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We have reported elsewhere (Wills, C. and Martin, T. (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 782, 274-284) that one or more mitochondrial transport systems may be involved in the regulation of the inducible alcohol dehydrogenase of yeast, ADH-II. In order to investigate this phenomenon further, it was necessary to determine which of these systems operate in the cell in vivo. We give in this paper preliminary evidence that inhibitors of the malate-phosphate (n-butyl malonate), malate-citrate (hydroxycitrate) and malate-alpha-ketoglutarate (aminooxyacetate or cycloserine) transport systems all operate in vivo. While the demonstration of the in vivo inhibitory activity of n-butyl malonate and hydroxycitrate is entirely by physiological methods, that of the transaminase inhibitors aminooxyacetate and cycloserine depends in part on the isolation of mutants capable of growth on glycerol in minimal medium. On this medium these mutants depend on the malate-aspartate shuttle for growth, and as expected the transaminase inhibitors prevent their growth. Two of the mutants show an enhanced rate of mitochondrial glutamate uptake. A preliminary survey of the properties of the glycerol growth mutants is presented, showing that the probable mode of action of these mutants is an increase in the efficiency of the malate-aspartate shuttle.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants acidifying glucose medium containing bromocresol purple were shown to excrete protons when placed in unbuffered water in the absence of any external carbon source. The mutants belong to 16 different complementation groups. Most of them do not grow on glycerol and the excreted protons are associated to particular sets of organic anions such as citrate, aconitate, succinate, fumarate or malate. These novel types of respiratory mutations seem to be located in genes operating in the Krebs or glyoxylate cycle.  相似文献   

Glutathione-deficient (gsh-) mutants of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were isolated after UV treatment using MNNG as selective agent. For genetic and biochemical characterization 5 mutant strains were chosen which exhibited considerably decreased residual GSH contents varying from 2 to 6% of the wild-type levels. All 5 isolates showed a 2:2 segregation of the gsh-:GSH+ phenotypes alluding to a monogenic recessive mutation. Complementation analysis indicates that all gsh- mutants belong to one complementation group.  相似文献   

Thioredoxins are small, highly conserved oxidoreductases which are required to maintain the redox homeostasis of the cell. Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a cytoplasmic thioredoxin system (TRX1, TRX2, and TRR1) as well as a complete mitochondrial thioredoxin system, comprising a thioredoxin (TRX3) and a thioredoxin reductase (TRR2). In the present study we have analyzed the functional overlap between the two systems. By constructing mutant strains with deletions of both the mitochondrial and cytoplasmic systems (trr1 trr2 and trx1 trx2 trx3), we show that cells can survive in the absence of both systems. Analysis of the redox state of the cytoplasmic thioredoxins reveals that they are maintained independently of the mitochondrial system. Similarly, analysis of the redox state of Trx3 reveals that it is maintained in the reduced form in wild-type cells and in mutants lacking components of the cytoplasmic thioredoxin system (trx1 trx2 or trr1). Surprisingly, the redox state of Trx3 is also unaffected by the loss of the mitochondrial thioredoxin reductase (trr2) and is largely maintained in the reduced form unless cells are exposed to an oxidative stress. Since glutathione reductase (Glr1) has been shown to colocalize to the cytoplasm and mitochondria, we examined whether loss of GLR1 influences the redox state of Trx3. During normal growth conditions, deletion of TRR2 and GLR1 was found to result in partial oxidation of Trx3, indicating that both Trr2 and Glr1 are required to maintain the redox state of Trx3. The oxidation of Trx3 in this double mutant is even more pronounced during oxidative stress or respiratory growth conditions. Taken together, these data indicate that Glr1 and Trr2 have an overlapping function in the mitochondria.  相似文献   

OXI mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae lack a functional cytochrome c oxidase. Wild type and OXI mutants were grown in the presence of radioactive delta-amino[14C]levulinic acid, a precursor of porphyrin and heme, and [3H]mevalonic acid, a precursor of the alkyl side-chain of heme a. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the delipidated mitochondria showed that delta-amino[14C]levulinic acid was distributed into three bands migrating in the regions of Mr 28 000, 13 500, and 10 000, while [3H]mevalonic acid was found in a single band with apparent Mr of 10 000. The immunoprecipitates obtained by incubating the solubilized mitochondria of any OXI mutant with antibodies against cytochrome c oxidase, showed, after delipidation, a high specific radioactivity due to delta-amino[14C]levulinic acid and [3H]mevalonic acid. This suggested that a prophyrin a was present in all these OXI mutants. HCl fractionation confirmed the presence of porphyrin a in the apooxidase of these mutants. Atomic absorption spectra of the immunoprecipitate of cytochrome c oxidase showed that copper was not detectable in the mutant OXI IIIa which lacked subunit 1, but was present in the mutant OXI IIIb, which exhibited a minor alteration in the electrophoretic mobility of subunit 1. In OXI I and II mutants there was a 50% reduction in the amount of copper in the immunoprecipitated cytochrome c oxidase. These observations may be interpretable as follows: (1) alterations in polypeptide biosynthesis due to the OXI mutations lead to an improper configuration of cytochrome c oxidase, so that ferrochelatase cannot transfer iron into porphyrin a; (2) subunit I is the binding site for copper, but the mutations in subunits II and III alter the binding site of one of the two copper atoms in subunit I.  相似文献   

Two cytoplasmic genetic mutants of yeast, genetically separable by recombination, displaying high levels of chloramphenicol resistance have been isolated. Protein synthesis in isolated mitochondria of mutant [cap 2-r] is almost completely resistant to chloramphenicol inhibition while that in mitochondria of mutant [cap 1-r] is partially resistant. Biochemical differences between the two mutants were confirmed by studies of chloramphenicol inhibition of aerobic adaptation of anaerobically grown cells. The mutants appear to contain altered mitochondrial ribosomes.  相似文献   

We have cloned the gene of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae phosphate transport protein (PTP), a member of the mitochondrial anion transport protein gene family. As PTP has a blocked N-terminus, we prepared three peptides. Oligonucleotides, based on their sequences, were used to screen a Yep24-housed genomic library. A total of 2073 bases of clone Y22 code for a 311 amino acid protein (Mr 32,814), which has similarities to the anion transport proteins: a triplicate gene structure and 6 hydrophobic segments. Typical for PTP, the triplicate gene structure possesses the X-Pro-X-(Asp/Glu)-X-X-(Lys/Arg)-X-(Arg/Lys)-X (X is an unspecified amino acid) motif and the very high homology only between the first and second repeat. The 6 hydrophobic segments harbor most of the 116 amino acids that are conserved between the yeast and the beef proteins. An N-terminal-extended signal sequence, as found in the beef protein, is absent. The yeast protein has about 33% fewer basic and acidic amino acids and five fewer Cys residues than the beef protein. The protein is insensitive to N-ethylmaleimide since Cys-42 (beef) has been replaced with a Thr. Mersalyl sensitivity has been retained and must be due to one of its three cysteines. Among these three cysteines, only Cys-28, located in the first hydrophobic segment, is conserved between the yeast and the beef protein.  相似文献   

The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has two HSP90-related genes per haploid genome, HSP82 and HSC82. Random mutations were induced in vitro in the HSP82 gene by treatment of the plasmid with hydroxylamine. Four temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants and one simultaneously is and cold-sensitivie (cs) mutant were then selected in a yeast strain in which HSC82 had previously been disrupted. The mutants were found to have single base changes in the coding region, which caused single amino acid substitutions in the HSP82 protein. All of these mutations occurred in amino acid residues that are well conserved among HSP90-related proteins of various species from Escherichia coli to human. Various properties including cell morphology, macromolecular syntheses and thermosensitivity were examined in each mutant at both the permissive and nonpermissive temperatures. The mutations in HSP82 caused pleiotropic effects on these properties although the phenotypes exhibited at the nonpermissive temperature varied among the mutants.  相似文献   

Membrane lipids of yeast mitochondria have been enriched by growing yeast cells in minimal medium supplemented with specific unsaturated fatty acids as the sole lipid supplement. Using the activity of marker enzymes for the outer (kynurenine hydroxylase) and inner (cytochrome c oxidase and oligomycin-sensitive ATPase) mitochondrial membranes, Arrhenius plots have been constructed using both promitochondria and mitochondria obtained from O2-adapting cells in the presence of a second unsaturated fatty acid (i.e. linoleate (N2) to elaidic (O2)). Transition temperatures which reflect the unsaturated fatty acid enrichment of the new membranes reveal interesting features involved in the mechanism of the assembly of these two mitochondrial membranes. This approach was further enforced with both lipid depletion and mitochondrial protein inhibition studies. Kynurenine hydroxylase which does not require fatty acid for its continued synthesis during aerobiosis seems to be incorporated into the preformed linoleate-anaerobic outer membrane. The newly synthesized activities of inner mitochondrial membrane enzymes on the other hand, appear to integrate their activity into newly formed aerobic-elaidic-rich inner membrane. These latter enzymes show a distinct dependence on fatty acid supplement for their continued synthesis during their aerobic phase. This suggests that O2-dependent proteo-lipid precursors are formed before these enzymes are integrated into their membrane mosaic. Two separate models are proposed to explain these results, one for the lipid-rich outer mitochondrial membrane and another for the protein-rich inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Sixty-eight new conditional cell cycle mutants have been isolated on the basis of their terminal cellular morphology (dumbbells). Fifteen mutants falling into nine complementation groups, were grossly defective in DNA replication and have been assigned the provisional gene symboldbf (fordumbbellformer). Dbf1 and2 stop DNA synthesis immediately on transfer to 37°C and are presumably defective in enzymes required for polymerization. Neither, however, possess a thermolabile DNA polymerase A or B.Dbf3 and4 show a pattern of synthesis consistent with their being deficient in initiation of DNA synthesis. This is confirmed in the accompanying paper.The remaining mutants are deficient in the synthesis of RNA as well as DNA. Indeed the four members of one complementation group are allelic withrna3, one of the group of mutants originally isolated as defective in RNA synthesis, and which do not exhibit a cell cycle phenotype. A re-examination of this group of mutants however, showed the bulk of them also to be defective in DNA synthesis. Furthermore, in preliminary experimentsrna3 and our four new alleles of it, together withrna6 anddbf5 and6, showed enhanced spontaneous mutation frequency.  相似文献   

Spheroplasts of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae oxidize pyruvate at a high respiratory rate, whereas isolated mitochondria do not unless malate is added. We show that a cytosolic factor, pyruvate decarboxylase, is required for the non-malate-dependent oxidation of pyruvate by mitochondria. In pyruvate decarboxylase-negative mutants, the oxidation of pyruvate by permeabilized spheroplasts was abolished. In contrast, deletion of the gene (PDA1) encoding the E1alpha subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase did not affect the spheroplast respiratory rate on pyruvate but abolished the malate-dependent respiration of isolated mitochondria. Mutants disrupted for the mitochondrial acetaldehyde dehydrogenase gene (ALD7) did not oxidize pyruvate unless malate was added. We therefore propose the existence of a mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase bypass different from the cytosolic one, where pyruvate is decarboxylated to acetaldehyde in the cytosol by pyruvate decarboxylase and then oxidized by mitochondrial acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. This pathway can compensate PDA1 gene deletion for lactate or respiratory glucose growth. However, the codisruption of PDA1 and ALD7 genes prevented the growth on lactate, indicating that each of these pathways contributes to the oxidative metabolism of pyruvate.  相似文献   

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