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A variety of Asp beta-carboxy protecting groups, Hmb backbone protection and a range of Fmoc cleavage protocols have been employed in syntheses of the model hexapeptide H-VKDGYI-OH to investigate the aspartimide problem in more detail. The extent of formation of aspartimide and aspartimide-related by-products was determined by RP-HPLC. This study included three new Fmoc-Asp-OH derivatives: the beta-(4-pyridyl-diphenylmethyl) and beta-(9-phenyl-fluoren-9-yl) esters and also the orthoester Fmoc-beta-(4-methyl-2,6,7-trioxabicyclo[2.2.2]-oct-1-yl)-alanine. 3-Methylpent-3-yl protection of the Asp side chain resulted in significant improvements with respect to aspartimide formation. Complete suppression was achieved using the combination OtBu side chain protection and Hmb backbone protection for the preceding Gly residue.  相似文献   

A newly developed Fmoc-Asp derivative, Fmoc-Asp beta-(2,3,4-trimethyl-pent-3-yl) ester, has been tried in the Fmoc-based SPPS of H-Val-Lys-Asp-Xaa-Tyr-Ile-OH, a well-established peptide model for studying base-catalysed aspartimide formation. When synthesizing the hexapeptide incorporating Gly, Arg(Pbf), Asn(Mtt), Asp(OtBu) or Cys(Acm) for Xaa, considerable amounts of aspartimide-related by-products were to be expected. The Asp(3) beta-carboxy protecting group and the duration of exposure to bases were varied. By-product formation could be reduced by incorporation of the new Asp derivative more efficiently than by introducing the less bulky Asp(OMpe). Significant improvements were observed in cases of prolonged contact with piperidine or DBU. Both beta-carboxy protecting groups were superior to the standard Asp(OtBu) which was also included in this study, but the additional stabilization gained by our new protecting group was valuable especially in syntheses of long peptides or difficult sequences.  相似文献   

Microwave energy represents an efficient manner to accelerate both the deprotection and coupling reactions in 9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl (Fmoc) solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS). Typical SPPS side reactions including racemization and aspartimide formation can occur with microwave energy but can easily be controlled by routine use of optimized methods. Cysteine, histidine, and aspartic acid were susceptible to racemization during microwave SPPS of a model 20mer peptide containing all 20 natural amino acids. Lowering the microwave coupling temperature from 80 degrees C to 50 degrees C limited racemization of histidine and cysteine. Additionally, coupling of both histidine and cysteine can be performed conventionally while the rest of the peptide is synthesized using microwave without any deleterious effect, as racemization during the coupling reaction was limited to the activated ester state of the amino acids up to 80 degrees C. Use of the hindered amine, collidine, in the coupling reaction also minimized formation of D-cysteine. Aspartimide formation and subsequent racemization of aspartic acid was reduced by the addition of HOBt to the deprotection solution and/or use of piperazine in place of piperidine.  相似文献   

The sequence-dependent, acid- or base-catalysed aspartimide formation is one of the most serious side reactions in solid-phase synthesis of peptides containing aspartic acid. In the present work, we investigated the susceptibility of 4-(N-[1-(4,4-dimethyl-2,6-dioxocyclohexylidene)-3-methylbutyl]amino)benzyl (Dmab), an aspartic acid beta-carboxy side-chain protecting group, for aspartimide formation. As a model, 15-amino acid-residue galanin fragment analogue containing the Asp-Ala motif was used during Fmoc-based solid-phase synthesis. Our study showed a strong tendency of Dmab-protected peptide to form aspartimide with unusual high efficiency. Furthermore, to investigate the susceptibility of Asp-Ala motif for aspartimide formation during the synthesis using Asp(ODmab), a 5-amino acid-residue galanin fragment LGPDA, different types of resin linkers, variety of Fmoc-deprotection conditions and coupling methods were applied.  相似文献   

In our efforts to develop a universal solution to the problem of aspartimide formation in Fmoc SPPS, we investigated the application of our new β‐trialkylmethyl protected aspartic acid building blocks to the synthesis of peptides containing the Asp‐Gly motif. The Nα‐Fmoc aspartic acid β‐tri‐(ethyl/propyl/butyl)methyl esters were used in the synthesis of the classic model peptide scorpion toxin II (VKDGYI), and their effectiveness in minimising aspartimide formation during extended piperidine treatments was evaluated. Furthermore, we compared their efficacy against that of the commonly used approach of adding acids to the Fmoc deprotection solution. Finally, we applied our aspartic acid building blocks to the stepwise Fmoc SPPS of teduglutide, a human GLP‐2 analogue, whose synthesis is made challenging by extensive aspartimide formation. In all experiments, our approach led to almost complete reduction of aspartimide formation with accompanied suppression of aspartic acid epimerisation. Copyright © 2016 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Obtaining homogenous aspartyl‐containing peptides via Fmoc/tBu chemistry is often an insurmountable obstacle. A generic solution for this issue utilising an optimised side‐chain protection strategy that minimises aspartimide formation would therefore be most desirable. To this end, we developed the following new derivatives: Fmoc‐Asp(OEpe)‐OH (Epe = 3‐ethyl‐3‐pentyl), Fmoc‐Asp(OPhp)‐OH (Php = 4‐n‐propyl‐4‐heptyl) and Fmoc‐Asp(OBno)‐OH (Bno = 5‐n‐butyl‐5‐nonyl). We have compared their effectiveness against that of Fmoc‐Asp(OtBu)‐OH and Fmoc‐Asp(OMpe)‐OH in the well‐established scorpion toxin II model peptide variants H‐Val‐Lys‐Asp‐Asn/Arg‐Tyr‐Ile‐OH by treatments of the peptidyl resins with the Fmoc removal reagents containing piperidine and DBU at both room and elevated temperatures. The new derivatives proved to be extremely effective in minimising aspartimide by‐products in each application. Copyright © 2015 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Aspartimide (Asi) formation is a notorious side reaction in peptide synthesis that is well characterized and described in literature. In this context, we observed significant amounts of chain termination in Fmoc‐SPPS while synthesizing the N‐terminal Xaa‐Asp‐Yaa motif. This termination was caused by the formation of piperazine‐2,5‐diones. We investigated this side reaction using a linear model peptide and independently synthesizing its piperazine‐2,5‐dione derivative. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data of the side product present in the crude linear peptide proves that exclusively the six‐membered ring is formed whereas the theoretically conceivable seven‐membered 1,4‐diazepine‐2,5‐dione is not found. We propose a mechanism where nucleophilic attack of the N‐terminal amino function takes place at the α‐carbon of the carbonyl group of the corresponding Asi intermediate. In addition, we systematically investigated the impact of (a) different adjacent amino acid residues, (b) backbone protection, and (c) side chain protection of flanking amino acids. The side reaction is directly related to the Asi intermediate. Hence, hindering or avoiding Asi formation reduces or completely suppresses this side reaction.  相似文献   

The degree of resin swelling in a particular solvent system is one of the critical parameters for solid‐phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) and for solid‐phase synthesis in general. Methods used for measuring the degree of resin swelling include microscopy‐based and volumetry‐based methods. This study describes and compares the use of both methods for a number of commercially available resins commonly used in SPPS, with a range of solvents, which have been identified in the literature as ‘greener’ than DCM, DMF and NMP. The results were analysed by statistical methods, and a significant correlation between the two distinct methods has been demonstrated for the first time. The results will likely be used, in conjunction with other literature methods, to help in choosing both the resin and solvent system for greener SPPS, as well as for continuous flow SPPS, which is of growing importance.  相似文献   

To prevent aspartimide formation and related side products in Asp‐Xaa, particularly Asp‐Gly‐containing peptides, usually the 2‐hydroxy‐4‐methoxybenzyl (Hmb) backbone amide protection is applied for peptide synthesis according to the Fmoc‐protocols. In the present study, the usefulness of the recently proposed acid‐labile dicyclopropylmethyl (Dcpm) protectant was analyzed. Despite the significant steric hindrance of this bulky group, N‐terminal H‐(Dcpm)Gly‐peptides are quantitatively acylated by potent acylating agents, and alternatively the dipeptide Fmoc‐Asp(OtBu)‐(Dcpm)Gly‐OH derivative can be used as a building block. In contrast to the Hmb group, Dcpm is inert toward acylations, but is readily removed in the acid deprotection and resin‐cleavage step. Copyright © 2009 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Today, Fmoc SPPS is the method of choice for peptide synthesis. Very‐high‐quality Fmoc building blocks are available at low cost because of the economies of scale arising from current multiton production of therapeutic peptides by Fmoc SPPS. Many modified derivatives are commercially available as Fmoc building blocks, making synthetic access to a broad range of peptide derivatives straightforward. The number of synthetic peptides entering clinical trials has grown continuously over the last decade, and recent advances in the Fmoc SPPS technology are a response to the growing demand from medicinal chemistry and pharmacology. Improvements are being continually reported for peptide quality, synthesis time and novel synthetic targets. Topical peptide research has contributed to a continuous improvement and expansion of Fmoc SPPS applications. Copyright © 2015 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The SPPS methodology has continuously been investigated as a valuable model to monitor the solvation properties of polymeric materials. In this connection, the present work applied HRMAS-NMR spectroscopy to examine the dynamics of an aggregating peptide sequence attached to a resin core with varying peptide loading (up to 80%) and solvent system. Low and high substituted BHAR were used for assembling the VQAAIDYING sequence and some of its minor fragments. The HRMAS-NMR results were in agreement with the swelling of each resin, i.e. there was an improved resolution of resonance peaks in the better solvated conditions. Moreover, the peptide loading and the attached peptide sequence also affected the spectra. Strong peptide chain aggregation was observed mainly in highly peptide loaded resins when solvated in CDCl3. Conversely, due to the better swelling of these highly loaded resins in DMSO, improved NMR spectra were acquired in this polar aprotic solvent, thus enabling the detection of relevant sequence-dependent conformational alterations. The more prominent aggregation was displayed by the VQAAIDYING segment and not by any of its intermediary fragments and these findings were also corroborated by EPR studies of these peptide-resins labelled properly with an amino acid-type spin probe.  相似文献   

We report here the synthesis of the first selenocysteine SPPS derivatives which bear TFA‐labile sidechain protecting groups. New compounds Fmoc‐Sec(Xan)‐OH and Fmoc‐Sec(Trt)‐OH are presented as useful and practical alternatives to the traditional Fmoc‐Sec‐OH derivatives currently available to the peptide chemist. From a bis Fmoc‐protected selenocystine precursor, multiple avenues of diselenide reduction were attempted to determine the most effective method for subsequent attachment of the protecting group electrophiles. Our previously reported one‐pot reduction methodology was ultimately chosen as the optimal approach toward the synthesis of these novel building blocks, and both were easily obtained in high yield and purity. Fmoc‐Sec(Xan)‐OH was discovered to be bench‐stable for extended timeframes while the corresponding Fmoc‐Sec(Trt)‐OH derivative appeared to detritylate slowly when not stored at ?20 °C. Both Sec derivatives were incorporated into single‐ and multiple‐Sec‐containing test peptides in order to ascertain the peptides' deprotection behavior and final form upon TFA cleavage. Single‐Sec‐containing test peptides were always isolated as their corresponding diselenide dimers, while dual‐Sec‐containing peptide sequences were afforded exclusively as their intramolecular diselenides. Copyright © 2014 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Coagulation factor VII bound to its cofactor tissue factor is the physiological initiator of blood coagulation. The interaction between factor VII and tissue factor involves all four of the structural modules found in factor VII, with the most significant contribution coming from the first EGF‐like domain. In this study, the synthesis and biological activity of several analogues derived from the first EGF‐like domain of FVII comprising the sequence 45–83 are reported on. The six cysteine residues found in the native protein were replaced by Abu. The peptides were isolated from a multicomponent mixture following standard Fmoc solid phase synthesis. Purification and characterisation of the heterogeneous product showed that aspartimide formation was a major side‐reaction, occurring predominantly at the Asp46‐Gly47 and Asn57‐Gly58 dipeptides. Although relatively common in peptide synthesis, the extent to which this side‐reaction had taken place was considered surprising. Reported herein are the analytical methods used to isolate and characterise several of the modified products. Also, the inhibitory effect of these peptides on the formation and enzymatic activity of the factor VIIa/tissue factor complex have been compared. Surprisingly, the peptide containing an iso‐Asp residue at position 57 possessed 66‐fold higher inhibitory activity compared with the original target peptide. A possible explanation for this increase in observed activity is presented. Copyright © 1999 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown the amyloid peptides, Abeta 1-40/42, to be exceptionally difficult to assemble by Fmoc-solid phase peptide synthesis due to the high hydrophobicity of the C-terminal segment and resulting on-resin aggregation. We found that the use of the stronger and more efficient base, DBU, at a concentration of 2% in DMF for Nalpha-Fmoc deprotection allowed substantially improved continuous flow solid phase assembly of the model peptide Abeta 29-40/42 fragments. This suggested that, at least for these sequences, incomplete deprotection was a greater problem than incomplete amino acid acylation. This base was then used during the synthesis of both Abeta 1-40 and Abeta 1-42, up to and including Ser8, from which point 20% piperidine in DMF was utilized so as to avoid potential aspartimide formation at Asp7. By this means, the deprotection efficiency through the difficult C-terminal portion of the sequence was much improved and resulted in increased availability of terminal amino groups for acylation. This simple strategy that obviates the need for special conditions significantly improved crude peptide quality and allowed considerable facilitation of subsequent purification.  相似文献   

Structural modification of the peptide backbone via N‐methylation is a powerful tool to modulate the pharmacokinetic profile and biological activity of peptides. Here we describe a rapid and highly efficient microwave(MW)‐assisted Fmoc/tBu solid‐phase method to prepare short chain N‐methyl‐rich peptides, using Rink amide p‐methylbenzhydrylamine (MBHA) resin as solid‐phase support. This method produces peptides in high yield and purity, and reduces the time required for Fmoc‐N‐methyl amino acid coupling. Copyright © 2010 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The current article reports on the synthesis of a new type of cyclic peptidosteroid, in which a bile-acid-based scaffold was used for the conformational restriction of a loop-like peptide. Convergent coupling of two tetrapeptides to the non-peptidic steroidal entity was carried out once in the classical C-to-N and once in the non-classical N-to-C direction. Peptide backbone cyclisation was then carried out, giving rise to a ring size equivalent to approximately 12 amino acids. This type of construct will be used in the development of a peptide vaccine against measles.  相似文献   

Four trityl-type (i.e. non-substituted trityl-, o-Cl-trityl-, o-F-trityl- and p-CN-trityl-) amidomethyl polystyrene resins were evaluated comparatively, in terms of the stability of the trityl-ester bond in slightly acidic dichloromethane solutions, and the p-CN-trityl-amidomethyl polystyrene resin was found to be the most stable of them. The above resins were applied, in parallel with Wang benzyl-type resin, well known for its stability in mild acidic conditions, to the Fmoc solid phase synthesis of the 43-amino acid residue long bioactive peptide thymosin beta-4. Independent of their differences in acid sensitivity, the resins seemed to function equally well under the conditions used, since pure thymosin beta-4 was obtained with a final yield of approximately 30% from each resin. The trityl-type amidomethyl polystyrene resins were also applied, in parallel with the Wang resin, to the Fmoc solid phase synthesis of a bioactive peptide containing proline at its C-terminus, i.e. the N-terminal tetrapeptide of thymosin beta-4, AcSDKP. In this case, the best yield (87%) was obtained with the o-Cl-trityl-amidomethyl polystyrene resin, which may be the resin of choice, of those studied, for the Fmoc solid phase peptide synthesis.  相似文献   

The human neuregulin 1-beta1 (NRG1-beta1, amino acid residues 176-246) was chemically synthesized by Fmoc-based solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) followed by folding in a redox buffer. The biological activity of the synthesized NRG1-beta1 was confirmed by ligand-induced tyrosine phosphorylation on Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing ErbB-4.  相似文献   

The complexes Cu(OBt)2 and Cu(OAt)2, which are derived from copper(II) and HOBt and HOAt, respectively, are shown to be more effective in suppressing racemization during solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) than are those compounds currently being used for this purpose. These compounds can readily be used in conjunction with the commonly applied coupling reagents in fully automated systems for solid-phase peptide chemistry.  相似文献   

We have been engaged in the microwave‐solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) synthesis of the phenylglycine (Phg)‐containing pentapeptide H‐Ala‐Val‐Pro‐Phg‐Tyr‐NH2 (1) previously demonstrated to bind to the so‐called BIR3 domain of the anti‐apoptotic protein XIAP. Analysis of the target peptide by a combination of RP‐HPLC, ESI‐MS, and NMR revealed the presence of two diastereoisomers arising out of the racemisation of the Phg residue, with the percentage of the LLLDL component assessed as 49%. We performed the synthesis of peptide (1) using different microwave and conventional stepwise SPPS conditions in attempts to reduce the level of racemisation of the Phg residue and to determine at which part of the synthetic cycle the epimerization had occurred. We determined that racemisation occurred mainly during the Fmoc‐group removal and, to a much lesser extent, during activation/coupling of the Fmoc‐Phg‐OH residue. We were able to obtain the desired peptide with a 71% diastereomeric purity (29% LLLDL as impurity) by utilizing microwave‐assisted SPPS at 50 °C and power 22 Watts, when the triazine‐derived coupling reagent DMTMM‐BF4 was used, together with NMM as an activator base, for the incorporation of this residue and 20% piperidine as an Fmoc‐deprotection base. In contrast, the phenylalanine analogue of the above peptide, H‐Ala‐Val‐Pro‐Phe‐Tyr‐NH2 (2), was always obtained as a single diastereoisomer by using a range of standard coupling and deprotection conditions. Our findings suggest that the racemisation of Fmoc‐Phg‐OH, under both microwave‐SPPS and stepwise conventional SPPS syntheses conditions, is very facile but can be limited through the use of the above stated conditions. Copyright © 2012 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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