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The flowering plant genus Oenothera is uniquely suited for studying molecular mechanisms of speciation. It assembles an intriguing combination of genetic features, including permanent translocation heterozygosity, biparental transmission of plastids, and a general interfertility of well-defined species. This allows an exchange of plastids and nuclei between species often resulting in plastome–genome incompatibility. For evaluation of its molecular determinants we present the complete nucleotide sequences of the five basic, genetically distinguishable plastid chromosomes of subsection Oenothera (=Euoenothera) of the genus, which are associated in distinct combinations with six basic genomes. Sizes of the chromosomes range from 163 365 bp (plastome IV) to 165 728 bp (plastome I), display between 96.3% and 98.6% sequence similarity and encode a total of 113 unique genes. Plastome diversification is caused by an abundance of nucleotide substitutions, small insertions, deletions and repetitions. The five plastomes deviate from the general ancestral design of plastid chromosomes of vascular plants by a subsection-specific 56 kb inversion within the large single-copy segment. This inversion disrupted operon structures and predates the divergence of the subsection presumably 1 My ago. Phylogenetic relationships suggest plastomes I–III in one clade, while plastome IV appears to be closest to the common ancestor.  相似文献   

Summary Plastid DNA of the light green Oenothera plastome mutant sigma, from plastome I, which is deficient in ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, has been compared with wild-type chloroplast DNA from plastome I and the related plastome IV. For this, double digestions with the restriction endonucleases Sal I, Pst I and Kpn I were used. Chloroplast DNA from plastomes I and IV differs in the sizes of several fragments, with the changes being from under 0.1 to about 0.6 Md in size. In the cleavage patterns of the mutant DNA compared to the wild-type DNA from plastome I, the only differences observed are two possible deletions of less than 0.1 Md from a fragment known to partly cover the genes for the ribosomal RNAs and from a fragment located in the small single-copy region of the molecule. It is concluded that the ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase deficiency in this mutant is not caused by a major deletion in the plastid DNA.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence encoding the SR protein of Streptococcus mutans OMZ 175 (serotype f) has been determined. The sr gene consists of 4667 bp and codes for a 171177 Da protein. Comparison of the inferred amino acid sequence with the one of PAc antigen from S. mutans MT 8148 (serotype c) indicates a 88% conservation of amino acid residues which reflects the close relatedness of both proteins. Major differences in amino acid composition are located at the C-terminal part of the sequence where only 298 amino acids of the terminal 420 are conserved.  相似文献   

The extracellular protein MPB70 is a heat-stable immunogenic protein which was found in the culture filtrate of Mycobacterium bovis BCG Japanese. We determined the complete nt and aa sequences of MPB70 and correlated with the previously reported data. The N-terminal sequence revealed that the signal peptide (SP) consisted of 30 aa and that the mature protein had 163 aa with a molecular weight of 16,305. The SP displayed a characteristic feature of an Ala-rich property which would be efficient in a SP function.  相似文献   

A favourable combination of genetic features in the genus Oenothera offers access to fundamental biological aspects that are not readily approached with other materials. We have developed protocols for cell and tissue culture as well as for transformation, in order to establish the basis for a comprehensive cell and molecular biology of Euoenothera species, their genome/plastome hybrids and plastome mutants. Regeneration of plants from excised seedling parts (roots, hypocotyl, cotyledons, shoot tips) and leaf explants was optimal on NT medium containing 1 mg ⋅ l–1 6-benzylaminopurine and 3 mg ⋅ l–1 α-naphtalene acetic acid. This medium also proved to be efficient in the propagation of various wild-type genotypes, interspecific hybrids and plastome mutants. Using Ti-based approaches we also succeeded in generating transgenic Oenothera plants with relatively high efficiency. Received: 17 February 1997 / Revision received: 16 April 1997 / Accepted: 20 April 1997  相似文献   

The first complete nucleotide sequences of two lytic Staphylococcus aureus double stranded DNA phages, 44AHJD (16784 bp) and P68 (18227 bp), are reported. Both are small isometric phages, with short, non-contractile tails and a pre-neck appendage. Based on their morphology, their genome size, the similarity of the encoded gene products, the type of infection and on the possession of a type B DNA polymerase, 44AHJD and P68 are allocated to the order Caudovirales, family Podoviridae, genus 'phi29-like phages'. The genome of 44AHJD differs from that of P68 by a deletion spanning nucleotides 10091 to 11531 of the P68 genome. The electrophoretic analysis of the terminal DNA fragments of P68 DNA and P68 DNA protein complex suggested the presence of a terminal protein at either DNA end. In contrast to the lysis cassette of the phi29-like phages, which is located at the end of the late operon, the lysis cassette of 44AHJD and P68 is located within the structural genes.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of the RNA of the bacteriophage MS2 was examined by computer for internal patterns. We used a technique which analyzes a nucleotide sequence as a Markov chain. This led us to discover patterns within the translated and untranslated regions of the RNA in addition to those patterns formed by the codons. One of the more surprising results of this analysis was the discovery that the non-coding sequences in the genome are as highly ordered, although in a different sense, as the genes themselves. Also of interest was the discovery that the codon frequency distributions for the three genes are similar.  相似文献   

The gene for the large subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) has been mapped on the Oenothera hookeri plastid chromosome. It is located close to the gene for the herbicide-binding “32 kd” protein of the photosystem II reaction center (psbA), at a position different from that found in the ancestral angiosperm type of plastid chromosomes, due to an inversion in the large single-copy region. The gene codes for a polypeptide of 475 amino acid residues corresponding to a molecular mass of 52.7 kd. The deduced amino acid composition diverges by 4.8% from the amino acid sequence of the spinach protein and by 8.2% from that of maize. The corresponding nucleotide sequences differ by 8.5 % and 15 % from each other. The rbcL gene of the RuBPcase/oase-deficient Oenothera plastome mutant sigma contains a TTAAC deletion at amino acid residues 270/271 which introduces a frame shift and an amber stop codon seven triplets later. This lesion which probably arose by slipped mispairing is consistent with the previously observed, virtually full-length mRNA that is decoded into a truncated large subunit polypeptide of approximately 30 kd in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Libraries of cosmid and plasmid clones covering the entire region of mtDNA from the liverwortMarchantia polymorpha were constructed. These clones were used for the determination of the complete nucleotide sequence of the liverwort mtDNA totally 186,608 bp (GenBank no. M68929) and including genes for 3 species of ribosomal RNAs, 29 genes for 27 species of transfer RNAs, and 30 genes for functionally known proteins (16 ribosomal proteins, 3 subunits of cytochromec oxidase, apocytochromeb protein, 3 subunits of H+-ATPase, and 7 subunits of NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase). The genome also contains 32 unidentified open reading frames. Thus the complete nucleotide sequences from both chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes have been determined in the same organism. Plasmid clones are available upon the request. Gene names are represented according to Lonsdale and Leaver (1988) with modifications recommended by Lonsdale (personal communication).  相似文献   

Summary A restriction fragment enrichment procedure was devised for the identification and cloning of the gene for protein synthesis elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) from Methanococcus vannielii, employing hybridisation with an internal tufB gene probe from Escherichia coli. Methanococcus contains a single tuf gene on its chromosome; it is expressed in E. coli and it codes for a polypeptide of 46.5 kDa. The overall architecture of the protein bears a striking resemblance to that of eukaryotic elongation factor 1 (EF-1). The close similarity to EF-1 is supported by the sequence homology values which are in the range of 34% to 35% with eubacterial, plastid and mitochondrial EF-Tu sequences and as high as 52% to 54% with those from eukaryotic EF-1.  相似文献   

Plastids contain a NAD(P)H-plastoquinone-oxidoreductase (NDH complex) which is homologous to the eubacterial and mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone-oxidoreductase (complex I), but the metabolic function of the enzyme is unknown. The enzyme consists of at least eleven subunits (A-K), which are all encoded on the plastid chromosome. We have mutagenized ndhC and ndhJ by insertion, and ndhK and ndhA-I by deletion and insertion, of a cassette which carried a spectinomycin resistance gene as a marker. The transformation was carried out by the polyethylene glycol-mediated plastid transformation method. Southern analysis revealed that even after repeated regeneration cycles each of the four different types of transformants had retained 1–5% of wild-type gene copies. This suggests that complete deletion of ndh genes is not compatible with viability. The transformants displayed two characteristic phenotypes: (i) they lack the rapid rise in chlorophyll fluorescence in the dark after illumination with actinic light for 5 min; in the wild-type this dark-rise reflects a transient reduction of the plastoquinone pool by reduction equivalents generated in the stroma; and (ii) transformants with defects in the ndhC-K-J operon accumulate starch, indicating inefficient oxidation of glucose via glycolysis and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway. Both observations support the theory of chlororespiration, which postulates that the NDH complex acts as a valve to remove excess reduction equivalents in the chloroplast. Received: 15 December 1997 / Accepted: 15 January 1998  相似文献   

Abstract The gene for the Aeromonas salmonicida maltose-inducible porin (maltoporin) was cloned into phagemid pTZ18R in two restriction fragments, 0.6-kb Pst I/ Kpn I and 1.7-kb Sph I, of genomic DNA and their nucleotide sequences were determined. Open reading frames of 1329 and 1335 bp translated into sequences of 443 and 445 amino acids, with a 23 or 25 amino acid signal sequence and a 420 amino acid mature protein of molecular mass 46424 Da. Putative ribosome binding sites, AGGA and GGGAA, occurred 9 bp upstream of two possible ATG initiation codons. The A. salmonicida gene product showed a high degree of similarity with Escherichia coli LamB, and codon usage was very similar to that of another A. salmonicida outer membrane protein but markedly different from those of extracellular proteins.  相似文献   

The gene for Aeromonas salmonicida serine protease has been cloned into phagemid pTZ18R in two restriction fragments, 2.0-kb PstI and 2.3-kb KpnI, of genomic DNA. The nucleotide sequences of the two fragments have been determined, in both directions, after subcloning, by double-stranded sequencing of nested deletions. An open reading frame of 1863 bp translated into a sequence of 621 amino acids, a 24-amino acid signal peptide and a 597-amino acid mature enzyme of molecular mass 64,173 Da. The consensus sequence, NGTS, of a serine protease substrate primary binding site was identified and a putative ribosome-binding site GGAG occurred 6 bp upstream of the ATG initiation codon.  相似文献   

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