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The effects of timing and duration of cytochalasin B (CB) treatment on the kinetics of the initiation of DNA synthesis in mono- and binucleate HeLa cells, synchronized in the G1 phase of the cell cycle by the reversal of a mitotic block (N2O at 80 PSI), were studied. In the control, bi-, tri- and tetranucleate cells entered S phase slightly earlier than the mononucleate cells at a rate proportional to the number of their nuclei. The difference between any two adjacent sub-populations was less than 0.5 h. However, the binucleate cells produced by a 90 min CB treatment immediately after the reversal of the mitotic block exhibited a considerably shorter G1 period as compared to mononucleate cells (a difference of 1.5 h). This exaggerated difference in the duration of G1 period between mono- and binucleate cells disappeared when the CB treatment was delayed by 75 or 90 min indicating that it was an experimental artifact. From this study, we conclude that there is naturally some degree of nuclear cooperation in the multinucleate systems, particularly with regard to the initiation of DNA synthesis, which is not influenced by CB treatment.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood mononuclear phagocytes are induced by activated Factor B (Bb) of the complement alternative pathway to undergo morphological shape changes in vitro which have been described as "spreading." The spreading reaction induced by Bb has previously been shown to depend upon the enzymatic activity of Bb and to be inhibited by Fab' antibody fragments directed to C5 (but not anti-C3 Fab'). The possibility that Bb may exert its effect on monocytes by initiating assembly of terminal complement complexes comprised of C5b, 6, 7, C5b-8, or C5b-9 was addressed in the present study. The effects were tested of Fab' and F(ab')2 antibody fragments directed to C5, C6, C7, and C8 and to neoantigens expressed in the assembling terminal complement complexes on the monocyte spreading reaction induced by Bb. Differential effects of monovalent Fab' and divalent F(ab')2 antibody fragments were observed. Anti-C5, C6, and C7 Fab' were found to inhibit the spreading reaction induced by Bb in an immunologically specific manner. Divalent F(ab')2 fragments directed to these same proteins (but not to C3, C4, C8, or C9) induced monocyte spreading in the complete absence of Bb or other recognized inducing agents. Monocyte spreading induced by hybridoma immunoglobulin (Ig) directed to C5 and C7 was found to be correlated with the binding of 10(6) molecules Ig per cell. These findings support the notion that C5, C6, and C7 (or an analogous system of cellular proteins) are associated with the surface of human peripheral blood monocytes and that these proteins may play a role in certain reactions by which mononuclear phagocytes are induced to altered states of cellular physiology.  相似文献   

The percental participation of exogenous cytidine in liver RNA synthesis was determined after application of 3H-cytidine to rats. The amount of exogenous cytidine was varied by a factor of 5 × 105, between 0.000 02 and 10.0 μg/g rat. With the 3H-cytidine doses and specific activities most frequently reported in the literature, the percental participation of the exogenous precursor is only about 0.1%, with 99.9% of the cytidylic acid incorporated into RNA under these conditions being of endogenous origin.The results show that the upper limit of the tracer dose of exogenous cytidine is about 1.0 μg/g rat. Within this tracer region 1.8% of 3H-activity—and therefore 1.8% of the amount of exogenous cytidine—is incorporated into liver RNA. The dependence of the percental participation on the duration of the experiments is examined.It is shown that autoradiographic grain density and specific activity of RNA can only be regarded as direct measures for the rate of RNA synthesis in different cells and animals if the percental participation of exogenous cytidine in RNA synthesis is generally of equal value.Comparable situations exist in the incorporation of 3H-thymidine into DNA as shown by earlier experimental work.  相似文献   

Three homodimeric creatine kinase isozymes (A2, B2, and C2) of the green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) were purified by a combination of affinity chromatography, gel filtration, and preparative starch gel electrophoresis. The final preparations were isozymically pure and were used to elicit antibodies in rabbits. The use of the group-specific adsorbant Blue Sepharose CL-6B (Pharmacia) and specific elution conditions for creatine kinase facilitated purification. Fish creatine kinase isozymes are sensitive to denaturation and cannot be readily purified by procedures routinely used for mammalian creatine kinase isozymes.  相似文献   

Cold, freezing, and desiccation tolerance were examined in the limpet, Acmaea digitalis (Eschscholtz). Fifty percent of the experimental population survived freezing at temperatures between ?10 ° and ?12 °C for at least 24 hr. In this temperature range, 60–80 % of the body water was frozen. The LD50 for water loss by desiccation was 76.5% ± 1.3δ. At 70–80% body water loss, solutes were concentrated between 350 and 500%. Some limpets failed to survive immersion in 450% seawater for 6 hr (100% scawater = salinity of 31‰), suggesting that much of the damage from freezing and desiccation was from an increased solute concentration. No glycerol could be detected in extracts of the foot and the visceral mass of A. digitalis during winter, confirming similar results in studies carried out on other intertidal molluscs.  相似文献   

The Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) content in vivo of tissues from the mouse and rat at various stages of development from 3 days embryonic gestation to the attainment of full maturity has been determined using the standard biological assay. A less extensive survey has also been made of tissues from the guinea pig, hamster, and gerbil. With the exception of the well-documented high levels of NGF in the mouse submaxillary glands, none of the organs examined contained detectable NGF. These results, which are consistent with those previously reported using the biological assay, stand in contrast to the high levels of NGF detected in virtually all tissues by some published radioimmunoassays. It is likely that the discrepancies are due to the use in the radioimmunoassays of antisera containing antibodies to proteins other than NGF, and to the inability of one-site radioimmunoassays to distinguish between the presence of NGF and that of agents capable of binding NGF. The apparent lack of widespread NGF production in vivo contrasts with the ability of many tissues to synthesize the protein in vitro. This may imply that physiologically significant levels of NGF are below the limits of sensitivity of the assay systems presently available, that NGF synthesis in vivo occurs only during a very restricted period of development, or that the presence of a normal innervation pattern influences NGF production.  相似文献   

The pattern of histones from several mouse embryonal carcinoma cell (ECC) lines, differentiated cell lines, and adult organs was analyzed using acid-urea gels containing Triton X-100 and long SDS-gel electrophoresis. All cell lines had comparable histone types except for a unique H2B-like component that was found only in the ECC line PCC4. The mouse histone H1 has four different subtypes (H1a, H1b, H1c, and H1d), as resolved in SDS-gel electrophoresis. The expression of the four subtypes was shown to be cell line specific. Subtypes H1a and H1d are present in approximately the same relative amounts in all cell lines investigated. Subtype H1b is found in higher relative amounts than subtype H1c in ECC lines and testis. The ratio of H1b and H1c is reversed in differentiated cell lines and in kidney, white blood cells, liver and spleen. All four subtypes of H1 are phosphorylated although to a different extent in different cell lines. In ECC lines, subtypes H1b and especially H1d incorporate most of a 32P label, whereas H1c is predominately phosphorylated in differentiated parietal endoderm cell lines. These data indicate that H1 subtypes differ depending on the stage of cell differentiation. Difference in ratio between H1 subtypes and in phosphorylation might influence the chromatin configuration and thus gene expression in these cells.  相似文献   

Lipolysis of human very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) by lipoprotein lipase (LPL) was inhibited in the presence of high density lipoproteins (HDL), anti-apolipoprotein (apo) CII, and by increasing the VLDL free cholesterol content but not with anti-apo CIII or lipoprotein-free plasma. The experiments lend direct evidence that the composition of VLDL and their milieu are important determinants of lipolysis by LPL. Apo CIII may not be critical in LPL mediated VLDL catabolism.  相似文献   

The multicomponent nature of teratoma cell adhesion factor has been demonstrated. Fractionation of crude ascites fluid on a DEAE cellulose ion exchange column shows that two or more components are involved in teratoma adhesion factor (TAF) activity. Glycoproteins (or proteoglycans) in fractionated ascites fluid were localized in polyacrylamide gels. The possible role of these sugar-containing molecules in teratoma cell adhesion and current hypotheses on the mechanism of carbohydrate involvement in intercellular adhesion are discussed.  相似文献   

The specificities of the xenoantisera made against mouse myeloma cells have been compared to those recognized by alloantiserum by studying patterns of cytotoxicity on both normal and malignant plasma cells. Goat antiserum obtained by immunization with Balb/c mouse myeloma ADJ-PC-22A cells and purified by in vivo absorption could detect cell surface antigenic determinants present on plasma cells and on cells of liver, kidney, and brain (PLKB antigen), as we had previously reported for a similarly prepared rabbit antiserum. In spite of an apparent similarity between the tissue representation of the PLKB determinant and that of PC.1 antigenic determinants which were detected by DBA/2 anti-ADJ-PC-22A cell alloantiserum, the PLKB antigenic determinant is not identical with the PC.1 antigenic determinant, since the former is found on the tissues of PC.1-negative as well as PC.1-positive strains of mice. However, it was deduced that the PLKB antigenic determinant and the PC.1 antigenic determinant reside in close proximity on the cell surface or maybe even on the same molecule, since Fab fragments of antiserum against either PLKB or PC.1 blocked the cytotoxicity against both antigens. On the other hand, these Fab fragments did not inhibit the cytotoxicity of anti-H-2 antiserum, indicating that neither PLKB nor PC.1 antigenic determinants are in close proximity to H-2 antigens. Association of PLKB and PC.1 determinants was further supported by the finding that the loss of the PLKB determinant in a variant of myeloma MOPC-70A corresponds to the loss of PC.1 determinant on the same cells.  相似文献   

Human mononuclear subpopulations were tested for the capacity to produce interferon after mitogenic stimulation with protein A from Staphylococcus aureus. Mononuclear cells were separated into highly enriched macrophage, T-, B-, and null-cell subpopulations by Sephadex G-10 adherence, anti-human IgG F(ab′) two-column chromatography, and rosetting with sheep erythrocytes. Interferon (IFN) production was observed in both T- and null-cell preparations, but not in macrophage or B-cell preparations. Physicochemical and antigenic characterization of IFN from T- and null-cell preparations showed that both mononuclear subpopulations produced gamma IFN (IFNγ). Regulatory studies showed that IFNγ production was differentially regulated by macrophages. Macrophage addition to T lymphocytes augmented both cellular proliferation and IFNγ production, whereas macrophage addition to null cells suppressed IFNγ production and had no effect on the minimal proliferative response observed for these cells.  相似文献   

The interaction of red blood cells and macrophages mediated by Concanavalin A (ConA) was studied using mouse peritoneal macrophages and fresh, homologous red cells. Erythrocytes exposed to ConA at 0.5 μg/ml, a condition that leads to a saturation of 3% of the ConA sites, were bound by macrophages at 22 °C. The ConA inhibitor, α-methylmannoside, prevented this attachment of red cells and largely reversed it when added to preformed macrophage-red cell rosettes up to 90 min. However, red cell attachment was essentially irreversible by 3 h. Electron microscopy showed a progressive increase in the degree of contiguity between red cells and macrophages with time, some macrophage projections distorting and partially encircling red cells at 3 h. Macrophages pretreated with high concentrations of ConA (25 μg/ml) also bound red cells. However, phagocytosis of adherent red cells did not occur at either 22 or 37 °C, even when both red cells and macrophages were pretreated with ConA. In contrast, phagocytosis of attached red cells was observed when preformed rosettes were exposed to ConA at a concentration of 5 μg/ml, and it was complete with ConA at a concentration of 25 μg/ml. These studies demonstrate that ConA in low concentration on red cells is detected by macrophages which form a progressively tighter bond with the red cell surface. However, it appears that phagocytosis can occur only under conditions in which a high density of ConA is established on the surface of the red cell.  相似文献   

Normal human embryonic lung fibroblasts (WI-38) were infected with Ureaplasma urealyticum, a urea hydrolysing mycoplasma. It was possible to observe reduced rates of multiplication of infected cells and reduced plating efficiency as well as the morphological changes usually associated with mycoplasma infection of animal cells in vitro. The cytotoxic effect on multiplication was sensitive to aureomycin but not penicillin. It was not related to depletion of amino acids or nucleic acid precursors from the cell culture medium but appeared to require that the host cells be growing. Ureaplasmas could not be recovered from cell culture medium after 4 days post infection and their characteristic urease activity could not be demonstrated either in cell culture medium or associated with the cells after the first cell subcultivation. [3H]TdR was incorporated into the nuclei of infected cells and the percent labelled nuclei was reduced compared with uninfected cells. Nuclear labelling indices of infected cells increased as the cells were subcultivated by trypsinization suggesting that the ureaplasmas were removed from the host cell surface by this treatment. In general, the effects of ureaplasmas on WI-38 cells do not appear to be as pronounced as effects of other mycoplasmas on animal cells in culture. It is clear, nonetheless, that the urea hydrolysing mycoplasmas can infect cells in culture and cause discernible effects on the growth and metabolism of these cells.  相似文献   

A human/mouse hybridoma was developed which has the property of secreting a human bone resorbing factor similar or identical to the osteoclast activating factor (OAF) isolated from human tonsil lymphocytes. Mouse plasmacytoma cells negative for OAF production were fused with an enriched subpopulation of human tonsil lymphocytes that had been activated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) to produce OAF (G. E. Nedwin, M. A. Mohler, and R. A. Luben, submitted for publication). Culture supernatants from mixed hybridomas contained a bone resorbing protein shown to cause the release of 45Ca from previously labeled mouse calvaria. The bone resorbing activity from these hybridomas was inhibited by the presence of OAF-specific monoclonal antibodies. Several hybridomas retained OAF production following limited dilution cloning. One clone, CD6.20, showed a biphasic dose-response curve for bone resorption similar to that of purified OAF from PHA-activated human tonsil lymphocytes. OAF production in the CD6.20 cell line has been retained for over 100 passages. Karyotype analysis of this cell shows the presence of human chromosomes 10 and 18 and the X chromosome.  相似文献   

2-Acetamido-2-deoxy-4- and -6-O-(d-2-propanoyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutamine)-d-glucopyranose, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(d-2-propanoyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutamine)-d-allopyranose, -d-gulopyranose, -d-galactopyranose, -d-mannopyranose, and -l-idopyranose, and 3-O-(d-2-propanoyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutamine)-d- and -l-glucopyranose were synthesized, in order to clarify the structural requirements for the immunoadjuvant activity of the carbohydrate moiety in N-acetylmuramoyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutamine. Immunoadjuvant activity of the N-acetylmuramoyl-dipeptide analogs was examined in guinea-pigs.  相似文献   

The determination of purine levels in human and mouse plasma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Variable levels of acetic anhydride have been recommended for addition to one of two reagents used in the glyoxylic acid method for the determination of tryptophan. For use of this reagent immediately after preparation it was shown that a minimum of 16% (v/v) of acetic anhydride should be included in the formulation to obtain near-maximum sensitivity. It was further demonstrated that reagent formulations with and without acetic anhydride changed with exposure to light. The observed changes are manifest as changes in the relative sensitivities of the assay. Several modifications are recommended to improve the sensitivity and stability of the acetic anhydride-containing reagent in this assay.  相似文献   

Aqueous extracts of various lymphoid tissues, but not of non-lymphoid tissues, contain a species-non-specific but cell-specific inhibitor of the transformation and DNA synthesis of PHA-stimulated human lymphocytes which is apparently not cytotoxic and is reversible. This activity is found in similar molecular weight fractions from pure lymphocytes obtained in culture and hence appears to be endogenous to the lymphocyte itself. This specific and endogenous mitotic inhibitor does not appear to be a result of competitive lectin-binding, thymidine pool size dilution, phosphorylation, destruction of thymidine, or the direct immunosuppressive effects of thymidine upon the lymphocytes themselves. Rather, it appears to be a result of the effects of a protein contained in the crude ultrafiltrate from lymphoid tissues whose properties correspond to those originally described by Bullough & Laurence for a ‘chalone’. The chalone activity from thymus appears to be specific for T cells rather than B cells.  相似文献   

J Egel  J Pfanstiel  J B Puschett 《Life sciences》1985,37(18):1675-1681
Previous studies have indicated that the thiazide diuretics exert effects on proximal electrolyte transport. To determine whether the locus of these effects is at the brush border membrane (BBM) and if renal metabolism is affected, adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were acutely treated with either 1 mg/kg metolazone, 20 mg/kg chlorothiazide followed by a 20 mg/kg/hr maintenance infusion, 10 mg/kg acetazolamide followed by a 10 mg/kg/hr maintenance infusion, or the vehicles only. Administration of these agents resulted in an approximately tenfold increase in sodium excretion. Neither urinary phosphate nor inulin excretion changed significantly in any group. Sodium dependent BBM vesicle phosphate transport was examined at 0.15, 0.5, and 1 and 120 minute incubation periods in the diuretic treated groups and their respective control groups. Decreased uptake was seen in all pre-equilibrium time points in rats treated with metolazone: 0.15 minutes: 221 +/- 24 pmoles/mg protein (pmol/mg prot) in control rats versus (vs) 185 +/- 23 pmoles/mg prot in metolazone-treated animals (P less than .05) ; 0.5 minutes: 463 +/- 54 vs 369 +/- 49 pmol/mg prot (P less than .005); 1 minute: 549 +/- 74 vs 460 +/- 61 pmol/mg prot (P less than .05); no significant difference in phosphate transport was noted at the two hour equilibrium time point. No significant differences in sodium dependent phosphate transport existed between chlorothiazide or acetazolamide treated rats and control animals. Substrate-stimulated renal gluconeogenesis did not differ between metolazone treated and control animals. We therefore conclude that metolazone inhibits phosphate transport through an effect on the BBM and does not affect renal gluconeogenesis in the rat.  相似文献   

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