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Inaccuracies introduced through biases in preservation are a major source of error in paleodemographic reconstructions. Although it is generally assumed that such biases exist, little is known about their magnitude. To investigate this problem, we studied age and sex differences in the preservation of skeletal remains from Mission La Purisima and a prehistoric cemetery (Ca-Ven-110). Comparison of mortality profiles obtained through analysis of skeletal remains and burial records from the mission indicates that biases in preservation can be very significant in poorly preserved skeletal collections. The Purisima burial records show that most of the people interred in the cemetery were either infants or elderly adults. The skeletal remains, in contrast, are predominantly those of young adults. The burial records and skeletal collection produced comparable sex ratios. These results show that age biases in preservation are much more important than sex biases. This conclusion is supported by data on the completeness of the skeletons from La Purisima and Ca-Ven-110. At both sites, the remains of young adults were better preserved than those of children or elderly adults, and the completeness of male and female skeletons was comparable.  相似文献   

Plio-Pleistocene faunal assemblages from Swartkrans Cave (South Africa) preserve large numbers of primate remains. Brain, C.K., 1981. The Hunters or the Hunted? An Introduction to African Cave Taphonomy. University of Chicago Press, Chicago suggested that these primate subassemblages might have resulted from a focus by carnivores on primate predation and bone accumulation. Brain's hypothesis prompted us to investigate, in a previous study, this taphonomic issue as it relates to density-mediated destruction of primate bones (J. Archaeol. Sci. 29, 2002, 883). Here we extend our investigation of Brain's hypothesis by examining additional intrinsic qualities of baboon bones and their role as mediators of skeletal element representation in carnivore-created assemblages. Using three modern adult baboon skeletons, we collected data on four intrinsic bone qualities (bulk bone mineral density, maximum length, volume, and cross-sectional area) for approximately 81 bones per baboon skeleton. We investigated the relationship between these intrinsic bone qualities and a measure of skeletal part representation (the percentage minimum animal unit) for baboon bones in carnivore refuse and scat assemblages. Refuse assemblages consist of baboon bones not ingested during ten separate experimental feeding episodes in which individual baboon carcasses were fed to individual captive leopards and a spotted hyena. Scat assemblages consist of those baboon bones recovered in carnivore regurgitations and feces resulting from the feeding episodes. In refuse assemblages, volume (i.e., size) was consistently the best predictor of element representation, while cross-sectional area was the poorest predictor in the leopard refuse assemblage and bulk bone mineral density (i.e., a measure of the proportion of cortical to trabecular bone) was the poorest predictor in the hyena refuse assemblage. In light of previous documentation of carnivore-induced density-mediated destruction to bone assemblages, we interpret the current findings as suggestive of the secondary importance of bulk bone mineral density to other intrinsic qualities of skeletal elements (e.g., size, maximum dimension, and average cross-sectional area). It is only when skeletal elements are too large for consumption (e.g., many long bones) that they are fragmented following intra-element patterns of density-mediated carnivore destruction. There appears to be a size threshold beneath which bulk bone mineral density contributes little to mediating carnivore destruction of carcasses. Thus, depending on body size of the predator, body size of the prey, and specific size of the element, bulk bone mineral density may play little or no role of primary importance in mediating the destruction of skeletal elements. We compare patterns in modern comparative assemblages to patterns in primate fossil assemblages from Swartkrans. One of the fossil assemblages, Swartkrans Member 1, Hanging Remnant, most closely approximates a hyena (possibly refuse) assemblage pattern, while the Swartkrans Member 2 assemblage most closely approximates a leopard (possibly scat) assemblage pattern. The Swartkrans Member 1, Lower Bank, assemblage does not closely approximate any of our modern comparative assemblage patterns.  相似文献   

A historical cemetery on Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands, was partially washed away during an exceptional seasonal high tide. The osteological analysis of the human remains washed out by the tides showed that the anatomical representation of the bones found on the shoreline is distinctly skewed, caused by the erosion of the graves by wave action and the differential transport of bones by waves and currents. The two major factors involved in the observed differential preservation of skeletal elements appear to be (i) the overall weight of the bone and (ii) its ability to float. Light-weighted bones, such as the phalanges, or heavily spongiotic bones, such as vertebrae and patellae, float easily and — by wave and tidal action — can be carried out to sea, leaving the heavier bones, such as femora, tibiae, or non-floating bones, such as the crania and mandibles, behind.  相似文献   

Analysis of ungulate bones recovered from a number of Upper and Middle Palaeolithic sites in southern Italy revealed differences in the presence of anatomical elements. There is a lack of clear evidence of carnivore activities, and differences can be attributed to human activity. Indeed, these differences were probably due to different patterns of skeletal exploitation between Homo neanderthalensis and H. sapiens. Small limb bones (carpals, tarsals, sesamoids, long bone epiphyses and especially phalanges) are rarely found in Middle Palaeolithic deposits, but are abundant in the Upper Palaeolithic. The observation of unidentified bone fragments at these sites indicates that during the middle Palaeolithic, marrow extraction regarded essentially the treatment of long bones. First and second phalanges were not frequently used for this practice, but they were often fragmented by H. sapiens. Lack of these bones among the remains of meals of Neanderthal suggests that these bones were probably destroyed by their utilisation as fuel.  相似文献   

The effects of pathology on skeletal populations are indirect as well as direct. A review of the histories of four collections in the National Museum shows that the indirect effects come about largely because collectors sometimes select the skeletons to be saved. If selection is on the basis of state of preservation, it can be against pathological specimens since lesions sometimes weaken the bones and hasten their deterioration. If selection is on the basis of interest in pathology, it can exaggerate the representation of diseased specimens in the collections. As civilization advanced and man learned how better to cope with diseases, life expectancy increased and with it the evidence in the bones of the scars of living. The effects of pathology on skeletal populations are thus proportional to the mean ages of the latter. Aside from gross osseous lesions, the direct effects of pathology on skeletal populations are difficult to demonstrate. In so far as changes in size are concerned the effects thus far detected seem to be more proportional than linear. As regards pathological states with hereditary bases, they will affect populations to the extent that involved family lines are represented.  相似文献   

转换分析是一种基于贝叶斯统计的人骨年龄鉴定新方法,具有综合多种年龄标志物、不受参考样本影响、适用于老年个体等优势。本文将其用于陕西洛川月家庄墓地人骨年龄鉴定并与传统方法进行对比。结果表明,两种方法构建出的人群死亡年龄结构、生存过程有显著差异:转换分析得到的最高寿命、平均死亡年龄明显高于传统方法,更多个体可存活至中老年。两种方法鉴定出的年龄差值受样本保存状况、年龄阶段的影响,存在结构性差别。转换分析是人骨年龄鉴定方法的重大创新,使鉴定过程标准化、鉴定误差定量化。未来需使用一些年龄已知的个体开展更多验证研究,以评估该方法对我国人骨样本的适用性及不同软件间的差异。  相似文献   

The relationship between age, sex and histomorphometry in femoral cortical bone was examined in a skeletal population of late Medieval antiquity (AD 1250–1450) from Kulubnarti, in Sudanese Nubia. These skeletal remains are naturally mummified and in an excellent state of preservation. The study sample consisted of femoral cross sections from 24 females and 19 males ranging in age from 20 to 50+ years. Femoral cross sections were examined using an image analysis system. Numbers of secondary osteons and osteon fragments were counted, osteon area and Haversian canal area were measured, and several variables were calculated to assess differences between sexes and among age groups in bone remodeling variables. The results indicate significant differences between the sexes in osteon number and size. Males had significantly more intact osteons than females, whereas females had significantly larger osteons than males. Haversian canal dimensions were not statistically significant between the sexes. Sex differences in activity patterns in which males were involved in more physically strenuous tasks may have contributed to differences in remodeling variables. Interpopulational comparisons suggest that mechanical strain affects the microstructural features examined in this study. In particular, small Haversian canals in some archaeological skeletal populations are associated with higher bone volume, which may result from high levels of mechanical strain. Am J Phys Anthropol 104:133–146, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

David Gonçalves 《HOMO》2011,62(5):351-358
The influence of heat-induced shrinkage on the osteometric sexual dimorphism of human skeletons is still poorly known. In order to investigate this issue, a sample composed of 84 Portuguese individuals cremated at a modern crematorium was examined using standard measurements from the femur, the talus and the calcaneus. In addition, sex determination of the sample was attempted by using osteometric standards developed from the Coimbra collection of identified skeletons. This was carried out to assess the extent of the effect of heat-induced shrinkage on the correct classification of known-sex skeletons while using standards developed on unburned skeletons.Results demonstrated that sexual dimorphism was still observable in the sample of calcined bones despite shrinkage. However, the application of conventional osteometric standards was unsuccessful. As expected, shrinkage caused most females to be correctly classified according to sex, but the sex allocation of males was very poor for all standard measurements.The results were obtained on a small sample but suggest that univariate metric techniques specifically developed for calcined bones may be valuable for sex determination. This would bring new methodological possibilities for biological anthropology and would enlarge the set of techniques regarding sex determination of burned skeletal remains.  相似文献   

Sunghir is one of the most important Upper Palaeolithic sites in the world because of its most Northern location, the extraordinary richness of the artifacts, and the state of human bone preservation. The skeletal finds give evidence for the study both of adult and subadult body builds in the group. For the reconstruction of patterns of postcranial morphology, total measurements of bones and X-ray observations have been used. We have determined the basic structural traits typical for Sunghirians: small corticalisation of adult postcranial skeletons; large volume of the bone marrow cavity relative to the general size; quick tempo of attainment in early ontogenesis of large adult size combined with late synostoses ensuring prolonged linear growth; macroskelia combined with extreme andromorphy in the shoulder belt structure; capacious chest. The above traits can be interpreted in terms of adaptation to such formative factors as low temperature stress, deficit of atmospheric oxygen, high protein nutrition, and mechanical loads.  相似文献   

The hand is a complex anatomical structure with the component bones susceptible to a combination of environmental and genetic factors that may affect the bone length and width. The alterations may involve a single bone or specific group of bones. The metacarpophalangeal pattern profile (MCPP) developed by Poznanski, Garn, and others (Poznanski et al. Birth Defects VIII (5): 125-131, 1972) is a graphic representation of the relative lengthening and shortening of the 19 tubular bones of the hand useful for diagnosis, comparison of dissimilar patients, and gene carrier detection. The profile hand bone measurements are derived from posteroanterior hand radiographs and are standardized for age and sex. Specific profiles have been developed for several syndromes. Therefore, MCPP analysis has developed from a method of describing changes in the hand to a technique useful in assigning a diagnosis to a specific syndrome and evaluation of skeletal development. The current status of MCPP analysis in clinical genetics, particularly with the Prader-Labhart-Willi and Sotos syndromes, is discussed.  相似文献   

The interpretation of archaeologically-derived skeletal series is dependent on the elements and portions of elements preserved for examination. Bone and bone portion survival is affected by factors, both intrinsic and extrinsic to the elements themselves, that influence deterioration and preservation. Among the intrinsic variables, the density of the element and element portion are particularly important with respect to the degree of preservation. Recently reported bone mineral density values from a contemporary human sample are compared to the survival of prehistoric limb bones of the Crow Creek specimens, a fourteenth-century massacre skeletal series. The contemporary density values are positively correlated with Crow Creek element and element portion survival. Two calculations of bone mineral density, however, are more closely related to preservation than a third. Such density information has implications for assessing minimum number of elements and individuals and documenting taphonomic processes. Am J Phys Anthropol 104:513–528, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to add to our understanding of skeletal material from the American pioneer period. Eight White and two Negro skeletons were washed out of their graves during flood conditions of 1973, but the recovery and subsequent storage of this material permitted commingling, and identification of the individual skeletons had to be undertaken before the material could be analyzed. Variation in age, sex, race, metric, non-metric traits and condition of the bone was considered prior to the analysis of the material. When these methods failed, ultra-violet fluorescence of the material and the matching of individual bones with colour slides taken at the time of the excavation were employed. Identification of all bones for the ten skeletons was impossible. However, on the basis of non-metric trait variation a father and son pairing is tentatively identified. Analysis of this material shows the early pioneer to have been a rather tall and robust individual displaying little bone pathology, but advanced pathology in the dental tissue and alveolar region. Historical records pertinent to this massacre validate the identification of sex, race, and age for these individuals.  相似文献   

The biological problems considered in this study are sexual dimorphism in angular osteometric traits, changes in these traits with aging and their bilateral asymmetry in the same individual. The sample comprises the right and left long bones of 200 skeletons (100 males and 100 females) of Sardinian adults (Frasetto collection) for whom the sex and age at death are known. As concerns the sexual dimorphism, some angular traits of upper limb (joint axis angle of the ulna in particular) and the lower limb (condylo-diaphyseal angle of the femur and retroversion angle of the tibia) are significantly different between males and females. Torsion angles of long bones (especially the femur) were found to change with age. In sides comparison revealed a clear right-left asymmetry in our sample. The asymmetry, sexual dimorphism and changes with age are discussed in relation to varying stresses of different living activities. Our data indicate that the angular traits of long bones could be very informative in biomechanical interpretations of human activities based on skeletal remains.  相似文献   

This study analyzed skeletal health disparities among African American and Euro-American males of low socioeconomic status born between 1825 and 1877. A total of 651 skeletons from the Cobb, Hamann-Todd, and Terry anatomical collections were macroscopically examined for skeletal pathologies related to dietary deficiencies and disease. Individuals were separated into age, ancestry, birth (Antebellum, Civil War, Pre-Reconstruction, and Reconstruction), combined ancestry/birth, enslaved versus liberated, and collection cohorts. These groups were statistically evaluated using ANOVA and χ(2) analyses to determine if age, ethnic, and temporal differences existed. Results indicated that African Americans, especially those born during Reconstruction, had significantly higher frequencies of tuberculosis (P = 0.004) and treponematosis (P = 0.006) than Euro-Americans. Historical sources are important in contextualizing why these different ethnic and temporal patterns were present, pointing to environmental conditions related to enslavement, postliberation migration to the industrialized North, crowded urban living conditions, and poor sanitation.  相似文献   

Bone fractures were analyzed from skeletal remains of 861 adult individuals from six cemeteries dating to the Late Medieval period in Serbia. Results of the study were compared to other cemetery populations (635 individual skeletons) of the same date and region in an attempt to understand fracture patterns. The association of types of fractures and their prevalence with sex, age at death, cemetery site, and information deriving from historical sources are discussed. Results showed that the long bone fracture frequency was 0.7%, and the majority of the fractures were the result of direct force. This rate is similar to some studies of contemporary British skeletal samples. However, it is much lower than for some other Old World sites. Cranial vault fractures had a rate of 6.7%, and of the facial skeleton, 1.3%; the frontal bone was the most affected of bones of the cranial vault. Injuries were more common on the upper extremities (0.8%) compared to the lower (0.6%). However, the fibula was the most fractured bone (2.8%), followed by the ulna (2.4%). This pattern is similar to three of six Late Medieval urban sites in Britain. These findings suggest that this rural community was exposed to a low risk of trauma, probably related mostly to accidents sustained during farming, and rarely to interpersonal violence.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanical features of cortical bone and their changes with growth and adaptation to function plays an important role in our ability to interpret the morphology and evolution of craniofacial skeletons. We assessed the elastic properties of cortical bone of juvenile and adult baboon mandibles using ultrasonic techniques. Results showed that, overall, cortical bone from baboon mandibles could be modeled as an orthotropic elastic solid. There were significant differences in the directions of maximum stiffness, thickness, density, and elastic stiffness among different functional areas, indicating regional adaptations. After maturity, the cortical bone becomes thicker, denser, and stiffer, but less anisotropic. There were differences in elastic properties of the corpus and ramus between male and female mandibles which are not observed in human mandibles. There were correlations between cortical thicknesses and densities, between bone elastic properties and microstructural configuration, and between the directions of maximum stiffness and bone anatomical axes in some areas. The relationships between bone extrinsic and intrinsic properties bring us insights into the integration of form and function in craniofacial skeletons and suggest that we need to consider both macroscopic form, microstructural variation, and the material properties of bone matrix when studying the functional properties and adaptive nature of the craniofacial skeleton in primates. The differences between baboon and human mandibles is at variance to the pattern of differences in crania, suggesting differences in bone adaption to varying skeletal geometries and loading regimes at both phylogenetic and ontogenetic levels. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study is based on skeletons and mummies belonging to 582 individuals excavated at sites of Pueblo Viejo, Cahuachi, Estaqueria and Atarco in the Nasca valley, South Coast of Peru. Archaeological evidence distinguishes three cultural phases: Nasca (400 BC-550 AD), Wari (600-1100 AD) and Chincha (1100-1412 AD). Since the Chincha human remains were too exiguous (27 individuals), only Nasca and Wari were considered. For the Nasca population, sex ratio was 113 men to 100 women (53% of males); for the Wari population, sex ratio was 117 men to 100 women (54% of males). The palaeodemographic data show that the infant mortality rate was 33@1000 for Nasca and 105@1000 for Wari. Life expectancy was 38-43 years for Nasca and 31-36 years for Wari. Death percentages in all the age groups increased from Nasca to Wari phase. ANOVA and t-test for paired comparison were applied in order to examine if dental and bone ages were statistically different. Long bones and teeth showed an allometric development, and the age estimated from the tooth formation and eruption was generally higher than the age estimated from the maximum lengths of long bones. The anthropological study of the Nasca valley skeletal populations confirmed the archaeological hypothesis of worse conditions of the Wari population in comparison with the previous Nasca people.  相似文献   

The skeletal age of each individual bone of the hand-wrist was assessed in serial radiographs of 169 Melbourne children. Seven different methods were used to obtain area skeletal ages from these bone skeletal ages. Methods employing arithmetic means of all the bone skeletal ages, excluding only extreme values, excluding those derived from the carpals or from other selected bones yielded similar means during the age range studied in each sex. There were large, but not significant, differences between the means derived from averages of the skeletal ages of the most and least mature bones and those derived from all the bone skeletal ages. A system of weighting and exclusion of bone skeletal ages led to the recording of area skeletal ages that differed from the others and fluctuated markedly for individuals until ossification had occurred in every carpal bone. The findings suggest that the exclusion of the skeletal ages of the carpal bones or the use of selected skeletal ages could lead to quicker assessments without real changes in means and variability.  相似文献   

Fragmentary skeletal remains are a significant problem for osteologists attempting to reconstruct individuals or populations. This problem is further aggravated by sites yielding commingled remains, such as are recovered from the large protohistoric and historic ossuaries from southern Ontario, for which individual methods of age estimation and sex determination cannot be used concurrently. While some attention has been given to the estimation of long bone length from fragmentary, adult remains, little attention has been given to the equally important problem of fragmentary long bones in subadult assemblages. Analysis of data on diaphyseal length is a crucial aspect of reconstructing subadult palaeodemographic profiles, particularly for ossuary collections where dental remains are not associated with individuals and are often less represented than long bones. Such analysis also aids in the assessment of conditions of past population health. This study reports the results of several regression techniques used to estimate diaphyseal length from shaft-end breadths. Data collected from two southern Ontario ossuary samples were compiled to calculate the regression equations. Reliability of these equations and implications for palaeodemographic profiles are discussed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

When describing the architecture and ultrastructure of animal skeletons, introductory biology, anatomy and histology textbooks typically focus on the few bone and cartilage types prevalent in humans. In reality, cartilage and bone are far more diverse in the animal kingdom, particularly within fishes (Chondrichthyes and Actinopterygii), where cartilage and bone types are characterized by features that are anomalous or even pathological in human skeletons. This review discusses the curious and complex architectures of shark and ray tessellated cartilage, highlighting similarities and differences with their mammalian skeletal tissue counterparts. By synthesizing older anatomical literature with recent high-resolution structural and materials characterization work, this review frames emerging pictures of form–function relationships in this tissue and of the evolution and true diversity of cartilage and bone.  相似文献   

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