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Yao DC  Brune DC  Vermaas WF 《FEBS letters》2012,586(2):169-173
The half-life times of photosystem I and II proteins were determined using (15)N-labeling and mass spectrometry. The half-life times (30-75h for photosystem I components and <1-11h for the large photosystem II proteins) were similar when proteins were isolated from monomeric vs. oligomeric complexes on Blue-Native gels, suggesting that the two forms of both photosystems can interchange on a timescale of <1h or that only one form of each photosystem exists in thylakoids in vivo. The half-life times of proteins associated with either photosystem generally were unaffected by the absence of Small Cab-like proteins.  相似文献   

J Biggins  P Mathis 《Biochemistry》1988,27(5):1494-1500
The function of vitamin K1 in the primary electron-transfer processes of photosystem I (PS I) was investigated in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803. A preparation of purified PS I was found to contain two vitamin K1's per reaction center. One vitamin K1 was removed by extraction with hexane, and further extraction using hexane including 0.3% methanol resulted in a preparation devoid of vitamin K1. The hexane-extracted PS I was functional in the photoreduction of NADP+, but the PS I after extraction using hexane-methanol was totally inactive. Activity was restored by using exogenous vitamin K1 plus the hexane extract. Vitamin K3 would not substitute. The room temperature recombination kinetics of the PS I extracted with hexane were not significantly modified. However, following the removal of both vitamin K1's, the 20-ms recombination between P-700+ and P-430- was replaced by a dominant relaxation (t 1/2 = 30 ns) due to recombination of the primary biradical P-700+ A0- and a slower component originating from the P-700 triplet. This kinetic behavior was consistent with an interruption of forward electron transfer to the acceptor A1. Addition of either vitamin K1 or vitamin K3 to such preparations resulted in restoration of the slow kinetic phase (greater than 2 ms), indicating significant competition by the two exogenous quinones for electron transfer from A0-. In the case of vitamin K3, this change in the kinetics induced by vitamin K1, suggesting successful reconstitution of the acceptor site A1. These data support the hypothesis that acceptor A1 is vitamin K1 and is a component of the electron-transfer pathway for NADP+ reduction.  相似文献   

A PsbQ homologue has been found associated with photosystem II complexes in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 where it is involved in optimal photoautotrophic growth and water splitting under CaCl(2)-depleted conditions [Thornton, L. E., Ohkawa, H., Roose, J. L., Kashino, Y., Keren, N., and Pakrasi, H. B. (2004) Plant Cell 16, 2164-2175]. By inactivating psbQ in strains carrying photosystem II-specific mutations, we have identified stringent requirements for PsbQ in vivo. Whereas under nutrient-replete conditions the DeltaPsbQ mutant was similar to wild type, a strain lacking PsbQ and PsbV was not photoautotrophic, exhibiting decreased oxygen evolution and decreased photosystem II assembly compared to the DeltaPsbV mutant. Combining the removal of PsbU and PsbQ introduced an altered requirement for Ca(2+) and Cl(-), and photoautotrophic growth of the DeltaPsbQ strain was prevented in nutrient-limiting media depleted in Ca(2+), Cl(-), and iron. Unlike other photosystem II extrinsic proteins PsbQ did not participate in the acquisition of thermotolerance; however, photoautotrophic growth at elevated temperatures was impaired in this mutant. Growth of the DeltaPsbV:DeltaPsbQ mutant was restored at pH 10.0: in contrast, an additional deletion between Arg-384 and Val-392 in the CP47 protein of photosystem II prevented recovery at alkaline pH. When conditions prevented photoautotrophy in strains lacking PsbQ, photoheterotrophic growth was indistinguishable to wild type, indicating that photosystem II had been inactivated. These data substantiate a role for PsbQ in optimizing photosystem II activity in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and establish an absolute requirement for the subunit under specific biochemical and physiological conditions.  相似文献   

F Rousseau  B Lagoutte 《FEBS letters》1990,260(2):245-248
We describe here the complete amino acid sequence of photosystem I subunit IV from Synechocystis 6803. The molecular mass of 8.0 kDa is lower than in higher plants and Chlamydomonas, due to the lack of a characteristic, proline-rich, N-terminal sequence. The remaining sequence exhibits a good conservation, with a hydrophilic and strongly basic N-tenninal head followed by two hydrophobic domains. There is no possibility of classical membrane-spanning alpha helices. This component is likely to be one of the most stroma accessible subunits of photosystem I.  相似文献   

Ultrafast primary processes in the trimeric photosystem I core antenna-reaction center complex of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 have been examined in pump-probe experiments with approximately 100 fs resolution. A global analysis of two-color profiles, excited at 660 nm and probed at 5 nm intervals from 650 to 730 nm, reveals 430 fs kinetics for spectral equilibration among bulk antenna chlorophylls. At least two lifetime components (2.0 and 6.5 ps in our analysis) are required to describe equilibration of bulk chlorophylls with far red-absorbing chlorophylls (>700 nm). Trapping at P700 occurs with 24-ps kinetics. The multiphasic bulk left arrow over right arrow red equilibration kinetics are intriguing, because prior steady-state spectral studies have suggested that the core antenna in Synechocystis sp. contains only one red-absorbing chlorophyll species (C708). The disperse kinetics may arise from inhomogeneous broadening in C708. The one-color optical anisotropy at 680 nm (near the red edge of the bulk antenna) decays with 590 fs kinetics; the corresponding anisotropy at 710 nm shows approximately 3.1 ps kinetics. The latter may signal equilibration among symmetry-equivalent red chlorophylls, bound to different monomers within trimeric photosystem I.  相似文献   

Ammonia has long been known to be toxic for many photosynthetic organisms; however, the target for its toxicity remains elusive. Here, we show that in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803, ammonia triggers a rapid photodamage of photosystem II (PSII). Whereas wild-type cells can cope with this damage by turning on the FtsH2-dependent PSII repair cycle, the FtsH2-deficient mutant is highly sensitive and loses PSII activity at millimolar concentration of ammonia. Ammonia-triggered PSII destruction is light dependent and occurs already at low photon fluence rates. Experiments with monochromatic light showed that ammonia-promoted PSII photoinhibition is executed by wavebands known to directly destroy the manganese cluster in the PSII oxygen-evolving complex, suggesting that the oxygen-evolving complex may be a direct target for ammonia toxicity.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic electron transfer comprises a series of light-induced redox reactions catalysed by multiprotein machinery in the thylakoid. These protein complexes possess cofactors susceptible to redox modifications by reactive small molecules. The gaseous radical nitric oxide (NO), a key signalling molecule in green algae and plants, has earlier been shown to bind to Photosystem (PS) II and obstruct electron transfer in plants. The effects of NO on cyanobacterial bioenergetics however, have long remained obscure. In this study, we exposed the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 to NO under anoxic conditions and followed changes in whole-cell fluorescence and oxidoreduction of P700 in vivo. Our results demonstrate that NO blocks photosynthetic electron transfer in cells by repressing PSII, PSI, and likely the NDH dehydrogenase-like complex 1 (NDH-1). We propose that iron?sulfur clusters of NDH-1 complex may be affected by NO to such an extent that ferredoxin-derived electron injection to the plastoquinone pool, and thus cyclic electron transfer, may be inhibited. These findings reveal the profound effects of NO on Synechocystis cells and demonstrate the importance of controlled NO homeostasis in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

PsbP and PsbQ proteins are extrinsic subunits of photosystem II (PSII) and participate in the normal function of photosynthetic water oxidation. Both proteins exist in a broad range of the oxygenic photosynthetic organisms; however, their physiological roles in vivo have not been well defined in higher plants. In this study, we established and analyzed transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants in which the levels of PsbP or PsbQ were severely down-regulated by the RNA interference technique. A plant that lacked PsbQ showed no specific phenotype compared to a wild-type plant. This suggests that PsbQ in higher plants is dispensable under the normal growth condition. On the other hand, a plant that lacked PsbP showed prominent phenotypes: drastic retardation of growth, pale-green-colored leaves, and a marked decrease in the quantum yield of PSII evaluated by chlorophyll fluorescence. In PsbP-deficient plant, most PSII core subunits were accumulated in thylakoids, whereas PsbQ, which requires PsbP to bind PSII in vitro, was dramatically decreased. PSII without PsbP was hypersensitive to light and rapidly inactivated when the repair process of the damaged PSII was inhibited by chloramphenicol. Furthermore, thermoluminescence studies showed that the catalytic manganese cluster in PsbP-deficient leaves was markedly unstable and readily disassembled in the dark. The present results demonstrated that PsbP, but not PsbQ, is indispensable for the normal PSII function in higher plants in vivo.  相似文献   

A gene required for the short-term regulation of photosynthetic light harvesting (the state transition) has been identified in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. The open reading frame is designated sll1926 in the complete Synechocystis gene sequence. The deduced amino acid sequence has no homologues in current sequence databases and no recognizable sequence motifs. It encodes a putative integral membrane protein of 16 kDa, which we have designated RpaC (regulator of phycobilisome association C). Fluorescence measurements of an insertional inactivation mutant of rpaC (Deltasll1926) show that it is specifically unable to perform state transitions. Deltasll1926 has approximately wild-type levels of PS1, PS2 and phycobilisomes. Measurements of oxygen evolution and uptake show Deltasll1926 to have no deficiency in electron transport rates. In vitro [gamma-32P]-ATP labelling experiments suggest that RpaC is not the 15 kDa membrane phosphoprotein previously implicated in state transitions. Deltasll1926 grows more slowly than the wild type only at very low light intensities.  相似文献   

In certain cyanobacteria and algae, cytochrome c553 or plastocyanin can serve to carry electrons from the cytochrome bf complex to photosystem I. The availability of copper in the growth medium regulates which protein is present. To investigate copper induced control of gene expression we isolated these proteins from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803. Using immunodetection and optical spectroscopy, the steady state levels of cytochrome c553 and plastocyanin were measured in cells grown at different copper concentrations. The results show that in cells grown in 20-30 nM copper, cytochrome c553 was present, whereas plastocyanin was not detected. The opposite behavior was observed in cells grown in the presence of 1 microM copper; plastocyanin was present, whereas cytochrome c553 could not be detected. Both proteins were present in cells grown in 0.3 microM copper. Northern analysis of total RNA, probed with a gene fragment for cytochrome c553 or the plastocyanin gene, showed that cells grown in the presence of 20-30 nM copper have message for cytochrome c553, but not for plastocyanin, whereas cells grown in 1 microM copper have message for plastocyanin, but not for cytochrome c553. These results demonstrate that copper regulates expression of both of the genes encoding cytochrome c553 and plastocyanin prior to translation in Synechocystis 6803.  相似文献   

G H Noren  R J Boerner  B A Barry 《Biochemistry》1991,30(16):3943-3950
The transformable cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803 has a photosynthetic apparatus that is similar to that of plants. Because of the ease with which this organism can be genetically manipulated and isotopically labeled, Synechocystis has been used extensively in recent studies of electron transfer in the water-splitting complex, photosystem II. Here, we present the first EPR characterization of a highly active oxygen-evolving preparation from this organism. This preparation shows oxygen-evolution activities in the range from 2400-2600 mumol of O2/(mg of chlorophyll.h). We show that this preparation is stable enough for room temperature EPR studies. We then use this assay to show that the lineshapes of the D+ and Z+ tyrosine radicals are identical in this preparation, as has been observed in photosystem II complexes from a wide variety of photosynthetic species. We also present the first multiline EPR spectrum that has been observed from the Synechocystis manganese cluster.  相似文献   

The cyanobacterial small CAB-like proteins (SCPs) are single-helix membrane proteins mostly associated with the photosystem II (PSII) complex that accumulate under stress conditions. Their function is still ambiguous although they are assumed to regulate chlorophyll (Chl) biosynthesis and/or to protect PSII against oxidative damage. In this study, the effect of SCPs on the PSII-specific light-induced damage and generation of singlet oxygen ((1)O(2)) was assessed in the strains of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 lacking PSI (PSI-less strain) or lacking PSI together with all SCPs (PSI-less/scpABCDE(-) strain). The light-induced oxidative modifications of the PSII D1 protein reflected by a mobility shift of the D1 protein and by generation of a D1-cytochrome b-559 adduct were more pronounced in the PSI-less/scpABCDE(-) strain. This increased protein oxidation correlated with a faster formation of (1)O(2) as detected by the green fluorescence of Singlet Oxygen Sensor Green assessed by a laser confocal scanning microscopy and by electron paramagnetic resonance spin-trapping technique using 2, 2, 6, 6-tetramethyl-4-piperidone (TEMPD) as a spin trap. In contrast, the formation of hydroxyl radicals was similar in both strains. Our results show that SCPs prevent (1)O(2) formation during PSII damage, most probably by the binding of free Chl released from the damaged PSII complexes.  相似文献   

We investigated the spectrum of secreted proteins in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis, and identified these proteins by amino-terminal sequencing. In total, seven sequences have been determined that corresponded to the proteins Sll0044, Sll1694, Sll1891, Slr0924, Slr0841, Slr0168, and Slr1855. The protein Sll1694 of 18 kDa that formed one of two major bands on SDS-PAGE was identified as cyanobacterial pilin, PilA. The amino-terminal sequence of another protein that formed a second major band was blocked. The analysis of the data revealed that five of seven proteins had distinct putative leader sequences for secretion.  相似文献   

Three cryptic plasmids have been isolated from cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. 6803::pSS2 (1.4 Md), pSS3 (36 Md), pSS4 (60 Md). Plasmid DNA was isolated in Cs-Cl-EB density gradient and analyzed by gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy by gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy techniques. The restriction map is constructed for plasmid pSS2 having the cleavage sites for Sau3a, HincII, HindIII, MspI restriction endonucleases. The plasmid may be used to construct the recombinant vector DNAs capable of autonomous replication in cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. 6803. cells.  相似文献   

Zak E  Pakrasi HB 《Plant physiology》2000,123(1):215-222
Specific inhibition of photosystem I (PSI) was observed under low-temperature conditions in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. Growth at 20 degrees C caused inhibition of PSI activity and increased degradation of the PSI reaction center proteins PsaA and PsaB, while no significant changes were found in the level and activity of photosystem II (PSII). BtpA, a recently identified extrinsic thylakoid membrane protein, was found to be a necessary regulatory factor for stabilization of the PsaA and PsaB proteins under such low-temperature conditions. At normal growth temperature (30 degrees C), the BtpA protein was present in the cell, and its genetic deletion caused an increase in the degradation of the PSI reaction center proteins. However, growth of Synechocystis cells at 20 degrees C or shifting of cultures grown at 30 degrees C to 20 degrees C led to a rapid accumulation of the BtpA protein, presumably to stabilize the PSI complex, by lowering the rates of degradation of the PsaA and PsaB proteins. A btpA deletion mutant strain could not grow photoautotrophically at low temperature, and exhibited rapid degradation of the PSI complex after transfer of the cells from normal to low temperature.  相似文献   

Posttranslational regulation of nitrate assimilation was studied in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. The ABC-type nitrate and nitrite bispecific transporter encoded by the nrtABCD genes was completely inhibited by ammonium as in Synechococcus elongatus strain PCC 7942. Nitrate reductase was insensitive to ammonium, while it is inhibited in the Synechococcus strain. Nitrite reductase was also insensitive to ammonium. The inhibition of nitrate and nitrite transport required the PII protein (glnB gene product) and the C-terminal domain of NrtC, one of the two ATP-binding subunits of the transporter, as in the Synechococcus strain. Mutants expressing the PII derivatives in which Ala or Glu is substituted for the conserved Ser49, which has been shown to be the phosphorylation site in the Synechococcus strain, showed ammonium-promoted inhibition of nitrate uptake like that of the wild-type strain. The S49A and S49E substitutions in GlnB did not affect the regulation of the nitrate and nitrite transporter in Synechococcus either. These results indicated that the presence or absence of negative electric charge at the 49th position does not affect the activity of the PII protein to regulate the cyanobacterial ABC-type nitrate and nitrite transporter according to the cellular nitrogen status. This finding suggested that the permanent inhibition of nitrate assimilation by an S49A derivative of PII, as was previously reported for Synechococcus elongatus strain PCC 7942, is likely to have resulted from inhibition of nitrate reductase rather than the nitrate and nitrite transporter.  相似文献   

Cysteine dithiol/disulphide exchange forms the molecular basis for regulation of a wide variety of enzymatic activities and for transduction of cellular signals. Thus, the search for proteins with reactive, accessible cysteines is expected to contribute to the unravelling of new molecular mechanisms for enzyme regulation and signal transduction. Several methods have been designed for this purpose taking advantage of the interactions between thioredoxins and their protein substrates. Thioredoxins comprise a family of redox-active enzymes, which catalyse reduction of protein disulphides and sulphenic acids. Due to the inherent practical difficulties associated with studies of membrane proteins these have been largely overlooked in the many proteomic studies of thioredoxin-interacting proteins. In the present work, we have developed a procedure to isolate membrane proteins interacting with thioredoxin by binding in situ to a monocysteinic His-tagged thioredoxin added directly to the intact membranes. Following fractionation and solubilisation of the membranes, thioredoxin target proteins were isolated by Ni-affinity chromatography and 2-DE SDS-PAGE under nonreducing/reducing conditions. Applying this method to total membranes, including thylakoid and plasma membranes, from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 we have identified 50 thioredoxin-interacting proteins. Among the 38 newly identified thioredoxin targets are the ATP-binding subunits of several transporters and members of the AAA-family of ATPases.  相似文献   

Oxygenic photosynthesis in cyanobacteria, algae, and plants requires photosystem II (PSII) to extract electrons from H(2)O and depends on photosystem I (PSI) to reduce NADP(+). Here we demonstrate that mixotrophically-grown mutants of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 that lack PSI (ΔPSI) are capable of net light-induced O(2) evolution in vivo. The net light-induced O(2) evolution requires glucose and can be sustained for more than 30min. Utilizing electron transport inhibitors and chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements, we show that in these mutants PSII is the source of the light-induced O(2) evolution, and that the plastoquinone pool is reduced by PSII and subsequently oxidized by an unidentified electron acceptor that does not involve the plastoquinol oxidase site of the cytochrome b(6)f complex. Moreover, both O(2) evolution and chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics of the ΔPSI mutants are highly sensitive to KCN, indicating the involvement of a KCN-sensitive enzyme(s). Experiments using (14)C-labeled bicarbonate show that the ΔPSI mutants assimilate more CO(2) in the light compared to the dark. However, the rate of the light-minus-dark CO(2) assimilation accounts for just over half of the net light-induced O(2) evolution rate, indicating the involvement of unidentified terminal electron acceptors. Based on these results we suggest that O(2) evolution in ΔPSI cells can be sustained by an alternative electron transport pathway that results in CO(2) assimilation and that includes PSII, the platoquinone pool, and a KCN-sensitive enzyme.  相似文献   

Folea IM  Zhang P  Aro EM  Boekema EJ 《FEBS letters》2008,582(12):1749-1754
The supramolecular organization of photosystem II (PSII) complexes in the photosynthetic membrane of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803 was studied by electron microscopy. After mild detergent solubilization, crystalline PSII arrays were extracted in which dimeric PSII particles associate in multiple rows. Image processing of the arrays shows that the PSII dimers are tightly packed at distances of 12.2 and 16.7 nm. The domains are considered to be an important type of association for preventing either spill-over energy from PSII towards photosystem I (PSI) or direct energy flow from phycobilisomes to PSI, because the latter can only be at periphery of the arrays.  相似文献   

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