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Skin or subcutaneous infection with aspergillus is uncommon. It has been described in disseminated aspergillosis, as localized infection in the immunocompromised host and as a complication of trauma and burns. Described in this paper is a diabetic patient who developed a fatal Aspergillus infection following debridement of a necrotizing fasciitis. "Fruiting bodies," rarely found in vivo, were seen on pathologic examination of subcutaneous tissue. Her course was similar to that of burn patients with invasive fungal disease, where mortality is high and radical debridement is the only chance for cure.  相似文献   

Necrotizing fasciitis is an aggressive, deep-seated infection of the fascia and subcutaneous fat with necrosis of overlying skin. Eleven cases of necrotizing fasciitis of the posterior neck are reviewed to demonstrate the advantage of using a bilobed fasciocutaneous flap for repair following surgical debridement. Nine men and two women aged 40 to 65 years (mean age, 54.8 years) presented for reconstruction from April of 1999 to March of 2003. The blood supply of the bilobed fasciocutaneous flap originates from a constant row of musculocutaneous perforators of posterior intercostal arteries. The technique enabled regional reconstruction, conserved tissues, and provided satisfactory aesthetic results.  相似文献   

目的 探讨弧菌坏死性筋膜炎患者急诊切开减张术的手术护理及配合.方法 回顾性分析2000年7月至2009年6月就诊于温州医学院附属第一医院并行急诊切开减张手术患者的临床资料,总结该类患者术中护理的要点.结果 2000年7月至2009年6月该院手术治疗弧菌坏死性筋膜炎患者19例,68.4%的患者原有慢性肝病病史,89.5%的患者并发脓毒性休克,31.6%进展为多脏器功能不全,术中止血困难者占52.6%.本组患者病死率为42.1%.注重病情评估及监测、熟练配合缩短手术时间、有效控制术中出血、预防交叉感染是弧菌坏死性筋膜炎患者术中护理要点.结论 弧菌坏死性筋膜炎患者病情危重,急诊切开减张及有效的护理能改善患者预后.  相似文献   

Kong CS  Cha I 《Acta cytologica》2004,48(4):473-477
OBJECTIVE: To describe the cytomorphologic features of nodular fasciitis that differentiate it from schwannoma. STUDY DESIGN: The cytomorphologic features of 10 cases of nodular fasciitis were compared to those of 4 cases of biopsy-proven schwannoma. Aspirate smears were evaluated for cellular cohesion, cell type and stroma. Immunoperoxidase stains were utilized in select cases. RESULTS: The cases of nodular fasciitis exhibited cohesive clusters of epithelioid to spindle-shaped cells in a background of single, intact mesenchymal cells; inflammatory cells; and myxoid stroma. In contrast, schwannomas lacked single, intact cells and inflammation. Schwannoma stroma was also myxoid but appeared more finely fibrillar, and cell clusters were notable for alternating areas of hypercellularity and hypocellularity. Immunoperoxidase stains demonstrated smooth muscle actin reactivity in 5 cases of nodular fasciitis and S-100 in 2 cases of schwannoma. CONCLUSION: Nodular fasciitis can be distinguished from schwannomas on the basis of cytomorphologic features and immunocytochemical profile. Cytologic diagnosis of nodular fasciitis is important since it obviates the need for surgical excision.  相似文献   

During the last decade, there has been a dramatic resurgence of necrotizing fasciitis caused by group A streptococcal disease with mortality rates from 43 to 58 percent. The objective of this study was to review recent clinical experience regarding the diagnosis and management of streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis, including the use of high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin. From April of 1995 to December of 1997, 20 consecutive adult patients meeting clinical and/or histopathologic criteria for streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis were identified in the Toronto area. Of those, 16 (80 percent) were treated with > or = 1 mg/kg of intravenous immunoglobulin. Fourteen men and 6 women ranging in age from 33 to 89 were identified (median age 55.5 years). Sixteen patients (80 percent) with necrotizing fasciitis survived. Ten patients had necrotizing fasciitis alone, none of whom died. Eight patients were identified with myonecrosis and necrotizing fasciitis, three of whom died. The case fatality rate of all patients who received intravenous immunoglobulin was 19 percent (3 of 16) and was not statistically significantly different (p = 1.0) from the case fatality rate of 25 percent (1 of 4) in those patients who did not receive intravenous immunoglobulin. A total of seven patients (35 percent) were diagnosed as having a cause for their signs and symptoms other than necrotizing fasciitis when they initially presented to a physician; one of these patients died. There was no correlation with the M type or the streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin genotype and outcome.  相似文献   

A 39-yr-old wild-caught, female western lowland gorilla ( Gorilla gorilla gorilla ) died during an immobilization to assess swelling and apparent pain of the cervical region. Necropsy revealed a fistulous tract containing plant material in the oropharynx, above the soft palate, communicating with a left-sided cervical necrotizing fasciitis and myositis. Alpha-hemolytic Streptococcus and Prevotella sp. were isolated from the cervical lesion . This is a report of cervical necrotizing fasciitis in a western lowland gorilla.  相似文献   

In the feline intestine studies have implicated superoxide (O.-) and other oxygen derived free radicals as initiators of injury as measured by increased capillary permeability during the reperfusion period. Biochemical mechanisms of this free radical generation include: xanthine oxidase dependent O.- production, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) formation by superoxide dismutase (SOD), hydroxyl radical (OH-) production via the Haber-Weiss reaction, and lipid radical formation from membrane peroxidation. Pathological consequences of these events include inflammatory neutrophil infiltration, damage to the collagen and mucosal basement membrane, increased capillary permeability, edema, cell degeneration and necrosis. Animal models of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (NNEC) indicate that intestinal injury occurs after the etiologic factors (hypothermia, hypoxia) are removed. In order to determine the role of active oxygen species in the pathogenesis of NNEC, weanling hamsters and neonatal piglets were cold stressed and activities of pro/antioxidant enzymes were determined, and histopathologic and ultrastructural studies were performed. Cold stressed weanling hamsters showed a 55.7% (P less than 0.05) decrease in xanthine dehydrogenase/xanthine oxidase activity ratio. Light microscopy revealed scattered colonic mucosal erosions and submucosal edema in 50% of cold stressed animals. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated degeneration of colonic mucosal epithelial cells, enlarged intracellular spaces, cytoplasmic vacuolization, and nuclear membrane swelling. The colonic serosa was also edematous and infiltrated with bacteria. Large intestinal tissue from cold stressed neonatal piglets showed a significant increase (P less than 0.05) in Mn and Cu, Zn, SOD, CAT, GSH-Red, total GSH, and Glc6-PD at 0 and 12 hrs. post stress.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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