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Autophagic recycling of intracellular plant constituents is maintained at a basal level under normal growth conditions but can be induced in response to nutritional demand, biotic stress, and senescence. One route requires the ubiquitin‐fold proteins Autophagy‐related (ATG)‐8 and ATG12, which become attached to the lipid phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and the ATG5 protein, respectively, during formation of the engulfing vesicle and delivery of its cargo to the vacuole for breakdown. Here, we genetically analyzed the conjugation machinery required for ATG8/12 modification in Arabidopsis thaliana with a focus on the two loci encoding ATG12. Whereas single atg12a and atg12b mutants lack phenotypic consequences, atg12a atg12b double mutants senesce prematurely, are hypersensitive to nitrogen and fixed carbon starvation, and fail to accumulate autophagic bodies in the vacuole. By combining mutants eliminating ATG12a/b, ATG5, or the ATG10 E2 required for their condensation with a method that unequivocally detects the ATG8‐PE adduct, we also show that ATG8 lipidation requires the ATG12–ATG5 conjugate. Unlike ATG8, ATG12 does not associate with autophagic bodies, implying that its role(s) during autophagy is restricted to events before the vacuolar deposition of vesicles. The expression patterns of the ATG12a and ATG12b genes and the effects of single atg12a and atg12b mutants on forming the ATG12–ATG5 conjugate reveal that the ATG12b locus is more important during basal autophagy while the ATG12a locus is more important during induced autophagy. Taken together, we conclude that the formation of the ATG12–ATG5 adduct is essential for ATG8‐mediated autophagy in plants by promoting ATG8 lipidation.  相似文献   

Shao Y  Gao Z  Feldman T  Jiang X 《Autophagy》2007,3(1):10-16
The ubiquitin-like conjugation reactions, ATG8/microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3/MAP1LC3 (LC3) to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and ATG12 to ATG5, are biochemical hallmarks for autophagy, a cellular process that degrades bulk cellular proteins and organelles. The two conjugation reactions share the same E1-like enzyme ATG7 but have different E2-like enzymes, ATG3 for LC3-PE and ATG10 for ATG12-ATG5. In cells, ATG12-ATG5 conjugation appears to be required for LC3-PE conjugation. Previously, in vitro reconstitution of LC3-PE conjugation, but not the upstream ATG12-ATG5 conjugation, was reported. In this study, we describe for the first time the de novo reconstitution of mammalian ATG12-ATG5 conjugation by using purified recombinant proteins. We show that ATG7, ATG10 and ATP as an energy source are all essential for ATG12-ATG5 conjugation, and mutation of the specific lysine residue of ATG5 for ATG12 conjugation abrogates the reaction. Furthermore, a potent stimulating activity for ATG12-ATG5 conjugation was detected in mammalian cell extracts, and was surprisingly identified as ribosomes. Our detail biochemical analyses indicate that the ribonucleic acid (RNA) component of ribosomes is both necessary and sufficient for this stimulation.  相似文献   

The vacuole/lysosome serves an important recycling function during starvation and senescence in eukaryotes via a process called autophagy. Here bulk cytosolic constituents and organelles become sequestered in specialized autophagic vesicles, which then deliver their cargo to the vacuole for degradation. In yeasts, genetic screens have identified two novel post-translational modification pathways remarkably similar to ubiquitination that are required for autophagy. From searches of the Arabidopsis genome, we have identified gene families encoding proteins related to both the APG8 and -12 polypeptide tags and orthologs for all components required for their attachment. A single APG7 gene encodes the ATP-dependent activating enzyme that initiates both conjugation pathways. Phenotypic analysis of an APG7 disruption indicates that it is not essential for normal growth and development in Arabidopsis. However, the apg7-1 mutant is hypersensitive to nutrient limiting conditions and displays premature leaf senescence. mRNAs for both APG7 and APG8 preferentially accumulate as leaves senesce, suggesting that both conjugation pathways are up-regulated during the senescence syndrome. These findings show that the APG8/12 conjugation pathways have been conserved in plants and may have important roles in autophagic recycling, especially during situations that require substantial nitrogen and carbon mobilization.  相似文献   

Autophagy, a system for the bulk degradation of intracellular components, is essential for homeostasis and the healthy physiology and development of cells and tissues. Its deregulation is associated with human disease. Thus, methods to modulate autophagic activity are critical for analysis of its role in mammalian cells and tissues. Here we report a method to inhibit autophagy using a mutant variant of the protein ATG7, a ubiquitin E1-like enzyme essential for autophagosome formation. During autophagy, ATG7 activates the conjugation of LC3 (ATG8) with phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and ATG12 with ATG5. Human ATG7 interactions with LC3 or ATG12 require a thioester bond involving the ATG7 cysteine residue at position 572. We generated TetOff cells expressing mutant ATG7 protein carrying a serine substitution of this critical cysteine residue (ATG7C572S). Because ATG7C572S forms stable intermediate complexes with LC3 or ATG12, its expression resulted in a strong blockage of the ATG-conjugation system and suppression of autophagosome formation. Consequently, ATG7C572S mutant protein can be used as an inhibitor of autophagy.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an important intracellular recycling system in eukaryotes that utilizes small vesicles to traffic cytosolic proteins and organelles to the vacuole for breakdown. Vesicle formation requires the conjugation of the two ubiquitin-fold polypeptides ATG8 and ATG12 to phosphatidylethanolamine and the ATG5 protein, respectively. Using Arabidopsis thaliana mutants affecting the ATG5 target or the ATG7 E1 required to initiate ligation of both ATG8 and ATG12, we previously showed that the ATG8/12 conjugation pathways together are important when plants encounter nutrient stress and during senescence. To characterize the ATG12 conjugation pathway specifically, we characterized a null mutant eliminating the E2-conjugating enzyme ATG10 that, similar to plants missing ATG5 or ATG7, cannot form the ATG12-ATG5 conjugate. atg10-1 plants are hypersensitive to nitrogen and carbon starvation and initiate senescence and programmed cell death (PCD) more quickly than wild type, as indicated by elevated levels of senescence- and PCD-related mRNAs and proteins during carbon starvation. As detected with a GFP-ATG8a reporter, atg10-1 and atg5-1 mutant plants fail to accumulate autophagic bodies inside the vacuole. These results indicate that ATG10 is essential for ATG12 conjugation and that the ATG12-ATG5 conjugate is necessary to form autophagic vesicles and for the timely progression of senescence and PCD in plants.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an intracellular recycling route in eukaryotes whereby organelles and cytoplasm are sequestered in vesicles, which are subsequently delivered to the vacuole for breakdown. The process is induced by various nutrient-responsive signaling cascades converging on the Autophagy-Related1 (ATG1)/ATG13 kinase complex. Here, we describe the ATG1/13 complex in Arabidopsis thaliana and show that it is both a regulator and a target of autophagy. Plants missing ATG13 are hypersensitive to nutrient limitations and senesce prematurely similar to mutants lacking other components of the ATG system. Synthesis of the ATG12-ATG5 and ATG8-phosphatidylethanolamine adducts, which are essential for autophagy, still occurs in ATG13-deficient plants, but the biogenesis of ATG8-decorated autophagic bodies does not, indicating that the complex regulates downstream events required for autophagosome enclosure and/or vacuolar delivery. Surprisingly, levels of the ATG1a and ATG13a phosphoproteins drop dramatically during nutrient starvation and rise again upon nutrient addition. This turnover is abrogated by inhibition of the ATG system, indicating that the ATG1/13 complex becomes a target of autophagy. Consistent with this mechanism, ATG1a is delivered to the vacuole with ATG8-decorated autophagic bodies. Given its responsiveness to nutrient demands, the turnover of the ATG1/13 kinase likely provides a dynamic mechanism to tightly connect autophagy to a plant's nutritional status.  相似文献   

Leishmania major possesses, apparently uniquely, four families of ATG8-like genes, designated ATG8, ATG8A, ATG8B and ATG8C, and 25 genes in total.  L. major ATG8 and examples from the ATG8A, ATG8B and ATG8C families are able to complement a Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATG8-deficient strain, indicating functional conservation. Whereas ATG8 has been shown to form putative autophagosomes during differentiation and starvation of L. major, ATG8A primarily form puncta in response to starvation - suggesting a role for ATG8A in starvation-induced autophagy. Recombinant ATG8A was processed at the scissile glycine by recombinant ATG4.2 but not ATG4.1 cysteine peptidases of L. major and, consistent with this, ATG4.2-deficient L. major mutants were unable to process ATG8A and were less able to withstand starvation than wild type cells. GFP-ATG8-containing puncta were less abundant in ATG4.2 over-expression lines, in which unlipidated ATG8 predominated, which is consistent with ATG4.2 being an ATG8-deconjugating enzyme as well as an ATG8A-processing enzyme. In contrast, recombinant ATG8, ATG8B and ATG8C were all processed by ATG4.1, but not by ATG4.2. ATG8B and ATG8C both have a distinct subcellular location close to the flagellar pocket, but the occurrence of the GFP-labelled puncta suggest that they do not have a role in autophagy. L. major genes encoding possible ATG5, ATG10 and ATG12 homologues were found to complement their respective S. cerevisiae mutants, and ATG12 localised in part to ATG8-containing puncta, suggestive of a functional ATG5-ATG12 conjugation pathway in the parasite. L. major ATG12 is unusual as it requires C-terminal processing by an as yet unidentified peptidase.  相似文献   

Autophagy is important for degradation and recycling of intracellular components. In a diversity of genera and species, orthologs and paralogs of the yeast Atg4 and Atg8 proteins are crucial in the biogenesis of double-membrane autophagosomes that carry the cellular cargoes to vacuoles and lysosomes. Although many plant genome sequences are available, the ATG4 and ATG8 sequence analysis is limited to some model plants. We identified 28 ATG4 and 116 ATG8 genes from the available 18 different plant genome sequences. Gene structures and protein domain sequences of ATG4 and ATG8 are conserved in plant lineages. Phylogenetic analyses classified ATG8s into 3 subgroups suggesting divergence from the common ancestor. The ATG8 expansion in plants might be attributed to whole genome duplication, segmental and dispersed duplication, and purifying selection. Our results revealed that the yeast Atg4 processes Arabidopsis ATG8 but not human LC3A (HsLC3A). In contrast, HsATG4B can process yeast and plant ATG8s in vitro but yeast and plant ATG4s cannot process HsLC3A. Interestingly, in Nicotiana benthamiana plants the yeast Atg8 is processed compared to HsLC3A. However, HsLC3A is processed when coexpressed with HsATG4B in plants. Molecular modeling indicates that lack of processing of HsLC3A by plant and yeast ATG4 is not due to lack of interaction with HsLC3A. Our in-depth analyses of ATG4 and ATG8 in the plant lineage combined with results of cross-kingdom ATG8 processing by ATG4 further support the evolutionarily conserved maturation of ATG8. Broad ATG8 processing by HsATG4B and lack of processing of HsLC3A by yeast and plant ATG4s suggest that the cross-kingdom ATG8 processing is determined by ATG8 sequence rather than ATG4.  相似文献   

Bulk degradation and nutrient recycling are events associated with autophagy. The core components of the autophagy machinery have been elucidated recently using molecular and genetic approaches. In particular, two ubiquitin-like proteins, ATG8 and ATG12, which conjugate with phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and ATG5, respectively, forming ATG8-PE and ATG12-ATG5 complexes, were shown to be essential in autophagosome formation. Our recent findings reveal that the Arabidopsis thaliana acyl-CoA-binding protein ACBP3 binds the phospholipid PE in vitro and that ACBP3 overexpression and downregulation correlate with PE composition in rosettes. Furthermore, ACBP3-overexpressors (ACBP3-OEs) display accelerated salicylic acid-dependent leaf senescence resembling the phenotype of Arabidopsis knockout (KO) mutants defective in autophagy-related (ATG) proteins. Consistently, downregulation of ACBP3 (ACBP3-KOs) delays dark-induced leaf senescence. By analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis expressing GFP-ATG8e as well as those co-expressing ACBP3-OE and GFP-ATG8e, we showed that ACBP3-overexpression disrupts autophagosome formation and enhanced degradation of ATG8 under starvation conditions, suggesting that ACBP3 is an important regulator of the ATG8-PE complex via its interaction with PE. Here, a working model for the role of ACBP3 in the regulation of autophagy-mediated leaf senescence is presented.  相似文献   

Li F  Vierstra RD 《Autophagy》2012,8(6):982-984
Like other organisms, plants rely on autophagy to recycle intracellular components needed for development, new growth and survival during nutrient stress. This 'self eating' is a catabolic process by which unwanted cytoplasmic materials and dysfunctional organelles are sequestered into vesicles and subsequently delivered to the vacuole for breakdown. The process is tightly regulated by the autophagy-related 1(ATG1)-ATG13 kinase complex which is controlled by multiple nutrient-responsive upstream regulators that integrate nutrient demand with availability. To further appreciate how autophagy is controlled in plants, we recently examined the functions of the ATG1-ATG13 complex in Arabidopsis thaliana. Our data revealed a dual role for the ATG1-ATG13 complex, first as a regulator of plant autophagy, and second as a substrate of this recycling process.  相似文献   

Summary The recombinational processes directed by the RecBC and the RecF pathways following conjugation in E. coli have been compared. The viable recombinant products of the RecF pathway show a higher incidence of mismatch correction, higher percentage of heterogeneous clones produced by single ex-conjugants and a much slowere rate of integration and segregation compared to the RecBC pathway. There are reasons to suspect that the product of recB and recC genes may be necessary for conversion of the single stranded donor DNA in the zygote to double stranded DNA. Theoretical considerations suggest that an exchange involving only one strand of DNA may be a much slower process, with more stringent homology requirement for the entire exchanged segment, than a double strand exchange of a comparable length; the latter should be much faster, with stringent homology requirements for only the terminal regions of the exchanged segments. It is suggested that the RecF pathway mainly mediates replacement of relatively long stretches of single strands of recipient DNA by the corresponding strands of donor DNA while the RecBC pathway mediates exchange of mostly double stranded DNA between the donor and the recipient; in addition, the RecBC pathway may also catalyze the integration of very small segments of single strands of the donor DNA. A model based on the above basic hypothesis is described. It is further suggested that the enzymes exonucleaseV and exonucleaseI control the relative yields of the recombinants produced by the two pathways by regulating the supply of the donor substrates required by these pathways; the former diverts the potential substrate of the RecF pathway (single stranded DNA) to the duplex substrates of the RecBC pathway while the latter destroys the substrates of the RecF pathway, especially in absence of exonucleaseV.  相似文献   

In the process of autophagy, the Atg8 protein is conjugated, through a ubiquitin-like system, to the lipid phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) to associate with the membrane of forming autophagosomes. There, it plays a crucial role in the genesis of these organelles and in autophagy in general. In most eukaryotes, the cysteine peptidase Atg4 processes the C terminus of cytosolic Atg8 to regulate its association with autophagosomal membranes and also delipidates Atg8 to release this protein from membranes. The parasitic protist Toxoplasma gondii contains a functional, yet apparently reduced, autophagic machinery. T. gondii Atg8 homolog, in addition to a cytosolic and occasionally autophagosomal localization, also localizes to the apicoplast, a nonphotosynthetic plastid bounded by four membranes. Our attempts to interfere with TgATG8 function showed that it appears to be essential for parasite multiplication inside its host cell. This protein also displays a peculiar C terminus that does not seem to necessitate processing prior to membrane association and yet an unusually large Toxoplasma homolog of ATG4 is predicted in the parasite genome. A TgATG4 conditional expression mutant that we have generated is severely affected in growth, and displays significant alterations at the organellar level, noticeably with a fragmentation of the mitochondrial network and a loss of the apicoplast. TgATG4-depleted parasites appear to be defective in the recycling of membrane-bound TgATG8. Overall, our data highlight a role for the TgATG8 conjugation pathway in maintaining the homeostasis of the parasite’s organelles and suggest that Toxoplasma has evolved a specialized autophagic machinery with original regulation.  相似文献   

NEDD8, a novel ubiquitin-like protein, has been shown to conjugate to proteins in a manner analogous to ubiquitination and sentrinization. Recently, human UBC12 was identified as a putative NEDD8 conjugation enzyme (E2). While investigating the in vivo function of UBC12, we found that the point mutant, UBC12(C111S), showed a dominant-negative effect on NEDD8 conjugation. This mutant, with a single Cys-to-Ser substitution at the conserved Cys residue in the E2 family, could specifically inhibit NEDD8 conjugation. We observed the dominant-negative effect on NEDD8 conjugation to substrates, including the C-terminal fragment of cullin-2 (Cul-2-DeltaN), full-length cullin-1, and also other uncharacterized target proteins. Interestingly, UBC12(C111S) formed a heterodimeric conjugate with NEDD8. This conjugate was stable under stringent conditions, including 6 m guanidine HCl, 8 m urea, 2% SDS, or 5% beta-mercaptoethanol. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that UBC12(C111S) sequesters the NEDD8 monomer by forming a UBC12(C111S)-NEDD8 conjugate and, in turn, inhibits the subsequent transfer of NEDD8 to its targets. To examine the biological role of NEDD8 conjugation, this dominant-negative form of UBC12 was applied to a cell growth assay. Overexpression of UBC12(C111S) led to inhibition of growth in U2OS and HEK293 cells. Thus, this dominant-negative form of UBC12 could be useful in defining the role of NEDD8 modification in other biological systems.  相似文献   

A series of homopeptides and their conjugates were synthesized in one pot reaction in the presence of phosphorus oxychloride and the conjugate yield was structurally dependent. Menthol and benzylamine conjugated to the homopeptides quantitatively. Homopeptides when treated with diisopropyloxyphosphite (DIPPH) and NaClO yield the corresponding N-phosphoryl peptides. Electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS)/MS was used to study the structure of peptide conjugates. This paper reports a simple method to synthesize the homopeptides and their conjugate derivatives and the fact that phosphoryl peptides could also be obtained by one pot reaction.  相似文献   

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