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The fluxes and transformations of nitrogen (N) were investigated from 1985 through 1987 at the Emerald Lake watershed (ELW), a 120 ha high-elevation catchment located in the southern Sierra Nevada, California, USA. Up to 90% of annual wet deposition of N was stored in the seasonal snowpack; NO 3 and NH 4 + were released from storage in the form of an ionic pulse, where the first fraction of meltwater draining from the snowpack had concentrations of NO 3 and NH 4 + as high as 28 eq L–1 compared to bulk concentrations of <5 eq L–1 in the snowpack. The soil reservoir of organic N (81 keq ha–1) was about ten times the N storage in litter and biomass (12 keq ha–1). Assimilation of N by vegetation was balanced by the release of N from soil mineralization, nitrification, and litter decay. Mineralization and nitrification processes produced 1.1 keq ha–1 yr–1 of inorganic N, about 3 1/2 times the loading of N from wet and dry deposition. Less than 1% of the NH 4 + in wet and dry deposition was exported from the basin as NH 4 + . Biological assimilation was primarily responsible for retention of NH 4 + in the basin, releasing one mode of H+ for every mole of NH 4 + retained and neutralizing about 25% of the annual acid neutralizing capacity produced by mineral weathering in the basin. Nitrate concentrations in stream waters reached an annual peak during the first part of snowmelt runoff, with maximum concentrations in stream water of 20 eq L–1, more than 4 times the volume-weighted mean annual concentrations of NO 3 in wet deposition. This annual peak in stream water NO 3 was consistent with the release of NO 3 from the snowpack in the form of an ionic pulse; however soil processes occurring underneath the winter snowpack were another potential source of this NO 3 . Concentrations of stream water NO 3 during the summer growing season were always near or below detection limits (0.5 eq L–1).  相似文献   

Reductions in snow cover undera warmer climate may cause soil freezing eventsto become more common in northern temperateecosystems. In this experiment, snow cover wasmanipulated to simulate the late development ofsnowpack and to induce soil freezing. Thismanipulation was used to examine the effects ofsoil freezing disturbance on soil solutionnitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and carbon (C)chemistry in four experimental stands (twosugar maple and two yellow birch) at theHubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) in theWhite Mountains of New Hampshire. Soilfreezing enhanced soil solution Nconcentrations and transport from the forestfloor. Nitrate (NO3 ) was thedominant N species mobilized in the forestfloor of sugar maple stands after soilfreezing, while ammonium (NH4 +) anddissolved organic nitrogen (DON) were thedominant forms of N leaching from the forestfloor of treated yellow birch stands. Rates ofN leaching at stands subjected to soil freezingranged from 490 to 4,600 mol ha–1yr–1, significant in comparison to wet Ndeposition (530 mol ha–1 yr–1) andstream NO3 export (25 mol ha–1yr–1) in this northern forest ecosystem. Soil solution fluxes of Pi from the forestfloor of sugar maple stands after soil freezingranged from 15 to 32 mol ha–1 yr–1;this elevated mobilization of Pi coincidedwith heightened NO3 leaching. Elevated leaching of Pi from the forestfloor was coupled with enhanced retention ofPi in the mineral soil Bs horizon. Thequantities of Pi mobilized from the forestfloor were significant relative to theavailable P pool (22 mol ha–1) as well asnet P mineralization rates in the forest floor(180 mol ha–1 yr–1). Increased fineroot mortality was likely an important sourceof mobile N and Pi from the forest floor,but other factors (decreased N and P uptake byroots and increased physical disruption of soilaggregates) may also have contributed to theenhanced leaching of nutrients. Microbialmortality did not contribute to the acceleratedN and P leaching after soil freezing. Resultssuggest that soil freezing events may increaserates of N and P loss, with potential effectson soil N and P availability, ecosystemproductivity, as well as surface wateracidification and eutrophication.  相似文献   

Atmospheric depostion and stream discharge and solutes were measured for three years (September 1984 — August 1987) in two mixed conifer watersheds in Sequoia National Park, in the southern Sierra Nevada of California. The Log Creek watershed (50 ha, 2067–2397 m elev.) is drained by a perennial stream, while Tharp's Creek watershed (13 ha, 2067–2255 m elev.) contains an intermittent stream. Dominant trees in the area include Abies concolor (white fir), Sequoiadendron giganteum (giant sequoia), A. magnifica (red fir), and Pinus lambertiana (sugar pine). Bedrock is predominantly granite and granodiorite, and the soils are mostly Pachic Xerumbrepts. Over the three year period, sulfate (SO4 2–), nitrate (NO3 ), and chloride (Cl–1) were the major anions in bulk precipitation with volume-weighted average concentrations of 12.6, 12.3 and 10.0 eq/1, respectively. Annual inputs of NO3-N, NH4-N and SO4-S from wet deposition were about 60 to 75% of those reported from bulk deposition collectors. Discharge from the two watersheds occurs primarily during spring snowmelt. Solute exports from Log and Tharp's Creeks were dominated by HCO3 , Ca2+ and Na+, while H+, NO3 , NH4 + and PO4 3– outputs were relatively small. Solute concentrations were weakly correlated with instantaneous stream flow for all solutes (r2 <0.2) except HCO3 (Log Cr. r2 = 0.72; Tharp's Cr. r2 = 0.38), Na+ (Log Cr. r2 = 0.56; Tharp's Cr. r2 = 0.47), and silicate (Log Cr. r2 = 0.71; Tharp's Cr. r2 = 0.49). Mean annual atmospheric contributions of NO3-N (1.6 kg ha–1), NH4-N (1.7 kg ha–1), and SO4-S (1.8 kg ha–1), which are associated with acidic deposition, greatly exceed hydrologic losses. Annual watershed yields (expressed as eq ha–1) of HCO3 exceeded by factors of 2.5 to 37 the annual atmospheric deposition of H+.  相似文献   

Microbial activity under alpine snowpacks, Niwot Ridge, Colorado   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:10  
Experiments were conducted during 1993 at Niwot Ridge in the Colorado Front Range to determine if the insulating effect of winter snow cover allows soil microbial activity to significantly affect nitrogen inputs and outputs in alpine systems. Soil surface temperatures under seasonal snowpacks warmed from –14 °C in January to 0 °C by May 4th. Snowmelt began in mid-May and the sites were snow free by mid June. Heterotrophic microbial activity in snow-covered soils, measured as C02 production, was first identified on March 4, 1993. Net C02 flux increased from 55 mg CO2-C m–2 day–1 in early March to greater than 824 mg CO2-C m-2 day–1 by the middle of May. Carbon dioxide production decreased in late May as soils became saturated during snowmelt. Soil inorganic N concentrations increased before snowmelt, peaking between 101 and 276 mg kg–1 soil in May, and then decreasing as soils became saturated with melt water. Net N mineralization for the period of March 3 to May 4 ranged from 2.23 to 6.63 g N m–2, and were approximately two orders of magnitude greater than snowmelt inputs of 50.4 mg N m–2 for NH4 + and 97.2 mg N m–2 for NO3 . Both NO3 and NH4 + concentrations remained at or below detection limits in surface water during snowmelt, indicating the only export of inorganic N from the system was through gaseous losses. Nitrous oxide production under snow was first observed in early April. Production increased as soils warned, peaking at 75 g N2O-N m–2 day–1 in soils saturated with melt water one week before the sites were snow free. These data suggest that microbial activity in snow-covered soils may play a key role in alpine N cycling before plants become active.  相似文献   

Although tropical wet forests play an important role in the global carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles, little is known about the origin, composition, and fate of dissolved organic C (DOC) and N (DON) in these ecosystems. We quantified and characterized fluxes of DOC, DON, and dissolved inorganic N (DIN) in throughfall, litter leachate, and soil solution of an old-growth tropical wet forest to assess their contribution to C stabilization (DOC) and to N export (DON and DIN) from this ecosystem. We found that the forest canopy was a major source of DOC (232 kg C ha–1 y–1). Dissolved organic C fluxes decreased with soil depth from 277 kg C ha–1 y–1 below the litter layer to around 50 kg C kg C ha–1 y–1 between 0.75 and 3.5m depth. Laboratory experiments to quantify biodegradable DOC and DON and to estimate the DOC sorption capacity of the soil, combined with chemical analyses of DOC, revealed that sorption was the dominant process controlling the observed DOC profiles in the soil. This sorption of DOC by the soil matrix has probably led to large soil organic C stores, especially below the rooting zone. Dissolved N fluxes in all strata were dominated by mineral N (mainly NO3). The dominance of NO3 relative to the total amount nitrate of N leaching from the soil shows that NO3 is dominant not only in forest ecosystems receiving large anthropogenic nitrogen inputs but also in this old-growth forest ecosystem, which is not N-limited.  相似文献   

We studied the export of inorganic carbon and nitrous oxide (N2O) from a Danish freshwater wetland. The wetland is situated in an agricultural catchment area and is recharged by groundwater enriched with nitrate (NO3 ) (1000 M). NO3 in recharging groundwater was reduced (57.5 mol NO3 m–2 yr) within a narrow zone of the wetland. Congruently, the annual efflux of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the sediment was 19.1 mol C m–2 when estimated from monthly in situ measurements. In comparison the CO2 efflux was 4.8 mol C m–2 yr–1 further out in the wetland, where no NO3 reduction occurred. Annual exports of inorganic carbon in groundwater and surface water was 78.4 mol C m–2 and 6.1 mol C m–2 at the two sites, respectively. N2O efflux from the sedimenst was detectable on five out of twelve sampling dates and was significantly (P < 0.0001) higher in the NO3 reduction zone (0.35–9.40 mol m–2 h–1, range of monthly means) than in the zone without NO3 reduction (0.21–0.41 mol m–2 h–1). No loss of dissolved N2O could be measured. Total annual export of N2O was not estimated. The reduction of oxygen (O2) in groundwater was minor throughout the wetland and did not exceed 0.2 mol 02 m–2yr–1. Sulfate (SO4 ––) was reduced in groundwater (2.1 mol SO4 –– m–2 yr–1) in the zone without NO3 reduction. Although the NO3 in our wetland can be reduced along several pathways our results strongly suggest that NO3 loading of freshwater wetlands disturb the carbon balance of such areas, resulting in an accelerated loss of inorganic carbon in gaseous and dissolved forms.  相似文献   

To study the impact of high atmospheric nitrogen deposition on the leaching of NO3 and NH4+ beneath forest and heathland vegetation, investigations were carried out in adjacent forest and heathland ecosystems in Northwest Germany. The study area is subjected to high deposition of nitrogen ranging from 15.9 kg ha–1 yr–1 in bulk precipitation to 65.3 kg ha–1 yr–1 beneath a stand of Pinus sylvestris L. with NH4–N accounting for 70–80% of the nitrogen deposited. Considerable leaching of nitrogen compounds from the upper horizons of the soil, mostly as nitrate, occurred at most of the forest sites and below a mixed stand of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull. and Erica tetralix, but was low in a Betula pubescens Ehrh. swamp forest as well as beneath Erica tetralix L. wet heath and heath dominated by Molinia caerulea(L.) Moench. Ground water concentrations of both NO3–N and NH4–N did not exceed 1 mg L–1 at most of the sites investigated.  相似文献   

Decreases in pH and increases in the concentration of Al and NO 3 have been observed in surface waters draining acid-sensitive regions in the northeastern U.S. during spring snowmelt. To assess the source of this acidity, we evaluated solute concentrations in snowpack, and in meltwater collected from snow and forest floor lysimeters in the west-central Adirondack Mountains of New York during the spring snowmelt period, 29 March through 15 April 1984.During the initial phase of snowmelt, ions were preferentially leached from the snowpack resulting in elevated concentrations in snowmelt water (e.g. H+ = 140 eq.l–1; NO 4 2– = 123 eq.l–1; SO 3 = 160 eq.l–1). Solute concentrations decreased dramatically within a few days of the initial melt (< 50 eq.l–1). The concentrations of SO 4 2– and NO 3 in snowpack and snowmelt water were similar, whereas NO 3 in the forest floor leachate was at least two times the concentration of SO 4 2– .Study results suggest that the forest floor was a sink for snowmelt inputs of alkalinity, and a net source of H+, NO 3 , dissolved organic carbon, K+ and Al inputs to the mineral soil. The forest floor was relatively conservative with respect to snowmelt inputs of Ca2+, SO 4 2– and Cl. These results indicate that mineralization of N, followed by nitrification in the forest floor may be an important process contributing to elevated concentrations of H+ and NO 3 in streams during the snowmelt period.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of HN03 to precipitation acidity in eastern Canada has increased in recent years leading to some concern that the relative importance of NO 3 deposition in acidification of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems may increase. To gauge the extent of this impact, annual mass balances for N0 3 and NH+ 4 were calculated for several forested catchments and lakes in Ontario. Retention of NH+ 4 (R NH4) by forested catchments was consistently high compared to retention of NO3 (R NO3) which was highly variable. Retention of inorganic nitrogen was influenced by catchment grade and areal water discharge. In lakes, the reciprocals of retention of N0 3 and NH+ 4 were linearly related to the ratio of lake mean depth to water residence time (z/; equal to areal water discharge), and retention did not appear to be a function of degree of acidification of the lakes. Net N consumption-based acidification of lakes, defined as the ratio of annual NH; mass to N0 3 mass consumption, was negatively correlated with / and N consumption-related acidification was most likely to occur when – was < 1.5 m yr–1.If retention mechanisms are unaffected by changes in deposition, changes in deposition will still result in changes in surface water concentrations although the changes will be of similar proportions. Therefore, NO 3 saturation should not be defined by concentrations alone, but should be defined as decreasing long-term, average NO 3 retention in streams and lakes in response to long-term increases in NO 3 deposition. Analysis o f survey data will be facilitated by grouping lakes and catchments according to similar characteristics.  相似文献   

The rates of growth, cell size, elemental and biochemical composition ofDunaliella primolecta were monitored during exponential growth after conditioning over three weeks in media containing different concentrations of nitrogen. The rate of growth, measured both as cell density and cell volume, was correlated positively with the N concentration of the medium (P<0.01). N-starved cells did not grow and died within three days. Cell volume and dry weight per cell were significantly higher (P<0.01) in the N-low (0.45 g-at 1–1 NO3-N) condition than in the N-high I condition (3.53 g-at 1–1 NO3-N). In the N-high II condition the addition of 1.87 g-at 1–1 NH4-N to 3.53 g-at 1–1 NO3-N did not significantly enhance growth.The composition was influenced by the availability of nitrogen. The amount of protein per cell decreased significantly from 20.1 to 9.7 pg with reduced nitrate availability between the N-high condition and the N-low condition (P<0.01). The associated carbohydrate content increased significantly from 10.6 to 26.74 pg per cell (P<0.001). These findings confirm the potential for significant variability in the composition ofD. primolecta, both in the natural environment and following experimental manipulation.  相似文献   

Information on how management by mowing and herbicide alter residue quality and nitrogen (N) inputs would be valuable to improve prediction of N availability. Mowing and glyphosate application are widely used by growers to limit cover crop growth and facilitate incorporation. A mixture of cover crops, hairy vetch (Vicia villosa L.), oriental mustard (Brassica junceaL.) and cereal rye (Secale cerealeL.), was investigated as a means to improve soil quality and optimize N availability. There is limited information on how mowing or glyphosate application influence cover crop decomposition and N mineralization from these heterogeneous residues. A rye cover crop was grown in the field over the winter and transferred to containers as an intact soil profile to conduct a greenhouse study. Management treatments (mowing and glyphosate) were imposed eight days before incorporation. Plant and soil N dynamics were monitored. The experiment was repeated with the addition of a tri-mixture cover crop. Inorganic NO3 in bare soil ranged from 6 to 10 g N g soil–1 over 39 days. Similar or lower levels of soil NO3 were observed after rye residue incorporation, from 2 to 6 g N g–1; consistent with N-immobilization. Application of untreated, mixed cover crop residues generally was associated with higher levels of soil inorganic NO3, from 3 to 11 g N g–1. For both rye and mixed residues, management by mowing or glyphosate enhanced N mineralization by 10 to 100%, compared to untreated residues. At the same time, application of mowing or glyphosate 8 days before cover crop incorporation seemed to reduce the amount of residues by about half compared to untreated controls. Belowground biomass was reduced more than aboveground, although recovery of senescent roots may have been incomplete. Management by glyphosate or mowing enhanced soil inorganic N availability in the short-term while simultaneously reducing carbon and N inputs.  相似文献   

Finfish culture is a growing industry, and it causes a nutrient loading problem. To investigate the feasibility of an integrated culture of kelp and salmon, 15-cm long kelp (Laminaria saccharina) was grown in salmon culture effluent. The objectives were to test the effects of flow rate and kelp density on dissolved inorganic nitrogen removal (DIN), and DIN uptake and growth by the kelp. NH 4 + , NO 3 and DIN (NH 4 + + NO 3 ) loadings were in the ranges 6.2–25.4, 12.9–40.0, 19.7–52.7 mol 1–1, respectively, over the experimental period.Surplus uptake of nitrogen was not evident, because the C:N ratio (10–11) was constant in all experiments. During light periods, the kelp removed from 170–339 mol 1–1 h–1, and approximately 26–40% of the incoming DIN. The DIN uptake rate, based on daylight sampling periods, ranged between 6.1–22.5 mol g–1 dry mass h–1. The highest-flow rate, lowest-density tank had the highest DIN uptake rate. Debris from the fish effluent settling on the kelp thalli in the low-flow rate tanks affected uptake. Mean DIN uptake rate based on 3 days of growth for all flow-density combinations ranged between 5.4–8.3 mol g–1 dry mass h–1. The kelp utilized NH 4 + and NO 3 equally.The growth ranged between 6.5–9% d–1. The biomass production ranged from 1–2 g per sampling period. The highest growth rate and biomass production were achieved by kelp in the highest-flow rate, lowest-density tank. Lower DIN concentrations due to higher DIN removal rates in the other tanks and light limitation due to self-shading in the high-density tanks were probably responsible for the reduced growth rate in these tanks.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

Fluxes of dissolved and particulate nitrogen (N) and phosphorus(P) from three adjacent watersheds were quantified with ahigh-resolution sampling program over a five-year period. The watershedsvary by an order of magnitude in area (12,875, 7968 and 1206 ha), and inall three watersheds intensive agriculture comprises > 90% ofland. Annual fluxes of dissolved N and P per unit watershed area (exportcoefficients) varied 2X among watersheds, and patterns were notdirectly related to watershed size. Over the five-year period, meanannual flux of soluble reactive P (SRP) was 0.583 kg P ·ha–1 · yr–1 from the smallestwatershed and 0.295 kg P · ha–1 ·yr–1 from the intermediate-sized watershed, which hadthe lowest SRP flux. Mean annual flux of nitrate was 20.53 kg N ·ha–1 · yr–1 in the smallestwatershed and 44.77 kg N · ha–1 ·yr–1 in the intermediate-sized watershed, which had thehighest nitrate flux. As a consequence, the export ratio of dissolvedinorganic N to SRP varied from 80 (molar) in the smallest watershed to335 in the intermediate-sized watershed. Because most N was exported asnitrate, differences among watersheds in total N flux were similar tothose for nitrate. Hence, the total N:P export ratio was 42(molar) for the smallest watershed and 109 for the intermediate-sizedwatershed. In contrast, there were no clear differences among watershedsin the export coefficients of particulate N, P, or carbon, even though> 50% of total P was exported as particulate P in allwatersheds. All nutrient fractions were exported at higher rates in wetyears than in dry years, but precipitation-driven variability in exportcoefficients was greater for particulate fractions than for dissolvedfractions.Examination of hydrological regimes showed that, for all nutrientfractions, most export occurred during stormflow. However, theproportion of nitrate flux exported as baseflow was much greater thanthe proportion of SRP flux exported as baseflow, for all threewatersheds (25–37% of nitrate exported as baseflow vs.3–13% of SRP exported as baseflow). In addition, baseflowcomprised a greater proportion of total discharge in theintermediate-sized watershed (43.7% of total discharge) than theother two watersheds (29.3 and 30.1%). Thus, higher nitrateexport coefficients in the intermediate-sized watershed may haveresulted from the greater contribution of baseflow in this watershed.Other factors potentially contributing to higher nitrate exportcoefficients in this watershed may be a thicker layer of loess soils anda lower proportion of riparian forest than the other watersheds. Theamong-watershed variability in SRP concentrations and exportcoefficients remains largely unexplained, and might represent theminimum expected variation among similar agriculturalwatersheds.  相似文献   

We analyzed long-term organic and inorganic nitrogen inputs and outputs in precipitation and streamwater in six watersheds at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest in the central Cascade Mountains of Oregon. Total bulk N deposition, averaging 1.6 to 2.0 kg N ha–1 yr–1, is low compared to other sites in the United States and little influenced by anthropogenic N sources. Streamwater N export is also low, averaging <1 kg ha–1 yr–1. DON is the predominant form of N exported from all watersheds, followed by PON, NH4-N, and NO3-N. Total annual stream discharge was a positive predictor of annual DON output in all six watersheds, suggesting that DON export is related to regional precipitation. In contrast, annual discharge was a positive predictor of annual NO3-N output in one watershed, annual NH4-N output in three watersheds, and annual PON output in three watersheds. Of the four forms of N, only DON had consistent seasonal concentration patterns in all watersheds. Peak streamwater DON concentrations occurred in November-December after the onset of fall rains but before the peak in the hydrograph, probably due to flushing of products of decomposition that had built up during the dry summer. Multiple biotic controls on the more labile nitrate and ammonium concentrations in streams may obscure temporal DIN flux patterns from the terrestrial environment. Results from this study underscore the value of using several watersheds from a single climatic zone to make inferences about controls on stream N chemistry; analysis of a single watershed may preclude identification of geographically extensive mechanisms controlling N dynamics.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of juvenile Haliotis rubra, when fed with the diatom Navicula sp. cultured in f/2 medium containing combined nitrogen at 24.71 mg NO3-N L–1 (high), 12.35 mg NO3-N L–1 (standard) or 2.47 mg NO3-N L–1 (low), were compared in a 33-day trial. The alga in the low nitrogen medium contained 37% less total amino acid than that in the high and standard nitrogen media. There was a slightly greater reduction in essential amino acids (40%) compared to non-essential amino acids (35%). Juvenile abalone feeding on Navicula grown in medium with low nitrate and lower total amino acid content grew more slowly than when fed on the same species grown in standard or higher nitrogen medium with a higher amino acid content. The growth rate of juveniles was highest (43 m d–1) in the high nitrate treatment followed (40 m d–1) by the standard nitrate treatment and lowest (31 m d–1) in the low nitrate treatment. The survival of the juveniles was also effected by the diet. Survival was better in the high and standard nitrogen media (88%) than the low nitrogen medium (75%). The results suggest that in order to achieve uniformity in nutritional quality of diatoms and good growth of abalone juveniles in commercial abalone nurseries, the nitrogen concentration in tanks should be monitored and additional nitrate added to provide an optimum concentration of between 2 and 12 mg NO3-N L–1.  相似文献   

Overwinter and snowmelt processes are thought to be critical to controllersof nitrogen (N) cycling and retention in northern forests. However, therehave been few measurements of basic N cycle processes (e.g.mineralization, nitrification, denitrification) during winter and littleanalysis of the influence of winter climate on growing season N dynamics.In this study, we manipulated snow cover to assess the effects of soilfreezing on in situ rates of N mineralization, nitrification and soilrespiration, denitrification (intact core, C2H2 – based method),microbial biomass C and N content and potential net N mineralization andnitrification in two sugar maple and two yellow birch stands with referenceand snow manipulation treatment plots over a two year period at theHubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, U.S.A. The snowmanipulation treatment, which simulated the late development of snowpackas may occur in a warmer climate, induced mild (temperatures >–5 °C) soil freezing that lasted until snowmelt. The treatmentcaused significant increases in soil nitrate (NO3 )concentrations in sugar maple stands, but did not affect mineralization,nitrification, denitrification or microbial biomass, and had no significanteffects in yellow birch stands. Annual N mineralization and nitrificationrates varied significantly from year to year. Net mineralization increasedfrom 12.0 g N m–2 y–1 in 1998 to 22 g N m–2 y–1 in 1999 and nitrification increased from 8 g N m–2 y–1 in 1998 to 13 g N m–2 y–1 in 1999.Denitrification rates ranged from 0 to 0.65 g N m–2 y–1. Ourresults suggest that mild soil freezing must increase soil NO3 levels by physical disruption of the soil ecosystem and not by direct stimulation of mineralization and nitrification. Physical disruption canincrease fine root mortality, reduce plant N uptake and reduce competitionfor inorganic N, allowing soil NO3 levels to increase evenwith no increase in net mineralization or nitrification.  相似文献   

The eastern U.S. receives elevated rates of Ndeposition compared to preindustrial times, yetrelatively little of this N is exported indrainage waters. Net uptake of N into forestbiomass and soils could account for asubstantial portion of the difference between Ndeposition and solution exports. We quantifiedforest N sinks in biomass accumulation andharvest export for 16 large river basins in theeastern U.S. with two separate approaches: (1)using growth data from the USDA ForestService's Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA)program, and (2) using a model of forestnitrogen cycling (PnET-CN) linked to FIAinformation on forest age-class structure. Themodel was also used to quantify N sinks in soiland dead wood, and nitrate losses below therooting zone. Both methods agreed that netgrowth rates were highest in the relativelyyoung forests on the Schuylkill watershed, andlowest in the cool forests of northern Maine. Across the 16 watersheds, wood export removedan average of 2.7 kg N ha–1 yr–1(range: 1–5 kg N ha–1 yr–1), andstanding stocks increased by 4.0 kg N ha–1yr–1 (–3 to 8 kg N ha–1 yr–1). Together, these sinks for N in woody biomassamounted to a mean of 6.7 kg N ha–1yr–1 (2–9 kg N ha–1 yr–1), or73% (15–115%) of atmospheric N deposition. Modeled rates of net N sinks in dead wood andsoil were small; soils were only a significantnet sink for N during simulations ofreforestation of degraded agricultural sites. Predicted losses of nitrate depended on thecombined effects of N deposition, and bothshort- and long-term effects of disturbance. Linking the model with forest inventoryinformation on age-class structure provided auseful step toward incorporating realisticpatterns of forest disturbance status acrossthe landscape.  相似文献   

Butterbach-Bahl  K.  Papen  H. 《Plant and Soil》2002,240(1):77-90
In order to gain information about seasonal and interannual variations of CH4-fluxes at a spruce control site, a limed spruce site and a beech site of the Höglwald Forest, Bavaria, Germany, complete annual cycles of CH4-exchange between the soil and the atmosphere with 2-hourly resolution were followed for 4 consecutive years. The ranges of CH4 fluxes observed for the different sites were: +12.4 to –69.4 g CH4 m–2 h–1 (spruce control site), +11.7 to –51.4 g CH4 m–2 h–1 (limed spruce site), and –4.4 to –167.3 g CH4 m–2 h–1 (beech site). Lowest rates of atmospheric CH4-uptake or even a weak net-emission of CH4 by the soils were observed during winter/spring times, whereas highest rates of CH4-uptake were always found in summer/spring. Over the entire observation period of 4 years, mean CH4-uptake rates were –1.82 kg CH4-C ha–1 yr–1 at the spruce control site, –1.31 kg CH4-C ha–1 yr–1 at the limed spruce site, and –4.84 kg CH4-C ha–1 yr–1 at the beech site. The results obtained in this study demonstrate that in view of the huge interannual variations in CH4-fluxes of approx. 1 kg CH4-C ha–1 yr–1, multiple year measurements of CH4-fluxes are necessary to accurately characterize the sink strength of temperate forest for atmospheric CH4. By comparison of CH4-fluxes measured at the spruce control site and the limed spruce site, a significant negative effect of forest floor liming on CH4-uptake could be demonstrated. Compared to the spruce stand, the beech stand showed on average approx. 3 times higher rates of atmospheric CH4-uptake, most likely due to pronounced differences between both sites with regard to the organic layer structure and bulk density of the mineral soil. Regression analysis between CH4-fluxes and environmental parameters revealed that at all sites the dominating factors regulating temporal variations of CH4 fluxes were soil moisture and soil temperature. Field measurements of CH4 concentrations in the soil profile and laboratory measurements of CH4-oxidation and CH4-production activity on soil samples taken from different soil depths showed that the CH4-flux at the Höglwald Forest sites is the net-result of simultaneous occurring production and consumption of CH4 within the soil. Highest CH4-oxidation activity was found in the uppermost centimeters of the mineral soil, whereas highest potential CH4-production activity was found in the organic layer.  相似文献   

Ulva rigida was cultivated in 7501 tanks at different densities with direct and continuous inflow (at 2, 4, 8 and 12 volumes d–1) of the effluents from a commercial marine fishpond (40 metric tonnes, Tm, of Sparus aurata, water exchange rate of 16 m3 Tm–1) in order to assess the maximum and optimum dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) uptake rate and the annual stability of the Ulva tank biofiltering system. Maximum yields (40 g DW m–2 d–1) were obtained at a density of 2.5 g FW 1–1 and at a DIN inflow rate of 1.7 g DIN m–2 d–1. Maximum DIN uptake rates were obtained during summer (2.2 g DIN M–2 d–1), and minimum in winter (1.1 g DIN m–2 d–1) with a yearly average DIN uptake rate of 1.77 g DIN m–2 d–1 At yearly average DIN removal efficiency (2.0 g DIN m–2 d–1, if winter period is excluded), 153 m2 of Ulva tank surface would be needed to recover 100% of the DIN produced by 1 Tm of fish.Abbreviations DIN= dissolved inorganic nitrogen (NH inf4 sup+ + NO inf3 sup– + NO inf2 sup– ); - FW= fresh weight; - DW= dry weight; - PFD= photon flux density; - V= DIN uptake rate  相似文献   

Within a long-term research project studying the biogeochemical budget of an oak-beech forest ecosystem in the eastern part of the Netherlands, the nitrogen transformations and solute fluxes were determined in order to trace the fate of atmospherically deposited NH4 + and to determine the contribution of nitrogen transformations to soil acidification.The oak-beech forest studied received an annual input of nitrogen via throughfall and stemflow of 45 kg N ha–1 yr–1, mainly as NH4 +, whereas 8 kg N ha–1 yr–1 was taken up by the canopy. Due to the specific hydrological regime resulting in periodically occurring high groundwater levels, denitrification was found to be the dominant output flux (35 kg N ha–1 yr–1). N20 emmission rate measurements indicated that 57% of this gaseous nitrogen loss (20 kg N ha–1 yr–1) was as N2O. The forest lost an annual amount of 11 kg N ha–1 yr–1 via streamwater output, mainly as N03 .Despite the acid conditions, high nitrification rates were measured. Nitrification occurred mainly in the litter layer and in the organic rich part of the mineral soil and was found to be closely correlated with soil temperature. The large amount of NH4 + deposited on the forest floor via atmospheric deposition and produced by mineralization was to a large extent nitrified in the litter layer. Almost no NH4 + reached the subsurface soil horizons. The N03 was retained, taken up or transformed mainly in the mineral soil. A small amount of N03 (9 kg N ha–1 yr–1) was removed from the system in streamwater output. A relatively small amount of nitrogen was measured in the soil water as Dissolved Organic Nitrogen.On the basis of these data the proton budget of the system was calculated using two different approaches. In both cases net proton production rates were high in the vegetation and in the litter layer of the forest ecosystem. Nitrogen transformations induced a net proton production rate of 2.4 kmol ha–1 yr–1 in the soil compartment.  相似文献   

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