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Z Wang  J L Weber 《Genomics》1992,13(3):532-536
Nine moderately to highly informative short tandem repeat polymorphisms were assigned to chromosome 14 using somatic cell hybrids and were mapped using linkage analysis. The nine markers formed a continuous linkage map covering almost the entire long arm from 14q11.2 to q32. The markers filled a large gap within previously reported linkage maps for this chromosome. Best order of the new loci from q11.2 to q32 was D14S50, D14S54, D14S49, D14S47, D14S52, D14S53, D14S55, D14S48, and D14S51. The order shown for all adjacent pairs of loci was very strongly favored with the exception of loci pair D14S55 and D14S48, for which the order was moderately favored. Map lengths for the nine loci were 142 cM in females and 72 cM in males. Female recombination frequencies exceeded male recombination frequencies in the middle and distal portions of the map.  相似文献   

Okamoto SY  Sato M  Toda T  Yamamoto M 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30622
The SCF (Skp1-Cul1-F-box) complex contributes to a variety of cellular events including meiotic cell cycle control, but its function during meiosis is not understood well. Here we describe a novel function of SCF/Skp1 in meiotic recombination and subsequent chromosome segregation. The skp1 temperature-sensitive mutant exhibited abnormal distribution of spindle microtubules in meiosis II, which turned out to originate from abnormal bending of the spindle in meiosis I. Bent spindles were reported in mitosis of this mutant, but it remained unknown how SCF could affect spindle morphology. We found that the meiotic bent spindle in skp1 cells was due to a hypertension generated by chromosome entanglement. The spindle bending was suppressed by inhibiting double strand break (DSB) formation, indicating that the entanglement was generated by the meiotic recombination machinery. Consistently, Rhp51/Rad51-Rad22/Rad52 foci persisted until meiosis I in skp1 cells, proving accumulation of recombination intermediates. Intriguingly bent spindles were also observed in the mutant of Fbh1, an F-box protein containing the DNA helicase domain, which is involved in meiotic recombination. Genetic evidence suggested its cooperation with SCF/Skp1. Thus, SCF/Skp1 together with Fbh1 is likely to function in the resolution of meiotic recombination intermediates, thereby ensuring proper chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Genetic linkage map of human chromosome 21   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Two of the most common disorders affecting the human nervous system, Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease, involve genes residing on human chromosome 21. A genetic linkage map of human chromosome 21 has been constructed using 13 anonymous DNA markers and cDNAs encoding the genes for superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) and the precursor of Alzheimer's amyloid beta peptide (APP). Segregation of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) for these genes and DNA markers was traced in a large Venezuelan kindred established as a "reference" pedigree for human linkage analysis. The 15 loci form a single linkage group spanning 81 cM on the long arm of chromosome 21, with a markedly increased frequency of recombination occurring toward the telomere. Consequently, 40% of the genetic length of the long arm corresponds to less than 10% of its cytogenetic length, represented by the terminal half of 21q22.3. Females displayed greater recombination than males throughout the linkage group, with the difference being most striking for markers just below the centromere. Definition of the linkage relationships for these chromosome 21 markers will help refine the map position of the familial Alzheimer's disease gene and facilitate investigation of the role of recombination in nondisjunction associated with Down syndrome.  相似文献   

A linkage map consisting of 21 dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms, 1 tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism, and 3 RFLPs was constructed for human chromosome 8. The map spanned most of the chromosome length from near pter to q23-q24 on the distal portion of the long arm. The total 186 cM length of the female map was over two times the 84 cM length of the male map. Cytogenetic mapping of the polymorphisms using a panel of hybrids containing rearranged chromosomes was completely consistent with the linkage map. Special effort was made to remove as many genotyping errors, including parental phase errors, as possible. Removal of errors, in agreement with recent theoretical predictions, led to reduction of the total length of the sex-equal map by 10% from 145 to 130 cM.  相似文献   

Twelve loci form a continuous linkage map for human chromosome 18   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have constructed a primary genetic map of human chromosome 18 consisting of 11 DNA markers and one serological marker (JK). Two of these loci define highly polymorphic VNTR systems. The markers define a continuous genetic linkage map of 97 cM in males and 205 cM in females; female genetic distances in a panel of 59 three-generation families were consistently about twice those observed in males. The high odds in support of the linear order of the markers on this recombination map, and the extent of coverage of chromosome 18, indicate that this map will permit efficient linkage studies of human genetic diseases that may be segregating on chromosome 18 and will provide anchor points for development of high-resolution maps for this chromosome.  相似文献   

A primary genetic linkage map for human chromosome 12   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
A primary genetic map for human chromosome 12 has been constructed from data on 23 restriction fragment length polymorphic systems collected in 38 normal families with large sibships. Linkage analysis of the genotypic data has ordered 16 loci into a continuous genetic map of 111 cM in males and 258 cM in females. Although most of the genetic map reflects a higher rate of recombination in females relative to males, significantly more frequent recombination was observed in males than in females in intervals between loci on the distal portion of the short arm of the chromosome. The mapping data shown here will serve as a first step toward a high-resolution genetic map for human chromosome 12.  相似文献   

Utilizing the CEPH reference panel and genotypic data for 53 markers, we have constructed a 20-locus multipoint genetic map of human chromosome 4. New RFLPs are reported for four loci. The map integrates a high-resolution genetic map of 4p16 into a continuous map extending to 4q31 and an unlinked cluster of three loci at 4q35. The 20 linked markers form a continuous linkage group of 152 cM in males and 202 cM in females. Likely genetic locations are provided for 25 polymorphic anonymous sequences and 28 gene-specific RFLPs. The map was constructed employing the LINKAGE and CRIMAP computational methodologies to build the multipoint map via a stepwise algorithm. A detailed 10-point map of the 4p16 region constructed from the CEPH panel provides evidence for heterogeneity in the linkage maps constructed from families segregating for Huntington disease (HD). It additionally provides evidence for position-specific recombination frequencies in the telomeric region of 4p.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of markers for human chromosome 20   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A continuous genetic linkage map with five polymorphic DNA markers, including one that defines a locus containing a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR), has been constructed from genotypic analysis of 59 large reference families. The map spans a genetic distance of 105 cM in males and 115 cM in females and provides initial anchor points for a high-resolution map of human chromosome 20.  相似文献   

The distal portion of the short arm of the human X chromosome (Xp) exhibits many unique and interesting features. Distal Xp contains the pseudoautosomal region, a number of disease loci, and several cell-surface markers. Several genes in this area have also been observed to escape X-chromosomal inactivation. The characterization of new polymorphic loci in this region has permitted the construction of a refined multipoint linkage map extending 15 cM from the Xp telomere. This interval is known to contain the loci for the diseases X-linked ichthyosis, chondrodysplasia punctata, and Kallmann syndrome, as well as the cell-surface markers Xg and 12E7. This region also contains the junction between the pseudoautosomal region and strictly X-linked sequences. The locus MIC2 has been demonstrated by linkage analysis to be indistinguishable from the pseudoautosomal junction. The steroid sulfatase locus has been mapped to an interval adjacent to the DXS278 locus and 6 cM from the pseudoautosomal junction. The polymorphic locus (STS) DXS278 was shown to be informative in all families studied, and linkage analysis reveals that the locus represents a low-copy repeat with at least one copy distal to the STS gene. The generation of a multipoint linkage map of distal Xp will be useful in the genetic dissection of many of the unique features of this region.  相似文献   

We have constructed a primary genetic linkage map from DNA markers that define 25 loci on chromosome 7. The markers form a continuous linkage group of 141 cM in males and 340 cM in females; female genetic distances were on average more than twofold higher than those in males throughout the chromosome. The average heterozygosity of the loci was 45%. A subset of the markers can be used for efficient application of this map to studies of human genetic disease.  相似文献   

We have used a combination of 30 serological, protein electromorphic, and DNA markers defining 28 loci to construct a linkage map of chromosome 1. These markers form a continuous linkage group of 320 cM in males and 608 cM in females; female genetic distances were on average twofold higher than those of males across the map. Among the DNA markers are 10 highly polymorphic markers reflecting loci that contain a variable number of tandem repeats, well distributed over the length of the chromosome, that will be highly efficient anchor points for application of this map to studies of human genetic disease.  相似文献   

Twenty loci form a continuous linkage map of markers for human chromosome 2   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have used a combination of 20 DNA markers and 1 protein electromorph, defining 20 loci, to construct a genetic linkage map of chromosome 2. These markers form a continuous linkage group of 306 cM in males and 529 cM in females. Female map distances varied from approximately twofold higher to equivalence from those of males across the map. Among the DNA markers are six well-distributed, highly polymorphic markers reflecting loci that contain a variable number of tandem repeats that will be highly efficient anchor points for the eventual application of this map to studies of human genetic disease.  相似文献   

A comprehensive linkage map for chicken chromosome Z was constructed as the result of a large-scale screening of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). A total of 308 SNPs were assigned to Z based on the genotype distribution among 182 birds representing several populations. A linkage map comprising 210 markers and spanning 200.9 cM was established by analyzing a small Red junglefowl/White Leghorn intercross. There was excellent agreement between the linkage map for Z and a recently released assembly of the chicken genome (May 2006). Almost all SNPs assigned to chromosome Z in the present study are on Z in the new genome assembly. The remaining 12 loci are all found on unassigned contigs that can now be assigned to Z. The average recombination rate was estimated at 2.7 cM/Mb but there was a very uneven distribution of recombination events with both cold and hot spots of recombination. The existence of one of the major hot spots of recombination, located around position 39.4 Mb, was supported by the observed pattern of linkage disequilibrium. Thirteen markers from unassigned contigs were shown to be located on chromosome W. Three of these contigs included genes that have homologues on chromosome Z. The preliminary assignment of three more genes to the gene-poor W chromosome may be important for studies on the mechanism of sex determination and dosage compensation in birds.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of 96 loci on the short arm of human chromosome 3.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We constructed a genetic map of 96 loci on the short arm of human chromosome 3 (3p) in 59 families provided by the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humaine (CEPH). Twenty-nine continuously linked loci were placed on the map with likelihood support of at least 1000:1; one locus, D3S213, was placed on the map with likelihood support of 871:1; D3Z1, an alpha satellite centromeric repeat probe, was placed on the map with likelihood support of 159:1; 65 loci were assigned regional locations. The average heterozygosity of the uniquely ordered markers was 49%. The map extends from 3p26, the terminal band of 3p, to the centromere (from D3S211 to D3Z1). Multipoint linkage analysis indicated that the male, female, and sex-averaged maps extend for 102, 147, and 116 cM, respectively. The mean genetic distance between uniquely ordered loci on the sex-averaged map was 4.0 cM. Probe density was greatest for the region of 3p between D3F15S2e and the telomere. The sex-averaged map contained two intervals greater than 10 cM. Seventeen probes were localized by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The loci described in this report will be useful in building an integrated genetic and physical map of this chromosome.  相似文献   

The CEPH consortium linkage map of human chromosome 1   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
This paper describes the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) consortium linkage map of human chromosome 1. The map contains 101 loci defined by genotypes generated from CEPH family DNAs with 146 different contributions from 11 laboratories. A total of 58 loci are uniquely placed on the map with likelihood support of at least 1000:1. The map extends from loci in the terminal bands of both chromosome arms (locus D1Z2 in 1p36.3 and D1S68 in 1q44) and is anchored at the centromere by the D1Z5 alpha-satellite polymorphism. With the exception of a single locus, the remaining loci are arrayed on the fixed map in short intervals and their possible locations are indicated. Multipoint linkage analyses provided estimates that the male, female, and sex-averaged maps extend for 308, 478, and 390 cM, respectively. The sex-averaged map contains only four intervals greater than 15 cM, and the mean genetic distance between the 58 uniquely placed loci is 6.7 cM.  相似文献   

An extended genetic linkage map of markers for human chromosome 10   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
We have extended, in both directions, our recently published genetic map of markers for human chromosome 10 by the addition of 10 newly defined arbitrary loci. The map now covers 230 cM in males and 329 cM in females. In addition, three new markers, one of them a new RFLP at the IRBP gene locus, have been mapped in the vicinity of the locus responsible for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN2A). A significantly higher frequency of recombination in males than in females was observed near both ends of the new map.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) consortium linkage map of chromosome 2. The map contains 36 loci defined by genotyping generated from the CEPH family DNAs. A total of 73 different markers were typed by 14 contributing laboratories; of these, 36 loci are ordered on the map with likelihood support of at least 1000:1. Markers are placed along the length of the chromosome but no markers were available to anchor the map at either telomere or the centromere. Multilocus linkage analysis has produced male, female, and sex-averaged maps extending for 261, 430, and 328 cM, respectively. The sex-averaged map contains five intervals greater than 15 cM and the mean genetic distance between the 36 uniquely placed loci is 9.1 cM.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of human chromosome 21 has been constructed using 22 anonymous DNA markers and five complementary DNAs (cDNAs) encoding the amyloid beta protein precursor (APP), superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), the ets-2 proto-oncogene (ETS2), the estrogen inducible breast cancer locus (BCEI), and the leukocyte antigen, CD18 (CD18). Segregation of RFLPs detected by these DNA markers was traced in the Venezuelan Reference Pedigree (VRP). A comprehensive genetic linkage map consisting of the 27 DNA markers spans 102 cM on the long arm of chromosome 21. We have confirmed our initial findings of a dramatically increased rate of recombination at the telomere in both females and males and of significantly higher recombination in females in the pericentromeric region. By comparing patterns of recombination in specific regions of chromosome 21 with regard to both parental sex and age, we have now identified a statistically significant downward trend in the frequency of crossovers in the most telomeric portion of chromosome 21 with increasing maternal age. A less significant decrease in recombination with increasing maternal age was observed in the pericentromeric region of the chromosome. These results may help in ultimately understanding the physical relationship between recombination and nondisjunction in the occurrence of trisomy 21.  相似文献   

Employing 16 polymorphic DNA markers as well as the chromosome 19 centromere heteromorphism, we have performed a genetic linkage study in 26 families with myotonic dystrophy. Fourteen of these markers had been assigned previously to one of five different intervals of the 19cen-19q13.2 segment by using somatic cell hybrids. For the long arm of chromosome 19, a genetic map that encompasses 9 polymorphic markers and the DM gene has been constructed. Our studies indicate that the DM and CKMM genes map distal to the ApoC2-ApoE gene cluster and to the anonymous polymorphic markers D19S15 and D19S16, but proximal to the D19S22 marker. The orientation of DM and CKMM remains to be determined.  相似文献   

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