exhibit either low polymorphism or a localized ``hotspot.' Received: 20 January 1997 / Accepted: 11 March 1997  相似文献   

Cynomolgus macaques are widely used as a primate model for human diseases associated with an immunological process. Because there are individual differences in immune responsiveness, which are controlled by the polymorphic nature of the major histocompatibility (MHC) locus, it is important to reveal the diversity of MHC in the model animal. In this study, we analyzed 26 cynomolgus macaques from five families for MHC class I genes. We identified 32 Mafa-A, 46 Mafa-B, 6 Mafa-I, and 3 Mafa-AG alleles in which 14, 20, 3, and 3 alleles were novel. There were 23 MHC class I haplotypes and each haplotype was composed of one to three Mafa-A alleles and one to five Mafa-B alleles. Family studies revealed that there were two haplotypes which contained two Mafa-A1 alleles. These observations demonstrated further the complexity of MHC class I locus in the Old World monkey.  相似文献   

Summary We have demonstrated close linkage between the genes for apolipoprotein E (apoE) and apolipoprotein CII (apoCII). Families segregating for apoE protein variants were screened for a DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism close to the apoCII gene by using an apoCII cDNA clone. The maximum lod score is 4.52 (sexes combined) at a recombination frequency of zero. Given linkage, it may be assumed that no recombinations have happened in altogether 33 observed meioses. It is therefore evident that the apoCII gene is situated on chromosome 19, close to the apoE gene.  相似文献   

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