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中国的光肩星天牛类群   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
吴蔚文  蒋书楠 《昆虫学报》1998,41(3):284-290
该文讨论我国光肩星天牛Anoplophoraglabrlpennis(Motschulsky)类群的外部形态和外生殖器的主要鉴别特征,寄主、地理分布、起源及其演化。光肩星天牛主要分布在山西吕梁山、太行山以东的广大平原地区,寄主广泛,主要有榆、复叶槭、杨、柳、五角枫等。黄斑星天牛主要分布在秦岭以北,山西吕粱山太行山以西的陕甘宁地区,向东已扩展到河南、河北;主要为害杨树,也为害柳、榆。四川星天牛主要分布于秦岭以南的西部地区,北限在陕西太白山到甘肃天水一带;主要为害柳。在秦岭以北到天水之间是黄斑星天牛和四川星天牛的重叠分布区,山西太行山两侧南北走向的狭长地带是光肩星天牛和黄肩星天牛重叠分布区,两个狭长地带交会处,大约在秦岭以北的陕西和(或)山西境内有三个种的重叠分布区域.在云、贵、川地区广泛分布着四川星天牛,至今还没有发现光肩星天牛、黄斑星天牛和蓝角星天牛,后者应该是一个值得怀疑的种。  相似文献   

Patelloida pygmaea (Dunker) and its closely allied species,P. heroldi (Dunker) and P. conulus (Dunker) have caused nomenclaturalconfusion because of their variable shell morphology and distinctivehabitats. According to current nomenclature, these species ofPatelloida have been synonymized and treated as one specieswith two ecological forms. Patelloida pygmaea lives on the shellof Crassostrea gigas (Ostreidae), P. pygmaea form heroldi occurson intertidal rocks on sheltered shores and P. pygmaea formconulus is found on the shell of Batillaria multiformis (Batillariidae).Their taxonomic relationships and possible species status are,however, unclear. Using two mitochondrial genes (fragments ofCOI and 16S ribosomal RNA; total 1192 sites), we analysed 88specimens of P. pygmaea, P. pygmaea form heroldi and P. pygmaeaform conulus from 37 localities in East Asia. In the resultingmolecular phylogenetic trees, the specimens of Patelloida fallinto four clades with high bootstrap probabilities; these cladescorrespond taxonomically to P. pygmaea, P. conulus, P. heroldiand a fourth previously unrecognized taxon, Patelloida ryukyuensisn. sp., described here. A minimum-spanning network for 29 uniquemitochondrial COI haplotypes obtained from 45 specimens in thesame bay in central Japan form three distinct clusters, consistingof P. pygmaea, P. conulus and P. heroldi, respectively. Thissuggests that reproductive isolation has been established betweeneach group. A detailed examination of radular and shell morphologiesof the four taxa clarifies the morphological distinction betweenthese species. The four species form a rather young clade inthe genus Patelloida that diverged during the Pliocene. Theyprovide an example of habitat segregation in a restricted marineenvironment. (Received 21 December 2004; accepted 11 March 2005)  相似文献   

A nutrient enrichment experiment was conducted in order to studythe role of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and the N:P ratio onthe early summer phytoplankton community in the ArchipelagoSea, northern Baltic Sea. The phytoplankton community was, interms of chlorophyll a and total biomass, primarily N-limited,but the individual species varied in their responses to thenutrient supply. The recorded overall N limitation was due tofast growth responses of a few N-limited species such as thediatom Chaetoceros wighamii (Brightwell) and the mixotrophicchrysophyte Uroglena sp. Another dominating diatom, Skeletonemacostatum (Greville) Cleve was most clearly P-limited. The N:Pratio had the strongest effect on Uroglena sp., which grew exponentiallyin the enrichments with a high N:P ratio. This can be explainedby the ability of the species to feed on P-rich bacteria, whichgives it a competitive advantage in P-limited conditions. Thespecies-specific differences in the responses to the nutrientenrichments can generally be explained by differences in thespecies physiology and they were consistent with the theoryof resource competition.  相似文献   

双尾蚜属Diuraphis Aizenberg全世界记录13种,主要分布在古北界和新北界。根据种类丰富度和特有种成分,欧亚大陆的欧洲和中亚为该属蚜虫的现代第一分布中心,北美为第二分布中心。本文提供了该属所有13个种的分种检索表。双尾蚜属蚜虫在中国共有7种,主要分布在蒙新区。它们是:麦双尾蚜Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), 害冰麦双尾蚜D. nociva Zhang et Liang,冰草麦蚜D. (Holcaphis) agropyronophaga Zhang, 披碱草蚜D. (Holcaphis) elymophila Zhang, 西方麦蚜D. (Holcaphis) frequens (Walker), 雀麦蚜D. (Holcaphis) bromicola Hille Ris Lambers和绒毛草蚜D. (Holcaphis) holci (Hille Ris Lambers)。对中国种类进行了简要描述。  相似文献   

Ecological Studies of Seaweeds in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Three species of benthic marine macroalgae comprise the chiefcomponents of the seaweed flora of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.Quantitative studies at Cape Evans demonstrate a depth-relateddistribution pattern, with Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory inshallow water, Phyllophora antarctica A. and E. S. Gepp abundantand fertile at intermediate depths, and Leptophytum coulmanicum(Foslie) Adey dominant below 20 m. The vertical distributionof species is correlated with irradiance levels. At sites withthinner annual sea ice and less snow accumulation (e.g., CapeEvans, Cape Royds, and Granite Harbor), vertical distributionsare shifted downward relative to those at sites that remaincovered most of the year with thick or snow-covered fast ice(e.g., Cape Armitage and New Harbor). Disturbance caused byice scour and anchor ice probably determines the upper limitof algal distribution; herbivory is apparently absent. There is a disproportionate representation of cystocarpic femalegametophytes in populations of I. cordata and P. antarctica.Perennation via persistent basal crusts and apogamic recyclingof gametophytes are suggested as factors structuring phase distribution.Although the overall size of I. cordata blades is greater (andcystocarpic plants more abundant) at Cape Royds than at CapeEvans, cystocarpic blades are similar in minimum size at bothsites, indicating a threshhold size or age for the onset ofreproduction in this species.  相似文献   

In a survey of shell-boring polychaeles of New England, representativesof five families were found: Spionidae, Cirratulidae, Capitellidae,Terebellidae, and Sabellidae. The five spionid species were studied extensively. These includePolydora commensalis Andrews, found only in shells occupiedby hermit crabs, P. concharum Verrill, P. socialis (Schmarda), P. websleri Hartman, and Boccardia hamata (Webster) , foundin various types of shell. Breeding periods were defined andthe larval development described for each species. Polydoraconcharum deposits egg capsules inwinter months, while the oilierpolydorids spawn in spring or summer. Morphology of planktoniclarvae is distinct in each species, although P. websteri larvaemay be confused with non-boring species such as P. ligni Webster.Polydora socialis adults are found in both shells and sedimentand have a unique grinding apparatus, a gizzard, between theesophagus and intestine. The cirratulid, Dodecaceria sp., follows an asexual mode ofreproduction. The syslematics of Dodecaceria is complex owingto multiple modes of reproduction. No sexually mature individualswere observed during the course of this study. Asexual budswerefound in the Fall. A sabellid, Pseudopolamilla reniformis (Miiller), is commonlyfound in theshells of Placopeclen magellanicits (Gmelin) inMaine waters. Its reproductionis unknown.  相似文献   

Seasonal rates of growth and dry-matter production were examinedin second-year seedlings of Larix leptolepis, Pinus contorta,and Pinus radiata grown in an unheated glasshouse. The deciduousLarix had a higher rate of production of dry matter than eitherof the two species of Pinus until the time of leaf fall, andthis was accompanied by a greater height and diameter increment.However, between the time of leaf fall in Larix and the endof the growing season, the species of Pinus increased in dryweight by more than 25 per cent, and in consequence Larix, becauseof its deciduous habit, lost much of the advantage of its fastgrowth-rate. Comparison of the two pine species showed thatP. radiata, while making nearly 3.5 times as much height incrementas P. contorta, had only a 45 per cent higher dry weight thanthat species at the end of the experiment. The dry-weight differenceswere due to differences in relative growth-rate (RGR). The RGR differences between the two pine species resulted fromdifferences in net assimilation rate (NAR) rather than differencesin the ratio of photosynthetic to non-photosynthetic tissue,and P. radiata gained most of its dry-weight advantage duringthe two months of October and November. It seems possible thatthe higher NAR of P. radiata at this time was a reflection ofthe difference in growth habit between the two pine species,and possible mechanisms by which growth may have affected NARin this experiment are briefly considered.  相似文献   

We studied the floral biology of 12 populations of five rupicolousPleurothallis(Orchidaceae) species occurring in campo rupestre vegetationat nine localities in Brazil. All of these species are pollinatedby flies belonging to the families Chloropidae and Phoridae.In the five Pleurothallis species studied, all conspecific populationsattracted the same pollinator species. All pollinators werefemales; they laid eggs in flowers of the two nectarless species,but never in the flowers of nectar-presenting species. The twopairs ofPleurothallis species with similar flower morphologiesand odours attracted the same pollinators: P. johannensis -P. fabiobarrosii, pollinated by Tricimba sp. (Chloropidae) andP. teres - P. ochreata pollinated by Megaselia spp. (Phoridae).There was no overlap in the distribution of thePleurothallisspecies that shared pollinators. Despite similarities in floralmorphology and odour, genetic data show that these species pairsare not each other's closest relatives. We hypothesize thatthese similarities are due to convergence in allopatric speciesthat evolved similar pollination mechanisms. Conversely, thereare reasons to believe that adaptation to different pollinationmechanisms occurred in the closely related species P. johannensisand P. teres.Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Pleurothallis, Orchidaceae, floral biology, fly-pollination, Chloropidae, Phoridae, pollinator specificity, campo rupestre  相似文献   

Copepod succession in two South African estuaries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The seasonal succession of copepod species was studied fromNovember 1976 through October 1978 in the Swartkops and Sundaysriver estuaries. South Africa. Acartia natalensis appeared inthe plankton in spring and reaches maximum abundance duringsummer and autumn. It was replaced by A. longipatella in lateautumn which reached maximum abundance in winter and spring.Cycles of dominance are regulated by the interaction of temperature,salinity and competition between the two species. A natalensis a more tolerant of low salinity and the replacementof A. longipatella by A. natalensis starts in the upper estuaryand spreads seawards. Maximum abundance of A. natalensis isattained in water of lower salinity than in the case of A. longipatella.In the Sundays estuary A. natalensis appeared briefly in thelatter half of the study and in the upper and middle estuaryonly. In the lower estuary A. longipatella was present duringall seasons. This was due to the absence of competition fromA. natalensis, high salinity and lower summer temperatures dueto marine influence. A third species of copepod, Pseudodiaptomushessei functions as a pioneer species, exploiting "new water"after flooding or strong fresh water inflow. High abundancemay therefore occur during any season and no competition betweenP. hessei and either species of Acartia was observed.  相似文献   

The effect of nutrient amendment on growth of nine indigenoustree species planted on coal mine spoil was studied. Greatergrowth in fertilized plots was accompanied by greater foliarN and P concentrations in all species. The response to fertilizationvaried among species and was greater in non-leguminous thanin leguminous species. Furthermore, leguminous species exhibitedhigher growth rates compared to non-leguminous species. Thelog-transformed height-diameter relationships were significantfor all tree species and treatments. Acacia catechu, Dalbergiasissoo, Gmelina arborea and Azadirachta indica fitted the elasticsimilarity model of tree growth; whereas Pongamia pinnata andPhyllanthus emblica followed the constant stress model. Tectonagrandis was the only species which fitted the geometric similaritymodel. In Albizia lebbeck and Terminalia bellirica, the b -values(the gradients of the log-transformed height to diameter relationships)were considerably lower (<0.5), and these two species didnot fit any model of tree growth. In several cases, the b -valueswere considerably influenced by nutrient amendment. The log-transformedcrown mass and trunk mass relationships were significant forall treatments and species. The slope of the crown mass:trunkmass relationship was near unity in A. indica, D. sissoo, G.arborea, P. emblica, P. pinnata, T. grandis, and T. bellirica.However, in A. catechu and A. lebbeck, this slope was well belowunity suggesting a greater allocation to non-photosynthetictissue. Fertilizer amendment resulted in a heavier crown relativeto trunk in A. indica, T. grandis and T. bellirica. Copyright2001 Annals of Botany Company Diameter increment, fertilizer application, foliar N, foliar P, height increment, tree growth, volume increment  相似文献   

Rhizosolenia mat abundance, distribution and chemical compositionwere studied on two cruises in the central North Pacific gyrein order to determine large-scale distribution patterns andcontribution to upward nitrogen (N) flux. These macroscopicdiatom mats are composed of multiple species of Rhizosoleniathat exploit subsurface nitrate pools by vertically migratingbelow the euphotic zone. Although numerically dominated by thesmall-diameter species, R.fallax (73–95% of total numbers),mat biovolume was dominated by large-diameter (>50 µmdiameter) Rhizosolenia spp. (85–99% of total volume).Integrated mat abundance was substantially higher when matsaccumulated at the surface during calm weather (  相似文献   

1. Forty-three strains of moulds, selected from ten species,were examined to ascertain their capabilities as producers offat, when grown in four different solutions of nutrient inorganicsalts together with sucrose. The three highest yields of feltwere given by Penicillium javanicum van Beyma, P. Soppi Zaleski,and Aspergillus nidulans Eidam, in that order. The fat contenton felt weight was maximal at 34·8 per cent, with P.Soppi, at 28·4 per cent. with Fusarium lini(1), and at25·8 per cent. with A. nidulans; on sugar utilized itwas maximal at 11·4 per cent. with P. Soppi, at 7·9per cent, with A. nidulans, and at 5·6 per cent. withF. lini(1). 2. Other moulds considered worthy of further trial were P. spinulosum,P. aurantiobrunneum, F. graminearum, A. flavus, F. oxysporum,A. clavatus, and P. oxalicum.  相似文献   

I contrast mitochondrial DNA genealogies based on 612 bp ofthe cytochrome b gene across four co-distributed species offrogs in Northeastern Brazil. They are Hyla albomarginata, Hylabranneri, Proceratophrys boiei, and Scinax nebulosus. Sampleswere collected from the core or edge of six rainforest remnantsin the states of Pernambuco and Alagoas. Three fragments arelocated within the humid Atlantic Forest morphoclimatic domain(municipalities of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Ibateguara, andJaqueira), two are located in the transition zone between theAtlantic Forest domain and the semi-arid Caatinga (Caruaru andTimbaúba), and one is found within the Caatinga (Brejoda Madre de Deus). Results show that local patterns and levelsof genetic diversity are influenced by taxon-specific habitatrequirements. Populations of the montane, closed-canopy speciesP. boiei show strong geographical structure, reflecting barriersto gene flow that predate human-driven habitat destruction.Species occurring along forest edges, such as H. albomarginataand S. nebulosus, show genetic patterns similar to those ofP. boiei, but lower levels of genetic divergence. The more generalistHyla branneri shows no geographic pattern. The data are in agreementwith distribution and fossil data gathered for other groupsof organisms, suggesting that mesic forests occupied the currentlyarid Caatinga in the recent past.  相似文献   

从一种来自中国日行性萤火虫(云南窗萤)发光器官mRNA中克隆、测序并表达了有功能的荧光素酶。云南窗萤荧光素酶的cDNA序列有1 647个碱基,编码548个氨基酸残基。从推测得到的氨基酸序列的比对分析得出:云南窗萤的荧光素酶与来自Lampyris noctiluca, L. turkestanicusNyctophila cf. caucasica三种萤火虫的荧光素酶有97.8%的序列一致性。从推测得出的氨基酸序列进行系统发育分析,其结果表明:云南窗萤和Lampyris+Nyctophila聚在一起, 与同属的发光强夜行性的萤火虫不形成的单系。云南窗萤荧光素酶在大肠杆菌中表达的条带大约70 kDa,并且在有荧光素存在时发出黄绿色荧光。对荧光素酶的结构模拟和分析表明,云南窗萤荧光素酶基因的氨基端和羧基端结构域之间的裂沟处存在这5个多肽环,这正是从其他荧光素酶推测得到的催化荧光反应时的底物结合位点。云南窗萤和窗萤属的其他3种萤火虫的荧光素酶相比,有13个不同氨基酸位点,位于模拟分子结构的表面。对于这些多肽环、不同氨基酸残基和晶体结构的进一步研究有利于解释日行和夜行性萤火虫荧光素酶的差异。  相似文献   

庄剑云  魏淑霞 《菌物学报》1992,11(Z1):127-130
描述了采自四川西部山区竹上的柄锈菌一新种,即寄生在箭竹Sinarundinaria nitida(Mitf.) Nakai上的箭竹柄锈菌Puccinia sinarundinariae J-y. Zhuang & S.-x. Wei。模式标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室。  相似文献   

The experimental susceptibility of Portugala inchoata, Euomphalia(M.) brigantina, Ponentina ponentina, Hygromia (P.) cantabricacantabrica and Hygromia (P.) cantabrica covadongae to Neostrongyluslinearis larvae were studied for the first rime. The total numberof molluscs used in the infections was 207 and they were killedin series between day 6 and SO post-infection. In order to definethe suitability of the molluscs as intermediate hosts for thisparasite, the number of L-I that penetrated the foot and developedto L-I, L-Il and L-III has been taken into account, as wellas the first days on which the different stages were observed One way analysis of variance showed statistically significantdifferences for the penetration and development of the larvaeamong the species of molluscs examined Statistically significant differences concerning the susceptibilityof the adult and young examples of P. inchoata and E. (M.) brigantinato N. linearis were confirmed by using the chi-square test The most susceptible species of molluscs to N. linearis usingexperimental infections were in decreasing order: P. inchoata,E.(M.) brigantina, H. (P.). caniabrica covadongae, P. ponentinaand H. (P.) caniabrica cantabric *This work was supported, in partt, by both the C.A.I.C.Y.T.(Project number 142/83) and C.S.I.C. (211) (Received 12 March 1987;  相似文献   

The abundance and distribution of Candea larvae was studiedin Ísafjord-deep, north-west Iceland, at approximatelymonthly intervals from February 1987 to February 1988 Zooplanktonsampling was made at nine stations along the length of the fjord,while temperature and chlorophyll a measurements from one ofthe stations are also presented Larvae of six species occurredin the samples, Eualus pusiolus and Pandalus borealis were mostnumerous, constituting 62 8 and 25 9% of the larvae respectively.The other species were, in declining order of abundance, Pandalusmontagui, Spirontocaris spp. (S spinus and s lilljeborgii) andSabinea septemcarinata. Eualus pusiolus was of highest abundancein the outer and middle parts of the fjord, while P.borealiswas most common in the middle and inner parts The onset of hatchingof all species in April–May appeared closely linked tothe phytoplankton spring bloom, while the temperature in thefjord was by then near the annual low (2–3°C). Exceptfor E pusiolus, of which a small part of the population produceda second brood during the summer, most of the larvae had disappearedfrom the plankton by the middle of August The monthly carapacegrowth of P.borealis larvae during the summer months was estimatedto be 1.0 mm.  相似文献   

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