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The citrus mealybug Planococcus citri was found in large numbers on lemon and acid lime in 1991 around Bangalore. It was attacked by two encyrtid parasitoids, the exotic Leptomastix dactylopii and the indigenous Coccidoxenoides peregrinus. L. dactylopii was recovered 7 years after a release in 1984 around Bangalore. However C. peregrinus was more abundant, and was responsible for the decline of P. citri both on lemon and acid lime. No other primary or hyper‐parasitoid or predator of P. citri was recorded in these citrus orchards during the study.  相似文献   

Developmental rates of three encyrtid mealybug parasitoids were examined under constant, cycling and glasshouse temperatures. Under constant conditions the rate of development increased with rising temperature up to 35°C, but a constant 40°C was lethal. Under cycling conditions, 12 h periods at 40°C could be tolerated. Developmental rates under cycling conditions could be calculated from constant temperature data, by incrementing development on an h/h basis. A new technique was developed to determine the lower thresholds for development, using cycling regimes and to calculate the rates of development over short periods at high temperature. A previously untested polynomial regression technique was used to predict mean developmental periods under glasshouse conditions. These predictions were considerably more accurate than day-degree (Do) predictions when substantial periods at extreme temperatures were involved, but not significantly different from day-degree predictions under hot-house conditions. In addition a method was developed to calculate a 95% range for emergence, which gave consistently good estimates of first and last eclosion observed under fluctuating conditions.
Résumé Les vitesses de développement de 3 parasitoïdes de cochenilles ont été étudiées dans les conditions de température de serre, avec thermopériode ou en température constante. En conditions constantes, la vitesse augmente jusqu'à 35°C, mais est létale à 40°C. Avec thermopériode, une thermophase de 40°C peut être tolérée pendant 12 heures. Les vitesses de développement sous thermopériodes pourraient être calculées à partir des données obtenues en conditions constantes, modifiées en fonction des durées respectives des cryophases et thermophases. Une méthode originale est présentée pour obtenir les seuils inférieurs de développement, en utilisant des thermopériodes, et pour calculer les vitesses de développement à températures élevées.Une méthode de régression polynomiale, non vérifiée préalablement, a été utilisée pour prévoir les durées moyennes des développements sous serre. Ces estimations sont beaucoup plus sûres que les prédictions basées sur le concept de degré-jour (Do), lorsque les températures extrêmes durent longtemps, mais en serre chaude elles ne présentent aucune différence significative. De plus, une méthode d'évaluation des 95% d'émergences, a donné de bonnes estimations des premières et dermières émergences en conditions périodiques.

Progeny production increased and adult longevity decreased with rising temperature within the range 18°C to 30°C for the 3 mealybug parasitoidsAnagyrus pseudococci (Girault),Leptomastix dactylopii Howard andLeptomastidea abnormis (Girault). The Weibull distribution gave a good fit to survival curves for the 3 parasitoids and statistical comparison of Weibullb andc parameters at different temperatures allowed changes in the scale and shape of the curves to be detected. In general, ♀♀ lived longer than ♂♂ for all 3 species, except at high temperature. FemaleL. abnormis attained their maximum progeny production at 24°C and maintained this level up to 34°C. They lived longer than the other 2 parasitoid species at 30°C and showed a type I survival curve throuhout the range of temperatures examined.A. pseudococci andL. dactylopii both required high temperatures (30°C) to attain their maximal progeny production, but werepseudococci tended towards type II, with a larger proportion of the population dying within the first few days.L. dactylopii lived longest at 26°C, with ♀♀ showing a type I survival curve at all temperatures and ♂ survival curves changing from type I to type II at 30°C. The implications of these findings for the population dynamics of the different parasitoids are briefly discussed.   相似文献   

The citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri (Risso) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) is a serious pest of economically important crops worldwide. The apefly, Spalgis epius (Westwood) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) is a potential predator of various species of mealybugs. Earlier investigation on its daily preying capacity and preference for prey stages on P. citri is incomplete. Hence, a study was conducted to find out the daily prey consumption ability and preference for prey stages by different larval instars of S. epius reared on P. citri in the laboratory. Through the 8-day developmental period with four larval instars, the daily prey consumption of S. epius increased from the first to the seventh day and decreased on the eighth day prior to the prepupal stage. Generally, there was a significant difference in the prey consumption on different days. When the prey stages were offered separately, the first to fourth instar larva of S. epius consumed, respectively, a mean of 199.6, 722.6, 1908.8, and 4625.6 eggs or 21.5, 77.0, 168.5, and 670.5 nymphs or 3.2, 7.2, 16.0, and 35.1 adults of P. citri. When an S. epius larva was fed on P. citri eggs, nymphs and adults separately, it consumed a mean of 7456.7 eggs, 937.6 nymphs, or 62.3 adults during its entire development. When the prey stages were offered all together, a single S. epius larva consumed 2618.4 eggs, 170.4 nymphs, and 39.7 adults of P. citri throughout its entire development. The study revealed that S. epius is a voracious predator of P. citri and thus could be utilized as a major biological control agent.  相似文献   

Leptomastidea abnormis (Girault) and Leptomastix dactylopii (Howard) [Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae] are the two parasitoid species frequently used for biological control of the citrus mealybug Planococcus citri (Risso) [Homoptera: Pseudococcidae]. As part of a programme to determine the best control practice, host size selection and sex allocation were studied in L. abnormis, and compared with those of L. dactylopii. L. abnormis showed a preference for the second size class, but also attacked third and fourth size class and adult mealybugs, while in previous studies L. dactylopii was found to prefer the third and fourth size class and adults, and never attacked second size class mealybugs. Female L. abnormis reared from parasitized mealybugs had a higher mean body mass than males, as is predicted by Charnov's theory on sex allocation. However, sex ratios of emerging L. abnormis did not differ between mealybug size classes. These results imply possibile coexistence of the two parasitoids. As field evidence suggests a more complex interaction between the two species, studying direct competition would be a useful next step.  相似文献   

Host size selection and sex allocation in Leptomastix dactylopii Howard were studied (1) to determine whether invulnerable size classes exist, (2) to establish whether the size range of hosts attacked differs from its potential competitor Leptomastidea abnormis (Girault). It was found that L. dactylopii attacks mainly the larger host sizes (i.e. 3rd and 4th instars and reproducing females). Proportionally more female parasitoids were reared from larger hosts (i.e. 4th instars and reproducing females), while from size class 3 (i.e. mainly 3rd and smaller 4th instars) predominantly male wasps were reared. The adaptive meaning of the host selection behaviour of L. dactylopii is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde untersucht, wie die Schlupfwespe, Leptomastix dactylopii Howard zwischen den verschiedenen Grössenklassen ihres Wirtes, der Schmierlaus Planococcus citri (Risso), wählt.Der Parasitoid bevorzugt das vierte Stadium des Wirtes, aber parasitiert auch Wirte im 3. Stadium und adulte Weibchen mit Eisack. Wirte in ersten und zweiten Stadium wurden nie befallen. Weibliche Parasitoide entstanden vor allem bei Wirten im 4. Stadium, aber auch bei adulten Weibchen, männliche nahezu nur bei Wirten im 3. Stadium. Wirte im 4. Stadium und adulte Weibchen, die von L. dactylopii befallen worden waren, produzierten noch eine anzahl Eier bevor sie starben. Darum sind diese Wirte teilweise unangreifbar. Diese Eigenschaft kann sich möglicherweise auf die Stabilität der Parasitoid-Wirt-Interaktionen auswirken. L. dactylopii befällt die älteren Stadien und der potentiëlle Konkurrent Leptomastidae abnormia die jüngeren Stadien. Solch ein Unterschied kann Koexistenz beider Parasitoidarten möglich machen.

The rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri) gene encoding polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (RlemPGIPA) was overexpressed in the pathogenic fungus Alternaria citri. The overexpression mutant AcOPI6 retained the ability to utilize pectin as a sole carbon source, and the overexpression of polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein did not have any effect on the growth of AcOPI6 in potato dextrose and pectin medium. The pathogenicity of AcOPI6 to cause a black rot symptom in citrus fruits was also unchanged. Polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein was secreted together with endopolygalacturonase into culture filtrates of AcOPI6, and oligogalacturonides were digested from polygalacturonic acid by both proteins in the culture filtrates. The reaction mixture containing oligogalacturonides possessed activity for induction of defense-related gene, RlemLOX, in rough lemon leaves.  相似文献   

Gene frequencies were investigated in the -Est1 locus between Japanese populations of Panonychus citri occurring on some fruit trees and on the garden trees, Osmanthus trees and Ilex crenata. A new allele, A 3, was found in the -Est1 of populations collected on Osmanthus trees. Populations on I. crenata, Citrus unshiu and Pyrus serotina had one or both A 1 and A 2 alleles. However, the populations on Osmanthus trees had only the A 3 allele and did not vary geographically.  相似文献   

Analysis of total aromatic amino acid (free and bound) in some cucumber accessions selected previously for resistance to western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) [Thysanoptera: Thripidae], indicated that low concentrations of these essential nutrients, relative to total leaf protein, were correlated with a reduction in damage by the insect. Further analysis of samples of four important horticultural crops (lettuce, tomato, pepper and cucumber) with unknown levels of resistance to thrips showed a significant genotypic variation in the concentrations of total aromatic amino acids relative to the total leaf protein. Accessions from each crop with low or high concentrations of aromatic amino acids in proteins were exposed to thrips larvae. Regression analysis showed a highly significant positive correlation between aromatic amino acid concentration in leaf protein and thrips damage, regardless of crop species. It is concluded that higher concentrations of aromatic amino acids in plant proteins are important for successful thrips development. These results provide plant breeders with a promising tool for indirect selection without using undesirable insect bioassays.  相似文献   

We monitored the activities of the Argentine ant,Iridomyrmex humilis (Mayr), in 3 citrus orchards during 1984 and 1985. We also monitored densities of citrus red mite,Panonychus citri (McGregor), the adult spider mite destroyer,Stethorus picipes Casey [Col.: Coccinellidae], and the predatory mite,Euseius tularensis Congdon [Acarina: Phytoseiidae] during the same period in ant-present and ant-free plots in each orchard. I. humilis was excluded for at least 9 months from trees pruned 60 cm from the ground following a basal application of 1 or 2 % chlorpyrifos 4 EC. Autumn densities ofP. citri in these ant-free plots were significantly lower than those in the plots infested withI. Humilis. S. picipes appeared to be the most important predator, maintaining lowP. citri densities on citrus in southern California in the absence ofI. humilis activity.S. picipes densities increased numerically in response to the early spring and late autumn increases in the density ofP. citri populations. However, in the presence ofI. humilis activity, effective predation was apparently inhibited. Densities ofE. tularensis were unaffected by the presence ofI. humilis, nor didE. tularensis respond to spring or autumn increases in the density ofP. citri populations in any of the orchards.   相似文献   

Given the apparent importance ofladybeetles as biological control agents of theinvasive Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorinacitri Kuwayama (Homoptera: Psyllidae), aseries of experiments were undertaken to assessthe nutritional suitability of this pest as aprey item. Five species of Coccinellidae wereshown to develop successfully on a diet ofpsyllid nymphs and four species produced viableeggs. Eggs of the flour moth, Ephestiakuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)were used as a reference diet. Larvae of Curinus coeruleus Mulsant, Cyclonedasanguinea L., Exochomus childreniMulsant, Harmonia axyridis Pallas, andOlla v-nigrum Mulsant all had survival ona diet of D. citri nymphs not differentfrom 100%, although developmental times wereextended and adult dry weights were reducedrelative to the Ephestia egg diet. Species were ranked (highest to lowest) forlarval performance on the D. citri dietrelative to the Ephestia egg diet as:E. childreni, 0.85;O. v-nigrum,0.82; C. coeruleus, 0.80;H.axyridis, 0.71;C. sanguinea, 0.48. Most females of C. sanguinea ceasedoviposition on the second day followingtransferal to the D. citri diet, but thefecundity and fertility of females of the otherspecies were not different from those feedingon Ephestia eggs. Generation times onthe Ephestia egg diet at 24°C(time to egg hatch + larval developmental time+ pupation time + adult prereproductive period)were (mean ± SEM): C. coeruleus, 56.7± 1.32 d;C. sanguinea, 28.0 ±0.88 d;E. childreni, 60.8 ± 1.96 d;H. axyridis, 32.2 ± 1.47 d;O.v-nigrum, 25.8 ± 1.12 d. Adult females ofC. coeruleus, H. axyridis and O.v-nigrum consumed the most psyllids in oneh, C. sanguinea was intermediate, andE. childreni consumed the least.  相似文献   

Oviposition behaviour and host size selection of the solitary parasitoid Leptomastix epona(Walker) and the gregarious Pseudaphycus flavidulus(Brèthes) [both Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae] were examined on five size classes of the mealybug Pseudococcus viburni(Signoret) [Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae]. The host size classes mostly consisted of one stage (first, second, third instar nymph, young adult and preovipositing adult) and were presented together to wasps of either parasitoid species. Both parasitoid species locate the host by drumming the surface of the patch with the antennae. Leptomastix eponaseems to use mainly the antennae to examine the host but P. flavidulusmay accept or reject a host for oviposition after antennation or insertion of the ovipositor. Leptomastix eponaattempts oviposition in all the host stages from second instar nymphs but P. flavidulusincludes first instar. Both parasitoid species select mainly larger hosts (>1 mm, third instar nymphs) to oviposit but P. flavidulusis able to parasitize more second instar nymphs compared to L. epona. Female wasps of L. eponamay host feed on small mealybugs (second and third instar nymphs) that they do not use for oviposition. Oviposition experience of either parasitoid species for 24 hours does not influence host size selection on patches with hosts of similar mixed sizes. Oviposition decisions are independent of the host sizes of the preceding ovipositions. Implications about stability of a single parasitoid – host system and the success of biological control of the mealybug were discussed in respect of the developmental refugia of the two parasitoid species. Niche overlap of the two parasitoid species was discussed with a view to giving an insight into a single or multiple introduction.  相似文献   

Survival, reproduction and some biochemical changes in the citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri (Risso) parasitized by the endoparasitoid, Anagyrus pseudococci (Girault) are reported. The parasitized younger mealybugs were more likely to die than be successfully parasitized. The mean duration (±SE) required for mortality other than mummification were 1.85 ± 0.06, 2.48 ± 0.14 and 2.89 ± 0.17 days for first, second and third instar P. citri respectively. Hosts parasitized in the first instar did not produce any mummies while the second and third instar nymphs and adult stages of the mealybugs were mummified on average 8 to 11 days after attack. Parasitization caused cessation of normal fecundity as well as induction of early egg maturation of the mealybugs. The mealybugs parasitized in the adult stage produced a few eggs but the fecundity of unparasitized mealybugs was about 40 fold higher than that of parasitized mature adults. Parasitized pre-ovipositing and mature adults laid eggs within 24 h of attack. SDS-PAGE analysis of the body content of the parasitized mealybugs after 24 h and 48 h of parasitization and before egg hatch revealed an increase in the concentration of some proteins. Response to wound reactions was not visible either as formation of extra protein bands or increased density of the existing bands. The possible effect of parasitism on the changes of the reproductive physiology of the host is discussed.  相似文献   

The capability of Epidinocarsis lopezi (De Santis) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) to control the cassava mealybug (CM) Phenacoccus manihoti Mat.-Ferr. (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) was investigated in Nigeria using physical and chemical exclusion experiments. In two sleeve cage experiments CM populations, about 2 months after artificial infestation, were 7.0 and 2.3 x lower on artificially infested cassava tips covered with open cages than on tips in closed cages which excluded most parasitoids. On similarly infested but uncovered tips, CM populations were 24.3 and 37.5 x lower, and parasitisation rates were higher. In an artificially infested field which was treated weekly with carbaryl, parasitisation rates were below 10% and CM populations exceeded 200 per tip. In the chemically untreated plot, parasitisation rates were up to 25% and CM densities were mostly below 10 per tip. This study demonstrates the efficiency of E. lopezi in controlling its host under the experimental conditions.
Résumé La capacité d'E. lopezi de contrôler la cochenille farineuse du manioc a été évaluée au Nigéria en excluant le parasitoïde de son hôte par des moyens physiques et chimiques. Dans deux expériences utilisants des manchons les populations de la cochenille deux mois après l'infestation artificielle étaient 7.0 et 2.3 fois plus basses sur les branches couvertes d'un manchon ouvert que sur les branches couvertes par un manchon fermé, qui excluait la plupart des parasitoïdes. Sur les apex sans manchons, également infestés artificiellement, les populations de la cochenille étaient 24.3 et 37.5 fois plus bas tandis que le degré de parasitisme était plus élevé. Dans un champ infesté artificiellement et partiellement traité chaque semaine avec du carbaryl, le pourcentage de parasitisme restait au-dessous de 10%, et les populations de la cochenille dépassaient 200 par apex. Dans la partie non-traitée, le parasitisme atteignait 25% et la densité de la cochenille restait pour la plupart du temps au-dessous de 10 cochenilles par apex. Ces expériences démontrent la capacité d'E. lopezi de maintenir son hôte à un bas niveau dans des conditions expérimentales.

The uptake of maltose and maltodextrins in gram-negative bacteria is mediated by an ATP-dependent transport complex composed of a periplasmic maltose-binding protein (MBP) and membrane-associated proteins responsible for the formation of a membrane pore and generation of energy to drive the translocation process. In this work, we report the purification and in vitro functional analysis of MBP, encoded by the malE gene, of the plant pathogen Xanthomonas citri, responsible for the canker disease affecting citrus plants throughout the world. The X. citri MBP is composed of 456 amino acids, displaying a low amino acid identity (16% throughout the sequence) compared to the Escherichia coli K12 ortholog. The X. citri malE gene was cloned into a pET28a vector, and the encoded protein was expressed and purified by affinity chromatography as a His-tag N-terminal fusion peptide produced by the E. coli BL21 strain. Enhanced levels of soluble protein were achieved with static cultures kept overnight at 23 degrees C. Ability to bind immobilized amylose, the emission of intrinsic fluorescence and circular dichroism spectra indicated that the purified recombinant protein preserved both conformation and biological activity of the native protein. The availability of the recombinant MBP will contribute to the functional and structural analysis of the maltose and maltodextrin uptake system of the plant pathogen X. citri.  相似文献   

From among 125 strains of fluorescent and 52 strains of nonfluorescent bacteria initially screened in the laboratory for their antibiosis towards the bacterial wilt pathogen, Pseudomonas solanacearum, strain Pfcp of Pseudomonas fluorescens and strains B33 and B36 of Bacillus spp., were chosen and evaluated further in greenhouse and field tests. Pfcp treated banana (Musa balbisiana), eggplant and tomato plants were protected from wilt upto 50, 61 and 95% in greenhouse and upto 50, 49 and 36% respectively in field. Protection afforded by the Bacillus strains was lower. In bacteria-treated plants which were subsequently inoculated with P. solanacearum plant height and biomass values increased and were close to those of nontreated and noninoculated control plants.  相似文献   

In an attempt to suppress the propagation of citrus greening disease in Indonesia, we explored pathogens ofDiaphorina citri which vectors the disease. At two orange orchards, manyD. citri adults were found to be dead and covered with fungal mycelia. Two fungi,Paecilomyces fumosoroseus andHirsutella citriformis, were consistently isolated from the infected insects. Molecular phylogeny of their 18S rDNA sequences showed that they belong to the ascomycetous clade of the Clavicipitales/Hypocreales, which embraces many entomopathogenic fungi. When healthy adults ofD. citri were inoculated with conidia of theP. fumosoroseus, the insects died within 6 d.  相似文献   

Colpoclypeus florus Walk. is a gregarious ectoparasite of tortricids. Details of biology and annual cycle in orchards in the Netherland are reported. It has four to five generations per year, but only females of the second generation, and some of the third, meet with abundant hosts (Adoxophyes orana F.v.R.) of the proper size. Therefore, the parasite is scarce to virtually absent from Duth orchards except in July and August. A technique for mass-rearing of C. florus is described, producing 6 000 wasps per week. 16 000–28 000 wasps/ha were released in spring, in order to control leafrollers. Although all important leafroller species were parasitized, the rate of parasitization was too low to be effective.
Colpoclypeus florus (Hym. Eulophidae), parasite de tordeuses dans les vergers: techniques d'élevage, biologie et expériences de lutte biologique
Résumé Colpoclypeus florus Walk., ectoparasite grégaire de Tortricidae, est capable de provoquer un taux de parasitisme élevé dans plusieurs types de cultures, y compris dans les vergers de pommiers. Dans les vergers aux Pay-Bas, ce parasite n'abonde qu'en été sur la première génération d'Adoxophyes orana. Les autres tortricides échappent à ses attaques, parce qu'elles ne peuvent être attaquées qu'au printemps. Le but de ces études était donc la mise au point d'une technique d'élevage de masse de C. florus, pour relâcher ce parasite en grand nombre dans les vergers au printemps. La technique décrite a permis de produire plusieurs milliers de parasites par semaine. Des lâchers de 16 000–28 000 parasites par ha dans un verger soumis à un programme de lutte intégrée, bien que faisant des victimes parmi toutes les espèces importantes de tortricides présentes, étaient loin d'occasionner le taux de parasitisme escompté.Le nombre de degrés-jours nécessaire au développement des différents stades de C. florus a été déterminé au laboratoire, et son cycle évolutif, inconnu aux Pays-Bas, puisque le parasite ne se trouve qu'en été, a été calculé et comparé aux observations faites en élevages en plein air. C. florus a de 4 à 5 générations par an, et la comparaison de sa phénologie avec celle des différentes tordeuses explique son absence hors de l'été.Au laboratoire, Archips podana était plus parasité, et Pandemis heparana moins parasité qu'A. orana. Le nombre moyen de descendants produits par femelle de C. florus et par chenille-hôte variait selon les hôtes, dépendant probablement de la taille des chenilles. Bien qu'A. orana n'ait pas produit le plus grand nombre de parasites par chenille, elle a été néanmoins préférée aux autres tortricides comme hôte pour les élevages.

An artificial feeding system was developed for the citrus red mite, Panonychus citri McGregor (Acari: Tetranychidae) to determine egg production and survival of adult female mites in response to various nutrient solutions. Egg production increased with increasing sugar concentration up to 20%, then declined. Autoclaved sodium caseinate was the most suitable nitrogen source examined, and egg production was highest on diet fractions containing 8% sodium caseinate, the highest concentration examined. Fecundity was higher when dietary nitrogen was provided entirely by protein than in whole or in part by free amino acids. Results are qualitatively similar to studies with Tetranychus urticae Koch, however optimal concentrations of major nutrients were ca. 4 to 10 times higher for P. citri than for T. urticae.
Résumé Une méthode d'alimentation sur diète artificielle a été mise au point pour l'acarien du citrus, Panonychus citri Mc Gregor (Acari: Tetranychidae) et a été utilisée pour déterminer l'influence de différentes solutions nutritives sur la fécondité et la survie des femelles adultes. La fécondité augmente avec la teneur en sucre jusqu'à une concentration maximale de 30%, et décline ensuite pour des concentrations supérieures. Du caséinate de sodium autoclavé s'est révélé être la meilleure source d'azote et la fécondité a été la plus forte sur des milieux contenant 8% de caséinate de sodium, concentration la plus élevée testée. La fécondité est plus grande lorsque l'azote alimentaire est fourni entièrement sous forme de protéine plutôt que sous forme d'acides aminés libres, en tout ou en partie. Les résultats sont qualitativement semblables à ceux obtenus précédemment chez Tetranychus urticae Koch, cependant les concentrations optimales des nutriments majeurs sont environ 4 à 10 fois plus élevées pour P. citri que pour T. urticae.

Life table studies were conducted to assess the effect of constant temperature on the rate of population growth of the cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero. Four temperatures, between 20 and 30.5°C, were tested. An inverse relationship was observed between temperature and most demographic parameters.The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) increased from 0.1 at 20°C to 0.2 at 27°C and 30.5°C. The net reproductive rate varied between 426.3 at 30.5°C and 584.7 at 20°C. The mealybug population reached 50% mortality after 37.5, 21.5, 19.0 and 19.0 days respectively at 20, 23.5, 27 and 30.5°C. The results indicate that P. manihoti can persist and increase in numbers within the range between 20 and 30.5°C.
Influence de températures constantes sur les taux de croissance de populations de la cochenille du manioc Phenococcus manihoti
Résumé Des tables de vie ont été établies pour déterminer l'effet de températures constantes sur les taux de croissance de populations de la cochenille du manioc, Phenacoccus manihoti Mat.-Ferr., et ainsi comprendre les changements au sein des populations du ravageur dans les champs et mener à bien le programme de lutte biologique organisé à l'I.I.T.A. contre cette cochenille. P. manihoti, introduit à partir de l'Amérique latine en Afrique, y menace la production du manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz).Le taux intrinsèque d'accroissement natural (rm) a augmenté de 0.114 à 20°C, à 0.185 à 27°C, avant de descendre à 0.182 à 30.5°C. Le taux net de reproduction (Ro) a été relativement élevé (426–584 oeufs femelles/génération). Dans nos conditions expérimentales, la mortalité a atteint 50% au bout de 37.5, 21.5, 19.0 jours respectivement à 20, 23.5, 27 et 30.5°C. La durée du cycle et le coefficient d'accroissement () étaient inversement liés à la température. Le ravageur possède la capacité de doubler sa population en 6.08 jours à 20°C alors que 3.81 jours seulement suffisent pour doubler la population à 30.5°C.Ces résultats nous ont permis de comprendre et d'expliquer l'énorme pouvoir de pullulation de la cochenille observé dans les champs pendant la saison sèche; il s'ensuit que les lâchers des entomophages produits en élevages doivent se faire très tôt au début de la saison sèche, afin de contrecarrer la grande fertilité et la capacité d'augmentation rapide des populations de P. manihoti.

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