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Summary A mutant strain lacking in activity of L-cysteine desulfhydrase, a L-cysteine-decomposing enzyme, was screened after UV-treatment ofPseudomonas sp. CU6. The properties of the two strains, original and mutant, were compared on the basis of parameter values estimated from kinetic simulations of the enzymatic formation of L-cysteine from D,L-ATC. Both strains suffered from product inhibition, though inhibition was less for the mutant strain.  相似文献   

The enzyme O-acetylserine sulphydrylase (EC which occurs in the cells of Bacillus sphaericus l-118 can catalyse a β-replacement reaction of 3-chloro-L-alanine in the presence of a high concentration of sodium hydrosulphide to form L-cysteine. By using resting cells, the reaction conditions for L-cysteine production were optimized. Under optimal conditions, 80–85% of the added 3-chloro-L-alanine could be converted to L-cysteine and the highest yield, 70 mg L-cysteine per 1.0 ml reaction mixture, could be achieved.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Escherichia coli has two L-cysteine biosynthetic pathways; one is synthesized from O-acetyl L-serine (OAS) and sulfate by L-cysteine synthase (CysK), and another is produced via S-sulfocysteine (SSC) from OAS and thiosulfate by SSC synthase (CysM). SSC is converted into L-cysteine and sulfite by an uncharacterized reaction. As thioredoxins (Trx1 and Trx2) and glutaredoxins (Grx1, Grx2, Grx3, Grx4, and NrdH) are known as reductases of peptidyl disulfides, overexpression of such reductases might be a good way for improving L-cysteine production to accelerate the reduction of SSC in E. coli. RESULTS: Because the redox enzymes can reduce the disulfide that forms on proteins, wefirst tested whether these enzymes catalyze the reduction of SSC to L-cysteine. All His-tagged recombinant enzymes, except for Grx4, efficiently convert SSC into L-cysteine in vitro. Overexpression of Grx1 and NrdH enhanced a 15-40% increase in the E. coli L-cysteine production. On the other hand, disruption of the cysM gene cancelled the effect caused by the overexpression of Grx1 and NrdH, suggesting that its improvement was due to the efficient reduction of SSC under the fermentative conditions. Moreover, L-cysteine production in knockout mutants of the sulfite reductase genes (cysI and cysJ) and the L-cysteine synthase gene (cysK) each decreased to about 50% of that in the wild-type strain. Interestingly, there was no significant difference in L-cysteine production between wild-type strain and gene deletion mutant of the upstream pathway of sulfite (cysC or cysH). These results indicate that sulfite generated from the SSC reduction is available as the sulfur source to produce additional L-cysteine molecule. It was finally found that in the E. coli L-cysteine producer that co-overexpress glutaredoxin (NrdH), sulfite reductase (CysI), and L-cysteine synthase (CysK), there was the highest amount of L-cysteine produced per cell . CONCLUSIONS: In this work, we showed that Grx1 and NrdH reduce SSC to L-cysteine, and the generated sulfite is then utilized as the sulfur source to produce additional L-cysteine molecule through the sulfate pathway in E. coli. We also found that co-overexpression of NrdH, CysI, and CysK increases L-cysteine production. Our results propose that the enhancement of thioredoxin/glutaredoxin-mediated L-cysteine synthesis from SSC is a novel method for improvement of L-cysteine production.  相似文献   


We identified L-cysteine exporter candidates of Corynebacterium glutamicum and investigated the effect of overexpression of the potential L-cysteine exporter genes on L-cysteine production in a recombinant strain of C. glutamicum. Overexpression of NCgl2566 and NCgl0580 resulted in enhanced L-cysteine production in an L-cysteine-producing recombinant strain of C. glutamicum.  相似文献   

杆菌肽是一种主要由芽胞杆菌产生的广谱性抗生素,目前作为兽药广泛应用于畜禽养殖领域.前体氨基酸供应不足可能是限制微生物发酵高产杆菌肽的重要因素.文中以杆菌肽工业生产菌株——地衣芽胞杆菌Bacillus licheniformis DW2为出发菌株,研究L-半胱氨酸供给模块强化对杆菌肽合成的影响.首先,构建了L-半胱氨酸合...  相似文献   

官嫒林  张萌  许菲 《生物工程学报》2023,39(8):3336-3350
玉米赤霉烯酮是世界上污染最为广泛的一种镰刀菌(Fusarium)毒素,严重危害牲畜以及人类的健康。来源于粉红螺旋聚孢霉(Clonostachys rosea)的玉米赤霉烯酮水解酶(zearalenone hydrolase,ZHD)能有效降解饲料中的玉米赤霉烯酮,然而饲料加工中的高温环境限制了该酶的应用。基于结构特征的理性设计可为酶的热稳定性改造提供指导。本研究首先基于蛋白质结构比对(multiple structure alignment, MSTA)筛选ZHD的结构灵活区,随后基于序列保守性打分以及构象自由能计算设计突变文库,得到基于136号和220号残基的9个单点突变设计。结果表明,9个突变体的热熔融温度(Tm)提高了0.4–5.6℃,其中S220R和S220W热稳定性表现最好,Tm分别提高了5.6℃和4.0℃,45℃下的热半失活时间分别延长了15.4倍和3.1倍,相对酶活分别为野生型的70.6%和57.3%。分子动力学模拟分析表明突变位点及附近区域的作用力得到了增强,突变体S220R和S220W的220-K130氢键成键概率分别增加了37.1%和19.3%、K130-D223盐桥成键概率分别增加了30.1%和12.5%,为ZHD热稳定性的提高作出了贡献。这项工作表明结合天然酶的结构比对、序列分析及自由能计算的热稳定性改造策略的可行性,并获得了热稳定性增强的ZHD变体,为ZHD在工业上的应用打下基础。  相似文献   

Jimena Dorado  Diego P. Vázquez 《Oikos》2014,123(9):1137-1143
The diversity–stability hypothesis posits that species diversity confers redundancy in function, so that richer communities show higher temporal stability in ecosystem processes than poorer communities. The diversity–stability relationship has not been studied in terms of flower production before. A diverse flower community may stabilize the availability of floral resources along the floral season. Considering this type of stability is important because it could promote the stability and persistence of the pollination service. We evaluated 1) the diversity–stability relationship in floral production along a flowering season; 2) the effect of additional factors that could blur the diversity–stability relationship, such as flower abundance, elevation, and the time elapsed since the last fire, a common human disturbance in the study area; and 3) whether the most important plants for pollinators in terms of interspecific interactions contribute differentially to temporal stability. The most diverse communities were more stable in floral resource production along the flowering season. Stability of flower production was also influenced by a positive indirect effect of elevation. The plants that contributed the most to temporal stability were the most abundant and densely connected species, those at the core of the plant–pollinator network. Our study shows that species richness enhances the availability of floral resources for pollinators, providing a strong support for the diversity–stability hypothesis.  相似文献   

Background: The increasing market demand for oligosaccharides has intensified the need for efficient biocatalysts. Glycosyl hydrolases (GHs) are still gaining popularity as biocatalyst for oligosaccharides synthesis owing to its simple reaction and high selectivity.

Purpose: Over the years, research has advanced mainly directing to one goal; to reduce hydrolysis activity of GHs for increased transglycosylation activity in achieving high production of oligosaccharides.

Design and methods: This review concisely presents the strategies to increase transglycosylation activity of GHs for oligosaccharides synthesis, focusing on controlling the reaction equilibrium, and protein engineering. Various modifications of the subsites of GHs have been demonstrated to significantly modulate the hydrolysis and transglycosylation activity of the enzymes. The clear insight of the roles of each amino acid in these sites provides a platform for designing an enzyme that could synthesize a specific oligosaccharide product.

Conclusions: The key strategies presented here are important for future improvement of GHs as a biocatalyst for oligosaccharide synthesis.  相似文献   

A study in rats was made of the effects produced by L-cysteine on the acute toxicity of cobalt chloride given orally and intraperitoneally. The decrease in lethality was absolute for the different doses tested, except when the CoCl2 was given orally and L-cysteine intraperitoneally in which only 40% efficiency was obtained. No specially significant changes were observed in the blood parameters of the animals treated with the CoCl2-cysteine complex after one week. Significant differences were noted between serum parameters: glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol, measured in rats after twelve hours of receiving the CoCl2-cysteine complex, compared with the same parameters measured when the CoCl2 was given without complex.  相似文献   

Strains of Halobacteria from an Algerian culture collection were screened for their lipolytic activity against p-nitrophenyl butyrate (PNPB) and p-nitrophenyl palmitate (PNPP). Most strains were active on both esters and 12% hydrolyzed olive oil. A strain identified as Natronococcus sp. was further studied. It grew optimally at 3.5 M NaCl, pH 8 and 40 degrees C. An increase in temperature shifted the optimum salt concentration range for growth from a wider range of 2-4 M, obtained at 25-30 degrees C, to a narrower range of 3.5-4 M, obtained at 35-40 degrees C. At 45 degrees C the optimum salt concentration was 2 M. These results show a clear correlation between salt and temperature requirement. The optimum conditions for the production of hydrolytic activity during growth were: 3.5 M NaCl and pH 8 for PNPB hydrolytic activity and 4 M NaCl and pH 7.5 for PNPP hydrolytic activity; both at 40 degrees C. The clear supernatant of cells grown at 4 M NaCl showed olive oil hydrolysis activity (in presence of 4 M NaCl) demonstrating the occurrence of a lipase activity in this strain. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a lipase activity at such high salt concentration.  相似文献   

Enzymatic synthesis of L-cysteine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
O-Acetylserine sulfhydrase in the form of a crude extract from Salmonella typhimurium LT2 was used for the production of L-cysteine from L-O-acetylserine and sodium hydrosulfide at pH 7.0 and 25 degrees C. The two substrates have quite different pH stability relationships. O-Acetylserine readily rearranges to N-acetylserine and the rate of this O --> N acyl transfer reaction increases at higher pH, temperature, and concentration of O-acetylserine. On the other hand, sodium hydrosulfide is more soluble at a higher pH. A stirred-tank bioreactor with a continuous substrate feed was employed to overcome this problem. The O-acetylserine feed was stored at its saturation level (2.05M) at pH 5.0, and the sodium hydrosulfide feed was dissolved at 2.05-2.3M without pH adjustment (pH >/= 11.5). Both substrates were simultaneously introduced into the bioreactor. The performance of the bioreactor was optimized by employing an automatic feedback control system to regulate the concentration of O-acetylserine in the bioreactor. This feedback control system was based on the fact that as the bioconversion proceeds, protons are produced along with cysteine. A pH controller thus detected the decrease in pH and activated the substrate pumps. After mixing in the bioreactor, these two substrate solutions behaved as a base due to the high alkalinity of sodium hydrosulfide. Thus, substrate infusion started when the pH was lower than the set point, i.e., the reaction pH, and stopped when the pH was raised higher than the set point. The amount of substrate introduced was determined by the alkalinity of the mixture of the two substrates, which in turn was controlled by the concentration of sodium hydrosulfide. After optimizing the sodium hydrosulfide concentration and the substrate feed rate, the bioconversion gave a productivity of 3.6 g L-cysteine/h/g dry cell weight S. typhimurium, an L-cysteine titer of 83 g/L and a molar yield based on O-acetylserine of 94%.  相似文献   

Summary The stability of foreign protein production in genetically engineered plant cells was studied. A cultured tobacco cell line was transformed with a chimeric molecule carrying a bacterial gene, ß-glucuronidase (GUS), under plant regulatory sequences. The specific GUS activity was monitored for 294 days with ten independently transformed cell lines either in the presence or the absence of selectable antibiotics. Specific GUS activity was stably maintained in five lines. About a two-to four-fold increase in the GUS activity was observed from three cell lines. The remaining two cell lines lost the activity within the first 70 to 210 days. The presence of antibiotics did not significantly alter the stability of the foreign protein production in all cell lines examined.  相似文献   

MDC1 functions in checkpoint activation and DNA repair following DNA damage. To address the physiological role of MDC1, we disrupted the MDC1 gene in mice. MDC1-/- mice recapitulated many phenotypes of H2AX-/- mice, including growth retardation, male infertility, immune defects, chromosome instability, DNA repair defects, and radiation sensitivity. At the molecular level, H2AX, MDC1, and ATM form a positive feedback loop, with MDC1 directly mediating the interaction between H2AX and ATM. MDC1 binds phosphorylated H2AX through its BRCT domain and ATM through its FHA domain. Through these interactions, MDC1 accumulates activated ATM flanking the sites of DNA damage, facilitating further ATM-dependent phosphorylation of H2AX and the amplification of DNA damage signals. In the absence of MDC1, many downstream ATM signaling events are defective. These results suggest that MDC1, as a signal amplifier of the ATM pathway, is vital in controlling proper DNA damage response and maintaining genomic stability.  相似文献   

In this study, a high efficiency immunomagnetic affinity matrix was developed to eliminate L-cysteine desulfhydrase (CD), which decomposes L-cysteine, in crude enzyme extracts from Pseudomonas sp. TS1138. After cloning and expression in Escherichia coli, recombinant CD was purified to raise polyclonal antibodies from mice. The anti-CD antibody was cross-linked to staphylococcal protein A-magnetic cellulose microspheres (MCMS) with dimethyl pimelimidate (DMP). The natural CD was eliminated from the crude enzyme extracts by treatment with the cross-linked antibody-protein A-MCMS, resulting in a high level of L-cysteine production. The conversion rate of DL-2-amino-Delta2-thiazoline-4-carboxylic acid (DL-ATC) to L-cysteine increased significantly from 61.9 to 96.2%. The cross-linked antibody-protein A-MCMS showed its durability after repetitive use, maintaining a constant binding capacity for CD during five cycles. This study may lead to a convenient and cost-efficient method to produce L-cysteine by enzymatic conversions.  相似文献   

The coronary vasodilator adenosine can be formed in the heart by breakdown of AMP or S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAdoHcy). The purpose of this study was to get insight into the relative importance of these routes of adenosine formation in both the normoxic and the ischemic heart. A novel HPLC method was used to determine myocardial adenosine and SAdoHcy. Accumulation of SAdoHcy was induced in isolated rat hearts by perfusion with L-homocysteine thiolactone or L-homocysteine. The release of adenosine, inosine, hypoxanthine, xanthine and uric acid was determined. Additional in vitro experiments were performed to determine the kinetic parameters of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase. During normoxia the thiolactone caused a concentration-dependent increase in SAdoHcy. At 2000 microM of the thiolactone an SAdoHcy accumulation of 0.49 nmol/min per g wet weight was found during normoxia. L-Homocysteine (200 microM) caused an increase of 0.37 and 4.17 nmol SAdoHcy/min per g wet weight during normoxia and ischemia, respectively. The adenosine concentration in ischemic hearts was significantly lower when homocysteine was infused (6.2 vs. 11.5 nmol/g; P less than 0.05). Purine release was increased 4-fold during ischemia. The Km for hydrolysis of SAdoHcy was about 12 microM. At in vitro conditions favoring near-maximal SAdoHcy synthesis (72 microM adenosine, 1.8 mM homocysteine), the synthesis rate in homogenates was 10 nmol/min per g wet weight. From the combined in vitro and perfusion studies, we conclude that S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase can contribute significantly to adenosine production in normoxic rat heart, but not during ischemia.  相似文献   


In enzymatic saccharification of agar, endo- and exo-agarases together with neoagarobiose hydrolase (NABH) are important key enzymes for the sequential hydrolysis reactions. In this study, a bifunctional endo/exo-agarase was fused with NABH for production of mono-sugars (d-galactose and 3,6-anhydro-l-galactose) from agar using only one fusion enzyme. Two fusion enzymes with either bifunctional agarase (Sco3476) or NABH (Zg4663) at the N-terminus, Sco3476–Zg4663 (SZ) and Zg4663–Sco3476 (ZS), were constructed. Both fusion enzymes exhibited their optimal agarase and NABH activities at 40 and 35 °C, respectively. Fusions SZ and ZS enhanced the thermostability of the NABH activity, while only fusion SZ showed a slight enhancement in the NABH catalytic efficiency (K cat/K M) from 14.8 (mg/mL)−1 s−1 to 15.8 (mg/mL)−1 s−1. Saccharification of agar using fusion SZ resulted in 2-fold higher mono-sugar production and 3-fold lower neoagarobiose accumulation when compared to the physical mixture of Sco3476 and Zg4663. Therefore, this fusion has the potential to reduce enzyme production cost, decrease intermediate accumulation, and increase mono-sugar yield in agar saccharification.


Epoxide hydrolases (EHs) of fungal origin have the ability to catalyze the enantioselective hydrolysis of epoxides to their corresponding diols. However, wild type fungal EHs are limited in substrate range and enantioselectivity. Additionally, the production of fungal epoxide hydrolase (EH) by wild-type strains is typically very low. In the present study, the EH-encoding gene from Rhodotorula araucariae was functionally expressed in Yarrowia lipolytica, under the control of a growth phase inducible hp4d promoter, in a multi-copy expression cassette. The transformation experiments yielded a positive transformant, with a final EH activity of 220 U/g dw in shake-flask cultures. Evaluation of this transformant in batch fermentations resulted in ~ 7-fold improvement in EH activity over the flask scale. Different constant specific feed rates were tested in fed-batch fermentations, resulting in an EH activity of 1,750 U/g dw at a specific feed rate of ~ 0.1 g/g/h, in comparison to enzyme production levels of 0.3 U/g dw for the wild type R. araucariae and 52 U/g dw for an Escherichia coli recombinant strain expressing the same gene. The expression of EH in Y. lipolytica using a multi-copy cassette demonstrates potential for commercial application.  相似文献   

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